Isis and Osiris

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Isis and Osiris

Chapter One
The desert glowed in the sunrise as a giant ship coasted its way down the shimmering Nile. The lukewarm dawn
began warming up the nippy night air as Ras great Eye winked from below the horizon. Appearing identical to
floating driftwood, lazy crocodiles floated on the rivers surface, their eyes still half-closed in sleep. Drowsy hippos
grunted on the riverbanks, their round rumps glistening from their morning bathing. Deep in the river, fish swirled
around the ship, as though they believed it would protect them from predators looking for breakfast. Little did they
know of the ships godly inhabitants.
The elaborate vessel carried King Osiris past the sleepy crocodiles and clumps of reed plants along the bank. At least
a hundred rowers, fifty on each side of the ship, paddled with all their strength. The men sung a popular shanty as
they faced into the dawn. Servants chatted in drowsy words, eyeing the chests of foreign treasures at the helm of the
ship where a sailors snores disturbed nearby ears. Two fan-bearers carried two ostrich feather fans past a gaggle of
servants, on up to the top deck where their King and Vizier waited.
Up on the topmost deck, King Osiris watched the scenery from his throne, senses lulled by the vessels gentle
rocking. His loyal vizier, the knowledge god Thoth, stood to one side. Osiris always loved watching the sleepy
world waking up. Silhouettes of long-legged birds etched the sun as it rose from the eastern horizon.
Is that the sound of joy I hear?
Osiris straightened his back, leaning forward, his eyes scanning the eastern bank. Sure enough, he spotted the bold
outlines of people silhouetted against the sun. His people awaited their king with earnest impatience.
Joyous and dancing, my beloved Egyptians await my return!
Osiris turned his head to address Thoth. Vizier, bring up the first chest of treasure.
Thoth departed from his side with a respectful bow and smile as Osiris stood up, crook and flail crossed over his
chest, to walk to the side of the vessel, where his people would see him. Osiris couldnt stop his heart pounding in
gratitude at seeing his beloved subjects once again, their voices and arms raised in exuberant joy.
The King has returned!
Hail King Osiris!
Long live the king!
Our beloved jewel of Egypt!
Glorious Osiris, we await!
Osiris glimpsed waving hands and people bowing in respect on the banks. A little boys enthusiasm carried him so
fast he almost tottered into the river, only narrowly saved by an athletic man. As the ship neared the populace, the
little child gave a watery smile and waved shyly out at the vessel. The man, like almost all the others, had his eyes
lowered in respect as the royal barge approached the sizeable crowd.
Here are the treasures!

Isis and Osiris

Vizier Thoth had returned, preceded by two servants who had carried the chest up to Osiris. The king nodded in
Open it, pleaseI want to gift these to the people. Osiris ordered one of the servants.
The servant opened the box.
What do you suppose the people will want? a fan-bearer asked Osiris.
Plenty of jewelsEgypt is fond of the family jewels, the second fan-bearer said, winking.
Yes, Im sure she is. Osiris agreed, not without a little laugh.
Stories! Give us stories! the mob wailed from the shore.
and stories. We cant forget stories. The first fan-bearer remarked.
Thoth strode to the edge of the vessel, looking over at the shore where the people screamed for their king.
Your king returns! Thoth shouted across to the bank. He will reward you with gifts
Thoths voice trailed off into silence.
My vizier? Osiris addressed him. What is it?
It is strange
Thoths face was controlled and impassive, but his shoulders sagged a little, his back not as rigid as usual.
Nevertheless, no sooner had Osiris joined him, then Thoth quickly resumed his normal posture.
It is nothing, my king. Thoth insisted, But I am surprised he came to greet you too.
He pointed a finger in the direction of the crowd. Your brother, Set.
Osiris scrutinized the throng, until, at last, he spotted his brother hidden at the back. He had disguised himself as a
lower class peasant, but royalty still shone through his skin and face. He waved to the ship as ecstatically as all the
other citizens lining the shore like a flock of birds. Osiris couldnt help but raise his hands in greeting toward the
shore, his own face breaking into delight at seeing his people once again.
Greetings my people! he boomed, Be patient and your reward for your love and loyalty will be yours!
The splash of joyous shouts became a cascade. Boys jumped up and down in enthusiasm, and little girls clung to
each other, faces bright with anticipation. Bolder children waved madly with both arms in the air at the ship, whilst
the most timid simply waggled the fingers of one hand shyly.
I have returned, having ensured prosperity throughout the lands beyond Egypt
The crowd roared louder.
I shall command my servants to bring up the treasures, so I may reward your loyalty!
The crowd only roared their approval even louder.
Poor Ra. Osiris quipped to himself. His ears must be ringing by now.
A couple servants hauled another chest to Osiris, who gestured to Thoth to step forth. The vizier scooped up some of
the trinkets, handing them to Osiris one at a time so he could throw them to the crowd. An audible gasp rose from
the mob. Glittering golden bracelets and rings sparkled as they fell before the peoples feet. Beaded and bejewelled
bracelets, necklaces, and anklets showered like blessed rain onto the eastern bank.
Treasure! the mob shrieked, Jewellery! Riches!

