INSIGHT SECURE 2015 (26/12/2014) : Answer

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INSIGHT SECURE 2015 ( 26/12/2014)

Ques.1) Critically examine the contributions of Madan Mohan Malaviya to

the nationalist cause during freedom struggle. (150 Words)
Answer: Madan mohan malaviya was a pre-independence freedom fighter, an eminent
journalist , educationist. He was one one of the most prominent and influential personality of
his times. though he contributed in a number of fields but his work in freedom movement is
Malaviya is most remembered as the founder of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) at Varanasi in
1915, along with Annie Besant. Malviya became the President of the Indian National Congress in
1909 and 1918. He was a moderate leader and opposed the separate electorates for Muslims to
maintain integration. Malaviya was an important figure in the Non-cooperation
Movement. However, he was opposed to the politics of appeasement and the participation of
Congress in the Khilafat Movement. In 1928 he joined Lala Lajpat Rai, Jawaharlal Nehru and
many others in protesting against the Simon Commission. Malaviya was a delegate at the First
Round Table Conference in 1930. Malaviya also played an important part in the removal of
untouchability and in giving direction to the Harijan movement.

Ques.2) The None Of The Above (NOTA) voting option introduced by the
Election Commission has given rise to interesting outcomes in recent
elections. Throw light on these outcomes and examine if NOTA option has
met its original objectives. (200 Words)
Answer: None of the Above (NOTA), also known as "against all" or a "scratch" vote, is a ballot
option, designed to allow the voter to indicate disapproval of all of the candidates in a voting system.
The Supreme Court of India ordered to add the option on 27 September 2013 with a belief that it will
definitely increase the number of voters.
The main objective of introducing NOTA is to give clean candidates and to increase the overall
quality, but it is not able to fulfill this objective as there is no change in the quality of fielded
candidates. The main reason behind this is all NOTA votes will be considered as invalid votes. The
candidate with greatest number of votes will be considered as a winner even if he or she has the
lower number of votes than NOTA unless other political parties sought for fresh elections. So None
of the Above option wont have a significant impact. But this condition must be analyzed properly
and NOTA must be taken seriously.
In Lok Sabha Selection as well as in Assembly Elections more NOTA votes were cast in reserved
seats than in general seats. In states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Haryana,
Maharashtra more NOTA vote cast for reserved seats. There is no explanation to this phenomena.

Ques.3) India accounts for the highest number of diarrhoea and pneumonia
deaths among children in the world. Analyse its causes and examine what
efforts have been made by the government to address this issue. (200
Answer: For a developing country like India with such huge population , providing affordable
and accessible healthcare has always remained a challenge. diarrhea and pneumonia have
remained one of the major cause of child death in India. There are several causes of such deaths
which are as following:


Low health care expenditure and Deficient health infrastructure;

Inadequate provision of safe water and sanitation system;
Inadequate hygiene and sanitation;
Low level of awareness;
Erroneous and often hazardous beliefs and norms;
Inadequate co-ordination and collaboration among different sectors and agencies; and
Inappropriate importance to other diseases or conditions by International communities.

The Centre will soon launch an action plan against diarrhoea and pneumonia in four States
Rajasthan, Bihar, UP & MP. The action plan, likely to be launched next month, is a follow-up of
the Global Action Plan for Diarrhoea and Pneumonia that was launched by WHO and UNICEF
in April 2013 which aims to reduce pneumonia & diarrhoea mortality. The Government in past
also take some initiatives to reduce such deaths
1. Launching of National Rural Health Mission, Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child
Health plus Adolescent programme and the India Newborn Action Plan to end
preventable newborn deaths.
2. Opening of anganwadi , mid day meal programmes etc to improve the health of mothers
and children.
3. Sanitation campaigns on social media and other mediums of mass communication i.e.
programme against open defecation, making rural toilets etc.
4. Creation of public health centers in rural areas and providing monetary benefits to
A lot of efforts have been done but considering the vast size of country and huge
population the challenge is still huge .

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