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Central Provident Fund Board

79 Robinson Road, CPF Building, Singapore 068897

Website: CPF Call Centre: 1800-227 1188


Application to Withdraw CPF by Malaysians Residing in West Malaysia

This form may take you 10 minutes to complete.
It is an offence to make any false statement or to produce any document which is false for any purpose in connection with the Central
Provident Fund Act (Cap. 36). Please sign against any amendment made. Use of correction fluid/tape may render the application void.

PART 1 PARTICULARS OF MEMBER: (as shown on the Malaysian identity card)

CPF Account Number:

Name: ____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________ Contact Number: _____________________

*S / T

Address as shown on Malaysian Identity Card ^ :___________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Name: __________________________________________ Identification / Passport Number: ______________________
Relationship to member: *Father / Mother / Legal Guardian

Contact Number: ___________________________________

1. I declare that *I am / the member is a Malaysian citizen holding a Malaysian identity card number
__________________________ and *I am / the member is permanently residing in West Malaysia. *I do / the
member does not hold a valid Singapore Work Permit or Employment Pass and that (Please tick only one box):
I have attained the age of 55.
I am above the age of 50 but below 55 and have not been employed in Singapore during the preceding 2 years.
*I have / the member has been examined and certified by ________________________(Name of Registered
Medical Practitioner) to be *physically / mentally incapacitated from ever continuing in any employment.

In accordance with section 15 of the Central Provident Fund Act and Central Provident Fund (Investment Schemes)
Regulations, I hereby apply to withdraw all the monies standing to *my / the members credit in (a) the Central
Provident Fund, (b) *my / the members CPF Investment Account, if any, and (c) all *my / the members investments
under the CPF Investment Scheme Ordinary Account and CPF Investment Scheme - Special Account, if any.


In accordance with section 27K(5) of the CPF Act, I hereby apply to be excluded from CPF LIFE if I am placed on
CPF LIFE under section 27K(2), such that the CPF LIFE policy would not be issued to me automatically. (Note: If you
have a CPF LIFE policy, you need to apply to terminate your CPF LIFE policy. Please refer to page 4 for more


I understand that:

Upon the approval of this application by the CPF Board (the Board)

all the monies in *my / the members CPF Investment Account (if any), and all *my / the members
investments under the CPF Investment Schemes (if any), will be automatically transferred to *me / the
member by *my / the members agent bank and / or product providers; and they will no longer be protected
from any claims by *my / the members creditors and / or the Official Assignee; and

CPF refunds will not be required to be made to my CPF account for CPF monies withdrawn for my existing
property (properties), including the accrued interest when I dispose of them. I will be responsible for informing
HDB and/or my lawyers on the above if I have an ongoing sale transaction.

(ii) The Board may refund any unused MediShield premiums to *me / the member (by supplementary payment) at a
later date if the Board is notified by me or a relevant authority to terminate *my / the members MediShield cover
later than this present application.

I further give my consent to the Board to refer this application at any time and without notice and liability to *me / the
member, and disclose any information relating to *me / the member in the Boards possession (including but not
limited to *my / the members employment and medical information) to *my / the members Dependants Protection
Scheme (DPS) insurer (the Insurer) for the purpose of making a claim under DPS (if any) or to other insurers under
any other insurance scheme(s) referred to in the CPF Act which *I / the member may be insured under.

* Delete whichever is inapplicable

^ All correspondence will be sent to the address as shown on your Malaysian Identity Card
(10/ 2014)
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PART 4 DISCOUNTED SINGTEL SHARES (Please complete this portion if applicable)

I hereby apply for the withdrawal of my discounted SingTel shares. I authorise the CPF Board to transfer all my
discounted SingTel shares to my *individual / joint Central Depository (Pte) Ltd (CDP) securities account** as follows:
1 6 8 1
My joint CDP securities account (applicable only if the CDP account indicated above is a joint account) is held with:
*Name & NRIC Number (for Singapore Citizen & Permanent Resident) / Name & Passport Number (for foreigner)

I agree to pay the CDP transfer fee of $10.70 (inclusive of 7% GST) to CPF Board by (please tick only one box):
D-PAY at any AXS station; eNETS through the CPF website under E-Services (e-Cashier); or
Cheque number ___________ (Name of Bank __________________) made payable to CPF Board.
I understand that this application is irreversible and that once my discounted SingTel shares are transferred to me,
they will no longer be protected from any claims by my creditors and/or the Official Assignee.

For Banks Certification Only


(i) Bank Account Number : ____________________________________

(Bank account must not be a trust account)
Bank Name

: ___________________________________________

The Bank hereby certifies that the bank

account, name and identification / passport
number on this form belong to the applicant.

(ii) To be completed for payment via Telegraphic Transfer only:

SWIFT Code : ________________(Can be obtained from the bank)

Bank Address: ___________________________________________


Bank Officers Name, Signature,
Banks Stamp & Date
For Witness Certification Only#


(for applications not completed at CPF Service Centre)

I hereby certify that the applicant had

signed the form in my presence.

Signature / Right Thumbprint


Witness Name, Signature,
Official Seal / Stamp & Date


Accepted and Checked by: ___________________________________
Officers Name, Stamp, Signature & Date
A copy of this form and cheque had been forwarded to IVD.
(Applicable only if there is a request to transfer SDS)

Income Tax Amount: ________________________________________

Revised Mode of Payment (if any): IBG / TT / CHQ
Refer to WSD78A / dated: _____________________

Applicants Name, Signature & Date
Witnessed by:
Witness Name, Signature & Date




Authorised By

Date of Processing


Keyed By: _________________

Payment received by:


Verified By: __________________

Remarks: _________________________________________________
* Delete whichever is inapplicable
**If you do not have a CDP account, you may sell your discounted SingTel shares through SingPost or your broker. Upon approval of your withdrawal
application, the Board will pay you the sale proceeds that have been credited into your CPF account.
# The witness must be either a Notary Public or an official from the Singapore High Commission / the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore with his
official seal / stamp duly affixed.

