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DOI 10.

1515/zaes-2014-0000 ZS 2014; 141(1): 2233

Edward Brovarski

Overseers of Upper Egypt in the Old

to Middle Kingdoms
Part 2 Dossiers
Summary: The first part of this article was published in
the first fascicule of ZS 141 (2014). The present part contains the documentation that backs up the conclusions
reached in Part 1.
Keywords: First Intermediate Period Middle Kingdom
nome administration Old Kingdom overseers of
Upper Egypt

Prof. Dr. Edward Borvarski: 1264 Beacon St., Brookline,

MA 02446-3716, USA, E-Mail:

In memoriam Wolfgang Helck

Old Kingdom
Source: Stone built mastaba in Ptahhetep group at Saqqara, west of the Step Pyramid (D 64).
Bibliography: N. de G. Davies, The Mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh, pt. 2 (ASE 9; London,
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |wn knmt, |my-r# wsXt, |my-r# wdo-mdw nb,
|my-r# prwy HD, |my-r# n|wt Mn-swt-Nywsrro, |my-r# n|wt NfrEdk#ro, |my-r# n|wt NTr-swt-Mnk#wHr, |my-r# zS o nswt, |my-r#
Snwty, |my-r# gs-pr, wr mDw Smow, mdw rXyt, ny-st Xntt, HmnTr M#ot, Xrp wsXt, Xrp zS, Xrp zS r#-|oH, Xrp zS nb, xry tp nswt,
z#b oD-mr, smr woty, sHD Hm-nTr Mn-swt-Nywsrro, sHD Hm-nTr
Nfr-Edk#ro, sHD Hm-nTr NTr-swt-Mnk#wHr, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Early reign of Unis1.

Bibliography: N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of

Deir el-Gebrwi, Vol. 1, (ASE 11; London, 1902), pls. 38,
1213, 17.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my |z, |m#-o, |my-r# wpt, |my-r# wpt Htp-nTr
m pr(w)y, |my-r# prwy-HD, |my-r# sSwy, |my-r# Snwty, |my-Xt
Hmw-nTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, |ry-pot, o# ew#w,o D-mr ew#-"r-Xnty
pt, mn|w NXn, Hwt(y)-o#, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, Hry-tp o#
VIII, Hry-tp o# XII, Hry-tp NXb, Xw-o, Hq# B#t, Hq# Hwt, Hq# Hwt
Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, Xrp |#t nbt nTrt, Xr nsty, Xrp (nt) Hwwt Nt, Xrp
nTrw, Xrp x#Ts km, Xrp Snwty, Xrp SnDt nbt, xry-tp nswt, zS
mD#t-nTr, sm, smr woty, smsw snwt.
Suggested date: 1535 Pepy II (B); 134 Pepy II (H)2.
Source: Small tomb in mastaba field to the north of the
Teti pyramid, between pyramid of Queen Iput I and tomb
of mother of Mereruka, Nedjetempet.
Bibliography: N. Kanawati, The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. 8 (Oxford, 2006).
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# wobty, |my-r# prwy-HD, |my-r# stp-z#
pr-nswt nb, |my-r# Snwty, |my-r# gswy-pr, sHD Hmw-nTr Mnnfr-Ppy, t#yty z#b, T#ty, etc.
Suggested date: Mid-Pepy I3.

Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir el-Gebrawi (No. 8).

d| (ear)
Source: Limestone stele from Abydos, in Cairo, CG 1577.
Bibliography: L. Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten
Reiches (Ausser den Statuen) im Museum von Kairo, vol. 2
(Cairo Catalogue General; Cairo, 1964), 59, pl. 78.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Titles: |my-|z, |my-r# niwt, |my-r# Xntyw-S pr-o#, |my-r#
zSw o nswt, |my-r# Swy, |my-r# Snwty, |ry-pot, |ry nfr-H#t sSkr
nTr, mn|w NXn, H#ty-o, Hry-tp NXb, Xrp SnDt nbt, sm, smr woty,
sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Early reign of Pepy II.

1 Strudwick, Administration, 55 (2) [For abbreviations, see the bibliography in part one].

2 In the following list, (B) stands for Baer, Rank and Title, and (H)
for Harpur, Decoration.
3 See Brovarski, in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, 79.

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 23

dw [I] (child)
Source: Tomb D 6705 at Dendera.
Bibliography: W. M. F. Petrie, Dendereh (EEF 17;
London, 1900), pls. 56; Fischer, Dendera, 93100, pls. 5,
5A, 6.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow; |my-r# Smow n bw
Other titles: |my-|z, |my-r# z#w sp#t, wr mDw Smow, nynst Xntt, Hry-sSt# n mdt nb St# |nnt r sp#t, H#ty-o, Hry tp o# n
sp#t, Hq# Hwt, Hq# Hwt Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, Hq# Hwt Mn-nfr-Mryro,
Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hbt, z#b oD-mr, smr woty, smr pr, Sps nswt.
Suggested date: Years 3555 of Pepy II4.
dw (child)
Source: Rock-cut tomb of father V#wt|, T 73, at El-Qasr wa
Es- Saiyad.
Bibliography: Sve-Sderbergh, Hamra Dom, 2835,
pls. 611, 14, 5253, 61.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Xntyw-S pr-o#, H#ty-o, Hry-tp o# n sp#t,
Hq# Hwt, smr woty, Xtmty-b|ty, sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro,
sHD Hmw- nTr Mn-nfr-Ppy, sHD Hmw-nTr %o-nfr-Mrnro.
Suggested date: 5585 Pepy II (H).
W|w: yw
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Sheikh Said (No. 19).
Bibliography: N. de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of
Sheikh Said, (ASE 10; London, 1901), pls. 17, 21, 23, 29.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow5.
Other titles: |wn knmt, mdw rXyt, Hry-tp o Wnt, Hq# Hwt,
Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), xry-tp nswt pr-o#, smr woty.
Suggested date: Merenre-15 Pepy II (B); Merenre to
early Pepy II (H).
Wn| the Elder/Nfr-nXt-Mryro
Source: Several monuments from Abydos, including a
lengthy autobiographical inscription; CG 1390, 1310,
1435, 1574, 1670.
Bibliography: L. Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten
Reiches (ausser den Statuen) im Museum von Kairo, vol. 1
(Cairo Catalogue General; Berlin, 1937), 11520, pls. 29
30; vol. 2, 534, pl. 75; 127, pl. 88; Urk. I, 98110; J. Richards, Text and Context in late Old Kingdom Egypt:
The Archaeology and Historiography of Weni the Elder,
JARCE 39 (2002), fig. 15.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow; |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r#
Smow m#o.

4 Fischer, Dendera, 9394.

5 In the tomb of his father, Mrw: Bb|, ibid., pl. 17, W|w is smr woty,
|my-r# Smow.

Other titles: Before vizier: #Tw Hwt-o#t, |my-|z, |my-r#

Xntyw-S pr-o#, |ry-pot,wty npw, mn|w NXn, Hm-nTr "qt, Hry-tp
NXb, Hts npw, Xrp |#t nTrt nbt, Xrp |myw nTrw (?), Xrp Hwwt
nt Nt, Xrp Hry(w) wrw, Xrp SnDt nbt, xry-Hbt Hry-tp, xry-Hb(t)
smsw n Db#t, xry Tbwty, zS mD#t-nTr, sm, smr, smr woty, smsw
snwt, sHD Hmw-nTr %o-nfr-Mrnro, sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-nfr-Mryro,
sHD Xntyw-S pr-o#.
After vizier: |my-r# n|wt, snwty npw6, Hr(y) wrw, snwty
npw, t#yty z#b T#ty
Suggested date: Reign of Merenre, according to his
Source: Inscribed limestone block from Abydos, CG
Bibliography: Borchardt, Denkmler 2, 106, pl. 85.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow m#o.
Suggested date: Reign of Merenre.
(10) Wn|s-onX
Source: Tomb in the Unis pyramid cemetery at Saqqara,
behind the row of queens tombs; partly in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, FM A 24448.
Bibliography: P. Onderka, The Tomb of Unisankh at
Saqqara and Chicago (Editio Monographica Musei Nationalis Pragae, No. 5; Prague, 2009).
Relevant titles: |my-r# cmow.
Titles: |wn knmt, |my-r# Hwt-wrt, mdw rXyt, Hm-nTr M#ot,
xry-sSt#, xry-tp nswt, z# nswt.
Suggested Date: Reign of Unis (H).
(11) WD#|
Source: Inscribed block from northern enclosure wall of
Kom es Sultan, Abydos, CG 1591.
Bibliography: Borchardt, Denkmler 2, 70.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow m#o.
Suggested date: First half of reign of Pepy II?8.

