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Server Ignite

Blaze a Trail Through Windows

Server 2003 End of Life

Microsoft will end service & support

for Windows Server 2003 on July 14,2015

And yes, the

implications are dire:
Without security patches or
upgrades, your machines
and business data will grow
increasingly vulnerable
to hackers.

24 million

servers will be affected

Handling an accelerating business world with legacy servers and

obsolete computers means more breakdowns, and the cost and
productivity delays that come with them.
Servers older than four years deliver 4%
of performance on 65% of the energy.

But Windows End of Life

Doesnt Have to Be

the Apocalypse


Winds of Chance

As your security infrastructure

falls behind, you may face stiff
penalties, heavy fines, or both
as you fall out of compliance
with industry standards.

Businesses that dont respond

travel a risky road. By ignoring
upgrades, jeopardizing industry
compliance and letting their
security erode, they are
essentially betting their

Businesses that run credit cards

or eCommerce sites answer to
strict PCI standards.

business data and future as

an enterprise on deteriorating

Healthcare providers must remain

consistently HIPPA-compliant.

A Decisive
Refresh of
Your Servers
Can Change

A server upgrade ensures

A refreshed data center

that your security remains

can best be measured

intact on your network,

in all the help desk calls

accepting all patches and

your workers DONT make,

upgrades, to keep pace

the network downtime they

with ever-evolving

DONT experience, and


all the business productivity

that is NOT lost as a result.

Into Opportunity


A Chance to
Lead Your Industry

Newer server models are

Windows 8.1- compliant, consume
less power and dramatically
enhance your computing power.
How would all THAT affect your
bottom line?
New servers can double your
storage capacity
Apps can run up to 6 TIMES faster
Increase computing capacity by
as much as 70%

With smaller, more powerful

servers, youll save space in your
data center, run leaner and better
position yourself for virtualization,
cloud technologies and long term
Windows 2008 apps are
compatible with Windows
Server 2012

New servers feature built-in

virtualization hypervisors,
improved system scale and
improved manageability.

Insight Can Help You

Blaze a Trail to Server Supremacy
Insight can help with every phase of your server migration. From
assessing your needs, to identifying your best technology fit; through
data migration, deployment and post-migration support, Insights
partnerships, laboratory and distribution resources and technical
expertise can help you turn your servers from a looming liability to a
launchpad for your business future.

For further information on server refreshment strategies or additional

resources, visit our Server Ignite Webpage or call 1.800.INSIGHT.

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