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Question 1. A vessel is "listed" when it is ______________________.

inclined due to an off-center weight

inclined due to the wind
down by the head
down by the stern

Question 2. What is NOT a motion of the vessel?:


Question 3. Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's ____________________.:

ability to float
midships strength

Question 4. Which action will affect the trim of a vessel?:

Moving high weights lower

Adding weight at the tipping center
Moving a weight forward
All of the above

Question 5. Reserve buoyancy is _______________.:

also called GM
the void portion of the ship below the waterline which is enclosed and watertight
affected by the number of transverse watertight bulkheads
the watertight portion of a vessel above the waterline

Question 6. The distance between the waterline of a vessel and the main deck is called _________________.:



Question 7. What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?:

Corrosion from the shifting liquid

Rupturing of bulkheads from the shifting liquid
Loss of stability from free surface effect
Holing of the tank bottom from the weight of the shifting liquid

Question 8. When cargo is shifted from the lower hold to the main deck the ___________.:

center of gravity will move upwards

GM will increase
center of buoyancy will move downward
All of the above

Question 9. The center of volume of the immersed portion of the hull is called the ________________________.:

center of buoyancy
center of flotation
center of gravity
tipping center

Question 10. The maximum mean draft to which a vessel may be safely loaded is called ______.:

mean draft
calculated draft
deep draft
load line draft
Question 1. The maximum mean draft to which a vessel may be safely loaded is called ______.:

mean draft
calculated draft
deep draft
load line draft

Question 2. Reserve buoyancy is _______________.:

also called GM

the void portion of the ship below the waterline which is enclosed and watertight
affected by the number of transverse watertight bulkheads
the watertight portion of a vessel above the waterline

Question 3. Your vessel rolls slowly and sluggishly. This indicates that the vessel _____.:

has offcenter weights

is taking on water
has a greater draft forward than aft
has poor stability

Question 4. What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?:

Corrosion from the shifting liquid

Rupturing of bulkheads from the shifting liquid
Loss of stability from free surface effect
Holing of the tank bottom from the weight of the shifting liquid

Question 5. When cargo is shifted from the lower hold to the main deck the ___________.:

center of gravity will move upwards

GM will increase
center of buoyancy will move downward
All of the above

Question 6. The amount of freeboard which a ship possesses has a tremendous effect on its ____________.:

initial stability
free surface
stability at large angles of inclination

Question 7. Addition of weight to a vessel will ALWAYS _____.:

reduce reserve buoyancy

increase righting moments
increase GM
All of the above

Question 8. If a vessel takes a sudden, severe list or trim from an unknown cause, you should FIRST _________________.:

determine the cause before taking countermeasures

assume the shift is due to off-center loading
assume the cause is environmental forces

Question 9. A vessel is "listed" when it is ______________________.:

inclined due to an off-center weight

inclined due to the wind
down by the head
down by the stern

Question 10. Which is an indication of reserve buoyancy?:

Metacentric height
Righting moment
Rolling period

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