Safety Manual

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M, SH.

01- 2
Manual, Safety and Occupational Health

Page 1 of 44

Revision Log


Reason Of Change Or Modification


New Document

2. - Incorporation of the Regulations for

-Modification Internal vehicles to box in the
-Incorporation Spot accident investigations
-Incorporation Point and Vehicles
-Incorporation The checkpoint cutting and
welding equipment
-Incorporation Point inspection conditions
-Incorporation Point on risk analysis

Date: November 28,

Chief of Safety and


Date: November 28,

Date: November 28
201 3




Effective Date:
November 28, 2013

Branch Administration
and Finance / Quality
Management Systems
Sub. Directorate

M, SH.01-1

Shares if trapped
Measures after the fire:
Alarm system:
2.3.1. STAFF


Within facilities GRUPO POLESA in the performance of activities, we risk that can cause illness,
injury to workers and to the environment, due to the acts and unsafe conditions caused by noncompliance and disregard for the rules and Safety procedures, hygiene and occupational health .
This manual has been made in ap ego to Secretary of Labor and Social Security, Federal Safety and
Hygiene Working Environment and Mexican Official Standards.
When the manual refers to "operations, procedures, or appropriate activities" are references to fulfill
the official compendium of standards to cover by GRUPO POLESA, STPS safety, health and
environment SSA SEMARNAT.
Promote activities and safe habits for preventing dents in action work to all staff working in GRUPO
POLESA whatever their specialty, category or distinction.
In GRUPO POLESA, know the risks in safety and environmental issues that arise in the development
of our activities and do the right thing to minimize them, preventing damage to employees, customers,
visitors and business
We are aware that safety and improvement environment is achieved through training, communication
and awareness of information Correct all staff and work on it
GRUPO POLESA is committed to one safety culture and environmental protection.
In GRUPO POLESA, we are committed to protecting and improving the environment for the
benefit of the community. We are convinced that the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection
Work and l are for their own benefit and motivate us to participate in this effort.

We are all responsible for our own safety and health at work, as well as that of others who
may be affected by our work or activities.
Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection values are the highest priority
for the production, sales, quality and costs.
All incidents and injuries are preventable.
Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection is everyone's responsibility.

When for any reason, within GRUPO POLESA presents an accident requiring disability, this
should be investigated by him responsible for the area involved along with security personnel as

established by national law to find the cause of the accident and make actions to prevent further
When for some reason, it will perform a new activity within GRUPO POLESA, he must
perform a risk analysis according to the correct format and the current regulations to ensure good
working conditions
Place of work: ta l everywhere as buildings, premises, manufacturing buildings, facilities and areas
in which production activities, marketing, transportation and storage or services are performed, or the
people who work are subject to working relationship.
Brigade: The GRUPO POLESA of workers organized in an internal civil protection unit, trained and
trained in basic operations to prevent and protect against disaster and emergency response, such as
identifying the risks of emergency; handling equipment or fire protection systems, as well as shares of
evacuation, communication and first aid, among others.
Accident: All organic or functional injury, immediate or subsequent dislocation, or suddenly produced
in or in connection with the work, death whatever the place and the time that it is provided.
Unsafe acts: The actions taken by the employee involving an omission or violation to a work method
or as determined to be safe.
Unsafe conditions: Those arising from the failure or neglect of the measures established as safe,
and that can lead to the occurrence of an incident, accident, occupational illness or property damage
to the workplace
Occupational Disease: All pathological condition resulting from the continued action of a cause
whose origin or motive at work or in the environment in which the employee is obliged to provide
Incidents: The events that may or may not cause damage to the plant, machinery, equipment, tools
and / or materials used, and interfere with the processes or activities, and that in different
circumstances could have resulted in injury to workers, so require investigation to consider taking
appropriate preventive measures.
Workplace hazards: Accidents and illnesses to workers exposed or in connection with their work.
Preventive and corrective actions: These are established from the diagnostic results of
health at work, and refer to the list of requirements in the field,
studies; software; procedures; security measures; action recognition, evaluation and
environment; monitoring
workers; personal
equipment; training; authorizations, and administrative records.

safety and
such as
control of

Material and hazardous chemical: Those with physical, chemical or intrinsic biological
characteristics that have been classified as hazardous to health workers for their irritability, toxicity,
flammability, explosiveness, corrosivity, reactivity or biological action.

