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Office 2007 Users Guide

Help with Toolbars and Ribbons

Table of Contents:
Office 2007 general information pages 2 - 3
Word 2007 - Pages 4 - 8
Outlook 2007 Pages 9 - 14
Excel 2007 Pages 15 - 17
PowerPoint 2007 Pages 18 - 21

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

When you first open a program in Office 2007 you will see immediately that it looks very different. The File, Edit, etc. menus have been replaced
with the Quick Access toolbar, the Office Ribbon and the Office Button. The Office Ribbon is divided into tabs. Each tab is divided into groups.

Some of the buttons on the tabs have small arrows that indicate that clicking on the button will produce a drop down list.
Many of the group sections on the tab have an arrow in the bottom right corner. Clicking on this arrow will
launch a dialogue box with more options. Many of the dialogue boxes that are launched will be familiar from Office 2003.

Each of the programs in Office 2007 has a customizable Quick Access Toolbar at the top. Add the tools that you use most
often to this toolbar by clicking on the More button (the arrow at the end of the toolbar.) At the top left corner of the screen you
will see a round button called the Office Button. This has replaced the File menu from the previous versions of Office. You will
find Save As, the Print menu that will allow you to print to a different printer other than the default printer, as well as other tasks. It is important
that you know how to Save As because by default Office 2007 saves documents as .docx, .xlsx and so on. Only a person with Office 2007 or
the Office Compatibility program can open these documents. Under the Save As option you can save your documents as 97-2003 .doc or .xls
formats that can be opened by Office 2007 as well as previous versions of Office.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

One of the new things in Office are the special tabs that appear for certain functions. When you click on that image the Picture Tools tab will
appear, this tab has buttons that allow you to edit that image. When you click on table two Table Tools tabs will appear that allow you change the
design and layout of that table. Clicking outside of the image or table will cause these tabs to disappear.

This document will guide you through the tabs of each ribbon in Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.
If you have any questions feel free to drop by my office in the LRC on the 5th floor of the library in ED II, send me an email at ,
or give me a call at 501-686-6752 Joanna

I have also found that the Help in Office 2007 is very user friendly and useful. You can get to it at any time by clicking on the blue question mark in
the top right corner of the screen.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

Microsoft Word
The Office Ribbon is made up of a series of tabs. The items on the tabs are grouped together by common task. The main tab is the Home Tab. This
is the Home Tab in Word 2007. The home tabs in Excel and PowerPoint are similar.

1. Click on the blue Question Mark to go to Microsoft Office Help. The Office Help is really good.
2. Clipboard functions (copy, cut, paste, paste special.) Clicking on the arrow on the bottom right will show the last items that were copied to
the clipboard.
3. Font menu. You can change the color, size, and type of font here. You can bring up a shortcut version of this by double clicking on the page

or on a typed word on the page.

This mini toolbar will appear above the cursor. Clicking on the arrow on the
bottom right of this section will bring up the Font Dialog box.
4. The paragraph section has the buttons you need to change the spacing, justification, add bullets, etc. Clicking on the arrow on the bottom
right of this section will bring up the Paragraph dialog box.
5. The default style, Normal, is set to 1 line spacing. If you want the single line spacing, click on the No Spacing button before typing your
document. If you forget, you can select the typed text and then click on the no spacing button to change to single spacing.

* You can change the default to 1 spacing in the Paragraph dialog box, under the Indents and Spacing tab.
Change the Line Spacing to Single and the Spacing Before and After to 0.
Click on the Default Button at the bottom.
It will ask you if you want this change to affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template click on YES.

6. The buttons you need to use to find a word/phrase or replace a word/phrase are found here.
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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The second tab is the Insert Tab.

1. Insert a page break, another page, or a formatted cover page.

2. Insert a table. This function is very easy in Office 2007. You just highlight the number of cells you
want in the table, click and your table will appear in your document see illustration on the right.
3. Insert a picture from a file a picture that you have saved on your computer, a cd, flash drive, etc.
4. Insert an image from the Microsoft Clip Art gallery.
5. Insert a header, footer or a page number
6. Insert a textbox, word art, or other specially formatted object.

The third tab is the Page Layout tab.