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IMPORTANT : An incomplete form and / or incomplete supporting documents will delay the processing of
your application.
To qualify for withdrawal under section 15(2)(c) of the CPF Act, a member must satisfy ALL the following conditions:
1. Is a Malaysian citizen.
2. Has left Singapore permanently to reside in West Malaysia.
3. Is either:
(a) 55 years old or above, or
(b) below 55 years old but above 50, and has not worked in Singapore in the two years before his application, or
(c) physically or mentally incapacitated from ever continuing in any employment or is found to be of unsound
4. Does not hold a valid Singapore Work Permit or Employment Pass and has renounced his Singapore Permanent
Residency (if applicable).
If you satisfy all the conditions listed above, you may apply to withdraw your CPF savings. Please complete and return
this form to CPF Board, Withdrawal Schemes Department, 79 Robinson Road, Singapore 068897 together with copies
of the documents stated below.
If your application is not completed at CPF Service Centre, your application and all supporting documents must be
witnessed / certified true by either a Notary Public or an official from the Singapore High Commission / the Embassy
of the Republic of Singapore with his official seal / stamp duly affixed. Certifications by a Justice of Peace or
Commissioner for Oaths are not acceptable.

Malaysian Identity Card (both sides).


Malaysian passport showing your / the members passport number and personal particulars (if applicable).


The page of your / the members passport showing the cancellation of long term pass/dependant pass (if


Letter from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority confirming that you have / the member has renounced
Singapore citizenship (if applicable).


Letter from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority confirming the cancellation of your / the members Entry
Permit and Re-entry Permit and the renunciation of your / the members Singapore permanent residency (if


Doctors medical report dated within 6 months stating your / the members current state of health, level of
incapacity and disability to work (applicable if you / the member are / is applying on medical grounds).


Your / the members bank passbook showing the name and bank account number, if payment is to be credited to
your / the members bank account. If your / the members CPF monies are to be credited to a foreign bank outside
Singapore, please also provide the full bank address and SWIFT code.


If you wish to apply on medical grounds and you are below 21 years old, your parent / legal guardian must make
the application on your behalf and provide the following additional documents:

Your birth certificate or legal documentation of guardianship (including any relevant court order) as proof of
relationship between you and your parent / legal guardian;


Your parent / legal guardians identification document(s).

For verification of CPF account holder@


The names of all the companies in Singapore whom you had worked for and the years in which you had started
and stopped working for each company.

10. The names of your nominee(s) and your relationships with them if you had made a CPF nomination or indicate no
CPF nomination made if you had not made a CPF nomination.
11. Deed poll / change of name certificate / marriage certificate if the name in your passport / citizenship certificate /
bank account differs from that in our records. The document must show clearly your original / maiden name and
your new / married name.
@You may be required to visit the CPF Service Centre personally if you are unable to provide the requested information for verification.

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Payment will be credited into your bank account as stated in this application via:
(i) Interbank GIRO for a Singapore bank account.
(ii) Telegraphic Transfer for an overseas bank account.
You will need to provide us the SWIFT code and bank address, and ensure that the bank accepts payment in
Singapore dollars. Please note that you will have to bear all bank charges.
Please get your bank to certify your bank account information on Part 5 of the form or mail us your original bank
statement for verification. Online bank statements are not acceptable. Bank certification is not required for a
Singapore POSB, OCBC or UOB bank account maintained under your Singapore NRIC.


If the bank account information is not provided or is incomplete, we will issue a cheque in Singapore Dollars to
your address as shown on your Malaysian identity card. (Note: For overseas bank clearance of the cheque, you
will need to bear all bank charges.)


If you are below 21 years old, payment will be made to your parent / legal guardian. Please indicate your parent /
legal guardians bank details on Part 5 of the form.


Upon approval of your application, your CPF savings or part thereof will be forwarded to Inland Revenue
Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to settle your income tax liabilities (if any).


For members who have a CPF LIFE policy:
If your application to withdraw your CPF is approved, you will be given more details to decide whether to:
a) Terminate your annuity policy and receive a refund of the unused annuity premium [1]; or
b) Retain your annuity policy, and receive the annuity monthly payments from your annuity payout start age for as
long as you live.
Termination of your annuity policy is subject to terms and conditions and the Boards approval. There will be no
refund if you are covered under the LIFE Income Plan or if your unused annuity premium is zero.
For members who do not have a CPF LIFE policy:
If your application to withdraw your CPF is approved, you will not need to join CPF LIFE.
Upon receipt of your application and complete set of supporting documents, your application will be processed
according to the service standards below:

Interbank GIRO (IBG)


22 working days

27 working days

The processing time excludes time taken for transmission of funds, estimated as follows:
1. IBG 2 working days
2. Telegraphic Transfer 5 to 12 working days
3. Cheque It will be sent within 5 working days after processing.
Website / Email

Call Centre

Email :

1800-227-1188 (local)
65-6227-1188 (overseas)

[1] The unused annuity premium is the premium paid for the annuity policy less any monthly annuity payment that has been made.

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