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Names: 1. Ashutosh Sawai.

2. Ganesh Chile.

College: A.G.Patil Institute of Technology, Solapur

Mob. No.:

7709461847 (Ashutosh Sawai)

9890084781 (Ganesh Chile)

Email ID:

(Ashutosh Sawai)

In the time where the cost of energy keeps rising, and the energy sources are being very
expensive. So we have to realize that it has to be very conscious about the use of the energy
sources which are left. Much research is done to use this resource in most efficient way. For
example fuel used for engines or vehicles. One of the researches is six stroke engines to optimize
fuel consumption. The six-stroke engine is a type of internal combustion engine based on the
four-stroke engine, but with addition of two power stroke to make it more efficient and reduce
emissions. In the first approach, the engine captures the heat lost from the four-stroke Otto cycle
or Diesel cycle and uses it to power an additional power and exhaust stroke of the piston in the
same cylinder. Designs use either steam or air as the working fluid for the additional power
stroke. The pistons in this type of six-stroke engine go up and down three times for each
injection of fuel. There are two power strokes: one with fuel, the other with steam or air.
The first part of this paper looks into the working principle of six stroke engines,
graphical representation of six stroke engines and its history. This six stroke engine is further
developed by
Bruce Crower in U.S.
Velozeta at Trivandrum in India
Bajulaz in S.A. Company of Switzerland.
The next part of the paper deals with the comparison of P-V Diagram of four stroke and
six stroke engine., advantages, pollution test results comparing four stroke six stroke engines and
future scope of six stroke engines.

How Six Stroke Engine works?
(Using Bajulaz six stroke engine working principle)
Graphical Representation of Six Stroke engines
Recent Development in Six Stroke Engines
Comparison of P-V Diagram of four stroke and six stroke engine.
Advantages of Six Stroke Engines
Pollution Tests
Future Scope

INTRODUCTION:Six Stroke engine, the name itself indicates a cycle of six strokes out of which two are
useful power strokes. The Six Stroke is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in
volume of the power stroke is greater than the intake stroke and the compression stroke. The
main advantages of six stroke engine includes reduction in fuel consumption by 40%, two power
strokes in the six stroke cycle, dramatic reduction in pollution, adaptability to multi fuel
operation. In the first approach, the engine captures the heat lost from the four-stroke Otto cycle
or Diesel cycle and uses it to power an additional power and exhaust stroke of the piston in the
same cylinder. Six-stroke engine is mainly due to the radical hybridization of two- and fourstroke technology The 5th stroke or the second power stroke uses the heat evolved in the exhaust
stroke (directly or indirectly) as heat required for the sudden expansion of the secondary fuel (air
or water) which pushes the piston downward for the 2nd power stroke thereby rotating the
crankshaft for another half cycle. As heat evolved in the 4th stroke is not wasted, the requirement
for a cooling system is eliminated. Here fuel is injected once in every 3 complete cycles of the
crankshaft which is anytime better than a 4 stroke ICE where fuel is injected once in 2 complete
cycles of the crankshaft. It should be noted that efficiency of the 6 stroke ICE is more than the
existing 4 stroke ICE. 2 major type of secondary fuels used in the 5th stroke are air and water.


(Using Bajulaz six stroke engine working principle)

1) Intake valve
2) Heating chamber valve
3) Combustion chamber valve
4) Exhaust valve
5) Cylinder
6) Combustion chamber
7) Air heating chamber
8) Wall of combustion chamber
9) Fuel injector
10) Heating plug
11) Piston
12) Crankshaft

1st stroke: The inlet valve (1) is kept open. Due to cranking, the piston moves downward which
results in the formation of a pressure difference due to which pure air enters the cylinder (5). The
crankshaft completes rotates for half cycle.

Figure: 1st stroke (suction stroke)

2nd stroke: The inlet valve closes and the heating chamber valve (2) opens. The piston moves
upwards due to cranking forcing the pure air into heating chamber (7). The air at this stage is
converted to high pressure. The fuel is injected in the combustion chamber and the fuel is ignited
as shown the figure (initially compressed air is present in the combustion chamber which results
in the formation of fuel air mixture). Part of the heat evolved will pass through the wall of the
combustion chamber (8) and it heats up the compressed air present in the air heating chamber.
The crankshaft completes another half cycle rotation in the 2nd stroke. At the end of 2 strokes
the crankshaft will rotate 1 complete cycle.

