Thailand Brochure

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hailand is the geographical heart of South-East Asia.

The infamous golden triangle, located at the nations
northernmost point, is where Thailands borders meet
those of both Laos and Myanmar (Burma). The border with
Myanmar continues to the west and then south as far as the
Malay Peninsula, much of which is occupied by Thailand. On
the east, the border with Laos meanders southeast along the
Mekong River until it reaches Cambodia, which is due east of
Bangkok, the Thai Capital. In the south is the Gulf of Thailand.



The culture of Thailand incorporates cultural beliefs and

characteristics indigenous to the area known as modern-day
Thailand coupled with much influence from ancient India, China,
Cambodia, Laos along with the neighbouring pre-historic cultures
of Southeast Asia.

The official language of Thailand is the Thai language, or more

precisely Siamese or Central Thai, but the languages spoken in
Thailand include Thai, English, and various minority tongues.


The northern mountainous region of Thailand contains

numerous ruins and temples, the ancient city of Chiang Mai,
and Thailands highest peak, Doi Inthanon. This region is also
home to the hill tribes of Thailand, distinct ethnic groups which
settled in the area thousands of years ago after migrating from
as far away as Tibet and central China. Chiang Mais historical
centre is the walled city, although only sections of the wall
remain. Inside the remaining city walls are more than 30
temples in a combination of Burmese, Sri Lankan and Lanna
Thai styles, decorated with beautiful wood carvings, Naga
staircases, leonine and angelic guardians, gilded umbrellas
and pagodas laced with gold filigree. Modern-day Chiang Mai
has expanded in all directions, most recently to Ping River
(Mae Nam Ping) in the east, where the famous Night Bazaar
and the bulk of Chiang Mais hotels and guest houses are
located. Loi Kroh Rd is the centre of the citys night life, and
Ratchadamneon Rd hosts the main Sunday night walking street
market from Tha Phae Gate to the popular Wat Phra Singh.

Thailand can be an extremely hot and soggy place. Its tropical

climate is divided into three seasons: cool in November to
February, hot in March to May, and rainy in June to October. The
seasons are more extreme in the northern regions, where the
dry heat can grow quite intense in late spring and the cool can
become cold in the mountains. The rainy season is no detriment
to travel in Thailand, as the rains can be cool and refreshing.

The basic monetary unit in Thailand is the Baht. A Baht is divided

into 100 satang. The following coins and notes are currently
in use: Coins: 25 and 50 satang; 1, 5 and 10 Baht. Bank notes:
10(brown), 20(green), 50(blue), 100(red), 500(purple) and
1,000(grey) Baht. The most useful bills tend to be 20s and 100s, as
many small shops and stalls dont carry much change. Taxi drivers
also like to pull the no change trick; if caught, hop into the
nearest convenience store and make a small purchase. Beware of
1000-baht notes, as counterfeits are not uncommon.

The town of Surat Thani is a small and quaint southern Thai

city. It has very little western influence and gives a great
perspective as to how southern Thais really live. Surat Thani
is the largest city near the westernmost islands in the Gulf of
Thailand. An hour bus ride and another hour on a ferry is the
most direct route to the island of Koh Samui.
In general, Thailand is famous for its friendly people and its
safe, yet exciting backpacking destinations.

Chiang Mais restaurants offer a wide range of food, second only
to Bangkok. Naturally its a good place to sample northern Thai
food. Try some of the more well-known and local favourites:
Khao soi - yellow wheat noodles in curry broth, traditionally
served with chicken or beef.
Pad Thai - Fried noodles with eggs, bean sprouts, onions and
Tom Yam Goong - Spicy, herbal soup with shrimp.
Goiteow - Noodle soup.
Blah Nung Manao - Steamed fish stuffed with herbs, lime sauce.
For those tired of eating rice or noodles theres also a wide range
of excellent international food restaurants. You will easily find
Italian, Mexican, American, German and Japanese restaurants as
well as fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut,
Subway and Starbucks.