Danger: These are the characteristics or intrinsic properties of the agents or conditions in the
workplace. How dangerous is obtained by evaluating the potential effect that can generate or cause
such characteristics or properties of the agents or conditions.
Procedures; instructive: Are the print media or data storage devices internal control system of the
workplace created to provide detailed, orderly, systematic and comprehensive information on the
development of industrial activities and / or emergencies.
Risk: the correlation of the danger of an agent or physical condition and exposure of workers to the
possibility of causing adverse effects to health or life, or damage to the workplace. As an expression,
the risk is equal to the risk exposure of the worker.
Safety and health at work: Are the programs, procedures, measures and actions recognition,
evaluation and control applied in the workplace to prevent accidents and illnesses, in order to
preserve the life, health and physical integrity of workers as well as to avoid any possible damage to
the workplace.
Contractor; constructor; construction: The person or entity that temporarily works in a and
construction contract to the employer assumes the commitment to perform all or part of the work,
according to the extent stated in the project or contract, using equipment, machinery and / or labor,
own or subcontracted.
Activities and welding: all those processes and procedures that are developed permanently,
temporarily or for maintenance at ground level, height, basement, confined space or in containers that
contain or have contained flammable or explosive waste to the worker to perform the marriage,
separation or metal punching.
Welding is localized coalescence of metals produced by heating metallic materials at an appropriate
temperature, with or without application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal for
This regulation applies to all workers GRUPO POLESA in compliance with federal labor
law and the Mexican legislation applicable to safety, health and environment at work
This regulation aims to establish measures to prevent and avoid risks
Compliance is the responsibility of all staff and their supervision is responsible for
supervision, superintendents, department heads and managers of GRUPO POLESA
It is the responsibility of all staff to report situations involving safety or jeopardize that,
whether or not damage to persons or facilities
It is the duty of all staff to report to the medical service any accident, injury or illness
occurred as a result of their work
It is prohibited to come to work intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic, unless
there is a medical prescription, provided that notice has been given to the immediate
supervisor and the medical service
The use of portable music devices within spacecraft during the course of their work is
considered unsafe and not allowed to act as such, shall be punished
The use of cell phones within the vessels is restricted to emergencies, the use of these for
any other situation is not allowed
All workers must GRUPO POLESA do their work in a way that does not unnecessarily
exposed to risks

Workers may only use equipment for which they are properly trained and who meet the
minimum safety
All new staff must receive a safety induction where the risks to personnel exposed to work
in GRUPO POLESA be explained, as well as basic information in case of emergency, accident
or illness
All staff have a responsibility to report unsafe acts and conditions and is responsible for
supervision, superintendents, department heads and managers, correction of unsafe acts and
During the development of its activities, the personnel working inside the ships should not
wear rings, earrings, piercings, chains, bangles or headphones, as they represent a chance of
unnecessary risk
Jokes, games, pushing or any attitude that can be taken as a lack of order, are absolutely
prohibited and is the responsibility of supervisors, superintendents, department heads and
managers the sanction
The Health and Safety Department has an obligation to address concerns, questions or
suggestions to these rules, also to monitor and respond to them

Facilities must have adequate fire extinguishers in accordance with NOM will is properly
marked and distributed so that workers know their location
It should be staffed adequately trained in fire control issues and also form part of an
institutional emergency brigade
It is the duty of the workers to know GRUPO POLESA facilities, also identify danger areas
and restricted areas in addition to emergency exits, evacuation routes and assembly points
In case of fire, the staff has been trained is required to attend the event and to assist in the
event that the fire is smothered
No water shall be used to turn electrical or chemical fire; trained personnel should deal
with this event with ABC extinguishers, sand or earth
The plasma and flame cutting equipment are the responsibility of the users, to present a
fire in such equipment, shall be closed valves open cylinder or tank equipment and a trained
It is the duty of trained personnel, notify the department when depressurized and safety
equipment is installed, downloaded or out of service
Personnel who use fire equipment, is required to notify and justify its use to the
department of Health and Safety
Misuse of fire equipment will merit sanctions
It is the duty of the workers to always keep your work area clean and orderly work and
supervisory responsibility for supervision and monitoring at this point
The waste, slag, scrap, surplus and other waste must be deposited in the containers or
drums for this purpose that are placed at various points
It is strictly prohibited to modify, alter or intentionally damage the containers or drums for
disposal of waste, slag and other waste
All workers must maintain their uniform and PPE in good condition and clean
The food consumed in work areas is considered an unsanitary practice, therefore, do not
eat within spacecraft
Smoking is prohibited on ships, and an increase risk of fire from flames, sparks and gas

The bathrooms, dining room, dressing rooms and general common areas, must be kept in
good condition, so the staff must refrain from scratching, staining, soiling or abuse walls, doors
and windows in these areas and the entire GRUPO POLESA
The tool and equipment must be kept in good condition and delivered perfectly clean for
the next shift
The general working conditions shall be inspected as provided in the appropriate format
review of conditions at least once a month



The use of temporary methods for connecting wires or electrodes to welding machines
such as wire, uninsulated draws, etc., the employee is responsible for reviewing and verifying
that this item is prohibited meets
You are prohibited from using excess metal, steel wires or cross as improvisation ground
for welding parts also improvised connections outlet for welding machines are prohibited
Repairs to the welding machines shall be performed only by service personnel
Each worker should inspect your welding and cutting equipment to make sure it is in good
conditions, this inspection should include hoses, cables, connections, etc. the same way, you
should check that the path of the cable or hose not obstruct other activities
The retention of any gas cylinder, horizontally during use, transport or storage.
Any gas cylinders must be duly identified, with protection valve (cap), also be of having
flame arresting and / or check valve or anti recoil least for use in cutting or welding; all
cylinders in use, storage or transport, must be properly restrained
Using gauges rebuilt, lubricated or broken do not ensure correct pressure reading is
forbidden; fuel gas pressure must not exceed 15 PSI
The lighting of the torch or multiflama must be made on spark the use of matches or lighter
is not allowed
If you require any lift a gas cylinder crane, this maneuver should be performed with good
cylinder attached at its base or basket and the cap on notice to area supervisor
The use of gas cylinders should be exclusively for activities concerning production
The welding and cutting equipment shall be inspected as often and the requirements
under the applicable national legislation directed by security personnel


