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A CONCISE, ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR OF THE SANSKRIT LANGUAGE WITH EXERCISES, READING SELECTIONS, ‘AND A GLOSSARY JAN GoNDA, GORDON B, FORD JR. LEIDEN EJ. BRILL 6 apr 186 by BJ Bi aden, Nabe A igh sed oft of 5 bk may be oad na ay fom, Pes in Gy Sha ils rate pre fe pe CONTENTS Translates Preface “The Sept mt Reading Reercne. Phonology. Desenson Conjgation : Camposton Some Remarks ot Syntax — Po Reading Sclections Ghsary SH eEBo VASE a2 ‘TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE have transi the fourth edition of Profesor Jan Gouda’ exelent textbook, Kare Elementar Gramma dar ‘Senshrit-Spracke(Lesten, EJ. Weil, 196), for we ny flementary Sanskrit course at Northwestern. University. ‘which i designe primarily for ng who wish to seus {nwwledge of Sanskrit grammar ae rapidly as pusible Profesor Gonda's bok is ideal fortis porpose. The game is sented ina clear and thorough way and accompaniod by twenty weful translation exer. I ato, thee ae ‘thiteon well chosen reading adkeions and «Saks English gossary contain every word which cecus inthe ltansaton eerie ad alingwlections Tshoull Lite to expres my thanks to Profesor Gouda for ‘is kindness jn eaving the manusrpt of my ralation in its entirety. In adatin, Lam extremely grata t Pefecer Fithjo A. Raven for many helpfal suggestions Branston, February 196 Gonnox B. For, Jn ‘THE SCRIPT ‘The most common of the Indic alphabets isthe devansgat sevpt, in which the Inividaal sighs aa ra exprest not nly vowel or oaly a consonant but a comonant with ft lowing vowel The wowel whieh follows ef aot sally dlaigrated The devansgae alpabet eh a syllabi soipt. Consonant Signs with Foloving & Vos oO oT TOF ia age ghn os Phas TB OF OR OF ode ja isa Ling FTO ods dhe Dots oT oF OY A tate dk dha a a a mph be Bhat Senivowls TT OF yon bow Soi TT & a os Aginte & ba : j | : | Eg “The isang ib designate by a colon alter the preceding etter: sah the ansSra m by dot over the prseting testers 7f = tam, and stand efre in the alphabet or, if they eeproeat © nasal or sibilant, inthe place of these sybase Tr ke vowels stand inital portion and are not jlned sith he prevading oomsoant, shen Gey are designated By the Following sgn momar bass SOMME TE Te Ga tte Hm trv ethan av ine othe aoe sy hen taupe pected i the flowing Way Ts eg HTM UT abs ATA fice fra fru fx Fi og Atm ato te vace FE eT cee TRAM Toye ee sie PR TR EM ecg HA Tye wn tester a rr ee Vo eg aT ko, AT on, HT pho Tau eg. At an toa At yan alee Be Fol ‘The omison of an initial a4 designated by the aagrahn Seg: A SAE ten 11a consonant without vowel is to be designate, then this Isdone by means ofa stoke ~, called a virama eg: arm "ina word o sentence too mee consonant inmaatly fellow one ancther, then the above signs ave joined in eb group (gate). the frst of dhe comoants to be oil eds othe right with a vertical sttoke, then itis placed fist with loss of this stoke: FL af AT ta: FT ata the fet consonant doesnot et with the verti stroke, ‘hen the lowing cosanant join unde the receding one oth Ise fs Roezotal stroke: A ya BT es. Exceptions: J na and Fa es the second members of a Ugatare are soually placed underneath with Joes of thee horizontal stroke; FT ma an Hf ya are in tis case written ter the fst sign and in a more shortened form (teow, ote also ea, ths, ss, chy, fm, Se Bs, a, a, a, ‘dha, doa, db, pla, ba. bea before a con. and before ¢ i dsignated by a hook placed above () theater stands completely to the right ska: after a cons represented by a stsoke placed under it: pra: 1. Bspecily tobe noted tas 5, More than evo consonants ‘0 joined acorn to the same rules. below oka, FT a, TAs, AT ye, ia FT hv, al thn, Rs, AT oa, AT Ky ba, A Aa, ha, Higa A nha, ve — A Mya, hha — Hote, Fst, Mera, HY gob, FH oa, Taye. wr have, TA FA ve — Area, GF ha, BT eva, ebm — oka, Fahy, Fron Faeha, Wim een, Beha, Gel, Hehe, Tein, Toms Blea — Seige, Fehrs — jn FF iva, ia Hite, BT aya, ma joe, nm FT Joa — eich, Fe F ihe, tye — thy, thee — F don a dya — Or hs, Ohya — wt, US otha UE ad, 1 on Ho UOT ve, TH a, nv Tove ‘owe sexirr A FR ths, Feta, PT aya, Etta, AE cove, A tha, AF toa, AH tp, FH ema, FAT tye, EAU, es, Ate, PU teva, A ta, FAT sn, FT tna, FE ayn — A thya — es, deva, Z dara, Tle, X dara, F ddvs, F dha, F Mila, A dabya, F dna, Z dba F dbha, AT abdye, BH dma, A aya, Fada, AT iys, Z dva, BT aeya— wf dng, PF dis, OT aya, da, WF hea — Fate, ZT aya, Antes, mths, ua, FA nddhye, FF aes, na, Pe ndtea, Yn, FAL ama, FA nye, A aa, Ava, A ws Flt PT ptya pos, OF pms, OF py, FF pe, Fla, HL pst. — RT phy — FA bjs, bia, BY baa, ZT bm, FAI a, BY ka, Ff bea — ST Ba, bea — FT mn, FY mp, FA mba, FY mba, PA mya, Ars, Fm. yy, ya — Fi oka, Fs, fri — FH ha, FA ye, GT, Ta Tye, Te, Woe WH ey Wim, Moor Tye, Tb, DI ya, Bio, 60a, TA soya — OF sla, ake, Esta, sya. Bose, ots, stva, W atha, Tatty, . re soenre COT 08, OUT goys, OT spa OF wpa, FL sma, OT sv Coa FR aka, FM akin, A ta, FAT 0, BT ste, FA stva, PH sth, ams, ET soa, FV sa, BY sos, BT sya AT 996, To, oe, BE hoa HE hoa, ha, hye, hea, FE he Hoe Five ver auke ra3g45 67 Ako 100 oun nrsion. Within a seatence word division oears ita word ends ina vowel, anus or isarga and the fa Towing word begins witha cone, just as aconding to 857-9 iy Ones either phone oon ce union int one sabi ibe ooors with cbervanee of the pertinent sandhi rles Poxeroation. Thi sript depends olely/on 1 for the esigaation fa minor sentence segment or the end of tal temps, and on to Gsignate a lage segment or he etd 4 trope READING EXERCISE sere amt a arestonerfin- tka movantyevohuvelinadhamastdey- yop Arata siti ying tana yxy oi prot ayaka mamta tt ata eraepanarinr tier atewariat: Yoiadeya-camp atlas athgranthah, aga: aint dry dar: aRsetterarnfaeeT Duhavab stein copayakld ramtha apiafesiatatiomgkr: 1 degen Sahuviinito “yam apiagrniinh iets indimarvsyanyatarabhsrant bstataohsrsyarthan- area: Penin gerne aracseat ilakth clint postskamdeanopsyoginyo fo prehieworngr iainfaatset- rmagryab _svasvalbukikavyavahropayopetracttal Fecrrsaeqernia tei Ura gre sapaantynah cami postr sana ia Pron 1 eat aathrghaereTTTy: ser visiya yen yada qaem ga wom erenTPT TAT ibhaays vin asptays sarspastban) umay igi evita eames reste wry slbhayogpamnajen sskearab svatote Saag abareeret seen: ove mabitatatpatabnt, sacaanaynesie digasht @ afrarenht: anit afer 0 opalatchaye ca putikadvirtalb presniyo ‘sai PHONOLOGY Gu Vows ea bf wa rFE 44 6 pare long, ako the macophthongied.dipbthongs ¢ (Gc a) ado (rom au), Teewise af snd on which eontinue ‘nd ‘Se Som Sete voapc "Rip, Usui Ames (en) Velars ame om Palatals cok kh Geretras (Lingual) fk Dentals fof Libis bop om Semivowels (voiced) ‘Stilants (viele) ‘spirate (vied) (Secondary Phonetic Symbol) bom w 2, Prowunciartos. If not otherwise noted, the sounds ae so pronounced as they ave reproduced here in Tatin franseription. 