Sunday Bulletin, Dec 28

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We gather today as Gods beloved children to worship our Heavenly Father.

We praise his
holy name, we listen eagerly for his words of comfort, hope, and challenge to us, and we
offer ourselves to him in dedicated service. May you be blessed as you worship here today.

Leading and Assisting in Worship

Leaders: Pastor Stephen Wood
Organist: Olga Otte
Deacons: Mark Hoffmeier; Larry Guinn
Greeters: Pete & Wanda Engelau (8:00)
John & Amy Pierceall (10:15)
Communion Assistant: Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00)
Altar Care: Doris Rorick (8:00)
Lectors: Susan Holle (8:00)
Terri DeVoe (10:15)
Acolytes: Eliana Baker (8:00)
Sarah Davis (10:15)
Projectors: Jamie Baker (8:00)
Marc Fountain (10:15)
Flowers: Heidi Wheatley
Welcome Center: Linda Rust & Chris Herbert (8:00)
Judy Wonning (10:15)

St. Paul Lutheran Church

10792 North 210 East,
Seymour, IN 47274
Annex & Fax
Web Site:
Office hours: Monday-Friday
The Reverend Stephen WoodPastor
Carolyn Jones...............Director of Youth & Family
Ministries and Borchers Preschool Director
Michelle Wood.....Secretary
Trish Tangman..Care Team Director
Tyler Claycamp...Intern Youth & Family Director
Amy Pierceall and
Mandy OtteCustodians
Jamie Baker. Director of Technology

December 28, 2014

St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (E.L.C.A.). It is referred to as
Borchers since Rev. Henry Borchers, who
served our congregation from 1857-1881,
advised and influenced a small group of
pioneer settlers that wanted to establish a
congregation in the area. This year we
celebrate 162 years of life and ministry in this
beautiful country setting in Southern Indiana.
We look forward to many more years of
growth and change as we seek continually to
be faithful to Gods call to mission.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is

offered at the 8:00 a.m. services on the 2nd

and 4th Sundays and at the 10:15 a.m. service on the 1st and the 3rd Sundays of the
month. Christians who believe in the true
presence of Christ in the bread and wine for
our forgiveness and salvation are invited to
receive Holy Communion.

Sunday School classes are held each Sunday for all ages at 9:10 a.m. Visitors are
welcome to attend.

head phones available for those in need of

assistance with hearing. They are located on
the table at the entrance of the sanctuary.

are a handful of large print bulletins available. They are located on the table at the entrance of the sanctuary.


8:00 am

LBW Communion

9:15 am

Sunday School

10:15 am LBW Worship

Monday 29th

5:00 pm

Wednesday 31st

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm

Lights Under Louisville

New Years Eve Service

Next week:

January 4January 10

Sunday 4th

8:00 am

LBW Worship

9:15 am

Sunday School

10:15 am LBW Communion

Monday 5th

1:00 pm Blanket Making
8:00 pm Dartball at Brownstown

Wednesday 7th

9:00 am


9:00 am

Blanket Making

5:30 pm

Kids Bells 1

6:00 pm

Kids Bells 2

6:30 pm

Kids Praise

9:00 am

Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm


Friday 9th

9:00 am


Saturday 10th

9:00 am

Luther League take down

Thursday 8th

Christmas decorations

Pastor Steve and Family & Carolyn are on vacation from December 29 through January 5.


sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. We will
leave the church by 5:00 p.m. The cost is $5
each, plus money for food. Any questions, talk to
CONGRATULATIONS to Talea and Joshua
Fields on the birth of a son, Ryker Joshua, born
on December 17. Grandparents are Mark and
Pam Taulman.
this Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. due to the holiday.
invites everyone to come view his Christmas
lights and decorations at 3413 E. 1050 N. from
6:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Monday-Friday and 6:00
p.m.-11:00 p.m. on the weekend from now until
New Years Day. He has them programmed to
music from 105.3 FM.
OFFERING ENVELOPES are available on the
table in the narthex.
OFFERING ACCOUNTSIf you wish to still
have an offering account, but not receive offering
envelopes, please put a note in Caseys mailbox.
a check for $1025.00 was mailed to the Indiana
Branch of Orphan Grain train! The money will be
used to support the organizations new facility in
NEW BOOKS are in the library! Look for the
shelf which says New Books.
LUTHERAN MAGAZINEIf you wish to have
your name added or removed from The Lutheran mailing list, please let Michelle know.


