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Legal History

First Law criminalizing pornography was Lord Campbell's Act.
Obscene Publications Act:
Lord Campbell was the Chief Justice at the time and justified his ruling, assuring that
it was "...intended to apply exclusively to works written for the single purpose of
corrupting the morals of youth and of a nature calculated to shock the common
feelings of decency in any well-regulated mind."
Basic law: ban of any material "intended" to corrupt.
Sir Alexander Cockburn III amended the definition of obscenity in appeal to include
"...whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt
those whose minds are open to suchds immoral influences and into whose hands a
publication of this sort may fall."
Case: Regina v. Hicklin:
Banned "The Confessional Unmasked," an anti-catholic book.
Basic law: ban of any material that may corrupt, whether intended or not.
U.S. adopts Philadelphia standard and also added the ban of anything discussing birth control
or abortion.
Law amended to include the overall work instead of out of context sections. This was
clarified through two indscidents. Mary Ware Dennet was charged with obscenity for a sex
education book and James Joyce's Ulysses was stopped at the U.S. border.
Case: Roth v. United States:
Stated that obscenity was not protected by the First Amendments of the U.S.
Constitution. Justice William Brennan declared all forms of pornography as "prurient"
and without social value.
Traci Lords makes her first adult film, "What Gets Me Hot." She was born Nora Louise
Kuzman on May 7, 1968, and was 15 years old at the time. She made over 20 movies and
numerous magazine appearances, inclsdeuding the famous Penthouse that also featured
Vanessa Williams. She was arrested with the owners of X-citement Video.
All charges were dropped. The identification she used was a U.S. Passport with the name of
Traci Lords so the owners were not liable and as a minor, Traci was not accountable.
Traci received a total of $35,000 for 20 movies and $5,000 for penthouse, which she wisely
blew on drugs, partying, and a sweet black corvette that her boyfriend soon totaled. (What
else would one do with that kind of money?)

U.S. passes law to require all ISPs to log any and all internet traffic and hold up to 1 year for
police use. [ Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 ] (This does not
include cellular data).

Pornography Laws Around the World

Most countries hsdave some degree of legislation against child pornography and pornography in
general, but this varies greatly.
Country Policy Debrief
Brazil All Pornography is forbidden to persons younger than 18 years of age. Age of consent is 14
years. Any kind of sexual act with persons younger than the age of consent is considered rape
punishable by 8 to 15 years of jail plus fine. Production of child pornography is forbidden. Possession
and sharing is also forbidden. Bulgaria Hardcore pornography is "not recommended" to minors, and
all other pornography is commonly available, including on television. Denmark First country in the
world to legalize hardcore pornography. Age of consent is 15 years. Finland 15 years old to purchase
soft core pornography. 18 years old for hardcore pornography. Germany Parents are allowed to
show hardcore pornography to children for educational reasons. Soft core pornography is not
restricted. Age of consent is 14 years. Pornography with kids younger than this age is called child
pornography, and is illegal. Pornography with persons between 14 and 18 years old is so called youth
pornography and is genrally not prosecuted. Political situation in Germany is very problematic at the
moment, but keep in mind, someone is allowed to have sex with 14yo (if no coercion is involved,
there are no age restrictions on the 14yo's partner; see 176 and 182 StGB). Hungary According to
law, sexual acts are considered legal beyond 14 years old. In practice, people are quite conservative
here, and most of them still judge sexual acts inappropriate for those under 90 years of age. India
Pornography in any form is illegal, although enforcement is low. Even kissing is considered a scandal
on television. Iran Production of pornography is punishable by death. Ireland Age of consent is 17
years, and at 17 years old, it's legal to watch hardcore pornography. Pornography depicting those
under 17 years old is illegal, and this applies (in theory, though there's yet to be a test case) even to
cartoons and fictional textual stories, and even if the underage person is depicted as merely watching
and isn't directly involved! Japan Although pornography is common in Japan, it has gone through a
number of censorship and content changes that are unique. All nudity and pornography was censored
to not show pubic hair until the early 1990's, and is still commonly used. Child nudity magazines
from Russia and across Asia were commonly available in Japan until 2000, and can still be found.
Manga and Anim material often includes underage children in sexual situations and an entire
industry has risen known as "lolicon" and "shotacon", which depicts simple child nudity to hardcore
alien monster cock penetration of 4yo kitty girls. Japan's age of consent for sexual activity is 13 but
as high as 18 in some prefectures. There is no law against merely possessing any kind of
pornography, although producing pornography using people under the age of consent is punished
with varying severity. Netherlands Pornography was rated for viewers 16 years and older. In 2002
the minimum age for participating in pornography was raised from 16 to 18, the government is
considering to up this to 21, Bestiality banned in 2007.
NorwayHardcore pornography unless approved by media supervision is illegal to both distribute and
promote (with the exception of what can be considered justifiable for artistic purposes). Any
information (e.g picture, animation, text etc) depicting sexualization of a person below the age of 18
is considered child pornography (e.g a 19 year old person impersonating a 17 year old in a sexual
way) and is strictly forbidden by the Norwegian penal code 204 and 204a. Age of consensual sex
is 16 years. Papua New Guinea Adult pornography and erotic nudity is illegal. An Australian was
arrested for possessing Playboy magazine inside the country. People's Republic of China
Pornography banned in 2002. Poland Pornography is fully legal and can be viewed by those 18 years