It is the duty of drivers and operators check the equipment charge and report any a
anomaly them immediately to your supervisor
The drivers and operators of vehicles and machinery must be qualified and certified where
appropriate, have and maintain a current license or tool unit charge in good condition, clean
and without unnecessary objects or accessories
Pedestrians have right of way at any place within the GRUPO POLESA and this
preference should be respected
The speed limit within the ships is 10 Km / h on roads, walkways and concourses of 20 km
/ h; the prescribed speeds exceed represents a sanction
Operators and drivers must know the maximum capacity of your machine or tool and
respect; loads exceed the maximum dimensions or an unsafe act is the responsibility of the
operator or driver and represents sanction
The seat belt is mandatory
The capabilities of machines and domestic passenger vehicles shown in the following
Passenger Capacity

Golf Electric Type 1 seat

1 coach driver and 1

Type 2 seat Electric Golf
1 driver and 3 passengers
Motorcycle 2 and 4 wheels
1 conductor
In the case of the relevant
adaptation 1 driver and 2
passengers on 4 wheels
Airport tract (mini)
1 operator and 1 passenger
One operator
1 conductor and up to 2
Tract half cab (Ottawa)
1 conductor and 1 assistant
One operator
Genie Platform
1 to 2 aides and operated
Exceeding passenger capacity of a vehicle or machinery represents an unsafe act and
deserves punishment for the operator and passengers unauthorized
Forklifts and cranes for any reason will be used to lift personnel
It is the responsibility of the crane and forklift operator and making sure not to allow other
workers to stay or walk under the load.


Electrical repair work connection or disconnection of equipment must be performed by

qualified personnel
In all panels and load centers must indicate the capacity and voltage, these must remain
closed and can only be manipulated or modified by qualified and authorized service personnel
During maintenance of equipment, machinery and mechanical tools representing electrical
risk, it must be of signaling or place a "lock" to warn the risk
For jobs representing electrical risk, it must of dielectric footwear and always use insulated



Ladders, scaffolds or platforms must to have safety approval for the specific type of work
to be done and should not be cut or modified
Ladders or scaffolding may be used only when directed by the supervisor
The use of ladders or scaffolds greater than 3.5 meters must be reported to the
department of safety and health for representing a "work at height"
It is believed to work at height made from a height of 1.8 meters
To perform a job in height, must to have the appropriate PPE referred to in paragraph Use Protective Equipment Personally, besides this work must be reported to the department of
health and safety to generate a log indicating the following list:
Name or names of who does the work
Name of authorized work
Purpose of work
Approximate work
Analysis of the area where the work (electrical hazards,

presence of fumes, etc.) is performed

Failure to comply with the above, work will be suspended until we have complete data
The move scaffolding or ladders with these staff, is considered an unsafe act and shall be


You will be completely banned the grullero loads perform operations that fall outside of the
verticality of the crane. (Oblique tractions).
No charges can boot attached to the floor or walls, as well as any foreign operation's own
handling of loads.
Passing loads over people find absolutely forbidden, keeping the grullero the highest
authority in respect of cargo being transported. When step is essential maximum precautions
to be taken while maintaining staff advised pass these charges. Transit cargo is strictly
forbidden airspace outside the site of the work, especially in the areas of road traffic.
It never try to move a load below the same ranking. Roads suspended loads to avoid
going over the jobs will be established.
Loads must be properly hooked on, a sufficient number of supports to ensure stability.
Ensure that the load is balanced and secure. To this end, before the complete lifting of the
load, by gentle tightening the sling or lifting chain and the former is not more than 10 cm. to
verify its mooring and balance. In case of load shedding, the damage would be minimal while
tighten the slings must not be touching the load and the slings themselves. There should be
the action of the wind on the load.
Materials transported should not exceed the top edge of the tray or container used.
Cables, chains or slings are properly adapted to the crane hook and should not be
mounted on each other, and especially not the opposite crossing cables.
The lifting and lowering loads be made slowly, avoiding any torn or sudden stop, and will,
whenever possible, to prevent vertical rolling.
The hooks are positioned so the shot will not break the chain safety latch
The best angle for lifting the load is always chosen, as the following table marks, bearing
in mind that the best angle lifting are the 60th
It is recommended that the angle between branches does not exceed 90 and shall in no
event exceed 120, while avoiding short slings for it: When considering the angle of the
branches to determine the maximum load supported by the slings, the angle should be greater
When a sling three or four branches is used, the greater angle than is necessary to keep
in mind is formed by the opposite diagonal branches.
Transporting people on loads, hooks or slings is prohibited.
Any observed deviation in one of these teams should be repaired immediately. Until it is
repaired, its use should be prohibited.
Load limit of lifting and never exceed transport. When accidentally one of these teams has
been overloaded, it must be reviewed and verified.
All personnel who are manipulating the high transportation charges must compulsorily use
the personal protective equipment deemed necessary: gloves, helmet, safety shoes, against
mechanical hazards.
It is the obligation of the employee to keep your tool in good condition