77 | ate syllabic, 7 { are pronownced kee, in German Vater, Rea, with aight 1 an ofl. The aspirates are pronounced with a clearly audible aspiration following ‘uickly afterward; ph hus does not equal The # is Eaghish yor hos gaat) scerebe} = (deat) ‘agin sing The proounond ike Eaglsh chin chic, jas italic asic, ike Ge Bench plata (tte ge) ‘The eeebrals are pronnunerd lke the dental, at with = feflenc tp of the tongue, ths ke English et. The se ‘owes y and age to be pronounced ike German fad lomewiat more like ngith w) 4% appeoximatly German Chin ich ic Hes Between fn Defend chin Sha 3 9 feceal eh, approximately French eh withoot lip rounding ‘Tratwayo sharp dental» ever et The vsrga (Tigi ‘ose aspirate; at the end of a sentence the preceding ‘owel uccus as an ollie, The anasvra ma nasal eng ‘honing ofthe vowe,can be pronounced beoresemivowel, inant, and ke final 40 French (eg. Jean): otherwise ie yrotonneeinerully ia word Hee te pasa ofthe same ‘as tne before gk a et) wort postion ‘Sualym The ananiska ( or ~) osu ony in combination ‘with inorder to express nasalized J “Recewrearios. In the contemporary pronuacition the sult of ascentuaton vad for Latin fs extended ta the lst Tour syllables of «word, A certain stress this rests on the pulimate syllable i chi slg by nature ce by position {fw consonants following the vows) on the aatepenitimate Sable if dhe penultimate x shore and i itz i ong, oer Swhe_thus if de peltamate and aatepenulimate slates re shorton the fourh-t lat syllable, Examples: po ‘nara, mirthéys, RAT (i i a sgle‘oons) wdodeya “hostel Te compounds each component sully retains I 3, Cuawens oF Vowats ny Grapanion (BLAU?) ‘Vowels are subject to» doable gradation in infletion wd ‘word formation Wakgale of Ow wre t Fullyrade, Gora 2 ¢(lomas) o(froman) ar al fom do) dr Example: cpima "we fll”; pata "ho fall": ptayath “he causes to fal 4.3) "inet, gine “lace, eon ‘acta "eal, acquainted witha oealty” (nd “senes"™ folanae "welghing"= Tau yt made”:har dower ya-"busines" pte "boing in ores hal-ate "be inorder” ont vowels which aves in Lang dosed syllables are pract- cally exclude from his gradation: thes: wind he re rots” always remains i lat “he ves" $4. Vowses ssn costoxsrs aN AnSOLUFE FINAL 1. As a ule there romaine only the fest of two oF more ‘oncomants which shold ent wer Baran "heasing” ‘pas ars frm *Hharant-s}. The combinations rr rp nevethekes gout ia Bal poston 1 the final polion of « word 9 the eo sentence for verse ooo only wowes and diphthongs (except FF. and the voices, non-asprated stops (exept) the nasas (sce), and The remalbde, i they tiga or sconding to § 4 Tare supper to ecu ia final poston, waderg the flloing changes: 1) nde i te tng bya ded. 2 Susie arma tose bt. TUL The voiced stops and srprat, except the palatal ‘ange to the corepanding wieless stops: ta “this” from fad, put “foot from a, tistyp "name of a rove mate” fom ‘trib tv, Tw palatal topechaage to 8, j sometimes to fi 8 Be- comes cod "voce from toe, wah "gariand” from ora, dear "ing of the gots fom esa 1, sls to off fa esome fore cael it “reg” stands for a, to the stem mais "be ‘alongs the nom. 3g madhuli VL andsbeoune after vow: deh “god” from des, ‘anak "aga mn pana fn i wc Son: I onsale we WHga7. PHONETIC cuaNGH WW THE SENTENCE (SAXE} In the connection of sentenous and in the formation of compounds the final sound of 4 procding word. an the {ail sound of the fallowing word sndergo the flowing anges) 5 Contact oF mixay AND DuRLAL vows 1. Simple sinlar®) vowel coalesce to form the cores- ponding long vowel 7 the allowing rans he fr of the we a abst tal inmate ng Yu They as et Ee alti imal developmen yet rome wk wae tot dings or a Singtel by te quay. ot for 44 on F becomes fi naa fea > nadia “He Sve, gail scwra > dadiserah “if the lore oe am or w becomes a: Sdn alam > sah tom “well spoke Ta an @ merge with simple dissimilar vowels to proce ‘hei fl gree ef. § 3): thus or dot oe Docomes c: cashi > ceba “and here, “you, 0 lord 2 or FL oe a Dooomes 0: crane > cata “and id" wndea > oder cane 4 oF 247 oF Booomes a: hea pp > har ere the 732", sata rok > yatharie “ke a TL. and & merge with diphthongs to produce their leng- ‘hac grade: (EOF E+ oc ai becomes ai: ai > at comes bere", caf alt eit “aad 4 r d£0 or au Decumes au: ad opadih > sansa “the medicinal herb, ‘add + aughah > te 9) > mane “tenets < mans eres sangha then the it $6, Tou vownts jm 4 7 bt imi vowels ak votneconeendigsnvowe hs 9.7 pala ee ae a ee abe 27 Macc weisoma trans taleanto come ith uke ce use eh i Oe fv 1S pia oh 0 come "ae ronain woeasged ee itil, but the eset iw tae Gib ai > 0B Shor ao $a Te ea wat asa rule changes t,o 0 saad sont un totason hope" ion ion = shan te two wn Per. Excrrons ro 958. The cong ¢ of da son wahanged coe vr a ect wo son. Tes Pas vrcanw sort The in Slop a ade tal pen (4) seas only tele sols see ale kein sand ths so eles 0 Stec'atscrtowa) a vaced sop por tea of he SOUR spb ania tal the inal vs TASTE hangs mn tho ool of cs att Tha puna agua he es oy the dike ‘echt Leon cams oa gins ath me > 98 Boy spe tt mamas he ropect” ton eat emt ao ad oma UE Fhau vt he tum in sve fal poston is att hei palatal, eer ston > ace ei nome joa bitte a ine ek th ial nd wth al fo eek a ‘toa 2 cr “having ead i" fre. Fiat wasses 1. Blam before j changes to tn jain 138 ann "ete people (a) belo to afore £408 sce the lly Soom he ado > Sat bln o> bln le lal le) “nity in the world”, ae 1 Before following ,f either an originals as been proved alter the fil » ofthe form in stint fn Peston ofan inserted snail; this Is as Tate tof before of befor the w becomes mt (ans vita): *Sharants ce > Dlaramé cx “and basta”, cu tad => afin 188 "thon Hoses: kasi cit gare > hasmin in (or bee) naare in sme town of other” 11, Final m which emains unchanged before vowel becomes susvira before consonants: tam ca > tam ca “and rade", sao guchanti S samracchat "ey came togethir": Wea find cond bide sama, 1, Final masa except we are doubled efter a short vowel ‘before an initial vowel: sam ara > san ala "blag ete, ratyan tite pratyain dee eating toma the west. §§2396, Footy 5 23. Instead of « andy i fond the of the form in sbsoute inl postion (4 VI) also bore hf, Bh 45 Hisyah any gil fa frat he goes away gun, pita Sah "Siva evel” mata sya et i te feed 2» mtonenoey ote. Somes nl sisal lone 18 Ida a ‘Before and ch appears instead of (form in abseate final postion 9: # before and fs; befce anh szemains changel sands appears ited of 2 devas cd > dea ot "an the go nar > na ca "ad gain”; dow tare vd ga thees una are > as tata aga thee 444. Before iil wooed sound stands instead of s.r atts vowels exept a ad aie mama > wir mana "EY “hee dhoyas fu > dona ou "ke cw gus a> fair julia "provide with virtues” Tote." parle Uh tame Uh eee al io sod {45 as becomes 0 Defore voiced consonants and before & (hich anappears); thus dna pacchatt > dev acca a god eoming” dear api > deo’ pi “also a ga form absolute final postion deh (§ 4, VD. efor wowels other than a, in tis case eoomes « with ikea hore” divas nde > Its he aae ee > aa ding urea "the god spoke oi i 9) Hw en yc “as bones & befor ll wooed sounds, before vowels with tiatuss afd shanti > afod dant “the horses tava”, DDamayuntyi nveanam "the dein of D.", ded ea “the sods spoke” $26. 