Volunteering in Thailand is bound to leave lasting memories and
with a range of exciting programs in Chiang Mai, Surin, Surat
Thani and Koh Samui we have the country covered.
The most satisfying experience for volunteers comes through
interacting with the people of Thailand, learning something of the
language, and throwing yourself into work designed to help the
local community.
Love Volunteers partner have vast experience of guiding and
overseeing volunteers during their placements. We do all we can
to ensure that volunteers in Thailand derive real benefit from
their stay, while remaining safe and gaining the respect of the
people with whom they come into contact.
To spend time in Thailand not merely holiday there is eyeopening for all concerned. Whether teaching English in schools,
working outdoors, or with elephants, every volunteer in Thailand
becomes deeply immersed in this Far Eastern culture and gains
an otherwise unattainable insight into a fascinating and vastly
different culture.
Thailand is known as one of the most popular South East Asian
travel destinations. Its beauty and the innocent friendliness of the
Thai people is legendary. For trekking, scuba-diving, beach fun
and eating, Thailand offers unique experiences.

Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old at the start of their
placement and have a good command of English. For English
teaching some experience is preferred but not mandatory - being
proactive and motivated to provide help at the school and in the
classroom goes a long way. Working outdoors can be hard so
volunteers joining the outdoors programs need to be physically
fit, have a positive attitude and a willingness to help in many
areas. Volunteers will be required to provide a recent CV or
resume and a police background check if working with children.

Start and Duration

Programs in Chiang Mai and Surat Thani begin on 1st and 3rd
Monday of each month, however volunteers must arrive on the
Friday before their start date. Koh Samui and Surin programs
start on the first and third Monday of each month, however those
wishing to include the Bangkok Arrival Weekend need to arrive
on the preceding Thursday/Friday.

Transport and Orientation

It is preferred that volunteers arrive on the Friday prior to their
project start date. During orientation local staff will introduce you
to the team with whom you will be working, and will explain how
the program works and what you can expect. You will be shown
where you can withdraw money, buy snacks, phone cards, and
other items that you might need during your stay. The orientation
is also a great time to meet the other volunteers.

Food and Accommodation

Depending on the program choice accommodation will be
provided in a volunteer guest house or home-stay. Generally
volunteers are required to share a room which is separated by
gender. Breakfast is available for volunteers on all programs.
Lunch can be bought cheaply at local cafes, markets or street
stalls. Some programs include dinner while others give volunteers
the option of preparing their own evening meal.
Thai cuisine - as exotic as it is - needs no introduction. It is wellknown worldwide. Consisting of rice, noodles, vegetables, fresh
herbs and spices, fish sauce, shrimp paste, chilis, flavorsome
soups and curries, there are a huge range of delicious dishes to
try during your stay.
Some favourites include, Khao mu krop - rice and crispy pork that
is often served with boiled egg and a bowl of broth. Khao phat one of the most common rice dishes in Thailand - fried rice with
chicken, beef, shrimp, pork, or vegetarian.

Typical day
A volunteers working day will generally last between 4
and 6 hours, however, specific details of the placement
schedule will be agreed upon during orientation. It is
extremely important to have a flexible attitude and fit in
with the needs of your project. Please keep in mind that
work hours may vary, but a typical pattern is likely to be:
7.00am Rise and have breakfast which will be provided at
the volunteer house, or with your host family.
8.00am Prepare to start at your placement. We suggest
speaking with the local staff members each morning to
plan for the day ahead.
A tea break and lunch break will be fitted in during the day,
but often the timing of breaks will change based on the
needs of the local staff and number of volunteers on hand.
4.00pm A volunteers day will often finish around this time,
but flexibility is required. There are cases where you might
finish a couple of hours earlier, and likewise a couple of
hours later. It is important to fit in with the needs of your
project and as with many things in developing countries
you should be prepared for changes.
Evenings and weekends: Volunteers are free to spend
time in Chiang Mai, Surin, Surat Thani, Koh Samui or to
travel further afield. Some highlights include, the bustling
city of Bangkok, spectacular national parks, stunning
beaches and islands, Thai cooking classes, and of course
the exciting festivals throughout the country. The local
team will be happy to suggest weekend activities.