6 For the reading of this title, see E. Brovarski, The Priestly Title of
, in Hommages Fayza Haikal, (Bd 138; Cairo, 2003),
7 Although the epithet the Elder is absent and is replaced by the
seated man of rank determinative, this crudely inscribed block presumably commemorates the famous Overseer of Upper Egypt Wn
the Elder (8). Also memorialized is Wn|s son, the H#ty-o, |my-r# wobty
ww, who was presumably named after his grandfather, the vizier
ww (see Richards, in JARCE 39 [2002], fig. 16). The last person named on the block, (ny)-Dt.f, xry-Xb(t) cbk-Htp, his estate man, the
lector-priest, Sobekhotep, may have dedicated this humble monument.
8 See Kanawati, Governmental Reforms, 64 and n. 26; W. Schenkel,
Frhmittelgyptische Studien (Bonner Orientalische Studien n.s. 1;
Bonn 1962) 103 f.

24 E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2

(12) Ppy-onX/Mryro-onX "ry-|b: Nfr-k#: "n|

Source: Rock-cut tomb at Meir (D 2).
Bibliography: A. Kamal, Le tombeau nouveau de
Mr, ASAE 15 (1915), 209258; Blackman, Meir 4.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow; |my-r# Smow m sp#wt
Hrt-|b; |my-r# Smow n bw m#o.
Other titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o; |my-|z, mn|w NXn, Hry-tp
NXb, t#yty z#b T#ty, |my-r# zS o nswt, XTmty b|ty, mdw "p, r# P
nb, |my-r# Snwty, |my-r# wobty, |my-r# gs-pr, z#b oD-mr, zS o
nswt Xft-Hr, Xtmty nTr, zS qd, |my-r# Hmw-nTr (n) "tHr nbt s,
Hm-nTr #st "tHr, Hm-nTr "r ctx, Hm-nTr psDt o#t, Hm-nTr Nwt?,
zS mD#t-nTr, Hry-sSt# n pr-dw#t, sm, Xrp SnDt nbt, Xww-o, Hq#
B#t, Xrp x#Ts km, smr woty, xry-Hbt, xry-Hbt Hry-tp, xry-tp nswt
m Hwt-wrt, mdw rXyt, |wn knmt, Hm-nTr M#ot, Hry-sSt# n wDmdt nbt nt nswt, t#yty z#b T#ty9.
Suggested date: Early to middle Pepy II; years 3555
of Pepy II (B); Dyns. VIVIII (H)10.
(13) Ppy-onX: "n| km
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Meir (A, No. 2).
Bibliography: Blackman and Apted, Meir 5, 1556,
pls. 1543.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: |my-r# pr-HD, |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |my-r# xnw,
|my-r# sSwy, |my-r# Snwt, |my-r# Snwty, wr |dt, mty n z#, Xrp
SnDt nbt, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) xry-tp, xry-tp nswt, sm, smr, smr
woty, sHD Hmw-nTr, zS gs dpt, zS n z#, Xtmty nTr, Sps- nswt, t#yty
z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: 5585 Pepy II (B); 154 Pepy II (H);
late-end Pepy II11.
(14) Ppy-onX: %w|
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Sharuna.
Bibliography: M. Broderick and P. A. Morton, The
Tomb of Pepy ankh (Khua), near Sharona, PSBA 21
(1899), 2633; T. Smolenski, Le tombeau dun prince de
la VIE Dynastie a Charouna, ASAE 8, 1907, 150151.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# wpt Htp-nTr m prwy, |my-r# Xnty-S
Ppy, |my-r# Xnty-S pr-o#, |my-r# zSw xry mD#T, |my-r# zSw xryXtm, Hq# Hwt, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, xry-tp nswt, Xnty-S
. Ppy, Xrp SnDt nbt, zS o nswt Xft-Hr, zS gs-[dpt], sm, smr

9 The sequence of titles follows the list in Blackman, Meir 4, 13,

which itself is largely based on the architrave of the west wall of the
forecourt (ibid., pl. 4 A 1).
10 See Baer, Rank and Title, 70, 289 [133]; Kanawati, in Perspectives on Ancient Egypt, 217; Harpur, Decoration, 280.
11 Kanawati, in Perspectives on Ancient Egypt, 217.

Suggested date: Merenre-15 Pepy II (B); Merenreearly Pepy II.

(15) Ppy-nXt: NXt
Source: False door, CG 1573, from the enclosure wall of
the Kom el-Sultan, Abydos.
Bibliography: Borchardt, Denkmler 2, 5152, pl. 75.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# wobty, |my-r# n|wt (mr), |my-r# HmwnTr, |my-r# zS o nswt, |my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt, |ry-pot, [H#ty]-o,
Xrp SnDt nbt, Xtmty-b|ty, sm, smr woty, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: End of Pepy II or later12.
(16) Ppy-nXt
Source: Side piece of niche-chapel from fill to local west
of the Ramesside Portal Temple, Cairo JE 91218.
Bibliography: W. K. Simpson, Inscribed Material
from the Pennsylvania-Yale Excavations at Abydos,
(PPYE 6; New Haven and Philadelphia, 1995), 57, OK 1,
fig. 4, pls. 23B.
Relevant titles: |my-r# mSo m#o.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, smr woty, H#ty-o.
Suggested date: End of Pepy II or later13.
(17) Ppy-snb
Source: Limestone stele from the Middle Necropolis at
Bibliography: A. Mariette, Catalogue gnral des
monuments dAbydos dcouverts pendant les fouilles de
cette ville (Paris, 1880), 95, no. 543.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: xry-Hbt Hry-tp, smr woty.
Suggested date: Pepy I or later (B).
(18) Pr-Snoy
Source: Tomb northeast of the pyramid of Pepy II at
South Saqqara, N. V.
Bibliography: G. Jquier, Tombeaux particuliers contemporaines de Pepi II (Cairo, 1929), 1079, figs. 120
(plan), 121, 122.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# mSo.
Other titles: Xtmy-bity, t#yty z#b T#ty14.
Suggested date: Second half (B) or middle (S) of
reign of Pepy II.

12 See Brovarski, in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, 115116.

13 See ibid.
14 Pr-Snoys name and the titles t#yty z#b [T#ty] were added in the
temple of Pepy II at some date after its completion; see Jquier, Monuments funeraires 2, pl. 73; Baer, Rank and Title, p. 136 [493B].