The tools should be used only by trained personnel

The tool must not be altered nor should remove or block your security devices, such as
insurance, guardian, switches, etc.
Tools should be used only for the purpose they were designed
Thunderstorms extensions to the tool should not be improvised or be defective
When changing polishing disc, it must be disconnected first
Workers should not try to repair or open tools, this work is solely for maintenance
Compressed air is for the exclusive use of production processes, not allowed to play this
Workers who handle oxygen in their work areas, they should make sure to use gloves and
fat free tool due to the violent reaction that occurs to put oxygen in contact with grease of any
Oxygen is an oxidizing gas and its use for "torching" is not allowed
All material is polished, lime or sand, should be restrained or positioned in a right way in a
The use of unsafe hand tool represents a risk and therefore should not be used
When working at height, the tool must be moored or positioned on a stable place
Uniform and workwear
The uniform is part of the EPP, use is mandatory
Ties, scarves, colguijes and hanging items are not allowed in the production areas
The use of sports shoe, heels or sandals huarache is not allowed in work areas; PPE
should be worn according to the work performed and the work area
way as to prevent the passage of people through areas with possible falling objects.

Hot work are defined as: welding, grinding, plasma cutting, burning, and any activity that results
spark, including open electrical cubicles or use power tools, operating machinery with internal
combustion engines, electric motors other than electrical classification established in classified areas,
also the activities in those lines or equipment that could potentially contain residues that can react
with each other.
Careful planning of any work will result in a well made and secure part of this planning task people
involved production and maintenance should be involved, who should be ultadas cons for safe
When carrying out hot work, plus the person who executed the job should be supervising another
person to verify that the job properly takes and will support if there was any spark or outbreak of fire
as this were to be presented extinction. The conditions to run a hot job will depend on the particular
circumstances of each job.
When work is to be performed in a place where there is the possibility of sparks falling into drains or
trenches, these should be covered, the work area must barricading.


All fixed gas or fuel tanks must be properly grounded.

Workers should be exercised when handling oils, lubricants, fuels, or any hazardous
material, so that it does not spill and spill response, containment measures to prevent the
spread of contamination or spill on par to give notice to the appropriate supervision and health
and safety department

It is forbidden to pour liquid wastes resulting from the processes, oil, fuel or acid drainage
Vehicles transporting hazardous materials or special handling, are circular closed or
covered with a tarp in the cargo area
The oil waste such as paper, tow, rags with solvent, paint, fuel, etc. They are considered
hazardous waste can not be placed in the regular trash must be deposited in the containers for
this purpose there
Non-hazardous waste (household waste) shall be deposited into containers; they can not
be burnt and mixed with the dangerous waste
Are not allowed to abuse the environment (flora, fauna or soil) or the excessive or
irresponsible use of natural resources in GRUPO POLESA


Shall be organized and safety committee and its activities will be conducted as required by
federal labor law and the NOM 019 STPS
All workers are required to provide the facilities to the members of the committee of safety
and health for the punctuated actions in the minutes of that committee and tours
Workers who are called as members of the committee of safety and hygiene, must attend
meetings and tours and day when cited

The signage is all the means you use to display or highlight any indication, an obligation, prohibition,
etc. This can be accomplished by a signal in the form of panel, a color, a light or sound signal, a
verbal communication or a hand signal as appropriate.

Contrasting colors

Warning Signs
Triangular shape.
Black pictogram on a yellow background with black edging.

Prohibition signs
Round Shape
Black pictogram on white background, edges and red band.

Mandatory signs
Round Shape
White pictogram on a blue background.

Signs concerning fire fighting equipment

Rectangular or square
White pictogram on a red background.

Signs of rescue or relief

Rectangular or square
White pictogram on a green background



Gupo POLESA provide workers with personal protective equipment (PPE) required and
periodically according to the analysis result areas; is the duty of the worker stays healthy
It is mandatory for all personnel entering the ships using basic PPE (safety glasses, safety
shoes, ear plugs) and specific PPE as the work area for specialized work (welding, torch
cutting, etc.)
It is prohibited to make changes to the EPP
The use of grinding or polishing represents a direct risk to the eyes and sight, making it
compulsory to wear safety glasses and easy mask in specific cases
For lifting of material, equipment or tool with a greater than 30kg, workers must be
coordinated with other partner or using mechanical means (cranes, forklifts, hand trucks) also
must to keep healthy posture habits to avoid injuries
Jobs that are made at a height greater than 1.8 meters, are considered as "work at height"
for which should be used obligatorily and correct harness full body and a lifeline with shock
anchored drop due to the structure in which the work directly or via a steel wire strop 5/16 is
Workers exposed to fumes, gases and dusts must use respiratory protection (mask)
Hearing and eye protection is not optional; is mandatory and must at all times to behave in
The following table shows the analysis to determ ine the EPP GRUPO POLESA by activity type
and the type of risk to which it is exposed is shown.

Compliance to the corresponding port of the EPP will be verified using the appropriate
format using personal protective equipment at least once every two months


Anyone who will be involved a team driven by electric power or to be brought to a container that has a
power-driven equipment for maintenance or production personnel in charge of the work will go to the
supervisor or operator area effect the warrant of this team.
The area supervisor tells the operator that let the team down and lock in the motor control center in
the cubicle corresponding to said equipment is installed, as well as stated in the work permit
conditions that have to met for performing such work.

