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1. In which State was the first non- Congress Government set up in Independent India?
[a] Punjab [b] Bihar
[c] Maharashtra [d] Kerala.
2. Cheep money means
[a] low rates of interest. [b] low level of saving.
[c] low level of income. [d] low level of standard of living.
3. Under the rules of the IMR, each member is required to declare the par value of its
legal tender money in terms of the US dollars and
[a] Silver. [b] Gold.
[c] Pound Sterling. [d] Diamond.
4. The Government takes Ways and means advances from
[a] RBI. [b] IDBI.
[c] SBI. [d] ICICI.
5. Kisan Credit Card Scheme was introduced in
[a] 1991. [b] 1996.
[c] 1998. [d] 2000.
6. Compared to the rich the poor save
[a] a large part of their income. [b] an equal part of their income.
[c] a smaller part of their income.[d] all of their incomes.
7. One of the main factors that led to rapid expansion of Indian exports is
[a] imposition of import duties. [b] liberalization of the economy.
[c] recession in other countries. [d] diversification of exports.
8. When too much money is chasing too few goods, the situation is
[a] Deflation. [b] Inflation.
[c] Recession. [d] Stagflation.
9. With which crop has Green Revolution been associated?
[a] Rice [b] Wheat
[c] Pulses [d] Sugarcane.


10. Who was the first Indian Governor-General of India ?

[a] B.R. Ambedkar [b] C.Rajagopalachari
[c] Dr. Rajendra Prasad [d] Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
11. A candidate, to become a member of the Rajya Sabha, should not be less than
[a] 21 years of age. [b] 25 years of age.
[c] 30 years of age. [d] 32 years of age.
12. Which Constitutional Amendment gave precedence to the Directive Principles of
State Policy over Fundamental Rights?
[a] 42nd [b] 44th
[c] 52nd [d] 56th .
13. Nov. 26, 1949 is a significant day in the history of our constitution because
[a] India took a pledge of complete independence on this day.
[b] the Constitution was adopted on this day.
[c] India became a Republic on the day.
[d] the first amendment of the Constitution was passed on this day.
14. Which of the following expressions does not figure in the Preamble to the India
[a] Sovereign Democratic Republic
[b] Socialist [c] Secular
[d] Federal.
15. Which one of the following Presidents of India served for two terms?
[a] S.Radhakrishnan [b] Rajendra Prasad
[c] Zakir Hussain [d] V.V. Giri.
16. The maximum strength of the elected members of the House of the People [Lok
Sabha] is
[a] 530. [b] 545.
[c] 540. [d] 550.
17. How many readings does a non-Money Bill have in each House of the Parliament?


[a] Two [b] Three

[c] Four [d] One.
18. Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly with the prior
permission of the
[a] Governor of the State.
[b] Chief Minister of the State.
[c] Speaker of Legislative Assembly.
[d] Finance Minister of the State
19. The Prime Minister who was voted out of power by the Parliament was
[a] Indira Gandhi. [b] Morarji Desai.
[c] V.P. Singh. [d] Chandrashekhar.
20. The Union Parliament consists of
[a] the President of India.
[b] the Council of States [Rajya Sabha].
[c] the House of the People [Lok Sabha]
[d] All of these.
21. The Indian National Congress had passed the famous resolution on "NonCooperation" in 1920 as its session held at
[a] Lucknow. [b] Delhi.
[c] Bombay. [d] Calcutta.
22. Who is known as the Grand Old Man of India?
[a] Dadabhai Naoroji [b] Gopal Krishan Gokhale
[c] Bal Gangadhar Tilak [d] Surendranath Banerjee.
23. Which of the following can be considered as the most useful and outstanding
reforms made by Lord Curzon, especially in respect of the people living in the undivided
province of Punjab?
[a] Educational Reforms [b] Police Reforms
[c] Industrial Reforms [d] Agricultural Reforms
24. Who among the following was sent as an Ambassasdor to the royal court of


Jahangir by James I, the then King of England?

[a] John Hawkins [b] William Todd
[c] Sir Thomas Roe [d] Sir Walter Raleigh.
25. Dyarchy was introduced in the Government of India Act of
[a] 1909. [b] 1919.
[c] 1935. [d] None of these.
26. The transfer of Government from the Company to the Crown was pronounced by
Lord Canning [Nov. 1, 1858] at
[a] Calcutta. [b] Delhi.
[c] Patan. [d] Allahabad.
27. The India National Congress and the Muslim League came closer to each other in
1916 at
[a] Lahore. [b] Amritsar.
[c] Lucknow. [d] Haripura.
28. The first General-Secretary of the Indian National Congress was
[a] Dadabhai Naoroji [b] A.O. Hume
[c] Ferozeshah Mehta [d] Badruddin Tyabji.
29. Raja Rammohun Roy organized a historic agitation against the
[a] caste system. [b] evil custom of sati.
[c] degrading position of women in society
[d] Practice of superfluous religious rituals.
30. "Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we
shall redeem our pledge"
This was stated on the night of Aug. 14, 1947 by
[a] Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. [b] C.Rajagopalachari.
[c] Jawaharlal Nehru. [d] Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
31. The highest grade and best quality coal is
[a] Lignite. [b] Peat.
[c] Bituminous. [d] Anthracite.


32. The "Dark Continent" is

[a] Africa. [b] South America.
[c] Australia. [d] Asia.
33. Which one of the following is the wettest place in India?
[a] Mahabaleshwar [b] Cherrapunji
[c] Udhagamandalam [d] Mawsynram.
34. The approximate length of the coast-line of India is
[a] 5,500 km. [b] 6,000 km.
[c] 6,500 km. [d] 7,000 km.
35. The area with annual rainfall less than 50 cm in a year is
[a] Meghalaya. [b] Leh in Kashmir.
[c] Coromandel [d] Konkan coast.
36. Silent Valley of Kerala
[a] is the only evergreen forest in India.
[b] contains costly timber trees.
[c] is a good picnic spot.
[d] contains rare species of plants and animals.
37. The only sanctuary where Kashmir stag is found is
[a] Kanha. [b] Dachigam.
[c] Gir. [d] Mudumalai.
38. The Visvesvaraya Iron & Steel Ltd. is located at
[a] Bangalore. [b] Bhadravati.
[c] Mangalore. [d] Mysore.
39. Which dam of India is the highest?
[a] Mettur [b] Rihand
[c] Thein [d] Bhakra.
40. Of the gross cropped area in India, the foodgrains occupy


[a] more than 70 per cent. [b] 60 to 70 per cent.

[c] 50 to 60 per cent. [d] less than 50 per cent.
41. Kaziranga National Park is famous for
[a] Rhinoceros. [b] Tiger.
[c] Lion. [d] Crocodile.
42. The colour of human skin is produced by
[a] Haemoglobin. [b] Insulin.
[c] Adrenaline. [d] Melanin.
43. Which one of the following is not transmitted via blood transfusion?
[a] Hepatitis [b] Typhoid
[c] HIV [d] Malaria
44. Which of the following is a fish?
[a] Silverfish [b] Starfish
[c] Dogfish [d] Cuttlefish
45. Which of the following instruments is used to measure humidity?
[a] Kata Thermometer [b] Anemometer
[c] Sling Psychrometer [d] Clinical Thermometer
46. The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is
[a] 24 hours [b] 30 days.
[c] 365 days. [d] changing, continuously.
47. The type of mirrors used in the headlamp of cars is
[a] parabolic concave [b] plane
[c] spherical convex [d] cylindrical concave
48. Nuclear explosive devices were tested in India at
[a] Sriharikota [b] Bangalore
[c] Pokharan [d] Kanchipuram
49. The gradation and standardization of agricultural products are conducted through


[a] Food Corporation of India.

[b] Directorate of Marketing and Inspection.
[c] Indian Standards Institution.
[d] Central Statistical Organization.
50. The luster of the metals is because of
[a] high density, due to closed packing of atoms.
[b] high polish
[c] reflection of light due to the presence of free electrons.
[d] absorption of light due to the presence of cavities
51. Flat footed camels can walk easily in sandy deserts because
[a] pressure on the sand is decreased by increasing the area of the surface in contact.
[b] pressure on the stand is increased by increasing the area of the surface in contact.
[c] pressure on the sand is decreased by decreasing the area of the surface in contact.
[d] pressure on the sand is increased by decreasing the area of the surface in contact.
52. The reason for a swimming pool to appear less deep than the actual depth is
[a] refraction. [b] light scattering.
[c] reflection. [d] interference.
53. Alternating current is converted into direct current by a
[a] transformer. [b] dynamo
[c] oscillator. [d] rectifier.
54. German silver used for making utensils is an alloy of
[a] copper, silver, nickel. [b] copper, zinc, nickel.
[c] copper, zinc, aluminium [d] copper, nickel, aluminium.
55. Which one of the following is used to dissolve noble metals?
[a] Nitric acid [b] Hydrochloric acid
[c] Sulphuric acid [d] Aqua regia.
56. Gunpowder was invented by
[a] Roger Bacon. [b] Colt.
[c] C.V. Raman. [d] Dr. Gatting.


57. The purity of gold is expressed in carats. The purest form of gold is
[a] 24 carats. [b] 99.6 carats.
[c] 91.6 carats. [d] 22 carats.
58. Petroleum consists of a mixture of
[a] Carbohydrates. [b] Carbonates.
[c] Hydrocarbons. [d] Carbides.
59. For which invention is Otto Hahn famous?
[a] Atom bomb. [b] Television
[c] X-rays [d] Miners safety lamp.
60. Which one of the following is not a plant product?
[a] Caffeine [b] Piperine
[c] Nicotine [d] Saccharin.
61. Which of the statements is correct about Indias national income?
[a] Percentage share of agriculture is higher than services
[b] Percentage share of industry is higher than agriculture
[c] Percentage share of services is higher than industry
[d] Percentage share of services is higher than agriculture and industry put together.
62. Who among the following has been appointed as the eleventh President of the
World Bank for a five- year term with effect from July 1, 2007?
[a] John Wolfensohn [b] Paul Wolfowiz
[c] Robert Zoellick [d] David Morgan.
63. Who among the following has been awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for
[a] Aparna Sen [b] Govind Nihalani
[c] M.S. Sathyu [d] Shyam Benegal
64. Permanent Revenue Settlement of Bengal was introduced by
[a] Lord Clive [b] Lord Hastings
[c] Lord Wellesley [d] Lord Cornwallis


65. In which year was the Indian Space Research Organization [ISRO] founded?
[a] 1967 [b] 1969
[c] 1970 [d] 1974.
66. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
[a] Indonesia Jakarta [b] Maldives Male
[c] North Korea- Seoul [d] Zimbabwe- Harare.
67. Which of the following is the largest parliamentary constituency in terms of area?
[a] Barmer [Rajasthan] [b] Arunachal West [Arunachal Pradesh]
[c] Ladakh [Jammu & Kashmir] [d] Uttarakhand East [Uttarakhand]
68. The first Commonwealth Games were held in the year 1930 at
[a] London [the UK]. [b] Sydney [Australia]
[c] Hamilton [Canada]. [d] Auckland [New Zealand].
69. The Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty came into force in
[a] 1967 [b] 1970
[c] 1971 [d] 1974.
70. Which State of India has the largest percentage of poor?
[a] Bihar [b] Chhatrisgarh
[c] Orissa [d] Jharkhand
71. The island of Corsica is associated with
[a] Mussolini [b] Hitler
[c] Napolean Bonaparte. [d] Winston Churchill.
72. The headquarters of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is located in
[a] Vienna. [b] Riyadh.
[c] Kuwait City. [d] Abu Dhabi.
73. When are the 19th Commonwealth Games scheduled to be held in Delhi?
[a] December, 2008 [b] November, 2009
[c] October, 2010 [d] February, 2011.


74. Jamini Roy distinguished himself in the field of

[a] Badminton [b] Painting
[c] Theatre [d] Sculpture.
75. What percentage of India population is below the official poverty line?
[a] Below 30 per cent [b] 30 per cent to 35 per cent
[c] Above 35 per cent but below 40 per cent
[d] Between 40 per cent and 45 per cent.
1. [d] 2. [a] 3. [b] 4. [a] 5. [c]
6. [c] 7. [a] 8. [a] 9. [b] 10. [b]
11. [c] 12. [a] 13. [b] 14. [d] 15. [b]
16. [d] 17. [b] 18. [c] 19. [a] 20. [d]
21. [d] 22. [a] 23. [d] 24. [c] 25. [b]
26. [a] 27. [c] 28. [a] 29. [b] 30. [c]
31. [d] 32. [a] 33. [d] 34. [d] 35. [b]
36. [d] 37. [b] 38. [b] 39. [d] 40. [b]
41. [a] 42. [d] 43. [b] 44. [b] 45. [c]
46. [a] 47. [c] 48. [c] 49. [c] 50. [c]
51. [a] 52. [a] 53. [b] 54. [b] 55. [d]
56. [a] 57. [a] 58. [c] 59. [a] 60. [d]
61. [d] 62. [c] 63. [d] 64. [d] 65. [b]
66. [c] 67. [c] 68. [c] 69. [b] 70. [c]
71. [c] 72. [a] 73. [c] 74. [b] 75. [a]


General Knowledge Question


The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was

Mujibur Rehman

The longest river in the world is the



The longest highway in the world is the


The longest highway in the world has a length of

About 8000 km

The highest mountain in the world is the

Mount Everest

The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total
teak production of the world is


The biggest desert in the world is the

Sahara desert

The largest coffee growing country in the world is


The country also known as "country of copper" is



The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and

Afghanistan is

Durand line


The river Volga flows out into the

Caspian sea


The coldest place on the earth is

Verkoyansk in


The country which ranks second in terms of land area is



The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is



The river Jordan flows out into the

Dead sea

16 The biggest delta in the world is the

Ganges Delta

17 The capital city that stands on the river Danube is


18 The Japanese call their country as


19 The length of the English channel is

564 kilometres

20 The world's oldest known city is


21 The city which is also known as the City of Canals is


22 The country in which river Wangchu flows is


23 The biggest island of the world is



The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of

automobiles in the world is

Detroit, USA



The country which is the largest producer of manganese in

China & South Africa
the world is


The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the

world is



The country which is the largest producer of tin in the

world is



The river which carries maximum quantity of water into

the sea is the

Amazon River

29 The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was


30 The country called the Land of Rising Sun is


31 Mount Everest was named after

Sir George Everest

32 The volcano Vesuvius is located in


33 The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is


34 The length of the Suez Canal is

162.5 kilometers

35 The lowest point on earth is

The coastal area of

Dead sea


The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of



The largest ocean of the world is the

Pacific ocean


The largest bell in the world is the

Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin,



The biggest stadium in the world is the

Strahov Stadium, Prague


The world's largest diamond producing country is

South Africa


Australia was discovered by

James Cook


The first Governor General of Pakistan is

Mohammed Ali Jinnah


Dublin is situated at the mouth of river



The earlier name of New York city was

New Amsterdam


The Eiffel tower was built by

Alexander Eiffel



The Red Cross was founded by

Jean Henri Durant


The country which has the greatest population

density is



The national flower of Britain is



Niagara Falls was discovered by

Louis Hennepin


The national flower of Italy is



The national flower of China is



The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located




The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is

Strait of Hormuz


The first Industrial Revolution took place in



World Environment Day is observed on

5th June


The first Republican President of America was

Abraham Lincoln


The country famous for Samba dance is



The name of Alexander's horse was



Singapore was founded by

Sir Thomas Stamford



The famous British one-eyed Admiral was



The earlier name of Sri Lanka was



The UNO was formed in the year



UNO stands for

United Nations


The independence day of South Korea is celebrated


15th August


'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Italian

painter named



Paradise Regained was written by

John Milton



The first President of Egypt was

Mohammed Nequib


The first man to reach North Pole was

Rear Admiral Robert E.



The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was



The primary producer of newsprint in the world is



The first explorer to reach the South Pole was

Cap. Ronald Amundson


The person who is called the father of modern Italy




World literacy day is celebrated on

8th September


The founder of modern Germany is



The country known as the land of the midnight sun is Norway


The place known as the Roof of the world is



The founder of the Chinese Republic was

San Yat Sen


The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was

Abdul Salam


The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was

Margaret Thatcher


The first Secretary General of the UNO was

Trygve Lie


The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was

Frederick Auguste Bartholdi


The port of Baku is situated in



John F Kennedy was assassinated by

Lee Harvey Oswald


The largest river in France is



The Queen of England who married her brother-inlaw was

Catherine of Aragon


The first black person to be awarded the Nobel

Peace Prize was

Ralph Johnson Bunche


The first British University to admit women for

degree courses was

London University



The principal export of Jamaica is



New York is popularly known as the city of



Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of



The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand


The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is



The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is



The highest waterfalls in the world is the

Salto Angel Falls,



The largest library in the world is the

United States Library of

Congress, Washington DC


The author of Harry Potter Books is

JK Rowling


Nickname of New York city is

Big Apple


What do you call a group of sheep?