7 disapgears belore intial r with compensatory engthenitg of the preening short vowel: fanar rai > (pond ijt he dstnguahes isl again”; abo a8 oi ating roma (§ 14): apt ramate > opal rama "the Ring njops hime Ch alto: amahal rj abranit “the Bg spoke very calmly” (anak instead of dna, form in biote final position donabah 17. Terma consonavrs. The combination: fina vec ess slop and inital rests in vole. sap. and oiend aspirate! dat hi > ca di “lets, sak say oh "or ean” Tita ok boomes coh aft and after the prepasti ‘ey “i is shade” aes st tonto heh $1820. SODND cHANoES 14 THE INTERIOR OF A woRD, The rales §§ 517 abo apply to the contact of the final oun of a root with the titi sound of sli, of the Sina sound of 3 stem withthe ili sound of a personal cexingo fa case ending, te But there are sre exept the mast important are 4 short vowel after md “not P"to": Basa hiya Shard 418 Guanens oF vowets 1 Im some eases, namely in monceabic words and after 4 double comunant, we ind nstesdof fan fy, an instead of and a we: d- "Uhonght™ ison (a, sg) Bhi "cath: Bhd Gist 5), TL, Before following vows and » appear iste of a, instead of ay, instea of 62, intend of au emi go": ayn T want 10 69" (8 3 go-ohis ‘ste. pt) "with the ext" and igen. p ef te atl, ows (x9) "aBip"s am (eo Before sail r | cons, and 9+ cos. and are sally fengthened: ur “lty”: dat. pl. 6 owatoey $19.1 Congosasre remain unchanged before sfines find endings which begin with vowel, semivowd, oF sal: tape dat sg of tapas "ascitic", pase ‘i "asnte”, i tpi ascetic” (om tase bith) since Ui i 8 compound, TH. Belts other consonants the inal consonant i treated ‘teoing to th rales of the frm in absolut fnat ‘Poston (G4) and further according to §§ 20, with ‘hie it Sow he noted that before a voiceless stop old stops become voiceless aspirated stops shit the anaspurated vocles stops; before voiced stop {he moped ope boom seapiated veleed stops ‘Ecumples mana mind” oe pl manaow assording fo dy; iste pl. mano-Bhe according to $15; ara "gatland” le pl ara, UL If a root ora som cas in volo aspirate and a uff oe ending begins wth Fo th then CD fs ‘hangel to d and esever the aspiration: labise > abut “obtained”, From the roots beginning with fel ening in & fone with gd are formed: dhe Mil dada “rie; kes fom sw “loc nigtha tel VTL ‘Denfals become cera after cerebral: dis “hate” epi > det "ae ate V6, j. 4 are treated as in Gaal postion (G4 TV, V): But etre toe fj often change to § and & always = pas aga seen, but puta > yt. "ound! VE According to §4 V and §20 TE s+ # becomes By fee alo reptesented by he owotoce es VIL, Tasted of with flowing db we Gnd, wth ‘rhc rein str! vel expt 7 gta a ae yk nd 4 VIM, Bere sins » and me bncome ans m before other crwonast enone 9 Teamen hen’ ama yo ks gm © tom etn ogo" TX. becomes after ¢ an jcrtbnd > jad , meson acs! Hee Gap oe $20. L An which vowel or nm flows is changed to ily F rp immediately pred inthe sane wed or te palatal, cera. or dental san In tebe: deep pas“ arm > arn “ye dnb athens "by theca" Saran hint nna” at darn "seng frenne“orlonag” 1 Ans changed to gf Hy © a vowel other thane rend inmate ors epsated only by for ft so ther than rr fs wk aS Sha "santa; tone “cw thane be it tras "the en DECLENSION Praanunsaae neaanss. Sanskrit has thre genders rmascline, feminine, neater; theee numbers: singular, da {espresing the mmber to) plural ight exces: neminative, Yorntve, aecisative nstramental, dative, ablative, genitive locative $224) “Ta case endings ofthe neates devite from the masct- tines only in the om, Voc, and ar of the three mimbers “The endings ae given Below. One distinguishes: a) the oraliedeceasion; here the stem ends in a vowel; D) the ‘Sonsonantal deslenson the stem ends i a eomsonant. VOCALIC DECLENSION San Srans 4; masclines and neuter, Masculigs, Paradigm: af “horse” Singulst Dal Plural Nom. afear ‘uous Yoo aive ase ‘Ace sie asin Inst, aera sais Dat ated ababhyam | AbL aba } aebhyas Gon. afeeya icin foe Sie fates SE aan ro egerpay ‘Neuters.Paagm: dina“ Like the masculine only om ace Woe, dlnum, nv. A, dia, nav. pl fad {22 Sams 16; feminins, Palin ea “army" Nom nd ) Vor ine Pa sents oe ee os | saatis sents Petia) cae \ { senattres cen } sexinin Loe. sendiydm SAO sends Like §§ 2, 22 abo the adjectives in a fen nee”: ase. nas, nent, nave, fom nav. Several ade festive, however, form the feminine stem with the slic 27, ote Tnes ing et a a eget a with ad ‘a nai” fous "yos sere tom Stas ix fan a mac, fom, and neuters Sse, Pie" pt “eh ea ey a te u {a {as he | + psn a te Se " mn sis fans sn Stn | Soe e Mte wes ) calinam | patos ‘patina st pater salen ) align pote pass NVA viri init srfnt sired) sais D. sarge Bem tier er epee pt Pm maa ot citar Co creer as Se oe aca mii ices ay rea Pisce err tn JGR Ess Rei 24. Nec Paradigms: r-"water”smadhw- “honey {sito ate = fog. Fromvinns, Paradigms: gat “going”, dome “epw' ch alo §§33 and 27 o ns Rp Na tn | eae 4 camer ve ee a ae et fy tae Shen het Do Bal caret hme her) i a 1 Yeuoo gl nei pu Eg PP ST a ts pacers 3 26, Tue anyrertvns 8 J ax are desined ike the suttantives, exept that the n can abo have the forms of theme. inthed ab. gg. andin they. Lec. "pr 3g. Sucnas and Ses la" dm tanned fenae, Adjectives in can abo form thi feminine with dor ‘yy adition ofthe tint nflertd scoring to § 27) sme fetinies have two oral thes of thee forme, eg, lam tame tan ak 27. Seas favo 6; feminine Polysylabic stems. Paraigms: ali “sive”, sadhie re a = {sm Jaetser te edie atnt sain adie sadhon vada at) aie sathor sadhais ite yn A (eH iin sai atin elds china eytn§ 57% Sate” atin) thar 4 ecuension 428. Mososyusame rennin ards: velcg at ” a f Sate nas Bh daa ass Kagem sae boo” aa BB en ao is es, ds G5 ses this yam, aicnton 5%: OOTY sty, Dano fasion Ie ae, Se siya, dah, diver; bhava, Ohad, Bhs sian, stm sign, ab ena sr, sce. Sp, sie" iim, cc eth 29, Stews 7; nine of agent fase and n); word for relationship (se. afm); ef, the preliminary remark (0 noe anal Vo dater » saree | 4 ae coene| Pe >, ‘ Yai Sloane Ce Cacering te fot DEeLENSION 2s om wont fo tain. rants, Mair husband sus ("Ste nets tee daar i, waren, Moat pace a 30 The REMATING WoRDS fon RrEATIONSIUP have 2 instead of din the aces nthe ace da and in then ‘this: fit, itr, pitram, te, ara, cto, piles, ee, say “oer as isn thea. (Of wpe “man” only the fa i ia we nthe og; te maining eases are formed from the astm mares the fred lio found bese sed §3r Smee oe penta (Only the words nash" and 2: “cow” eecrfeqently Infection: sg. n>. news, 4 ndvam, 1 ded. oo, ab ‘nts, ona du na, waubhyi, nde; pl nea ma, aati ab, saubhyas, gn, | naga; font im, ‘eH, ace, yes, ger; du glo, gohyam, gamers 2 les. aps. gobs, aby, gdm, gore fies. "Sky" rum gm. dys, a doa, dy, i did, ise abs das, sp en dae, dub, dy, isan, dys ‘CONSONANTAL DECLENSION S22 Pusnaeany wears, In the & 9. mse and fem the endings always disappear (6.41). Before an ening ‘begining with « vowel the final sound of the stem remains tnehanged (G19 1) im the n. 3g. and Belore endings be- sinning with consonants §§ 4 and 19 apply. It shoud be ‘ote that the neutrs insert a asain the np. before the final consonant uals it x= nae; n the stems the pee cdg Vowel lengthened in sch wee 6 DecLension 3%. Roor stems and the nouns simay infect (of one stem inthe |; mase, a. and fem, ‘Mave and fem Paradigms: ade “vole”, mart m, wind” i ego”, dey, “ener” Se NV. sah(54) mar ($4) glk) dit 84) ‘A scon—Imaratam” dita dei Tea” mame dg Deke ante ive vite Ab. whee maras aides gas Le tae mart ao De marwas disown dpa imaradthyin dighhyim — deidbhyin marae — dts deigos a NVA. fee martes dias hia 1 plete (§2p)maradbbis aighie —ubhis D. Ab, nagthyas maradbigas aigbhyas — dubyas ‘nanan aiding 1, fataw (29) marn dpa Some additonal examples: Mise “doctor”: hina, gaia, bhgagbhis, Bhisaken; sama "soversgn”: sam. samrijum, samedi, saris; od) "increasing" "Wt Spdham, “ordi, ete “bud “akeing™: “St, “bie Mom bis, Soto “dub king” aa, as, Ty la te end f compound cess 2 dbus, “Abby; “hh “ekg”: i, “han, “ibis, sa "The neute age: “worl ike mar, only nav. gh, jg, pa §ap Stews we as is a L Necro, Paradigm mana “mind”, hie “fer tng ep "eye" se NVA. manas desis cals Lo aed an 20) caput Danae fave ‘aire 4G. inoue ote Spee 1 ena sah ea D NVA. nana di cates IDA. mancdiyim hy eager ‘91 ee toes mt NVA, mens nigh cattg 1 amis iis Spr Gem “Git D.AD. macbiyas—esiryas catrdinas Go astm eee algae 1 mansion ag (cr mmasn) (or hain) (or eaga UL Mascoumes soo FRMnves, Like the eaters (624 Deny in the nom. sg the ain the sfx -ar lenge thened: Agiras-m: ng Angin, as. Aira, | A esis ey tp. Abgivaay, te, Apuoas- Cn. Apuarls isg. Apsaraeam, 2. pl Apsarass. Most muse. and fem elnging here are adjectives and, in fact. compounds Paradigms: sumanay"well-dspoed, chertl”,dirghiyee “one MF x MP, x. Se. No sumands | airghiyas V.