Figure: 2nd stroke (compression stroke)

3rd stroke (1st power stroke): The combustion chamber valve (3) opens and the gases of
combustion enter the cylinder (5). This pusher the piston downward and hence is known as the
power stroke. The crankshaft rotates for a half cycle. It should be noted that the air in the heating
chamber is continuously heated and this results in further increase of pressure

Figure: 3rd stroke (1st power stroke)

4th stroke (exhaust stroke): The exhaust valve (4) opens. The piston moves upwards and the
exhaust gases are removed via this valve. The crankshaft rotates another half cycle. At this stage
the crankshaft completes 2 full cycles. In this stroke, less amount of heat energy is expelled out
when compared to the 4 stroke ICE as this heat has already been used to heat the air at high
pressure in the air heating chamber (7).

Figure: 4th stroke (exhaust stroke)

5th stroke (2nd power stroke): The heating chamber valve opens and the pure air now at high
pressure and high temperature enters the cylinder as shown in the figure which does work on the
piston and hence it moves downwards resulting in the 2nd power stroke. The crankshaft
completes another half cycle.

Figure: 5th stroke (2nd power stroke)

6th stroke: Finally the combustion chamber valve (3) opens the piston moves upwards forcing
the pure air into the combustion chamber which will be used as air for the fuel-air mixture in the
3rd stroke or the first power stroke. The crankshaft will complete 3 full cycles at the end of the
6th stroke. Hence fuel is injected once every in 3 cycles of the crankshaft whereas in a 4 stroke
ICE fuel is injected once in every 2 cycles.

Figure: 6th stroke

GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF SIX STROKE ENGINE:Following is the graphical representation of the six strokes in a cycle.
The crankshaft rotates a total of 1080 degree in 1 complete cycle. The six strokes are divided into
8 events which are intern classified into 2 categories i.e.
Static event: event occurs without the movement of piston
Dynamic event: event which occurs with the movement of piston.

Figure: Graphical representation of six strokes.

HISTORY :In 1883, the Bath-based engineer Samuel Griffin was an established maker of steam and
gas engines. He wished to produce an internal combustion engine, but without paying the
licensing costs of the Otto patents. His solution was to develop a 'Patent slide valve' and a singleacting six-stroke engine using it. By 1886, Scottish steam locomotive maker Dick, Kerr & Co.
saw a future in large oil engines and licensed the Griffin patents. These were double acting,
tandem engines and sold under the name "Kilmarnock".[2] A major market for the Griffin engine
was in electricity generation, where they developed a reputation for happily running light for
long periods, then suddenly being able to take up a large demand for power. Their large heavy
construction didn't suit them to mobile use, but they were capable of burning heavier and cheaper
grades of oil.

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SIX STROKE ENGINES:The currently notable designs in this class are the Crower six-stroke engine, invented by
Bruce Crower of the U.S. ; the Bajulaz engine by the Bajulaz S.A. company of Switzerland; and
the Velozeta Six-stroke engine built by the College of Engineering, at Trivandrum in India.
Bruce Crower :The Crower six-stroke engine is a high-efficiency variant of an internal combustion engine
under development by Bruce Crower.
Two extra strokes are added to the customary internal combustion
engine four stroke Otto cycle, which makes a six stroke engine. A
third down-stroke is a "steam stroke" and a third up-stroke
exhausts the expanded steam while venting heat from the engine.
The engine cold starts on the Otto cycle, coasting through the
fifth and sixth strokes for a short period. After the combustion chamber temperature reaches

approximately 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 C), a mechanical operation phases in the fifth and
sixth strokes. Just before the fifth stroke, water is injected directly into the hot combustion
chamber via the engine's fuel injector pump, creating steam and another power stroke. The phase
change from liquid to steam removes the excess heat of the combustion stroke forcing the piston
down (a second power stroke). As a substantial portion of engine heat now leaves the cylinder in
the form of steam, no cooling system radiator is required. A proportion of the energy that is
dissipated in conventional arrangements by the radiator in a water-based cooling system has been
converted into additional power strokes.
In Crower's prototype, the water for the steam portion of the cycle is consumed at a rate
approximately equal to that of the fuel, but in production models, the steam will be recaptured in
a condenser for re-use. Heat will be available from the condenser to provide interior heating of
the vehicle, much as a conventional heater core works in cars and trucks today.

Velozeta six-stroke engine :In a Velozeta engine, during the exhaust stroke, fresh air is injected into the cylinder,
which expands by heat and therefore forces the piston down for an additional stroke. The valve
overlaps have been removed and the two additional strokes using air injection provide for better
gas scavenging. The engine seems to show 40% reduction in fuel consumption and dramatic
reduction in air pollution. Its specific power is not much less than that of a four-stroke petrol
engine. The engine can run on a variety of fuels, ranging from petrol and diesel to LPG. An
altered engine shows a 65% reduction in carbon monoxide pollution when compared with the
four stroke engine from which it was developed.

