Complete Shotokan Karate Manual Sample

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What is Distance Training?

Distance Training is a new, unique way to earn official rank, instructor certification, and
master level certification in a variety of martial arts curriculum styles. These rank certifications
are given and recognized by the official martial arts governing body of Hodgyma. This program
was developed to give students across the globe the ability to earn rank in the unique
curriculum styles of Ultimate Bo, Ultimate Chuks, Complete Shotokan Karate, Total Krav Maga;
and even more styles in the future. For example, Ultimate Bo is the first and only full white to
black belt standardized Bo curriculum style in the world. Only a small amount of schools offer
this program at the time of writing this. But, through the Distance Training program; anyone
who would like to learn and progress through the official curriculum style of Ultimate Bo has
that chance. You also have the ability to become a certified instructor; and begin teaching your
own students, helping to spread this new official weapons art. The same idea goes for the
Ultimate Chuks (white to 2nd black nunchakus program); and Complete Shotokan Karate (white
bo 1st black belt shotokan program).
Whom is the Distance Training program for?
Just about anyone. Students in other martial arts styles - to black belt instructors - to master
instructors - to school owners. If you just want to earn rank and achieve your black belt in a
new style, then this program is for you. If you are a school owner, looking to add a new
program into your school; to increase retention and variety; then earning rank and official
certification is perfect for you as well.
What are the benefits to earning rank through the Distance Training program?

The ability to become an official student and certified instructor in Ultimate Bo, Ultimate
Chuks, or Complete Shotokan Karate (and more styles in the future)

Knowing that you have mastered the curriculum correctly, and have the proper ability to
pass this knowledge on to your students through an organized system.

You can train at home or in your dojo whenever you have time.

The program is self paced. You can get certified quickly if you train hard; or take longer
if you need.

You can expand your martial arts horizons! Already wearing a black belt in tae kwon do?
Work toward a new black belt in an innovative weapons style, such as Ultimate Bo or
Ultimate Chuks.

How does it work?

The Distance Training program has three simple steps to follow towards obtaining rank,
certification, and completing the program. Read below for an overview of the three steps.

That is all it takes to complete a Distance Training program and earn a black belt rank;
with the possibility of instructor and master instructor official certification. Of course, you need
to thoroughly understand each step of the Distance Training program before you can begin
your training. It is recommended that you read the next couple of pages of the manual which
explain each step in detail. This knowledge will allow you to be mistake and problem free
through your training and rank advancement.

Before you can even begin rank advancement; you obviously have to learn the
curriculum. Learning the curriculum is made simple via our intuitive video curriculum
instruction. If you are reading from this manual, that means that you must have some sort of
DVD(s) that are associated with this product. Pop in the first DVD, and check out what it has to
offer. Most DVDs have either two or three levels of advancement per disc. Next, flip to the
Rank Requirements section of your Distance Training program. Look at the first level; which
will be Yellow Chevron or White Belt depending on which program you are training in. These
are going to be the requirements for earning your first level of rank. You will most likely have
to learn new techniques and then learn a form/pattern. Now that you have looked up what your
requirements are, go ahead and get started training with the video curriculum!
Below are some tips for learning and training with the video instruction:

Take your time The most common reason that Distance Training students miss how
to properly perform a technique, or demonstrate their kata/form wrong is because they
did not watch the full video curriculum. Sometimes you just feel like skipping chapters,
fast forwarding through material that you think are not useful; this will lead you to
missing some very important points of instruction that will determine if you are
practicing the style correctly.

Dont Get Frustrated This can be hard sometimes when the instructor speeds through
a new technique that you are having trouble on. Remember, you are in control! Rewind,
slow-motion; use these features to your advantage! Watch the tricky techniques in slow
motion to make sure you are performing it correctly. Then press pause and practice a
couple minutes by yourself. Then play again and make sure you were doing it right.
Just use these good video training habits for the best success.

Practice A lot You must practice your material in order to master it and receive rank.
A good idea is to pop in the DVD; select the rank you are working towards; and review
the material along with the DVD. This way you can make sure you are always
performing the material correctly. Can you take home a real human martial arts
instructor; pause, play, rewind, and slow motion him? No. Distance Training has its
advantages. Practice in whatever format works best for you.

You are now ready for Step 2, if you have learned and mastered the correct Rank
Requirements. There is no minimum waiting period to test for the first level of rank. You
can pop in the DVD and train every day for a couple weeks and be ready for the first rank
exam. Or, you can take a day out of the week whenever you have time for a couple of
months and then be ready. Before you go through the process of testing for your next rank;
make sure you firmly know all rank requirements for your level. You dont want to waste
your time testing, and then fail the test because you were not prepared.
Here is how to take your level certification exam:
1. Film Yourself Demonstrating the Requirements Look in the Level Requirements
section for detailed instructions on taking your exam. Setup your phone or camera
and record yourself demonstrating the requirements at 100% effort.
2. Upload the Video to the Web Simply upload your video to your YouTube account
(create an account if necessary). If you would like to keep your video from being
seen by others, select Unlisted on the options tab. Or, you can select Private and
add as an authorized viewer. After you have done this; send
an email to stating your name, the rank you are testing for,
mailing address and the URL link to your video.
3. Pay Level Exam Fee Send your level exam fee via PayPal. From your PayPal
account, click Send Money, and enter as the recipient and
the amount. In the notes write, white belt exam for example. Or, if you dont have
a PayPal account, let us know this via email, and we can easily send an invoice over,
so you can pay via any credit or debit card. [the fee primarily covers your instructors
time, as we do a very intense grading and overview of your exam, this also covers
the certificate, and mailing of your certificate]

What is Complete Shotokan Karate?