Our teaching volunteers have the choice of placements in Chiang

Mai which is famous as Thailands Northern retreat. Or in Surat
Thani which is nestled in Southern Thailand, away from the hustle
and bustle of Thailands larger cities. Here volunteers enjoy a
more relaxed atmosphere and a great perspective as to how
southern Thais really live.

Volunteers will be placed in a temple school where they will be

teaching novice Buddhist monks. The volunteers role in the
classroom depends on the school as well as their own comfort
level. Volunteers are paired with a Thai teacher and have the
option of simply helping out with daily lessons, or if confident they
can jump straight in and start taking your own lessons.

The schools are always thrilled at the opportunity to welcome

native English speakers. Regardless of whether you have a
teaching background, your presence alone gives students and
faculty the chance to practice their English skills as they would
in the real world. The role of a teaching English volunteer can be
varied as it takes into account the needs of the school, the time of
year, as well as the volunteers comfort level.

Its important to be flexible as there are a number of other

things that volunteers can help with, like helping children with
their homework, arranging games and activities, cleaning the
classroom and assisting teachers with day to day administrative

On day one each volunteer will be paired with a Thai teacher.

They can simply help out with daily lessons or if they have the
confidence and the drive to do their own lesson planning, they
can lead their own class. Please note, all volunteers who will
be working directly with children must file a certified police
background check before their start date.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

Please note, all volunteers who will be working directly with

children must file a certified police background check before their
start date.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to

the program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first
intended placement.

The time you will spend in class depends on the schools needs as
well as the time of year. Generally, youll be in front of students
anywhere from 10 to 20 hours per week. Volunteers with plenty
of ambition can donate more time planning and possibly helping
out with projects at school.

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to

the program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first
intended placement.






The elephant camp project site is roughly 40 miles (65 kilometres)

from the centre of Chiang Mai. Volunteers stay on-site during the
week and travel back to Chiang Mai for the weekend.

Volunteers will help with gardening and construction at a home

for single mothers. The tasks vary accordingly to the volunteers
skill set, the needs of the compound, the number of volunteers on
hand, as well as the season and weather conditions.

The camp is home to about 70 elephants and has been operating

for over 20 years. Tourists visit on a daily basis to interact with
the elephants, and the revenue funds are used to care for the
elephants and help with upkeep of the facilities.
Part of the duties of volunteers is to feed and bath the animals
each morning as well as helping to clean and maintain the
facilities. In the afternoon volunteers may have the chance to
work closely with the elephant trainers. Due to the nature of this
program volunteers should be able-bodied, enjoy working outside
and with animals.
Beyond this, the nearby village is home to the staff and their
families, most of whom are from the countryside. There are all
kinds of ways you can help but teaching English in the local school
in your free time will be great appreciated.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

This might include teaching English, computer training, or

handicraft demonstrations. While you will be supervised by
our local team, it is expected that volunteers will exercise
responsibility and use initiative while working on projects.
Volunteers should have a basic knowledge of building and tools,
be between the ages of 20-40 and enjoy working outside.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to

the program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first
intended placement.

The work can involve bamboo construction, laying cement

foundations, painting, digging and maintaining gardens and
harvesting the organically grown produce. Volunteers will mostly
work outside in the heat, they therefore need to be in good
physical condition. Working with the single mothers to help them
gain new skills and improve their quality of life is the numberone objective. As well as construction and gardening volunteers
should be willing to share their skills and knowledge.

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to

the program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first
intended placement.