A Flock of Sheep


In which sport do players take long and short



100 Who was the youngest President of the USA?

Theodore Roosevelt

101 How many legs do butterflies have?

6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings

102 Who invented the Nintendo Wii?

Kashi Kabushiki

103 What year does the Nintendo Wii come out?

Late 2006

104 Who invented the Light Bulb?

Humphry Davy

105 Who invented the washing machine?

James King

106 Who invented the first electric washing machine?

Alva Fisher

107 Who invented the safety pin?

Walter Hunt

108 Who invented the Vacuum Cleaner?

Hubert Booth

109 Who won the Football World Cup in 2006?


110 Which country hosted the Football World Cup in




Who is the new Prime Minister of the United


111 Who won Men's Singles title in French Open 2010?

David Cameron
Rafael Nadal (Spain)

112 Who won Women's Singles title in French Open 2010? Francesca Schiavone (Italy)
113 Who won Men's Doubles title in French Open 2010?

Who won Women's Doubles title in French Open


Daniel Nestor (Canada) &

Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia)
Serena & Venus Williams

General Knowledge Question



Which strait separates the North and South islands

of New Zealand?

Cook Strait


In which city is the Doges Palace?



Who plays Johnny Depps uncle in the 1993 flm

Arizona Dream?

Jim Carrey


Which New Zealand golfer won the 2000 Australian

Masters in Melbourne?

Michael Campbell


Which continent has the larger land mass: Africa or

North America?



Aston, Aston, Rizzo, Stevenson, Gilvear: which 1980s

Gene Loves Jezebel


What name is given to the art of preparing, stuffng

and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike



Which artist was appointed court painter to Charles

IV of Spain in 1786?



The name of which Roman god means shining

father' in Latin?


10. What is the name of the dog in Punch and Judy




11. What was the name of the Addams Family butler?


12. Who directed the 1995 flm Heat, which starred Al Pacino?

Michael Mann


Which theoretical temperature corresponds to minus 273.15

degrees on the Celsius scale?

14. Which seven-a-side ball game is played in a swimming pool?


Which Roman Catholic organization takes its name from the

Latin for God's work?

16. Bamboozled is a flm by which controversial US director?

Absolute zero
Water polo
Opus Dei
Spike Lee


Which word meaning rebirth describes the period in European

history which began in the 14th century?



Who starred opposite Pierce Brosnan in the remake of The

Thomas Crown Affair?

Rene Russo


Of which French overseas region in South America is Cayenne

the capital?

French Guiana


In which year did David Koresh and the Branch Davidians

Christian cult hold a siege in Waco, Texas?


21. Who wrote Bleak House?

Charles Dickens

22. Which actors real name was Marion Michael Morrison?

John Wayne

23. What would a costermonger sell?

Fruits &


Which actress played the title role in the flm adaptation of

Bridget Joness Diary?

25. George is an informal name for which feature of an aircraft?

26. Who wrote The Loneliness of the Long Distance

Automatic Pilot

Alan Sillitoe


27. How is Sarah Michelle Gellar better known to millions? Buffy
28. Ganymede is a satellite of which planet?

What nationality was the composer Wolfgang Amadeus


30. For which element is Co the chemical symbol?



The German port of Hamburg lies near the mouth of

which major European river?


32. In Arctic regions, what kind of features are sastrugi?

Wind-formed patterns in
ice and snow

33. In the Americas, what is a mesa?

Flat-topped mountain


Which city was the frst in the world to have a

population of more than one million?

35. The Taj Mahal is located near to which Indian city?

London (circa 1811)

5 Agra


St Michaels Mount lies off the coast of which English



To where would you have to travel in order to stand by

the Marsh of Decay?


What is the English name for the Bayern region of




In Lord of the Rings, what was the name of Gandalfs

white horse?



Which famous Nazi-hunter died in Vienna in 2005,

aged 96?

Simon Wiesenthal


The 1956 film 'Reach for the Sky' is based on whose life
Douglas Bader


42. Who voiced Stinky Pete in the flm 'Toy Story 2'?

Kelsey Grammer

43. How many times did Bobby Jones win the US Amateur



Championship in golf?
44. In which sport is the 'Conn Smythe Trophy' awarded?

Ice hockey


Which female singer recorded the 2001 album Read My

Sophie Ellis Bextor


Which singer recorded the 2000 album 'Holy Wood' (In

the Shadow of the Valley of Death)?

47. Which was the frst element to be created artifcially?


In which European capital city is the Institut Pasteur


Marilyn Manson

49. Which condition does the acronym AIDS stand for?

Acquired Immune
Defciency Syndrome

50. In computing, what does ISDN stand for?

Integrated Services
Digital Network

1. Which metal is heavier, silver or gold?

2. How many legs do butterflies have?
3. Which is the country with the most people?
4. Which state is the biggest in the US?
5. Which country has the largest area of land?
6. Which is the country hosting the 2008 Olympic Games?
7. Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?
8. Which golf player's mother is from Thailand?
9. What is Aurora Borealis commonly known as?
10. Which is the non-contagious disease that is the most common in the world?
11. Which was the album the Beatles recorded the last time together?
12. Which instrument did Miles Davis, the jazz musician, play?
13. What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock?
14. In which country was golf first played?
15. Which is the sport where you could be out 'leg before wicket' or 'hit a six'?
16. When did baseball originate in the US?
17. Which is the sport wherein you would use a 'sand iron'?

18. What is the largest mammal in the world?
19. Which is the country where reggae music originated?
20. Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?
21. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
22. Who was the writer of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?
23. After which famous person was the teddy bear named?
24. Which is the smallest ocean in the world?
25. What is the rhino?s horn made of?

1. Gold
2. Six
3. China
4. Alaska
5. Russia
6. China
7. Basketball
8. Tiger Woods
9. Northern Lights
10. Tooth Decay
11. Abbey Road
12. Trumpet
13. Wrestling
14. Scotland
15. Cricket
16. 19th Century
17. Golf
18. Blue Whale
19. Jamaica
20. P.G. Wodehouse
21. Michelangelo
22. Lewis Carroll
23. Theodore Roosevelt

24. Arctic Ocean
25. Hair

General Awareness

Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth Indian to claim 150 or more
(A) A. Kumble
(B) A. Agarkar
(C) S. Tendulkar
(D) Harbhajan
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following returned to earth after a long 195 days stay in space?
(A) Angie Brewer
(B) Mike Leinbach
(C) Shruti Vadera
(D) Sunita Williams
(E) None of these

Japan PM Shinzo Abe came to office last year with huge support in his favour. But
since last few months he is facing problems in his political survival. Which of the
following actions taken by him does/do not enjoy support of the people of Japan (Pick
up the correct statements.) ?
Decision to postpone Parliamentary elections.

Failing to control inflation which has gone to the level of 12% an unusual phenomenon
in the history of Japan.
Decision to alIow USA to make an Army Base in some of its islands where US will have
its nuclear 'war-heads.
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Only 3
(E) All 1, 2 and 3

'European Leaders agree on treaty' was the news in leading newspapers in recent past.
Which of the following was the treaty on which leaders were of diverse views (Pick up
the correct statements.) ?
The treaty was to make EURO Money a Universal currency for all financial! monetary
transactions done by all the member countries w.e.f. April 2009.
Treaty was to replace the defunct constitution of the European Union by a new one.
Poland, one of the newest members of the Union was threatening to use its veto
power if any change is done in the present set-up of the organization
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both I and 2
(E) Both 2 and 3


"Rajapaksha threatens to dissolve Lanka Parliament" was the news in leading

newspapers a few days back. Which of the following was the reason owing to which
President Rajapaksha threatens to take such a drastic step? (Pick up the correct
A number of MPs from Sri Lanka Freedom Party are defecting to join another party
launched by another group of politicians.
A group of politicians under the leadership of former President Chandrika Kumartunga
is demanding the postponement of elections for the post of President due in the
month of November 2007 so that Chandrika can come back from exile and contest for
the same.
Rajapaksha wants general public and also MPs to support his formula on peace with
LTTE which is not acceptable to most of the MPs.
(A) All 1,2 and 3
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 2
(E) Only 1

Madhesi National Liberation Front (MNLF) is an organization active in which of the

following countries? .
(A) Pakistan
(B) Myanmar
(C) Uganda
(D) Iran
(E) Nepal


As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 the food grain production may not touch the
target fixed for the year. What is the target of the same set for the period?
(A) 100 million tonnes
(B) 220 million tonnes
(C) 175 million tonnes
(D) 250 million tonnes
(E) 320 million tonnes

Which of the following private sector banks brought its equity share (follow on public
issue) for which the price was set as Rs. 940 per equity?
(A) ICICI Bank
(B) Karnataka Bank
(C) UTI Bank
(D) HDFC Bank
(E) None of these

Prime Minister of India recently unveiled an agricultural package during his visit to
53rd Meeting of the National Development Council. What is the size of the package?
(A) Rs. 10,000 crores
(B) Rs. 15,000 crores
(C) Rs. 20,000 crores
(D) Rs. 25,000 crores
(E) Rs. 30,000 crores

Which of the following States achieved 100% financial inclusion (Each and every family
in the State has at least one bank account.) ?

(A) Delhi
(B) Maharashtra
(C) West Bengal
(D) Kerala
(E) None of these

Rafal Nadal won the French Open Men's Singles Title -2007 after defeating who
amongst the following?
(A) Mark Knowles
(B) Mahesh Bhupathi
(C) Daniel Nestor
(D) Pavel Vizner
(E) Roger Federer

Who amongst the following has taken over as the Chairman of the 18th Law
Commission set-up recently?
(A) Justice A. R. Lakshmanan
(B) Justice Bhagwan Das Rana
(C) Justice T. L. Venkataraman Iyer
(D) Mrs. Suryakanta Patil
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following was honoured with the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
International Understanding given away recently?
(A) Mr. Umaru Yar' Adua
(B) Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
(C) Mr. Vladimir Putin
(D) Mr. Felipe Calderon

(E) None of these

The Union Minister Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar recently called a delegation from Thailand
to visit Agartala, Guwahati and few other places in North-East to explore the
possibilities to Thai investment there. Why was Mr. Mani Shankar involved in a
meeting like this?
(A) He is the Minister for North-Eastern Region
(B) He is the Union Minister for Commerce and Industry
(C) He is the next Chief Minister of Assam as a caretaker government its functioning
there till general election in January 2008
(D) Aiyar was asked to mediate the talks between Thai Delegation and Ministry of
Commerce and Industry as a deadlock was developed between the two
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following actors won the ward for Best Actor in 8th International
Indian Film Academy A wards Ceremony held recently?
(A) Saif Ali Khan
(B) Sanjay Dutt
(C) Arshad Warsi
(D) Abhishek Bachchan
(E) Hrithik Roshan

Mr. Sharad Pawar while talking to a group of Ministers (GOM) recently mentioned that
"The Union and State Governments are preparing plans for the revival of sick mills".
He also mentioned that, "There is not a single mill which has not lost some money in
last few years". Mr. Sharad Pawar was talking about the revival of which of the
following mills?
(A) Textile Mills

(B) Sugar Mills
(C) Jute Mills
(D) Public Sector Companies
(E) None of these

India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at which of the following rates during the
year 2005-06 (Results were published in January 2007.) ?
(A) 7%
(B) 8%
(C) 9%
(D) 10%
(E) 6%

Which of the following rates is not decided by the Reserve Bank of India?
(A) Bank Rate
(B) Repo Rate
(C) Reverse Repo Rate
(D) Income Tax Rates
(E) All of these

Prices of Iron ore in Global market registered a substantial rise in last few months
(24%). This is attributed to the huge demand of the same in Global Market. Which of
the following is a major importer of the Iron ore?
(A) France
(B) South Africa
(C) Singapore
(D) Britain.
(E) China


'Bharti Airtel', the largest mobile company of India recently joined the elite club of
companies earning profits of more than US $ I billion. What has been the net profit of
the Company in the year 2006-07 (About) ?
(A) Rs. 3,500 crores
(B) Rs. 4,000 crores
(C) Rs. 4,250 crores
(D) Rs. 4,450 crores
(E) Rs. 4,500 crores

The World Islamic Economic Forum was held recently in

(A) Malaysia
(B) Kuwait
(C) Iran
(D) Brazil
(E) Indonesia

Which of the following African countries recently launched its communication satellite
for the first time (The satellite was launched from China.) ?
(A) Nigeria
(B) Kenya
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Mauritius
(E) None of these

'SEBI' bans some companies for their role in 'F and a Scam', was the news in some
major newspapers. What is the full form of 'F and O' ?

(A) Fair and Optimum
(B) Free and Operational
(C) Future and Operations
(D) Future and Options
(E) None of these

The President of Brazil was recently on a visit to India where he signed several trade
agreements. Which of the following has been the major area of trade relations
between the two countries?
(A) Oil exploration
(B) Supply of agro products
(C) Production of nuclear fuel
(D) Import of electronic goods
(E) None of these

Which of the following countries has decided to build a road to the base camp of Mt.
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Nepal
(D) Myanmar
(E) None of these

Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held
recently in Germany?
(A) Subsidy to agro products
(B) Climate protection
(C) Financial Aid to Iraq

(D) Nuclear Technology and possibility of space war
(E) None of these

'Dausa' which has been in news recently is a town in

(A) Gujarat
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Bihar
(D) Uttar Pradesh
(E) Rajasthan

As per the reports published by the 'Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)' which of the following BRIC countries has generated maximum
new jobs in the past few years?
(A) China
(B) Russia
(C) India
(D) Brazil
(E) None of these

In an important meeting of the National Development Council held in New Delhi the
Prime Minister of India made a special mention of a particular sector of Indian
economy which in his opinion was suffering from a 'Technological Fatigue for lack of
breakthrough in production." He was talking of which of the following sector?
(A) Agriculture Sector
(B) Oil Sector
(C) Service Sector
(D) Defence Sector
(E) None of these


Mr. Digambar V. Kamat has taken over as which of the following a few months back?
(A) Governor of Goa
(B) Chief Minister of Goa
(C) Governor of Meghalaya
(D) Governor of Rajasthan
(E) None of these

Miss Riyo Mori who was crowned as Miss Universe 2007 belongs to which of the
following countries?
(A) Japan
(B) U.S.A.
(C) China
(D) Singapore
(E) South Korea

Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Shame' published recently?
(A) Chandar S. Sundaram
(B) Namita Gokhale
(C) Jaswindar Sanghara
(D) Anita Desai
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following Indians was recently awarded King Charles II Medal by the
UK ?
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(B) Smt. Sonia Gandhi

(C) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(D) Smt. Vasundhara Raje
(E) None of these

As per Union Budget 2007-08 how much amount the Govt. of India has provided for
Women Specific Schemes/Programmers for 2007-08 (Approximately) ?
(A) Rs. 7,700 crores
(B) Rs. 8,700 crores
(C) Rs. 9,300 crores
(D) Rs. 10,000 crores
(E) Rs. 10,500 crores

Which of the following countries has decided to offer knighthood to Salman Rushidie ?
(A) France
(B) Italy
(C) Germany
(D) U.K.
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following is the author of the famous classical book. "A Passage to
India" ?
(A) Mark Twain
(B) Nayantara Sehgal
(C) Nirad C. Choudhuri
(D) E. M. Foster
(E) None of these

The Government of India has bought RBI's entire stake in the State Bank of India in
about Rs. 35,531 crores. What is the share of the RBI in total stake of the State Bank
(About) ?
(A) 40%
(B) 48%
(C) 50%
(D) 52%
(E) 60%

How much amount approximately the Govt. of India is planning to provide for Mid Day
Meal Scheme (As per Budget 2007-08)?
(A) Rs. 5,000 crores
(B) Rs. 6,000 crores
(C) Rs. 7,300 crores
(D) Rs. 8,000 crores
(E) Rs. 8,300 crores

As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 India's share in World Export has been
(A) 0.5%
(B) 0.75%
(C) 1 %
(D) 1.25%
(E) 1.5%

As per the figures given in the newspapers what is the approximate investment in
various 'Special Economic Zones' till date in India?
(A) Rs. 20,000 crores
(B) Rs. 25,000 crores

(C) Rs. 30,000 crores
(D) Rs. 35,000 crores
(E) Rs. 40,000 Crores
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6.(E) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (D)
11. (E) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (E) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (E) 20. (C)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (B) 27. (E) 28. (C) 29. (A) 30. (B)
31. (A) 32. (E) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35.(D) 36.(D) 37.(E) 38.(C) 39.(E) 40.(B)
1. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched ?
(A) Kota Chambal
(B) Bhubaneshwar Mahanadi
(C) Jabalpur Narmada
(D) Surat Tapti
Ans : (B)
2. Which is the Indias largest lake ?
(A) Nainital
(B) Sambhar
(C) Sishram
(D) Chilka
Ans : (D)
3. Which of the following States has rich forest of sandalwood ?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Karnataka
(C) Kerala
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (B)
4. Which of the following is the smallest ocean of the world ?


