Acid Base Titration Lab Abstract

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Ryan Ha

Kevin Kuang
Terrance Sy
Steven Ha
Period 5
October 13, 2014
Acid-Base Titration Lab
The purpose of this titration lab is to determine the molarity of the given acetic acid. This lab
demonstrates how the molarity of an acid can be determined by titrating an acid with a base until
the solution completely neutralizes. In this lab, a solution of acetic acid of unknown
concentration is titrated with a solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.1 molarity. The goal is to
ultimately determine the molarity of the acetic acid. Sodium hydroxide is first poured into a buret
and 20.0 milliliters of acetic acid is poured into a flask with the addition of two drops of
phenolphthalein. The initial amount of sodium hydroxide is recorded. The flask is then placed
under the buret and the valve is opened to allow the sodium hydroxide to drain into the flask. As
the sodium hydroxide is draining, it is simultaneously neutralizing with the acetic acid inside the
flask. The flask is swirled to enhance the neutralization process. When a very faint pink color
appears and does not disappear, the acetic acid has been completely neutralized with the sodium
hydroxide. The valve is then closed and the final amount of sodium hydroxide that was titrated is
recorded. The final amount is them subtracted by the initial amount of sodium hydroxide to get
the titrated amount. This entire procedure is then repeated twice more and the results of the total
titrated amount are then averaged. In this experiment, the average amount is 49.13 milliliters of
sodium hydroxide. That amount can them be converted into moles of sodium hydroxide by
multiplying it by 0.1 molarity of NaOH to equal 0.004913 moles of sodium hydroxide. The
balanced chemical equation shows that the molar ratio of sodium hydroxide to acetic acid is a 1:1
ratio meaning that there is also 0.004913 moles of acetic acid. This amount is then divided by 20
milliliters and multiplied by 1000 milliliters to get the final answer of 0.2 molarity of acetic acid.

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