DEMO (1&2) J-0120&23: (Make It A Habit!)

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1. Bring OG every lesson (4

2. How to turn in your
Type your answers (I, the
proficient teacher, is )
Double space
Turn in the hard copy
Put down your SSID/Name
Check grammar and
spelling (Make it a habit!)

During the recess:

Ask Question, Checking
papers, Correction, or
Strategies: a,b,c,d
Writing procedures 1,2,3,4
90% Opposite: On the
other hand, however,
10% Supportive:
moreover, in addition,

Keyword: (+) benefit,
advantages, merit,
rewarding, (-)
limitation, problem,
Reading: The author + V +
that + S + Ved
Lecture: The professor V
that S + Ved
Word count: 150~225

Integrated writing: OG p.
5, 19, 20, 22, 30, 31,
575~635, 650~653
Integrated Writing Task
Strategies to Write:

a. Reading Strategies: Beware of discourse markers (p.7~9)

b. Listening Strategies: Identify the topic from reading, listen to
keywords, listen to discourse


intonation, tone(+/-), and


to jot down your summary.

3. How well?! (The Professor/lecturer

doubts /questions)

OG p. 196~197

Different members owned different

profession and insight.

OR: The author thinks that the more members

a team owned, the more able and efficient they

could beat a problem.

Individual members will distribute their

responsibility evenly and will be covered if
they happen to make a mistake. Therefore,
they are more willing to risk to come out
with an original idea and react more

Or: The author thinks that a team helped to

distribute the risk of failure and helped to

generate an original ideas quickly.

Individuals felt pride if their ideas were

adopted and felt more comfortable to

execute the task assigned.

OR: The author thinks the individual team

member would feel esteemed and would be

more willing to carry out the task assigned.

Individual achievement will be magnified

because it is more apparent and influential
among members of the team.

OR: The author praises team work because

individual satisfaction was greater when his
or her accomplishment is highly recognized

Listening (=Lecture)
1. Those who did not do their job
shared the glory from the achiever,
whose contribution might be
unwillingly diluted by the entire
OR: The professor maintains that

people who did their job felt unhappy

because their achievement was
2. A group project should take a long
time to reach the resolution.
OR: The professor argues that group
work took a long time to achieve
3. There are times when some of the
big heads dogmatically oppose or
ordain particular decision that goes
against the will of the others and
put the others on stake.
OR: The professor reminds that some
influencers just dogmatically decided
for others what the rest might not
agree with.
NO. 4

Based on the lecturer, the degree of efficacy

for a team work is highly dubious based on a
six-month observation for several reasons.
(less than ideal, limitation, shortcomings,
drawbacks, demerit, )

OR: The lecturer/professor disagrees with

the author for several reasons.
NO. 1
Team work offers numerous benefits
(merits, advantageous) when dealing with
a task.
OR: The author maintains that team

work provides a few benefits.


The author V that S +

Homework: To create a

perfect draft:

Type and print out the hard copy.


Double space to ease revision


Name + SSID


Check spelling and grammar

Opening Paragraph:

The author mentions that team

work offered a few merits. (4)
However, the professor doubts
about the efficiency of team work
based on a six-month

First, while the author thinks that the

more members a team owns, the
more able and efficient they can beat
a problem, the professor maintains
that people who did their job felt

unhappy because their achievement

was shared.


1. tone (+/-): criticize(-),

rebuke(-), ideally+
(ironically-) states,
2. style [factual,
(stance), reflective
* The author devalues
* The lecturer
depressively/pessimistically reports
the economic downturn

* The lecture no-nonsensely describes

the disadvantages of the team
* The author argues
The author says .