From Okinawa, a wonderful and mysterious martial art has passed down to us
from the past. It is often said that one who masters the techniques can defend himself readily
without weapons and can perform remarkable feats of power and skill. The essence of the
martial art style taught by Master Hodge has defensive abilities and goes beyond mere physical
defensive feats into the realm of mastery of mind, body and spirit. Practicing Shotokan Karate
Do with intensity and focus over time creates a powerful warrior spirit. Using this spirit to serve
others with, in and through peace and cooperation will create balance and harmony within the
Shotokan Karate Do has its origins in Okinawa and can be traced back into China where
many earliest masters studied. For the past thousand years the study and practice of masters
and experts through which Shotokan Karate Do was nurtured and perfected took place in
Okinawa. In the last century Shotokan Karate Do has made its way to western lands where many
different derivations of martial arts have been made from the original martial art as seen in
Okinawa, Korea and China. Any practitioner today must understand that any representation of
martial art has been modified and changes to fit for public consumption. The fundamental
concepts as presented by Master Hodge are in alignment with Shotokan Karate Do and the
original Okinawa Karate Do of Gichin Funakoshi. The fundamental study of Hodge Karate Do,
Shotokan Karate Do, through first degree black belt is in alignment with Master Funakoshi. The
linage of Shotokan Karate as taught by Master Hodge is also linked through several Korean
masters however; the fundamental style through first degree practiced by all these masters is in
alignment with Master Funakoshi:

Lineage Tree
1. Gichin Funakoshi, established Shotokan Karate Do in 1939. Master Funakoshi studied from
about eleven years old under Azato Anko and Itosu Anko. He practiced diligently and in 1912
became the president of the Okinawan Shobukai. In May 1922, he relocated to Tokyo and
became a professional teacher of karate-do. He devoted his entire life to the development of
karate-do. He lived out his eighty-eight years of life and left this world on April 26, 1957.
2. Won Kuk Lee, In 1926 Won Kuk Lee travelled to Tokyo, where he attended high school and
later attended the Central University of Tokyo (Chuo University) specializing in Law. During his
school years, he started training in the martial arts currently known as Karate-Do Shotokan
style, under the tutelage of Gichin Funakoshi and his son, Gig Funakoshi, who was the

instructor in charge of the karate club of the Central University of Tokyo. It was there that Won
Kuk became one of the first students of karate in Japan, obtaining the highest rank for a person
who was not a Japanese national. After his graduation in Chuo University, he travelled Japan,
visiting Okinawa and many other cities in China, including centers where Chuan Fa (kung-fu)
was taught.
3. Nam Tae Hi, started training in 1946 and received his first degree under Master Won Kuk
Lee. After receiving his first degree in Shotokan Karate Do went on to create Oh Do Kwan with
Master H.H. Choi.
4. Grand Master Jhoon Goo Rhee - introduced his mixture of Shotokan and Tae Kown Do
martial arts to the United States of America since arriving in the 1950s.
5. Allen Steen - was the first American to receive a first degree black belt in 1962 from Jhoon
Rhee. Steen also recognized that his first degree was Shotokan Karate Do and subsequent black
belt degrees were Tae Kwon Do oriented. In Dallas, Texas he created his Dojo that was
American Karate and Tae Kwon Do.
6. Mickey Fisher - Received his black belt from Allen Steen in the mid 1960s and was an
instructor with Allen Steen at American Karate and Tae Kwon Do.
7. P. D. Hale - Received his black belt from Mickey Fisher in late 1960s in American Karate and
Tae Kwon Do. In the 1970s Master Hale studied under Jae Won Park of Korea and was awarded
another certification under Song Moo Kwan. Currently Mr. Hale is a Grand Master with the rank
of 10th degree black belt.
8. Rick Williams - Received his black belt from Grand Master P. D. Hale and created Kaufman
Karate in the early 1970s. Currently Master Williams 9th degree black belt owns and operates
Crandall Family Martial Arts in Crandall, Texas and he and his wife are managing the Kaufman
County Children's shelter in Kaufman Texas.
9. Jon Hodge - Started training in the early 1990s under Rick Williams and was subsequently
promoted to black belt and became an instructor for Kaufman Karate through 2003. In 2003
Master Hodge opened a school of his own in Crandall and later Seagoville, Texas where he and
his son operated the schools until 2012. Currently Master Hodge, a 5th degree black belt is a
full time instructor at Crandall Family Martial Arts in Crandall, Texas. Over the years Master
Hodge has studied many different forms of martial arts and is also a Master Chi Kung and Tai
Chi instructor.

