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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Environmental Planning Workshop

Sustainability-mind Awareness research

~Taman Sri Pulai and Taman Pulai Perdana~
Exeutor : Azalia, Khairunn Najwa, Yoshi

This is a questionnaire of Environmental Planning Workshop in UTM. Main object is

to research Sustainability-mind awareness in Taman Sri Pulai and Taman Pulai
Perdana area. We engage that questionnaire will use in Environmental Planning
Workshop reseach and do not some other use. After research we will scrap questionnaire
sheets and protection of personal information.
Basic information
Please write your personal information.
1: Sex



2: Age
3: Occupation
Please check the blank which applicable to you. And also enter your best opinion.
1: How much do you interest in environmental problems/issues?
a) Very interested in
b) Interested in
c) Normally
d) Do not interested in
e) Never interested in
2: How do you estimate about administrations efforts environmental problems/issues?
(Please answer this question who chose a),b),c) in first question)
a) Very satisfy about it, they did well
b) Satisfy about it, but not enough
c) Normally
d) Do not satisfy about it
e) Worthless

3: In daily life, what kind of effort do you do for environmental problems/issues?

a) Always separate rubbish
b) Saving water, gas, electricity
c) Try to diminish rubbish
d) Do recycling
e) To buy reduce products
f) Do volunteer or activity for environmental problems/issues
4: Do you know the word 3R in environmental problems/issues?
a) Yes
b) No
5: If you answer a) in question4, please write all 3R.
6: Do you do 3R in your daily life?
a) Yes, always
7: Do you think 3R actions will gives good impact for environmental problems/issues?
a) Yes, always
e) I do not know
8: At your residential area, is there have recycling system?
a) Yes
b) No
c)I do not know

9: For the person who answer a) in question8,

How do you think about recycling system and how much do you take part in that?
a) It is natural duty, so I always do
b) Do not think it is duty, but almost do
c) Reluctantly to do
d) Never do
10: About recycling, what kind of recycling system do you know in your area?

a) Burnable rubbish and non-burnable rubbish

b) a) add kitchen refuse
c) a) add plastic
d) a) add plastic and can
e) Do not have to do recycling

11: About plastic bags, how do you think shop do not offer plastic bags.
a) Good thing and support that
b) Inconvenient
c) No opinion
12: Do you bring your own bags instead of plastic bags?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Never
13: About plastic bottle, how many do you usually buy in a week?
a) Over 20 plastic bottles
b) 14 to 20 plastic bottle
c) 7 to 13 plastic bottle
d) 1 to 12 plastic bottle
e) 0

14: Do you use own water bottles and water purifier machines?
a) Always
b) Often
c) Know that but never use
d) Do not know where is
e) Do not want to use
15: Free descriptive section

Thank you for your cooperation!


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