1. Click on the Margins button to change the margins of the document a list of preset margins will appear. You can choose one of
these or click on Custom Margins at the bottom to create custom margins.
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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

2. Click on the Orientation button to change from Portrait to Landscape.

3. Clicking on the arrow at the bottom right will make the Page Setup dialog box, as it looked in Office 2003, appear.

4. The Page Background buttons can add a watermark, an image, or color to the background of the page, or add borders along the
edge of the page/paragraph/section.
5. You can change the spacing and indention spacing here as well as in the Paragraph section of the Home tab.

The next tab is the reference References tab. These are the functions you will need if you are writing a paper that includes endnotes, footnotes,
citations, etc.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The Mailings tab is exactly what it sounds like. This is the section that allows you to create a mail merge document, labels, or print envelopes.

If you are going to use a mail merge, I suggest using the mail merge wizard to create mail merge documents such as letters or labels.

The Review tab has the buttons used for the spelling and grammar check, the thesaurus, and where you can set Word to track changes. You can
also protect your document so that other people cannot make changes.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The View tab has the buttons to change the way you are viewing your document. The normal view is no longer available and the Print Layout is
the default.

The document View buttons and the zoom tool are also available on the right bottom corner.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The main page in Outlook 2007 is very similar to Outlook 2003. Unlike Word, Excel and PowerPoint, you still have the file, edit, view, tools, etc.
menus. Things are located in the same areas on these menus as well. One of the new things is that now on the right side of the screen you can
display the To Do Bar. Items on the To Do Bar are pulled from your calendar or tasks list. You can turn this off, or minimize it, by clicking on To Do
Bar under the View menu. The reading pane can be moved or turned on/off from the View menu as well.

When you open a message you will have the Office Ribbon just as in the other Office 2007 products.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The main tab of the Outlook message ribbon is the Message tab. The main tasks you will need to create a message are here, from the clipboard,
basic text editing, address book/check names, the attach file button, importance buttons, and the spell check button. Outlook 2007 uses Word
2007 as the editor, so most of the functions you had in Word are available in when creating a message in Outlook.

The next tab is the Insert tab. You can see that you can add an attachment both on the Message tab and the Insert tab. If you want to insert an
image directly into the body of the message, click on the Picture button in the Insert tab. If you have set up a signature you can add it to your
message from the main Message tab or from the Insert button. If you have more than one signature you can click on the arrow under the
Signature button and choose the signature you want to add. You can insert charts, tables, Word Art and other things just as if you were working
with a Word document.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The third tab is the Options tab. The buttons there are pretty much the same as you used to get when you clicked on options under tools in Outlook

The last tab is the Format Text tab. This looks just like the home tab in Word. You can do basic formatting of text from the main Message tab, but
for more options you will need to go to the Format Text tab. (If you have Adobe Acrobat installed you will also have an Adobe PDF tab.)

When you open a message that someone has sent to you, there is only the one tab on the ribbon.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The calendars functions in Outlook 2007 are different from Outlook 2003. If your department has shared calendars you may want to display
that calendar along with your personal Outlook calendar. You can display more than one calendar at a time, just as in Outlook 2003, but you can
choose to have them overlapping or side-by-side. To add a calendar to the display area you will click the box beside the name of the calendar. To
take it off of the display area, just click the box again to uncheck it. To switch back and forth from the overlapping view to the side-by-side view you
will click on the arrow in the top left corner of the calendar.

You can view your calendars by day, month, or week by clicking on the buttons above the calendars. If you are using the week view you can choose
to show the workweek or the full week including weekends.

To add an appointment to a calendar just double click in the area you wish to add the appointment. To add all-day appointments, click in the
shaded-in area at the top of the calendar.
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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The main tasks needed to add an appointment to a calendar is under the Appointment Tab. You can invite attendees, add a reminder, make the
appointment recurring, and set the importance of an appointment.
One of the new things in Outlook 2007 are the color Categories. These replace the labels in Outlook 2003. You can Categorize an appointment
or a message by clicking on the Categorize button. There are preset categories for sick, holidays, etc. You can create your own color categories by
clicking on the All Categories button at the bottom of the category list. The color categories dialogue box will pop up. Here you can rename and
choose new colors for the categories that you wish to use. These categories will be available for any calendar you view. They are contained within
your installation of outlook, so if you are using a shared calendar any special categories you create will not be available to others unless they also
create those categories.