(A) Pacific
(B) Indian
(C) Atlantic
(D) Arctic
Ans : (D)
5. The Hirakud Project is on which of the following rivers ?
(A) Godavari
(B) Mahanadi
(C) Damodar
(D) Kosi
Ans : (B)
6. The name of the galaxy, in which the earth is a planet, is
(A) Andromeda
(B) Ursa Major
(C) Ursa Minor
(D) Milky Way
Ans : (D)
7. Which national park is known for the Great Indian one-horned Rhinoceros ?
(A) Dudhwa
(B) Kanha
(C) Kaziranga
(D) Gir
Ans : (C)
8. The largest irrigation canal in India is called the
(A) Yamuna Canal
(B) Sirhind Canal
(C) Indira Gandhi Canal
(D) Upper Bari Doab Canal


Ans : (C)
9. Where does Chambal river originate from ?
(A) Bhind
(B) Ratlam
(C) Mhow
(D) Ujjain
Ans : (C)
10. Which of the following river is known as Sorrow of Bengal ?
(A) Damodar
(B) Gandak
(C) Kosi
(D) Sone
Ans : (A)
11. The largest public sector bank in India is
(A) Central Bank of India
(B) Punjab National Bank
(C) State Bank of India
(D) Indian Overseas Bank
Ans : (C)
12. Who gives recognition to political parties in India ?
(A) Parliament
(B) President
(C) Supreme Court
(D) Election Commission
Ans : (D)
13. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with Amendment Procedure ?
(A) Article 368


(B) Article 358

(C) Article 367
(D) All these
Ans : (A)
14. If the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly decides to resign, he should submit
his resignation to the
(A) Judges of the High Court
(B) Deputy Speaker
(C) Chief Minister
(D) Finance Minister
Ans : (B)
15. When the offices of both the President and Vice President of India are vacant, who
will discharge their functions ?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Home Minister
(C) Chief Justice of India
(D) The Speaker
Ans : (C)
16. Sharda Act deals with
(A) Widow Remarriage
(B) Child Marriage
(C) Inter-caste Marriage
(D) Polygamy
Ans : (B)
17. Hemophilia is the disease of
(A) Liver
(B) Blood
(C) Brain


(D) Bones
Ans : (B)
18. Which of the following is present in Tobacco ?
(A) Nicotine
(B) Heroin
(C) Marijuana
(D) Cocaine
Ans : (A)
19. These days yellow lamps are frequently used as street-light. Which one of the
following is used in these lamps ?
(A) Sodium
(B) Neon
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Nitrogen
Ans : (A)
20. Raja Harishchandra, an early Indian film, was produced by
(A) D. G. Phalke
(B) Ashok Kumar
(C) Ardeshir Irani
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)
21. Who composed the song Jara Yaad Karo Kurbani ?
(A) Javed Akhtar
(B) Pradeep
(C) Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
(D) Raghupati Sahay Firaq
Ans : (B)


22. Which of the following is a folk dance of Rajasthan ?

(A) Garba
(B) Dandiya
(C) Ghoomar
(D) Kathak
Ans : (C)
23. Kuchipudi is a dance drama of which of the following States ?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Karnataka
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (A)
24. The Colonel is the name of which Indian test cricketer ?
(A) Colonel C.K. Naidu
(B) Rahul Dravid
(C) Mohinder Amarnath
(D) Dilip Vengsarkar
Ans : (D)
25. Deodhar Trophy is related to which sport ?
(A) Volleyball
(B) Football
(C) Cricket
(D) Tennis
Ans : (C)
26. Jaspal Rana is a distinguished athlete in which of the following games ?
(A) Swimming
(B) Weightlifting
(C) Shooting


(D) Archery
Ans : (C)
27. The Dronacharya Award is associated with
(A) Eminent Surgeons
(B) Famous Artists
(C) Sport Coaches
(D) Expert Engineers
Ans : (C)
28. The author of Gitagovinda was
(A) Halayudha
(B) Jayadeva
(C) Kalhana
(D) Jona-Raja
Ans : (B)
29. Who wrote the book India Wins Freedom ?
(A) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sir Mohammad Iqbal
(D) Abdul Gaffar Khan
Ans : (A)
30. Baba Amte is famous as a
(A) Painter
(B) Singer
(C) Politician
(D) Social Worker
Ans : (D)
31. Who was the first woman Governor of an Indian State ?


(A) Sushila Nayar

(B) Sucheta Kriplani
(C) Sarojini Naidu
(D) Sulochan Modi
Ans : (C)
32. Who is the first non-Indian to receive the Bharat Ratna ?
(A) Martin Luther King
(B) Zubin Mehta
(C) Mother Teresa
(D) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Ans : (D)
33. Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi has distinguished herself in the field of
(A) Kathak
(B) Bharathanatyam
(C) Playing Violin
(D) Vocal Music
Ans : (D)
34. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Ravi ShankarSitarist
(B) M.F. HussainTabla
(C) R.K. NarayanNovelist
(D) Kaifi AzmiPoet
Ans : (B)
35. Who said, You give me blood, I will give you freedom ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Bhagat Singh


Ans : (C)
36. Nobel Prizes are not given for which of the following fields ?
(A) Physics
(B) Chemistry
(C) Peace
(D) Music
Ans : (D)
37. When is the International Womens Day observed ?
(A) March 8
(B) February 14
(C) May 10
(D) October 2
Ans : (A)
38. Indra Nooyi is the Chief Executive Officer of which company ?
(A) Pepsi
(B) Coca Cola
(C) LG
(D) Samsung
Ans : (A)
39. The 2008 Olympics will be held in
(A) London
(B) Sydney
(C) Beijing
(D) Seoul
Ans : (C)
40. 6th April, 1930 is well known in the history of India because this date is associated


(A) Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Quit India Movement
(C) Partition of Bengal
(D) Partition of India
Ans : (A)
41. The concept of Din-e-Elahi was founded by which king ?
(A) Dara Shikoh
(B) Akbar
(C) Shershah Suri
(D) Shahjahan
Ans : (B)
42. The central point in Ashokas Dharma was
(A) Loyalty to kings
(B) Peace and non-violence
(C) Respect to elders
(D) Religious toleration
Ans : (D)
43. Mahatma Gandhi for the first time practised his Satyagraha in India at
(A) Chauri-Chaura
(B) Ahmedabad
(C) Champaran
(D) Nauokhali
Ans : (C)
44. Do or Die was one of the most powerful slogans of Indias freedom struggle. Who
gave it ?
(A) Gandhiji
(B) J.L. Nehru
(C) Balgangadhar Tilak


(D) Subhash Chandra Bose

Ans : (A)
45. Who among the following formed a party named as Forward Block ?
(A) Subhash Chandra Bose
(B) Sardar Bhagat Singh
(C) Chandrashekhar Azad
(D) J.L. Nehru
Ans : (A)
46. Where are the Dilwara Temples located ?
(A) Shravana Belgola
(B) Parasnath Hills
(C) Indore
(D) Mt. Abu
Ans : (D)
47. Who was the first Indian lady to preside over the Congress ?
(A) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
(B) Annie Besant
(C) Vijaylakshmi Pandit
(D) Amrita Shergill
Ans : (B)
48. In India, there are three crop seasons. Two of them are Kharif and Rabi, name the
third one ?
(A) Barsati
(B) Grama
(C) Zaid
(D) Khari
Ans : (C)


49. In India agriculture of jute is maximum on which Delta area ?

(A) Ganga
(B) Mahanadi
(C) Brahamputra
(D) Godavari
Ans : (A)
50. The most discussed Tehri Dam Project is located in which of the following States ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Haryana
(D) Uttarakhand
Ans : (D)
1. The foreign trade policy announced in the year 2004 was announced for a period of
(A) two years
(B) three years
(C) four years
(D) five years
(E) ten years
Ans (D)
2. As per reports in the newspapers the Indian Rupee is appreciating these days. What
does it really mean it ?
(1) The value of the Rupee has gone up. It is now 110 paise and not 100 paise.
(2) The exchange rate of Rupee has gone up.
(3) Now we can purchase more in one Rupee which was not possible earlier.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 & 2


(E) None of these

Ans (B)
3. As per newspaper reports the inflation in India and China was at very high level . In
such a situation the central Banks of these countries are required to follow _____
(A) a more liberal credit policy
(B) a very tight credit policy
(C) create an atmosphere of easy liquidity in the market.
(D) raise the limits of personal and corporate income taxes.
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
4. The US Federal Reserve had recently reduced the interest rates by 150 basis points
in the last few months. This was done because ____
(A) US was going into recession.
(B) Inflation was high in countries like India and China hence a correction in economic
policies by all the countries was needed.
(C) Euro had become more attractive currency, hence US wanted to save dollars from
further depreciation.
(D) Iraq had bacome a very lucrative destination for foreign investment . US does not
want it to happen.
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
5. The Stock market index of London Stock Market is referred as _____
(A) Sensex
(B) Footsie (FTSE)
(D) Bullish
(E) None of these
Ans (B)


6. As we all know Ministry of Finance every year prepare Union Budget and present it to
the parliament . Which of the following is / are the elements of the Union Budget ?
(1) Estimates of revenue and capital receipts.
(2) Ways and MeAns to raise the revenue.
(3) Estimates of expenditure.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1,2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
7. Which of the following is NOT used as raw material for production of nuclear power?
(A) Uranium
(B) Barylium
(C) Zirconium
(D) Sodium
(E) All these are used
Ans (A)
8. As per figure released recently , the GDP growth in the last two years has been in the
range of ____
(A) 6%-7%
(B) 7%-8%
(C) 8%-9%
(D) 9%-9.5%
(E) 10%-11%
Ans (D)
9. Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM) has Nordic Monitors from five nations. Which
of the following is NOT one of them?
(A) India


(B) Sweden
(C) Norway
(D) Denmark
(E) Iceland
Ans (A)
10.Many a times we read a term in financial newspaper GDR. What is the full form of
the same?
(A) Gross Domestic Revenue
(B) Global Domestic Ratio
(C) Global Depository Receipts
(D) Gross Depository Revenue
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
11. The Govt. of India has fixed some targets for various programmes for the entire plan
period/or a part of it. Which of the following is/are TRUE about the Bharat Nirman
(1) The plan envisages irrigation of 10 million hectares additional land.
(2) It is planned that about six hundred km. of new roads will be developed every month.
(3) About 1000 new telephone connections will be given to rural areas every month so
that by the end of the plan all villages in India are brought under telephone services
(A) Only (1) is true
(B) Only (2) is true
(C) Only (3) is true
(D) All (1), (2) & (3) are true
(E) None is true
Ans (A)
12. Who played the role of the Hockey coach in the Film "Chak De India" for which he
was given the award for Best Actor?


(A) Shahrukh Khan

(B) Abhishek Bachchan
(C) Aaamir Khan
(D) Salman Khan
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
13. India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with which of the
following countries which says they will create a "Multi Polar Order" based on the rule of
law, sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs of States?
(B) Nepal
(C) China
(D) Britain
(E) Russia
Ans (E)
14. Recently one Indian cricket player has become the sixth batsman to earn 10000
runs in Test Crickets. The name of the player is ____
(A) Virendra Sehwag
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Sourav Ganguly
(D) Anil Kumble
(E) Rahul Dravid
Ans (E)
15. Yousuf Raza Gillani who was elected the Prime Minister of Pakistan is from which
political parties?
(A) Jamiat-e-Ulema Islami
(B) Pakistan People's Party
(C) Awami National Party
(D) Muslim League


(E) None of these

Ans (B)
16. As per the Govt. Notifications / Advertisements given in various newspapers the
wheat procurement this year was of a record of 210 lakh MTs. Which of the following
was/were the contributory factors in such a record making procurement?
(1) Minimum support price was keep as Rs. 1,500/- per quintal.
(2) Wheat was also procured from non-traditional State like Gujrat and Maharashtra
(3) State Govt. were also involved actively in the Scheme
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 & 2
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
17. Very often we read in newspapers that some sports persons have to go for a Dope
Test after their performance in the field. Why Dope Test is conducted ?
(1) To know the general health of the sports person
(2) To know the sugar level of their blood
(3) To detect whether they have taken any performance inhancing drugs
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1 , 2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
18. Santosh Trophy is associated with the game of ____
(A) Cricket
(B) Badminton
(C) Tennis


(D) Chess
(E) None of these
Ans (E) Santosh Trophy is associated with the game of Football.
19. As per the newspaper reports some economically developed states onlt hold about
60% of the total 'Demat Accounts in India. A Demat Account is ____
(A) an acount which is opened by the people of the lower income groups of the society.
(B) an account in which trading of the shares is done.
(C) an account which can be opened only by minors.
(D) an account which can be operated by big corporate houses and are mainly business
accounts like current accounts.
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
20. Federal Reserve is the Financial Organization of the ___
(B) Britain
(C) France
(D) Japan
(E) Germany
Ans (A)
21. Which of the following organization is known as Market Regulator in India?
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
22. Which of the following phenomenon occurred /surfaced recently associated with the
economy of USA has put a catastrophic influence on the economy of the World?


(A) Increase in the oil prices

(B) High level of inflation
(C) Huge and mounting expenditure due to attack on Iraq by USA and allied forces.
(D) Sub-prime Crisis
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
23. The Reserve Bank of India keeps on changing various ratio/rates frequently. Why
this is done?
(1) To keep inflation under control
(2) To ensure that Indian Rupee does not loose its market value
(3) To ensure that Banks do not earn huge profits at the cost of public money.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1,2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
24. Which of the following is true about the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act?
(1) It is applicable only in 100 rural districts.
(2) It gives a guaranteed employment of 100 days to all those who are eligible for the
same and are also willing to take it.
(3) This Act is applicable only for men between the age of 21-65. Women do not get the
benefit of the same.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1 , 2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (B)


25. Many times we here about SEZ in newspapers/magazines. What is the full form of
(A) Small Economic Zone
(B) Social Economic Zone
(C) Special Enforcewment Zone
(D) Service & Economic Zone
(E) None of these
Ans (E) Special Economic Zone

1. A prepaid service 'TRUMP' was launched by

(C) Bharati Cellular Ltd.
(D) None of these
2. Which of the following countries won highest gold medals in 27th Olympics ?
(A) Russia
(D) china
3. Which of the following languages belong to the Austric Group ?
(A) Marathi
(B) Laddakhi
(C) Khasi
(D) Tamil


4. Who did not oppose the attack of the USA and her allies on Iraq in March 2003 ?
(A) France
(B) India
(C) Turkey
(D) Pakistan
5. SMS is a service associated with :
(A) E-Mail
(B) Cellular Phones
(C) Internet Surfing
(D) Fax Transmission
6. What was the original Nationality of Annie Besant ?
(A) British
(B) Irish
(C) French
(D) American
7. Which foreign country is closest to Andman Island ?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) Myanmar
(C) Indonesia
(D) Bangladesh
8. Which country is not a member of G-8 ?
(A) Italy
(B) Canada


(C) Germany
(D) Australia
9. The language spoken by the largest number of people in the world is :
(A) Spanish
(B) English
(C) French
(D) Mandaren
10. Wich of the following is not a Negotiable Instrument ?
(A) Cheque
(B) Promissory note
(C) Bill of exchange
(D) Receipt of fixed deposit
11. Which of the following is nat a part of the exportable item from India ?
(A) Tea
(B) Shoes
(C) Steel
(D) Milk
12. GATT was founded in the year :
(A) 1940
(B) 1942
(C) 1947
(D) 1960


13. Who among the following has not been awarded death sentence in the case of
attack on the Indian Parliament ?
(A) Mohammed Afzal
(B) SAR Geelani
(C) Shaukat Hussain Guru
(D) Afshan Guru
14. Stock Market are regulated by :
(C) The ministry of finance
(D) None of these
15. No smoking is a :
(A) Rule
(B) Procedure
(C) Plan
(D) Policy
16. In raw Jute and Jute goods production, India ranks at number :
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
17. National bird is observed on :
(A) October 12
(B) November 12


(C) December 13
(D) December 18
18. Famous Food and Drug store "JUSCO" belongs to :
(A) Britain
(B) Netherland
(C) Japan
(D) Switzerland
19. The words "Satyamave Jayate" are taken from :
(A) Gita
(B) Garur Puran
(C) Mundaka Upnishad
(D) Mahabharat
20. Which of the following is not a component of revenue expenditure :
(A) Interest
(B) Public Administration
(C) Subsidies
(D) Buying of capital equipment
21. Sweat Glands occure in greatest niumber in the skin of :
(A) Forehead
(B) Armpits
(C) Back
(D) Plam of hand


22. Which of the following is a flightless bird ?

(A) Emu
(B) Hen
(C) Swan
(D) None of these
23. The bats are able to fly in dark since their wings produce :
(A) Sound waves
(B) Ultrasonic Waves
(C) Infra red rays
(D) Ultraviolet rays
24. Which of the following diseases is inheritable ?
(A) Leukemia
(B) Colour Blindness
(C) Maligency
(D) Hepatites
25. Honey has the largest percentage of :
(A) Water
(B) Starch
(C) Glucose
(D) Sucrose
26 Which of the following is a mixed fertilizer ?
(A) Urea
(B) Ammonium


27. Which of the following is an exception to cell theory ?
(A) Bacteria
(B) Fungi
(C) Virus
(D) Lichens
28. Light emmited by sun reaches Earth in :
(A) 1 second
(B) 10 seconds
(C) 13 seconds
(D) 8 seconds
29. Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution ?
(A) Diesel
(B) Kerosene
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Coal
30. The average salt content of sea water is :
(A) 1.0 %
(B) 3.5 %
(C) 10.0 %
(D) 12.3 %
31. Blood grouping was discovered by :