Velozeta Engineering Solutions holds patent on this design

The Velozeta engine features are:

Reduction in fuel consumption

Dramatic reduction in pollution

Better scavenging and more extraction of work per cycle

Lower working temperature makes it easy to maintain optimum engine temperature level
for better performance.

The six-stroke engine does not require significant modification to existing engines.

Better cooling due to additional air strokes, which mostly removes the need for a cooling

Lighter engine

This six-stroke engine was developed by and awarded the 'Indian Society for Technical
Education - National awarded' for Best B. Tech project of 2006. (ISTE/BBSBECB.Tech./Award/2006) The technology is being developed by Velozeta, a Techno park
(Trivandrum) supported by the National Institute of Technology based in Calicut. Velozeta has
been awarded a Phase-I research grant from the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
(Govt. of India) under the Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP).

Comparison of P-V Diagram of four stroke and six stroke engine :Graphical comparison of six stroke engine and four stroke engine:

Graph 1: Otto cycle

It is clear from the first graph that the work done by the 6 stroke engine is greater than the 4
stroke engine. Graph 1 is in reference with a Petrol engine.

Graph 2:Dual cycle

Graph 2 refers to a diesel engine. The work done by six stroke engine is greater than a
4 stroke engine for the same amount of fuel used.

Advantages : Reduction in fuel consumption by at least 40%:

An operating efficiency of approximately 50%, hence the large reduction in specific
consumption. The Operating efficiency of current petrol engine is of the order of 30%. The
specific power of the six-stroke engine will not be less than that of a four-stroke petrol engine,
the increase in thermal efficiency compensating for the issue due to the two additional strokes.
Two expansions (work) in six strokes):
Since the work cycles occur on two strokes (3600 out of 10800 ) or 8% more than in a fourstroke engine (1800 out of 720 ), the torque is much more even. This lead to very smooth
operation at low speed without any significant effects on consumption and the emission of
pollutants, the combustion not being affected by the engine speed. These advantages are very
important in improving the performance of car in town traffic.
Dramatic reduction in pollution:
Chemical, noise and thermal pollution are reduced, on the one hand, in proportion to the
reduction in specific consumption, and on the other, through the engines own characteristics
which will help to considerably lower HC, CO and NOx emissions. Furthermore, its ability to
run with fuels of vegetable origin and weakly pollutant gases under optimum conditions, gives it
qualities which will allow it to match up to the strictest standards.
Multi fuel:
Multi fuel par excellence, it can use the most varied fuels, of any origin (fossil or vegetable),
from diesel to L.P.G. or animal grease. The difference in inflammability or antiknock rating does
not present any problem in combustion. Its light, standard petrol engine construction, and the
low compression ration of the combustion chamber; do not exclude the use of diesel fuel.
Methanol-petrol mixture is also recommended.

Pollution Test Results:-








Graph: Bp Vs TFC & SFC at 320rpm

FUTURE SCOPE:Crower invites us to imagine a car or truck (he speaks of a Bonneville streamliner, too)
free of a radiator and its associated air ducting, fan, plumbing, coolant weight, etc. Especially an
18-wheeler, theyve got that massive radiator that weighs 800, 1000 pounds. Not necessary, he
asserts. In those big trucks, they look at payload as their bread and butter. If you get 1000 lb. or
more off the truck Offsetting that, of course, would be the need to carry large quantities of
water, and water is heavier than gasoline or diesel oil. Preliminary estimates suggest a Crower
cycle engine will use roughly as many gallons of water as fuel. Bruce Crower holds a patent on
the new design which he is still developing and tweaking but he estimates that eventually his
six-stroke engine could improve a typical engines fuel consumption by as much as forty percent.

CONCLUSION:Billions of explosion engines are running worldwide at this time, and this era is not about to end.
It is commercially obvious that the big market is for automobile, heavy goods, construction-site
and farm vehicles. This is a priority for the six-stroke engine.
1) Drastically reducing fuel consumption and pollution without radically affecting performances
would allow the current concept of the automobile to be reassessed.
2) There is, at this day, no wonder solution for the replacement of the internal combustion
engine. Only improvements of the current technology can help it progress within reasonable time
and financial limits.
3) The six-stroke engine fits perfectly into this view. Its adoption by the automobile industry
would have a tremendous impact on the environment and world economy, assuming up to 40%
reduction in fuel consumption and 60% to 90% in polluting emissions, depending on the type of
fuel being used.
4) Fuel consumption for mid-sized engines should be within 4 and 5 liters per 100km and 3 to 4
liters for the small-sized engines.
5) Automobiles equipped with the six-stroke engine could appear in the market within 3 to 5

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