Junior Strings 2014-2015 Handbook: Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras

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Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras

Peter Stafford Wilson, Music Director

Junior Strings
2014-2015 Handbook

Key Contacts
Junior Strings Orchestra Conductor:

Sara Given

Operations Coordinator:

Melissa Zigler, 614-937-5699


Youth Orchestras Manager:

Devon Broderick, 614-221-5650


Parent Representatives:

Karin Schuler, 614-230-2057

Marti Underwood, 614-506-3223

Website: www.charmsoffice.com/

Hotline: (614) 221-5639, then option 4 for Junior Strings.

Table of Contents
Section I: Membership Requirements.

Excused Absences.
Unexcused Absences....
Dress Rehearsals and Concerts..
Inclement Weather Policy..
Personal Injury or Damage to Instrument...
Private Lessons...........................................................................................................
School Music Programs.
Code of Conduct.
Behavior Infractions
Serious Behavior Infractions.
Withdrawal or Dismissal from the CSYO
Grounds for Dismissal


Section II: Rehearsal and Concert Policies

Concert Attire...
Concert Recording Policy..
Music Stands...
Seating Auditions
Sheet Music.


Section III: Administrative Policies...

Financial Policies
Privacy Policy..


Section IV: General Information...

Members Card and Columbus Symphony Orchestra Concert Tickets.

Corporate, Foundation and Individual Sponsorships
Instruments for Loan..
Volunteer Opportunities.

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook


Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras

2014-2015 Season
Junior Strings Handbook
The mission of the Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras (CSYO) program is to provide talented young
musicians of central Ohio with challenging rehearsal and performance experiences in professional settings.
CSYO emphasizes the performance of traditional orchestral literature under the leadership of professional
The following policies enable the Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras to maintain a high level of musical
excellence. As a CSYO member, you must abide by the policies presented in this Handbook.

Section I: Membership Requirements

A. Attendance
Attendance at all rehearsals and concerts is mandatory. Our attendance policies are strict to ensure the
highest quality performance, which is only possible if all members are present at every event. Remember that
your commitment is not only to the CSYO staff but to your fellow musicians as well. Make sure you will be
able to make this commitment. Evaluate your schedule, check for conflicts (including musical and non-musical
activities both in and out of school) and follow the steps outlined below.

All absences must be reported to the Operations Coordinator, NOT the Youth Orchestras Manager.
1. Tardiness
CSYO members are expected to be on time to all CSYO events. To be on time is to be completely ready to
rehearse/perform when the conductor is ready. Any member not ready at the beginning of the
rehearsal/performance will receive a tardy, and three (3) tardies will count as an unexcused absence.
Additionally, any member not in their seat 15 minutes after the start of a rehearsal will receive an
unexcused absence for that rehearsal. If you feel that your tardy should be counted as excused rather than
unexcused, you must talk to your Operations Coordinator immediately.
2. Excused Absences
CSYO members are excused from rehearsals only in the case of illness, a death in the family, a family
emergency or a conflicting concert with their school music organization (including orchestra, band,
choir and school musicals). Members must not exceed more than 2 excused absences per concert
To report an excused absence, follow these steps:
1. Report the absence to the Operations Coordinator before the rehearsal missed
2. Call the CSYO Hotline (614) 221-5639, then option 4 for Junior Strings
3. Call and/or email the Operations Coordinator

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

CSYO members, this is for your own safety. We must ensure that all members are accounted for at every
rehearsal and performance. If we cannot account for your whereabouts at a rehearsal or performance, we
will not hesitate to call your parents.
Turn in required forms ON TIME!
a. Illness/Death in the Family/Family Emergency: Turn in Absence Form with parent signature to
Operations Coordinator no later than one week after the missed rehearsal(s)
b. Conflicting School Music Performance: Turn in Absence Form with parent signature to
Operations Coordinator no later than two weeks before the missed rehearsal(s)
You may turn in a letter written and signed by your parents if you do not have an Absence Form. We must
have an Absence Form or parent letter for every absence. If you do not turn in your Absence Form or
parent letter on time and with a parent signature, your absence(s) will be counted as unexcused.