(A) William Harvey

(B) Landsteinar
(C) Robert Coach
(D) Luis Pasteur
32. The extreme form of Ahinsa or non-violence is practiced is :
(A) Buddhism
(B) Hinduism
(C) Jainism
(D) None of these
33. The great Hindu Law giver was :
(A) Kapil
(B) Banbatta
(C) Kautilya
(D) Mnau
34. Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days at :
(A) Ujjain
(B) Nalanda
(C) Shravanbela gola
(D) Patna
35. The court language of Mughals was :
(A) Arabic
(B) Hindi
(C) Persian
(D) Urdu


36. The Dutch first established their hold in India in 1605 at :
(A) Goa
(B) Surat
(C) Gujarat
(D) Masulipatnam
37. The English weekly edited by :
(A) Kesari
(B) Comrade
(C) Bombay Chronicle
(D) Young India
38. Who among the following was a prominent officer of Azad Hind Fauz ?
(A) Aruna Asaf Ali
(B) Shahnawaz Khan
(C) Dr. M.A.A nsari
(D) Ghaffar Khan
39. Who is the longest serving Chief Minister in India ?
(A) Bhajan Lal
(B) Chimanbhai Patel
(C) Jyoti Basu
(D) Hiteshwar Saikia
40. Among the following which is the largest Island in the world ?
(A) England


(B) Japan
(C) Borneo
(D) New Guinea
41. Which of the following is the Black Mountain ?
(A) Andes
(B) Alps
(C) Rocky Mountain
(D) Vosges
42. Which of the following is a deepest lake ?
(A) Lake Victoria
(B) Lake Caspian
(C) Lake Superior
(D) Lake Baikal
43. The original home of the Gyosies was :
(A) Russia
(B) Persia
(C) India
(D) Egypt
44. Dry farming in India is extensively practised in :
(A) Kanara plains
(B) Deccan region
(C) Coromandel Plains
(D) Punjab Plains


45. Deepest mine in India is located at ?

(A) Anantpur
(B) Bellary
(C) Kolar
(D) Hspet
46. At present India's largest mineral resource is
(A) Copper
(B) Coal
(C) Iron-ore
(D) None of these
47. The length of the Konkan Railway is :
(A) 560 kms
(B) 660 kms
(C) 760 kms
(D) 860 kms
48. Which of the following is known as Queen of Arabian Sea ?
(A) Cochin
(B) Trivendrum
(C) Aalleppey
(D) Mangalore
49. Who wrote the famous book "We The People" ?
(B) Khushwant Singh


(C) T.N.Kaul
(D) Nana Palkhivala
50. MS Kim Campbell is the first woman prime minister of :
(A) Congo
(B) Portugal
(C) Philippines
(D) Canada

1. ______is the capital of Mizoram

(A) Dispur
(B) Aizwal
(C) Kohima
(D) Itanagar
2. The only Indian State that shares its border with Sikkim is_______
(A) Assam
(C) West Bengal
(D) Arunachal pradesh
3. _______is the capital of Zimbabwe.
(A) Lusaka
(B) Harare
(C) kampala
(D) Brazzaville
4. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is ______


(A) elected by its members

(B) nominated by the president of india
(C) nominated by the leader of the majority party/alliance
(D) the Vice President of India
5. The Mavalankar Hall in Delhi is named after the ______Speaker of Lok Sabha.
(A) Second
(B) First
(C) Third
(D) Fourth
6. Mr. P.A Sangma was the speaker of lok sabha during _____
(A) 1989-91
(B) 1991-96
(C) 1996-98
(D) 1998-2002
7. The Nobel Peace prize was won by ___in 2007.
(A) P.Sainath
(B) Kofi Annan
(C) Muhammed Yunus
(D) Albert AI Gore and Rjendra K.pichauri
8. Saiman Rushdie received_____in 2008.
(A) Man Booker Prize
(B) Nobel Pize for Literature
(C) The Booker of Man Booker Prize
(D) Gyanpeeth Award
9. In july 2008; the Group of Eight (GB) sumit was held in____
(A) Japan
(B) Germany


(C) Russia
(D) The USA
10. International Monetary Fund (IMF) is______
(A) A specialised Agency of the United Nations
(B) A branch of the World Bank
(C) An economic organisation of the European Union
(D) an Independent international organisation
11. The headquarters of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is located in___
(A) New York
(B) Rome
(C) Geneva
(D) Manila
12. Mr.Hugo Chavez is the president of_____
(A) Japan
(B) Germany
(C) Russia
(D) The USA
13. Mr.Pushpa Kamal Dahal `prachand` is the Prime Minister of____
(A) People of Republic of Nepal
(B) Democratic Republic of Nepal
(C) Republic of Nepal
(D) Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
14. The Legislative Branch of Bangladesh is called_____
(A) National Council
(B) Jatiya Sangsad
(C) National Assembly
(D) Majlis-e-Shoora


15. The Indian Parliament enacted the Right to information Act in

(A) 2003
(B) 2004
(C) 2006
(D) 2005
16. India was put under the direct rule of Queen Victoria for the first time in_____
(A) 1757
(B) 1858
(C) 1877
(D) 1876
17. The ____ holds the post of the Chairman of the Planning Commission in India.
(A) Minister of Planning
(B) Finance Minister
(C) Minister of Human Resource Development
(D) Prime Minister
18. The Legislative branch of the USA has a bicameral system; one is called the senate
and the other; the ____
(A) Congress
(B) House of Representative
(C) House of Commons
(D) National Assembly
19. The number of nominated members in Rajya Sabha is
(A) 10
(B) 2
(C) 12
(D) 7


20. Bobby Jindal is the first-ever Indian American who was elected the Governor
(A) Arizona
(B) Lousiana
(C) Oklahoma
(D) Nebraska
21. In the ``Warrant of precedence`` the Speaker of Lok Sabha is placed_____
(A) immediately before the Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(B) immediately before the former President of India
(C) with the Chief Justice of India
(D) after the Union Cabinet Ministers
22. The target for the growth performance in the Tenth Five Year Plan was eight per
cent but the actual growth was___per cent.
(A) 7
(B) 7.8
(C) 7.2
(D) 6.7
23. In 2008 the Chief Guest in the Republic Day parade in New Delhi was____
(A) Nicholas Sarkozy; President of France
(B) Gordon Brown; Prime Minister of the UK
(C) Hu Jintoo; President of the Republic of China
(D) Hamid Karzal; President of Afghanistan
24. The first coalition government of the Republic of India was formed in
(A) 1977
(B) 1989
(C) 1990
(D) 2004


25. The major languages of Malaysia are Bahasa Malay; English; Chinese and ______
(A) Tamil
(B) Telugu
(C) Thai
(D) Punjabi
26. India became a republic in_____
(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950
27. Dadra and Nagar Haveli are a______
(A) Separate union territory
(B) part of Goa
(C) part of Daman and Diu
(D) part of Gujrat
28. The Adjournment Motion in Indian Parliaent is the procedure for the adjournment of
(A) House
(B) Normal Business of the House
(C) Question Hour
(D) Zero Hour
29. The first huse of legislation in India was called_____
(A) Imperial Legislative Congress
(B) Central Legislative Congress
(C) Central Legislative Council
(D) Constituent Assembly
30. The first modern Olympic games were held in 1896 in_____


(A) Paris
(B) London
(C) St.Louis
(D) Athens
31. _____won the largest number of gold medals in one Olympic Games.
(A) Mark Spitz
(B) Michael Phelps
(C) Carl Lewis
(D) Usain Bolt
32. The only individual gold medal was won for India by Abhinav Bindra in the
(A) 28th
(B) 24th
(C) 27th
(D) 29th
33. The first Asian country to host the prestigious Olympic Games was____
(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) S.Korea
(D) Singapore
34. India won the 2007 IIC World Twenty 20 Championship by defeating___in the final
(A) Australia
(B) Srilanka
(C) Pakistan
(D) South Africa
35. Out of the previously known planets;____has been demoted as a`dwarf planet`.
(A) Uranus


(B) Pluto
(C) Neptune
(D) Jupiter
36. ____is the main constituent of both brass and bronze.
(A) Nickel
(B) Iron
(C) Zinc
(D) Copper
37. The BPO provides______
(A) 24x7 call centre services
(B) non core business services through an outside provider
(C) uninterrupted telephone services
(D) communication to customers at a personal level
38. Nanctechnology is that branch of technology which deals with____
(A) speculative science
(B) the structure and behaviour of materials
(C) biotechnology
(D) manipulation of individual atoms and molecules
39. The virtual reality technology gives us the experience of real life situation in___
(A) a real world
(B) virtual cyberspace
(C) films
(D) multiedia projections
40. Mozquitoes that cause dengue hemorrhagic fever bite people primarily____
(A) during the day time
(B) at night
(C) early in the morning


(D) In the evening

41. The Chikungunya fever is caused by____
(A) protozoan
(B) bacteria
(C) virus
(D) fungi
42. jelly fish is called so because it____
(A) is shaped like jelly
(B) is made up of jelly like substance
(C) can control and expand its body
(D) is also called`sea jelly`
43. APC is a____
(A) palmtop computer
(B) laptop computer
(C) desktop computer
(D) mobile computer
44. Among the genetically modified (GM) food; india produces only______
(A) papaya
(B) rice
(C) mangoes
(D) soyabeans
45. The two astronauts of Indian origin who participatd in the space flights by NASA are
Kalpana Chawla and____
(A) R.K Murali
(B) Sunita Williams
(C) Supriya Chakrabarti
(D) G.Madhav Nair


46. The abbreviation BPL stands for___

(A) Business Processing Laws
(B) Below poverty line
(C) Blood pressure level
(D) Bharat petroleum limited
47. RAM stands for____
(A) Rapid Army Manoeuvre
(B) Random Amplified Accessories
(C) Remote Area`s modernisation
(D) Random Access Memory
48. PNR stands for_____
(A) Passenger name recorder
(B) Permanent number record
(C) Public network review
(D) Press network research
49. SMS stands for____
(A) Subscriber`s message server
(B) Satellite message service
(C) Short messaging service
(D) Simple message server
50. LNG stands for______
(A) Light Natural Gas
(B) Liquefied Natural Gas
(C) Liquid Natural Gas
(D) Low-Intensity natural Gas
51. The normal life of Lok Sabhe is?


a. 6 years
b. 5 years
c. 4 years
d. 7 years
52. The only union territory which has a High Court of its won is?
a. Chandigarh
b. Delhi
c. Andaman & Nicobar islans
d. None of these
53. The chakra of Indian flag has how many spokes?
a. 24
b. 26
c. 28
d. 32
54. Reserve Bank of India issues all currency except
a. one rupee notes
b. one rupee notes
c. one thousand rupee notes
d. ten rupee notes
55. Indian planning commission was set up in
a. 1949
b. 1945
c. 1950
d. 1951
56. Which is the tallest living animal?
a. Elephant
b. Giraffe


c. OStrich
d. None of these
57. Human Rights Day is celebrated on?
a. December 10
b. January 10
c. Novenber 21
d. None of these
58. Eden Gardens satdium is famous for?
a. Hockey
b. Cricket
c. Golf
d. Football
59. India has how many states?
a. 25
b. 26
c. 27
60. what is the capital of Iraq?
a. Bagdad
b. Abu Dhabi
c. Tehran
d. Arabia

National Games of all Countries


Chilean rodeo


Korea (Rep.)
Sri Lanka
Antigua and
New Zealand
Norway Crosscountry

Ice Hockey (winter), Lacrosse
Chilean rodeo
Tae Kwon Do
Rico Paso fino
Yacht racing
Table Tennis
Republic Baseball
Field hockey
Gaelic games
Basketball (summer sport)
Ice hockey (winter sport)
Lithuania Football
Rugby Union
Field Hockey
Rugby league


Papua New Guinea
Slovenia Alpine
United States

Paleta Frontn
Shooting, Gymnastics
Wrestling & Jereed
Rugby union

100+ Interesting GK
* Ants don't sleep.
* Owls have eyeballs that are tubular in shape, because of this, they cannot move their
* A bird requires more food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat.
* The mouse is the most common mammal in the US.
* A newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch in length.
* A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
* The Canary Islands were not named for a bird called a canary. They were named after
a breed of large dogs. The Latin name was Canariae insulae - "Island of Dogs."
* There are 701 types of pure breed dogs.
* A polecat is not a cat. It is a nocturnal European weasel.
* Tapeworms range in size from about 0.04 inch to more than 50 feet in length.
* A baby bat is called a pup.
* German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.
* A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.
* It takes 35 to 65 minks to produce the average mink coat. The numbers for other types
of fur coats are: beaver - 15; fox - 15 to 25; ermine - 150; chinchilla - 60 to 100.
* The animal responsible for the most human deaths world-wide is the mosquito.
* The biggest pig in recorded history was Big Boy of Black Mountain, North Carolina,
who was weighed at 1,904 pounds in 1939.
* Cats respond most readily to names that end in an "ee" sound.


* A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits
on the floor.
* Pigs, walruses and light-colored horses can be sunburned.
* Snakes are immune to their own poison.
* An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes.
* Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
* The biggest member of the cat family is the male lion, which weighs 528 pounds (240
* Most lipstick contains fish scales.
* Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million
* Each day in the US, animal shelters are forced to destroy 30,000 dogs and cats.
* A shrimp's heart is in their head.
* A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
* A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.
* The cat lover is an ailurophile, while a cat hater is an ailurophobe.
* A woodpecker can peck twenty times a second.
* It may take longer than two days for a chick to break out of its shell.
* Dragonflies are one of the fastest insects, flying 50 to 60 mph.
* Despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid
wolf ever attacked a human.
* There are more than 100 million dogs and cats in the United States.
* Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.
* Cat's urine glows under a black light.
* The largest cockroach on record is one measured at 3.81 inches in length.
* It is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the
course of a summer.
* Amphibians eyes come in a variety shapes and sizes. Some even have square or
heart-shaped pupils.
* It would require an average of 18 hummingbirds to weigh in at 1 ounce.
* Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English
sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute, the bull terrier, and the toy poodle.


* Moles are able to tunnel through 300 feet of earth in a day.

* Howler monkeys are the noisiest land animals. Their calls can be heard over 2 miles
* A quarter of the horses in the US died of a vast virus epidemic in 1872.
* The fastest bird is the Spine-tailed swift, clocked at speeds of up to 220 miles per
* There is no single cat called the panther. The name is commonly applied to the
leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. A black panther is really
a black leopard. A capon is a castrated rooster.
* The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a
guinea pig, it can weigh more than 100 pounds.
* The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about 2,200 people.
* The hummingbird, the loon, the swift, the kingfisher, and the grebe are all birds that
cannot walk.
* The poisonous copperhead snake smells like fresh cut cucumbers.
* A chameleon's tongue is twice the length of its body.
* Worker ants may live seven years and the queen may live as long as 15 years.
* The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of lobsters
is blue.
* Cheetahs make a chirping sound that is much like a bird's chirp or a dog's yelp. The
sound is so an intense, it can be heard a mile away.
* The underside of a horse's hoof is called a frog. The frog peels off several times a year
with new growth.
* The bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in an American
court. 98% of brown bears in the United States are in Alaska.
* Before air conditioning was invented, white cotton slipcovers were put on furniture to
keep the air cool.
* The Barbie doll has more than 80 careers.
* To make one pound of whole milk cheese, 10 pounds of whole milk is needed.
* 99% of pumpkins that are sold for decoration.
* Every 30 seconds a house fire doubles in size.
* The month of December is the most popular month for weddings in the Philippines.


* A one ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine.

* Carbon monoxide can kill a person in less than 15 minutes.
* The largest ever hailstone weighed over 1kg and fell in Bangladesh in 1986.
* Ants can live up to 16 years.
* In Belgium, there is a museum that is just for strawberries.
* The sense of smell of an ant is just as good as a dog's.
* Popped popcorn should be stored in the freezer or refrigerator as this way it can stay
crunchy for up to three weeks.
* Coca-Cola was originally green.
* The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
* The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
* The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
* TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row
of the keyboard.
* Women blink nearly twice as much as men!!
* You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
* It is impossible to lick your elbow.
* People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops
for a millisecond.
* It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
* The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in
the English language.
* If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can
rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
* Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.
* Spades - King David
* Clubs - Alexander the Great,
* Hearts - Charlemagne
* Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
* 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321
* If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person
died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of


wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died
of natural causes.
* What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have
in common?
* Ans. - All invented by women.
* Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?
* Ans. - Honey.
* A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
* A snail can sleep for three years.
* All polar bears are left handed.
* American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad
served in first-class.
* Butterflies taste with their feet.
* Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
* In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
* On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
* Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and 'bump'.
* Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
* The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
* The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
* The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt
blood 30 feet.
* Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700
* The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
* Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different

Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth Indian to claim 150 or more
(A) A. Kumble


(B) A. Agarkar
(C) S. Tendulkar
(D) Harbhajan
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following returned to earth after a long 195 days stay in space?
(A) Angie Brewer
(B) Mike Leinbach
(C) Shruti Vadera
(D) Sunita Williams
(E) None of these

Japan PM Shinzo Abe came to office last year with huge support in his favour. But since
last few months he is facing problems in his political survival. Which of the following
actions taken by him does/do not enjoy support of the people of Japan (Pick up the
correct statements.) ?
Decision to postpone Parliamentary elections.
Failing to control inflation which has gone to the level of 12% an unusual phenomenon
in the history of Japan.
Decision to alIow USA to make an Army Base in some of its islands where US will have
its nuclear 'war-heads.
(A) Only 2
(B) Only 1
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Only 3
(E) All 1, 2 and 3


'European Leaders agree on treaty' was the news in leading newspapers in recent past.
Which of the following was the treaty on which leaders were of diverse views (Pick up
the correct statements.) ?
The treaty was to make EURO Money a Universal currency for all financial! monetary
transactions done by all the member countries w.e.f. April 2009.
Treaty was to replace the defunct constitution of the European Union by a new one.
Poland, one of the newest members of the Union was threatening to use its veto power
if any change is done in the present set-up of the organization
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both I and 2
(E) Both 2 and 3

"Rajapaksha threatens to dissolve Lanka Parliament" was the news in leading

newspapers a few days back. Which of the following was the reason owing to which
President Rajapaksha threatens to take such a drastic step? (Pick up the correct
A number of MPs from Sri Lanka Freedom Party are defecting to join another party
launched by another group of politicians.
A group of politicians under the leadership of former President Chandrika Kumartunga
is demanding the postponement of elections for the post of President due in the month
of November 2007 so that Chandrika can come back from exile and contest for the


Rajapaksha wants general public and also MPs to support his formula on peace with
LTTE which is not acceptable to most of the MPs.
(A) All 1,2 and 3
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 and 2
(E) Only 1

Madhesi National Liberation Front (MNLF) is an organization active in which of the

following countries? .
(A) Pakistan
(B) Myanmar
(C) Uganda
(D) Iran
(E) Nepal

As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 the food grain production may not touch the target
fixed for the year. What is the target of the same set for the period?
(A) 100 million tonnes
(B) 220 million tonnes
(C) 175 million tonnes
(D) 250 million tonnes
(E) 320 million tonnes

Which of the following private sector banks brought its equity share (follow on public
issue) for which the price was set as Rs. 940 per equity?


