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A/N- this is one long ass chapter, it has the world's longest smut scene lol.

if you're not into that then feel free to skip it!

Nash POV


I'm counting down the minutes until the bell rings. Cameron and I are leaving
for the cabin right after school. I've missed him because we didn't get to
spend last night together, Matt ended up staying over. I know I can't demand
100% of Cam's attention all the time but it doesn't stop me from wanting to.
The teacher is going over what we're supposed to do for homework over the
weekend but I could care less about it, there's only one thing on my mind
right now and that's Cameron.

The bell rings and I don't even wait for the teacher to dismiss us before I grab
my things and rush off to my locker. I bump into a few people in my hurry and
mumble a quick sorry before getting to my locker. I quickly open it, shove a
few things in my book bag and slam it shut. I'm looking down at my phone
when I bump into someone, I look up to apologize but stop short when I
notice it's Katrina. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, I really do not want
to waste time with her today. She's so fucking annoying.

"Nash! I was trying to get your attention after our last class, but you were in
such a hurry that you didn't see me," she exclaims.

"Yeah, I have something important to get to Katrina," I tell her and I look
down at my phone, texting Cameron that I'll meet him at his locker. I start
walking away and she falls into step with me.

"Well, my dad is taking a bunch of my friends and I out on his boat on Sunday.
Just wondering if you want to come with?It's going to be a lot of fun!" she
says, smiling hopefully at me.

"Sorry, I can't I'm actually going away this weekend." I reply, we're getting
close to Cameron's locker and he's not there yet. Her face falls at my reply.

"Oh...well my birthday party is in 3 weeks. Promise you'll come? Please?" she

begs. I sigh and stop at Cam's locker. I want to get her away from me before
Cam gets here, I want to avoid drama and just get our weekend started on
the right foot.

"Yeah, I'll be there for sure. Just let me know the date and time, ok?" I say. I
know if I agree to go she'll leave me alone. Plus it's in 3 weeks, I'm sure by
then I can come up with some bullshit excuse on why I can't attend.

"Yay!" she says,clapping in her hands in excitement. "I'll text you the details!"

I nod at her and give her a small smile as she leaves. I let out a sigh of relief
that she's gone. I really need to figure out a way to get rid of her. I have no
desire to have her in my life.

A few moments later Cam comes up to his locker and a real smile graces my
lips. I pull him close and kiss him softly, I'm not afraid of PDA.

"Hey, baby how was class?" I ask him, pulling away as he opens his locker to
pack his bag.

"Long and boring. I couldn't wait to leave but my teacher decided today
would be the perfect day to hold me back and ask me about tutoring some
new kid. I couldn't wait to leave," he replies and shuts his locker. I grab his
hand and we walk out to my car. We already packed our bags and put it in my
trunk this morning, we didn't want to waste any time this afternoon.

"Tutoring who?" I ask him as I open the back door of my car and shove our
book bags inside. We get in and I turn on the car, the tires squeal as I peel
out of the school's parking lot.

"I guess some new kid called Sam Pottorff. She introduced me to him after
class. He's different, but seems okay." He tells me as he fiddles with his

"Why'd she ask you to tutor?" I question him, my eyes concentrated on the

"She says I have 'an inherent grasp of the material'," he rolls his eyes.
"Whatever that means."

I laugh softly at him and speed down the highway towards the cabin. I turn on
the music and we listen to it in a comfortable silence. Cameron is looking out
the window as I turn onto the dirt road and make my way up the winding

"It's even more beautiful in the daytime," Cameron comments.

"Yeah, I love it up here." I respond and I park my car in the driveway of the
cabin. I turn off the car and I face Cameron. "We're here."

"We're here." He says smiling widely at me. We get out of the car and
Cameron stretches as he looks around the area. I don't know how my parent's
managed it, but when they bought the cabin, they were able to purchase the
surrounding land in order to ensure privacy. My mom got the cabin in the
divorce proceedings, and I am so happy she did. This has become Cameron
and I's special place.

We grab our bags from the back seat and the trunk and take them inside. We
get settled into my room which has a king size bed, I don't feel comfortable
using my parent's old room. It just seems wrong. Cameron plops down on the
bed and lies back on it, he takes out his phone and types out a quick
message as I lie down next to him.