CSYO Hotline: (614) 221-5639, then option 4 for Junior Strings

The absence form and all other forms can be found on the Charms website at www.charmsoffice.com
3. Unexcused Absences
Any conflict beyond the excused absences listed above is considered unexcused. Unexcused absences
include (but are not limited to) school music rehearsals, sports, college interviews, recitals, auditions
and competitions. You are expected to schedule these events at times that do not conflict with CSYO
events. Students with 2 or more unexcused absences during the entire year will be required to reaudition for the program for the following year.
4. Excessive Absence Policy
Excused Absences
3 excused absences- Parents will be called and a letter will be mailed home. Student will be placed
on probation* pending conductor evaluation.
Unexcused Absences
2 Unexcused Absences- Students will be notified they are required to re-audition for the program for
the following year.
3 Unexcused Absences- Parents will be called and a letter will be mailed home. Student will be
placed on probation* pending conductor evaluation.
Additional and excessive unexcused absences are a cause for dismissal. If a student is
dismissed due to excessive absences, tuition will not be refunded.
*During the probation period, students are expected to put their best effort during rehearsal. Students
behavior and performance during rehearsal will be closely monitored. Students under probation will not
participate in the concert, pending conductor approval.
If you feel that an absence should be counted as excused rather than unexcused, you must talk to your
Operations Coordinator immediately.
4. Dress Rehearsals and Concerts
Dress rehearsals are usually held the rehearsal prior to a concert, but there are instances where a dress
rehearsal occurs on the same day as the concert or on another day of the week. Please check your schedule
to make sure you will not miss dress rehearsals or concerts. If you miss a dress rehearsal, you may not be
permitted to perform in the concert!
Any student with an unexcused absence on a dress rehearsal or concert date will be required to reaudition for the program for the following year.

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

5. Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather on a rehearsal night, the conductor will make a decision no later
than 12:00 PM-(Noon) as to whether the rehearsal will be held on the given day. If inclement weather
should occur on the day of a concert, the conductor will make a decision no later than two hours
before the report time.
Decisions to cancel/not to cancel a CSYO event will be recorded on the Hotline, sent via e-mail and
posted on the Youth Orchestra website and FaceBook Page, if possible. We will establish a phone tree
at the beginning of the season to quickly reach all members. You may also contact your orchestras
Operations Coordinator via e-mail or the CSYO administrative staff via e-mail or phone.
Parents, if school is canceled for your childs district on the same day as a CSYO rehearsal, your
child is not required to attend the rehearsal unless you feel the roads are safe. If your child will be
missing rehearsal for this reason, please call and let us know. This is an excused absence.
6. Personal Injury or Damage to Instrument
If you sustain an injury that prevents you from playing your instrument or if your instrument is being repaired,
you are still required to attend rehearsals, sit in your section, attentively follow along in your part and make
notations to your music.

B. Private Lessons
All CSYO members are required to take private lessons on their instrument and must complete a Private
Lesson Verification Form documenting their participation. Private teachers will be contacted to verify you are
a member of their studio. If you are in need of a private teacher, please contact the Youth Orchestras

C. School Music Programs

The CSYO supports and cooperates with the music education community, and we expect our members to be
role models and musical emissaries in their school ensembles. Therefore, all CSYO members are required
to participate in their school band or orchestra program on the instrument in which they perform on in
our ensembles. Students must complete a School Music Participation Form documenting their
participation. Home-schooled students and students who attend schools that do not have a school
band/orchestra are exempt.
Although the CSYO informs school music directors of our concert and rehearsal schedule well in advance in
order to avoid any conflicts, we realize that sometimes conflicts are unavoidable. We require students to let
their school music directors know of their participation in the CSYO and to notify both their music director and
the CSYO immediately of any conflicts. Our general policy is that if the conflict is between a rehearsal and a
concert, the concert takes precedence, and a student will be excused from a CSYO rehearsal to participate in
a school music concert upon providing advance written verification of the concert (see Attendance above).
Other conflicts will be decided on a case-by-case basis, and it is the student's responsibility to get approval
from both the CSYO and their school music director before they miss a concert or rehearsal due to a conflict.