The operator proceeds to take the lock that corresponds to the team and the badge panel



Maintenance personnel who will take part in the work must install a padlock and sufficient
warning labels, this includes contractors.
For maintenance supervisors are responsible to provide the lock and caution labels.
Maintenance personnel will verify with the operator of the area that the team has actually
been de-energized, by testing the same in the field of computer keypad. Only then will proceed
to do the work.
Notice must be given to all workers of the maintenance work to be carried out to avoid
Once the work is completed, the maintenance staff and contractors shall withdraw their
padlocks and only until they have been removed, the operator removed his area.
No way you can restore the power if there is a lock position.
No person is authorized to remove locks and / or tags which are not under your
Considered not finishing work until the guards, ground system and corresponding
accessories are installed on the computer.

Y ou order to preserve the health and safety of both personnel and users, as well as members of the
community in which this property is located, if an accident occurs. Besides the above, we should not
forget the importance of preserving the workplace and the environment. This will be achieved through
the participation of managers and workers within the organization.
First of all, the staff should be aware of the importance of both their safety, such as facilities, which
must remain calm in any situation that might arise and to understand that we should act in
appropriate ways, which will help reduce risk and build trust among all co-workers and users, thus,
favor the control of emergency.For this reason, you must participate with enthusiasm and seriousness
in preventive activities, exercises and drills to be practiced in the facilities, taking positive and
cooperative attitudes, holding the mentality to always be alert and perform activities like a case of
actual emergency, so in the event that an alarm is present, the safety index will be higher and the
probability of loss of physical integrity will be lower, if the instructions are followed correctly.
The main objectives of the Emergency Response Plan for GRUPO POLESA are:

Being organized disaster situations and / or emerging, through prevention, rescue and
restoration (before, during and after any situation).
Minimize possible destructive effects on both people in the premises of the plant and the
Minimize the psychological and panic at the beginning of any situation or development


For any event, the first step should be performed the evaluation stage, prioritizing safety first aid
provider and the brigade staff.
If the worker were to feel physically ill, you should notify the supervisor or line manager immediately,
who will take appropriate measures to safeguard the physical integrity of the worker:
Stop the machine or equipment being used
Ensure that the materials you are working (movement of goods, etc.)
The employee must notify his supervisor as soon as possible and in any case should proceed to the
point where it speaks of the case of accident or sudden illness. As far as possible, they should
perform the actions listed below:
Leave shall be at no risk: processes stop loading or unloading or movement of materials,
equipment or cut off welding properly cover containers, etc.
If necessary, you must notify a third partner to succor the supervisor, in care of the worker
The supervisor shall notify the first aid squad via radio or telephone or through the security
personnel. If necessary, you should seek immediate medical care, taking care of the worker until the
arrival of the brigade staff and / or medical service who, in their case, ask security chief ask for
support for external personnel.
In case of medical emergencies, any worker who found or is requested by another worker should
report to a supervisor, who will notify the Head of safety and first aid squad.
The activities of supervisors shall be as follows in case of accident or sudden illness in which the
worker is or unaffected.
You should take appropriate measures to safeguard the physical integrity of the worker, if
necessary and appropriate, transportation to medical services.
You must immediately notify the brigade first aid. The supervisor will take care of the
worker or user until the first service staff, whether internal or external.




Among the chemical origin contingencies that occur most often in the country are fires and
explosions, destructive phenomena commonly associated.
The development processes of the industry, the increasingly frequent use of hazardous flammable
substances and lack of precautions in handling, transport and storage are the main factors that have
led to a significant increase in the magnitude and frequency of fires, particularly in cities where large
industrial, commercial and service complex is located.
Fires can be caused in GRUPO POLESA does not follow established procedures for specific
situations before starting a job that will use open flame, either welding, flame cutting or any work that
generates sparks.

Remember that carelessness can cause a fire.
Comply with established safety measures.
Request to regularly review the wiring.
Do not overload outlets with too many appliances; distributed loads or request installation
of additional circuits.
Do not smoke in restricted areas
Off completely matches and cigarette butts; not throw lit the wastebasket.
Avoid accumulation of garbage.
Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire fighting equipment and alarms, and learn to
use them.
Clearly identify escape routes, emergency exits and assembly points.
Do not block emergency exits or places where the equipment is fire.
Assign inspections and electrical technician responsible repairs; do not yourself.
Suggest that exercises and drills are conducted responsibly and participate in them.
Before leaving your workplace, make sure no burning butts and that coffee, grills, fans and
other electrical devices are disconnected.
Stay calm: try to reassure their colleagues and / or users.
If you detect fire, smoke or abnormal heat, give the alarm immediately.
If the fire is of electrical origin, do not attempt to extinguish with water.
In small fires using a fire extinguisher.
Do not open doors or windows because the fire spreads with air.
In case of evacuation, do not run, do not shout, do not push.
Do not waste time looking for personal items.
Go to the exit door that is farthest from the fire.
If gases and smoke, scroll drag and if possible cover your nose and mouth with a damp
Help out seniors and people with disabilities.
Before opening a door, touch the knob or handle, or the surface of the door; if it is hot do
not open, the fire must be behind it.
If your clothes catch fire, do not run; drop to the floor and slowly roll, if necessary cover
with a blanket to put out the fire.
If the fire obstruct exits, do not despair and move far enough away from the flames, try to
completely block the entrance of smoke covering the cracks with wet rags and call attention to
their presence to be helped soon.
Note that the panic is your worst enemy.
At the point of meeting, report if trapped persons.
Once outside the building, go to the meeting and participate in the headcount, however,
avoid obstructing the work of rescue crews.
Shares if trapped:

Stay calm, locate a wall and moves along it.