—swmanas (suman Airghayus A sumanasom sirghaynsom Du. NVA. sumunasaw semanast — dirghdyugau dirghéyst NVA, smanaas —sumanis! dirghiygas drys Father a5 bows S35. Stes 2875 here § 8, TTT finds application, Para ign pie "speech. Se nr ace gam, fg tes tin na, pis isab, goby, gL gen: pl mas fia, fii, dab. yas, gin, pr. Likewise ofr “iy fi, foram, fu: farm, pin, pr fs ‘bis, ee. In the gaa befoo Bh aed 5 as ‘vsh, Benediction” shits to this inetion: ado. §83645. Moreresm xooss DPscintsany Rexan, The mutiplestem nouns those vvth stem gradation fave dhe stong stm wth the mase. fan fom in the na. sf and du and in the mpl, withthe enenston » neater inthe na. ph Tn the remaining eats the weak stem Appears, bot eth several stem clase im a double form, epending on whether Ue ending begins with a consonant ‘or with owe. (Exeeption: § 40), In the strong stem the faa grade appears, im the weak stem the weak grade. — These nouns are ted in the weak ster 36. Stans nv af (weak ster a, strong stern an). These stem are almioe al pre. or ft. act parttplos e201, Pat, dat "sing (Conc the fem, tao heat we $27) & » aM x om s NV. tater) tudantas wv att dont A tadantom ate 4 i ‘add faints Dae indadsiyer —D.AD, AbG. dates tatatte i ‘md tae be a x NVA. tant ad oan) Da. ada a ‘eae ‘ta iy sth cain and the deat conjugacy have he Song purse inet tne crept eet ft SS comjopton (aie rt gy ty hh cae have {be wea se pat sty” te wets of the 6 ‘Shae fn pst tnd the prt te be the dae ‘nso pony th tro wk stam: a: don aa: ‘peepee 9 an uma") S37. Repursicaren ste form all eases (except ma. pl mywbere the strong form sho ozs) fom the weak stem Paradigm: dada. ving” (pat of di, 33d or educating ‘dks. Semmes, dada, ace. dada, dada te, nn. fats d,s dada, dad pm... deat, sa. dadat (or dada “The word maka eat” hae the strong stem maint. sg ma, ace maha at av aati tea ® mht, maa pL Dv. alii 1s, ee haus, av. mah. Contnes ke tate S98, Sans nsw asp mat, Posssive adjectives. They are inloctd jst Hee dhe partite ina (430), ut form the fg. in vbw and md, thus fom Bll "sso! (Gata “srength): bland v. aleas,dlasont, Blea, fey da, alaanday, pn Balan, ace Salata, ce torn dima "intelligent (dhe "thowght" |: hima, dma, Atimatm, hima, ete teom Iptna "having. done (f 103): astm, ete: — that a6 a polite pronoun of the Bnd perm (vith the gr pers of the wer) i ected Mewse: Bao, Shaanti, basa 39. Stews 1N am, man, sam, Alnwst oaly mase. and novier; x fe, like sian “boundary, and an acm. ike ‘hoa (plant) “at” are deine hike jan: (nly ivan sg abo ffs). The stems formed with maw andar lave fm not inthe weak fom before vocalic ending if eon Scnant precedes the mw of. Paradigms: rijan m. “king”, fnimen- "me, ima ch." scenes a Se xo 1 imi Vio ran nia ima A rijnam \ imino 1 nike ied ‘iad Dd. ripe one fimane Ab Gps eras imanae Tafa jen nan, nna Hien De, NVA. r5jfnan as, nimons rdna DAD, aihyam oman Sima GL ines norman PL RV. riidmas Dy sind, A faites sri mana 1 jabie matic atmabhis Dab, rijubhyas maby maya Graf min Smanloe Lo am ‘man mas ‘The word aban. “fundamental principle, Braman” runs thus: drama, Bamana (§ 201, Braman, ee 2 cureston 4 Stews 1 fi; mostly posesive adjectives, Paras sign: aline "having pomer (Slo) pomertl”- Concerning, the fom. (ai) se 27. % be » sare) ) BA al ana sata oes sat x ee ) tN i BSF on 7 2} sane | a Lo) tating fine alge 42 Tae ranracr ranmientss x oie, Paradigm: ideas "owing". Concerning the fer. (dg) se §27. ss bs 7 ws oe {ess foo vi ee nbs DB ald sae sh Visas} 5 a tyes iain LS wet} ee $45, Tue conpanarives ue (yas, Paratigms: dryer patter: gariyas- “heavier”. Concerning the fen. tyes, goriast s00 27 x. x u x. Se Steyn) ery Veen | areas arivan | gariyas A eye frivdmsam ) 1 Sepa. te (ke §34) gurus, te, Ds NVA. eytnsaw —reyast—geryinsan _ gariyat 1 “evebigam. le garycthyam te a NV sent) eyo PEI est Regan | entmat Om gayi 1 sey, ee 200i, ee 44 Taw apjrermvss 16 ae, They ate originally com- puns ofthe root we. (strong fort ac) urn, go" with repli a with some othe words Tere ate to pes frac “castriy” (rally “armed forwards") and rac ‘reesteely™ (really "turod. backwards situated. bein) ‘The fem is also formal Ire By addition i § to the wea sem in prevocalle frm): rt, rt 27) Like an eg. apde- “situated Iackwrrd, behind. ande- “iced downwards, fare "turned away”, ree. “coming hither’ ike. prayac: eg aya “directed downwards", sama: “ited, common”, dar. “dzeted. spat, northerly" fem. apie te, ml, al a canwston " 4 wo « NV. BREST Dyan MAD pty GRE | ah foray | t pa ‘oat f rae fae Ri on Sas f on on be A then ek friytins fac IDak, "tga 0:4) ‘rapa oe act ra a Nv. pts pais PH ae Breet eens ar fp ' os Pass baw ei fontaine & yicin fratin L prdesw (8619 1; 4 IV) pratyaksu Rens aster oe Se maa eae ‘ig, om concn cua 1 Meets sn a oh iF is Sng Se A St at Shon Site a ef chi a ie on tate Se Te ea te at enanson 5 “ar mk” bd sl "igo oly the weak rec em fhe sa let rsa en Sind ces tans, tesla 6 in ‘tins the sng es formed om dhe Fic gu daly ak, na age ‘hyn i tal seb ce 1, The wd pth “way rns no fois, 2 pase ‘Mam jt ul, one path fate pha, as, ut, pation 1. fume." fomdh, men, mic, pr Ee. pumian, ptr ug, fT fea pnd foe oi adi ape water” on nia the pl. nv Bs, aan, adbhis, adbhyas, apm, apow, , ae VL At heat ol cmposnds ha ling” hs the tong Sten ton-n gh ap kbs, weak pees Som ‘ein, thn yal btmaen manne of Braman’: bain tse sn, bulma 2 roma f3 comparison’ 46. Conmazazive ano sureauarive canbe formed ina ‘wold way. Tn the fst place, the comp. is formed by ‘ution of tara, the sap. by addton of amt the mascine Stem of the adjsive” ugar "pute"! panyeters "pe" uasyaama purest”; alin (3): Bala, Bltama sivas. (42): stdeeara, deta Adjectives with & ‘ofl stem thos have the wale peeemsonantal form The Inflection fs as above {§ 23), * pecans Seen, with mamber of adjectives fas is join im the ‘comp, fin the up. (ection Hike §§ 28522 othe foot tendering the adj. which coually a. guga (fll grade) Formation; the sfc characteriatie of the postive ofthe a) {is thus lacking to the somp. and ssp, Examples: yaa: anal” (cot yds trample”): © Bydyas, Boia glen "ight aga laghiha- pura "heavy": gas, aries: pre" (oot fra “extend: prays, frthiher tra oe": daxiyasy, davgha; iri “ab {ant, mach, numerous" (00 Brow") yas "more™, ‘hayith, Sometines the postive of he sare oot sacking (ele “snall"}hantyaee "smal, younger”, kena eyase “better”, sepa: “est”; jyyae“oitee”, jy, “ole ole exenteration with th PRONOUNS Prruianxany nexus The paradigms ofthe pronominal ingetion have generally orgiated from the unbon of several tems, They lack the veatve 47 Pensoxat rnosovns, Preliminary msc. Sings tarda nd plural ae of elleret stems; nteral gear i fot designated; in addition to several strewed forms are found ence forms") The forms forthe ist person s. ma, Plesmad, forthe 2d persons, Sd, yup appeasing In the first member of = compound age ws as stems; made eles "ay hoase™. 