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

D. Code of Conduct
All CSYO members are required to behave appropriately and respectfully while representing their orchestra.
Members must adhere to the following code of conduct while participating in any CSYO-sponsored event:
1, Behavior Infractions
The following types of behavior infractions may result in dismissal from the CSYO without a financial refund
depending upon the severity of the infraction:
1. Electronic Devices: Devices such as cellular phones, pagers, PDAs, MP3 players, CD players and
portable gaming systems have no place in a music rehearsal or concert. CSYO members caught
using these items during a rehearsal or concert will be asked to leave the event, and the missed
event will be counted as an unexcused absence.
2. Facilities: Treat the facilities we visit with the greatest respect (including the buildings themselves,
lockers, pay phones, elevators and any other equipment within or outside the building). At no time are
students permitted to touch and/or use anything within the facilities without permission from the
conductor or operations coordinator. Food and drink are not permitted in rehearsal halls or
performance locations at any time.
2. Serious Behavior Infractions
The following types of behavior infractions will result in immediate dismissal from the CSYO without a
financial refund of any kind:
1. Criminal Behavior: Any criminal behavior within CSYO or the community at large.
2. Illegal Substances: The CSYO does not permit the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other illegal
3. Zero Tolerance Policy: Use of negative, degrading, intolerant or prejudicial speech or actions against
a person or group of people based on race, gender, gender identity, age, ethnicity, nationality,
religion, sexual orientation, disability, language ability, moral or political views, socioeconomic status,
occupation or physical appearance (such as height or weight) will not be tolerated.
3. Withdrawal or Dismissal from the CSYO
If you must withdraw from your orchestra for any reason or if you are dismissed, you must do so in writing
indicating the reasons and circumstances for your withdrawal. No refund of tuition will be extended.
4. Grounds for Dismissal
1. Failure to honor conditions of membership.
2. Failure to maintain a level of performance appropriate to your orchestra demonstrated through private
study, school involvement, proper rehearsal behavior and practice as judged by the conductor.
3. Excessive absences and/or tardiness (see Attendance above).
4. Serious behavior infractions as listed above.

Section II: Rehearsal and Concert Policies

A. Concert Attire
Please adhere to the following guidelines for concert attire:
Wear a long-sleeved white collared dress shirt paired with a black skirt or pants. Sleeves must be length or
longer. Skirt or pants must be length or longer. Wear close-toed black dress shoes and sheer black
stockings (or black socks if you choose to wear pants). Keep jewelry at a minimum, and avoid flashing jewelry
and/or beads or sequins that would create a visual distraction.

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

Wear a long-sleeved white collared shirt, black dress pants, black bow tie, black dress shoes and black
Clothing to Avoid
The following are not permitted for either ladies or gentlemen:
1. Casual clothing: T-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, sweatpants, tennis shoes, flip flops
2. Overly revealing clothing: Low-cut tops, tops that reveal your midriff, low-rise bottoms, bottoms with
side slits or back slits above the knee, anything see-through
3. Dirty or destroyed clothing: Anything with tears, holes, stains, rips or a ragged appearance.
In general, if you arent allowed to wear it to school, dont try to get away with wearing it on stage.
CSYO staff will be on the lookout for dress code violations on concert days, and if your clothing
doesnt meet these expectations, you WILL be asked to change clothes or not to take part in the

Concert attire is required for the Photo Session.

B. Concert Recording Policy
The CSYO offers high-quality audio and video recordings of each concert that are available for purchase.
Parents are permitted to audio- and/or video-record all CSYO events.
Capitol Theatres Recording Policy: For concerts at the Capitol Theatre, we ask that parents taking video
recordings using a tri-pod record from the balcony. Tri-pods are not allowed to be set up on the blue carpeted

C. Music Stands
Junior Strings members may need a wire music stand for the spring concert tour, and all parts of the stand
must be labeled with the students name.

D. Seating Auditions
The initial seating order will be determined by the conductor at the beginning of the season based on spring
audition scores. The purpose of the Junior Strings seating audition is to give the orchestra staff an
opportunity to hear each student play individually and to determine an appropriate seating order for the best
sound production of the entire orchestra. The purpose of seating auditions is not to give students an
opportunity to compete against each other, but rather to provide information to determine the best seating
order for the good of the entire orchestra.
The following policies will be followed for Junior Strings seating auditions:
1. Scheduled seating auditions will be held twice a year, with the dates listed on the calendar. Additional
seating auditions may be held at the discretion of the conductor. Students will be notified of any other
seating auditions a minimum of two weeks in advance.
2. If a student must be absent from a rehearsal when auditions are scheduled, they must notify their
Operations Coordinator immediately. An alternative date will be scheduled for the student to
complete the audition within two weeks of the original date; if this is not possible, the student will sit at
the end of the section until the next seating audition opportunity.
3. Seating auditions will consist of excerpts from the orchestra music, and students will be scored on
accuracy, tone quality, musicianship, and posture and technique.
4. Students will be notified of the results of seating auditions at the following regularly scheduled
The conductor has final say in all seating decisions!