"Who are you texting?" I ask as I take his phone from his hand and put it
down on the nightstand table. I straddle Cameron and look down at him, I can
feel myself getting turned on as he gives me a sexy smirk.

"Just letting my mom know we got here fine," he tells me. I lean down and
capture his lips in a deep kiss as I lace our hands together and move them
above Cameron's head.

"Mmm, better be your mother, Cameron." I tell him roughly. "I don't share."

"I don't either," he responds as he breaks his hands free and grasps the back
of my head tightly. He pulls me down and smashes his lips against mine. He
tugs on my hair as I nip at his lips and he parts them, letting my tongue slide
inside as I deepen our kiss.

He pulls my head away from his and I look down at him, his lips are glistening
from our kiss. "I saw you talking to that bitch, Nash. I don't like seeing you
with her."

"She's nothing," I whisper urgently to him, leaning down and kissing him
deeply. "You're everything to me. You're the most important person in my

A light blush appears on Cameron's face at my confession. I get up suddenly

and Cameron looks surprised as I pull him up, making him sit up on the bed.

"I have something to give you," I tell him and I reach into my bag and pull out
a jewelry case. Cam's eyes widen as he see's what is in my hands. I sit down
next to him grasps his hands in mine.

"Cameron, from the moment I met you, you captivated me. Your quiet nature,

your sweet smile, your beautiful eyes. Everything about you completes me.
You're like an obsession for me, I want to breath you, I want to feel you near
me all the time. And I know this isn't a temporary feeling, I haven't been this
happy in a long time." I tell him softly. Cameron's eyes are glistening brightly
and he's looking at me with a smile on his face.

I open the jewelry case and take out 2 chains. One has a diamond encrusted
C and the other has a diamond encrusted N. I unhook the chain with the N
and a place it around his neck, hooking it back up and kisses his neck softly. I
hand him the C chain and he does the same for me.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas, will you do me the honor of allowing me to call

you mine and be my boyfriend?" I ask him softly. Even though I know how
Cameron feels about me, I still have a scary feeling at the pit of my stomach,
I don't want to be rejected. I've never felt this way about anyone.

"Oh god, of course! As if I would ever say no," he responds and lies back on
the bed, pulling me on top of him. He brings my head back down to his and
kisses me deeply. "The chains are beautiful babe, I love them."

I laugh softly and continue kissing him until our lips are raw, sore and swollen
in the best way imaginable.


We're lying out on the hammock, cuddling and watching the sun set.

"I love this, " Cameron says softly. "I love being here with you. Just the two of
us, no distractions."

"Me too," I whisper back. We had a simple dinner earlier and it feels good just
to lie here with him and enjoy each other's company.

He shifts until he's facing me directly. He has a serious expression on his face.
He traces my face gently.

"I love you, Nash." he confesses to me tenderly. My stomach feels like it's
doing a million somersaults. My face breaks out into a wide smile.

"I love you too, baby. I love you so much, it's unreal." I reply and he gives me
a relieved smile. I give him a small kiss and then lead him back inside the
cabin. We go up to my room and I shut the door behind us. I open my
windows, they face the waterfall and we're able to hear the running water. It's
so soothing, it's my favorite part of coming here.

I lead Cameron to my bed and push him back gently so he falls back on it. I
crawl on top of him and brace my hands on either side of his head. He looks
up at me, bites his bottom lip and then smiles wickedly at me.

I growl at him before leaning down, meeting my lips with his in a heated kiss.
Our lips move over one another almost hungrily and he's running his hands
up and down my spine. I sit up, still straddling Cameron and take his shirt off,
he then helps me take off mine. I kiss him a lot slower this time and I begin to
make my way down his body. I kiss him softly on the side of his face and
down to his neck where my lips immediately latch on to his sweet spot. I suck
and nip gently at that spot as Cameron moans and grinds his hips against
me. I pull back and smile, admiring my work, Cameron has a deep red mark
forming there.

I keep making my way down his body stopping at his nipples and sucking on
them. I lick his left nipple and he moans loudly, biting his lip until he draws

"Oh God, that feels so good Nash," he breathes out and looks down at me
with hooded eyes. I maintain eye contact as I move to his right nipple and
suck and lick on it too until it's a hard pebble.