(A) ICICI Bank

(B) Karnataka Bank
(C) UTI Bank
(D) HDFC Bank
(E) None of these

Prime Minister of India recently unveiled an agricultural package during his visit to 53rd
Meeting of the National Development Council. What is the size of the package?
(A) Rs. 10,000 crores
(B) Rs. 15,000 crores
(C) Rs. 20,000 crores
(D) Rs. 25,000 crores
(E) Rs. 30,000 crores

Which of the following States achieved 100% financial inclusion (Each and every family
in the State has at least one bank account.) ?
(A) Delhi
(B) Maharashtra
(C) West Bengal
(D) Kerala
(E) None of these

Rafal Nadal won the French Open Men's Singles Title -2007 after defeating who
amongst the following?
(A) Mark Knowles
(B) Mahesh Bhupathi
(C) Daniel Nestor
(D) Pavel Vizner
(E) Roger Federer


Who amongst the following has taken over as the Chairman of the 18th Law
Commission set-up recently?
(A) Justice A. R. Lakshmanan
(B) Justice Bhagwan Das Rana
(C) Justice T. L. Venkataraman Iyer
(D) Mrs. Suryakanta Patil
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following was honoured with the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
International Understanding given away recently?
(A) Mr. Umaru Yar' Adua
(B) Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
(C) Mr. Vladimir Putin
(D) Mr. Felipe Calderon
(E) None of these

The Union Minister Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar recently called a delegation from Thailand
to visit Agartala, Guwahati and few other places in North-East to explore the possibilities
to Thai investment there. Why was Mr. Mani Shankar involved in a meeting like this?
(A) He is the Minister for North-Eastern Region
(B) He is the Union Minister for Commerce and Industry
(C) He is the next Chief Minister of Assam as a caretaker government its functioning
there till general election in January 2008
(D) Aiyar was asked to mediate the talks between Thai Delegation and Ministry of
Commerce and Industry as a deadlock was developed between the two
(E) None of these


Who amongst the following actors won the ward for Best Actor in 8th International
Indian Film Academy A wards Ceremony held recently?
(A) Saif Ali Khan
(B) Sanjay Dutt
(C) Arshad Warsi
(D) Abhishek Bachchan
(E) Hrithik Roshan

Mr. Sharad Pawar while talking to a group of Ministers (GOM) recently mentioned that
"The Union and State Governments are preparing plans for the revival of sick mills". He
also mentioned that, "There is not a single mill which has not lost some money in last
few years". Mr. Sharad Pawar was talking about the revival of which of the following
(A) Textile Mills
(B) Sugar Mills
(C) Jute Mills
(D) Public Sector Companies
(E) None of these

India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at which of the following rates during the
year 2005-06 (Results were published in January 2007.) ?
(A) 7%
(B) 8%
(C) 9%
(D) 10%
(E) 6%

Which of the following rates is not decided by the Reserve Bank of India?
(A) Bank Rate


(B) Repo Rate

(C) Reverse Repo Rate
(D) Income Tax Rates
(E) All of these

Prices of Iron ore in Global market registered a substantial rise in last few months
(24%). This is attributed to the huge demand of the same in Global Market. Which of the
following is a major importer of the Iron ore?
(A) France
(B) South Africa
(C) Singapore
(D) Britain.
(E) China

'Bharti Airtel', the largest mobile company of India recently joined the elite club of
companies earning profits of more than US $ I billion. What has been the net profit of
the Company in the year 2006-07 (About) ?
(A) Rs. 3,500 crores
(B) Rs. 4,000 crores
(C) Rs. 4,250 crores
(D) Rs. 4,450 crores
(E) Rs. 4,500 crores

The World Islamic Economic Forum was held recently in

(A) Malaysia
(B) Kuwait
(C) Iran
(D) Brazil
(E) Indonesia


Which of the following African countries recently launched its communication satellite for
the first time (The satellite was launched from China.) ?
(A) Nigeria
(B) Kenya
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Mauritius
(E) None of these

'SEBI' bans some companies for their role in 'F and a Scam', was the news in some
major newspapers. What is the full form of 'F and O' ?
(A) Fair and Optimum
(B) Free and Operational
(C) Future and Operations
(D) Future and Options
(E) None of these

The President of Brazil was recently on a visit to India where he signed several trade
agreements. Which of the following has been the major area of trade relations between
the two countries?
(A) Oil exploration
(B) Supply of agro products
(C) Production of nuclear fuel
(D) Import of electronic goods
(E) None of these

Which of the following countries has decided to build a road to the base camp of Mt.


(A) India
(B) China
(C) Nepal
(D) Myanmar
(E) None of these

Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held
recently in Germany?
(A) Subsidy to agro products
(B) Climate protection
(C) Financial Aid to Iraq
(D) Nuclear Technology and possibility of space war
(E) None of these

'Dausa' which has been in news recently is a town in

(A) Gujarat
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Bihar
(D) Uttar Pradesh
(E) Rajasthan

As per the reports published by the 'Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)' which of the following BRIC countries has generated maximum
new jobs in the past few years?
(A) China
(B) Russia
(C) India
(D) Brazil
(E) None of these


In an important meeting of the National Development Council held in New Delhi the
Prime Minister of India made a special mention of a particular sector of Indian economy
which in his opinion was suffering from a 'Technological Fatigue for lack of breakthrough
in production." He was talking of which of the following sector?
(A) Agriculture Sector
(B) Oil Sector
(C) Service Sector
(D) Defence Sector
(E) None of these

Mr. Digambar V. Kamat has taken over as which of the following a few months back?
(A) Governor of Goa
(B) Chief Minister of Goa
(C) Governor of Meghalaya
(D) Governor of Rajasthan
(E) None of these

Miss Riyo Mori who was crowned as Miss Universe 2007 belongs to which of the
following countries?
(A) Japan
(B) U.S.A.
(C) China
(D) Singapore
(E) South Korea

Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Shame' published recently?
(A) Chandar S. Sundaram


(B) Namita Gokhale

(C) Jaswindar Sanghara
(D) Anita Desai
(E) None of these

Who amongst the following Indians was recently awarded King Charles II Medal by the
UK ?
(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(B) Smt. Sonia Gandhi
(C) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
(D) Smt. Vasundhara Raje
(E) None of these

As per Union Budget 2007-08 how much amount the Govt. of India has provided for
Women Specific Schemes/Programmers for 2007-08 (Approximately) ?
(A) Rs. 7,700 crores
(B) Rs. 8,700 crores
(C) Rs. 9,300 crores
(D) Rs. 10,000 crores
(E) Rs. 10,500 crores

Which of the following countries has decided to offer knighthood to Salman Rushidie ?
(A) France
(B) Italy
(C) Germany
(D) U.K.
(E) None of these


Who amongst the following is the author of the famous classical book. "A Passage to
India" ?
(A) Mark Twain
(B) Nayantara Sehgal
(C) Nirad C. Choudhuri
(D) E. M. Foster
(E) None of these

The Government of India has bought RBI's entire stake in the State Bank of India in
about Rs. 35,531 crores. What is the share of the RBI in total stake of the State Bank
(About) ?
(A) 40%
(B) 48%
(C) 50%
(D) 52%
(E) 60%

How much amount approximately the Govt. of India is planning to provide for Mid Day
Meal Scheme (As per Budget 2007-08)?
(A) Rs. 5,000 crores
(B) Rs. 6,000 crores
(C) Rs. 7,300 crores
(D) Rs. 8,000 crores
(E) Rs. 8,300 crores

As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 India's share in World Export has been
(A) 0.5%
(B) 0.75%
(C) 1 %


(D) 1.25%
(E) 1.5%

As per the figures given in the newspapers what is the approximate investment in
various 'Special Economic Zones' till date in India?
(A) Rs. 20,000 crores
(B) Rs. 25,000 crores
(C) Rs. 30,000 crores
(D) Rs. 35,000 crores
(E) Rs. 40,000 Crores
1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6.(E) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. (D)
11. (E) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (E) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (E) 20. (C)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (B) 27. (E) 28. (C) 29. (A) 30. (B)
31. (A) 32. (E) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35.(D) 36.(D) 37.(E) 38.(C) 39.(E) 40.(B)

1. This disease is caused by the deficiency of protein. Can you identify it from the given
a. Goitre
b. Kwashiorkar
c. Hypokalemia
d. Dermatosis
2. We all know very well that the Pacific Ocean is the earths largest ocean. Which of
the following
represents the percentage area (approximately) of the earth covered by it?
a. 25%


b. 35%
c. 40%
d. 45%
3. This place is the wettest place on earth. Can you identify it from the given options?
a. Mount Waialeale
b. Cherapoonji
c. Mawsynram
d. None of these
4. The number of non-permanent members of the UN Security Council is
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
5. According to the latest population Census, the state with the least population density
a. Sikkim
b. Mizoram
c. Andaman & Nicobar Islands
d. Arunachal Pradesh
6. The number of Union Territories in India is
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
7. The maximum duration for which the Presidents office can remain vacant is
a. 1 month
b. 2 months


c. 3 months
d. 6 months
8. Which of the following represents the minimum age required to become the member
of the Rajya Sabha?
a. 25 years
b. 30 years
c. 35 years
d. There is no age limit as such
9. Which of the following represents the percentage contribution of the agriculture sector
to the Growth Domestic Product of the Indian Economy (approximately)?
a 15%
b. 17%
c. 21%
d. 30%
10. Sakyamuni is another name of
a. Mahavir
b. Buddha
c. Lord Shiva
d. Lord Vishnu
11. The last amendment to the Preamble of the Constitution of India was carried out in
the year
a. 1958
b. 1962
c. 1976
d. 1978
12. Which of the following is NOT a primary activity?
a. Fishing


b. Mining
c. Agriculture
d. Banking
13. How many Bharat Ratna awardees have won the Nobel Prize till date?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
14. Who discovered Ultrasound ?
a. Ian Donald
b. Roger Bacon
c. JP Merril
d. Joseph Lister
15. Maltimadhava is the famous creation of which of the following personalities?
a. Kalidas
b. Bharat Muni
c. Bhavabhuti
d. Vishnu Sharma
16. The work for which French Nobleman Baron Pierre de Coubertin is known for, is
a. He was the founder of Scouts movement
b. He was the founder of Amnesty International
c. He was the founder of Red Cross Society
d. He was responsible for the revival of modern Olympic games.
17. Which of the following is NOT a recipient of Bharat Ratna?
a. Aruna Asaf Ali
b. PV Kane
c. DK Karve


d. MGK Menon
18. Which of the following is not matched properly?
a. Dibru Saikhowa Assam
b. Dehang Debang Mizoram
c. Norkek Meghalaya
d. Pachmarhi Madhya Pradesh
19. The first cotton mill of India was set up at
a. Surat
b. Mumbai
c. Kanpur
d. Ahmedabad
20. Which Indian city is also known as the school capital of India?
a. Lucknow
b. New Delhi
c. Dehradun
d. Ajmer
21. Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in
a. 1949
b. 1952
c. 1955
d. 1964
22. We all know very well that the largest planet of the solar system is Jupiter. Can you
identify the
name of the second largest planet of the solar system?
a. Earth
b. Saturn
c. Uranus


d. Venus
23. You would find Andes mountain range in
a. North America
b. South America
c. Europe
d. Australia
24. The worlds rarest element on earth is
a. Palladium
b. Astatine
c. Radium
d. None of these
25. Which of the following is the densest planet of the solar system?
a. Earth
b. Saturn
c. Jupiter
d. Mercury
26. Which of the following is NOT based on the banks of river Danube?
a. Vienna
b. Belgrade
c. Budapest
d. Warsaw
27. Which of the following cases highlighted that total reservation in the government
jobs cannot exceed
50% of total?
a. T.A. Pai case
b. Minerva Mills case
c. Keshvanand Bharti case


d. Indira Sawhney case

28. Ngultrum is the name of the currency of
a. Chile
b. Bhutan
c. Botswana
d. Bulgaria
29. International Committee of Red Cross has won the Nobel Peace Prize for record
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six
30. Poise is the unit of
a. pressure
b. viscosity
c. luminous intensity
d. inductance
31. This personality is credited with the invention of Electro cardiogram (ECG). Can you
identify the
personality from the given options?
a. Ian Donald
b. A. Laveran
c. Williem Einthoven
d. C.Sholes
32. Time Machine is the name of a famous work of
a. Carl Segan
b. H.G. Wells


c. Alvin Tofler
d. Arthur C. Clarke
33. Jakob Von Vexkull was the founder of
a. Booker Prize
b. Pulitzer Prize
c. Right Livelihood Award
d. Templeton Prize
34. Which of the following chemical elements is used for the bleaching process?
a. Fluorine
b. Bromine
c. Chlorine
d. Xenon
35. Cirrhosis is the disease which affects the
a. brain
b. liver
c. kidney
d. lungs
36. Which of the following is the capital of Ireland?
a. Dublin
b. Istanbul
c. Amsterdam
d. Berne
37. Where would you find the Indian Textile Institute?
a. Surat
b. Kanpur
c. Pune
d. Mysore


38. Which of the following is the least populous union territory of India?
a. Pondicherry
b. Lakshadweep
c. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
d. Andaman & Nicobar Islands
39. The first Indian state where the Presidents rule was imposed in the year 1951 was
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Punjab
d. Orissa
40. Which of the following Indian states has the lowest sex ratio (number of females per
a. West Bengal
b. Haryana
c. Punjab
d. Uttar Pradesh
41. Which of the following is NOT a work of Salman Rushdie?
a. Moors Last Sigh
b. Midnights Children
c. Shalimar The Clown
d. The Piano Teacher
42. International Labor Day is celebrated on ___every year.
a. August 1
b. March 1
c. September 1


d. May 1
43. Who wrote Ramayana?
a. Vishwamitra
b. Maharishi Valmiki
c. Tulasidas
d. None of these
44. Who is credited with the construction of the Grand Trunk road?
a. Tipu Sultan
b. Mohammed bin-Tughlaq
c. Shershah Suri
d. Jehangir
45. Which of the following is also known as Silicon valley of India?
a. Hyderabad
b. Bangalore
c. Chennai
d. Noida
46. This personality is also considered as the Father of computers . Can you name him
from the given
a. Blaise Pascal
b. Alan M. Turing
c. Charles Babbage
d. None of these
47. Peace Palace is the official headquarters of
a. WHO
b. FAO
c. ICJ


48. Find the odd one out.
a. DOS
49. Which of the following is the capital of the land of midnight sun?
a. Vienna
b. Oslo
c. Helsinki
d. Prague
50. Christiana is the former name of which of the following cities?
a. Copenhagen
b. Oslo
c. Ottawa
d. Berlin



10 b
11 c
12 d
13 d
14 a
15 c
16 d
17 d
18 b
19 b
20 c
21 a
22 b
23 b
24 b
25 a
26 d
27 d
28 b
29 a
30 b
31 c
32 b
33 c
34 c
35 b
36 a
37 b
38 b
39 c


40 b
41 d
42 d
43 b
44 c
45 b
46 c
47 c
48 d
49 b
50 b
1. Find the odd-one out?
(B) Chair
(D) Computer
2. Which royal dynasty did Mahavir belong to?
(A) Lichchhivi
(B) Kapilvastu
(C) Shatruk Kshatriya
(D) Satwahan
3. Which of the following Governor General started postage stamp in India?
(A) Lord Auckland
(B) Lord William Bentinck
(C) Lord Daihousie
(D) Lord Canning
4. Who is known as father of Economics?
(A) Adam Smith
(B) Prof. Dantewala
(C) Prof. Marshall
(D) Prof. .J. K. Mehta


