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What values do you think are changing in the Philippines?
Hard workers- More and more Filipinos are becoming lazy as I have noticed, including myself.
Maybe this is just my small insight as I am in a school setting where many of my friends are
Religious- I think this is solely because of parents. I go to church and I see children using
phones and tablets. When a parent would take it, the child would cry. But there are a lot of
people not going to church anymore.
Family- I personally love my family and spend plenty of time with them. But currently, the
younger generation prefer to hang out with others of the same age group. Even on weekends,
where some would try to escape home than to spend a meal with family.
Politeness- Filipinos are becoming more liberal minded, tending to speak their minds more
before thinking of what to say.
Colonial Mentality- Only now are we slowly escaping the mindset of hundreds of years that
foreigners have held our country. Spain had a more negative effect on us, but as time goes by the
mindset is changing.
Can you think of emerging values?



Celebrity worship






Gender equality

Analyze the ways in which advertisements use Filipino values to sell products and services
Advertisements are targeting Filipinos by aiming at their love for celebrities and quick money.
Filipinos idolize celebrities so much. The advertisements aim at this and they grab a celebrity to
endorse the product. They also aim at quick money scams where gullible people and lazy people
are their target. To be honest, the whole world uses this advertising style.
Read a number of business oriented publications. Look at the biography of successful
individuals. How are their successes used to reinforce the importance of society's core
Francis Magalona is the epitome of cool, laid-back talent. His songs were both smooth and
upbeat, and yet not at all light: they carried strong political and cultural messages that aimed not
just to entertain, but to influence as well. Nobody could miss the message of his songs,
particularly one of his early hits, Mga Kababayan, which spoke of Pinoy pride. Even through
his battle with leukemia (he was diagnosed in 2008), we admired him for his strength and
determination not to let the disease stop him from doing his work. He suddenly succumbed to his
illness in March 2009, but even death cannot stop him from being one of the biggest influences
and inspirations of this generation.
According to the ideal culture, is success available to everyone? How does this compare
with the real culture?
No. In an ideal culture not all succeeded for some sacrifice is needed. As described in Platos
Republic, there must be 3 classes of people; the leader, guardian, and producers. All are born and
trained from the start to do their job. In real culture freedom is the most important aspect to
people, in Platos Republic, freedom is denied. And as we see thru history, when freedom is
suppressed, a revolution insures to change such act, such as the Spanish holding the Philippines.

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