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Faculty of Business and Law

Examination Paper
Module Code: HRM325
Module Title: Strategic Management of Human Resources

Date: October 2012

Time: [UK time]
Duration: 3 Hours

Section A: Answer FOUR out of six questions (40 marks) ONE HOUR
Section B:

Answer TWO questions from four - essay and report questions (60 marks) - TWO HOURS

You should be careful to plan the use of your time as outlined above.
This is an open book examination. As such you may take into the exam, up to ten
sheets (therefore twenty sides double sided) of A4 white paper with
handwritten (or typed in font size 8) notes.
You are allowed a translation dictionary.
The invigilators will be requested to confiscate any sheets taken into the
exam above this number and the attempt to use additional materials will
deemed an infringement of the examination regulation.

Section A Answer FOUR questions Each question is worth 10 marks


Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of best practice models of HRM


Outline and discuss the main obstacles hindering or preventing HR departments from
delivering strategic HRM


What should organisations consider when developing a reward strategy?


How can recruitment and selection processes contribute to strategic HRM?


Discuss the main features of a Learning Organisation. Why is it important in a strategic

HRD approach to organising development?


Which mechanisms of employee involvement would you recommend using as part of your
employee relations strategy and why?

You should allow no more than 15 minutes to answer each of these questions
Section B Answer two questions Section B is worth 60 marks (30 marks for each question)
Question 1
Critically evaluate the role that performance management systems play in the delivery of SHRM.
Discuss the main mechanisms used in PMS and explain the different options that can be used
within them. Use organisational examples as appropriate to support your answer
Question 2
For developmental activity to be deemed strategic organisations need to shift the focus from a
training to a learning approach. Discuss this proposition in the context of development activity
supporting individual and organisational change
Question 3
Critically evaluate the use of competency based approaches in modern HR strategies. Explain in
detail how they may be used in one specific area of HR such as performance management. Use
organisational examples as appropriate to support your answer
Question 4
Critically evaluate ONE of the following
a) In what ways can HR strategies provide the level of organisational flexibility required by
modern organisations? OR
b) Should reward strategies always include an element of performance related pay. Justify
your answer in relation to both theory and practise?

You should allocate no more than 60 minutes per answer for these questions

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