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Note on Edwin J. Dingle, F..6.5. he INGLE, fly of —— Sens See ye eee ee "haces Tie (tele es the paras eli pectnton svmye peeping Hal tka ie Coreg dane sa the rest Waid Slovene fT ‘Seo sine of Mena ein i ih yon il me Teacher how ce le deed fo banat thoes Serienn dower pei ie itn of a wn Eo in Fh van te sown) pnts, 63. ov essen Treatise No. 1 The Art of True Living Edwin J. Dingle, F.R.G.S. ‘Cepyrietc WRT The Trae of Mewes) ik STRANGE MESSAGE FROM A LAND WHERE THE ART HAS NOT BEEN FORGOTTEN = 1 COMP. 10 YOU tolay ing out By the rete allo iy pei Meer Tan Ting woe that eae caneeptin af the shores of ify and the wee tly sidoemy and the insabily af poverty and. want IS ALL A MISTAKE, being word that we have en for, plenty and sees | PLININATED ALTOGEERI IN MANY CASES, rilable tt, sth fn sundance, happens spree, pone th pl atoning and MONEY FAN BENOND OU REASONABLE HOPES. 1 briog wor that there i aihin you 4 miehty Power that can tke you ten meta ar nthe wsnpicnent of yon Hepes {nd ambitions ss you have ‘ver Belore gone." And't ring ow an ander ‘Handing of that power, ond methods Tor USING thao tle Know er Ween wok ant ave Ben HIDDEN ay exept to chow ‘Tha tan ato these things can happen aie dea tha that thee Foe an 2pen mind unt es proved io you, that ou give me enough OF" your tine 1 present that roo. A Three Thoussiid Your Old Legacy Por You “Take no eri, pecronally, for discovering thee tuts, Cae at amazed {sou willbe won they were et dled to mam mel the aa ‘ett ouch hh ny pce along fr ar we tbe men thom Tammen mhom {believe to be fe west om erty the aes bola theeshoostnd-yearold UNBROKEN CHAIN OF WISE MEN. es Ty hereto the nnd yr ems on og lon sway to You relayed fm geen ty generation, excally faded Sd cersed inthe hand of see fey ected and nplied a ade 1o'by the great pire af their tine, you il, am more, eve Herons sian: ial ay yoy nen nd le men ‘oe women could rlase to investigate auc prises baowledge when It cacy iat ach ist Methods That Hove Tremendous Effect epi ee lok eal eae tea Teens es ag ee Sires tate eat Bifeio wgeoemecn inane seer eNotes ate cs eo ed tps anced oe mit sal eo Ten. sr Seen acee eee eran anita nme at ats {o'you mahods and practice thee wine men ed in ESCADING from mere "fel a rh ming ih» afte VERY BEING, ae VAST POWER testo da witha ny il Simple Ways That Have Been Proved Through the Ages That tremodous power within'at has bow dnly reac, of eure, (hue Wostrn worl. Bat our ries and eur payeholoaee have had ely Tig idce of how to USE THIS GREAT POWER, how to cll pon i when ed where we wil. Ually, thir method donot work exept wre cee Yer Fon” THneE THOUSAND. YEARS’ COMPARATIVEL METHODS FOR USING ALL THIS POWER HAVE BEEN KNOWN AND USED RY THE WISE MEN OF THE EAST” From generation to generation {he etiods tase been improve spon and simplifed, ntl now they an be ‘ted wih TREMENDOUS EFFECT by simost any ordinary iotelliget ‘evan They ean be sand by yo, a Texpct to prove 10 you, in eaing Jone poronal problem bing he prior mind ape ity sed powee Arcestary tocar out pour ambitions, tal your desir and ing "You grater srg to ght off sickness and old age Wishes Made ToC 1 Like all honest people, you no dou feel that honesty should always be onal, shat the gpd hing 9 fe aoa mot be ot forthe melo Aa to yo tt spe ot toe wl the great power win Yo, Monty 3 {chi AND QUICKLY REWARDED, and that THE COOD THINGS OF TIPE PIE THEMSELVES UPON THE UNGELFISH. onerous people you want the aby to help your loved oes, to ing tive hop a well ar you own, to fein T sy Yo You Hat True nett do thi rey within you. ready tobe called upon nd wed and ‘evthe anode at hee ee mee WiLL SHOW YOU HOW TO USE THAT POWER TN SEEKING THE FULFILLMENT OF SUCH A NOBLE AND, ‘ipally, by too much reltance on ourselves and too litte upon the great power ciate ingyen trainee Sra zie mais Sy tere baie Be Mester of Your Oven Destiny = Like al wh are