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The Approach Manifesto By Bobby Rio | want to let you in on the big secret to meeting more women. ..But first you got to understand what's really stopping you... Because it's not what you think. The #1 thing preventing you from approaching more women is NOT fear. It's NOT “approach anxiety" It's NOT lack of a good opening line. Nope. The #1 thing preventing you from approaching women is the same thing that prevents you from... ~ Cleaning your apartment = Going to the gym - Writing a term paper - Getting an oil change - Doing your taxes - Organizing your closet You're not scared to do any of those things. You don't get "organizing your closet anxiety” Yet, the majority of us still avoid doing those things... Why? One simple deadly phrase we say to ourselves... "Y'l do it tomorrow." Yep. What's really holding you back from approaching more women is PROCRASTINATION... It's easier for you to say "Next time I'll approach her” "Hal Se Then it is to deal with the momentary discomfort of breaking the ice with a stranger... (Yes, that's all it is momentary discomfort) Just the it's easier to say tomorrow I'll go the gym... to deal with the discomfort of thirty minutes ona treadmill... It's your infinite ability to put off talking to women for another day... that is really stopping you from meeting more of them... So if you're not really that scared to approach a woman... then why do you procrastinate? The cold hard truth is that you procrastinate approaching women because you're just not motivated enough to do it. Lack of Motivation Is Keeping You From Approaching... Now I can already here you saying: “Bobby, I’m extremely motivated to talk to girls. It’s all | think about.” You don't fully understand the concept of motivation... Let me ask you something... Who do you think is more motivated to go the gym? ‘A 400 pound guy whose doctor just told him that if he doesn’t get some exercise he's gonna have a heart attack, Or a guy who's in decent shape, been going to the gym for a couple months and is starting to see some results... By all accounts the 400 pound guy should be MUCH more motivated... He's got A LOT more to lose if he doesn't get in shape Yet, if you'd guessed the threat of death would have made him the more motivated one. You would have been wrong. The 400 pound guy has never gone to the gym... -.And the whole process seems like a losing battle... It feels like too big a mountain to climb... Allhe can focus on is the potential discomfort he's going to feel in the gym. So he puts it off until "Monday" On the other hand, the other guy's been going for a few months... And more importantly...he's starting to see some results. He's lifting more weights, his pants fit him better, and when he flexes he's starting to see some outline of muscles. He can't wait to get up in the morning and go the gym.. Why? Because he's got MOMENTUM Any discomfort he felt has been over taken by a surge to get in even better shape Since he's starting to see results he’s imaging himself with a six pack... He's thinking about what his ex is gonna say when she sees him He feels unstoppable... So what is his secret? How did he suddenly get super motivated to the gym? It's actually pretty simple. And its actually something you can use just as easily to motivate yourself to meet more women. So in the previous section we determined that what's really stopping you from meeting more women is procrastination WW ‘And you don't procrastinate because you're scared to approach. You procrastinate because you're not motivated enough to approach... You're more focused on the momentary z discomfort... then the potential reward... "The Carrot on a Stick” Did you ever hear the expression "Carrot on a stick?” It comes from the idea of a driver dangling a carrot in front of a donkey... Just out of reach. As the donkey goes for the carrot the driver yanks it away... Always leaving the carrot just out of reach. Donkeys are dumb animals. So they'll focus on that carrot forever. Always chasing it. Never getting a bite. We're not that dumb. A donkey will stay motivated to chase a carrot it’s never tasted We won't. In order for us to stay motivated to do something... We need a taste of the carrot... Remember I said the guy who's been going to the gym for a while and is starting to see results. He's gonna be a lot more motivated to keep hitting the gym then the 400 pound guy (even though the 400 pound guy's life might depend on him losing the weight) Why? Because he got a taste of the carrot. He knows it’s attainable. He knows it’s within reach On the other hand The 400 pound guy imagines that a fit, healthy body is just a "carrot on a stick” that he'll chase forever. Hence, the lack of motivation. How does this relate to approaching women? I'm glad you asked :) Nod your head if what you're about to read describes your current