Stay away from the fire as possible.
You've no doors if notes are warm.
Place yourself in a place that you feel safe, if you can ask for help, stating where
you are.

No casualty pass over the area until authorities determine.

Have a technician check the electrical and gas facilities before applying power again.
Discard food, beverages or medicines that have been exposed to heat, smoke or soot
from the fire.

Measures after the fire:

Retire the area burned because the fire can be rekindled.
Stay away from the scene not to obstruct the work of the GRUPO POLESA
specializing in emergency care.
Do not return to the property, to receive indications.
Instructions to discover a fire: The first moments at a fire are vital to the evolution. It is very
important that a fire is discovered, acted by the following priority order:
1 Alarm: The first is to inform the supervisor, and this, in turn, requested the support of the Chief of
Security and / or maintenance, giving information about the place and importance of the loss. The
latter will contact the brigade and go to verify the report received. In case there is a fire brigade can
not control, they will notify the Contractor of the internal drive, so that the generated instruction to
communicate with firefighters. Then they were notified by the staff operating the alarm system
according to procedure arousal.
Alarm system:
The notice or at the time an emergency arises, will be done through the use of megaphones
that are distributed in different areas of the facility. The person who must operate it detects
emergency and notify the gatehouse to turn radio on the location and nature of the emergency
All personnel not part of the internal emergency brigade must PREPARE to leave the premises
and go to the meeting previously established, shut down or stop the machine on which you are
working. The staff that is part of the emergency brigade should prepare for going to the
meeting, initially established outdoor dining; should be placed your protective gear and await
instructions, take their place and develop the activities assigned with the highest sense of
responsibility, safeguarding their physical integrity.
If the emergency was controlled, the order will return to normal.
If the emergency was not controlled in the early stages, the alarm will sound again
continuously until the emergency has been controlled, at this time, all staff MUST EVACUATE
THE WORK AREA using the route nearest evacuation and will head to the meeting point,
having to report to their immediate boss for counting and receive directions.
2 Evacuation . If the situation is serious, once alerted occupants will proceed to the evacuation of the
establishment under the provisions of the evacuation plan.
The manager or supervisor of the area should implement the evacuation plan and provide information and
technical support to the brigade coordinator to control the incident.
Maintenance personnel will cut supplies of electricity and gas; would provide support for adequate control of the
3 Extinction. The person who discovered the fire or who has been to verify the report, once gave the
alarm, have means of appropriate extension to control the fire. It is vital to be present in these cases

one member of the brigade, as these have a more effective action, because they know the media
management extension.

The brigade coordinator directs the attack to control the incident and requesting suspension of the alarm


Upon hearing the fire alarm, the brigade should go to the meeting point to follow the instructions of brigade
coordinator, who should be in the same room for scene identification.

Once gathered, they will be heading to the scene to implement the required control method according to the
type of loss that is being presented, according to the instructions of brigade coordinator.

To control the incident the fire equipment will be used in principle area; if necessary use the adjacent areas,
for which requested help from the affected area.

The coordinator of the brigade, together with the head of the affected area and determine whether requires
performing other actions such as first aid and rescue.
B. Emergency Response Plan . All actions to be undertaken by the brigade members and staff must
be considered.

This plan should be activated and all other brigades are wide awake to perform their
functions evacuation, search and rescue and be prepared to provide first aid if required.
C. Attack the fire. brigade members, led by their chief, provided that the fire is controllable and not
endanger their lives, with the means available to attack
This project developed to achieve the control of the incident, when the situation exceeds
the technical, human and resource installation or until the arrival of the firefighters who
must coordinate and continue the work capacity.
In attempts or utilize small fires portable extinguishers.
D. Complementary Measures. Parallel to the evacuation and fire a series of measures that will be
distributed in advance to specific employees or members of the brigade are adopted. The head of the
brigade placed or requested support to the plant manager or shift manager to perform the following

Electrical power cut

Detention and air conditioning compressors.
Gas supply cut.
Guide and warn firefighters providing information.
Give instruction for gathering important information.
Cordon around the plant.

Also, the coordinator of the brigade, in coordination with the head of the internal unit or his deputy,
shall decide whether external support is required and it is he who requested support staff and the
Actions during the fire:

Try to remain calm and immediately notify the general coordinator, triggering the
alarm for this purpose

If possible provide accurate data on the fire (origin or cause, location,

characteristics of the affected area).

If the fire is of low magnitude, which detects and members of the emergency
brigade, take the necessary actions to switch off or suffocate.

If the fire is of electrical origin, not attempt to extinguish with water.

By attacking the fire, take into consideration that the air does not manage the
flames toward the person or persons responsible to extinguish.

Do not turn your back to the fire until you are sure it has been completely stifled.

Before opening a door, check that the plate is not hot before opening; if it is,
chances are you have fire on the other side of it, do not open it.

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, wet if possible, if the smoke is

Scroll all fours to avoid poisoning from smoke inhalation.

Vacate the premises by previously established routes.

Do not waste time looking for personal items.

At the time of the evacuation follow the instructions of the staff responsible for
evacuation or if the specialist (fire and civil protection).

Give the alarm and go to the nearest fire extinguisher.

