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drkamalkvs classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG putting Foreign Medical Graduates first

10.2 Non Disclosure Agreement

The DNB-CET is a proprietary examination and is
conducted by National
Board of Examinations. The contents of this test are
proprietary and are owned by National Board of
Examinations. NBE
explicitly prohibits the candidate from publishing,
reproducing or
transmitting any or some contents of this test, in whole or in
part, in any form
or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical
or for any
By registering for and /or appearing in DNB-CET the
candidate explicitly
agrees to the above Non Disclosure Agreement and general
terms of use for
DNB-CET as contained in this Information Bulletin, DNBCET website.
Violation of any act or breach of the same shall be liable for
penal action and
cancellation of the candidature at the bare threshold.
So please make sure that this agreement is not breached.
So please don't post any MCQ in this section.
Since I have complied my NEET manual, so I just want to
convey, which topics, I felt were repeated over the years.
& I request everyone to please respect the NATBOARD
If u feel, I have left any topic, u cant add to the list
OPHTHALMOLOGY: NBE is very fond of asking:
i. Normal values & dimensions, like AP length of eyeball,
volume of vitreous etc.
ii. Retinoblastoma
iii. Glaucoma
iv. Cataract
v. Sympathetic ophthalmitis
vi. Myopia
vii. Extraocular muscles
viii. Community ophthalmology
ix. Trachoma
x. Corneal affections (causes of specifc keratitis)
i. Nerve injuries/ entrapment neuropathies

facebook: fmge guru

ii. Osteoarticular infections (including TB)

iii. Bony tumours (giant cell tumour, osteosarcoma, ewings
iv. Avascular necrosis
v. Cast & indications (tube cast, scaphoid cast, hanging cast)
i. Inflammation (mediators, acute & chronic)
ii. Tumour markers
iii. TB
iv. HIV
v. DM
vi. Rheumatic fever
vii. Lung carcinoma
viii. Hepatitis
ix. Nephrotic & nephritic syndrome
i. Burns (management)
ii. Shock
iii. DVT
iv. Thyroid carcinoma
v. Breast carcinoma
vi. Appendicitis
vii. Hernia
viii. Congenital surgical disorders (esp. timings of surgical
ix. Procedures & their indications (e.g. Lords & Jaboulays)
i. Psoriasis
ii. Pemphigus
iii. Basal cell carcinoma
iv. Vitiligo
v. Leprosy
i. Spinal anesthesia
ii. CPR
iii. Ketamine
iv. Propofol
i. Schizophrenia
ii. Terms & persons related to them
iii. Alcoholism
iv. Management of psychiatric disorders
facebook page: drkamalkvs classes

WhatsApp: 8470004333

drkamalkvs classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
i. Milestones
ii. Malnutrition
iii. Neuroblastoma
iv. ORS
v. Congenital heart disease (esp TOF)
vi. Respiratory distress of newborn

xv. Tongue
xvi. Cranial nerves (esp V & VII)
xvi. Derivatives & nerve supply of pharyngeal arches


i. Sterilization
ii. Hypersensitivity reactions
iii. Immunoglobulins
iv. Culture characteristics
v. Mycobacterium TB
vi. HIV
vii. Salmonella typhii
viii. Plasmodium spp.
i. Levels of prevention
ii. Studies (case control & cohort)
iii. Incidence & prevalence
iv. Contraception
v. Definition of all rates (GFR, MMR etc.)
vi. Committee's & recommendations (Bhore, srivastava)
vii. Centres & populations (PHC, CHC)
viii. National programmes (TB, HIV, malaria)
ix. chlorination of water
x. Rickettsial diseases
xi. Duties (ASHA, multipurpose health workers)
xii. Vaccines
i. Fetal circulation
ii. Fetal structures & adult remnants
iii. Epithelium
iv. Specific histological features (thymus, spleen, liver)
v. General anatomy (epiphyses, joints)
vi. Brachial plexus
vii. Hand (innervation)
viii. Openings in diaphragm
ix. Esophagus
x. Portal vein
xi. EXCEPTS in anatomy
xii. Inguinal canal
xiii. Movements of foots & joints
xiv. Muscles of vocal cords & innervation

facebook: fmge guru

i. Nerve & muscle physiology
ii. Cardiac cycle
iii. Oxygen dissociation curve
iv. Functions of hypothalamus & related areas
v. Sleep cycle
vi. ECG
vii. EEG
viii. Laws in physiology
ix. Spinal tracts & sensation carried
x. GI hormones (actions, releasing & inhibiting factors)
xi. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
xii. Insulin
xiii. Visual pathway & lesions
xiv. Values (Renal blood flow, residual volume)
i. Cell organelles
ii. Glycolysis
iii. TCA cycle
iv. Glycogen storage diseases
v. Ketone bodies
vi. Rate limiting enzymes
vii. Enzyme deficiencies & conditions
viii. Substance & enzyme inhibited by them (flouride)
ix. Substrate level phosphorylation
x. DNA
xi. Translation
i. Mechanism of action of drugs (antimicrobials,
ii. Lithium
iii. Digitalis
iv. Steroids
v. Heparin
vi. ATT
vii. Some important interactions
viii. Anti-diabetic drugs
ix. Anti-HIV drugs
x. Thiazides
xi. Beta blockers
xii. Ondansetron
facebook page: drkamalkvs classes

WhatsApp: 8470004333

drkamalkvs classes: FMGE, DNB & Pre-PG putting Foreign Medical Graduates first
xiii. Omeprazole
xiv. Drugs in renal failure
xv. Atropine
i. Inquest
ii. Abrasions
iii. Gunshot injuries
iv. Important IPCs (Dowry death, perjury)
v. Postmortem changes
vi. Hanging
vii. Drowning
viii. Organophosphate poisoning
i. Meniere's disease
ii. Nasopharyngeal fibroma
iii. Tracheostomy
iv. Carcinoma larynx
vi. Tonsillitis
vii. Meatal openings (nasolacrimal duct)

vi.Physiological changes in pregnancy (wrt CVS)

vii. Involution of uterus
viii. Drugs in pregnancy (DOc & C/I drugs)
ix. Eclampsia
x. Ectopic pregnancy
xi. Molar pregnancy
i. Carcinoma cervix
ii. Carcinoma endometrium
iii. Contraception (OCP, Half lives)
iv. Infertility
vi. Bacterial vaginosis
vii. Laparoscopy
viii. Fibroid
ix. Endometriosis

i. von-Willebrands disease
ii. Kussmaul sign
iii. SLE
iv. Respiratory failure
vi. Hypocalcemia
vii. Polycythemia
viii. Anemia (IDA, SCA, thalassemia)
ix. HIV
x. TB
xi. CML
xii. DM
xiii. Autosomal dominant disorders
xiv. MI (ECG changes)
xv. Hepatitis
xv. Guillain Barre syndrome
i. Fetal & female pelvis
ii. PPH
iii. Caesarean section
iv. Partograph
v. Manouevre's & indication (Burn Marshall technique)

facebook: fmge guru

facebook page: drkamalkvs classes

WhatsApp: 8470004333

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