not craven slaves, yor wa ob fre of estes, and ea, nd worricrenpinin of your own tip, mare of yout own fate fee tarry a pour lane and wetrousin'agcomplching tem. Ta) 0 9 AHISteH 1S YOUR DESTINY="and' dhe only one ho con proven Hi eal nally, Tam sure, you do et went to be hinder in theo high endeavors by any Renicap whatever weber ao imayinary het of them ‘the bay, wir sicknen or old ape, Ink of money ot lack of youth T Sete oy in raf ing ma by oe tan pve mi oe ‘eve et your dspeel te mind pwr ofthe age thoes man power at Iorevhich com brush aie nic fey hendienpe aif they mee woh LongHidden Practices of The Wise Men i = De these satements seem to sage you? Tconfes that they 4 we ‘Then they mere rt mato me Hit snes then, Ihave learod qven more TMiounding tut shout ye and yon V dont ask you to ane them show any nore thn 1d ly wee proved to me, Tak ony ha You {ive me am oppertnty lo prewent suc proof ony tat sow ace tse huang face when they ace proved in your even lf, by Your ou eae ‘tcllvenents, your ow sore gloigs healthy Nour ve richer posesns Sr nd en a es a iyo i a ri "Tes wer eft mstcunding wus hse were peed on tomo by. Oe the nn that lang nin of we em We favs ii no, ely the mind sed sl pomer of» thowand men, BA herent wisdom end power ‘God Himsel-or The Cetra be Supreme Tntelligmee or maine fe you wish teal Him 0 eaprn, most religions secognie this we Fave ne auarel wily any religous Wel, but honor and vege ll snore Taile BUT THE STACCERING REVELATION MADE TO ME By af MASTER IN THE ORIENT WAS HOW 10 USE THis VAST POWER TN GUN DAILY. AFFAIRS, TO. HELP BRING ABOUT OUR PLANS, FULFILL-OUR PRAYERS-ON EANTH, HERE AND NOW. Immense Powers Never Before Realized ‘5 Thie mighty Niagara of Stenth es bo with os ins tne memoria ‘Tires thousand years ago wise men had discovered it and leaned methods eto Wy yon wonder ht he tin ny fo that ears Mind to’ for syn gietes heriage that oor sient ete dont know mote ase ad et ts ery ma # * | It ie became they ate feito eknonladge men's Kinship with the ‘Supreme Creator heen they try ts explas things materially end ‘tsprially, bcnan they tly un srthiy knowlege gn heat ose “anything that enor be undermine igh of that Kntedges Bat een ‘thy stand in ne bore ome of tee mor rent scones a ae hing to perceive dat te wae tof id wee more net than suppose, Even they ace probing ilo what ty all the bone {ind saperconscions mind, and pest something of Rs immense power Unbelievable Things ‘ecomplished 4 Before lng, perhaps they wil acl that the wine men wer core, nd that this power the windom ate Supreme Cisutor God imal ‘ich and everyone of us, Before Tong, to. they may be ale explain hy the methods developed by thee wise oo ste so tfeentoudy efeting ils that power within ws. Rist nom, noone os eae why hee tathods work "We nly Enow tha thy a” and thatthe Ext ye mon tho ncomplich aint unbeticoble tings tvaugh them tinge whoa atria eens have newer bo abe to dupont You no dou aye ‘ead aout the ystrs of he Par Bast andthe wonder power The Basy Way of True Genius {= Do you think s mere man wrote the be ork of Shakepears fublime manie of Hethoven?” About a cero them di afer {bin oul withthe Divine Souree win then, vast aon Sram a INNER VOICE ad rac do ha th head How ak ‘iota explain the Inner Voice of Mast?” Frequelly: while composi ic doypel sof msn nitro ae pk fe ob wp—coYopialy wash anes Voice pouring Toth the ces to ‘ . Tha re Vs nal of. Cp lat a en yo tap con pont Yr a saleche of mighty words tn your chen eld o eT as oe sesy ope ical Larclngn te see Kteome to that Toner Voice. Le Adam and Exe, we. re “banished from Para becuse we se fled with he fuk othe Toe of Natal Socwe Make Your Qun Heaven ' But please understand ie Our acetic knowledge nto vil in al ‘Th ful les wth owselecs alone We become Blown up wih ron nthe ‘ewefoan information thnk we know ill, we ey ponte fale lone fr our guidance hen sack knowledge i INCOMPLETE, and mt Thely toe complete