and discussing Martin Luthers Large Catechism.
There are copies of the specific parts we will
study available at the Welcome Center. The specific Sunday for each reading is marked at the top
of the page.
Thursday in January and February seniors will be
able to take home a pint of homemade soup! This
effort provides not only warm, hearty soup for
seniors, but also a warm feeling for recipients
and soup-makers alike! Join the fun and see how
good it feels to GIVE!! Decide which Thursday in
January or February you'd like to donate a portion or all the soup for seniors. You can also
choose what kind of soup you'd like to provide.
The sign-up sheet is on the Welcome Center.
FOOD PANTRY item for January is canned
soup. Please place your donations in the basket
by the main entrance or in the wooden box by the
have been purchased. They are in the basket on
the table outside the sanctuary. These new units
were purchased because of a need which was
expressed by people having trouble hearing the
worship services. We thank you for bringing this
need to our attention!
BLANKET MAKING begins on January 5.
Blankets are made for Lutheran World Relief
which sends them to people in need throughout
the world. The group will meet on Mondays at
1:00 pm and on Wednesdays at 9:00 am from
January through March. Any questions, contact
Wanda Engelau.
LASER TAGAll ages are invited to the laser
tag event on January 11 after the 10:15 service.
The cost is $6, plus lunch money. Sign up on the
bulletin board in the office.

DIRECTORY UPDATEWe are updating the

small phone directory. Please check the red
binder on the Welcome Center to verify or update your familys information. We are now
including cell phone numbers and email addresses, if you wish to provide them. Please
check your information by January 25. Any
questions, talk to Michelle.

Walking in Faith Sowing Christs Love
The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church is derived from our core values - the essence of
our purpose for existence and the criteria we should use to guide our congregational
decisions and actions.

Our Core Values:

1. Spirituality to worship and to grow and
develop spiritually as Christians.
2. Outreach To spread the message of Gods love and
grace by word and by action.
3. Service to Others To live Christs message
to Love one another.
You can support the mission of our church by coming to worship, engaging in study, sharing the word, bringing a friend to church, taking part in Care Team initiatives, volunteering
at church or in the community and loving one another.
We invite you to join us in this journey.

Our Response to Gods Love

We Worshipped: December 21st 8:00 am service 183

10:15 am service 72

Total Offerings for December 21st: $15,684.85

Spending Plan Giving $5969.85
New Church Loan Payment $9450.00
Other Giving $265.00
{The weekly amount needed to cover expenses in the 2014 Spending Plan is $5,853.00}
*This amount does not include the $5,900.00 monthly mortgage payment

Readings for January 4th:

Isaiah 63:7-9
Psalm 11
Matthew 2:13-23
Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00)
Judy Wonning (10:15)

Those assisting with worship January 4sth

Communion Assistant:

Bill Wonning

Altar Care:

Linda Guinn

Welcome Center:

Erin Otte & Emily Reinbold (8:00)

Charlotte Rust (10:15)
Doris Rorick (8:00)
Hannah Wood (10:15)
Need volunteer
Shirley Lewis

December 28,

Going Deeper

The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page
contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go
deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer
request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday.
Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!!
Readings for the Day:

December 28,

Going Deeper

The purpose of this page is to provide a tool or instrument for your spiritual growth. This page
contains a brief synopsis of the readings as well as some questions for your reflection to help you go
deeper with the Word. On the back is a day by day listing of scripture readings with possible prayer
request. Individuals are listed on their day of birthso that you might pray for them on their birthday.
Also on the back is the prayer list for the congregation. Keep on Growing Spiritually!!


Readings for the Day:

Isaiah 60:1-6: Jerusalem is assured that nations will make a

pilgrimage to her, because the light of Gods presence is in her
midst. The bountiful food of the sea and the profits of
international trade will come streaming to Jerusalem and thereby
declare Gods praise.

Isaiah 60:1-6: Jerusalem is assured that nations will make a

pilgrimage to her, because the light of Gods presence is in her
midst. The bountiful food of the sea and the profits of
international trade will come streaming to Jerusalem and thereby
declare Gods praise.

Matthew 2:1-12: Gods promise shines bright in the night as

magi follow a star to honor a new king. Strangers from a faraway
land, they welcome the long-awaited messiah of Israel.