5. The headquarters of NABARD is situated at ?

(A) New Delhi
(B) Mumbai
(C) Chennai
(D) Jaipur
6. Which of the following states has the longest boarder line?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Orissa
(D) Tamilnadu
7. A.T.M. stands for?
(A) Automatic Teller Machine
(B) Automated Teller Machine
(C) Automatic Tally Machine
(D) Automated Tally Mechanism
8. Kaling award is given by?
(C) World Bank
(D) World Trade Organisation
9. Which of the following is used as an anesthetic?
(A) Chlorine
(B) Helium
(C) Nitrus Oxide
(D) Carbon dioxide
10. Which of the following is chemically Vitamin C?
(A) Tartaric Acid
(B) Acetic Acid
(C) Ascorbic Acid
(D) Sulphuric Acid


11. Hemoglobin containing iron is

(B) Nucleic Acid
(D) Hormone
12. The only Indian Governor General was?
(A) Rajendra Prasad
(B) C. Rajgopalachari
(C) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(D) Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
13. From when Rashtriya GraminRozgar Yojna is being run
throughout the country?
(A) 142007
(B) 2102007
(C) 142008
(D) 14112007
14.. Bharat Nirman Karyakram was launched keeping in view the following
(A) During 2008-09 10 million extra jobs
(B) During 2005-09 10 million extra irrigation
(C) During 11th plan 1 lakh km road in villages
(D) During 11th plan IT park in all districts
15. Who among the following won a Gold Medal in Olympic 2008?
(A) Milkha Singh
(B) Abhinav Bindra
(C) Pankaj Adwani
(D) Sania Mirza
16.. Mansarovar lake is located in?
(B) India


(D) Bhutan
17. Next Commonwealth games will be played in?
(A) New Delhi
(B) Karanchi
(D) Melbourne
18. Which of the following is a National Capital ?
(A) New York
(B) Washington
(C) Washington DC
(D) California
19. In India Panchayati Raj System was introduced in the year
(B) 1960AD
(D) 1952 AD
20. which of the following is not an immediate neighbour of India?
(A) Myanmar
(B) China
(D) Iran
21. How many members can the President of India nominate to Rajya Sabha?
(A) 15
(B) 14
(C) 12
(D) 21
22.Which of the following plan resulted in Indias independence?
(A) Cripps Mission
(B) Wavell Plan
(C) MountbattenPlan


(D) None of these

23. ELISA is
(A) Fat Precipitation Test
(B) Immunological Test
(C) Osteomalacia Test
(D) None of these
24. The main source of Direct Foreign Investment in India is
(B) China
(C) South Korea
(D) Mauritius
25. Histology is a study of?
(B) Tissues
(D) Protein
26. Plague is a disease caused by?
(A) Cattle flea
(B) Dog flea
(C) Rat flea
(D) None of these
27. The famous Gayatri Mantra is found in which of the following Vedas?
(A) Rigveda
(B) Samveda
(C) Yajurveda
(D) Atharvaveda
28. Which is the rate of Heart beats of a child during birth?
(A) 120 times
(B) 140 times
(C) 90 times


(D) 130 times

29. Which of the following is the hottest planet?
(A) Mars
(B) Mercury
(C) Earth
(D) Venus
30. What is the main basis of the dividing the atmospheric layers?
(A) Air pressure
(B) Composition
(C) Temperature
(D) Density
31, The speed at which the monitor accepts data is called ?
(A) Bandwidth
(B) Interlacing
(C) Response time
(0) Scanning
32. From 2009 the two new members of NATO are?
(A) Austria and Greece
(B) Bulgaria and Turkey
(C) Crotia and Albania
(D) Romania and Poland
33. In Beijing Olympics, the winner of gold medal in football (for men)was
(A) Argentina
(B) Belgium
(D) Nigeria
34. In the General Election, 2009 the Lok Sabha seats won by the Congress are?
(A) 204 seats
(8) 206 seats
(C) 203 seats


(D) None of these

35. Which one of the following Slates of India has been recently awarded UN OSCAR
by the United Nations Secretary General for the best Human Development report?
(A) Chattisgarh
(B) Gujarat
(D) Sikkim
36. Who among the following was chosen Business Leader of the Year in The
Economic Times Award, 2007?
(A) K. V. Kamath
(B) Sunil Bharti Mittal
(C) Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani
(0) Anil Dhirubhai Ambani
37. Which of the following cricketers has experience of hitting 8 sixes in an over in an
international cricket match?
(A) Rohit Sharma
(B) M. S. Dhoni
(C) Yuvaraj Singh
(D) Gautam Gambhir
38. Which of the following states has the highest female literacy rate according to 2001
(A) Mizoram
(B) Kerala
(C) Tamilnadu
(D) Meghalaya
39. The capital of the Pallavas was?
(B) Kanchi
(D) Banavasi


40. The back surface of mirrors are coated with a thin layer of?
(A) Mercury
(B) Silver
(C) Red oxide
(D) Silver nitrate
41. Gidda is a folk dance from which state of India?
(A) Punjab
(B) Haryana
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Uttarakhand
42. Indias first mobile court was inaugurated in
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Haryana
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
43. The Sun Feast Open, 2007 was won by?
(A) Vania King
(B)Mariya Koryttseva
(C) Sania Mirza
(D)Maria Kirilenko
44. In which state is the Kanger Ghati National Park situated ?
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Chhattisgarh
45. Go back to the Vedas was the motto of?
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Raja Rammohan Roy
(C) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(D) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

46. Venus Williams won Wimbledon,2008 womens singles title by defeating?
(A) Ana Ivanovic
(B)Elena Dementieva
(C) Justice Henin
(D)Serena Williams
47. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, as approved by the Union Cabinet,
will be set up at?
(A) Amethi
(B) Jais
(C) Jagdishpur
(D) Rae Bareli
48. In Uttar Pradesh, the artificial rubber factory is situated at
(B) Ghaziabad
(C) Modinagar
(D) Gorakhpur
49. Nathu La was reopened in 2006 for trans border trade between India and
(A) Bangladesh
(B) China
(D) Nepal
50. The term Plastic Money applies to
(A) Bank draft made of plastic coated paper
(B) Currency notes printed on plastic coated paper
(C) Currency notes impregnated with plastic thread
(D) Credit Cards mainly issued by the banks





1. The slogan of Quit India Movement was given by
(1) Sardar Patel
(2) Mahatma Gandhi
(3) Subhash Chandra Bose
(4) PLJawaharlal Nehru
2. Which museum houses the largest collection of Kushan sculptures?
(1) Mathura Museum
(2) Bombay Museum
(3) Madras Museum
(4) Delhi Museum
3. During Akbars reign the Mahabharat was translated into Persian and is known as
(1) IqbalNamah
(2) RazmNamah
(3) Akbar Namah
(4) Sakinat-ul-Auliya
4. Which British Viceroy is associated with the Partition of Bengal?
(1) Lord Canning
(2) Lord Curzon
(3) Lord Hardinge
(4) Lord Wellesley
5. Who among the following Tomar rulers, is credited with founding the city of Delhi?


(1) Anangapal
(3) Rudrane
(4) Devraja
6. Who among the following Mughal emperors, brought about the fall of Sayyid
(1) Bahadur Shah I
(2) Rafi-ud-daulah
(3) ShahJahan II
(4) Muhammad Shah
7. Indonesia was a colony of which of the following countries?
(1) Dutch
(2) Spain
(3) Portugal
(4) Belgium
8. Mahavira was born in a Kshatriya clan by the name of
(1) shakyk
(2) Jariatrika
(3) Mallas
(4) Lichhavis

1. 2
2. 1
3. 2
4. 2
6. 4
7. 3
8. 2


. Which of the following countries is a land locked country in south America?

a. Ecuador
b. Peru
c. Uruguay
d. Bolivia
Ans : d
2. Canary Islands belongs to
a. Norway
b. Spain
c. New Zealand
d. Portugal
Ans : b
3. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Neptune
Ans : c
4. Which of the following planets rotates clock wise?
a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Mercury
Ans : c
5. A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly
a. 101 km
b. 111 km
c. 121 km
d. 125 km
Ans : b
6. The earliest known Indian script is


a. Mori
b. Devanagari
c. Brahmi
d. Kharosti
Ans : c
7. How many times the preamble was amended
a. once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. four times
Ans : a
8. The term socialist was added in the Preamble by theamendment
a. 40th
b. 42nd
c. 44th
d. 49th
Ans : b
9. The state with the lowest population in India is
a. Goa
b. Tripura
c. Mizoram
d. Sikkim
Ans : d
10. Which person or organisation received the Nobel Prize three times so far?
a. Medame Curie
b. Linus Pauling
c. Alexender Flemming
d. International Committee of the Redcross
Ans : d
11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every year
a. 3


b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Ans : c
12. Under which five year plan did agriculture show a negative growth?
a. 1st plan
b. 2nd plan
c. 3rd plan
d. 4th plan
Ans : c
13. Who is the founder of the Capital city of Agra?
a. Akbar
b. Babar
c. Sikinder Lodi
d. Mubarak Shah Sayyad
Ans: c
14. The first tide generated electricity project was established at
a. Vizhinjam, Kerala
b. Mangalore, Karnataka
c. Paradeep, Orissa
d. Vishakapattanam
Ans : a
15. National Institute of Oceanography is located in :
a. Calcutta
b. Chennai
c. Mangalore
d. Panaji
Ans : d
16. The 2004 Olympics were held in :
a. Bangkok
b. Rome


c. Athens
d. Nagasaki
Ans : c
17. Who headed the committee appointed on Kargil War ?
a. Gen. V. P. Malik
b. Gen. S. K. Sinha
c. K. Subramanyam
d. K. C. Panth
Ans : c
18. The C. K. Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of
a. cricket
b. Hockey
c. Football
d. Chess
Ans : a
19. New York is situated on the river
a. Hudson
b. Thames
c. Danube
d. Tigris
Ans : a
20. The Woman of the Millennium selected by the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) is
a. Margaret Thacher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Chandrika Kumaratunga
d. Indira Gandhi
Ans : d
21. The General Assembly of United Nations meets
a. Once a year
b. twice a year


c. thrice a year
d. Once in five years
Ans : a
22. The Common Wealth Games 2002 will be held in
a. Toranto
b. Manchester
c. Tokyo
d. Canberra
Ans : b
23. All India Radio commenced operations in
a. 1926
b. 1936
c. 1945
d. 1947
Ans : b
24. The Killer Instinct is written by
a. Sulakshan Mohan
b. M.K.Santanam
c. O.P.Sabharwal
d. Subash Jain
Ans : c
25. The Secretary-General of UN is appointed by the
a. Security Council
b. Trusteeship Council
c. General Assembly
d. World Bank
Ans : c
26. Postal Voting is other wise called:
a. external voting
b. secret voting
c. plural voting


d. proxy voting
Ans : d
27. The Common Wealth of Independent states (CIS) consists of republica?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
Ans : c
28. Which of the following harbours is considered as the worlds finest natural harbour?
a. Sydney harbour
b. Toronto harbour
c. New Jersy harbour
d. Singapore harbour
Ans : a
29. Who invented Radar?
a. Henrey Backquerel
b. Max Planck
c. Robert Watson Watt
d. Humphrey Davy
Ans : c
30. Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in
a. Trophical Evergreen Forests
b. Tropical most Decidous
c. Alpine forests
d. Trophical Thorn Forests
Ans : d
31. The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is
a. Switzerland
b. New Zealand
c. USA
d. Netherlands


Ans : d
32. The tomb of Babur is at
a. Kabul
b. Lahore
c. Multan
d. Larkhana
Ans : a
33. The joint session of the two houses is presided by
a. the speaker
b. the president
c. chairman of Rajyasabha
d. none of these
Ans : a
34. The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the
a. Greeks
b. Shakas
c. persians
d. Kushans
Ans : a
35. The Simon Commission was appointed in
a. 1927
b. 1928
c. 1929
d. 1930
Ans : c
36. Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union, in the year ?
a. 1972
b. 1973
c. 1974
d. 1975
Ans : d


37. Who is the founder of Mahabalipuram ?

a. Rajaraja Chola
b. Mahendra Varman
c. Narsimha Varman
d. Narsimha Chola
Ans : c
38. The 189th member of United Nations is
a. Palau
b. Tuvalu
c. Soloman Islands
d. Nauru
Ans : b
39. When was Burma separated from India
a. 1947
b. 1942
c. 1937
c. 1932
Ans : c
40. Which of the following country has more than 55,000 lakes?
a. Poland
b. Denmark
c. Finland
d. Norway
Ans : c
1. The Indian Economy will grow as per the estimates given by the Asian Development
Bank [ADB] at which of the following rates in 2008 ?
[A] 6.7%
[B] 7.5%
[C] 8.5%
[D] 8%
Ans [D]


2. Government has notified the hike in Foreign Direct Investment [FDI] limit for Public
Sector Undertakings refineries. The new FDI limit is
[A] 26%
[B] 49%
[C] 51%
[D] 75%
Ans: [B]
3. As per the report on State of Forest released on February 13, 2008, what is the
percentage coverage of forest area in the total geographical area of the country ?
[A] 22.20%
[B] 21.30%
[C] 20.60%
[D] 19.90%
Ans: [C]
4. 13th Finance Commission has been constituted under the Chairmanship of
[A] Y. S. P. Thorat
[B] Vijai L. Kelkar
[C] T. S. Vijayan
[D] Laxmi Narayan
Ans: [C]
5. SEBI is a
[A] Statutory body
[B] Advisory body
[C] Constitutional body
[D] Non-statutory body
Ans: [A]
6. 15th SAARC Summit is scheduled to be held in July-August 2008. The changed
venue of the summit is
[A] New Delhi
[B] Sri Lanka
[C] Maldives
[D] Bangladesh


Ans: [B]
7. When was the SAARC established ?
[A] On December 8, 1984
[B] On January 1, 1984
[C] On December 8, 1985
[D] On January 1, 1985
Ans: [C]
8. What is the present number of member countries of European Economic Community
[A] 15
[B] 12
[C] 25
[D] 20
Ans: [B]
9. Which Committee recommended abolition of tax rebates under section 88 ?
[A] Chelliah Committee
[B] Kelkar Committee
[C] Shome Committee
[D] None of the above
Ans: [B]
10. Which of the following countries is not the members of European Union ?
[A] Switzerland
[B] Malta
[C] The Czeck Republic
[D] Poland
Ans: [A]
11. Pradhanmantri Bharat Jodo Pariyojna is related to
[A] Communication
[B] Social Integration
[C] Linking of Rivers
[D] Development of Highways


Ans: [D]
12. Sagarmala is a name associated with
[A] A drilling vessel
[B] A project of port development
[C] Oil well in Indian Ocean
[D] None of the above
Ans: [B]
13. Tarapore Committee submitted its report on Full Convertibility on Rupee in
[A] Current account
[B] Capital account
[C] Both in current as well as in capital account
[D] Special Drawing Rights [SDR]
Ans: [B]
14. The new President of FICCI [Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry] is
[A] K. C. Raina
[B] V. P. Shetty
[C] Rajiv Chandrashekhar
[D] Som Mittal
Ans: [C]
15. As per Revised Estimates for 2006-07 released by CSO, the growth rate for Indian
economy has been estimated to be
[A] 9.0%
[B] 9.2%
[C] 9.4%
[D] 9.6%
Ans: [D]
16. CENVAT is related to
[A] Sales Tax
[B] Excise Duty
[C] Custom Duty


[D] Service Tax

Ans: [B]
17. Aam Admi Bima Yojana provides social security to
[A] All labours in rural areas
[B] All landless labours living below poverty line in rural areas
[C] All labours in urban areas
[D] All labours in both rural as well as urban areas
Ans: [B]
18. According to 2001 census urbanrural population ratio is about
[A] 35 : 65
[B] 32 : 68
[C] 28 : 72
[D] 25 : 75
Ans: [C]
19. As per the final estimates of Ministry of Agriculture, the rice production for 2006-07
is estimated at
[A] 80.11 MT
[B] 90.0 MT
[C] 93.4 MT
[D] 101.60 MT
Ans: [C]
20. According to 2001 census the state having highest urban population is
[A] U.P.
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Tamil Nadu
[D] Kerala
Ans: [B]
21. The growth rate of construction sector for the year 2006-07 has been estimated at
the level
[A] 9.2%
[B] 8.5%


[C] 11.0%
[D] 12.0%
Ans: [D]
22. International Finance Corporation [IFC] has decided to fund an Ultra Mega Power
Project in Gujarat. This project belongs to
[A] Reliance Group
[B] Tata Group
[C] Birla Group
Ans: [B]
23. Which states ranks first and last respectively in Education Development Index [EDI]
prepared to track the progress of states towards providing universal elementary
education ?
[A] Kerala and Orissa respectively
[B] Kerala and Bihar repectively
[C] Andhra Pradesh and Orissa respectively
[D] Karnataka and Bihar respectively
Ans: [B]
24. Targeted power capacity addition for 11th plan period is
[A] 41110 MW
[B] 66463 MW
[C] 68963 MW
[D] 86283 MW
Ans: [B]
25. During 2006-07 which sector has shown the highest growth rate ?
[A] Service Sector
[B] Manufacturing Sector
[C] Transport and communication
[D] Agriculture Sector
Ans: [C]
26. The Ex-officio Secretary of NDC is