for another ten thowand year ‘Thin conc, this eelianer upon UNRIPE. materiaiié knowledge, hae acome sr slat soeral bab with we Warhaves most of ug eegoten Trot rly Intad upon the Grey Power within, Wa have fortes re to tee thi powers wana longer can hear the tone. Vste, WHICH CAN MAKE ‘OUR HOMES HAPPY AS THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WHICH, GAN MAKE US VERITABLE GODS) AMONG. MEN IRRESISTIBLE, UNGONQUERATLE, VICTORIOUS IX ALL OUR ENDEAVORS, MAG! IPICENT INOUE STRENGIN, SUBLIME 1X OUR WISDOM, Hidden Wisdom From @ Land of Miracles 1 ut down trough the agen uncontaminatd by our materialistic rowldgr fn. for cory hve mich ow cout each the ANCIENT. WHS. ‘DOM bas Ben Bop aie How tank meer hy ard bad Sonera ae cue ee Yor uP gh uneruaning a the Cee Pontes ao te tts wnt hve decoed for ming he mat ota poet oor Satytes ad our daly oe? "The ew teers wh bate vst cal th and of mae nde 1c tor mn hes Sones htm een ote cat the ry et. iy ss ho een he ire peed ot row gran ogee, erly rd etn at tere held too recon for the multe, too potent toe permite to fal ithe hard hemor Tne win mayo poets mae Revealed Only To « Chosen Few 1 These wise men are the ae of long, unbroken chain of wiv mon extend fag back certainly Yor thtcethovsant years 2 howsand years lore the itis era, al noe Kw: how my thousand years efor tat To hg dt es rca eo tS hart ko eg om hich sme molar elec mato th white men's A Message From the Last Home In the bert of alo Asi, in the xange and of Tit the tre ofthis Sedans arly eed by ache fy eo ha en, lace af mystery ths lt hte of the arknown, tesa athe wort 98 {iseae.fregners are aot allowed ete except in rare cases and wade special condion Iti the lor Pao ouny of she world odin ‘ently over theres of the agent soaring am the pall on ofa maori ope ‘Rad hare one ofthe twice By profesional tof th eal hi of wi ce Sentry, ‘Theugh a weed Combination of cncumstances T wae fotaste sous od a tana sade atthe fore ofthis wearable am, Whit Ieorned tere Twi to dino toy fo I believe THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE TRUTH To SET MEN FREE, Inconceivable Immensity of Mind 1 The ef ofthis knowledge pon 8 person i ndeterbable. No one could Iihout experience soneie of the per ive: he immenciy ind the inva over yourself and over ethene mane an ainy 1 provid In Ends of ender. Perhaps ceraia‘experene of «frend of mine will give you partial ‘dea When's youth, nf tad ss fond of simi. Head sete eas Imo thar «halle ise, howtver, hon one ye decid ate {five awn, As he pesnae ft balei, be epen to Ton bi wid Soon hie heat sated pounding, he vas gaping for every breath and Bis ‘te become af agontaed efor.” Presetly, when an thowght he simply ad to give up, he saddealy drew a dacp beth te anor ned ‘thothey and his tothe were ong Thin itn & miracle He had sr before realeed what “cca wind” was He simon seated fr fy 4 ‘ ; A Power That Can Take You Ten Times As Far Me kad never noun power eas within hin. Yee every Tog dinacee Fanner, every long tance wine, fain wth the miracle of secod din. in every Tong rac. the participants are in agony, tempted to pve up etre it comes. My rend went though the sane experience Line afer ine ther his fo atempe." Always he weet through the breton sage and Jueys th miracle tart save in problem He Iarved.'ocer ess dt sco win ethic tte Thng power inane that other people nou noting bent, & poner Wh arian TEN Tints A9 FAR 2p vo people on Mysteries No Man Con Esplin ries fede a see eta eee Bho rea see See Watoor cri yout des al lend yoo he PARADISE ta rr vse cece, Beer mes eet ae conte Destine Lark thee creel eee Domest ones cee esate Bek mae See ee eee te ate peer ey or Regge cancer Os gn rtons Staats sere ag oo ee pees eee Sed ae a Semen ‘hose who have “tars to hear" Tn hin Pastoral Symphony, Reethoven began eas aoc ce he a and a IMENSTTY of dhe DESTINY which ute SoG ithe joy and gratitude wich YOU shold fel, an whch you WILL ‘cea POWERS FINALLY DAWNS UPON YOU ‘The Inatinte of Mentalpyien, Las Angeles “Start Using These Strange Methods At Once Get Your Share OF Health, Happiness, Power and Plenty e ‘nha you preblems no mater how pest yoo ambitions you owe 0 Your elle ake we of is wind tha hes Been preserved for you ange ‘What ie. Dingle fared i the scange land of Tic. and cw in the tent ip reveled in the SCIENCE OF MENTALPHYSICS, the Vistas Pini of Ll. Thadgh te watts he prin bee decane ‘you wll nd yourself ashing toward fultlient of your Sse, and accom Dlshmeat of Your ambisons, wile auch clcerifying power’ of lod and ftrenath of dy tat you ean Yonge be your formes, bt aman ‘woman REBORN iat glorious ne life f evergrowing happiness nd "Forthe beef af hose whe have special problems partisslar smbiony ‘we shall here stow in more detail whet Metulpiyrios mean to yu, Unde {ne ofthe headings which flten, yo will na dobe Gnd YOUR partear Simbionaeaoed Be mre to look for Sor ofthe problems may nat be Jour immediate concer fut you undoubtedly wih te Lnow what aarig Teo may be cxpsacd roms mvlatonsry dieinure’ Wer ere ‘ecommead that you read ALL ofthe material which follows even where te Drablem nota presen your © Why Worry About Lack Of Money? . . OE Universal Supply 45 + *AuL ese rms sna tk s00E9 Uero x0," i an old promion fd ere on Ons the King of Power iin fond, the diy ade SF is tnd eee lxarie,astamatcally follow. When you let te inf of UNIVERSAL SUPPLY os done ir Moaiphyen yu wl Jon eon your way tard that Kingdom of Power and hs AUTOMATIC! ‘REWARDS of ploty ond abundance : Unsuspected Opportunities—Overlooked Resources 4 Pease bring on hi on lack, sug una or uncon nerf tence ‘alla Gira Sepp Te bear breakng ace pepe had tring, ‘nto intllget, depeved rug no fa of thie son fs Soft feast they degre And hah it haprens eer dy | HATH UNRPERSGARS "yeni wari [Siete tnt pet, a Pantene, oT uno deuit remember hr soy of theta who sarehed the world ever - Sureay to west ly trea home, an ‘agen fread a ere Stomnd® obe iNenert” Te hi fH shan re A Get Your Share of the Flow of ‘Abundance 4 Let Mote lp 3 a thn scare ect are ALWAYS thee for ew pric face pnty of money ad cat Tse wn ewe Ces tose ‘Tey aly THIN they Eno Lean ti yw tosh Sitematialy ictal of huphsardly sa acre pag ts foton re Daamoade vty Tyre soe your "your hb sot INNER EYE Thi cnon the hit new wld andthe That Ambition OF Yours—That Hream OF Success—Cast Tt Aside—You Can Accomplish i Ten Times Greater fecess #2 © To move rm, we suns Tm. YOu THe HUE PACTS about a adver fing min hau eosin He bd «ethos fh nt hove him wor s'man taking ton thovsand dollars 8 yenr. The lan 1 dnd he einige >It shout tescie, The adeing mean peat bon wa 6 fesleciscineye ja re Sha eth eae fo Stn hi wo st T heat Seapinent cae sprig igre conte for anather years rhea the edvertaing mun felt at marly Hstine had noe cone Hutheess sf ends int ito a hrs tof fish aon eat the mae vane “ib kno i HIS AMBITION WAS TOO SMALL Sof sinmends war at han Did Not Know What He Hea Tosca ote FANCIFUL pts af aloo i mig reigned ie pit. ent Tevet see wath fe gat Know wha be haut S0m sie CHEN WEALTH tw VOU can ae i ane ie aenog man cae be tfc ‘that on "San SLIDE er tuccse Tike a tchogzam speeding fi uiress as move of lst mutter of aceident—and Hf you wait for such o sting ; | Ree et ae aes oe oactecle oRin PAC a Oe Dat ne ee cae ee eon Eee Gees ‘ehenthiney oct in dielning the event grntiies of tecant ie Head geet ten lites meter tonearm inane ees ar] TIMES GneATik SUcckSs THAN YOU EVER HOPED FOR, Why Successfal Men Cannot Tell You What Is Wrong With Methods You Have Hen Taught ‘Lae ie anvenrine sax white sory i given shave, most of out acer men heed in the sight dveion through pure seen. Others “inowinly nd uncinsiowl follow he right piney le pan af he tine, tnd only THINK they know the reason or tei cee. Tat why ow a ‘han ea ally tll thers howto meso re ow thy ge tet iTiit chambers of commeten