Isis and Osiris

The crowd worked themselves into a fevered frenzy as Osiris slung more treasures in their direction as the rowers
passed the grand vessel before hundreds of admiring eyes.
The crowd kept a brisk pace with the vessel, not caring about broken sandals, stubbed toes, and splinters. Their king
was back and that was all that mattered!
Look at that! the multitude crowed, such treasures!
At long last, the ship arrived at the docks. Without being asked, the servants rushed to carry Osiris carrier chair off
the deck and down a ramp toward the dock. The rowers stayed at their posts, ensuring the ship stayed in place.
Murmured adoration poured from the mouths of bowed heads.
Hands craned into the air, clutching greedily at the trinkets thrown at them from the barge. No sooner had one finger
caught the loop of a ring or necklace, then it disappeared with its new owner. As the servants carried Osiris past
them toward the palace, the mob of citizens shrank steadily, as if the reason theyd come was merely for the love of
materialism, and not the king. It hadnt been for the king they had screamed forit had been for the treasures alone.
Later, only the sincere few thousand would stay around to hear exotic tales of unimaginably distant lands with
dangerous creatures and mysterious peoples.
Ahem! Let me up front! commanded Set, shoving his way through the multitude.
People yelped as Set pushed to the front of the mob, where he bowed before Osiris.
Beloved king and brother! I am glad of your return!
A cloud of surprised whispers rose behind Set. People leaned to talk to each other in low voices, while others just
stared, completely at a loss for words. Osiris couldnt blame them; the last time Set had ever shown such generosity
before washe couldnt even remember. Maybe it was never, not even in their childhood.
He has never been this happy for me before, Osiris mused, as he studied his brothers generous grin. His eyes
gleamed with happiness, and every line in his face spoke of sincerity, even as Set leaned in to talk to Osiris in a soft
tone so only the king heard.
My King, I have seen that my jealousy was impending on our brotherhood. I come now to reclaim you as my
My brother is happy for me! Osiris rejoiced, He is gracious for my return to Egypt! I must reward him to show my
Before the peoples astonished faces, Osiris gestured to Thoth, who brought forth a copper bracelet. He managed a
strained smile as he passed it to Osiris. Osiris didnt care if Thoth wasnt happy; he had a brother to honour for his
genuine happiness.
There is nothing so grand as a new beginning.
For your sincere desire to be as true brothers again, I offer this as a gift to you.
Set snatched the copper bangle out of Osiris hands, gripping it in his fingers. Several citizens gaped in shock at such
impunity against the king. Looking around, Set appeared to realise his mistake. Without missing a beat, he quickly
rectified his little error.
Ah yes, Im out of practice at accepting gifts, arent I? he said lightly, but I know you are not. Tell you more at
the palace later. You do like banquets, dont you? Set hinted.

Isis and Osiris

A warm sense of surprise swam over Osiris heart.

A banquet!
Before Osiris could suggest bringing Nephthys along with him to the palace, Set had disappeared back into the
crowd. He had forgotten how quickly Set could slink back into the shadows like he had never been there at all. But
Osiris didnt mind. His brother loved him, and thats all that mattered.
Perhaps this is a new change of heart for himand I am happy.