reality. You go out, you see a woman you'd like to talk to.. And you think "I don't know what to say... Next time I'll do it” Or maybe you say "I'm not really feeling ‘it’ today...” Or you just find yourself standing there, unable to move until finally you tell yourself "I lost my chance..." jump right into "victim mode’ nd say "I hate myself. Why am I such a pussy? What's wrong with me?" And the next time you go out... You repeat this cycle. ‘And repeat this cycle. And repeat this cycle. Until it becomes a habit. I call this the "Non-Approach" Habit... And like any habit you begin to do it unconsciously... After a while you don't even bother to make excuses or blame yourself... You simply give up. And decide that the carrot isn't worth the chase... As you've accepted the "Non Approach" Habit as part of your life... ‘And you even begin to identify yourself with “1'm just not the kind of guy who approaches random wome: Yet, in the back of your mind there is always this gnawing voice saying "I can't settle for this" "Ican't settle for this” Every night you're home alone... or on a date with a woman you're not attracted to... That voice appears: “I can't settle for this" Well, the good news is that you don't have to. What you need is a "Taste of the Carrot” What you need is to build up some momentum... Quick review. 1. It's not fear keeping you from meeting women... its lack of proper motivation. 2. When you continue putting off approaching women, you form a "Non-Approach" habit... 3. You begin to view the idea of approaching and meeting new women as a "carrot on a stick" that isn't worth chasing. 4, The quickest way to change a bad habit like the Non- Approach" habit is to get a taste of the carrot and build some momentum. 5. Once you have momentum, approaching women becomes fun, easy, and leads to meeting dozens of new women every week... Agreed? So the question becomes how do we finally taste the carrot? ‘And the answer is A LOT simpler than you think. Here goes... Make it easier on yourself. Yep. In fact, make it so easy on yourself that you can't help but get results. Your first reaction might be to say duh? But here me out... That's NOT what most gurus are telling you to do... Here's a small list of things I've heard some of the dating gurus recommending guys do to beat approach anxiety... (Sounds hard to me) (Sounds hard to me) (Sounds hard to me) Sctustbe yourself (Don’t you just want to punch them in the face when someone tells you that) The Problem with All The Advice You've Been Given About Approach Anxiety... Here's the problem with everything anyone's ever told you about how to get over your fear of approaching women... The advice is usually: a) Hard. b) Not fun ‘And when something is both hard and not fun... You're not going to do it. Sure, maybe the first day you'll go out there and force yourself to... But will power never lasts long. You CAN NOT depend on will-power to get yourself to approach women. You need MOMENTUM. And you get momentum by making the act of approaching women both Easy and Fun. In the next section I’m going to show you how to make approaching women super easy... Easier the Approact Cold Approaching Sucks... it sucks the big one. | think we can all agree on that... If walking up to random woman and starting a conversation intimidates, then you definitely want to read this report. Because you're going to learn how a handful of “hacks” that make approaching women A LOT easier. And once you learn these you can meet more woman then you know what to do with... without ever having to cold approach a stranger again. Best Spots at a Party to Spark a Conversation Back in college | learned that at the big house parties, there were a handful of spots, that despite my shyness, | could easily start talking to girls... The line for the bathroom was one of them... At some point during the night almost every girl in the party is going to make a trip to the bathroom... usually alone, or with only one or two friends... .~Plus the bathroom is usually away from the loud music and commotion... making much more natural to start a conversation... For some reason it seems conversation is sparked effortlessly there... Another great place at a party is near the keg. In fact, at a lot of the parties | went to | would take over the job pumping the keg and filling the cups... It was a great risk free way to start a conversation with a girl. And then later in the night when | approached her again, it was no longer a cold approach.. talked. ince we had previously You can even stack them on top of each other... - An initial chat at the bathroom - Some more flirting at the keg, Next time she sees you she feels like she’ s known you forever... making it super easy to escalate quickly the conversation... Best Spots in a Bar or Club Bars and clubs have their own little pockets... great little locations that make approaching easi A few