I move further down until my face is right in front of his crotch, I take off his
jeans but leave his briefs on. I mouth his clothed cock and Cameron bucks his
hips against my mouth.

"You like that, baby?" I ask him and then lick his cock from bottom to top.

He lets out a loud moan. "Fuck...yes, I love it."

I find the tip of his cock and place my mouth over it and suck it. I swirl my
tongue over it and Cameron grabs my hair in a tight fist. I pull back and take
in Cameron. His cheeks are flushed,he's panting hard, his lips are red and
swollen, and his briefs are wet in the front, a mixture of his pre-cum and my

"You look so fucking good, baby," I tell him, my body burning with desire. I
can feel my cock throbbing in my jeans and I want him, so badly.

I help him shimmy his briefs off and his cock bounces and lands against his
lower abdomen. I pull him to the edge of the bed, part his legs and kneel
between them.

I grasp his cock in my hand and lick the tip teasingly.

"You want me to suck your cock, Cam?" I tease him as I give it a few more
licks. I can see Cam swallow a few times and he looks at me, his eyes are

"Suck it," he says as he tangles his hands in my hair and tries to push my
head towards his cock. I slap his hands away and tut at him.

" No touching, Cam. Or I'll stop." I smirk at him and maintain control. He grips
the sheets and lets out a frustrated groan.

"Please baby?" He whimpers softly.

"Please baby what?" I ask him as I lick the head of his cock again, savoring
the salty taste of his pre cum.

"Please, suck my cock," he begs, pouting at me. I lick him again, this time
from top to bottom.

I give him want he wants and slowly take his rock hard cock into my mouth.
He lets out a loud moan as I start bobbing my head up and down.

"Mmmm, fuck yes, baby. Just like that," he pants out, his knuckles turning
white from how hard his gripping the sheets.

I swirl my tongue around his cock as I continue to suck on it hard, I hollow my

cheeks and take him in as deep as I can. I can feel myself start to gag when
his cock hits the back of my throat, but I swallow to make the feeling go
away. It's a trick I learned with the son of my prior neighbor, he's the one who
taught me most of what I know.

Cam is letting out loud moans and curses, he moves his hips up and down,
thrusting himself in my mouth. I come up for air, a string of saliva connects
my mouth to Cam's cock and I use it with my hand to pump his cock, as I
catch my breath.

"That feels so fucking good, baby." He whispers to me, and rubs his hands
over his chest.

"You like my hot, wet mouth sucking on your cock don't you?" I love talking
dirty to him.

"Mmm, yes," he moans out and moves his hips with the pace of my hand. I
lean back it and take his cock into my mouth again. I go all the way down
until I'm almost at his pubic hair and I let him do short, hard thrusts that I can
feel in the back of my throat. I keep swallowing, I can taste his pre cum, and
it's quickly becoming my favorite taste in the world. I can't get enough of

"Oh fuck, Nash, I'm going to fucking cum baby," he moans out and he slams
his head back, his hands still gripping the sheets. I know he wants to hold my
head and he's trying so hard not to.

I lift my mouth from his cock and pump him hard and fast. "I want you to cum
baby. I want you to cum hard in my mouth, I want to taste it, swallow it all."

I put his cock back in my mouth and suck him fast, hollow in my cheeks and
humming. I swirl my tongue around the tip and tongue his slit quickly. I go
back to sucking him, bobbing my head fast. He's thrusting his hips up and
down to my rhythm, he starts moaning more loudly and I can tell he's about
to cum. I take him deep inside my mouth and he does 2 hard thrusts, he
tenses up as he cums. He moans loudly as my mouth fills up with his
white,thick cum. I pull my head back a little and let him continue cumming on
my tongue. I swirl his cum in my mouth, tasting all of it and then swallow it
down my throat.

Cam relaxes as he comes down from his high. I give his cock a few more licks,
cleaning up a few stray drops of cum and he shivers from the over
stimulation. I crawl back up to him and take his lips in a hard kiss. I know he
can taste himself in my kiss and he moans against my mouth. His eyes are
droopy as I pull away and I smirk. My blowjobs are that good.

He smiles at me, his gaze unfocused. "That was... amazing."