Isis and Osiris

Chapter Two

Isis and Osiris

Set scowled as he walked away from the docks, all too conscious of the copper bangles grip on his wrist. He
refused to honour it with even the slightest of glances, knowing it was from his hated brother, Osiris, whom
through sheer fortunehad been first-born of Nut and Geb.
And Im second in line forever, but that will change.
Set slouched off in the direction of his mud-brick home on the edge of the red lands, where Nephthys would be
waiting. She would wear the bangle all her life long, day and night, and weep over not being able to witness Osiris
Set stopped in mid-step, turning half a circle, so he looked in the direction hed come from. He shouldnt go back
not yet. Nephthys was upset enough knowing she could never be one of the joyous civilians witnessing the return of
their cherished king.
If I tell her Im going to the palace, Set mused, hesitating in his tracks, shell never let me go without her.
He broke into a mad sprint, heading in the direction of the palace, kicking up sand with each pound. Set knew it
would not be long before Osiris and his beloved Isis were to be reunited at their extravagant palace. He could see it
in his head now: Osiris leaping off his carrier as Isis rushed to greet her husband with open arms and rapt eyes wide
with love and joy. They would embrace, holding on like neither wanted to let the other go.
And whisper with sappiness enough to make Hathor gag.
Set rectified his thoughts.
No, not even Hathorshe adores them too much. She still sympathised with Nephthys after that night!
Set halted mid-run, staring up at the palace before him, Nephthys parting words ringing again in his mind.
Oh please, Setplease give Osiris my welcome. Set mocked aloud, mimicking her quavering voice. He snorted.
No, Nephthys, not this time, sweetheart.
When he returned, all he had to do was lie about passing on the message, and she would be satisfied. If she asked for
Osiriss response, Set could quickly improvise an answer. Nephthys would never know the truth.
His breathing normal again, Set darted into the palace grounds, watching the crowd of breathless admirers forming
around Osiris pure gold carrier, carried by four servants. The kings white crown peeked above the top of the carrier
chair, and two fan-bearers waved ostrich-feather fans on either side of the king. A bevvy of servants swarmed toward
him like bees, all lauding one praise after the other on the monarch.
Everyones in love with their king! All he offers is peace, paradise, and minimal hardship!
As the procession approached the front entrance of the palace, Set slinked between columns, unseen. He squeezed
himself into the columns shadows and darted over thick rivers of sunlight between pillars, as the god followed his
brother toward the palace entrance. A couple of thick, healthy trees shaded the doorway into the palace. As Osiris
passed under them with his servants and vizier, the birds in the trees chirped at full volume. No sooner did they start
with their singing, then the frogs in the palace pond decided to add their merry croaking. Set glared up at a
particularly happy pair of birds above him.
If you chirp one more time, Ill break your beaks off! he snapped. They shut up.

Isis and Osiris

Take me to Isis! Osiris commanded one of his servants, who immediately bowed in obedience.
It turned out the servant didnt need to move another step, for there Isis was, springing from the palace entrance, her
face a picture of pure ecstasy.
Gag reflex in threetwo Set muttered.
The four carrier bearers knelt as Osiris stepped down from his carrier chair, opening his arms wide for Isiss
embrace. With a shout of joy, Isis leaped into her husbands arms, winding her arms tightly about her husbands
neck. Osiris embraced her in return, his arms clasping Isis in his grasp. The servants, overseers, and vizier
respectfully averted their eyes, allowing the couple to have their moment of intimacy.
Gag me with a scorpions sting. Set grizzled to himself.
Osiris and Isis leaned in, eyes closed as they kissed. Just when Set thought he couldnt handle any more of the overt
displays of affection, Isis unclasped her arms from Osiris as he kissed her tenderly on the forehead.
Welcome home, King Osiris, she murmured, taking his hands in hers, squeezing them firmly as if to show how
much she had truly, really missed him.
I see Egypt is still just as beautiful as ever, Osiris praised, I knew you would be more than capable.
Isis parted from Osiris embrace, now moving her eyes over the rest of the congregation fawning over their king.
Her face broke out into a friendly smile as she greeted Thoth with a warm hug. Set could hear her thanking the vizier
for being with Osiris.
I told you I could handle this just fine! Isis told him triumphantly as she pulled back from the embrace. I handled
it as a true queen of this land should.
A grin cracked Thoths lips. Osiris and I both knew very well youd handle ruler-ship perfectly.
Set rolled his eyes; Thoth was so proud of Isis, whom he treated as if she was his own daughter. Osiris and Nephthys
had the same treatment toobut Set? Maybe at first, Set admitted to himself, but he had hated that. As a child, he
had stubbornly refused to be like his other siblings, asking Thoth all sorts of questions about the world and the way
nature worked. He didnt want to be someones surrogate sonthere was Nut and Geb. Why did he need a second
fatherly figure at all?
Enough of this!
Fed up, Set stepped out of the shadows. Perhaps it was his movement or she saw him from the corner of her eye, but
Isis immediately turned to face him. A tiny frown creased Isiss mouth as her eyes met with his with no welcome in
her expressionjust suspicion. Osiris, however, had his back turned to Set, who crept up behind him.
Remember, be charming, Set reminded himself, Osiris will fall for it in no time.
So youre back at your palace.
Osiris turned sharply at his brothers voice. For a moment, he looked annoyed at the interruption, but quickly
grinned when he saw it was just Set.
Good afternoon, Set, I am surprised you have come to greet me at the palace, Osiris greeted, I expect you are
here to tell me about the banquet?
Thoth and Isis exchanged worried glances behind him, but the king never noticed.