Koh Samui is a stunning tourist island situated in the Gulf of Thailand. A playground for holidaymakers; beautiful beaches, a myriad of
seafood restaurants, and a buzzing nightlife, it is not hard to see why the Island is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.
However, what a lot of people do not realise is that there is another side to the island. Behind the bright lights and shiny resorts there is
poverty and destitution.
Most government-run schools in Thailand suffer greatly from underfunding. Thailand simply doesnt have the available money required
to keep education as its priority. Teaching materials are severely lacking and antiquated. Computers are few and far between, if any at all!
Lesson plans and curriculums suffer immensely, but most importantly so do the students. In places like Koh Samui, where tourism is the
number one industry, to find a job of any kind, English is a prerequisite, and any Thai with an ability to speak even the most Basic English
stands a better chance of breaking free from poverty. With just a Basic English ability, prospects are improved considerably. That where
volunteers come in!
Volunteers joining this project do not necessarily need experience in teaching (although experience and qualifications will help volunteers
to feel more comfortable, more quickly), just a good knowledge of the English language. Volunteers will be guided through the teaching
process by the local team of trained, English speaking staff who have several years of experience teaching English to Thai school children.
Lesson plans, teaching materials, guidance and confidence will be there waiting for them when they arrive.
Bangkok Weekend (Optional Extra US$100): Volunteers can choose to be collected at Bangkok airport and spend the first night at the
guesthouse located on amazing Khao San Road, in the heart of Bangkok. Here they will meet fellow volunteers, and be taken on a guided
tour of the city, including a welcome lunch at a popular Thai restaurant. Volunteers are then assisted to the coach terminal where they
board a coach and make their way to Koh Samui Island. This is a fantastic way to begin a placement and is highly recommended.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to the

program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first intended



When it comes to spending money, the maintenance of the buildings, classrooms, tables, chairs, canteen, bathrooms, playgrounds and
buildings are often overlooked simply because there just isnt enough money to go around. Classrooms dont have enough tables or chairs
for the students. Blackboards are worn out and cant be used. Windows, doors and mosquito screens are missing. Playgrounds are a
health and safety nightmare. It doesnt take much to brighten up a classroom, replace a broken door hinge, construct a new blackboard or
remove rusty nails from a childs swing but schools need to prioritize their spending.
Our partner in Thailand works with a number of communities and their schools on Koh Samui. They cant afford the additional funding
to brighten up a school or improve the health, safety and sanitation. They rely on hand-outs that just arent there. As a volunteer on this
project you will be making a donation of not just your time but also money to purchase the necessary materials to fix that window, replace
that sink, improve the running water and more. You dont need to be a DIY expert either. Whatever your skill-set (even if you have none)
our local team will find a project for you that will be safe, fun, and make the kids surroundings more conducive to learning.
Koh Samui is a beautiful island; stunning beaches, crystal clear seas, and amazing food. The volunteer accommodation has everything
you could possibly need in a location which caters for everyone. Close to the beach, close to the nightlife areas, close to the big shops and
malls, you really are spoilt in this perfect location.
Bangkok Weekend (Optional Extra US$100): Volunteers can choose to be collected at Bangkok airport and spend the first night at the
guesthouse located on amazing Khao San Road, in the heart of Bangkok. Here they will meet fellow volunteers, and be taken on a guided
tour of the city, including a welcome lunch at a popular Thai restaurant. Volunteers are then assisted to the coach terminal where they
board a comfortable coach and make their way to Koh Samui Island (including a ferry ride). This is a fantastic way to begin a volunteering
placement and is highly recommended.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to the

program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first intended



Located approximately 60kms north of Surin city lies a very rural and traditional Thai farming community. Houses made of wood, roads
made of dirt, rice and sugar cane fields as far as the eye can see. This is one of the most beautiful and genuine areas of Thailand. For
centuries, the locals here have used the indigenous Elephants as beast of burden, and up until the mid-1980s local elephants here were
still used for logging. Now however logging is an illegal process. This means that the elephants have literally been made redundant.
Treated by their owners just like your ordinary household pets, these elephants can consume upwards of 300kgs of food daily and require
constant health checks this is extremely expensive for an ordinary farming family whose income maybe less than $5 per day.
In order to pay for an elephants care, many of their owners (known as Mahouts) began to walk their elephants through the streets of the
big cities, selling photo opportunities to tourists. This is obviously a hugely dangerous activity, plus an elephant is built to live in a rural
setting, not to walk hot, dusty roads and breathe poisoned air.
Our partners in Thailand have promised to support them and the elephants by supplying physical labour and finance if they promise not
to tout their elephants to tourists. In addition to covering the costs of accommodation and food, program fees on this project are used to
ensure the elephants remain in a healthy, natural environment. That they receive the right healthcare and a regular healthy diet. This is a
unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live as and work with real Thai Mahouts. Spend 3 nights and 4 days each week learning how to
work with, train, feed and wash the elephants.
In addition, volunteers on this program will experience real Thai community life first-hand; help with cooking the meals, farming the land,
getting their hands dirty on small micro-development projects, make paper from elephant poo, help with farming tasks, go kayaking and
Thai fishing on the local river, learn the Thai language and Thai cooking skills, interact with the community kids and heaps more.

