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Run EnGenius Flash

Once downloaded double click

Note: Vista users need to run EnGenius Flash as administrator

Right mouse click on the EnGenius Flash icon

Full Flashing Procedure

Install WinPcap (only necessary for windows)
Connect the ethernet cable from the EnGenius router to your computer
May require a cross over cable or hub/switch with older equipment
Power off EnGenius router (unplug)
Start EnGeniusFlash

Select Firmware Type

WiDirect / OpenWrt

Select the ethernet device you are using

Click Browse and Select the WiDirect-atheros-root.squashfs file as the root file *1
Click Browse and Select the WiDirect-atheros-vmlinux.lzma file as the kernel file *1

Click Flash Router Now

The Log window will now begin to display data:

Reading image file C:\<FILENAME> with <BYTES> bytes, rounded to <HEX>:
No packet:
No packet:

Power up your unit. After 5 Seconds you'll see:

No packet:
No packet:

If everything went right, you'll now see the utility making progress:
Setting IP address...
ip_addr -l -h
Initializing partitions ...
fis init
loading file:
load -r -b 0x80100000 -m tftp file_1
creating flash partition (this may take some time)
fis create256 -f 0xa8030000 -l 0x006e0000 -e 0x00000000


Wait 2-3 mins, until EnGeniusFlash reports that the router has been flashed
When the uitlity is done, it will display:

Restarting device...

Wait another 2-3 minutes while the router reboots

*1 Note (Windows): The path to the Rootfs and Kernel file should be local.
EnGeniusFlash hangs if the files are on a remote share.

Trouble Shooting
Note: Depending on which router is being flashed you may find "EnGenius flash" little finicky, It has
been reported that it can take 7-8 tries before it will catch the bootloader at the right time and begin the
Watch the output in "EnGenius flash", I typically see both devices get assigned an IP, and then within

30-45 seconds you'll see the files getting transferred and the process will take 15 or so minutes.
If you see nothing happening after both devices get assigned an IP, say 60-90 seconds. I close
EnGenius flash, and do the reboot/reflash procedure all over again.
To fix this problem you may edit the Redboot to extend the "Boot script timeout (1000ms resolution):
1" to 3 seconds. (To be confirmed).

Telnet error
If you get this error you may need to:
enable redboot
select the correct compatible router
No packet.
Peer MAC: 00:18:84:d0:23:34
Peer IP :
Telnet for RedBoot not enabled.

Error Checklist
On error check

Crossover cable or hub/switch

5 second delay between "Hit the Start button" and "Power on the EnGenius router"
Correct Firmware type
Correct Network interface is selected
Correct Firmware
Make sure you have the lastest version of WinPcap
Check the download is not corrupt by using WinMd5sum

Thanks go to the original author of Ap51 Flash, Sven Ola, and to Steven Leeman who has helped with
testing and suggestions. Modifications were done by

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