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Girl Scout Age Levels

The Girl Scout program is offered to girl members through various activities at five different age levels.
The five age levels are: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, and Senior Girl Scouts.
Daisy Girl Scouts are in grades K-1 or are between 5 and 6 years of age. They usually meet in small
groups on a weekly or biweekly basis. They go on day trips, learn songs and crafts, explore science and
nature, and participate in community service projects.
They don't earn badges, but can collect participation patches in their Daisy Scrapbook for the events they
attend. They start to help the leader(s) plan what they will do and how they will do it, as the year
Brownie Girl Scouts are in grades 1-3 or are between 6-8 years old. They also usually meet in small
groups on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis. Many Brownie Girl Scouts participate in summer day or
resident camps, too.
Brownie Girl Scouts have more opportunities to identify their own interests and decide how they will
explore those interests than Daisy Girl Scouts do. In addition to working on "Try-Its" in a variety of areas
(nature and wildlife, art, dance, music, science, technology, civics, etc.), they also go on local overnight
trips and can participate in their council's annual cookie sale. They can display their "Try-its" on a uniform
vest or sash.
Junior Girl Scouts are in grades 3-6 or are between the ages of 8-11. They help to determine not only
what areas of interest they will explore, and how they will explore them (badge activities, service
projects, trips, activities suggested in their handbook, etc.), but also the manner in which they run their
group or troop. Junior Girl Scouts might meet in small groups on a biweekly- weekly or monthly basis, or
they might be individually registered Girl Scouts. They might also meet for a set period of time to explore
a specific activity...a four to five-week sports skills program, a six-week theater program, a weekend
event at a science museum, or at a resident or day camp.
Junior Girl Scouts plan and take overnight trips. As they become more experienced in planning and
evaluating their activities, they can plan and take trips of longer duration. In addition to participating in
their council's annual cookie sale, Junior Girl Scouts can work on badge and religious recognition
activities, and can display their badges on their vest or sash.
Cadette Girl Scouts are in grades 6-9 or are between 11-14 years or age. Girls at this age engage in
Girl Scout activities in many different ways. Some belong to groups that meet weekly or bimonthly. Still
others may participate in council-wide events (museum or sports facility overnights, science adventure
weekends, community service events, or for a four-week performance practice) or at resident camp.
Cadette Girl Scouts determine the areas they will explore, how they will explore them, and in what
manner their group, troop or session will be run. Cadette Girl Scouts can work on their council's annual
cookie sale, interest projects, service projects, Silver Award projects, and participate in both national and
international events and workshops.
They can receive their council's training as a Program Aide, and then provide Program Aide service to
other troops, groups, as well to girls attended a day or resident camp. Recognitions for these
achievements can be displayed on the Cadette Girl Scout's vest or sash.
Senior Girl Scouts are in grades 9-12 or are between 14-17 years old. They can pursue common
interests at bimonthly meetings or participate in council-wide events, resident camps. They also learn
leadership skills with groups of younger girls as a Senior Program Aide, Leader-in- Training, Counselor-inTraining or Senior Girl Scout Troop Assistant. Recognitions for these achievements can be displayed on
the Senior Girl Scout's vest or sash.
Senior Girl Scouts determine what areas they will explore, how they will explore them, and in what
manner their group, troop or session will be run. They can work on their council's annual cookie sale,
interest projects, service projects, Gold Award projects, and can participate in Leadership Institutes and
other national and international events and workshops.

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