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 25

(19) PtH-Htp [II]: Vf|

Source: Chapel in stone built mastaba of his father PtHHtp (No. ##) (D 64).
Bibliography: Paget and Pirie, Ptah-hetep, 2534,
pls. 2141.
Relevant title: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |wn knmt, |my-r# n|wt Mn-swt-Nywsrro, |myr# n|wt Nfr Edk#ro, |my-r# NTr-swt-Mnk#wHr, |my-r# Hwt-wrt,
ny-nst Xntt, Hm-nTr M#ot, Hm-nTr "qt, Hry-sSt# wDt-mdw [S]t#t
n nswt, Hry-sSt# n wDt mdw nbt nt nswt, Xrp wr mDw Smow,
Xrp wsXt, Xrp zS r#-|oH, Xrp qqw, Xt "#, xry-tp nswt, z#b oD mr,
sHD wob Mn-swt Nywsrro, sHD Hm-nTr Nfr-Edk#ro, sHD Hm-nTr
NTr-swt Mnk#wHr, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Late reign of Unis (as vizier)15.
(20) Mry-nmty
Source: Two fragmentary jambs from a false door found
near the small northern chapel of the pyramid of Queen
Neit in the Pepy II pyramid cemetery at South Saqqara.
Bibliography: G. Jquier, Les pyramides des reines
Neit et Apouit (Cairo, 1984), fig. 32, p. 55.
Relevant titles: [H#ty]-o, |my-r# Smow, |my-r# gs-pr, smr
Suggested date: Reign of Pepy II or later.
(21) Mryro (Ppy)-nfr: #r
Source: Tomb at Tell Edfu.
Bibliography: G. Daressy, Inscriptions du mastaba
de Pepi-Nefer Edfou, ASAE 17 (1917), 13040; Urk. I,
251255; M. El-Khadragy, The Edfu Offering Niche of
Qar in the Cairo Museum, SAK 30 (2002), 203228.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Titles: |my-r# wpt nbt n nswt, |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |my-r#
Xntyw-S pr-o#, |my-r# Smow, |ry-Xt nswt, wr mDw Smow, mDH
zSw nswt, Hry-sSt# n pr-dw#t, Hry-sSt# n mdt nbt St#t |wt m r#-o#
n #bw, Hry-tp o# n WTzt, Hry-tp o# n sp#t, xry-Hbt, xry-tp nswt
pr-o# m#o, z#b oD-mr, smr woty.
Suggested date: Early Pepy II.
(22) Mrw: Bb|
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Sheikh Said (No. 20).
Bibliography: Davies, Sheikh Said, pls. 1921.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# n|wwt m#wt, |my-r# zSw, mdw rXyt,
Hq# Hwt, Hq# Hwt Hwt-Ppy, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, xry-tp
nswt pr-o# m#o, Xtmty-b|ty, z#b, z#b oD-mr, sm, smr woty.
Suggested date: 3555 Pepy II (B); 3554 Pepy II (H).

15 Strudwick, Adminitration, 88 (50).

(23) Mrr|
Source: Small tomb on north of court of Ptahhetep complex at Saqqara.
Bibliography: S. Hassan, re-edited by Zaky Iskander,
Mastabas of Princess "mt-Ro and Others, (Excavations at
Saqqara III; Cairo, 1975) 2539, figs. 1619, pls. 1525.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# |zwy n xkr nswt, |my-r# prwy-HD, |
my-r# niwt, |my-r# Hwt-wrt 6, |my-r# zSw o nswt, |my-r# swt
Spswt pr-o#, |my-r# sDmt nbt, |my-r# Snwty, |my-r# k#t nbt nt
nswt, mDH zSw nswt, mDH qd nswt m prwy, H#ty-o, Xtmy-b|ty,
xry-Hbt Hry-tp, smr woty, t#yty z#b T#ty, t#yty sSmty T#ty16.
Suggested date: Second half of reign of Pepy II.
(24) MHw
Source: Mastaba in the Unis Pyramid Cemetery at Sakkara.
Bibliography: H. Altenmller, Die Wanddarstellungen im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara (AV 42; Mainz, 1998),
Relevant titles: Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |wn knmt, |m#-o, |my-r# |zwy (n) xkr nswt,
|my-r# wobty, |my-r# wpwt m prwy, |my-r# wHow, |my-r# wDtmdw nbt nt nswt, |my-r# prwy nbw, |my-r# prwy-HD, |my-r#
n|wwt, |my-r# n|wwt m#wt, |my-r# Hwt-wrt, |my-r# Hwt-wrt 6,
|my-r# zSw o-nswt, |my-r# zSw xryw Xtm mD#t, |my-r# sDmt nbt,
|my-r# Snwty, |my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt, |my-r# gs-pr, |my-r# gswypr, |my-r# gswy-prwy, |ry-pot, |ry nfr-H#t, z#b oD-mr, mdw rXyt,
mdw "p, H#ty-o, Hry-sSt#, Hry-sSt# n wDt-mdw nbt nt nswt, HrysSt# n pr-dw#t, Hry-tp NXb, Hq# Hwt, Xrp |#wt mnt nTrt, Xrp |my
nTrw, Xrp Hwwt Nt, Xrp SnDt nbt, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), xryHb(t) Hry-tp, xry tp-nswt, sm, sm# Mnw, smr woty, sHD Hmw-nTr
Mn-nfr-Mryro, sHd Hmw-nTr Ed-swt-vt|, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Early to middle Pepy I17.
(25) Ny-onX-Ppy/Ny-onX-Mryro km, cbk-Htp, "p| km
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Meir (A, No. 1)
Bibliography: Blackman and Apted, Meir 5, 115, pls.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: |my-|z, |my-r# pr-(sic) wr 6, |my-r# Hmw-nTr,
|my-r# zSwy, |my-r# Snwty, o# ew#w, mniw NXn, Hry-tp NXb, Hq#
B#t, Xww-o, smsw snt, Xrp |#t nb nTrt, Xrp SnDt nbt, Hry-tp xry
Hbt, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hbt, xry-tp nswt, sm, smr woty, zS mD#t nTr.
Suggested date: Merenre-year 15 of Pepy II; first third
of reign of Pepy II.

16 Mrr| clearly felt that chief justice and vizier and overseer of
Upper Egypt were his principal titles for they are symmetrically arranged on the lintel of his false door.
17 Brovarski, in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, 8182.

26 E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2

(26) Ny-onX-Ppy: cbk-Htp: "py km

Source: Rock-cut tomb at Meir (A, No. 1).
Bibliography: Blackman and Apted, Meir 5, 12, pls.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: |my |z, |my-r# pr wrw 6 (sic), |my-r# Hmw-nTr,
|my-r# sSwy, |my-r# Snwty, o# ew#w, mn|w NXn, Hq# B#t, Xww-o,
Xtmty-b|ty, smsw snwt, Xrp |#t nb(t) nTrt, Xrp SnDt nbt, xry-Hb(t),
xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, xry-tp nswt, zS mD#t-nTr, sm, smr woty.
Suggested date: Merenre to 15 Pepy II (B); 134
Pepy II (H); middle to late Pepy II.
(27) Ny-k#w-zzi
Source: Decree of King Teti from Abydos in London, BM
Bibliography: W. M. F. Petrie, Abydos, Part II (EEF 24;
London, 1903), pl. 17; Urk. I, 2078; James, HTES I2, 3233,
pl. 31; Goedicke, Knigliche Dokumente, 3740, fig. 3;
Relevant titles: [H#ty-o, smr woty], Xtmy-b|ty, |my-r#
Suggested date: Teti.
(28) Ny-k#w-zzi
Source: Tomb immediately to the north of the mastabas
of Kagemni and Mereruka in the Teti pyramid cemetery
at Saqqara.
Bibliography: N. Kanawati and M. Abder-Raziq, The
Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. 6 (Warminster, 2000).
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, smr woty, xry-Hb(t), Xtmtyb|ty, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my |z, |my-r# wobty, |my-r# prwy nwb, |my-r#
k#t nb(t) nt nswt, |ry-pot, |ry nfr-H#t, wty npw, mn|w NXn,
H#ty-o, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, Hry wrw, H#ty-o, xry-Hbt,
xry-Hbt Hry-tp, Xtmy-b|ty, smr woty, snwty npw.
Suggested date: Mid-Teti18.
(29) Nb(.|)-m-wsXt
Source: False door, seen on the art market in London in
Bibliography: J. Malek, assisted by Elizabeth Fleming, Alison Hobby, and Diana Magee, Topographical
Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts,
Statues, Reliefs and Paintings, part 3 (Oxford, 2007), 40
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other Titles: o# ew#w, Hry-sSt# n mdt nbt St#t, xry-Hb(t),
xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, Xww-o, smsw snwt, sHD Hmw-ntr Mn-nfr-Mryro.
Suggested date: Middle to late Pepy II.