[A] Secretary of Finance Ministry

[B] General Secretary of Lok Sabha
[C] Secretary of Planning Commission
[D] Vice Chairman of Planning Commission
Ans: [C]
27. 15th SAARC Summit was held in JulyAugust 2008. The venue of the summit
[A] New Delhi
[B] Sri Lanka
[C] Maldives
[D] Bangladesh
Ans: [B]
28. In National Mineral Policy [1993] which mineral was allowed for having investment
from private sector
[A] Coal
[B] Iron
[C] Gold
[D] Platinum
Ans: [A]
29. The share of road transport in total transport of the country is
[A] 20%
[B] 40%
[C] 60%
[D] 80%
Ans: [D]
30. 11th National Conference on e-governance was held on 78 February, 2008 at
[A] Gurgaon [Haryana]
[B] Chandigarh
[C] Mohali [Punjab]
[D] Panchkula [Haryana]
Ans: [D]


31. Which percentage of Central Taxes have been recommended by the 12th Finance
Commission to be transferred to States ?
[A] 28.5%
[B] 29.5%
[C] 30.5%
[D] 31.5%
Ans: [C]
32. Which state possesses the maximum percentage of SC population ?
[A] U.P.
[B] M.P.
[C] Kerala
[D] Punjab
Ans: [D]
33. Government has decided to cover all districts of the country in National Rural
Employment Guarantee Programme [NREGP]
[A] Upto January 1, 2008
[B] Upto March 31, 2008
[C] w.e.f April 1, 2008
[D] w.e.f. April 1, 2009
Ans: [B]
34. What is NIKKEI ?
[A] Share Price Index of Tokyo Share Market
[B] Name of Japanese Central Bank
[C] Japanese name of Countrys Planning Commission
[D] Foreign Exchange Market of Japan
Ans: [A]
35. Which statement is correct for Indian Planning Commission ?
[A] It is not defined in Indian Constitution
[B] Members and vice-chairman of it do not have fixed working duration
[C] Members do not require any minimum education
[D] All of these
Ans: [D]


36. Which State of the following has adopted VAT [Value Added Tax] w.e.f. January 1,
2007 ?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Gujarat
[D] Goa
Ans: [A]
37. Service Tax revenue collection for 200708 [Budget estimates] was proposed at Rs.
50,200 crore but the revised estimates remained at
[A] Rs. 50,603 crore
[B] Rs. 52,603 crore
[C] Rs. 64,460 crore
[D] Rs. 64,640 crore
Ans: [A]
38. NABARD was established on the recommendation of
[A] Public Account Committee
[B] Shivaraman Committee
[C] Narsimham Committee
[D] None of these
Ans: [B]
39. Sampurna Gramin Rojgar Yojana has been launched from
[A] 1st April, 2001
[B] 25th Sept., 2001
[C] 30th Sept., 2001
[D] No scheme of such title has yet launched
Ans: [B]
40. Which company is providing mobile service with name Cell one to the consumers ?
[C] Reliance Infocom
[D] Bharti Tele


Ans: [B]
41. VAT is imposed
[A] Directly on consumer
[B] On final stage of production
[C] On first stage of production
[D] On all stages between production and final sale
Ans: [D]
42. The newly elevated person as Joint ChairmancumManaging Director of National
Aviation Company of India Ltd. [NACIL] is
[A] S. Sridhar
[B] Viswapati Trivedi
[C] Rajiv Chandrashekhar
[D] Venugopal Dhoot
Ans: [B]
43. Kutir Jyoti scheme is associated with
[A] Promoting cottage industry in villages
[B] Promoting employment among rural unemployed youth
[C] Providing electricity to rural families living below the poverty line
[D] All of these
Ans: [C]
44. Novelis has been acquired and merged with
[A] Tata Steels
[D] Jindal Steels
Ans: [C]
45. OTCEI is
[A] Atomic Submarine of China
[B] Economic policy of USA
[C] An Indian Share Market
[D] A defence research organisation


Ans: [C]
46. The New Chairman of SEBI [Securities and Exchange Board of India] is
[A] M. Damodaran
[B] C. B. Bhave
[C] Venugopal Dhoot
[D] Sunil K. Munjal
Ans: [B]
47. Gross Budgetary Support [GBS] for 200809 as per document of 11th plan stands
at Rs. 2,28,725 crore but in budget proposals for 200809 it has been raised to
[A] Rs. 2,23,386 crore
[B] Rs. 2,43,386 crore
[C] Rs. 2,63,386 crore
[D] Rs. 28,456 crore
Ans: [B]
48. The base of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers is being shifted from 1982
[A] 1995
[B] 1998
[C] 2000
[D] 2001
Ans: [D]
49. In Budget proposals for 200809, which of the following gives 24% contribution in
revenue collection of union government ?
[A] Income Tax
[B] Excise
[C] Corporation Tax
[D] Non-tax Revenue
Ans: [C]
50. The base year of present Consumer Price Index [CPI] for Urban Non-Manual
Employees [CPIUNME] is
[A] 1980-81


[B] 1981-81
[C] 1982-83
[D] 1984-85
Ans: [D]
51. CAPART is related with
[A] Assisting and evaluating rural welfare programmes
[B] Computer hardware
[C] Consultant service of export promotion
[D] Controlling pollution in big industries
Ans: [A]
52. Note issuing deptt. of RBI should always possess the minimum gold stock of
[A] Rs. 85 crore
[B] Rs. 115 crore
[C] Rs. 200 crore
[D] None of these
Ans: [B]
53. Which of the following does not grant any tax rebate ?
[A] National Saving Certificate
[B] Indira Vikas Patra
[C] National Saving Scheme
[D] Public Providend Fund
Ans: [B]
54. Ad hoc Treasury Bill System of meeting budget deficit in India was abolished on
[A] 31 March, 1997
[B] 31 March, 1996
[C] 1 April, 1992
[D] 1 April, 1995
Ans: [A]
55. SEBI was established in
[A] 1993


[B] 1992
[C] 1988
[D] 1990
Ans: [C]
56. The working of SEBI includes
[A] To regulate the dealings of share market
[B] To check the foul dealings in share market
[C] To control the inside trading of shares
[D] All of these
Ans: [D]
57. The Ad hoc Treasury Bill System of meeting budget deficit in India was replaced
by Ways and Means Advances System which has come into force on
[A] March 31, 1997
[B] April 1, 1996
[C] April 1, 1997
[D] None of these
Ans: [C]
58. Fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP was 40% in 200405 which sliped down in
200809 [Budget Estimates] to
[A] 3.2%
[B] 2.8%
[C] 2.5%
[D] 2.1%
Ans: [C]
59. According to the Economic Survey 200708 during the period April 3, 2007 and
February 6, 2008 Indian rupee appreciated against US dollar by
[A] 5.6%
[B] 6.8%
[C] 8.9%
[D] 9.3%
Ans: [C]


60. Which statement of the following is true for IMF ?

[A] It is not an agency of UNO
[B] It can grant loan to any country of the world
[C] It can grant loan to state Govt. of a country
[D] It grants loan only to member nations
Ans: [D]
61. For 2006-07, agriculture growth rate has been estimated at
[A] 3.8%
[B] 5.9%
[C] 0.0%
[D] 6.3%
Ans: [A]
62. Which of the following is public sector organisation ?
[1] FCI Food Corporation of India
[2] FCI Fertilizer Corporation of India
[3] Cotton Corporation of India
[4] Jute Corporation of India
[A] Only 1 and 2
[B] Only 2, 3
[C] Only 3, 4
[D] All of these
Ans: [D]
63. Which day has been declared as Balika Diwas [Girl Day] by the Ministry of Woman
and Children Development ?
[A] April 5, every year
[B] July 9, every year
[C] October 9, every year
[D] December 9, every year
Ans: [D]
64. For RIDF-XIII, allocation in Union Budget 2006-07 was
[A] Rs. 4500 crore
[B] Rs. 5500 crore


[C] Rs. 10000 crore

[D] Rs. 12000 crore
Ans: [D]
65. The birth rate and death rate for the year 2006 have been estimated as
[A] 26.2 and 8.1 per thousand respectively
[B] 24.8 and 8.0 per thousand respectively
[C] 23.8 and 7.6 per thousand respectively
[D] 23.5 and 7.5 per thousand respectively
Ans: [D]
66. Central Issue price of foodgrains under TPDS includes price for BPL and APL
[below poverty line and above poverty line]. What is the difference between the two ?
[A] Price for APL is double of BPL price
[B] Price for BPL is one-third of APL price
[C] Difference of Rs. 500 per Qt.
[D] Difference of Rs. 250 per Qt.
Ans: [A]
67. What growth target government has estimated for the domestic crude production for
the 11th Plan [200712] ?
[A] 42%
[B] 33%
[C] 29%
[D] 26%
Ans: [D]
68. Rural women can avail the benefit of Mahila Samriddhi Yojana if they open their
account in
[A] Rural Post Offices
[B] Commercial Banks
[C] Rural Development Bank
[D] Any of the above
Ans: [A]
69. Agriculture sector registered 6% growth in 2005-06 and it is estimated for year


2007-08 at
[A] Again 6%
[B] 4.3%
[C] 3.3%
[D] 2.6%
Ans: [D]
70. As per the second advanced estimates of Agricultural Production for the year 200708 released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Kharif production has been estimated at
[A] 110.52 Million Tonnes
[B] 112.24 Million Tonnes
[C] 114.42 Million Tonnes
[D] 115.9 Million Tonnes
Ans: [D]
71. Mistry Committee in its final report recommends full capital account convertibility
[A] 2008 end
[B] 2009 end
[C] 2010 end
[D] 2011 end
Ans: [A]
72. Which committee recommended tax on Agriculture Holdings ?
[A] Bhootlingam Committee
[B] Wanchoo Committee
[C] Raj Committee
[D] None of these
Ans: [d]
73. The Present Service Tax rate as proposed in Union Budget 2008-09 is
[A] 8%
[B] 9%
[C] 10%
[D] 12%
Ans: [D]


74. The cause of deflation is

[A] Lack of goods and services as compared to money supply
[B] Lack of imports as compared to exports
[C] Lack of money supply as compared to supply of goods and services
[D] None of these
Ans: [C]
75. Which of the following is a better measure of economic development ?
[A] Employment
[B] Size of exports
[C] Rural consumption
[D] National Income
Ans: [D]
76. Which bank in India performs duties of Central Bank ?
[A] Central Bank of India
[B] State Bank of India
[C] Reserve Bank of India
[D] Above [A] and [B]
Ans: [C]
77. Out of one Rupee expenditure, how much paise have been allotted for subsidy in
2008-09 budget proposals?
[A] 12 Paise
[B] 10 Paise
[C] 8 Paise
[D] 7 Paise
Ans: [C]
8. India Brand Equity Fund was established in
[A] 1996
[B] 1997
[C] 1995
[D] 1992
Ans: [A]


79. Mixed Economy means

[A] Co-existence of small and large industries
[B] Promoting both Agriculture and Industries in the economy
[C] Co-existence of public and private sectors
[D] Co-existence of rich and poor
Ans: [C]
80. Ministry of HRD has announced to hike FDI limit in Education to
[A] 65%
[B] 70%
[C] 75%
[D] 100%
Ans: [D]
81. Pure Banking, Nothing Else is a slogan raised by
[A] ICICI Bank
[B] HDFC Bank
[D] UTI Bank
Ans: [C]
82. During 2006-07, External debt to GDP ratio in India stood at
[A] 16.4%
[B] 17.4%
[C] 17.8%
[D] 15.8%
Ans: [A]
83. Indian State having the lowest Infant Mortality Rate is
[A] Maharashtra
[B] Goa
[C] Gujarat
[D] Kerala
Ans: [D]

84. Smart Money is a term used for
[A] Internet Banking
[B] Credit Card
[C] Cash with Bank
[D] Cash with Public
Ans: [B]
85. Which of the following has the maximum share in GSM Mobile Phone Service
Market ?
[A] Vodafone [earlier Hutch]
[B] Airtel
[D] Reliance
Ans: [B]
86. The main objective of TRYSEM was
[A] To train rural youth for self employment
[B] To train urban youth for self employment
[C] Both of the above
[D] None of these
Ans: [A]
87. The establishment of IORARC [Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation] was officially declared on
[A] March 5, 1996
[B] March 5, 1997
[C] April 1, 1997
[D] August 15, 1947
Ans: [B]
88. Inside Trading is related to
[A] Share Market
[B] Horse racing
[C] Taxation
[D] Public Expenditure
Ans: [A]


89. The largest source of National Income in India is

[A] Service Sector
[B] Agriculture
[C] Industrial Sector
[D] Trade Sector
Ans: [A]
90. Public Sector means
[A] Government ownership on commerce and trade
[B] Capitalist ownership on commerce and trade
[C] Private ownership on trade
[D] None of these
Ans: [A]
91. NABARD is
[A] A bank
[B] A board
[C] A block
[D] A department
Ans: [A]
92. Indian Green Revolution is the most successful in
[A] Wheat and Potato
[B] Jwar and Oil Seeds
[C] Wheat and Rice
[D] Tea and Coffee
Ans: [C]
93. The period of 10th plan in India was
[A] 2000-2005
[B] 2001-2006
[C] 2002-2007
[D] 2003-2008
Ans: [C]


94. Economic Planning is in

[A] Union list
[B] State list
[C] Concurrent list
[D] Not any specified list
Ans: [C]
95. Presently [from April 29, 2003] bank rate in India is
[A] 7.0%
[B] 6.75%
[C] 6.25%
[D] 6.0%
Ans: [D]
96. Gross domestic savings as a proportion of GDP has been improving. What is the
average percentage of gross domestic savings during the 10th plan ?
[A] 26.4%
[B] 31.4%
[C] 34.8%
[D] 35.2%
Ans: [B]
97. 12th Finance Commission has recommended to merge and determine one single
interest rate on various outstanding central loans to states having different interest
rates. What is this recommended interest rate ?
[A] 7.0%
[B] 7.5%
[C] 8.0%
[D] 8.5%
Ans: [B]
98. MRTP is related to
[A] Monopoly and trade restrictions
[B] Inflation control
[C] Transport control
[D] Foreign Exchange Regulations


Ans: [A]
99. Interest Rate Policy is a part of
[A] Fiscal Policy
[B] Industrial Policy
[C] Monetary Policy
[D] None of these
Ans: [C]
100. The basis of determining dearness allowance to employees in India is
[A] National Income
[B] Consumer Price Index
[C] Standard of Living
[D] Per Capita Income
Ans: [B]
Gist of Indian Union Budget 2011-12
Summary of Union Budget 2011-12 announced by Finance Minister Pranab Mukerjee is
as follows:
# The year was full of challenges for fiscal consilidation: FM
# Economy set for double-digit growth in coming years
# Growth in 2011 was broad based
# Need to make development more inclusive
# High growth trajectory is our aim
# Food inflation is a big concern
# To reconcile environment concerns, growth needs
# Much needs to be done in rural India


# Need to improve regulatory standards to fight corruption

# Agriculture sector has shown significant rebound
# Don`t see resources as a constraint to growth
# Corruption is a problem we have to fight collectively
# Working on simplifying tax rules, trade and tariff norms
# Must ensure that private investment is sustained
# Agriculture growth at 5.4%, industry at 8.1% in 2010-11
# Monetary policy is keeping food inflation in check
# Seen shortcomings in food supply chains
# Recovery in developed nations has taken roots
# Average inflation to be lower next year, current account deficit to be better managed
# Impression of drift in government is misplaced
# Exports up 9.4% in 2010-11
# Laying down fiscal consolidation map for next five years
# DTC to be effective April 1, 2012
# The economy has shown remarkable resilience
# To introduce Public Debt Management Bill in 2012
# States to cut down fiscal deficit to 3 percent of Gross State GDP by 2014


# GST rounds with states making considerable progress

# Availability of fertilisers has improved post new policy
# Working on ensuring better delivery for urea, kerosene
# Nutrient based fertiliser policy for urea under consideration
To move to direct cash subisdy for kerosene, fertilizer
# National Fertilisers up 7%, Rashtriya Chemicals up 4.28%, Coromandel Intl up 4.55%
# Retain divestment target of Rs 400 billion
# Govt commited to retain 51 percent stake in PSUs
# Nifty up by 70 points at 5,368, Sensex near 17,976, up by 275 points
# Task force working on oil subsidy plans
# FII limit in corporate bonds raised to USD 40 billion
# FIIs allowed to invest in MFs; unlisted bonds with minimum lock in period of 3 yrs
# Auto stocks down on profit-booking; Hero Honda down 4%
# To bring legislative amendments for banking licenses this year
# Plan to allow FII limit in infrastructure bonds to USD 25 bn
# Pranab proposes to allocate Rs 60 bn for some PSU banks to help them maintain
Tier-I capital at 8%
# To provide Rs 20 bn for warehousing facilities
# To provide Rs 20 bn for manufacturing facilities