Check that the extinguisher is in proper condition for use (security seal suitable working
pressure, perfect physical condition).
Remove from its base or remove it from the cabinet; Handle hold it and the bottom, in an
upright position.

Vertical transport you.


Place it on the floor at a safe distance from the fire.

Discard the seal that holds the safe and remove it first twisting (like a key) and then pulling
it toward one end.
7.Hold the hose and direct it to the base of the fire, squeeze the handle and then
reciprocated to sweep the fire.

Lay the extinguisher when empty, in order to identify this downloaded.


Make sure the fire is completely extinguished.

10.This procedure should be done with the presence or assistance of another (s) people to
support or endorsement, avoid working alone.
2.3.1. STAFF
Any employee of the company staff notice or account of a situation where there is danger of fire
should follow the following instructions:
Sounding the alarm using the emergency systems placed.
Take the nearest fire extinguisher from where the emergency occurs.
Go to the place where the emergency occurs (only if you have training in the use of fire
Never go alone, you must always go in pairs.
Unlock ABC type extinguisher for fires caused wood, textiles, paper, cardboard, etc.
Use extinguisher CO 2 for electrical fires or electronic equipment or kitchens.
Direct discharge to the base of the fire and shoot.

Coordinate with other trained peers to have better fire attack

If the load of the extinguisher, leave the area, always in front of the fire, never back
ends. Take another extinguisher and repeat if considered to be a safe maneuver.
If required, send someone with the coordinator to rotate instruction bodies seek help from
external emergency.
If the fire takes uncontrollable proportions leave immediately Wait for firefighters, in a safe
place, there to provide them with the necessary information so that it can act in concert.
When you notice that a fire is exercised, supervisors should perform the following activities:
Give the alarm for all staff.
To notify the fire brigade.
You must then go to the place of outbreak of fire and perform the following activities:
Taking place nearest fire extinguisher.
Never go alone, always in pairs. (Only if you have training in the use of fire extinguishers)
Unlock ABC type extinguisher for any type of fire and CO 2 for fires involving electronic
materials such as: computers, printers, etc.
Direct discharge to the base of the fire and shoot.
If you run out of charge fire extinguisher, leave the area; always in front of the fire, never
Take another extinguisher and repeat until help arrives.
If the fire takes uncontrollable proportions leave immediately.
Wait for the members of the brigade or fire department, in a safe place to provide
Check that the equipment is complete and in good condition, reporting any anomalies to
the area manager.
Receive training and updating, besides attend the coordination meetings with those in
charge of security.
Know the location of fire fighting equipment.
Learn operate and maintain clean and in perfect condition equipment.
Identify areas of high risk maneuvers and learn the techniques established in order to
apply them in case of a possible accident.
Prevent situations that encourage an outbreak of fire.
Collaborate with the training committees, giving talks to workers on actions to be taken in
case of disasters. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY FIRE (IN)
When you notice that a fire is exercised, the brigade must perform the following activities:
Go to the point where support is sought or meeting, subsequently transferred immediately
to the place of the outbreak of fire.
Taking place nearest fire extinguisher.
Direct discharge to the base of the fire and shoot.
If you run out of charge fire extinguisher, leave the area, always in front of the fire, never
Take another extinguisher and repeat until help arrives.
If the fire takes uncontrollable proportions site leave immediately.
If possible, wait for firefighters in a safe place to provide information.
Emergency crews must mutually support in place where needed, as applicable.



Activate the alarm system

Going to the meeting
Check out why the alarm
Perform preliminary assessment of the situation of people and goods
Evaluate the material and human resources available
Consider at all times the request for external support
Organize and run the initial response
Active external support as alert
If you expected to fire out of control or beyond the capacity of its resources,
confirm the request external support


Clean and inspect tools, devices, etc.

Reset tools, devices, equipment, etc., damaged
Reset inputs used
Perform area cleaning.
Investigate and correct the causes of the incident.


The walkways, exits and passageways in the workplace and, in particular, exits and roads
planned evacuation in emergencies, must remain unobstructed so that it is possible to use
them without difficulty at all times.

Workplaces, and their equipment and facilities are regularly cleaned every day and so
whenever necessary to keep them in all times in adequate hygienic conditions. To this end, the

characteristics of the floors, ceilings and walls shall be sufficient such cleaning and
Be removed quickly waste, grease stains, hazardous waste and other waste products that
can cause accidents or contaminate the workplace substances.
Cleaning operations shall not in themselves constitute a source of risk to the workers who
made or others, performing for that purpose at times, in the manner and with the most
appropriate means.
Workplaces should be subject to regular maintenance, so that their operating conditions
meet needs quickly correcting deficiencies that may affect the safety and health of workers.
The workers in each area and the Head of Industrial Safety in coordination with the heads of
the areas that are responsible for the jobs they are in good condition clean and tidy, to do the
actions and activities were implemented through the necessary custodial staff and awareness
among GRUPO POLESA staff regarding the order and cleanliness in the workplace to
The Safety and responsable area that is designated for weekly tours carried out to verify the
current status of cleanliness and order, reporting the findings to devise a plan of action and
monitoring same board cleaning update.