18 See Kanawati and Abder-Raziq, Teti Cemetery 6, 1723.

(30) Nb-k#w-"r: dw
Source: Tomb to the north of the Unis causeway at Saqqara19.
Bibliography: S. Hassan, re-edited by Zaky Iskander,
The Mastaba of Neb-Kaw-er, (Excavations at Saqqara I;
Cairo, 1975), 62, fig. 25, pl. 51 B; N.C. Strudwick, The
Overseer of Upper Egypt ny-k#w-|zz|, GM 56 (1982), 89
Relevant titles: Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow.
Titles: |my-r# Hwt-wrt 6, |my-r# Snwty, H#ty-o, xry-tp nswt,
z# nswt, z# nswt smsw, z# nswt smsw n xt.f, smr woty, t#yty z#b
Suggested date: Second quarter of the reign of Pepy II,
if not later (S).
(30bis) Nfr-sSm-Ro: SS|
Source: Mastaba in the teti Pyramid Cemetery at Saqqara.
Bibliography: N. Kanawati and M. Abder-Raziq, The
Teti Cemetery at Saqqara, vol. III: The Tombs of Neferseshemre and Seankhuiptah (The Australian Centre for
Egyptology, Reports 11; Warminster, 1998).
Relevant Titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other Titles: wn knmt, |my-r# obw-r# nswt nb, |my-r# |zwy
xry Xtm mD#t, |my-r# |zwy xkr nswt, |my-r# wobty, |my-r# wpt,
|my-r# wpt St#t, |my-r# wDtmdw nbt St#t nt nswt, |my-r# prwynwb, |my-r# prwy-HD, |my-r# Hwt-wrt 6, |my-r# xnw, |my-r# zSw,
|my-r# zSw o nswt, |my-r# zS, |my-r# sqbbwy pr-o#, |my-r# Snwty,
|my-r# Sn-t# nb, |my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt, |my-r# gs-pr, |my-r# ddt pt
qm#t t#, |ry-pot, mdw rXyt, H#ty-o, Xnty-S Ed-swt-Tt|, xry-tp nswt,
smr woty, sHD Hmw-nTr Ed-swt-vt|, tyty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Middle reign of Teti20.
(31) Ro-wr
Source: Tomb west of the subsidiary pyramid of King Teti
at Saqqara.
Bibliography: S.A. El-Fikey, The Tomb of the Vizier
Re -wer (Egyptology Today, no. 4; Warminster, 1980).
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |ry-pot, oD-mr ep, mr nTr, H#ty-o, xry-Hbt,
xry-Hbt Hry-tp, Xrp SnDt nb(t), Xtmy-b|ty, sm, smr woty, Hts
npw, Hry wrw, smsw snwt, t#yty z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Early reign of Pepy II21.
(32) Ro-Spss
Source: Tomb to the north of the enclosure wall of the
Step Pyramid at Saqqara, LS 16 (S 902).

19 Mastaba usurped from a vizier named #Xt-Htp: Sm|.

20 Strudwick, Administration, 112 [88].
21 See Brovarski, in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, 99100.

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 27

Bibliography: B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss, assisted by

E. W. Burney, revised and augmented by J. Mlek, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic
Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, vol. 3, part 2, 2nd edition, fasc. 1
(Oxford, 1978), 49496; LD II, 6064; Text 1, pp. 16570;
Ergnz., xxxix [a], xli [b], xlii; J. E. Quibell, Excavations at
Saqqara (19071908) (Cairo, 1909), pp. 2344, etc.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow
Other titles: 1. Before Vizierate: |my-r# zS o nswt, |my-r#
Snwty, |my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt.
2. When Vizier: |my-r# |zwy xry mrt, |my-r# |zwy xry Xtm
[mD#t], |my-r# wsXt, wr mDw Smow, wD-mdw n Hry-wDb, mdw
rXyt, mDH zSw nswt, nst Xntt, Hm-nTr M#ot, Hm-nTr "qt, HrywDb m Hwt-onX, Hry-sSt# n wDt-mdw nbt nt nswt, Hry-sSt# n
mdw St# n Hwt-wrt 6, Xrp wsXt, Xrp zSw, Xrp zSw r#-|oH, Xt "#,
xry-tp nswt, z#b oD-mr, sHD wr mDw Smow22.
Suggested date: Reign of Izezi, two letters from
(33) "m-Mnw
Source: N. Kanawati, The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish 5
(Warminster, 1985), 723, figs. 6, 9.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hwt-wrt, wD-mdw, Hm-nTr M#ot, Hry
wDbw, z#b oD-mr ny-st-Xntt.
Suggested date: Early in the reign of Unis.
(34) "r-Xw.f
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Qubbet el-Hawa, Aswan (QH
Bibliography: E. Edel, Die Feslgrbernekropole der
Qubbet el-Hawa bei Aswan, pt. 1, vol. 1 (Paderborn,
2008), 644647, figs. 116, pls. 2628, 3032.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my |z, |my-r# o#w, |my-r# X#swt nb(t) nt vprsy, |ry NXn, H#ty-o, Hry-sSt# n wDt-mdw . . . , Hry-sSt# n mdt
nb(t) nt vp-rsy, Hry-tp NXb, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), smr woty.
Suggested date: 1535 Pepy II (B); 134 Pepy II (H).

(36) %w|
Source: Antechamber to sanctuary in mortuary temple of
Pepy II, South Saqqara.
Bibliography: Jquier, Monument funraire 2, pls.
46, 48.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Second quarter of the reign of
Pepy II24.
(37) %w|
Source: Coptos decree B of Pepy II bearing date rnpt Xt
zp 11.
Bibliography: Urk. I, 280, 16; Goedicke, Knigliche
Dokumente, 87116, fig. 8.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: First quarter of reign of Pepy II.
(38) %w|
Source: Small mud-brick tomb with limestone fittings located immediately to the north of the mastaba of Mereruka in the Teti Pyramid Cemetery at Saqqara.
Bibliography: A. B. Lloyd, A. J. Spencer, and A. ElKhouli, Saqqra Tombs, vol. 2 (ASE 40; London, 1990),
3339, pls. 1, 1923; PM 32, 519.
Relevant titles: smr woty, xry-Hbt, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Xnty-S, |my-r# sDm(t) nbt St#t, wr |dt,
Hm-nTr Mn- nfr-Ppy, Hry-sSt# n wpwt St#wt, Hry-sSt# n pr-dw#t,
Hry-sSt# (n) wDt-mdw nb(t) St#t, Xnty-S Ed-swt-vt|, smsw Db#t.
Suggested date: First-second quarter of Pepy II.
(39) %zw(?)
Source: Edge post, Berlin 7764.
Bibliography: H. Schfer, Aegyptische Inschriften
aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin vol. 1 (Leipzig,
1913), 4142.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: H#ty-o, Xtmy-b|ty, xry-Hbt, z# nswt smsw n
xt.f mry.f, smr woty, sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-nfr-Mryro, sHD %o-nfrMrnro.
Suggested date: Merenre or later25.