2) hee ae pane in he ordi First person "T, we £90, wo" Se De n. Nato im eeyam ‘A. lon (md) Se (nan) an (ash Loma ‘aby senate Dayan (oe) aesthri (nen) asaya (oat) Ab mat abi soa Ga (ne) rayon aus) stom (na) Lo mayi arayes ond Second person “yoo, you two, you (gh & Da nm tam yas vive A tam (os) yuan (etm) Sag (os) Lat syunithyim—jagmibhis D. thane) yaoi (om) rgmabian (as) Ab. tat ynodtiyim jaa tara Ge) yous (sim) Jaga (0s) Le tayi senses sage “on ms {§4850. Tuy aan, o-caLneD “open neue” psosaows. Proiminary remarks ‘The form of the Bf reut. tsa stem in $5 48-50: the ater also appears at the Degianing of a compound. The ertngs deviating. we peately from those of the nouns should be noted. The [verbs ine which designate place are ao ned istead ot ‘ative: er sane ~ tain rane "in that forest S449. Devossresrive mosouss, s rurwstow G48. The stem tad also used instead of a personal proaun ofthe third person "he, se, Paradigm: Se De PL MoM RM NE MN, sa tw te ee be ate A tam Stim tan" Ltt) ais his Do tamas tay vt hes a emaaat oie | Daye aM tsi tenn assum) ton tw Likewise a “thi: mg. ean, ep mst. The forms sah eah ocear only in nbwolute inal potion and before owas, before which § 05 ls appli, Within the sentences, ‘a appear before consonants “Phe sem ena “he” ene) acy in the acs. ofthe thee number, in the and g 1 du. The nection i like that ofthe vem fa, the oma, ent, cm, nen, et $49. Stem dame "thi : a 7 ees te ted eo ated a oto ae Re os Se { Yikes ne Cotte | am aoe al ea mee cursos » Newer mg. dam, ds ime, ph mdi, Otherwise ke ‘tom aia: that” a mo a ee oh Gh ls Sk foe A eee phere ee Be [el Gauze SOMME) emis ase E emagmin amps 9 mips Neutra 5. ls, pl amin, Otherwise ike mass 4§50. RELATIVE rRoxoUy. The stem i yad “which it slid ke ad, Thos gm. as yl 98 68 am, ak im dona. yn. 96 965k 3m HF 8.3009, yn, te, Tierexnocariv® oaoot. Stem kim decensonastem hs “This pronoun spat fom then. and gm (i) dsc ‘ike tad’ Thos. as im, am, hi, es hun, m Aan he, te, Li emi Ls ce 2, hin, i, ees Tnefnites are formed by addition ofa, ci ovat the ntrrogativepronoan, 4, kak who?” 89'P, Iasi halcana “anyone”: toa "whore?" fod, ete. “any where"; Aim of "anything a all” na cid "nothing", ee S51 Paoxownnas (prosominaly inflicted adjective) TA number of adjectives are delined ike yaa. (§ 5): fatara “whieh of two”, lame "ich (of several far ther", anya “other”, et ” recess TH. The words saree and vite “all, every”, che “one” statara. “one of two” are kewse deine pronominal, ‘nly them. ace sg. they have th aleetival ending ‘sium, cham 1. Other words are treated ike sara, et, bat cam alo be ‘ecinedacorting othe nominal declension i the ab Sg. n.d in then. pm: ahara "iat below, lowe, antarae “inne urate”, aava- poster. jor westem" altre’ "situated above northern alpina "#0 the right, sate”, para “ater, othe fatcma-“weste, farea. "earl" sa "eben Sako whaya. "both binds", which hae whheye in the fem {52 Novws sep mnstean op monounts, Ie fs worth noting that diman- sous” is used instead of reflexive [ronoun: Vasavedatd».-iintnam Udayondya friyacchal Pye gave hesll to U."; Ht ropresnts al those persons, aud theag i en mae when the word telers fondo pe Sse sores forall persons ss reflexive with & pedomle nancy osesivemesing; this tf usually fo be tana by "one’s own” ot Lat. sus. The desgeation of the afl. however, act obligatory. Tn polite srs: hava (sg. m. Shed, Bhavan. pl rm, bhscanas, et, §38) & use as a pronoun of the 2nd person (with the ge peson ofthe web) NUMERALS $53. Cemonvars, 1 han, 2 di 3 tr 4 caer, 5 pate, 6 pap, 7 sata, DEcLEnsion dete sata tte 18 oe, pete, Se gic atl te Sie a Sol ma oe Sat ae ma ts aS ei Stipe amt ao Sie at aie waa cate ete wl ni EEE Mince, ema neal on tiple ne rcs in lyre toe sini abies nb Suatelamiomcs emai rt erat Aan Sata (ot pacidshavatan) * tet, Dram rc em i hs ts $e a Seb Netaratemmni e cee eee eae aaa ae (thus §§ 21522): mau, mde, dhe et, ri ad cater as follows: MON RB MON OF NV. trayas catsdras ia riot tas cara | Twit inthis burbs cats Dab, —tithyas tipbhyas ——catwrhyas causes Gay sin cabernet wisn tig catepn clas ‘The mamerals 5, 7.8 0 genders: and 11-29 are inflected for al fv. paca, pasabhis, dab. paeabhyar, e ecenwstox fPatednin, 1 pesca; only 8 rane ako: asa, ais, dba, pu 6 a, sai, ays, enn, sata The ‘bers 1-19 fe stall tse ajetvaliys pear wath with 5 men" “The number 20 to 9 a fein vbutanives in thes. 400, 1000, et are neder subst im the ag they have the umbered things thera appnitives in the ste ae f the purr he gen plu; hey can also be one with hemi 4 compound: Wimiatirafodh,vamtatir an "20 heres” imi) iraic or vr tgdm "with 20 men", varattem 300 yer 55. Oxoixans 1tprathama (mi) 08 dita, ly, th cath (tt arya (Lp, 5 aera (om) th say ‘th saplamac, Sb apama, sth nanama, 1th dalamay th kadai 13th desde 0th atom (1) ot vt ‘). trimtatamar or trina, 4th exedrimatona ea Fins, sth padedsatoma: or pai, 63th only pian, Dut rst etasaptoma- or ebaste,ee $36. Noweest anvrnas. Numeral advers ane salyt 4 xs dib 2x, rh 3 och 4, pabeaytoah§ Xt, Te sdveris in dh: ehadhd, et. form expresons for "singly, at fe time," Basen Se: pean fr five et”, tas “indosdaly" ‘CONJUGATION S57. Peetoweany Resa 1. Thee are three voices Sanit, the seve (pars pan), the middle (Atmancpadam), and the passive, Some verbs occur only in the ative (og, at"), sore only i the mide (eg, "sit)- Of the passive most only a present exists: n the nn yreset orth tide fs alo ime with pasive meaning The idle in ieneral expresses actions which the agent caries out "ior himsell, tm his ow inte”: yaja “ho sets (Gr ater)": pate "he sae (for lel)" This original distinction i regent peeserved in Vedic and Is mot completely lent im clase! Saeki ithe: we ‘olen ida quite secant uf De miles yet the forms of these two types are weed promis, eg, {or metrical reasons oF even optionally. 1 Temoods are: indcativ,optative, Smperative; nly the presnt has eee mods, the rentning tenses cay the Indicative; the infrequent peeaive i, however, akin of erst optative ‘The termes are: prmsent and impertet, which form the present stem Wilh ot. al pees. mp fe, the rate ndiional, act perfct. The thre iter groupe reeled the general fons of Uh verb they, a alo the passive. are formed from the rot: the vers of the aya ‘las, however, form fat ad pet fom the preset stem ‘The whole present system is formed from the salle reer stem, “ coxocarion TUL Sensei distinguishes abo with respect {0 the ver singular dal he mamber to we two et) abd pla IV. The personal endings are of to hind: pimary (a the es, fat. nti) and secondary (nthe mer. aor. opt ul ont), dregarding the endings devising in sever erons ofthe imperative and perfect. ‘The pimary endings are in gence Inthe active: sing. tm dl dn, ra nt, a ths, Fis; pit -mas, 20 tha, 3 an ny: in the mide: sae (i) ‘The secondary eninge are inthe active: am (3, -£ oa, fom, im: oma, a, s(n): inthe mile: thi, te; nahi, him, itm; mahi, sam, ata (ts), ‘The optative has inthe rt ack. the ening -m or ‘mid inthe zd du mid. thi, add me. tm, Sn he ged pact ar, mid ram ‘The endings ofthe imperative are: in the active: in, -th or without ending, 4; fs, am, lim; ut, 8, cand (a): in the middle: a, sa, “im; toh, thin, tim; ake, inn, “edit (lam. ‘The exdng of the perfect are given in § 84 CE, othe paradigms V. In dhe ipl, aot and condi the angenet, an a= phen before the verbal stem, appears fdas “he shes"? etude pushed” Roots Beginning with see; the, ithe, te; mae, ine, VI coxycarton 8 vowels havevrddht instead ofthis a sya “he throws lil. Zeya pat “he wets" pasa Inthe se of roots compounded with prepositions the angment fppeats between peep. And verb: nina pacha, 4 ‘mop of wih | push In epic Ske the avgment i Semcimes lacking ditheam (917) = wdaharam (it Impl. ac, oot Bp, arate); prasariala~ prdvor. lata (raj aria, grog mph ml. root wt + pr ‘ais Aorist fore without augment are sued after ‘the probe me md gs ("do ot", pean 30 act. without augment, fot gi "g0"). of § 82 ROLES FoR REDUPLICAtION, There are a number of reduplinted verbal forms. ‘The redulication consists nthe fact that @ part of the ror, as a rule the fist ‘consonant with a vowd, i prefied to the 09, ei ‘ep pe orbs. The follwing rales app The aspirates ae rupleated hy the conrsponding onaspeates: Dh: Bedi; did: da die 2 Vedas are reduplicate by the eoetespning plata: hw ata gr 8 ede by he inhe. {5 OF tron consonants only he fist ied Sap sigap= (G20 TD), fur tar, sre a, Roots which begin with velar + eons. form the re aplication sable withthe corcsponding palatal here G0: dram elvan grt jgrade, Art ji But if ‘he rt of the nil consonants a slant and the ‘cond i voleds, the later of ite representative is eslpiated: sd fhe, shan: casa; bat sm 6 coxjucarion “The vowa ofthe redplicaion splbl is ven with the respective paradigms. PRESENT STEMS 458, The prsent of Sanne is cided into ten classes according ta the srustue of the present stem. Thew eases te divided into two soup, ato the thematic and. the thematic conjugation. Ta the thematic con the present ‘em ends in and always emains coastant Inthe ahematic ‘cmjugation the stem ie variables st har strong and. weak forme: The st, 4h, th, doth clases belong to the thematic anjagetion, the an, gr, 3th, ty sth th asses bong to {he athematie conjugation. Tie enameration, wick flows the native grammar, is 4 well-established one which should ot be changed arbitrary. These class distinctions relate ‘only to the preset, act ad mid, not tothe remaining ten- es concerning the pasive abd the derived eonjagetions,< {$$ 05). Tn several esas wo or more than to prevents have ‘exited for one root THEMATIC CONJUGATION S159, Common to the for thematic present clases ae: 2. Thestem ends na § 38) This becomes a before the ngs begining with mw and and coalses withthe mide ding Tae dual endings of the md ar ee, (Mm 12 The 2nd. imperst. ati ential othe ste 4, Thcoptative affix iss, before vows iy, which eontracts vith the ofthe ste toe ey). The ening ofthe rts. set vam in the opt conrocarion ” ‘The intetion isthe same in the four cases. Only the formation of the stem ir different, Tn the 1st class w added to the strong (ganated) root: hae Bhat), Bly: Bharath roa, ff ayia: fb ati. Exceptions ar (3) mid mind Ii iota. Tn the th class ead to the wenk rons fd ula, til: eat. Final f the oot beenmes i belo the thematic owe (before thea) 7tra, To the rot ach bongs the Present fecha se; 6h In the 4th cass ju i ade to the unchanged root: fu ‘at-yt, a anya "In the Zoth cass and withthe eawsatives ais ake to Whe rot: die dis aati, Shoe Dhdeayats ae: tana Further §§ 9798 60, Finsr Ciase, Paradigm: Bh “bear” Se De PL Traieatve Act. st tart hartae tharimas 2a Dhara haathes ‘hari Sed Bharat artes hares mia, tt hare therdoate hartmate 2nd Marae hare horadve ed Barat hare tharnte eo Beg a tery ete bye ig % ist abtarom aud edherae ‘yd that rt abhare 2nd ablavethde ‘yd ara st thane ind bheres 3d hare st bhava {nl ihre ‘ye hare st hard (§ 20 1) 2nd Dhara Sed hava ast ara and Bhoasa gd Bharat conyvexrion De Imperfect et thors arnaht Imperative ‘et. hare hartam erate Mi, ardoaha arene therina stherte ‘theran atharimai ‘thera ‘iharata ‘aroma ‘hareyer armab arenes Marina hart ‘arent arth ‘aradioom harantoe coxyvcarion » In the same way: tud- “pas: tadalt VI, ate “theo sya TV, ete 61 1. Some verbs ofthe thematic elses for the present stem withthe sufi cla gunn" pes acca dm: "stctch"s yatta VI, become bight mecha VI 7g": eat VE. To the ot rach "as pecs 1, Some roots have the lng vowel: tam: “be Benumbed tmyati dane "tame"= damyat, Brame wae hrdmyati mad “pe excited, rejoice”= dys, am “becime quiet: Sima, sem. "become tied: fin gat, ioe "play, throw dice": dyat, gu “bide” hat am "pha usually marae "stop" forms inthe act. ima, im the mile rama The Yoo! jams "be born” hts the present jaya TV, TL Some ots which ave a penitence this: ante "i: dada, sah. "hang jl bron fal”: Brasyat, Obata TV, rao”: at 1 so emrace" jas, Yj 1V, A numberof roots insert «nasal ele the final cons ant ofthe oot “ex pat I, ip "besten ipa VE, Iu: ore in poss”: Lamp VI. “lt Lose"? meat VI "sprinkle" eat VL, we. ind" indats VI Y, Some mts are rodupiate ski. “stan: thal int “cel” jira, with costo: pei ‘iat T within ofthe + and engthenng of fhe vowel: sad is sid (dat), VE. The root eyadi- “bore through” forme the present iat; "het" S96 (IV) aes "nye “aya Py ‘coxsucanion ‘VIL For ded see pasts substtoe as preset. "Tas oth clase wil be dncssed In 5 8. ATHEMATIC CONJUGATION (2. Geers rwsunmsane xEMARKG. 1 Stem grt ation esis in all lasers The song form of the stem i fod in x3 persons, ame ‘in the three persons ofthe sng, dnie active: 2 nthe the persone of the sing. imp actives 2) Inallfitpertus of themper-acive and mies {inthe thie peso sng. ofthe impe. ative 2 Te should be noted that some personal endings difer rom thse ofthe thematic cone. Uhe paradigms. The 2nd impr ac. has the ning after a vowel A 5. Asan optatve si 9 (etre ofthe gr pl. only spi ace to the wu stem inthe et, (belo vowels “ej im the mid 4. he the a of sam i «cme the following phonetic ules apply: The ‘and tof the bo and eg, impart csappen (4) the inal so i treat according to § 4 ITM, cb abo the paradigm, § 63 or endings Degoning with a consonant the rules in § 19 fpply, belo the endings begining with 5 19 VI, 20 1h ep In the seg. mp ack final dental ands of the ‘rest stan ater low ofthe ending ( above) became tis fhe and gph at. hey Become fof Bid “split” VIL ‘ihinal (© nad) sad aba! or abhinah abhi) eI "onder"? aSat a ail oath $86564. See0¥D (Boor) coass. eoxjuaarion 5 05, Thepresent tem is ual othe oot thos tothe the personal endings aro added, eg o8-"lenoe” pres song ett la ac. sem weak i, 26. ato Parad’ de “hate Se De BL Iatiatve At ast doer vipas eigmas dani dete (§x9 V1) dithas de sd dg (19 1) djs een Mid st die dnieake——dgmae snd dviie(§10 VI) deiglile dnd (hom 2h) sd doige (§r01¥) dete sia mperfot Ac 1st adeegve atvigen aia and adv (8.41; V) aeigtam ager sd add (G54 TV) ati erga Mi, ast ads adeieahi——adgmahs ad adv sieathin—adedaoam advise feist adigta Optative ‘et 1st delim deipyt dein an dripte Gupatin gate sae diya Guia eso se coxsucation De PB Mi, at desi deiiahi desta aul deste Gesiouham —esioum ‘pa dita Geiyatinn diam Imperative ‘Act st done seston decane and dood ‘eam ‘tite 3d dest oe inte Mi ast deen deedeehai deem nd dete ssthin edna ee doe ‘viii tuts eee Bp ne te eacand ya "go" witht the A of the rot) " aoe ee vac ae Ree SS cscs TIL Paradigm of the root "go" ee oe eee a ee ear fs ; a en ent aee Serene ve att les TE ee es oh ms th vu, vu 1x ‘consncation 2 428, YIN, tama aa 9 YH), ana ek ad Paradis of the root ae “be almost oly in the nd. som, sat ses, sthas, ts, sas, tha, sant Impl sam, dl, dito, tem, dl, ana, At, an (Opt syn, sya, sy, sya, spt, stam, sym, sa, 5 Imp. abn, ei, atu, asi, stam, stn, asia, st, sane “The roots ans “breathe”, rah “ery, fuss “sigh sap. "leep, jaye "eat Rave ¢ before the endings Doginnng witha consonant other than j, ea before fhe ending of the and and 7d ng imp. acts ea, lad ri ais, rat radinas, ruth, rad limptwodam, areas. of artis; opt. rudy. These roots are te roots, 6. $72, ‘The rot rd. “speak” has in the strong forms before ngs begining ith cansonants: rein, rai, ravi Dramas, Draha, trv; abrscam, alr, stra; bri; tray rth, rave; eid. Bae, ite, ete ef. ako 18 L “The roots ending in have lengthened grade in the strong fms bore edings beginning with consonants, ‘hus ses "praise aust, imp aa (ave, §38 ID), asus, att, 3d ph mpl. aco: inp. aie, sui, tnd ‘Theroot ha “il” forms he weak stem ham before, 1,9, ba Before endings beginning with other conse: st consucarion nants, gha- before vows: a, Aum (519 VEN, Ia hanmas, hatha, ghnant shana, aban, han, hanna, kata, aha hans and ep. x Tri fot fg baa