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

E. Sheet Music
Musicians are provided sheet music and folders for their personal use. Please adhere to the following policies
regarding sheet music:
1. All music is the property of the CSYO and must be returned to the Operations Coordinator
immediately after each concert (or when dictated by your conductor).
2. Markings on the music should ONLY be made in pencil.
3. If you lose or seriously damage your music beyond repair, you will be charged for replacement costs,
including photocopying and shipping costs. The cost varies from $5 - $50 per part!

Section III: Administrative Policies

A. Financial Policies
1. Financial Aid: The CSYO provides a limited amount of need-based financial aid for students in all our
orchestras. Confidential applications may be obtained from the CSYO administrative staff.
2. Tuition: An annual tuition fee of $385 plus a $25 registration fee, and additional tour or retreat fees
are required to participate in the Junior Strings. Members may not participate in concerts until their
tuition has been paid in full or financial arrangements have been made with the Youth Orchestras
3. Tuition Refunds: The first $75 of tuition and the registration fee is non-refundable. Once the first
rehearsal for each orchestra has occurred, no tuition will be refunded for any reason.

B. Privacy Policy
Each year, the CSYO must collect sensitive personal information (home and work addresses; home, work
and cellular phone numbers, e-mail addresses; medical information) and/or financial information (bank
account numbers and credit card numbers) from its members and their families, private teachers and school
music teachers. Personal and/or financial information collected by the CSYO will remain private and
protected, will be used solely by the CSYO and will not be shared with any third party organization.
Sensitive information collected by the CSYO will be used in the following manner:
1. CSYO Member/Family Personal Information:
a. Orchestra Rosters: Rosters are distributed to members of each orchestra at the beginning of
the season and are available on the Members Only website for carpooling purposes. Rosters
are also distributed to Parent Representatives and phone tree volunteers. These rosters
contain home addresses, e-mail addresses and home, cell and work phone numbers only.
b. Newspapers: Press releases about upcoming CSYO events will solely contain the orchestra
name, member name, school district and instrument.
c. Medical Information: This information (located on the Emergency Medical Form) is used only
in the event of a group trip or emergency and will be distributed solely to Parent
Representatives, trip chaperones and CSYO staff.
2. CSYO Member/Family Financial Information: Financial information is used solely by the CSYO
3. Private and/or School Music Teacher Information: This information is used solely by the CSYO to
provide information to music teachers about upcoming CSYO events.
If you are uncomfortable with your personal information being used in the above manner, please do not
hesitate to contact the CSYO administrative staff.

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

Section IV: General Information

A. Members Card and Columbus Symphony Orchestra Concert Tickets
Attending classical concerts is a fun way to further a students appreciation and love of music.
All current CSYO members will be given a ticket voucher card which can be used repeatedly for up to two (2)
rear balcony tickets per classical series concert or 15% off any other seats in the theater, up to four tickets.
This voucher card may not be used for special event concerts, Young Peoples Concerts, Family
Concerts or Pops events including Picnic with the Pops or Popcorn Pops. The CSYO member MUST
be present (with ID) to receive the tickets.
CSYO Members also receive 2 complimentary tickets to the Youth Orchestra Concerts on October 12,
November 19 and March 8. Present your member card at the ticket table before the concert.

B. Corporate, Foundation and Individual Sponsorships

The CSYO welcomes and encourages sponsorships of varying sizes. For more information on how your
family or organization can be highlighted as a special supporter of the CSYO, please contact CSYO
administrative staff or your conductor.

C. Instruments for Loan

The CSYO owns a number of high-quality instruments that are available for use by its members. Although all
CSYO members are eligible to use these instruments, preference will be given to older students, students
with higher seating, and to members of Youth Orchestra. Instruments will be distributed on a first-come, firstserved basis. Please contact the CSYO administrative staff if you are interested in borrowing these
Violin (H. Wagner)
Cello size

Violin (N. Carlette)

Cello (Thiery & Paris)

Violin (L. Genardo)

Viola (J. Masters)

D. Volunteer Opportunities
The CSYO relies on the assistance of parents, guardians and other family members to help the season run
smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the CSYO administrative staff at (614) 221-5650. Any
help you can give would be greatly appreciated! Volunteers working directly with students will be requested
to submit a BCI and FBI fingerprint background check. CSYO will reimburse the cost of the background
checks (up to $60) when receipts are sent to the administrative office in a timely manner.

We, ________________________________________ (student printed name) and

_________________________________________ (parent printed name), confirm that we
have read and understood the contents of the Columbus Symphony Junior Strings
Handbook and that we will abide by the outlined requirements and policies.
Parent Signature_________________________________________ Date__________

Student Signature________________________________________ Date__________

2014-2015 Junior Strings Handbook

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