Anil Grover: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - CGPA-8.09/10

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Anil Grover

Phone: 9811147754


Integrated Masters in Computer Science and Mathematics from IIT Kharagpur with strong
foundation in programming languages, data structures and algorithms.

Over 3.5 years of experience (2.5 yrs. s/w exp. + 1 (masters)), including 6 months (3+ 3) onsite
experience in companies Aditi, Ness Tech (formerly Apar) and Induslogic.

Experience working with various domains ranging from Accounting, Investment Markets,
Automobile Industry to Organization wise ERPs; and multiple technologies including Core Java,
J2EE, Design Patterns, Advanced Java Swings, Struts, UML,.NET, C#, C, ASP.NET and Scripting

Strong data intensive skills with experience in data mining, data warehousing, database design,
query optimization and good understanding of Oracle and SQL Server DBMS.

Fast Learner, Good adapter, can gel easily in a team and possess good communication and
interpersonal skills.

10 year multiple entry B1 for US.


Integrated Masters of Science. in Mathematics and Computing" from

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - CGPA- 8.09/10
(5 yr. Dual Degree Course)

Operating Systems: Windows 2000, UNIX, Redhat Linux 7.1, HP, Windows XP.
Programming and Design skills:
Proficiency and extensive experience with CSharp (C#), .Net Framework and ASP.NET.
Extensive programming experience with OOPS using Java (Swing, AWT)
Proficiency in various Java technologies and APIs like J2EE, JDBC, RMI, JNDI, JMS, Swing,
EJBs, Java beans, Java API for XML Parsing and JSPs.
Experience with Jakarta Struts, Design Patterns and UML.
Proficiency with C and C++
Proficiency and experience working with JavaScript, HTML and VBScript
Experience with ASP
Exposure with Visual Basic, VC++
Strong programming, algorithmic and analytical skills
Application and Transaction Servers: Weblogic 6.1
Programming Tools: MS Visual Studio .Net, Borland JBuilder, JDK1.3.1 Jakarta Ant,
Visual Age, Eclipse, Edit Plus
Databases: Development on MS-SQL Server 2000, Oracle, psql using JDBC
Designing Skills: UML, Design Patterns, exposure to RUP.

Name of Employer: Induslogic, New Delhi, India.

Induslogic is the leading business process integration solutions provider. This US based company was
founded to address the growing need to reduce the time, expense, and technical expertise required to
integrate applications within the enterprise and between business partners.
Job Title:
Software Engineer
Dates of Employment:
December 2002 till date
Projects Worked on at Induslogic:

Mantas ( Brokerage Surveillance Monitor)

Project Duration: Oct 2003 - till date.
Team Size : 3
Right now I am working as a data-miner for Mantas which provides enterprise-wide antimoney laundering, surveillance and trading compliance software for more than a dozen of the
world's largest financial institutions. We did a development for the product BSM(Brokerage
Surveillance Monitor). BSM empowers brokerages with the ability to detect high risk
scenarios for the firm. Scenarios are basically the potentially high-risk situations that might
jeopardize the firm's assets the examples of it can be: "Customers with High Conc. in Low
Priced Equities", "Customers with Short option Risk" etc.
Our work involved writing algorithms over the the Sequence Matcher and
Rule Matcher (inhouse tools fro datamining) to detect the scenarios. The work was very
analytical, algoritmic and data intensive in nature. It also required optimizing SQL Queries,
performance tuning and good domain knowledge. The Database Size was nearly 200 GB. The
web based front end was build with JSP pages and the overall architecture was based on J2EE
Tools and technologies used: Oracle 9i, Sequence Mateher and Rule Matcher, P/L SQL
Developer, Java,J2ee

TimeSheet System- Web Based

Project Duration: Three Months
Team Size: 4
Managing data related to customers, projects, employees, their timesheet and reports/invoice
becomes difficult as software firms expand. This software was developed for these firms to
make this complicated system easier by providing them with an automated system and web
based visual interface. The System provided many functionalities including: timesheet entry
approval, invoice generation for projects and for various customers, missing timesheet reports,
consolidated timesheet report, email notifications. The reports were excel based. The
Application was integrated with Sharepoint team services. Sharepoint provides uses ISAPI
filters, and gives us a very easy to use and customizable interface. I had a major role that
designing, implementing and managing the whole project. The work involved designing of
Database schema, Software design, integration with sharepoint, coding, testing and
deployment. The product was built on .Net platform. ASP.Net was used for designing web
pages and c# was used for data access and business logic.
Tools and technologies used: C#, ASP.NET, Sharepoint, MS SQL Server

OASIS - Web based ERP Solution

Team Size: 12
Project Duration: Three Months
OASIS system is next major revision of ClubNetworks system which will provide more
domain specific functionalities and shall have support for higher number of concurrent users.
ClubNetworks System is web based ERP Solution to Member based Organizations such as
Clubs, Gyms etc. It provides web enabled user interface to carry out all financial transactions
and domain specific tasks.
The redesign of ClubNetworks had to be done using .net framework.
o This project aimed at developing ASP.Net application using Microsoft SQL Server in
the backend.
o Analysis of .net framework, the improvements it can bring over the existing system


in terms of maintainability, performance, security, consistency and reusability.