Fees and Expenses (USD)

1 week


8 weeks


2 weeks


10 weeks


3 weeks


12 weeks


4 weeks


16 weeks


5 weeks


20 weeks


6 weeks


24 weeks


* A Love Volunteers registration fee of US$235 is charged in addition to the

program fees and is valid for 12 months from the start of your first intended


Why volunteer abroad?

Will I be useful?

Will I be working with other volunteers?

Being a volunteer requires you to give up your time and money

to help those less fortunate than yourself. Despite these
sacrifices most volunteers leave their experience having gained
considerably more. It sounds like a cliche, but we constantly
hear phrases like life changing experience - and that it is! In our
opinion (and those of most of our volunteers), to get involved at a
grassroots level is infinitely more helpful and far more rewarding
than a simple donation.

In your day-to-day work youll be helping impoverished people.

Ultimately though, how useful you are depends on you! The
volunteers who are willing to accept that life will be different,
and wont always go to plan, are usually the ones who have the
most successful placements. Likewise, those who can use their
initiative, will both give the most and in return gain the most from
the experience.

Generally, yes, but this depends on the location and time of year.
Some of our programs are busier than others so please let us
know your preference and we will make some suggestions.

Why should I pay to volunteer?

Good question! A lot of people are surprised when they realise
they have to pay to volunteer. However, the cost of volunteering
includes accommodation, food, transport and in-country support
staff. When you consider the costs you might incur at a hotel or
eating at restaurants, the costs are minimal.
Plus, as Love Volunteers offer non-profit program fees you
know that every penny of your program fee is going to the local
organizations and the people you have chosen to support. Our
local partners are grass-root organizations who, in many cases,
are solely funded by volunteer fees and for the concept to work
fees are essential. Ultimately, it is a decision of where your money
goes. To a hotel, or a local family? We know which wed choose.

Are there more expenses once I arrive?

Although the program fee includes your accommodation and
most meals you will need additional money for buying snacks
and souvenirs, eating at cafes or restaurants, socializing with
other volunteers and locals, transport and weekend travel. Other
costs include your flights, travel insurance, visa and vaccinations,
departure tax and buying a local sim card. Once youve arrived
you may also need to pay for bottled water, wifi, and local buses
to and from your project, which can cost around US$ 1-2 per day
depending on your destination and program type.

Many volunteers choose to undertake additional side projects

while working. If you see something missing or not working
correctly while volunteering, make it your mission to fix it while
youre there. It doesnt need to be huge! Maybe its a leaky tap, a
broken gate or a chicken coop that needs to be built. Whatever it
is, it will be your legacy after youve left!
There are so many ways to contribute, something that seems very
small to you is likely to be life-changing for the person you are
helping. A small act of kindness goes a long way.

How bona fide is the local organization?

Love Volunteers only works with trusted, established partner
NGOs. All of Love Volunteers partner organizations have been
fully vetted to ensure that, not only does a genuine need for
assistance exist, but that the environments that we place our
volunteers are safe and of a high quality. Transparency is a high
priority and their credentials can be checked out. Love Volunteers
ensure that volunteers have access to local support 24/7.

Can I come with a friend, or as a group?

Yes, we welcome individuals, couples, families, small and large
groups, students and professionals to join our programs. We
dont have an age limit and we know from many past experiences
that everyone has the capacity to make an amazing contribution
by becoming a volunteer.

We have found that some people prefer to be around fewer

volunteers, as this is a great way to become part of the
community and to be fully immersed in the local culture. Other
volunteers prefer to be around more international volunteers,
which is a great way to make new friends and means you will have
like-minded people to plan weekend activities with.