Matthew 2:1-12: Gods promise shines bright in the night as

magi follow a star to honor a new king. Strangers from a faraway
land, they welcome the long-awaited messiah of Israel.

From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress

From Sunday & Seasons, copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress

Questions To Ponder:
1Who are the magi?
2What is the significance that magi come to find this
newborn king?
3Why was King Herod frightened with hearing the news
that the magi bring?
4What does this text say to us today?
5What is the significance of the gifts that the magi bring?

Memory Verse: Matthew 2:11

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him
homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.



Questions To Ponder:
1Who are the magi?
2What is the significance that magi come to find this
newborn king?
3Why was King Herod frightened with hearing the news
that the magi bring?
4What does this text say to us today?
5What is the significance of the gifts that the magi bring?

Memory Verse: Matthew 2:11

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him
homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


Going Deeper in Prayer

Sunday 12/28
I Chronicles 27:1-34

Romans 5:1-21
World peace
Monday 12/29

Thursday 1/1
II Chronicles 2:1-18

Romans 9:1-33
Dorothy Goodwin, Bill Kidd
new beginnings

I Chronicles 28:1-21

Romans 6:1-23
safe travels for people
Tuesday 12/30
I Chronicles 29:1-30

Romans 7:1-25
Valerie McIntosh
social service agencies
Wednesday 12/31
II Chronicles 1:1-17

Romans 8:1-39
Erin Otte, Morgan Gray
safety for people celebrating the holiday

Friday 1/2
II Chronicles 3:1-17

Romans 10:1-21
James Rust
the mission of the church
Saturday 1/3
II Chronicles 4:1-22

Romans 11:1-36
Clayton Wente
Christians in Pakistan

Going Deeper in Prayer

Sunday 12/28

Thursday 1/1

I Chronicles 27:1-34

II Chronicles 2:1-18

Romans 5:1-21
World peace

Romans 9:1-33
Dorothy Goodwin, Bill Kidd
new beginnings

Monday 12/29
I Chronicles 28:1-21

Romans 6:1-23
safe travels for people
Tuesday 12/30
I Chronicles 29:1-30

Romans 7:1-25
Valerie McIntosh
social service agencies
Wednesday 12/31
II Chronicles 1:1-17

Friday 1/2
II Chronicles 3:1-17

Romans 10:1-21
James Rust
the mission of the church
Saturday 1/3
II Chronicles 4:1-22

Romans 11:1-36
Clayton Wente
Christians in Pakistan

Romans 8:1-39
Erin Otte, Morgan Gray
safety for people celebrating the holiday

Prayer List

Prayer List

Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Phyllis Neidinger; Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Evelyn Otte; Orville

Prayer for Homebound Individuals: Phyllis Neidinger; Betty Hoene, Eunice Lutes, Evelyn Otte; Orville

Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Helen Carter; Andy Runge; Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Walter Von
Fange (Bertha Ottes brother in-law); Sandy Smith (broken hip-mother of Robert Smith);

Prayer for Long Term Care Issues: Helen Carter; Andy Runge; Pastor Ed and Joan Winter; Walter Von
Fange (Bertha Ottes brother in-law); Sandy Smith (broken hip-mother of Robert Smith);

