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Exam III

Discrete Structures I

Directions: Exam III is due Monday, December 8th , by 8am. Answer all questions

carefully. Do all steps with detailed explanations. I prefer that you send your solutions
electronically. They need not be typed. Follow this procedure:
1) On the course home page, click on Exam Dropboxes folder
2) Click on Exam III dropbox
3) Scroll down and next to Add Attachments click the Browse My Computer button to attach your
exam. Note, make sure you to attach your exam in Microsoft Word format or as a PDF file if scanned.)
4) Click Submit to send your exam to me.
Do not use the web board to submit exams. If you wish to FAX or mail your answers to me they

again, need not be typed but I must receive them by the due date and time. Make sure the
course number and name (92.321, Discrete Structures I) as well as your name and my name
appear on the top of each answer sheet. I must receive all exams by the due date. Use the
cover sheet for the FAX ((978) 934-4064). To mail exams to me send them to:
Prof. Alan W. Doerr
Mathematical Sciences Department
UMASS Lowell
I University Ave.
Lowell, Mass 01854

Good luck on your exam.

This is the last exam. It is due no later than Monday, December 8th , by 8am. I must
receive mailed exams by this date. I need to submit the course grades promptly so
late exams will not be accepted.
1. (15 points)
(a) How many bit strings of length 8 are there which begin with a 0 and end with
a 0? Explain.
(b) How many bit strings of length 8 are there which contain at least 6 ones? Be
careful with this one. Explain. (See your notes, week 10.)
(c) Suppose that a 10 member committee is to vote on an amendment. How many
different ways can the vote be cast so that the amendment passes by a simple
3. (10 points)
(a) Text, page 405, number 2. Explain.
(b) Text, page 406, number 36. Explain
3. (10 points).
Text, page 414, number 30. Explain.

A. Doerr


(10 points)
(a) Use the Binomial Theorem to write the coefficient of the term x5y8 in the
expansion of (x + y) 13?
(b) Write the coefficient of the term x2y4z5 expansion of (x + y + z) 11. See example
12 in your notes of week 10

5. Study pages 1-4 of the notes for week 11. Let A = {a, b, c, d}, and let R be the relation
defined on A by the following matrix:
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0

MR =
0 0 1 1

1 1 0 1
(a) (10 pts.) Describe R by listing the ordered pairs in R and draw the digraph
of this relation.
(b) (15 pts.) (Note this is similar to exercise 7 page 630. Which of the properties:
reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive are true for the given relation? Begin your
discussion by defining each term in general first and then how the definition relates to
this specific example.
(c) (5 pts.) Is this relation a partial order? Explain. If this relation is a partial
order, draw its Hasse diagram.
6. (10 points) Use the Hasse diagram of number 26 page 631
(a) List the ordered pairs that belong to the relation. Keep in mind that a Hasse
diagram is a graph of a partial ordering relation so it satisfies the three properties listed in
number 5 part (b).
(b) Find the (Boolean) matrix of the relation.
7. (15 points) Before you do this problem study the example at the end of the exam, as
well as the notes in weeks 12 and 13.
Assume the Boolean matrix below is MR and that MR represents the relation R where R
represents the connecting flights that an airline has between 4 cities: a, b, c, and d.
The 1 in row a column b means there is a flight from city a (Manchester) to city b
(Boston). The 1 in row x column x means that there are planes in airport x. In general,
there is a 1 in row x column y iff there is a connecting flight between (from) city x and
(to) city y That is, the rows of the matrix represent the cities of the origins of the flights
and the columns represent the destination cities.

A. Doerr

a b c d

Let MR = b





(i) Let a stand for the airport in the city of Manchester, let b stand for the airport in
Boston, c stand for the Chicago airport, d for the airport in the city of Denver. Is their a
flight from Denver to Chicago? Explain.
(ii) Compute and interpret the Boolean products: MR 2, and MR 3. (Remember to use
Boolean arithmetic). What do these Boolean products give you? That is, explain what the
Boolean entries in the matrices MR 2 and MR 3 mean.
(iii) Now call the given matrix A and compute A2 and A3 , using regular, not Boolean
arithmetic. What do these products give you?
(v) What does MR + M2R + M3R + M4R give you? Note, this is Theorem 3 page 602
where the texts symbol, v, for Boolean addition is replaced by +, another symbol for
Boolean addition .
Bonus questions
1. Make up a question using the idea of question 7 (Something you do at work,
home, something youre interested in.) See 3 below for an example you can do.
2. In your notes of week 12 Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is
explained. Make up a meaningful example illustrating this process. Explain all
details. Draw the graphs involved. You should use a reasonable number of tasks.
(a) Determine the minimum time needed to complete your set of tasks.
(b) Determine the Critical Path for your example. Explain what this gives you.
(c) Comment on your example. Which task(s) cause a delay in the project? How
would you fix the problem? Can you obtain more information out of your
3. The Network analysis problem.
4. Read Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) in your week 14 notes.
Note the examples given here are a little ambitious. Make up an example using
PERT and find and explain the critical path of your example. Google critical
path analysis, for more ideas.
5. Pg 406 #38

A. Doerr

If #7 is not clear here is an example which may help you to understand #7

Let D = days of the week {M, T, W, R, F},
E = {Brian (B), Jim (J), Karen (K)} be the employees of a tutoring center at a
University and let
U = {Courses the tutoring center needs tutors for}
= {Calculus I (I), Calculus II (II), Calculus III (III), Computers I (C1), Computers II
(C2), Precalculus (P)}.
We define the relation R from D into E by d R e, if employee e is scheduled to work on
day d. We also define S from E into U by e r u, if employee e is capable of tutoring
students in course u.
For example, the matrix MR indicates that on R (Thursday) that J (Jim) is available to
tutor but Brian and Karen are not.
M 1
T 0
Assume MR =

R 0
F 1


and MS = B 0
J 1

K 0


III C1 C 2 P




0 1
0 1
1 1

(a) Interpret the above matrices with respect to the above relations.
(b) Compute MSoR , (use Boolean arithmetic) and use the matrix MSoR to determine
which courses will have tutors available on which days.
(c) Multiply the above matrices using regular arithmetic. Can you interpret this

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