Worked on requirement clarifications and initial design of the project.
Worked on Logging System using C#, the system is capable of logging in file,
database, email, windows event log and console with different levels.

Tools and technologies used: ASP, Visual Basic, C#, .Net, MSSQL Server, ASP.Net

MetraNet Simple Account Repository (Pilot Implementation) for MetraTech

The MetraNet Simple Account Repository project is a simplified version of a software product
for management of account data, providing several key facilities. The system had facility for
managing various accounts information, with each account having specific properties. Due to
various security considerations, some specific information was stored in encrypted format.
The system was developed on .NET (1.1) framework with ASP.Net providing the presentation
layer, while the business logic and data layer was developed in C#.
My roles in the project involved:
Requirement Gathering.
Worked on .NET user control which was used to generate dynamic personalized ASP Net page
for various accounts.
Design, development and delivery of the complete prototype.

Name of Employer: Apar Technologies (Now Ness Tech), Bangalore, India

Apar Infotech is a global provider of end-to-end tech-business solutions. Headquartered in Pittsburgh,
USA, Apar's global workforce has the necessary domain and technical expertise to deliver business
profitability and productivity with minimum time-to-market.
Job Title:
Dates of Employment:
Project Group:

Software Engineer
April 2002 to December 2002
CobaltGroup Inc. Seattle, USA
Cobalt Inc. works exclusively in the automotive retail to help manufacturer and
dealers develop integrated e-Business programs by leveraging its industry leading
technology and domain knowledge.

Lead Manager 3.0
Project Duration: 7 months
Team Size: 15
Lead manager is a product that lets the Automobile dealers manage the leads. It organizes prospects for the
entire dealership sales team and prioritizes customer follow-up to help salespeople respond quickly. The
Product is built on Nitra Architecture, which is the extension of J2EE. The front end was in Java Swings
and involved complex GUI pieces. The back-end was designed as a layer of services as Service Facades.
Various design patterns like singleton, MVC, Factory, Faade etc. were extensively implemented. I worked
for sometime on back-end and then moved to Front-end work in Advanced Swings. The development was
done onsite at Austin, Texas.
Tools and technologies used: Java, EJBs, Java Swings, Design Patterns, struts
AutoShow 2.5
Project Duration: 3 months
AutoShow is a Product by Cobaltgroup Inc.that lets the Automobile dealers manage there inventory and
resources. I was involved in the development of AutoShow version 2.5. The work was mainly in Java
Swings. The back-end was in perl. The team size was 3.
Tools and technologies used: Java, Java Swings, Design Patterns, perl

Name of Employer: Aditi Technologies, Bangalore, India

Aditi is a global software services company providing custom technology solutions to enterprises
worldwide. Aditi delivers a range of services that includes e-business solutions, enterprise applications
and product engineering.
Job Title:
Dates of Employment:

Software Engineer
August 2001 to Feb 2002


Port Of Seattle
Project Duration: 4 months
Team Size 8
Port Of Seattle is an online boat reservation system which allows customers to reserve and pay
for their boats as an individual boater, as a group or as a charter boater. They can make
inquiries and see their reservation slips.
There is a Harbormaster, who is administrator and staff for the system, he can
reserve/cancel/change reservation for individual, groups and charters. .I was involved in
design, implementation, deployment, testing of Beans and JSPs.
Tools and Technologies used: JSPs, Java Beans, TogtherJ, Visual Age, SQL Server


Design and Implementation of a Data Warehouse: The work involved constructing

appropriate snowflake schema, this schema was implemented using an RDBMS, and
thereafter various OLAP operators like drill down, cube, selection etc. were implemented.
The psql on Linux was used as a back-end and Java was used as a front-end. JDBC was used
to access database from computer programs.

On-Line Analytical Mining of association Rules: Association rule mining is one kind of
data mining technique that discovers strong association or correlation relationship among data.
We have proposed an approach that integrates the recently developed OLAP technology with
some efficient association mining techniques Several algorithms are developed based on this
approach for mining various kinds of associations in multi-dimensional databases including
inter-dimensional, intra-dimensional, mixed and constraint based association, these
algorithms have been implemented on a DBminer system and our result presents a great
advantage over the existing algorithms


Stood 7th in Softcore, software contest as a part of Ideon (technology fest, IIT Kharagpur).

Our team was adjudged 19 among the 700 teams that participated in the programming
Achievements Contest Bitwise (conducted by IIT Kharagpur). The competition was open to
teams all over the world).

Represented Hostel in Cricket and Hockey.

Active member in extra curricular at Aditi, Apar and at Induslogic,. An active cricket team
member, also published various articles for the company's newsletter.

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