years back in New York they banned smoking in bars and clubs... this opened up a goldmine of opportunity for meeting women. Why? Because now there are dozens of women standing outside the bar (usually alone) smoking... I don’t even smoke, but | usually hang out there, because the conversation comes easily. And yep, later in the night all the girls you chatted up outside have gone from cold approaches to warm approaches... Not to mention that bars are basically a real estate game If you get there early and have a spot near the bar... women literally come to you.. You can literally sit back, and be certain that every few minutes a new girl will be standing a few feet away from you... Most of the time they'll start the conversation while their waiting for their drink... What Makes Approaching Women Even Easier? But there’s something that is even more of an advantage then a good spot. There was a great and famous advertising guy, Gary Halbert, who used to ask his students: “"if you and | both owned a hamburger stand and we were in a contest to see who would sell the most hamburgers, what advantages would you most like to have on your side?” The answers vary. Some people say they would like to have the advantage of having superior meat from which to make their hamburgers. Others say they want sesame seed buns. Others mention location. Someone usually wants to be able to offer the lowest prices Anyway, after the students are finished telling what advantages they would most like to have he'd say to them "O.K., I'll give you every single advantage you asked for. |, myself, only want one advantage and, if you will give it to me, | will whip the pants off of all of you when it comes to selling burgers!" "What advantage do you want?" they ask. "The only advantage | want," he'd reply, "is A STARVING CROWD!" Think about it. Put Yourself In Front of a Starving Crowd What | am trying to teach you here is to constantly be on the look out for groups of women who have demonstrated that they are starving (or at least hungry!) for what you can offer. If we're looking to make approaching women as easy as possible... then wouldn’t the easiest woman in the world to approach be the one who is actually looking to be approached. Even more specifically, a woman looking to be approached by a guy like you... Where Do You Find These Women? Last month | got a call from my friend Jared... That night he had been on his first singles cruise around New York City... ‘And he absolutely loved it... There were no games. There was no wondering if she had a boyfriend, No wondering if she was only out to catch up with friends or a it was a girl’s night out... You knew exactly why she was there (to meet a dude). Which made approaching women extremely easy... That's just one example of putting yourself in front of a starving crowd... He’s actually still dating a hot Latina girl he met on the cruise. ‘A few weeks back | got an email from one of Social Training Lab clients... Sebastian At 30 years old... He had finally lost his virginity. To a woman he met in his salsa class... Another example of putting yourself in front of a starving crowd... ‘A woman who attends and pays for a weekly salsa class... and isn’t there with a boyfriend... has just raised her hand and said, yes, I’m open to meet someone... And she’s probably actively looking... Easy. The more you hate cold approaching the more you need to find ways to make it easier on yourself. Now even when you’re in front of a starving crowd... even when you're in front of a group of woman that are actively looking to be approached... You can still make it easier on yourself... How so? Ec Par Signs She Wants YO Approach Her The Easiest Women in the World to Approach You can learn to spot the ones that are sending you the signals that they want you to approach them: Yes, whether you realize it or not, every day, every time you go out, there are women who are trying their damnedest to get your attention and to get you to, approach them... 've talked in depth about this with a lot of extremely hot girls... And girls will tell me how the most frustrating thing in the world for them is when they hear a guy say “oh you're a girl you can get lai anytime you want...” And the girlis like “ Sure, if | put a sign up that said I’m looking to go with someone...” But short of that, these women go out all the time... sometimes they're looking for some male affe n, sometimes its that time of the month and they're just freaken horny, sometimes they've just been dumped and their looking for a revenge lay... Yes, they send all the signals... and guys just don’t pickup what they’re putting down... | think you'll agree, that there is no easier girl to approach then one that is actively trying to get your attention and hinting that she wants to talk to you.. So let’s look at a few of the signs... Signals a Girl Wants to Talk to You The most obvious