By acquiring any dangerous substance is the duty of each business unit ask the supplier safety data
sheet that indicates the handling, care, disposal of this hazardous substance.
Hazardous waste generated in the activities within our facilities as contaminated solvents, waste oils,
paint or solvent containers, contaminated rags or tow, used, including gloves, should control and
All hazardous waste must be stored in appropriate containers covered duly with a maximum 80% fill
capacity, the container must be clean exterior and for any blows that might cause leakage, and must
be labeled for identification from the place where they are originated and move to the temporary
storage of hazardous waste or depending on the amount deposited in the containers identified and
arranged for this purpose that are in the temporary waste storage dangerous.
On no account be allowed to have or store hazardous waste in a way that may cause damage to the
environment as deposit in open containers, unidentified, throwing them in trenches or drains, deposit
them directly in the ground, place them in containers of household waste or deposit of non-hazardous
waste. Should take all necessary preventive measures to avoid spillage of hazardous waste.
It is not permissible to mix hazardous waste in the same container must be separated by their
For disposal of hazardous materials and waste must hire a licensed and certified by the
environmental authorities (SEMARNAT), which must deliver the manifest delivery, shipping and
receipt of hazardous waste company any withdrawal must be registered in the log for that purpose.
Control and dispose safely without affecting the environment all materials generated by its activities
within our facilities and their characteristics are considered as non-hazardous or non-industrial.
It is the responsibility of Safety and Environmental Protection dispose of non-hazardous waste to the
landfill. Not allowed excessive accumulation of these re fuse in facilities GRUPO POLESA, and must
have an assigned for temporary storage area, this area must be removed from flammable materials,
depending on the amount generated should be the frequency of the removal of this residue.

Generally offices should walk (not run) always looking forward, not having to walk and
read at the same time, not be distracted to ascend and descend stairs, always using the
handrails for support, not up and down with both hands full.
Never use makeshift steps to reach high places, producing falls underpass (chairs, boxes,
All office corridors shall be kept free of obstacles such as:. Electric wires, garbage cans,
drawers open archivists, etc. ..
Office tools such as knives, stapler, paper clips, scissors should be used only for this
purpose and kept in safe and orderly manner
When there is damage accessories (. Windows, vases, glasses, bottles etc. ..) you should
call housekeeping and ask grooming with a dustpan and broom; defect and maintenance of
electrical / electronic equipment.
Do not overload wall outlets or extension impromptu streams or use bad or without plug
Refrain from smoking indoors or ventilated few more personal where you are, just do it
outdoors or in places where the company determines.,
At the end of the workday closing desk drawers, drawers, office doors and lock that has
make sure it is locked ..


Applies to all personnel entering to work at facilities and GRUPO POLESA worker is an employee or
an outside company Contractor
Health and Safety
Review and dissemination of the proceedings and be part of its monitoring and control
Contracting companies
Immediate application of this to promote the safety of workers and contractors GRUPO POLESA
Contracting Department
Monitor compliance with this and provide the contractor with communication and Health and Safety

All contractor personnel must schedule your visit and GRUPO POLESA work ahead, this
in order to have their papers in order upon arrival and have no hiccups at work
They must abide by the directions of surveillance and use only the inputs and outputs
specified by the department
They should record all of the tool entering GRUPO POLESA to avoid disappointment at
reviews out
They may carry photographs or video cameras while in GRUPO POLESA


To perform tasks within GRUPO POLESA contractors the following documentation to the department
of safety and health must submit in advance to see against the contracting department:

IMSS High and / or proof of last payment to the institution which will include the names of
those who work within the company
Reactive doping to apply new and sealed in the medical service of the company
Receive a talk where safety standards are explained either by the contracting department
or health and safety (list of companies)
Safety Equipment: Steel-toed boots, vest with reflective tape, cotton pants, goggles and
helmet (if working inside the ships, also earplugs)
Tramite warning risk jobs; welding, flame cutting, electricity and working at height. This
department of safety and health
List of monitoring tools with a copy to
In case of work that need to be cordoned off, the contractor must have its own danger or
caution tape as applicable and orange traffic cones

Indications and Safety


Work clothes should be cotton and the shoe have cap (preferably borcegu type or boot)
Smoking on ships are not allowed
It is not allowed the use of headphones, chains, earrings, rings and use cell is restricted to
It is not allowed to eat within the ships
It is forbidden to urinate in construction areas
It is not allowed the entry of personnel under the influence of alcohol or drugs
It is not allowed to use soda bottles, juice or any other food type for storing solvents,
cleaners, detergents or any chemicals
Waste of any kind generated by the contractor, are responsible for this
The acts that go against the moral be punished by denying entry to GRUPO POLESA
Theft, damage to property or personal property, possession of weapons of any kind and
use of any drug, practices are not tolerated in GRUPO POLESA and be consigned to the
appropriate authority

Failure to set forth in these regulations may cause the worker or the contractor, it is removed
from the company

Lack of adherence and compliance with these rules by the employee, would make him
liable to the following penalties
o Verbal warning
o Report indiscipline with a copy to the file
o Suspension of work or rescinding his contract according to the seriousness of the
Verbal warnings will be recorded for purposes of control and safety department
The suspension or rescission of contract shall be well informed with reports and evidence
on record
Theft, malicious damage to tools, plant or machinery is detected; the worker shall adhere
to the sanctions that the HR department in conjunction with Comptroller dictate specific

A worker who is found drunk or under the influence of a narcotic or substance abuse, will
be removed from the work area and disciplined up to rescission of contract

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