ayer, mi te, sxx Tate Se te dint weak tems ota, Pattee tone niet See §§65:66, Tran (aanorercarc) ass. Fos. The rot is redupliated; fr the initial consonant, sce $57 Vi; the vowel of the redupication sth shor forms ofthe cout vowel and p are however, redupliated by # ‘Thus: bee aa": be strong pest, ODM weak pr. bly "beae™ Dhar, bir; he “sein: ab, jhe, “Tote noted are the endings ata, at in the $e pact ‘hein, ph ps before a ial vowel has the fl grade ‘Paradigm: ac pour into the fe, saciee™ Se De Indiaive sit jutomt juhucas jhe nd jug (520 TD) juhuthas Juha jb Jihntas Sabot (8 6) Mid _julve ube juhumae at jubue Fubeithe ——Fuute Se jah judo jude Imperfect ‘et 25 jako sjutwon——ajhuma ‘nd ejuhae ‘hubntem —afubute 1d jh ‘hukatim hha coxocarion s Se PL st jah sjuhumah 2nd ahaas Syuhadinam sel apubte ‘hui Tnapertive st juha Jubavioe ——juhanima and judi (exception?) juhwtom ube 3 tow Futueion——Futate Mi ss jue Juhasteshai—juhavdmohat 2nd jubugea jubsthion ulnar sd Juha Jubcatim abet Opt at ubuntu, ee 166. The roots dt “give” and dha “put” lose thse root vowel nthe win forms: dad nd dadh; with lowing 1 the inal dh of dad becomes # and h, the inital send fs din thse case a wel a the Forms wih ean whi Tegin wits, 8 an ah (Ct. §4 note). Thus: di: dedd dads, danas alba, dadal, te; 20d. inp. debi (all forms ike dha, only dinstea of dh; hi dadhams,dadimas, ‘aba, dadhatis mi dake, hate, hate, dadhnae, ‘adie, dadhate; mp, adadhim, etc op. day, mid. Saahiya, ete p,dadhin, del, 2a pl hata, 20 id ‘hatsoa, and ph dhaddhoam. ‘A Tow rots in # have # in the reduplction sabe and in ‘he wen form change the into, whieh dinppearsbelore 6 congvenrion ‘endings having initial vowels md- “measure” (nly mi) Imi, ioe ind. min, mimie, mini pl, mina: lent ami. “leave han ass we stem jah jah Defore enings beginning with consonants, jab beore eninge ‘ging with vowels and in the opt ad. ja johimat, ad pl eka: pt jahéw opt aks an ep. ji, Sabo, oe jak S67, irvn cuass Th the weak forms ms joined o the roo, in the sone ono! owe" out”: sna sor Before the endings begining with v nd wots ending in a vowel ean eliminate the of the nu: sunumas or sana, bot only dpmamas ‘These root ora the 2nd ips, without Ms, But pr Roots with terminal consonants chinge ma inte se ‘efore endings having intl vel, Puradiges sae “press ont Se Du . Tndeative act st suomi seus (umes) suas (ns) and sme! sunthas adie Sed oti las suanoati ($6) Mis 1st sme sake (umeahe)_susumahe (unm) al smnge—sunthe ‘nude rd mde aie wnat conyvcanion 7 Se De mh pete, Act "st asunasom asunuta (asa) asnumn (asa) sett) 2nd asimor acuta sunada rd aside mer ai, 1st nwo suum (ana) aswamah (eswmmals) nd anche andthe ‘sumone ed sna usa ‘uments Imperative Act 1 sunestni soutien — 2a sam ela ‘ta sed male susan Mia. 1st suneoat—symautvaat amanda dnt sama sth suai suo stan ati Opt, at. sami, ee mi samy, te. Yo ap "btain” belong: domi 3 pl, Epumar, 368 Siw. The Las take herent ew ea” the asa of the prs. dra, tong Gem rom. sro, Saunas Comat pant TOS. SREVrW CLAS In the strong forms before the final consonant ofthe oot na: (201 rere the weak forms the nasa Bomerguns With this ia cone s consecarion Sonant: ruil “obstruct”: rugadl, rane, yj "in yuna yu: telore ibants and Whe isetel asa is ‘Bip cea”: pnas, pimps hms "st the w Belongs to {he sous strong bina eae hi Paratigm: Bhi. "spit % Do, cy Indicative act 2st ina hides india 2nd Dinas (559 0) Dinas bhi a Minas (§ 29) Benda indents ‘iia st thinde Uhindsahe ——bhindahe J Binte Dhindthe Bhindi yd Be bhindate sate Inmperlet es 1st abkinadom ——abhindoa atid 2d hina (abhinas)aontaoe ain 0 hina ‘bhintim ——abhindan Mid tabi abhindoah binds nd abhinghds ‘Dhindim —aBkinddhoam yd abhi Sbhindaie —abhindta Imperative ‘at 1st bhinadnt hinadéea bina nd ind ‘tom iota 3 Bhat ‘him bende cansvexnion 0 Se De Pm Mi, st inal iiadoatai Shinada’ fn ini Divi Ohta 3rd Bint Sunda Shale Opt, at. Bhindi, ete; mid. Bhindi, ete “Ths yj mal, uae i: Pia, sma. 69, car: cLass. wisada to sme rons in a the wesc stem, ofthe strong stem: tay “tete ami ta “The nection t He $67 (sunat). The root fe “mae” Ib Invgulrs en thar (rs bafone the endings Boing wth 9, tong st. aro aradige by. "make" Ind. act. arom, fay, Hara, Aaros,harhas, bras, Irma, hart, i.e, hse ure arse, Iurith, rete, arma, aradbee, here np act. abaarem, taro, start, ahora, aura, barat, abun lara, aurcon; il aber, ebwathts ‘Surat, abut, hurt, ature, aturmuls, abe ‘adhe, rst, Tip. act, areas, hare, faytu, taraedea, furan, rat, harass, aout, burvan; id. kaa, bara, Farum, Ravanisaba’, hursthin, haralim, raolnaha, Imad, aati ‘Opts act hurym, ee; mi heey, te S70. Noes ccass, In th strong stem nif aude to the root (wth w nstoad of according to § 20) i he wea sem oni (x before an ending Beginning with @ vow) Parag fe "buy": ind. act Brim, etc, Arnis, & comusario init, brnant eid fine, brat, ip nt abi, ‘le alviina; sp. ac. friedn, frit, Rit, et: > ow” ind, jon ap S008 om rots which ead In 4 consunant the 233g. np. act in dna formed grab "take" ere (ind. grt; ths the sulle dnappears Paradigm a eat” a Du BL Indicative re 1 alto ini nina a ase ‘inthe rd ana inant fst alte ssrimahe and anise ‘nidine yd ate ‘inte 1 dintee ina fn dina nue rd dint nen st ai fn thse South pel ‘nde Imperative 1st abe ainive ainda coxjvaanox 6 Se Da Pi. nd ald stom inte ye asi Satin inane Mi 1st ina sindcahai ainda 2nd avin inating ‘inition 34 edt inane ‘natin Opt. act: asuiyin, ete; mid. atnia, ete “Theroot jit"secagni” forms the present jad (nina, ag nd. ad ite). Roots ni have the short vowel the resent: pie "parly": und (unima, ete), The sot andl “bt forms batt (0 also other stems with a nasa inthe peau. GENERAL TENSES. §7e Prrenemcaay amRKs. Indie grammar distin- guises between anit! oots, ie, routs with which in the ‘ener tenses (Ley the terse ont of the present) and in the formation of verbal noune the endings begining with fcomsosants except are added dietly to tho root, aad Set ttoats, which ate formed wth the “connecting vows ‘between the Gal ond of he ret sed he enlng The eed (rah "take often has fas the “connecting vowel” ‘nates of roots fn which ,», or precedes the vowel) at in imitation of the natve grammarians not given inthe ‘weak grade as mel (og, dip "hate, bd “pti, but Su the fll rae: sup "sleep, eyadh "bore through”, oe 9) apna Wtf a “wi 6 coxteeamion "pea; the weak grade of thes wnt! sup, 2, we, was called samprasrana Thre ae rots which form only ctaln tenss: trom as- “ve only pees ad per, ae ound, i the remain tases ha "become, ee” uppenrs go" forms the art of "go fod see” ate 1 ol the paent ste ee FUTURE 7% TWe spore ForURS. To the strong root sya be Joined (ceording to 20 II goa), to setts isya, Amore conly forms of the Indeative are encountered. The flection fe the same ae in the prevent. Pare’ a. “ior: act slsyim, dey disyath sya, sya, dsSunt id ‘dove, divyae, dave, deydmahe, disvaiine, Ayan Paradigm: fy" act. Rarigymi, harigyas, ete; i serpy, harisyase, ete, Forte expla "lead nya hae "been Bhaisyat, fake "be able" fabs, La ake" apayac, tye) "eave: taka, ets "del! satya, Bhs api teat, budhe “awaken. renga Dhetopfe (54 mote) be “enter”: sehpyatl (G39 VD. dr vse" aralayett (laa "sn" aya, rah. “take rahisyats, yom “fngive Mamsya (613 I). Th verde {F the roth elas and the easatves ($507; 98) keep the ay fd asp to it tay! pists ting the sqrt it th aig he mre Be 479. Tne eetonaasnic pure cones ofthe nm, = fof x fester aoa of gent, § 29) to which the stand nd coxjecation 6 person the forms of the ind at. ane mid. of vided (there are, however, exception) Parag: dye" %. Du m ‘Act. (8, andl rar) 1st ditto (rom