1. Argumentative:
stance: maintains,
claims, asserts, contends,
2. Reflective:
disagrees, opposes, urges,
raise attention, propose,

3. Factual: report, states,
The author/lecturer says

**emphasize on
lecture and link
to reading.
How to emphasize:
(1) Use subordinate clause (reading) to
de-emphasize; main clause (lecture)
to emphasize
(2) Put in the last part of your writing

(3) Exactly the opposite of (2)

*Reading (lower in amount)
Although the author maintains that
team work offers a new project, the
professor contends that the result
dubious. (1)
1. Synthesize reading and lecture, but
emphasize on lecture. Opening:
Even though the passage (author) regarded
highly for its outcome, the efficacy of team
work, according to the lecturer based on a
six-month observation, is highly dubious.


(NO 1 + NO 4)

2. Compare and Contrast

the main points.
Again, emphasize on

First, the lecturer maintains that those who
do not do their jobs share the glory of the
achievers, whose contribution may be
unwillingly diluted in a team work. In other

contrastive to
what is mentioned in the passage,
words, the achievers,

just spread their accomplishment instead

of responsibility evenly among the group


Second, the lecturer counter accounts that a

group project shall take a long time to reach

what the
passage has indicatedthere are too
many members with too many
professions to shelve their conflicts. Thus,
the resolution because of

a particular decision may be dragged on

before it can be dropped.


Third, the lecturer reminds that there are

times when some of the big heads

dogmatically oppose or ordain particular
decision that goes against the will of the
others and put others on stake. This is

as the passage implies,

group approves individual to outshine the

other and will magnify individual


** Total 182 words (150225)

** Opening:
While the author , the
lecturer .
First, the author , but the
lecturer .
Second, the author ;
nevertheless, the lecturer .
Third, although the author ,
the lecturer .

Supporting Detail (Evidence):

2.example, (Person, event,
topic [economic, political],
place with picture)
3.quotation, need to offer
4.Name: Maslows Hierarchy
of Need
5.Extra-definition (In other
That is, This, ),
6. Personal experience. (I

Usually ( always)
OG p. 392~393; 417~418

The professor may gain scholastic

fame and weight through
disseminating his perspectives beyond
the academic domain.

The professor becomes more

important and visible by showing on

*** The author maintains

that the professor himself
may enjoy many benefits
like wider reputation as well
as wider support, and hence

become more important in

the field if he appears on
the TV.

The university may also gain visibility

through its professors exposure on
media, which, in turn, will enhance its
enrolment and fund raising.

The university may benefit from

better reputation and further
application and donation.

*** The author mentions

that the university enjoys
higher popularity, better
fame, and higher enrolment
as well as fund raising.


The public will be informed with more

profound insights from the professors
on TV.
The public will learn more from the
professor on TV.

*** The author claims that

the public will be exposed to
professional intelligence
from the professor on TV.

Listening (=Lecture):
First of all,not a seriousso


mere entertainer, no $ to research, not

serious (colleague), decline to conference, not

A second point but alsoeven



waste time: rehearsal, making up,

presentation, on show, travel. time taken from
teaching, research, administrative work

SoThe public?...Lookbut
dont want

TV wants title, not substance, not so serious

TV gives brief intro & backgroundreporters

No 4: Thoughreally
The lecturer suspects/questions/doubts
whether the professors themselves, the
universities, and the public will benefit from
the professors showing on TV screens.
(However, the lecturer sees the opposite)
No 1.

Professors showing on the tube to

comment about the current affairs
benefits the professors themselves, the

universities, and the public. (There are

many advantages for professors
showing on the TV.)
OR: The author states that there are
many advantages for
professors showing on the TV.

*** (1) The author mentions that

there are a lot of advantages for the
professors to appear on TV. (4)
Nevertheless, the professor
disagrees with the author based on
several arguments.
First, The author maintains that
the professor himself may enjoy
many benefits like wider reputation
as well as wider support, and hence
become more important in the field
if he appears on the TV. However,

the professor asserts that

appearance on TV degenerates the
professors fame, making him looked
like an entertainer instead of an
educator. Moreover, he may not be
invited to academic conferences or
receive fund to do research.

Writing: OG p. 216
(See also p. 217-230 for related
How do movies or television
influence (+ /-) peoples behavior?

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