(35) "zy
Source: Small mud brick mastaba northwest of Teti pyramid, Saqqara.
Bibliography: A. El-Khouli and N. Kanawati, Excavations at Saqqara North-west of Tetis Pyramid, vol. 2
(Sydney, 1988), 1822, pls. 1012.
Relevant titles: Xtmty-bity, |my-r# Smow, smr woty.
Other titles: |my-r# |myt Tnwy, Xrp SnDt nbt, xry-Hbt, sm.
Suggested date: Reign of Pepy II.

(40) c#bn| I
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Qubbet el-Hawa, Aswan (QH
Bibliography: Edel, Feslgrbernekropole der Qubbet
el-Hawa, I/1, 221222, pls. 12, 715.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty, xry-Hb(t),
|my-r# Smow.

22 See Strudwick, Administration, 116 (95).

23 Urk. I, 179180.

24 Cf. Strudwick, Administration, 63 (16).

25 Cf. Baer, Rank and Title, 116 [395].

28 E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2

Other titles: |my-r# X#swt, |my-r# zSw oprw, |my-Xt HmwnTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, mH-|b nswt m vp-rsy, Hry-sSt# n mdt nbt nt
r#-g#w n #bw, sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro.
Suggested date: Years 5585 Pepy II (B, H)26.
Harpur followed him in this.

mDw n Hry-wDbw, wr [S]pt, H#ty-o, Hry-sSt# n Xtmt-nTr, Hry-tp o#

n IX, Hq# B#t, Xww-o, Xrp nTrw, Xrp H#Ts, Xrp Hwwt [Nt], Xrp
SnDt nbt, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, sm, sm# Mnw,
smr woty, smsw snwt.
Suggested date: Early Pepy II.

(41) K#|
Source: Tomb at North Saqqara, no. 63 (D 19).
Bibliography: G. Maspero, Les mastaba de lAncient
Empire fragment du dernier ouvrage de A. Mariette
(Paris, 1889), 22631.
Titles: 1. Before Vizierate: |wn knmt, |my-r# |zwy n pr
mD#t, |my-r# |zwy n pr Hry-wDb, |my-r# |zwy n mrt, |my-r#
|zwy n xry Xtm mD#t o nswt, |my-r# wpt nt nswt, |my-r# wsXt,
|my-r# Hwt-wrt 6, |my-r# zSw o nswt, |my-r# swt Htpw Df#w,
|my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt, wr mDw Sm#w, wD-msw n Hry-wDb,
mdw rxyt, mDH zSw nswt, n(y) st Xntt, Hm-nTr M#ot, Hm-nTr Sr
qm#-o, Hm-nTr "qt, Hm-nTr cd (?) Xnty wsXt, Hry-sSt# n wDt-mdw
nbt nt nswt, Xrp zSw |ry sprw, Xt "#, xry-tp nswt, z#b oD-mr, sHD
2. When Vizier: |wn knmt, |my-r# |z n #ms, |my-r# proH#w, |my-r# prwy-nwb, |my-r# Xrp zS o nswt, |my-r# Xrp zS nb
m pr Hry-wDb, |my-r# Xrp zS nb n mrt, |my-r# Xrp zS nb m
rXyt, |my-r# Xrt, |my-r# xkr nswt m |zwy, |my-r# zS, |my-r# swt
nbt nt obw-r# nswt, |my-r# swt Htpw Df#w, mdw rXyt, Hm-nTr
M#ot, Hm-nTr "r mHyt, Hm-nTr "r Hry-|b oH, Hm-nTr "qt, HmnTr cd, Hry-wDb rXyt, Hry-wDb Hwt-onX, Hry-sSt# n wDt-mdw
nbt nt nswt, Xrp wsXt, Xrp zS [r#]-|oH, Xrp zS mD#t, Xrp zS nb,
Xt "#, xry-tp nswt, xry-tp nswt m prwy, zS wr mDw Smow, sHD
wr mDw Smow.
From either period: |my-r# Smow, xry-tp nswt, z#b oD-mr.
Suggested date: Mid-Fifth Dynasty, perhaps early in
the reign of Niuserre27.

(43) K#-gm.n.|: Mm|

Source: Large, complex mastaba in Teti Pyramid Cemetery at Saqqara.
Bibliography: Strudwick, Administration, 154 [151];
Y. Harpur and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Kagemni: Scene
Details, (Egypt in Miniature 1; Oxford, 2006), figs. 13, 17
18, 2425, 293032, 3537.
Relevant titles: Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow MHw.
Other titles: |my |z, |my |z NXn, |m#-o, |my-r# |zwy n
xkr nswt, |my-r# |zwy n xry-Xtm, |my-r# wobty, |my-r# wpt,
|my-r# wdT-mdw nb(t) nt nswt, |my-r# wDt nbt, |my-r# n t#
r-Dr.f, |my-r# prwy-HD, |my-r# Hwt-wrt 6, |my-r# zS o nswt,
|my-r# sS, |my-r# sDmt nbt, |my-r# Snwty, [|my-r# k#t] nb(t)
nt nswt, |my-r# gswy-pr, |ry nfr-H#t, oD-mr cb#-"r-Xnty-pt,
wr m#w wnw, wty npw, mn|w NXn, r# Pyw nb, Hry-sSt#,
Hry-sSt# n wpwt St#, Hry-sSt# n m##t wo, Hry-sSt# n mdw-nTr,
Hry-tp NXb, Xrp |#t nb(t) nTrt, Xrp m nTrw, Xrp Hwwt nt HDt
dSrt, Xrp SnDt nbt, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, zS mD#t-nTr,
sm, sm# Mnw ?, smr woty, sHD Hmw-nTr Ed-swt-vt|, t#yty
z#b T#ty.
Suggested date: Early Teti (B, S), middle Teti (H).

(42) K#-Hp: Vt|

Source: Rock-cut tomb at El-Hawawish, the cemetery of
Akhmim (M 8).
Bibliography: Kanawati, El-Hawawish 3, figs. 79,
1112, 14.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# |pt nswt, |my-r# |t Smow, |my-r# prwyHD, |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |my-r# sXmX-|b nb, |my-r# Snwty [n]t HtpnTr, |t Mnw, |ry-pot, |ry nfr-H#t, o# ew#w, wr m#w, wr 5, wr

26 Baer dates both c#bn| I and his father, n-|t.f: MXw, to years 55
85 of Pepy II (Baer, Rank and Title, 57, 288 [39]). Harpur, Decoration, 282 follows him in this. Thirty years seems to me to be too short
a time span for the lifetime of two individuals, and I would assign
c#bn| I to the very end of that kings reign.
27 See Strudwick, Administration, 142 (136).