diss tienes a+ am) and dts aatseia 3d aa lime st date datiomate dnd dedve ‘atidine gd daa ‘titra ‘Thos: dp. “sees drastom,erabe “take”: erate, fo. "ive": Dh "become: Shalt. C- alo § 115 Aonist $74. There ae in Sanskrit seven forme of the seis, ‘which ral formed by augmentation ofthe oot and alditin ‘ofthe personal endings of the imperfect. The sever forms fall nto simple and aor, In post-Vedo texts the sort apart ftom sme often use frm tke ah "he was, ee, sted nly itl in the simple tos ot stye; inthe oer Langage itis very Hequent-Tn post Vedi tines one salamat uly inieative forms except the “injunctive” (8) S757. Sian Aonits 75. THE Root Aoese. This ors formed only fom 4 coxjeaariox some foots ina ad dphthong and Kom Hh The ge i etl oat hte ening coe he tetoreeaings pani with vowel and has in the Tarsign: ad “ye's aim, adi dat ad, alta, itn, ama, ain ar, te "bce, et! abhdoam, Sh ha ashia, ate, abhi ie tes ac ot a td aig #47 {76 Toe monaco, Ait he aiguate weak so tay ts ich en np hae liga) ows he “sue oma the acon = ha fhe pt of tnd Ths ast ent bade many prt of he ‘fh cas ant be Some othe It ah oes, he ste very oe, Pole“ am, se ‘hl sein na: bad" egy ara pln arr gma “Tee ssvorucarro sons, The onan ae dole scmng to 44 VI the inteton te ot. Seite th inl af the rt poet cae The 3 Bl at has teeing wT wen Fl and» go Tals appt, to dr ean: air sum sink" nce (hom aac a" ‘tye ant. Tho at met peal ese fe in and cu (7s dos et re he ast see top val ont th rte wth w sly sor the vol ote seapason on are another Suan than fat cf the wet apie (0) ar ee a ar ae ra ge ha, eas, Bdlplt "aeons tnt": a Paint Alogrot weiter shart iM conjucanios a ita aaa Te pf the eansatve (697) aha Sane in the soret: Jaa,” cam jatpoa Sozha Sat S678. Stone Aowsrs $78 Tue arasane some, This art some adting + the agente ot cad to § 201 9) the Tone vowel inthe active taully nthe lngned pate, in he midalewth rot ening it min he al rat ‘tremula otherwise uochange nly os nd pe thongs which form the ord ecording co hn formas Into The etings ae thon tthe perc tat a he ded pL is wintheact, alates theoutand dg et Ive the eadigs The sgn of he aa si bee the — Aen, 3 Stee anu tasyiparam titam mahat Kaiatasamstitam ‘anorbindsiat praptam strgansnagtam tal. {ato "ay disnar adsya tathaksayye maheradht tidayam darodtha tal Batam lomabarspan, Yyugapat cam krstas tu vkigya labial hans Abaysjghne drdhataram Fampayann iva me mana, ‘Su mim abravid rajan: mama. parvagaigabal ‘mogayidharmam usta kinarthatytatas vaya? a") tonite bapa darpa harm, hiro bhas ‘2 dharusman mabtkayas tato maim abhyadivat, {ato gti vttyartham avroon mam maar; tam etham daravayena mutate samavablram, ‘tab Sarairdiptamabeyantriaranomantritas prstyaeivam sham tam tu raja iva sloosyam, {asya tar hatadht)eopam abhavac ca sthasrad, (clays Girl ann abam aeayam, [ponas tint Sian ekabhotan Bharata sdeiyanta mahirsja, tiny akam vyadhamary punah, uur brkacchira bhitva byhae eaguish. pana kDbtas tad jan oo "Dhyavartata maim jadi Yyadsbhibhavitam binair men talon tare 8Re {ato manastram atistham vayavyarn Bharatarsaha na euina afakary bantam tad adbitam ivibbavst fasmin pratihate caste vismayo me man abbot ‘hoya cea mahivaja savin aarp tab astrapigena mahald rape Didlam avakiran, tato ‘ham dhanur diya tathikseyye mahesoaht +) = sam 3 Secs 3 Top sahastbhyahanarp bhitamn tiny apy astny abhakseyat, fates astrepy sarvest blabiters svadbesu o& mama fasya ea bass bihuyeddbam avartata ‘ryiydmam mogbiih kates aie apt somtgati, sparavarsca tad biter mieetamayamam mshin, tata prakarya tad Shitamn tarivantaradhipata ‘aha stithir mahirija pasyato me ‘dbhutopaman vam ted sa Mngavars fo ‘nya rym Asti ‘ivyum eva marae yastno“ubhotam ambaram. hited kistapam ca Dingoes asearch ‘Nardpam divyam Sth tartan atta matevarah dyyate tatah dsl Bhagavan. Govyedvaja) Umdsahiyo syaldheg batoripa pina smam abbyetya samarettlalvabhimakham sthitan apanirathordens tonto ‘sil parestap, finaratvam apiliya brdhi gat te manogatam, tata pear eviam asteem gxtaminasa*) ‘proarnyn sabass Sarvam toto vecanam dade biagaven me press cod isto yam varo mama, tetriieehtmy ahary tam yi detest Kinet Aadinity eva biaguvan abeavitTryzmbalas ex man, faudram satram msdvam Mtv upasthtsyeti Pandora. Dradadae cama pritah <0 stam pslupatam mab, {vies ea mahideeo ¢alted me ‘star santana: ‘bn genyoivam bbaved ean manssees Kadbarpcana, Fru vnidaed eva alpatjas atta; 4) = Sen ss 1 rst te oat with gata: tao 6 bane pe ps2 i saving setserioNs my idyamdnena#) Belavat ™) prayojyam syd Dhanadjayn srtiman me sthtam pisive prasanse Covradivaje stsadanam amitrindm paraseniikartnam, snujaatas ee aharp tena tatraiva samupevigam rokatat cava) me devaytaleivdntaraliyate Malet Mga ai, 64 x Mb 12,9, 4h (2, 2464) eadhighia ween icv grtoyasukearam tapyamine mast aranye phalamalet cary mga saa. futesno gim yathillam abbas else epaspetan Kab parities carmacryjatadhara lavitltapasha kputpiearamalsama tapasa vidhidrsens Zarram upatoyayan Tmanahiarpaselht tym drqvann ctvact gah runtitingm sraayesy vastim mrgspaksoam ASigaran pln gandhe pulling vasavieudhm iniripin vane palyan ramaoivin vansskaah, fkantaslo vimyéan pakvapeloena vartayan ‘pla devas en wanyena gh ads ca trpyan, ‘pam arapyadistrtoam vgram wyratarary vidhin Seerninab pratlgiyr deat samoanan, Sthavaiko am ektham clkasnn vantspatsu ‘aan bbaiksam moni manda hsapayiye Kalevaram msabhih semabhiechannah éinyagarapratisayay Vekamalanketo va tyaktsarvapevapea ab my smaone setscrions xt Rimsyana 3,18, 55 Talend ila kro Vatirie api celvalah 3) irda saitiy dati brahmapaghnas: masuros, Atirayan brakmansm ram Ivalah sapskytam vadan®) Staantrayat viet on Geld addy) egy, Dhrataam sausctary Kv tas tam mesrSpinaee {in dvjin Biojayamisa SeSddhadrsjnaf) karma fato bhuktavatan tesa vigranam Tivalo “bavi: Vitipe nkramvet svazeta abatd vada {ato Dlvitorwacahsrutea Vatpie mesa sada tted bite) Saran! brakmananary vinipatat Tthmao'ném sahasns tar eva smart siaitan! samatya rityat piltasanah [Agnetyina tad deve pdethiten ) maharsng fbhaya Iie Arde”) Shae mibiara {tab ssmpannam ity ltd dativa haste "vapejanam Uhratara niskramasvets vals samabbssata ft tad Dhisamnamy tu Bhrateram vipragstinam Sbrovit prakaan dlindn Agestyo mnisttamal: be ee et 2) i aa seaning he cere sand ech yer ed tated doje te ta, oie apne sstserions 5 dkutoaikramtur Saktr mayi fmsoya raksasah Dheitus ta mearipasya gatasya Yamasislaram. tha tays vaca drutvé brit aidhanasartam Pradharayitum eebhe mim Krodin aearah- o'ohyadravad dvjendram tarp, ranind pte} ‘ksstnlualpena turd hana gata xi Rim. 1, 45, 15 Parvam brtayuge Rima”) Dit) putes mabe Ait x mababhigavirsavantah sodharmie 9) fataststm narevyaghea#)badaiein matmandee Sasi wijrde caiva kata imo simayh? {eyam ciiayatam tatra Daddir asd vipaetam [rodamathanam kv rasam pepeyima tates Ya {ato nitya mathanar yoktram kyva ea Vasu) ‘manthinay Mandara 9) hv mamanthuranitanjca Aha varauasurena yoktruarpasiie ce ‘Yamanto ‘tivisam') tata dadamSur dafanih Sah. vtpepitigusaatan ?) halialaaivisan tena dageham jagatsarvay sadevaseamanosam TILED pd td eo he ig carat of he Ramsay, ‘Tin Aa were te star, A he ether of ego, ‘ge nth the een fe i Lt Dal keg fo 26 -Reatise sturcrons thu devd maidevam Saharan % darapiethinal jagmalb Paluputg Radram trl whi estavub, Cram tas fat devair devadevedvarah pra ‘pridur ase tat “waive Sankhacabtadhird Har Srdeainam anita ky Rudvagesaladharamn Hai Gaivatair mathyamane tw yot pirvam samopasthitam tat tvadyam suratestha, surtpim agrato Il yat fgeapjam tha sit gghigesiun van pra ity ueted ca suategthas ) atraivdntaradhlyats

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