I rub myself against him, my cock is still throbbing and hard as a rock. I nibble
his ear, and suck on the lobe.

"Are you going to suck my cock, baby?" I whisper hotly in his ear.

He bites his lip shyly. "I won't be as good as you. It's... my first time."

"I'll love whatever you do baby," I tell him softly and lean in to give him a
gentle kiss.

He sits up and pushes me back on the bed, I help him pull my pants and
boxers down. My cock sticks up, the head red and swollen, and I'm already
leaking pre cum.

Cameron kneels in between my legs and wraps his hand around my cock. He
starts pumping me slowly and I prop myself up on my elbows so that I can
watch him.

He takes the tip of my cock in his mouth and sucks it slowly. My eyes flutter
shut and I lay my head back as I feel his hot mouth wrapped around my dick.

"Mmm yeah, just like that baby," I moan out, encouraging him to continue. I
sit up more and I tangle my hands in his soft hair. I cup his face with my
hands as I watch my cock disappear between his plump lips. He starts to bob
his head faster and I can feel his tongue tracing patterns all around my cock.

"Fuck, yes Cam. Your mouth feels so good on my cock," I growl and I start to
control the rhythm with my hands. I grip his hair tightly and he looks up at
me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"You look so fucking good right now, baby. So fucking good with your mouth

wrapped around me." I breathe out and he moans on my cock, the vibration
sending pleasure shooting up my body. I move his head a little faster and I
start to go a little deeper, I feel Cam start to gag and choke on my cock but I
don't stop. It feels too good to stop.

"Swallow, baby." I murmur to him, coaching him through this. He grips my

thighs and I feel him swallow like I told him. He's able to take more of my
cock and I slow down the pace, I don't want to come. "Mmmm, feels so good

I raise my hips as I push Cam down on my cock, I keep going until Cam's face
is almost at my pubes and I feel the back of his throat. I tilt his head, allowing
my cock to go a little bit more and I can feel Cam compulsively swallowing.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I groan out as rush of pleasure courses through my body
and I pull Cam's head off my cock. My cock is glistening with Cam's saliva
and he sits back on his legs and takes in some deep breaths. He's pumping
my cock with his hand lubing it up with my pre cum and his saliva mixed up.
He licks his lips, and it's the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life. I cup his
face with one hand and grip my cock with the other. Cam's hands fall to his
sides and he looks at me with those big brown eyes. My head feels heavy
with lust as I use the tip of my cock to trace around his lips, and it leaves
traces of my pre cum on them.

I growl, as I lift Cam up to me and smash his lips against mine in a ravaging
kiss. I maneuver us so that I'm now on top of him without breaking our kiss.

I taste myself, him and everything in our kiss and it just makes the lust burn
harder inside me. I want him so bad, more than anything I've ever wanted.
He intoxicates me with his scent, his kiss, everything about him. I pull away
from him and we stare at each other silently as we catch our breaths.

"I want you to fuck me Nash," he says, his voice raspy from my earlier abuse
of his mouth. His words ignite a fire inside of me.

"Are you sure, baby?" I ask. I may be drunk with lust but I want to make sure
I'm not pushing him into something he's not ready for.

"I want you to be my first, to be my only," he says as he pulls me down for a

rough kiss. I deepen it and our tongues battle each other. I rub my cock
against his, grinding slowly.

I lean over and reach into my bag on the floor, I pull out lube and condoms.

"Oh someone came prepared," Cameron says cheekily. I smirk at him.

"Better to have and not need it than to need it and and not have," I reply as I
uncap the tube of lube.

I squirt some on my finger and I spread Cam's legs. I position myself between
them and I lick his cock as I work my finger in his hole. I feel him gasp and I
take it slow. I suck slowly on his cock as I stretch him open, he's moaning
softly and I take that as my que to add another finger. I look up at him and
he's grimacing, I add more lube to my fingers and continue working him. I
pump his cock with my hand and raise it a bit so I can suck on his balls. I hear
him gasp again and he lets out small moans.

"Oh God, Nash. Feels so good," he whimpers and I add a third finger as I go
back and suck on the head of his cock. "Fuck..."