The Contacts area of outlook is very similar to Outlook 2003. The process for doing this is the pretty much same as in Outlook 2003. You can rightclick on an address in a message that you have created or received and add that person to your contacts or you can click on the New button under
contacts and add either an individual contacts or distribution list.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

One thing that is not really clear when working with a distribution list is how to add or delete a person in the list.

1. If the person is in the UAMS global list or in your contacts, click on Select Members and click on the names you wish to add. You can select
more than one name at a time.
If the person is not in the Global list or your contacts, click on Add New and type in the persons name and email address.
2. If you wish to remove a person from the distribution list click on the entry, then click on Remove under the members section.
3. Clicking on the Delete button under the actions section will delete the entire distribution list. There is not a recover function if this happens.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The Home tab is very similar to the Home tab in Word.

The differences are at the end, under the Cells section.

Under Insert is where you can insert a row, column or cell.

Under Delete is where you can delete a row, column, or cell.
Under Format is where you can format the size of the cell/row/column. At the bottom of this menu is Format
Clicking on this will bring up the format cell dialog box where you can merge cells, change the text alignment within
cell, or wrap text.


In the Editing section you will find the buttons for find and select/replace as well as the Sort button. I have found it
best to click on the arrow beside the Sort and Filter button and choose custom sort.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The Insert Tab and Page Layout Tab are pretty much the same as in Word.

One of the neat things in Excel 2007 is that there are now buttons for commonly used formulas. These are found under the Formula Tab.

This is the Data Tab has the button for the Text to Columns function under Data Tools. You can Sort and Filter things here as well.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The Review tab has the spelling and grammar check just as in Word. You can also protect the sheet or entire workbook so that it cannot be
modified by others. You can also track changes made by others.

View tab has a buttons that allow you to switch from the default normal view to the page layout view. An easy way to add the header and footer is
to go to Page Layout view and then you can double click on the area you want to add the header or footer.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

When PowerPoint is opened a blank slideshow appears, with one slide.

The Home tab is a simplified version of the Home tab in Word and Excel. The fonts, paragraph, clipboard, and editing groups are the same
as in Word and Excel. PowerPoint has the additional Slides group. There are buttons there to 1. Add a new slide and 2. Change the layout
of the slide.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The next tab is the Insert tab.

1. You can insert saved images or clipart just as in other Office products.
2. You can create a photo album, inserting a set of images at one time. Browse to the saved location of the images and select those
you wish to add.
3. You can also insert movie or pre-recorded sound clips to your slideshow.
The third tab is the Design tab.

1. You can change the size of the slides or the orientation from landscape to portrait by clicking on the Page Setup button.
2. You can change the orientation with the Slide Orientation button, as well.
3. PowerPoint 2007 has many preset themes that set the background and font color as well as the font style. You can customize
these features by clicking on the colors, fonts, and effects button on the right side of the Themes section.
4. You can change the background style and color with the buttons in the Background group.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

The next tab is the Animation tab.

1. You can create the transition effect that is used when moving from one slide to the next. You can set this on a slide by slide
basis or click on the apply to all button to make the transition the same for all slides.
2. You can set the slideshow to either advance automatically after a certain amount of time or to advance to the next slide with a
mouse click.
3. The preview button on the left will let you preview the transition effect that you have set.
The next tab is the Slide Show tab.

1. You can view the slideshow with the buttons in the Start Slide Show group.
2. You can record a narration to be added to your slideshow. As you record your narration, PowerPoint 2007 automatically records the
amount of time that you take on each slide. You can choose to save these slide timings with the narration when you are prompted to do so,
or you can set the slide timings manually.
3. If you do not have narration, but will be talking during your slideshow you can go through your slideshow and set it to record the amount of
time you spend on each slide with the Rehearse Timings button.
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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

4. If you know that you will be giving your presentation on a computer with a different screen resolution from your own you can change the
resolution in the monitors group. If you are not sure, it is best to just use current resolution.
The Review tab is similar to the review tabs in Word and Excel. You can find the spell check and other proofing buttons as well as the Protect
Presentation button to prevent others from editing the slideshow.

The last tab is the View tab.

1. You can view your presentation as the final presentation slideshow, the slide sorter, the normal view, etc.
2. You can also change the slideshow from color to grayscale or pure black and white to make it easier for printing.

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Joanna Delavan, Library Learning Resource Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. September 2008

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