Which countries do volunteers come from?

We have volunteers from all over the world, but most of them
come from North America, the United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, France, Korea and Japan. What a great
way to meet other like-minded people from around the globe!


What skills or qualifications do I need?

This is totally dependent on the program you choose and you
will find specific requirements are detailed in each program
description. Some specialized programs such Healthcare/Medical/
Architecture/Media and others, require that you hold relevant
qualifications and/or experience within that field. In these cases
you will need to provide a current CV/Resume and/or proof of
qualifications. Other Healthcare programs will simply require you
to be undertaking some form of study in the field. Please note,
these programs tend to be more observatory in nature, but the
experience can be hugely beneficial to students.
A good grasp of English is generally required for all programs and
mandatory for all Teaching English programs. Some programs
may require you to have an understanding of the local language
and we strongly recommend that at the very least you learn the
basics, so that your time volunteering is both productive and
enjoyable. On many programs we can arrange for you to join
language classes in addition to your placement.
Aside from specific requirements, all programs share a common
prerequisite. That above all else, volunteers are open-minded and
have a true and honest desire to help, no matter the situation.
Having the ability to adapt and use your initiative will be the single
determining factor in the success of your volunteer placement.

What are meals and accommodation like?

Accommodation and meal types can be very different. Every
country will have its own distinct flavour, not only regarding the
food, but the accommodation as well. Where possible, we have
deliberately sought out accommodation offering volunteers a
traditional/local experience, including the food that is provided at
meal time. We feel strongly that immersion into the local culture
is one of the fundamentals of successful volunteering. In short,
the accommodation and food you will experience meet our own
requirements. That is to say, we wouldnt mind bedding down

there for a few weeks ourselves (and likely already have). That
said, you need to remember that some locations will be lacking
certain amenities you may be accustomed to at home. Hot water
for instance ... so no bubble baths after a days work sorry!
Ultimately, the specifics of your accommodation and meals
will depend on the location you choose. Check out the country
Details page for more info, or just ask us.

What can I do when Im not volunteering?

There will be plenty of time to relax in the evenings and
weekends. We find that volunteers often spend their free time
together and tend to visit local attractions, plan excursions or
weekend trips to nearby areas, or simply relax at home after a
busy week of volunteering.
Our local team can often help to organise weekend excursions
and will have some great suggestions. These will incur additional
costs, but by making these arrangements once you are in-country
the costs will likely be much lower than booking in advance.

Will I have access to the Internet?

In the vast number of cases, the locations where our volunteers
are placed either have wifi at the project site, or in the volunteer
house/host family accommodation. Where this is not the case,
project sites are usually close enough to a sizeable city where
internet cafes abound. The opportunity will arise at least once
weekly to visit one of these. It is important to remember though,
that the internet service in developing countries, as with many
other aspects of life, will not be as reliable as you may be used
to. Even when internet is available, it could be slow and/or
intermittent. This is a factor that every volunteer will encounter at
least once, and must become accustomed to. The lack of ability to
communicate with friends and family as often as you may like can
often sound daunting at first, but you may also come to find that
this non-reliance on technology can be a refreshing change!


Do I need insurance?
While not all of our programs require insurance it is highly
recommended that all volunteers arrange travel insurance.
Regardless of which country you are visiting it is important to be
covered should something go wrong. You need to be prepared for
all possibilities, which could include losing your luggage, dealing
with flight interruptions or cancellations, and covering health and
medical expenses. In our view the best option is World Nomads
who offer flexible policies for travelers in developing countries.

What about flights, visas and vaccinations?

Love Volunteers can advise on what is required to volunteer and
are working closely with some amazing companies to help make
this is a straightforward process. Whether you need quotes on
flights and insurance, or information about visas and vaccinations
please check our resources page for more information.