(44) V#wt|
Source: Rock-cut tomb, no. 73, at El-Qasr wa Es-Saiyad.
Bibliography: Sve-Sderbergh, Hamra Dom, 36 ff.,
pl. 14 ff.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow m#o.
Other titles mH-|b n nswt m r# o# g#w rsy, mH-|b n nb.f
m r#-o# g#w rsy, Hry-sSt# n pr-dw#t, Hry-sSt# n r#-o# g#w, HrysSt# n r#-o# g#w rsy/Smow (m mdt nbt S[t#t]), Hry-tp o# n sp#t,
Hq# Hwt, Xrp |#t nbt nTrt, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hbt, zS mD#t-nTr, smr
woty, sHD Mn-nfr-Mryro, sHD %o-nfr-Mr.n-Ro, sHD Mn-onXNfrk#ro.
Suggested date: Second quarter of reign of Pepy II.
(45) Eow
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir el-Gebrawi.
Bibliography: Davies, Deir el-Gebrwi 2, pls. 56, 9
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: |my-[Xt] Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, |my-r# prwy-Hd,
|my-r# sSwy, |my-r# Snwty, |ry Pyw nb, |ry-pot, mn|w NXn, o#
ew#w, mdw "p, n(y) Hwt-o#t, H#ty-o, Hwt(y)-o#t, Hry-sSt# n sDm
woty (sic) m o#-r# Smow, Hry-tp o# v#-wr, Hry-tp o# Ewft, Hry-tp
NXb, Hq# B#t, Hq# Hwt, Xww-o, Xrp |#t nb(t) nTrt, Xrp |bT, Xrp

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 29

nTrw, Xrp Hwwt Nt, Xrp Snwty, Xrp SnDt nbt, Xtmty-b|ty, xryHb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, zS mD#t-nTr, sm, smr woty.
Suggested date: 3555 Pepy II28.
(46) Eow: Cm#|
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir el-Gebrawi.
Bibliography: Davies, Deir el-Gebrwi 2, pls. 3, 5, 7
10, 1213.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow; H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty,
|my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: |my-r# wpt Htp-nTr m prwy, |my-r# prwy-Hd,
|my-r# sSwy, |my-r# Snwty, |my-Xt Hmw-nTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro,
wob 200 (Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro), H#ty-o, Hwt(y)-o#t, Hry-tp o# v#-wr,
Hry-tp o# Ewft, Hq# Hwt, Xnty-S Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro, Xrp SnDt nbt,
Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, sm, smr woty, sHD HmwnTr Mn-onX-Nfrk#ro.
Suggested date: 5585 Pepy II.

First Intermediate Period

(47) [|]-m-Htp
Source: Painted pillar in the rock-cut tomb of |-Sm#/ct-k#
at Qubbet el-Hawa, Aswan (QH 110).
Bibliography: Edel, Feslgrbernekropole der Qubbet
el-Hawa, I/1, 17411742, 1794, figs. 1718, pl. 79.
Relevant titles: |my-r# &Smow\.
Suggested date: Dynasty IX.
(48) H#
Source Restoration texts at Sheikh Said; Hatnub Graffito 9,
ll. 17.
Bibliography: LD II, 113c; Davies, Sheikh Said, 38,
pl. 29E; M. De Meyer, Old Kingdom Rock Tombs at Dayr
al-Barsha 1 (Leuven, 2008), 110112, pls. 1517; Anthes,
Hatnub, 2324, pl. 13.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow; H#ty-o, Xrp nsty, |myr# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr n EHwty nb %mnw, H#ty-o,
Hrt-tp o# n Wnt, Xrp nsty.
Suggested date: End of Dynasty VIII.

28 Baer thinks that the tomb of Eow: Cm#| and his son, Eow, was
decorated between years 5585 of Pepy II (Baer, Rank and Title, 157,
295 [592]), while Harpur, Decoration, 280 assigns the tomb to years
1534 of the same ruler. Whatever it was that prompted Eow to build
one tomb for himself and his father, it probably was not the premature death of Eow: Cm#|, for the latter appears to have had a long
career, as is indicated by the full titulary ascribed to him in his
tomb (Fischer, JAOS 74 (1954), 32, n. 54). I would agree with Baer
that the tomb belongs to the second half of Pepy IIs reign (Brovarski, in Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology, 94, n. 200).

(49) X|
Source: Wadi Hammamat graffito No. 188.
Bibliography: J. Couyat and P. Montet, Les inscriptions hiroglyphiques et hiratiques du Oudi Hammmat (MIFAO 34; Cairo, 1913), 96.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: End of Dynasty VI29.
(50) d| (ear)
Source: Small limestone false door from Abydos (?), in
Cairo, CG 1457.
Bibliography: Borchardt, Denkmler 1, 1456, pl. 35.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# niwt, |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |ry-pot, Xtmybity, t#yty z#b T#ty m#o.
Suggested date: End of reign of Pepy II or a little later.
(51) d| (ear)
Source: Bronze collar terminal found in Tomb T 8 (the
Cave of the Psalms) at El-Qasr wa Es-Saiyad.
Bibliography: Sve-Sderbergh, Hamra Dom, 7273,
pl. 75.
Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Dyn. VI or later.
(52) d| (child)
Source: Inscribed dagger blade, MMA 29.2.8 (pl. 2).
Bibliography: Unpublished.
Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty,
|my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr.
Suggested date: Dynasty VIII.
(53) d| (child)
Source: Coptos decrees M, O
Bibliography: Goedicke, Knigliche Dokumente, 178
189, figs. 19, 20
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, XTmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr.
Suggested date: Dynasty VIII, King Neferkauhor.
(54) d| (child)
Source: Text B, tomb of the vizier m at Kom el-Koffar.
Bibliography: Mostafa, ASAE 70 (19841985), 419
429, pls. 12.

29 See E. Brovarski, King NTr-k#-Ro |-m-Htp s# PtH, in Zahi A. Hawass, and Janet E. Richards (eds.), The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of David B. OConnor, vol. 1 (CASAE
36; Cairo, 2007), 145149.

30 E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2

Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, sDty nswt, H#ty-o,

|my-r# [Smow].
Suggested date: Dynasty VIII, King Neferkauhor.
(55) ob-|Hw
Source: False door, Cairo JE 38551.
Bibliography: Fischer, Dendera, 203205, fig. 40,
pl. 24.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow (m#o).
Other titles: Hry-tp o# v#-wr, q, B#t; Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty.
Suggested date: Dynasty IX.
(56) Wn|s-onX
Source: Tomb at el-Khokha, Thebes, TT 413.
Bibliography: Saleh, Three Old-Kingdom Tombs, 12
17, figs. 311, pls. 16D.
Relevant titles: xry-tp nswt, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Snwty, Hry-sSt# n mdt nbt St#t |nnt r
sp#t, Hry-tp o# n sp#t, Xtmy-b|ty, smr woty.
Suggested date: Last generation of the Sixth Dynasty.
(57) Wsr
Source: Basalt false door, CG 1442, from Khozam in Coptite nome.
Bibliography: Fischer, Coptite Nome, 3947, cat.
no. 13, pl. 13.
Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r#
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |my-r# X#swt, |my-r# X#swt
|#btt |mntt, Hry-tp o# n B#wy, z# nswt smsw n xt.f.
Suggested date: Second generation of Dynasty IX.
(58) Wsr
Source: Red granite offering slab in the Cairo Museum
(number unknown).
Bibliography: Fischer, in Hommages Jean Leclant 1,
188, n. 27.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Second generation of Dynasty IX.
(59) Ny-Hb-sd-Ppy
Source: Limestone stela of father from the Middle Necropolis at Abydos, now in Cairo, CG 1575.
Bibliography: Borchardt, Denkmler 2, 557, pl. 75.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o m#o, Hry-tp NXb, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Year 85 Pepy II to Dyn. VII.
(60) NHr| I
Source: Graffito in Hastnub alabaster quarries, Nos. 16,
20, 22.