and i re ie tbe le nate li. or indwary. thot seeobted for their succes. But dent ee tasters va Hes pees eros eal rang tant” Yor fad on wie pes gen 2 PUSH ite ite the tering man and eaten STUMBLED a ‘leonora say epider tetpnteiipess or hime er SeENOE NBLE" can Sh iw te rk aie rte awe of seta er and theta Yen wi ind mac ently hat IARROPLTEEY CONTRARY t'Wesem lene moe mo the Eat ae their exes. ‘Tory how hat Sl people JUS HAPPENED to be ign the eh die hgh ies ata tha mr ty eS a deer, ra nade FOR AccHBEN ib Ack“ DIAMONDS ar Tint HAND OF AVERY The Easy and Calm Way to Success meth fen nk osm Sie oe a rma ee sai ak ca operated ina nee sa pact Pan aa Sa po pea jaw Ta Soren — wicne mime “ems EASILY AND CALMLY, wot aac op fr ad serve ein Yen tg ep aoe te ney tenn elinde, when oe of veer Wiese | Enjoy Glorious Mealth and Strength — Feel and Look Younger —Tolay fur Years the Advance of Age fe 6» Irae meine ro ne ecocvare, in the Weston word that THERE Ts SoweTine WRONG WETH THE WAY WE‘THINK. One weer nd fer pelo se eet goo and new thet re ae Potting ut tat many of our ln ca weet, ot fale, and out Tack Urvhaligy ae doc to MISUSE OF MIND BOWER ewes ne nthe losing of neta oul ie ad ieee ar ay ete a vr mekaned Methods Average Person Can Use cor aa Soa meer ae ater an Sue mea for many severing hme CONCENTRATED upon th development ipower PRACHICATLLY ALL-THEIR LIVES. Se fi wot al ue sign pp go mi ou nd hw re Gre ‘Peters Tree ihe cea ie ete Wonca od ae TURE BE GINNING tess iat mi peesoon Unbeliceuble Powers of Mind “ean sean Tie an wher rents carmel th Eat with rin men ning crete oe ening la sve many, ‘elo wi The gh tlic dee of to xp mi re soe oft crete wl prot amen la ‘et eal af» mm iting for hare med om the ke or See eerste naan nonin ‘Se inf eo eet i ly he meme tw {be pale, oe near unin th pal of Min she bey Bat i'r more wy yarpsee—au po abd any er sere pesn wea So Panic ed achcniancl ey eillders pons Mind Makes People Sick or Well + You lune no diab herd of ety of hoe cass you hate ne doubt Been eating et the org Soave athe sent Serge "You comp loge testo, ert ncn mind a Saataee ue Tate petape ed or cre and bey forme ug Wess eins nd th ey nt mone ou a Be the Person You Can Be her ARE meds ta rch is you what en ltoed fra swe usher fa Te od tenn ittalnds te YOUR health poicmeey gus ely" ONE anon eat re eo orc“ fell WHER MA is Chane asorestt TW se mere te put eit the changes tht banded of Menai fllontre ce sar ln eta pe ASUrking tn vole Segue ssn Fear - 1 Worry Duickly Mastered 2 |. 9.* Evimvone exows sat it nEunr of thee handigpm een the MIND ALONE At none tn hater he et, knowing the i el minds esd perfor en reoming thse hab these en ee salle Ed tale el an emt ah haan late, ‘Deigg al thant a cory 0 se or prchologie woud hare we eles pieieeoenl cater li” Byrn mele toe. We eauemely eal In mon ccs, beter abe preci opascded os the'wony ipo the ments aly agrvae the ly by een Thee mck pen wy ern ep to ma "asi gotten “As ean think, oo hy sue Wont word "Ie ta to tach Io's ate hae hl how by PEELS. ‘hiking conidone ifr dir rom PEELING i Weak beled spies al hai ae yo fe! tha Eek shen ee iw a bt eat oe Aerbato of far, infer samples worry aod ster mental eso "jog etre win he Wart elle haart power Mle win ee en ‘tthe Eat perce ad dency ways of hing tha oer esp Jadgs at weitere he ogi. “Tey tne eae Sols Aine res we the srt ai wpe od ee ‘Memalpyss ag ioped te scmlngy eects and Ne eh canparinely sine yratnn inps FEELINGS of See” tptiess nerf meray adit Th: th ene ete Of 9 Indi an emotions ye RECON. re eerapeos oa VICTORIOUS iw ling ned are. snd EQUATAY sry you eae More Friends — Better Friends —Greatér Influence U Uthers — Success int Your Sucial Lite 4 + » As one marry us on wows aler anther has proved, nothing can sie betore the praon whe FEELS his eee doaiy. te Mcsalsiyets You Tear that WITHIN YOU, ready o be weds» divine power had, le _—

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