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Name, date and place of birth altered many times

fraudulently- Minister Weerawansa and wife guilty

(Lanka-e-News- 29.Dec.2014, 11.30PM) There is one

thing common among to all living beings who trod this planet earth. That is
every one of them have a date of birth or birthday. That should not and
cannot be changed by anyone. Hence, to ensure this, civilized human
societies have introduced laws that make such changes as heinous crimes .
In Sri Lanka (SL) too this is true.

The Penal code of SL under section 455 , anybody who has altered the date
of birth or that in the registers of government records , that individual is
punishable with a 7 years jail sentence. In addition to the laws, a civilized
human being (unless of course he is a beast by birth behaving as a human
with cheap political power) cannot change his date of birth and lead a life.
This is because a civilized human beings cultural background is inextricably
interwoven with the date of birth . Therefore , if any individual changes his
date of birth fraudulently should not only be liable to a 7 years jail
sentence, but a civilized society should also disdainfully treat him as a most
shameless uncivilized scoundrel meriting the worst contempt.
In Sri Lanka what we have noted above as frauds and dishonorable conduct
refer to a Minister of SLs present government of Mahinda Rajapakse, who is
living fully and freely after fraudulently , brazenly and blatantly changing
his date of birth not once, but twice. He is Weerasangili Panikkiyalage
Wimalsena alias Wimalasiri Gamlath alias Wimal Weerawansa . Incredible
but true , even his wife had altered her name , year of birth , date of birth,
and place of birth similarly.
1) When Weerawansa married his present wife in 1996, her name was
Sheerja Udayanthi and Weerawansas age was 26 years . His wifes age was
29 years. Accordingly Weerawansa was born in 1970, and Sheerja was born
in 1967. In other words Weereawansa is younger than her by 3 years.
2) However, in the birth certificate of his eldest son Vibuthi Vishwajith who
was born at Ragama hospital in 1997 , Weerawansas date of birth is
mentioned as 7 th March 1965. At that time, it was also mentioned in the
sons birth certificate that Weerawansas profession as a Municipal council
member .
Surely, a Municipal council member cannot make such a glaring obvious
mistake with his date of birth . Besides , it is Weerawansa himself who had
informed about the birth of his son as stated in the latters birth certificate.
Therefore it is not possible to assume that this could have been an error
made at the registrars office , because in the birth certificate of his
daughter , Wimasha Vishwadari born 4 years later on 4 th September 2001
at Sri Jayawardenapura hospital , the date of birth of her father
Weerawansa is stated again as 7 th March 1965.
Intriguingly , in the birth certificate of Weerawansas son , Weerawansas
birth place is indicated as Iththepana government hospital , but the same

father Weerawansas place of birth by the time his daughter was born had
changed to Kalutara . This too cannot be an error at the Registrars office
because it is father Weerawansa himself who had informed the Registrar
about the daughters birth.
In both these birth certificates the name of mother is stated as Sheerja
Udayanthi and her date of birth is indicated as 1 st February 1967.
Based on these information , Weerawansa who was three years younger
than his wife had suddenly and mysteriously become two years older than
his wife subsequently.
3) By 10 th December 2008, based on a written declaration made by
Weerawansa to the Registrar, Weerawansa had seen to it the date of birth
of his is changed again to 7 th March 1970.
By this , Weerawansa had again become older than his wife. Owing to this
alteration , again, Weerawansas wife too makes a written declaration on 28
th March 2011 , whereby Weerawansa is made one year younger than his
wife. Consequently , her date of birth 1st February 1967 had to be
fraudulently altered to 03 rd February 1971. The most perplexing part of all
these vexatious changes and fraudulent alterations is : Through these
alterations his wife who was hitherto Sheerja Udayanthi had transformed
into 'Shehasha' , a new name. Not enough these changes , her actual birth
day 1 st February had also been spuriously altered to 3 rd February .
4.) Weerawansas wife had not stopped at that. Even her passport is fake. In
it Wellampitiya born Sheerja had transformed into Wellawatte born
Shehasha , and her date of birth had become 3rd February 1971 whereas
her actual date of birth is 1 st February 1967
5.) In the national identity card which identifies a citizen of SL , in cage 5 is
indicated the date of birth. Undoubtedly therefore , the identity cards of
Weerawansa and his wife are forged and unlawfully altered. It is significant
to note that a citizen can alter his /her name but under no circumstances
can he/she alter the date of birth or his/her place of birth. No law permits
that. This means that not only Weerawansa and his wife who committed
these frauds , but even the government officers who aided and abetted in
these activities are liable to a 7 years jail sentence.
Footnote : The present JVP secretary Tilvin Silva is mentioned as a witness
in the certificate of marriage of Weerawansa . In that , it is mentioned that
Tilvin Silva is a newspaper editor. This is false. As far as we know , Tilvin

Silva had never been a newspaper editor. Because Weerawansa had stated
he is in the newspaper profession, it is clear Tilvin the witness had been
made to state he is an Editor.
(All evidence bearing testimony to this exposures are herein )


(2014-12-29 20:05:16)

Posted by Thavam

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