¡Please, Mr. Humala!

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Please, Mr. Humala!

rubn ramos
Do not insult the intelligence of the Peruvians with their supposed "genius" to
turn problems into opportunities. I venture to think that bad compared to SWOT
Cutting taxes is not played or by micro or by Peruvians. Maybe, by its
bureaucrats. Although, as you say, they also get wet when the current economy
crisis becomes acute and short-term measures to make water.
Cutting taxes in an economy with problems of deflation means more money to
spend in private hands, and an incentive to consumption. But, at the same time,
less money in the hands of the State for revenue. You said it yourself: "The
most affected with this reduction in taxes will be the MEF and SUNAT, because
they collected less.Pineapple as "No Mr. Humala. The "pineapple" is the state
because it will not have enough money to boost demand through public
consumption. Then you must finance public spending more foreign debt, we will
all have to pay. The "cones" in the end, we will all be. Those who do will benefit
will be the financial institutions (World Bank, IDB, USAID) whose interests
defends you and your government since the beginning of his term. But so are
the owners of the banks. Those five billion of which you speak is not injected
into the national economy, but banks.
You and your government or microentrepreneurs and less for the poor can not
play. In the act of approval of the "Law of economic recovery," you and your two
unnamed ministers sought to circumvent that in the current crisis in Peru,
unemployment is an inevitable consequence.
This Act and youth employment or "Pulpn Law" are made for large corporations
and private companies that make up the Public Private Partnerships APP, cover
their costs and ensure their profit rates at the expense of wages and / or
regardless of their workforce. These companies do not close their activities
because in between is the IDB-MIF. The largest creditor of the Peruvian State.
And in the course denied that any close, will waiting for the crisis passes. But
increasingly it is clear that this is not a passing crisis.
Anyway, workers, by which you say gamble and put your heart and the youth of
his ministers, will be most affected because even if you lower taxes and even
lower prices, this is useless when income that has not enough to buy them.
Entrepreneurs who have them, prefer not to spend waiting for even lower
prices. This opens the door to speculation. Especially those companies listed on
the stock exchange. And again, the biggest winners are the owners of the banks
who control the stock system. What the experts say. I'm not making this up. I I

The three measures that you and your ministers have referred: tax cuts,
increased public spending (via the external debt), and redistribution of income
from canon, are fiscal policies imposed by the IMF-WB duo to secure their
interests, IDB and USAID and its investors to partners through PPPs have been
given in "concession" almost all the national territory.
His contributions to the pseudo sciences
Although I will not dwell at length on some statements that have been made by
Mr. Humala, if I want to expressed my admiration for the "genius" that now his
"wisdom" is added. It involves things like that "Peru is a free and quality", or
such other that Peru will be a first world country when dependent
microenterprises. Parenthetically, let me say that this is not just a "genius" but a
conceptual and historical atrocity. If any scientific backing had such nonsense
since August 2013, or earlier, Peru would be a country of "first world" because
by that time the Society of Foreign Trade of this country said that the number of
formal firms in Peru, micro accounted for 98.3%, 1.5% small, and medium and
large organizations 0.2%.
The truth is that nothing, not in economics, or any other social science to
suggest that "relying on micro" becomes a country one of the first world.
Anything else. This first, second, or third world are lacking assertions of
historical content; inherent to the declining economic orthodoxy of pseudo
According to a national newspaper, President Humala would also said: "We are
taking steps to convert the slowdown in world development opportunity for
Peru." If so, this is a "contribution" to "revolutionize" economic thinking.
Mr. Humala said at some point in his speech that Peru had been a colony. Let
me express my disagreement. What defines the nature and character of a
colony is the lack of sovereignty over their territory and natural resources; the
absence of political autonomy; institutional anomie. And unless you want to
cover the sun with a finger, Peru sent the IMF, WB, IDB, USAID, the US
Embassy, the US Southern Command. As in the other three countries of the
Pacific Alliance. Policies, strategies for implementation, regulations and laws
are imposed on them. Bribery and corruption backbone operation.
Mr. Humala praised the increase in non-traditional exports of Peru and have
indicated that they reach 33%. The question is: Who benefits from this? It would
be interesting to know in the case of cocoa, quinoa, artichokes, or activities
covered by the PRA project, for example. Those who work 12 or 14 hours a day
in the production of exportable are not what they export, Mr Humala. Access a
salary. And what salary! You can not say "are exporters". The State, and
apologize if I'm wrong, does not export anything. Are the partners, native or
foreign financial institutions that steal what workers produce. You always say

that has led the State where it was never present. Know that you are on the
field state presence involves solving the problems of production, processing,
seeds, insecticides, pesticides, machinery, equipment to endogenous their
economies and boost trade in surplus. Like in other activities of the city. The
state's presence is not confine the operation of the field by private enterprise by
providing road infrastructure, water, energy, sanitation eventually benefit
operators forever.

And finally, Mr. Humala said that unlike other governments impose taxes and
cut paquetazos hers because his economy minister puts heart and has "Lleca"
(street). No sir: Rise or higher taxes and "paquetazos" respond to crises
confronting capital in certain historical junctures. And what always happens,
then or now, is that capital is the solution to your crisis through the exploitation
of labor, austerity measures, higher or lower taxes and interest rates, control
wages and prices. It all depends if capital facing an inflation problem (which
"justified" the "package" 90) or deflation (such as that between the
government). You can fool many, Mr. Humala, but not all.


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