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07-13-2010, 07:58 PM

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Join Date: Jul 2010

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Sentinel Emulator 2010 X 64

I recently got a new pc, I was running windows 7 32bit on my old system. I had a safenet sentinel
dongle for the program AcornPipe, that I made a emulation of and was using sentinel emulator 2007,
it worked fine with windows 7. my new system is 64 bit tho, and it will not work. I can install the
sentinel emulator driver, but the dump load area is not usable. it also tells me my service is stopped
and I need a update code, please help

07-20-2010, 01:47 AM


Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 14

It won't work. I've tried for ages with no success. There are 2 approaches that you can find more
info on search feature of forums.... I'll give links for them though to get you started. I'm in the same
boat so if you have any luck let me know please and we'll help each other through it.
Below is link for method I haven't tried yet (my computer just got sent off for repairs with bad video
crd) so got no 64bit o/s to trial with at the moment.
or you need to use a program called PVA 3.3 (has exe file sprodump) to dump dongle and create a
dongle "image". Then you need to use program called dmp2mkey through command prompt. Copy
your dump file and this program (dmp2mkey) to a folder preferably on your c drive in an easy folder
name, lets say dump for example. Load command prompt from start, programs, accesseries and it'll
give you a little black window for DOS. type cd.. followed by enter, and then same again. the
command prompt should say C:\ and from here you then want to type cd dump which will move you
into the dump folder. then type dmp2mkey (whatever the dump file is called) and it should then
convert the dump file to a reg file.
Next step is to install multikey 18.0.3 to your computer. Windows 7 will crack a wobbly when you try
and put it on as the drivers for the program are not signed/verified by windows. steps describing how
to do this are below:
let me know how you get on...... Ps you can find all these files on this site by searching forums or
just search them on google and probably find them within rapidshare as that seems to be where the
files are kept by the moderators and other helpful people on this site. Have a go and if you have any
problems feel free to ask on this site, but if the questions show you've not invested any time to
search for the solution they won't offer help as you'll be amazed at how many requests they get for
cracks etc and it just wastes their time....


Sentinel Emulator 2010 X 64 - Reverse Engineering Team Board

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07-21-2010, 10:01 AM

Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3

Hi Paldr001au ;
i am using the program Wysiwyg R22 , i was using on my old computer X32 with SENTEMUL2007
and it was working normal but now i am using 64 bit win7 and i can't use SENTEMUL2007 anymore
so i search on the forum and i followed this steps ;
1.i ve disabled uac
2.downloaded driver sgnature enforcement overrider and get test mode ,
3.i ve installed multikey 18.0.3
4.i ve installed 2 reg file which i have before
now i can see "virtual usb multikey" on device manager but i don't know what i have to after..
pls i need your help , thanks...

07-21-2010, 12:16 PM

Senior Member

Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 529

U were supposed to merge reg and then install mk never mind run restart.Bat
ur system tray will popup new superpro device found
it means u have success...

07-21-2010, 12:47 PM

Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3

i am really amateur about this subject , thanks for the answer but could u open this subject little bit?
for example what u mean about merge reg ?
really sorry..
can i use my old reg files or i have to make new reg files from dng files with dmp2mkey or smthng?

here is my old reg files
thnx for helps..
Last edited by nrdgnr : 07-21-2010 at 04:37 PM.

07-21-2010, 04:50 PM


Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 14

nrdgnr you will need to pretty much start from scratch from my understanding as senemul2007 was
the only thing that really read those dng files..... You need to run PVA 3.3 on the dongle and that will
create a whole different file type (*.dmp) not (*.dng).
Someone else on this site may know otherwise. I suppose the other escape for you to use the old


Sentinel Emulator 2010 X 64 - Reverse Engineering Team Board

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software is to run a virtual computer in 32bit mode... But I have no idea about that and will probably
involve joining another forum, laughs.....

07-21-2010, 09:31 PM

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3

Junior Member

thanks for the answer...

09-14-2010, 03:44 AM

Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 19


In 32 bit Windows, use old .dng file with sentemul2007 emulating the dongle, then fire up PVA. 3.3
(sprodmp.exe) and dump the key, you'll get .dmp file, then use Git's Tool "dmp2mkey.exe" to make
a *.reg file. After that move to your 64 bit Windows and follow the guide from pt.4 link
PS. dont forget to use the "Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider" tool to get past the driver
signing problem.

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