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Report about Commenting on AP30* Special Section

Submitted to:
Engr. George P. Tardio
DOST- Information and
Communication Telecommunication Office
Roces Ave., Quezon City

March 7, 2014

Marilyn D. Montera

Report about the

Commenting on AP30* Special Section
The letters wants to inform every Administration the result for the computation concerning the
requirement for coordination contained in the subject Special Section. Our Administration was affected
by it therefore, in accordance with 4.1.10 of Article 4 of Appendix 30, we need to formulate comments
before the expiry date. No reply before the given date means that we agreed to the proposed request
Our Administration is now requested to comments in electronic format using SpaceCom software in
accordance with resolve 4 of Resolution 55 (Rev.WRC-12) which were very glad to avil the opportunity
to comply with this matter.

SpaceCom is a stand-alone application designed to assist Administrations and the Radiocommunication
Bureau (BR) in the management of the comments for the publication of API/B Special Section. It is based
on the existing SpaceCom structure developed to treat comments for the non-plan CR/D Special Section
1. Download the software from the link below
2. After downloading the file, run it.
3. Click the icon SpaceCom

created on your desktop

a. Click API/A button to comment API/A Special Section

b. You are requested to enter your ITU Administration code the very first time you
launch SpaceCom. Click OK to launch the application.


Select a type of user to state what kind of action you intend to accomplish. Click
Next to launch the process selected or
to terminate the application.

d. Potential affected Administration commenting on an API/A

Input the information needed then click the get a list of API/A(s)
Select an API/A then click Comment API/A to input your comments.

e. Input of your comments on the current API/A by clicking Add column check box.
Click Save to save your comments. Click Check Comments Completed button
when youre done with your inputs to automatically check as completed your
comments of the current API/A. Click Select a new API/A to go back to the first
screen and select a new API/A to comment. Click Create report button to
generate printable report document(s) of your comments.


Import comments on API/A(s) from external database(s) to the local database in

order to create a exclusive file to be sent to the BR. select option Merge inhouse multi-user comments then you will see the following screen.

Input the appropriate BR IFIC number Select in column Import the external
comments you want to import. Click Import button to import the external
comments to the local comment file.

g. To Merge All operators comment:

Define to the merge program if you want to update your local database
or replace it by the merge of all the Operator files. Select the folder
containing all Operator comment file(s) then click on Merge files...

h. The warning may appear if, by default the merge will always keep the first
remark encountered.


Validate and send comments to the BR.

Finally, Operator send comments to the Administration


ITU Edition 2001. Radio Regulation. Retrieved from

SAS, (2012-09-27). SpaceCom software package. Retrieved from

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