is that she makes her way over towards you... and for no reason stands in your general area... Here’s what | mean. If you're at a large un-crowded bar... and you and you friend are talking in one corner. And you notice two girls on the other side of the bar. And then twenty minutes later for apparently no reason, they are now on your side of the bar... There is a reason for that. Now if she’s with a group, and she might also accidentally separate herself from the group Or she might just keep finding excuses to walk past you.... IF she’s already close to you, she might shift her body language to be more open to you... to show you that she’s available for you to approach: Or maybe you've had a girl accidentally bump into you.. Did you take advantage of it... or did you just let her apologize and keep walking. (If you kept walking you missed an opportunity) One of the most obvious things a woman will do when she wants to talk to you... is she’ll eavesdrop on your conversation... She'll noticeably laugh at one of your jokes she’s overheard... or even throw her own opinion in to try to get your attention... Maybe she'll even drop something near you hoping that you'll pick it up... Now, women are not stupid... and they know you need an opener... so they'll try th damnedest to give you one... If she’s reading a book or looking at something she'll try to let you see so that you can ask her aboutit... If she’s looking at something or someone she'll talk out loud to herself so that you realize she wants you to comment on it too... She’s handing you an opener on a silver platter. Now those are the obvious ones... Of course there are some girls who are subtler... and with those girls, you'll have to pay closer attention to body language If she catches you looking she might push her hair out of the way so you can see her face better....she adjusts her clothes after looking at you... The fact is The signs are there. Whether it’s a girl in your class... girls in the bar... girls at the park... the girl in your yoga lesson ... or just a girl you see in the hallway at work. You've been getting the signals. And if you want to have the best possible chance at success you really need to learn to spot them Let’s recap real quick. In order to make approaching women as easy as possible... We said You need to put yourself in front of a starving crowd This means you need to find the best possible location to meet women and you need to spot the woman that are actively looking to be approached... and particularly the woman who are sending you the signals that they want you to approach them... But there is one more missing ingredient in making this as easy as possible for you... The Mis: g Ingredient to Meeting Unlimited Amounts of Women Ihave a saying... It’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time You need to be the right person at the right time... What do | mean by this. Chances are more often that you care to admit... you saw a woman... and you just knew that if you went over and talked to her. She would have been totally into you... Yet... you could not get yourself to act. Maybe you talked yourself out of it by finding some excuse like “she doesn’t seem like she wants to be bothered” or “You're just not feeling it”. Or “She probably has a boyfriend waiting at home” or “Next time | see her I'll talk to her...” But you don’t. You froze up, felt uncomfortable, and let the moment pass by. You Lost Your MOJO Around Women... In other words... You've completely lost your Mojo around women... And without this mojo, all the best pickup lines, all the approach me signals, and all the starving crowds in the world won’t help you meet you meet women. If you're sick and tired of feeling frustrated and even a little confused about why you just can’t get yourself to grow some balls and approach women... "ve got another free video coming tomorrow that will address the idea of becoming the right guy in the right place and the right time The video is called The 3 Silent Killers of Your Mojo Around Women... And in this video | am going to expose what it really is that is preventing you from approaching women. Trust me... its not what you think And realizing what it is... and how EASY it is to fix... will have you well on your way to meeting that one girl (you know the one I’m talking about). I'll be sending you that video tomorrow via email The subject line will say: 3 Silent Killers of Your Mojo Around Women. ‘And you don’t want to miss it See you then! You're friend, Bobby Rio P.S. Before the next time you go out, review this PDF and implement these simple tips for making approaching woman a lot easier. P.P.S. If you stick with me over the next couple days | am going to show you how to make approaching women completely easy and natural... to the point you'll wonder why you were ever scared at all.

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