old and older, but the age of consent for sex is 15 years. Russia Legality is dependent on locality and
local officials and probably a bit of cash. Although production, selling and distribution of child
pornography and selling is illegal there is no law against possession. Russia has been a center of child
nude photo production both for fine art and for websites. Sweden No age limit for viewing
pornography. Sweden has no age laws for the possession or viewing of pornography. Some shops
follow a voluntary limit and do not sell to minors. Material that involves animals is de facto legal,
though it is subject to animal-welfare laws. BDSM is classified as an "illegal depiction of violence,"
but the law is rarely enforced.[20]
It is illegal for people under the age of 18 to act or pose for pornography. Pornography depicting
children, both drawn, filmed and photographed, is illegal, even if the material was legal in the
originating country.[citation needed] SpainPornography in Spain is legal, and enforcement of
obscenity laws is lax. It is illegal to display pornographic material at newsstands, but the great
majority do so. In many city centers sex shops may be found. E-commerce merchants from all
around the world use I.P.P.P. (Internet clearing services) from Spanish banks. The headquarters of
Private Media Group, Europe's biggest pornographic company, are in Barcelona.[citation needed]

Pornography is forbidden in all forms to those

under 18 years old.[citation needed] Ukraine
Hardcore pornography is really illegal to
make. Ukraine was a common producer of
child nudity sites in the 1990's and early 2000's
such as LS Studio, Lolita Fix, and Ukrainian
Angels. United Kingdom Technically, anything
of anyone who under 18 years old is
considered indecent, but in practice nothing
involving anyone over 16 years old is
prosecuted (in fact, CP cases reported in the
news usually explicitly specify that they
involved possession of indecent images of
persons under 16 years old), with the exception
of cases involving an adult in a "position of
authority" over the child, e.g. father/daughter
and teacher/student relationships when the age
of consent is 18 years - except in the last
mentioned example when the parties are
married or were in a pre-existing relationship.
The tabloid newspaper The Sun (amongst
others) did occasionally have 16yo girls topless
on its famous Page 3 until 1999. At one point
this led to a front page headline condemning
the "pedo-scum" of a student teacher
relationship, when the girl in question was
older than the girl featured topless on the next

page. Commonly Used Categories and Terms

Related to Child Pornography
Fore-knowledge of terms related to porn in general is assumed.

Categories of People or Content

Baby: 0-1 year old
Toddler: 1-3 years old
Preteen (PT): 3-12 years old (up to early pre-pubescence)
Child: 3-9 years old (always refers to elderly pubescence): "hard candy"
Lolita (Loli): 9-13 years old and female: nymphet
Jailbait (JB): 13-17 years old (not considered real child porn) and usually female
UA: underage (typically prepubescent): juvenile/minor
NN: non-nude/non-nudity: not nude or no nudity
MJB: male JB: male of jailbait age or sexual maturity

Categories of People
Jailbait: 13-15 years old or appearing to be grown yet not, and usually female
Pedophile (Pedo): someone sexually attracted to prepubescent children
Hebephile: someone sexually attracted to pubescent or near pubescent children very early
into adolescence like lolitas
Ephebophile: someone sexually attracted to pubescent children or adolescents
Pederast: adult male sexually attracted to pubescent male children or adolescents, (subgroup
of ephebopiles and hebephiles)
Budder: girl whose breasts are budding
Catamite: pubescent male sex partner of adult male
LG: little girl (always older than baby and typically prepubescent)
LB: little boy (always older than baby and typically prepubescent)
YF: young/younger/youth friend: juvenile sex partner of older person, or someone who was
such when the two first became sex partners
SYF: special YF of older person, like a significant other or spouse among many YF
AF: adult/adolescent friend (sexual) or aficionado (child pornographer or modeling-studio
agent), of child or younger juvenile
Of less common terms, "nymphot" and "finlet" are opposite sex counterparts, the former being
mentioned above. Typically a faunlet is simply known as a young boy in contrast to a "little" boy, or
alternately is known as a shota but not in the context of mere cartoons. So "shota" is like the

opposite sex fish counterpart of "lolita."

Categories of Content
PTSC: preteen softcore (usually connoting either non-nudity or absence of sex whether
explicit or implicit)
PTHC: preteen hardcore (technically connoting explicit view of genitals being applied)
BIBCAM: boy-in-bedroom webcam (epitome of what an outgoing, horny, juvenile male does
when he is "in for the night" but has a viable, videoconferencing link of some sort, while
sometimes brothers or "sleepover" peers are present and participating)
Hurt core: non-consensual involvement or rape of child; crying, bondage, gagging, whipping
or torture (or in extreme cases, mutilation) of child, in sexual/bawdy vein or during sex

Categories of Ideas/Interests
W/g: sex between adult female and child female
M/b: sex between adult male and child male (typically with man mounting or receiving fellatio
from boy)
W/b: sex between adult female and child male (typically with boy mounting or receiving
fellatio from woman)
Pedobeastiality: sex between child and beast, including possibly wholly innocent licking of
child's genitals by beast
Of less common typographic symbols, "g/g" and "b/b" are the child equivalents of "W/g" and "M/b"
respectively. Furthermore the meanings of "M/g" and "b/g" can be inferred similarly.

Acronyms for Categories of People or Ideas/Interests

AOA: age of attraction: scope of pedophilia and hebephilia, along with the applicablity of
heterosexuality or homosexuality to it
CL: child love/loving/lust or child lover: pedophilia or pedophile
GL: girl love/loving/lust or girl lover
LGL: subcategory of GL focused toward LG and baby females, or lover of
little girls
BL: boy love/loving/lust or boy lover (often "boylover")
LBL: subcategory of BL focused toward LB and baby males, or lover of little

set: usually a sequence of photos/videos taken in same setting at same time of same people
with same camera, or as designated by photographer/publisher
series: chronological sequence of sets, obviously

MCLT: "My Collection of Lolita Teens" or My Collection of Lolitas and Tots

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