Rank Requirements
These are the requirements for earning rank at each level. Make sure and learn each
level in order; and practice hard until you have mastered each component before you take your
rank exam.
Follow this format when you send in your video for a Complete Shotokan Karate
Distance Training rank exam:
1. Demonstrate the techniques by yourself two times each.
2. You may demonstrate the one steps with an imaginary partner. Just demonstrate
the one step as if an attacker was actually there. Or, if you have a friend/family
member, training partner; have them be your partner for the one step section (this is
3. For self defense you may also demonstrate with an imaginary partner but this is
not recommended. You just need someone to attack you on the video (friend,
family member, anyone; they do not need to know martial arts just to grab your
wrist, or do a bear hug, etc.)
4. Lastly, you will demonstrate your kata at least one time through. You are free to
demonstrate the kata more than once, from a different angle.

Testing Tips

Note that White Belt means that you are currently a white belt student, and you are
actually testing for the next rank which is Yellow Belt.
If you feel like adding explanations or commentary about techniques to demonstrate
your deep understanding, this is a plus.
Have your partner attack at full speed just as if you were in a real defense situation.
VERY important that you demonstrate your techniques at FULL SPEED and power. Do not
break it down, or go in slow motion for the video. This is an exam, where the full speed
technique must be done correctly.
Say the name of the technique before you demonstrate it, for example, say Next, is the
Upper Block.and then do 2 repetitions.
Pick a spot where there is fairly nice lighting and enough room for you to demonstrate
If you have mats or other training-type equipment, this is an ideal space for you to film.
Dont be nervous at all. Just take your test as if you are showing your friend what you
have been learning in your Karate training.
Do a complete pre-test rehearsal the day before. This acts as: extra physical practice, a
great workout, and a way to feel relaxed and prepared for your actual video.

WHITE BELT White Belt (10th) -> Yellow Belt (9th)

1. Techniques
a. Stances (dachi)
i. attention - hiesoku dachi
ii. ready position - hachiji dachi
iii. front - zenkutsu dachi
b. Hand (zuki)
i. fore punch - choku zuki
ii. reverse punch - gyaku zuki
iii. (high, middle, low) punch - (hai, chuuto, ro-) zuki
c. Blocking (uke)
i. down block - gedan uke
ii. upper block - age uke
d. Kicking (geri)
i. stretch kicks
ii. front and rear snap kick - mae geri keagi
iii. front and rear thrust kick - mae geri kekomi
2. One Step Sparring (Ippon Kumite)
a. Introduction to One Steps
b. One Steps Protocol
c. One Steps #1-2
d. Self Defence
3. Kata
a. Basic 1 - Taikyoku Shodan
b. Basic 2 - Taikyoku Nidan
Exam Fee: $40
(Includes detailed grading, critiques, and the certificate of rank mailed to you)

YELLOW BELT Yellow Belt (9th) -> Green Belt (8th)

1. Techniques
a. Stances (dachi)
i. cat - neko ashi dachi
ii. horse - kiba dachi
iii. crane - tsuru dachi
b. Hand (zuki)
i. side punch - kiwa zuki
c. Block (uke)
i. inside - chudan uchi uke
ii. outside - soto uke
d. Kicking (geri)
i. defensive side kick - boubi tohi geri
ii. front roundhouse - mae washi geri
2. One Step Sparring (Ippon Kumite)
a. One Steps #1-3
b. Self Defense
3. Kata
a. Basic 3 - Taikyoku Sandan
b. Chario 1 - Chario Shodan
Exam Fee: $50

GREEN BELT Green Belt (8th) -> Green Stripe (7th)

1. Techniques
a. Stances (dachi)
i. back stance - kokustu dachi
b. Hands (zuki)
i. knife hand chop - shuto zuki
c. Blocks (uke)
i. knife hand - shuto uke
ii. upper knife hand - shuto uchi uke
d. Kicks (geri)
i. back kick - ushiro geri kekomi
ii. offensive side kick - kougek tohi gerii
iii. rear roundhouse - ushiro mae washi geri
2. One Step Sparring (Ippon Kumite)
a. One Steps #1-3
b. Self Defense
3. Kata
a. Chario 2 - Chario Nidan
b. Chario 3 - Chario Sandan
Exam Fee: $50

GREEN Stripe BELT Green Stripe Belt (7th) -> Blue Belt (6th)
1. Techniques
a. Hands (zuki)
i. ridge hand - haito uchi
ii. back fist (normal and spinning) - urakan uch
iii. palm heel strike - teisho zukii
b. Blocks (uke)
i. bottom hammer fist - tetsui uke
b. Kicks (geri)
i. front side snap - yoko geri keagi
i. jumping snap kick
ii. traveling sidekick
2. One Step Sparring (Ippon Kumite)
a. One Steps #1-3
b. Self Defense
3. Kata
a. Advanced 1 - Heian Shodan

Exam Fee: $50

To Read the Full Version, Please Purchase the
Complete Shotokan Karate Course

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