Bibliography: Anthes, Hatnub, 3538, pl. 16; 4247,

pl. 18; 4852, pl. 22.
Relevant titles: |my-r# n|wt, t#yty T#t| z#b, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, H#ty-o, Xrp nsty, Hry-tp o# n
Suggested date: Dynasty X, King Merikare; Dynasty XI,
King Mentuhotep II30.
(61) !nqw: $tt|
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir el-Gebrawi (no. 39).
Bibliography: Davies, Deir el-Gebrwi 2, pl. 28; Kanawati, Deir el-Gebrawi 1, 2122, pls. 3741.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: Hry-sSt#, Hry-tp o# Ewft, Xrp |#t nbt, Xrp SnDt
nbt, xry-Hb(t). xry-xb(t) Hry-tp, zS mD#t-nTr, sm, smr woty,
smsw snwt.
Suggested date: Dyns. VIIIIX.
(62) %ww
Source: Tomb in the village of Deir el-Bersheh.
Bibliography: Bakry, RSO 46 (1971), 78, pl. 5; Willems, Dayr al-Barsha 1, 15, 196108; Brovarski, in Egyptian Culture and Society 1, 52, n. 132.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, H#ty-o, Xrp nsty.
Suggested date: End of Dyn. VIII.
(63) $n|-onXw
Source: Rock-cut tomb at El-Hawawish, the cemetery of
Akhmim (H 15).
Bibliography: Kanawati, El-Hawawish 4, 3237,
fig. 25.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, |my-r# Smow m#o.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, H#ty-o, xry-Hb(t), sm# Mnw.
Suggested date: Heracleopolitan Period or early Middle Kingdom.
(64) $nm-nfr ms.n MD|
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir Rifeh, No. 131.
Bibliography: Griffith, Sit and Dr Rfeh, pl. 16.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty, |myr# Smow m#o.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr n $nm nb S#s-Htp, rX nswt
mry, Hry-tp o# n S#y.
Suggested date: Late Dyn. X/XI.

30 Brovarski, in Egyptian Culture and Society 1, 3185; idem, From

Illahun to Djeme, 2530.
31 See Brovarski, Abydos in the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, Part II, in For His Ka, 3439 (pp. 1544).

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 31

(65) c#bn| II
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Qubbet el-Hawa, Aswan (QH 35 e)
Bibliography: Edel, Feslgrbernekropole der Qubbet
el-Hawa, I/1, 846847, figs. 14, 58, 10, 15, 17, 2021,
pls. 5055, 5657, 58.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# cmow.
Other titles: |my-r# o#w, |my-r# X#swt (nbt; n st-|b nb.f),
|my-r# Sno m NXb, |nn Xr(w) X#swt [n] nb.f, om|t "r m X#swt,
wHm mdw "r (n Smsw.f), mH-|b <|b?> n nswt n vp-rsy(?),
xry-Hb(t), [Hry-sSt]# nb.f, Hry-sSt# n r#-o# Smow, Hry-tp o# n
nswt, smr woty, sHD Hmw-nTr Mn-nfr-Ppy, sHD Hmw-nTr %o-nfrMrnro, d(dw) nrw <"r> m X#swt n nb.f.
Suggested date: Dynasty VII.
(66) cbk-Htp
Source: False door Louvre C 28-N 182 (pl. 1).
Bibliography: P. Pierret, Recueil dinscriptions indites du Muse Egyptien du Louvre, pt. 2, reprint edition
(Hildesheim and New York 1978), 23.
Relevant titles: smr woty, xry-tp nswt, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Snwt(y); Hq# Hwt, smr woty, xry-tp
Suggested date: Dynasties VI-VIII.
(67) Cps-pw-Mnw: $n|: $n(|)-onXw
Source: Rock-cut tomb at El-Hawawish, neropolis of Akhmim (H 24).
Bibliography: Kanawati, El-Hawawish 2, figs. 712,
15, 1921, 25.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, smr woty, |my-r# Smow; |my-r#
Smow m sp#wt; |my-r# Smow m sp#wt mHtt.
Other titles: |wn knmt, |my |z, |my-r# |t Smow (m sp#wt),
|my-r# Hmw-nTr, |ry nfr-H#T, |t Mnw, oD-mr cb#-"r-Xnty-pt, oDmr ep, mn|w NXn, mdw rXyt, Hry-tp o# (n) IX, Xrp nTrw, Xrp
SnDt nbt, Xt Mnw, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t), xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, sm#
Mnw, smr woty.
Suggested date: Dyn. VIII or IX.

Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.

Suggested date: Dynasty VIII.
(70) Cm#|
Source: Tomb chapel at Kom El-Koffar
Bibliography: I. Mostafa, ASAE 70 (19841985), 419
429, pls. 12; II. G. P. Gilbert, JEA 90 (2004), 7379, figs.
Relevant titles: |ry-p#t, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |ry-pot, |t nTr, mry nTr, H#ty-o,
xry-Hb(t), sm# Mnw, smr woty.
(71) Cm#|
Source: Coptos decrees H/P, I, L. M, Q, S/T.
Bibliography: Goedicke, Knigliche Dokumente,
Relevant titles: [H#ty-o], Xtmty-b|ty, |my-r# Smow (H/P).
Other titles: |my-r# n|wt, t#yty z#b T#Ty, |my-r# Smow, |myr# Hmw-nTr, sm# Mnw (I); |t-nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, sDty nswt,
|my-r# n|wt, t#yty z#b T#ty, H#ty-o |my-r# Smow, smr woty, |my-|z,
mn|w NXn, Hry-tp NXb, xry-Hb(t), |my-r# Hmw-nTr, sm# Mnw
(K, L, Q, S/T ?); |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, |my-r# n|wt, t#yty z#b
T#ty, |my-r# Smow, |my-r# Hmw-nTr (M).
Suggested date: Kings Wadjkare, Neferkauhor
(72) K#-n-nb.f: %nw
Source: Small tomb erected within the temenos wall of
the mastaba of the vizier Mereruka in the Teti Pyramid
Cemetery at Saqqara32.
Bibliography: Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetery, pls. 74 [1], 76 [24], cf. view, pl. 17 [B], 27, 38, 42,
1867 [14], 209 [13], 270 [1]; P. Duell, The Mastaba of
Mereruka, vol. 1 (OIP 31; Chicago, 1938), pl. 219 [B].
Relevant titles: xry-tp nswt, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Snwty.
Suggested date: Late Old Kingdom (B).

(68) Cm#|
Source: Elephantine archive, pBerlin 10523.
Bibliography: Hieratische Papyrus aus den knigliche Museen zu Berlin, vol. 3, pt. 1 (Leipzig, 1906), pl. 4/
Relevant titles H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Late Old Kingom (King cXm-k#-Ro).

(73) vr|
Source: Red granite offering slab without provenance,
CG 23033.
Bibliography: A.B. Kamal, Tables doffrandes, (Cairo
Catalogue General; Cairo, 1909), 2627, pl. 14.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o.
Suggested date: Dynasty IX.

(69) Cm#|
Source: Basalt statue base, Brooklyn 16.580.98.
Bibliography: T.G.H. James, Corpus of Hieroglyphic
Inscriptions in the Brooklyn Museum, vol. 1 (Brooklyn,
1974), 27 (66), pl. 25.

32 Firth, Teti Pyramid Cemetery, 27, noting that %nws portrait was
inserted in front of the well known relief of Mereruka painting the
seasons, suggested that he was a son of Mereruka. Baer, Rank and
Title, p. 145 [533], considers the identification dubious.

32 E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2

(74) V#wt|
Source: Basalt false door, CG 57201, from Khozam in the
Coptite nome.
Bibliography: Fischer, Coptite Nome, 4748, cat. no. 14.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: mH-|b n nswt n r#-o# Smow.
Suggested date: Third generation of Dynasty IX.
(75) V#wt|-|qr
Source: Wadi Hammamat graffito No. 147.
Bibliography: Couyat and Montet, Oudi Hammmat 1,
Relevant titles: [|t nTr], mry nTr, |ry-pot, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr Mnw.
Suggested date: Third generation of Dynasty IX.
(76) V#wt|-|qr
Source: Wadi Hammamat graffito No. 149.
Bibliography: Couyat and Montet, Oudi Hammmat 1,
91, pl. 35.
Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, xry-Hb(t), smr woty,
|my-r# Hmw-nTr Mnw, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Third generation of Dynasty IX.
(77) V#wt|-|qr
Source: Wadi Hammamat graffito No. 152.
Bibliography: Couyat and Montet, Oudi Hammmat 1,
92, pl. 34.
Relevant titles: |t nTr, mry nTr, |ry-pot, xry-Hb(t), smr woty,
|my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr Mnw.
Suggested date: Third generation of Dynasty IX33.

