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March 8, 2012

To Whom It May Concern

BS 476 Part 7: Classification of the surface spread of flame of products
BS 476 Part 7 tests the rate of spread of flame over the surface of a material and classifies materials
ranging from Class 1 to Class 4. If a product / material is rated Class 1, it means Surface of very low
flame spread. Our Unitile USF series is Class 1 rated.
BS 476 -Part 6: Method of test for fire propagation for products
BS 476 Part 6 provides a means of comparing the contributions which different materials might make
to the development (growth) of fires. The temperature rise above the standard temperature curve is
expressed as a Fire Propagation Index I = i1 + i2 + i3 where sub-index i1 is derived from first 3
minutes of test, i2 from following 7 minutes and i3 from final 10 minutes. I may vary from 0-100 and
low values indicate a low rate of heat release . Our Unitile USF series have a Fire Propagation
Index of I = 0 as i1= 0, i2= 0, i3 = 0. Hence it is the highest achievable class as it has an
extremely low rate of heat release ie 0.
Class O
When a product achieves a Class 1 rating for Surface spread of Flame and also have Fire
Propagation indices I12 and i1 6 it is rated Class O. By definition this means materials that are
Non Combustible throughout in the event of fire.
Hence our Raised flooring is deemed Incombustible as it achieves Class O rating.
Compliance to NFPA 75 : NFPA 75 is the standard for protection of Information Technology equipment. As
per clause 3-4.1 , the supporting members ( Pedestals ) shall be of incombustible materials , as per 3-4.2, the
Decking ( Panels ) shall be incombustible. The the flame spread rating is 25 or less. The metallic structure of
the raised floor must be electrically bonded to the ground to minimize static buildup. The floor panels must
have conductive contact with either the framing, the pedestals, or both for positive electrical grounding. The
bolted-stringer raised floor is considered by the National Electrical Code (NEC) to be electrically bonded to
itself. This type of raised floor need only be interconnected to the building steel, electrical safety ground, and
any other metallic structure that penetrates the perimeter of the floor to meet the required specifications. The
panels are to be constructed of metal or have metal undersurfaces, according to the NFPA-75 and make
conductive contact with the floor support structure.
Our product Unitile USF 1500 with conductive vinyl confirms to the above. Our product is Class O & Class 1 as
per BS 476 PART 6 & 7 for Fire Propagation Index and Surface spread of Flame. Hence we meet the

requirements of NFPA for flame spread. Test reports already submitted.. Similarly our product is metal, with
bolted stringer and minimizes static build up. Hence it confirms to NFPA 75.

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