Recent Hospitalizations: Geneva Hoene

Recent Hospitalizations: Geneva Hoene

Other Prayer Requests: Friends and family of Brad Seybold (friend of Chris Otte); Liz Lewis (car accidentcousin of Wendy & Ronni Rotert); Gina Holland (kidneys-friend of Dave Rust); Maryjane Gootee
(congestive heart failure-aunt of Alyssa Gorbett); Brad Albert (heart surgery--son of Karen Hoene); Sarah
Rotert; Paul Otte (knee replacement), Alicia Perry (ankle surgery), Tim Ross (brother of Beth Claycamp),
Sally S. (friend of Terri DeVoe); Robert Wischmeier (cancer-father of Susan Kaiser); Ron Kaiser (cancerfather of Troy Kaiser); Amanda Tiemeyer (niece of Ruth Ann Hendrix); Joe Corya (cancer-brother of Alyssa
Gorbett); David Templar (cancer-brother of Amy Shaw); Calvin Clark (football injuryson of a co-worker
of Tammi Reinbold); Anna Thompson (awaiting heart surgery-friend of Alicia Perry); Dick Wessel (cancerbrother-in-law of Art Moorman); Charlie Castillo (cancer-friend of Kathy & Benny Kleffman); Gene
Speaker (bladder cancer); Steve Muster (heart surgery-cousin of Patty Herkamp); Sharon Hurt (cancer-friend
of Staci Eglen); Kalee Allbering (cancer-friend of Linda Guinn); Gary Bradley (heart transplant-friend of
Carolyn Jones); Joe Ross (physical health-father of Beth Claycamp); Carolyn Ross (pulmonary
hypertension-mother of Beth Claycamp); Brian Vaughn (cancer-neighbor of Merrell & Sara Otte); Richard
Frischie (bone cancer-father of Renee Arney and Erin Rieker); Missy Walker (epilepsy - Karen Hoene's
niece); Linda (Schafstall) Wischmeier (cancer); Carolyn Hughes (cancer-sister of Jo McGrew); Linda
Witkemper (cancerfriend of Benny Kleffman); Vicky Ent (cancerfriend of Judy Wonning); Matt; Rex
Sipes (cancerfriend of Dennis and Vickey Otte); Jeannie Isaacs (physical health-cousin of Karen Hoene);
Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Amy Siefker (cancer reoccurrence - niece of Karen
Hoene); Shirley Darlage Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall)

Other Prayer Requests: Friends and family of Brad Seybold (friend of Chris Otte); Liz Lewis (car accidentcousin of Wendy & Ronni Rotert); Gina Holland (kidneys-friend of Dave Rust); Maryjane Gootee
(congestive heart failure-aunt of Alyssa Gorbett); Brad Albert (heart surgery--son of Karen Hoene); Sarah
Rotert; Paul Otte (knee replacement), Alicia Perry (ankle surgery), Tim Ross (brother of Beth Claycamp),
Sally S. (friend of Terri DeVoe); Robert Wischmeier (cancer-father of Susan Kaiser); Ron Kaiser (cancerfather of Troy Kaiser); Amanda Tiemeyer (niece of Ruth Ann Hendrix); Joe Corya (cancer-brother of Alyssa
Gorbett); David Templar (cancer-brother of Amy Shaw); Calvin Clark (football injuryson of a co-worker
of Tammi Reinbold); Anna Thompson (awaiting heart surgery-friend of Alicia Perry); Dick Wessel (cancerbrother-in-law of Art Moorman); Charlie Castillo (cancer-friend of Kathy & Benny Kleffman); Gene
Speaker (bladder cancer); Steve Muster (heart surgery-cousin of Patty Herkamp); Sharon Hurt (cancer-friend
of Staci Eglen); Kalee Allbering (cancer-friend of Linda Guinn); Gary Bradley (heart transplant-friend of
Carolyn Jones); Joe Ross (physical health-father of Beth Claycamp); Carolyn Ross (pulmonary
hypertension-mother of Beth Claycamp); Brian Vaughn (cancer-neighbor of Merrell & Sara Otte); Richard
Frischie (bone cancer-father of Renee Arney and Erin Rieker); Missy Walker (epilepsy - Karen Hoene's
niece); Linda (Schafstall) Wischmeier (cancer); Carolyn Hughes (cancer-sister of Jo McGrew); Linda
Witkemper (cancerfriend of Benny Kleffman); Vicky Ent (cancerfriend of Judy Wonning); Matt; Rex
Sipes (cancerfriend of Dennis and Vickey Otte); Jeannie Isaacs (physical health-cousin of Karen Hoene);
Claudine Rowe (cancer- friend of Bill & Marlis Kidd); Amy Siefker (cancer reoccurrence - niece of Karen
Hoene); Shirley Darlage Duncan (cancer-friend of Dena Schafstall)

Prayers for those in Military Service: Joey Ross (Beth Claycamps nephew); DJ Snyder (Cathy Wentes
nephew); Steven Rieker (Jerry & Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon, Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse;
Benjamin Haymaker (son of Dee Dee & Scott Haymaker)

Prayers for those in Military Service: Joey Ross (Beth Claycamps nephew); DJ Snyder (Cathy Wentes
nephew); Steven Rieker (Jerry & Pixie Ottes Grandson); Chad Brigdon, Evan Marshall, Tyler Kruse;
Benjamin Haymaker (son of Dee Dee & Scott Haymaker)

(Names will be on the prayer list for 4 weeks, if you want the request extended, you may re-submit your request.)

(Names will be on the prayer list for 4 weeks, if you want the request extended, you may re-submit your request.)

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