(80) EHwty-nXt
Source: Graffito in the alabaster quarries at Hatnub.
Bibliography: Anthes, Hatnub, 1416, pl. 6, Inscription X.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xrp nsty, |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |my-r#
Other titles: Hry-tp o# Wnt.
Suggested date: Early Dyn. IX, King Khety.
(81) EHwty-nXt
Source: Graffito in the alabaster quarries at Hatnub.
Bibliography: Anthes, Hatnub, 14, pl. 7, Inscription IX.
Relevant titles: H#ty-o, Xrp nsty, |my-r# Hmw-ntr, |my-r#
Other titles: Hry-tp o# n Wnt.
Suggested date: Early Dynasty IX, King Meryibre.
(82) NN, son of d
Source: Fragmentary false door from beneath the floor of
the Eighteenth Dynasty temple of Osiris at Abydos.
Bibliography: Petrie, Abydos 1, pl. 54.
Relevant titles: [|my]-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# pr-nTr, [|my-r# Hw]t-nTr nt inHrt, |rypot, |ry-Xt m st wrt, wr m P, r# Pyw nb, H#ty-o, Hry-tp o# n v#wr, xry-Hb(t), smr woty, smsw m ep.
Suggested date: Fourth generation of Dyn. IX.

Middle Kingdom

(78) V#wt|-|[qr]
Source: Graffito at Gebel Qarn el-Gir, Western Desert.
Bibilography: Darnell and Darnell, Theban Desert
Road Survey 1, 3037, pls. 7c, 1925.
Relevant titles: [|t nTr], mry [nTr], |ry-pot, |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Third generation of Dynasty IX.

(83) mn-wsr (ms.n "pyw)

Source: Round-topped stele fragment in collection of
Mrs. Josephine H. Fisher of Detroit from Abydos tomb
368 A 07.
Bibliography: Simpson, JEA 51 (1965), 6368, pl. 143;
idem, JEA 52 (1966), 174.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date: Amenemhat III.

(79) E#D#y
Source: Relief slab from talus above tomb and to the
west of T 104 at El-Qasr wa Es-Saiyad.
Bibliography: Sve-Soderbergh, Hamra Dom, 6263,
pls. 46 b, 47, 71.
Relevant titles: [], Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty, Hq# Hwt, |myr# &Smow\.
Suggested date: Dynasty IX.

(84) mn-m-H#t
Source: Graffito in Wadi Hammamat, No. 113.
Bibliography: Couyat and Montet, Oudi Hammmt,
7981, pl. 29.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow m|-qd.f.
Other titles: |my-r# n|wt, |ry-pot, H#ty-o, t#yty z#b T#ty,
|my-r# k#t.
Suggested date: Dynasty XI, year 2 Mentuhotep IV.

33 The three Wadi Hammamat graffiti are translated by Strudwick,

Texts from the Pyramid Age, 143144.

(85) Nbk#wro-cnb: w-snb

Source: Stele in Egyptian Museum, Cairo, JdE 14/69/9/1.

E. Brovarski, Overseers of Upper Egypt, Part 2 33

Bibliography: A. El-Sawi, GM 92 (1986), 8789.

Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow.
Suggested date:
(86) NXt-onX (Hr.n xnmw-o#)
Source: Coffin and burial equipment from Rifeh.
Bibliography: Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh, 4344, pls.
Relevant titles: [Hry-tp o#] n XI, |my-Smow m|-qd.f.
Other titles: H#ty-o, mry nTr.
Suggested date: Amenemhat II-Senusert III.
(87) %pr-k#-Ro (|r.n n|/cDmyt)
Source: I. stele CG 20531; II. Leiden stele V.5.
Bibliography: I. H.O. Lange and H. Schfer, Grabund Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches, vol. 2 (Cairo Catalogue General; Berlin, 1908), 133135, pl. 38; II. P. A. A.
Boeser, Beschreibung der Aegyptischen Sammlung des
Niederlndischen Reichsmuseums der Altertmer in Leiden, vol. 2 (Leiden, 1906), pl. 5.
Relevant titles: |ry-pot, H#ty-o, Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty, Hrytp o# n t# r-Dr.f, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |wn Smow pr-nswt, |my-r# ob wHmt Swt nSmt
ddt pt qmt t#, |my-r# o-xnwty, |my-r# pr wr, |my-r# pr-wr m t#
r-Dr.f, |my-r# k#t nbt nt nswt, |my-r# v#-mHw, |t nTr mry, rX
nswt m#o, etc.
Suggested date: Amenemhat II.
(88) c#-#st (|r.n s-n-pr.s)
Source: I. Leiden stele V, 7; II. British Museum stele,
BM 561.
Bibliography: Simpson, Terrace of the Great God, 20,
pl. 60 (ANOC 41.1 and 2).

Relevant titles: rX nswt m#o mry.f, |my-r# Smow v#-MHw.

Other titles: |my-r# o-xnwty, |my-r# pr wr, |ry-pot, H#ty-o,
Xtmty-b|ty, smr woty.
Suggested date: Middle/end of Dynasty XII34.
(89) Ef(#).|-"opy (ms. n dy o#t) ##
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Asyut, No. I.
Bibliography: Griffiths, Sit and Dr Rfeh, pls. 19.
Relevant titles: |my-r# Smow m|-qd.f.
Other titles: |my-r# wpt Htpw-nTr, |my-r# oH-nTr Smow,
|my-r# Hmw-nTr n npw nb R#-qrrt, |my-r# Hmw-nTr (m#o) n
Wpw#wt nb c#wt, |my-r# Hmw-nTr n Ws|r nb [|mnt], |my-r# gspr n nswt, |ry-pot, oD-mr ep, wty npw, rX nswt m#o, H#ty-o,
Hm-nTr "r npw, Hry-sSt# n mdw-nTr, Hry-tp o# n XIII, Hry-tp
NXb, Xrp |#t nb(t) nTr(t), Xrp nsty m prwy, Xrp Hwwt nt HDt
dSrt, Xrp Smow?, Xtmty-b|ty, sHD Hmw-nTr m pr Wpw#wt, dw#
"r-Xnty-pt smr woty, etc.
Suggested date: Senusert I.
(90) EHwty-Htp
Source: Rock-cut tomb at Deir el-Bersheh.
Bibliography: P. E. Newberry, El Bersheh, Part 1 (ASE 3;
London, 1892).
Relevant titles: oD-mr, |my-r# Smow.
Other titles: |my-r# Hmw-nTr, |ry-pot, |ry NXn, wr 5, wr 5
(m) pr EHwty, wD mdw n Hryw wDb, r# Pyw nb, H#ty-o, Hm-nTr
M#ot, Hry-sSt# n m##(t) wo, Hry-sSt# n mdw-nTr, Hry-sSt# n r#wprw, Hry-sSt# n Xt nTr, Hry-tp |#wt Xntt, Hry-tp o# n Wnt, Hry-tp
NXb, Hry-tp sp#wt Smow, Xww-o n |my oH, Xrp |#wt nTrt nbt, Xrp
|myw nTrw, Xrp nswt Xr m|tr, Xrp nsty, Xrp Htp-nTr, Xrp SnDt
nbt, Xtmty-b|ty, xry-Hb(t) Hry-tp, z#b oD-mr ep, sm, smr woty
n(y)-mrwt, smsw |zt m prwy-m|tr.
Suggested date: Senusert III.

34 Franke, Personendaten, dossier no. 511.

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