Choose your country

and program


Submit your application

We email you with application acceptance... success!
(Dont worry, well contact you if there are any problems)

We work on finalizing
your placement


Within a day or two of registering you will

receive your verification letter and the country
guidebook which will help you prepare for
your adventure

Pay the program fees if theyre due in advance
(instructions are included in the guidebook)

Get ready,



Click the link in the acceptance

emailand pay the registration
fee online

Start planning
and booking - flights,
travel insurance, visas,
vaccinations etc




Volunteering is going to be a life-changing experience, but it is

important to remember that it wont always be easy. You will find
that things dont always run smoothly in developing countries,
and this experience will challenge and at times may frustrate you,
but keep calm, stay positive and be considerate of other cultures.

Love Volunteers is the most affordable way to volunteer and

help local communities in developing countries. Why are we
cheaper than other organizations? Firstly, we are just a handful
of passionate people working hard to help volunteers and local
communities around the world. We dont have huge overheads no company cars, no downtown office - were just volunteers who
thought we could do a better job. Secondly, we work with local
organizations wherever we can to keep administration costs to a
minimum and also to feed as much money and skills as possible
into the local communities where we operate.

Sometimes different customs can seem unusual, or even

backward, but try not to forget that you are there to serve the
local community. If you are concerned that something is not going
your way, look at the bigger picture and ask if it is helping the
local people. There are so many ways to contribute, something
that seems very small to you is likely to be life-changing for the
person you are helping. A small act of kindness goes a long way.

We have volunteers join us from all walks of life. Perhaps you are
taking a gap year, are in between jobs, or have taken a sabbatical.
For some, it might be the chance to use your annual leave, or a
school or university holiday to help others. Whatever the reason,
volunteering is the ideal way to convert your free time into an
enriching, life-changing experience.
By making the choice to volunteer, you unlock a whole dimension
to yourself that could just lie dormant and untested your entire
life. You get to experience life in another country. There are gains
that will vary from individual to individual in terms of discovering
depths of respect, understanding, compassion, maturity; which
inevitably leads to a re-appraisal of oneself and what is important.
Deciding on how long to sign up for is very much a personal
decision and will depend on factors that only you can determine.
How long can you be away from your studies or career? What
level of commitment and stamina do you possess? What can
you afford to spend? Although any length of stay is beneficial, a
common post-volunteering sentiment is: I wish Id stayed longer!

You will need to get used to living with fewer luxuries, having to
be sparing with water, eating sometimes less varied food, getting
more tired than you are perhaps used to, and being without
the mod cons of home. Being immersed in another culture and
understanding how they live can be exciting and an eye-opening
experience. Relax and embrace it!

In addition to the fulfilling experience of assisting those in need,
volunteering is also a wonderful way to meet new people and
develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Many volunteers talk
with enthusiasm about the relationships they have developed
and still maintain with the local people and other international
volunteers. We realise this is one of the true benefits of
volunteering and encourage you to make the most of the unique
opportunity to develop these cross-cultural friendships.
Take some time to explore your surroundings and truly
experience another country and culture. The daily rigours of
volunteer work, although extremely satisfying, can be hard.
We encourage our volunteers to have a look around and plan
weekend excursions where and when possible.


All of Love Volunteers partner organizations have been fully

vetted to ensure that not only does a genuine need for assistance
exist, but that the environments that we place our volunteers in
are safe and of a high quality. We understand the importance
of being involved with worthwhile projects and we work hard to
ensure this.
Immersing yourself in new cultures and surroundings is part of
the excitement and wonder of traveling. However, as with any
travel to developing countries, there is always a chance that things
might not go according to plan. The safety of our volunteers is
our number one priority and we work closely with our partner
organizations to understand the local security and safety
arrangements and only provide programs where we have carried
out a thorough safety assessment. In addition to this we will
ensure that all safety and security considerations are made clear
to you in your starter/welcome pack. We will also appoint a Love
Volunteers staff member to be your point of contact throughout
the duration of your placement.
Volunteering is exciting and challenging, fascinating and fulfilling,
and will engage all of your emotions. It will highlight skills and
strengths and inevitably, will lead to a re-appraisal of oneself, and
we know you will be pleased with what you discover!
Are you ready to become a Love Volunteer?

Love Volunteers New Zealand
PO Box 199
US: +1 415 800 4993
UK: +44 1865 522 688
NZ: +64 21 443 243
or E-mail us


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