To bring legislative amendments for banking licenses this year

# Interest subvention of 1% extended from Rs 5 lakh crore to Rs 20 lakh crore
# To provide Rs 50 bn to SIDBI to meet priority lending targets
# Textile Gainers: Spentex, BSL, Abishek industries, Gokuldas, IDFC
# Reality Gainers: HDFC 2.75%, DLF 2%, Unitech 3.2%, LIC Housing Finance 3.8 %
Reality Gainers: HDFC 2.75 %, DLF 2 %, Unitech 3.2 %, Lic Housing Finance 3.8 %
# To provide Rs 3 bn to improve production of pulses
# Plan to introduce Companies Bill in current session
# Rural housing fund corpus raised to Rs 30 bn vs Rs 20 bn
# AMTo allocate Rs 1 bn to SIDBI for women
# Fertilisers gain as FM says urea policy under consideration
To set up Mortage Risk Guarantee fund for rural housing
# Allocation for farm development increased to Rs 7860 cr
# Edible Oil Gainers: KS Oil up 2.24%, Raj oil up 3.45%
# To provide Rs 300 cr for implementing initiatives on vegetables
# TCI to benefi from Govt support for warehousing
# FIIs allowed to invest in 5-year unlisted bonds
# To provide Rs 3 bn to improve oil seed plantations


# PSU banks gains as FM proposes to allocate Rs 60 bn

# BSE FMCG Index up 1.5% on budget announcements
# To infuse Rs 30 bn in NABARD in phased manner
# Rupee up on increase in FII corp bond limit
# Banking gainers: Dewan housing up 4.88%, Fedral Bank up 4.47%, IDBI Bank up
# Inflation remains principal concern, to fall next yr: FM
# Cold storage projects classified as infrastructure sector
# Rs 3 bn provided to promote pulses cultivation in rain-fed areas, another Rs 3 n to
promote farm product cultivation
# Allocation under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana to be raised to Rs 7860 crore
# Farm credit flow raised to Rs 4.75 lakh crore
# Removal of supply bottlenecks in food sector in focus in 2011/12
# To allow Rs 300 bn tax free bonds for railways, NHAI
# Infrastructure spending to be raised by 23%
# To set up 15 mega food parks
# GST Bill to be introduced in parliament this year
# Policy on Narcotic drugs is good for Piramal Healthcare
# To allocate Rs 580 bn to Bharat Nirman projects


# A new scheme to be introduced for refund of service tax on lines of drawback of

# To classify capex of fertiliser sector into infrastructure
# To allocation Rs 210 bn to primary education, up 40%
# Realty stocks gain as FM extends interest subvention
To classify capex of fertiliser sector into infrastructure
To allocation Rs 210 bn to primary education, up 40%
Realty stocks gain as FM extends interest subvention
Edible oil cos rise on allocation of Rs 300 cr
To provide Rs 2 bn grant to IIT Kharagpur, Rs 200 mn to IIM Calcutta
# To extend National Health Scheme to workers in mining sector
# Aptech up 2.37%, Navneet up 2.69%, Educomp down 0.5%, Zee Learn up 3.6%
# 100% salary hike for Anganwadi teachers
# DTC after getting Standing Committee Report
# FIIs will be allowed to invest in mutual funds schemes
# Remuneration of anganwadi workers raised from Rs 1500 to Rs 3,000/month. Helpers
to get Rs 1,500 from Rs 750
# To allocate Rs 26,760 to health sector
# To give Rs 80 bn to J and K for development needs


# To give Rs 80 bn to Northeast and special states

# Allocation to Department of Justice increased 3 fold to Rs 30 bn
# FY12 defence capex seen at Rs 69,199 crore
# Direct Tax Code likely to be passed by parliament next fiscal year
# Old age pension to persons of over the age of 80 raised from Rs 200 to Rs 500
# Allocation for defence at Rs 1.64 lakh crore
# Nifty gains momentum; PSU, realty, oil and gas up
# To amend Indian Stamp Act shortly
# To simplify tax form for small businesses
# Age reduced for BPL pension eligibility
# Allocation for health sector up 20%
# Plan expenditure at Rs 4.14 lakh crore
# To provide Rs 580 bn for Bharat Nirman projects
# Gross Tax Receipts at Rs 9.32 lakh crore, up 25%
# 11th plan expenditure up 100% in nominal terms
# Fiscal deficit down at 5.1% from 5.4%
# Fiscal deficit seen at 4.6% for FY 11-12
# Revenue deficit for FY11 seen at 3.4%


# Age for being classified as senior citizen cut to 60 years from 65 years
# Exemption IT limit raised to Rs 1.8 lakh from Rs 1.6 lakh
# Revenue deficit for FY11 seen at 3.4%
# Fiscal deficit seen at 4.1% in FY 13, 3.5% in FY 14
# Surcharge on domestic companies cut to 5% from 7.5%
# Special Economic Zones to come under MAT

# Tax sops of Rs 20,000 on Infra Bonds extended for one year

# Bond yields inch up as social spending rises
# Foreign unit dividend tax rate cut to 15% for Indian companies
# To withdraw 130 items from exemption under Central Excise
# Central excise duty rate unchanged at 10%
# Service tax retained at 10%
# Direct Tax proposals net loss estimated at Rs 115 billion
# BSE Indices: MIDCAP index up 0.38%, Small cap index up 0.66%, BSE 500 index up
0.71%, PSU index up 1.96%, Oil & Gas index up 1.79 %
# Nifty up 0.30 %, CNX IT up 0.35 %, CNX 100 up 0.22%, CNX Midcap up 0.57 %, CNX
Infra up 0.23 %, CNX Realty up 0.67 %, CNBank Nifty down 0.62%
# Base rate on excise duty raised to 5% from 4%


# Net tax to Centre will be Rs 6,64,457 cr. Non-tax receipts pegged at Rs 1,25,435 cr
# FY 12 fiscal deficit seen at Rs 4.12 lakh crore
# Budget estimates for 2011-12 projects Rs 9,32,440 crore - an increase of 24%
# No new tax exemption limits for women
# Education firms up 3-5% on higher allocation
# Unified ad valorem rate of 10% for iron ore
He concludes by saying DTC, GST to help moderate taxes.
Gist of Indian Railway Budget 2011-12
Indian Railways minister Mamataa Banerjee presented her third annual budget for
state-run Indian Railways in Parliament on 2011 February 25. Following are highlights
from the budget:
* No increase in fares.
* Earnings for 2010-11 set to exceed Rs.1 lakh crore.
* Working expenditure during 2011-12 estimated at Rs.87,000 crore.
* Outlay of Rs.57,630 crore for 2011-12, the highest investment in one year.
* Rs.10,000 crore to be raised through railway bonds.
* Budget combines strong economic focus with inclusion.
* Will develop business-oriented policies to aid industry.
* Happy to announce 85 PPP proposals received; set up single-window system to take
these forward.


* Decided to set-up rail-based industries.

* Passing through a difficult phase; 97 percent increase in expenditure in 2010-11 due
to implementation of Sixth Pay Commission report.
* Loss of Rs.3,500 crore in 2010-11.
* Ten-year backlog of 1.75 lakh jobs being addressed; 16,000 ex-servicemen to be
given jobs in railways.
* Safety first priority; accident rate has come down.
* Anti-collision device, successful in North West Frontier Railway, to be extended to
three more zonal railways.
* Railways always been a soft target but law and order a state subject. If railways are
blocked in one region, this has a snowballing effect in other parts of the country.
* Will add 180 km of rail lines in 2011-12.
* All-India security helpline set up.
* New Durantos to be run on Allahabad-Mumbai, Pune-Ahmedabad, Sealdah-Puri,
Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam, Madurai-Chennai routes, among others.
* Rail linkage to Gujarat from Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor.
* Integrated suburban network to be set up in Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad and other
cities; suburban system of Hyderabad to be strengthened.
* Mumbai suburban system's EMU coaches to be increased from nine to 12.
* Pradhan Mantri Rail Vikas Yojna to be launched.
* Industrial park to be set up in Nandigram, West Bengal.


* Railways to set up factory in Jammu and Kashmir.

* To set up Metro coach factory at Singur, West Bengal.
* First coach from Rae Bareli factory to roll out in next three months.
* Work on wagon factory in Orissa to begin after land is acquired.
* Manipur capital Imphal to be soon connected to railway network.
* Centre for excellence in software to be set up at Darjeeling.
* Fund to be created for socially desirable projects.
* Central Organistaion for Project Implemtaiton created; will create accountability for
* Work started on two dedicated freight corridors.
* Work on upgrading 442 stations to be completed by March 31.
* Decision to start pilot projects to give shelter to homeless people living along the
tracks in Mumbai.
* Multi-purpose smart card to be introduced for all-India travel.
* Airport-like trolleys to be provided at more stations.
* Railways to set up a sports cadre.
* Upgraded class of air conditioned travel to be introduced shortly.
* To adopt modern technology through centres of academic excellence.
* Train to run to Bangladesh to showcase Indian culture.


* Age for senior citizen's concession reduced to 58 from 60.

* Concession for physically handicapped and gallantry award winners for travel in
Rajdhani and Shatabdi expresses.
* 50 percent concession for mediapersons with families to be increased from once to
twice a year.
* First coach from the new rail factory at Rae Bareli to roll out in next three months
* Track-machine industry to be set up in Uluberia in West Bengal
* A 700 MW gas based power plant to be set up at Thakurli in Maharashtra
* Proposal to set up metro coach factory near Singur in West Bengal
* Railways to set up a bridge factory in Jammu and Kashmir considering need for large
number of bridges on railway projects in the state
* Tax-free bonds for 100 billion rupees to be issued by IRFC in 2011/12
* Greater thrust on new lines next year
* Additional Rs 10,000 crore will be raised through tax free bonds
* Propose to set up new railway lines in difficult, underpriviledged areas
* Setting up funds for social sector projects
* New 700 km rail track to be laid down
* Number of trains increased from 16100 last year to 18000 this year
* Three more railway zones to have anti-collusion device. This will further reduce the rail


* Propose to remove all un-manned crossings across the country.

* Anti-collision devices to be commissioned in three railway zones including South and
South Central soon.
* Track-machine industry to be set up in Uluberia in West Bengal.
* Rail accident rate declines from 0.29 per cent last year to 0.17 per cent now.
* Special incentives for states that run trouble-free railways
* Multi-purpose smart card for passengers on travelling long distance to be introduced
Padma Award 2011 Padma Vibhushan 2011 Padma Bhushan 2011 Padma Shri 2011
Padma Vibhushan
Dr. (Smt.) Kapila Vatsyayan
Mrs. Homai Vyarawalla
Shri A Nageshwara Rao
Shri Parasaran Kesava Iyengar
Dr. Akhlaq-ur-Rehman Kidwai
Shri Vijay Kelkar
Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Shri Palle Rama Rao
Shri Azim Premji
Shri Brajesh Mishra
Prof. (Dr.) Ottaplakkal Neelakandan Velu
Dr. Sitakant Mahapatra
Late Shri L. C. Jain

Padma Bhushan

Art - Art Administration and

Art - Photography
Art- Cinema
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Public Affairs
Science and Engineering
Trade and Industry
Civil Services
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Public Affairs


Shri Satyadev Dubey

Shri Mohammed Zahur Khayyam Hashmi
alias Khayyam
Shri Shashi Kapoor
Shri Krishen Khanna
Shri Madavur Vasudevan Nair
Ms. Waheeda Rehman
Shri Rudrapatna Krishna Shastry Srikantan
Ms. Arpita Singh
Dr. Sripathi Panditharadhyula
Shri C.V. Chandrasekhar
Shri Dwijen Mukherjee
Smt. Rajashree Birla
Mrs. Shobhana Ranade
Dr. Suryanarayanan Ramachandran
Shri S.(Kris) Gopalakrishnan
Shri Yogesh Chander Deveshwar
Ms. Chanda Kochhar
Dr. K. Anji Reddy
Shri Analjit Singh
Shri Rajendra Singh
Dr. Gunapati Venkata Krishna Reddy
Shri Ajai Chowdhary
Shri Surendra Singh
Shri M. N .Buch
Shri Shyam Saran
Shri Thayil Jacob Sony George
Dr. Ramdas Madhava Pai
Shri Sankha Ghosh
Late Shri K. Raghavan Thirumulpad
Late Dr. Keki Byramjee
Late Shri Dashrath Patel

Art - Theatre
Art - Cinema - Music
Art - Cinema
Art - Painting
Art - Dance - Kathakali
Art - Cinema
Art - Music-Vocal
Art - Painting
Art - Playback Singing, Music
Direction & acting
Art - Classical Dance-Bharatanatyam
Social work
Social work
Science and Engineering
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry- Pharmacy
Trade and Industry Delhi
Pawar Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Civil Services
Civil Services
Civil Services
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Medicine - Ayurveda
Grant Medicine - Cardiology


Padma Shri
Ms. Neelam Mansingh Chowdhry
Shri Makar Dhwaja Darogha
Shri Shaji Neelakantan Karun
Shri Girish Kasaravalli
Ms. Tabassum Hashmi Khan alias Tabu
Shri Jivya Soma Mase
Guru (Ms.) M.K. Saroja
Shri Jayaram Subramaniam
Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty
Smt. Mahasundari Devi
Shri Gajam Govardhana
Ms. Sunayana Hazarilal
Shri S.R. Janakiraman
Shri Peruvanam Kuttan Marar
Smt. Kalamandalam Kshemavathy
Shri Dadi Dorab Pudumjee
Shri Khangembam Mangi Singh
Shri Prahlad Singh Tipaniya
Smt. Usha Uthup
Smt. Kajol
Shri Irfan Khan
Shri Mamraj Agrawal
Shri Jockin Arputham
Ms. Nomita Chandy
Ms. Sheela Patel
Ms. Anita Reddy
Shri Kanubhai Hasmukhbhai
Shri Anant Darshan Shankar
Prof. M. Annamalai
Dr. Mahesh Haribhai Mehta
Shri Coimbatore Narayana Rao

Art - Theatre
Art- Chhau Dance
Art Film Direction
Art - Film making
Art - Cinema
Art - Warli Painting
Art - Dance- Bharatnatyam
Art - Cinema
Art - Music-Indian Classical Vocal
Art - Mithilia/ Madhubani Painting
Art - Handloom Weaving
Art - Dance - Kathak
Art - Carnatic Vocal Music
Art - Chenda Melam- Drum concert
Art - Dance - Mohiniattam
Art - Puppetry
Art - Traditional Music of Manipur (Pena)
Art - Folk Music
Art - Music
Art- Cinema
Art- Cinema
Social work
Social work
Social work
Social work
Social work
Social work
Public Affairs
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering - Agricultural
Science and Engineering


Dr. (Mrs.) Suman Sahai
Prof.(Dr.) E.A. Siddiq
Shri Gopalan Nair Shankar
Shri Mecca Rafeeque Ahmed
Shri Kailasam Raghavendra Rao
Shri Narayan Singh Bhati
Shri P K Sen
Ms. Shital Mahajan
Ms. Nameirakpam Kunjarani Devi
Shri Sushil Kumar
Shri Vangipurapu Venkata Sai Laxman
Shri Gagan Narang
Smt. Krishna Poonia
Shri Harbhajan Singh
Dr. Pukhraj Bafna
Prof. Mansoor Hasan
Dr. Shyama Prasad
Prof. (Dr.) Sivapatham
Prof. (Dr.) Madanur Ahmed Ali
Dr. Indira Hinduja
Dr. Jose Chacko Periappuram
Prof. (Dr.) A. Marthanda Pillai
Shri Mahim Bora
Prof. (Dr.) Pullella Srirama Chandrudu
Dr. Pravin Darji
Dr. Chandra Prakash Deval
Shri Balraj Komal
Mrs. Rajni Kumar
Dr. Devanooru Mahadeva
Shri Barun Mazumder
Dr. Avvai Natarajan
Shri Bhalchandra Nemade
Prof. Riyaz Punjabi
Prof. Koneru Ramakrishna Rao
Ms. Buangi Sailo

Science and Engineering

Science and Engineering - Agricultural
Science and Engineering - Architecture
Trade and Industry
Trade and Industry
Civil Services
Civil Services
Sports - Adventure
Sports - Weightlifting
Sports - Wrestling
Sports - Cricket
Sports - Shooting
Sports - Discus Throw
Sports - Mountaineering
Medicine - Padeatrics
Medicine- Cardiology
Medicine - Orthopaedic
Medicine - Endocrinology
Medicine - Gastroenterology
Medicine - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Medicine - Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Medicine - Neurosurgery
Literature and Education
Literature and Education-Sanskrit
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education


Prof. Devi Dutt Sharma

Shri Nilamber Dev Sharma
Ms. Urvashi Butalia
Prof. Krishna Kumar
Shri Deviprasad Dwivedi
Ms. Mamang Dai
Dr. Om Prakash Agrawal
Prof. Madhukar Keshav Dhavalikar
Ms. Shanti Teresa Lakra
Smt. Gulshan Nanda
Ms. Ritu Menon
Dr. Azad Moopen
Prof. Upendra Baxi
Dr. Mani Lal Bhaumik
Dr. Subra Suresh
Prof. Karl Harrington Potter
Prof. Martha Chen
Shri Satpal Khattar
Shri Granville Austin

Literature and Education

Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Literature and Education
Others - Heritage Conservation
Others - Archeology
Others - Handicrafts promotion
Literature and Education
Social work
Public Affairs -Legal Affairs
Science and Engineering
Science and Engineering
Literature and Education
Social work
Trade and Industry
Literature and Education

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