I begin to move my 3 fingers in and out slowly. I scissor them to stretch him
open and I continue sucking on his cock. He grinds his hip, moving with me,
he has his head laid back and his mouth is open as he moans louder. I'm the
fucking luckiest guy alive to be able to witness this. My fingers go deeper and
I'm searching for that magical spot. I finally find it, it feels spongy against my
finger and Cam moans suddenly.

"Oh fuck!" He exclaims and moves his hips faster, fucking himself on my

fingers. I pull away and he opens his eyes and looks at me, a disappointed
look on his face.

I put the condom on and I lather a copious amount of lube on my cock. Cam
is looking at me, a wild look in his eyes. I grip my cock in my hand and I line it
up with Cam's hole. I start to push in and I lean down, supporting my weight
by placing my arms on both sides Cameron's head, and capture his lips with
mine. I go slowly and I can feel Cam's hands gripping my back as I get all the
way in. I pull away from our kiss and look down at Cam as I pause to let him
adjust to my size. He's staring at me with an intense look on his face and
nods at me after a while. I begin to thrust slowly as Cam grimaces.

"I'm sorry, baby." I murmur. " I promise it gets better."

He nods again and pulls me down and kisses me again. I can feel Cam
clenching around me and I moan into his mouth as pleasure shoots through
my body.

Cam is starting to relax more and I move faster, searching for that spot that
will blow his mind. I thrust hard into him and he's moaning loudly now. I
finally find his prostate again and angle myself to hit it every time I thrust
into him.

Cam groans and he wraps his legs around me. "Fuck me harder, Nash. Fuck
me until I can't walk."

I slam into his hole now, our hips slapping against each other. I'm sweating
and I'm growing hotter as I fuck Cam into the bed. He's scrapping his nails on
my back and I relish the feeling.

He feels so good. So so good. I can feel my balls tightening and I'm close to
cumming. Cameron arches his back and moves his hips as well, thrusting
back against me, taking me deeper into him.

I reach down with my hand and grab his cock. I start pumping it hard and
fast, matching it with the rhythm of my hips.

"Oh god, baby," Cam moans out. "I'm going to fucking cum."

"Cum with me Cammy," I tell him and fuck him harder and harder. I can feel
my orgasm approaching, my body is preparing itself for that ultimate high.
My entire body is tingling, it's on fire. My eyes are wild with lust as I slam into

Cameron goes silent, his eyes are shut and his mouth is open wide as he
arches his back and cums all over my hand. I keep pumping him as his cock
spurts out his cum and his hole clenches around my cock. I can't hold back
any longer and my body shakes at the force of my orgasm. I cum into the
condom and I slow down my thrusts as I ride the waves of my high. I literally
feel euphoric in this moment, there's no better feeling than this.

I stop moving and I raise my hand to my mouth and lick Cameron's cum from
my fingers.

His eyes grow dark and he grabs my head and pulls me down. Our mouths
meet in a sloppy, wet kiss. We moan softly against each other and eventually
I pull away. I pull out of Cam and I take off the condom. I tie it and throw it in
the trash can next to the bed.

Cameron is lying there with his eyes closed. His hair is matted, wet with
sweat. I get up from the bed and go to the adjoining bathroom. I grab some
towels and wet them with hot water. I come back to bed and gently begin to
clean Cam off with the hot towels.

"Mmm that feels good, baby. Thank you..." he murmurs and open his eyes
and smiles at me. I throw the towels on the floor and pull him into my arms.

"I think I should be the one thanking you," I say, smirking at him. He laughs
at me and pulls the covers over our bodies. He snuggles close to me laying
his head on my shoulder.

"You made my first time so perfect," he tells me. "I love you so much, Nash."

This is the closest I've ever felt to anyone.

"I love you too, Cameron." I reply and I close my eyes and take in a deep
breath. I can hear Cameron's breathing deepen as he falls asleep and I follow
him to dreamland.

A/N- my first smut scene ever, was it too much? Sorry for the corny ending
lol. It literally took me all day to write this chapter :p. Was it too long? Let me
know cause I can definitely cut back!! Thanks for all the reads! I'm at like 600
and that's so amazing!! I'm happy you guys are enjoying my book. I may
update again later tonight but definitely tomorrow before our Christmas eve
festivities. :D.

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