Isis and Osiris

Set squared his shoulders, plastering a welcoming smile on his face; it felt entirely like a mask. Behind Osiris, Thoth
and Isis watched Set cautiously.
What are they so worried about?
Did they think he was stupid enough to hurt Osiris in front everyone? No one would try that in front of those two
after all, they were the strongest in magical power in the entire pantheon. Set would never have a water droplets
chance in a lake of fire.
Youve been away so long on your little holiday to other lands, he began, so it was up to me to pronounce a
welcome home banquet for you.
Isis blinked at him in surprise, her eyebrows knitting together.
You never told me anything about one, she interrogated.
Set slung an arm around Osiriss shoulders as though, in fact, they were the closest of brothers.
Ah, but its just for Osiris and Ibrothers need time together too, dont you know? Surely you and Nephthys have
spent time together.
Set knew very well that last part wasnt trueas long as Nephthys was under his protection, she would stay with
him, and not stray to Isiss side.
Oh yes, we have, but shes not veryvisible, shall we say. Isis said, Keeps to herself, never comes out of hiding.
Seems she is perfectly happy to be under yourprotection.
Protection! Yes! Keep her away from her charming sister and brotherwhom she loves more than me.
Although, he had to admit, Nephthys was learning to love him. She even willingly made love to him, despite that it
never eventuated in children. But Set knew that if she ever came here for any length of time, she would be protected,
but in a different waya safe, cherished way. She didnt need to be under someones wingNephthys clearly loved
him. Why else would she not leave Set?
All this and that aside, Set continued, Please join me, King Osiris. You will be the guest of honour.
Osiris adjusted his fake beard, eyes glazing over in thought. Set could imagine his thought processes: should I trust
him? Is there reason not to? No.
Osiris always put so much importance on familial love.
Im coming. Osiris decided.
Sets lips parted in what he hoped was Egypts most winning grin.
My heart is gladdened to hear of it! he boomed, gripping Osiris shoulder genially. At sun down in two days, we
will have an enjoyable festival.
Only Isis and Thoth appeared at all suspicious. But Set neednt had worried about Osiris falling for his words he
always trusted everyone, no matter what they did or said to him. If a fly landed on his nose and started cursing,
Osiris wouldnt even bat it away.
Typical! Set sneered silently. Typical, typical!
Set turned to depart, but Isiss sharp voice stopped him. Striding past Osiris, the queen grabbed Sets wrist and
dragged him out of earshot.

Isis and Osiris

I know what you intend to do, Isis said in a dangerous whisper, And I swear on Maats feather, if you do
anything to hurt him, I will know.
Set held up his hands in a gesture of respect.
I will do nothing to hurt King Osiris.
Isiss eyes bore into his. You will do nothing? I think you know why I am always with Osiris.
Because you love him!
Its more than love, Isis said coldly, You prey on his tender heart. Dont deny itwe both know its true.
Not this time, my good sister Isis, Set said with conviction, I promise you this: you will see Osiris returned to
you after the party.
Isis folded her arms, stiffening her entire body. I want you to swear this on Maats feather.
Set waved his hand. Yes, I swear you will see him returned.
Isiss eyes roamed his face, as though searching for any sign of falsehood.
Stay true to your promise and I will be happy. Isis pointed a hand toward the gates. Be gone, Set, for your
welcome is overstayed.
Set bowed to Isis.
Farewell, Queen Isis. I will leave as you command.
Good. Isis swiftly turned her back on him.
At a distance, Set shook his head in contempt as he watched Isis slip an arm through Osiriss as they entered the
palaces cool interior.
Your throne is so grand, anyone would be jealous to see such a strong king upon it. Pity your hearts intelligence
isnt as strong.
Now out of sight of the palace, Set snatched the bangle off his wrist, staring at it in disgust. He had half a mind to
throw it away, but again, he stopped himself. If he knew Osiris like he did, Set knew he would ask where his bangle
was, should he arrive at the welcome home banquet.
He slipped the bangle back on his wrist. It was his now, and no one elses. Nephthys would never have to know it
was from desperately generous Osiris. To keep it now allowed him safety at the banquet: Osiris would be so
convinced of his brothers sincerity that even the most intelligent gods in the pantheon would be unable to dissuade

Isis and Osiris

Chapter Three
Isis barely paid attention to Osiris rapt words as they strolled arm in arm into the palace, their overseers and
servants trailing behind them.
To think! Osiris marvelled, to think! My brother, who before would not talk to me, nor bestow even a gift to the
palace! He finds it well in his heart to throw a banquet for me.
Sets up to no good, Isis thought, hes up to something, I know it. Why invite your enemy to a festival and not allow
the Great Royal Wife to accompany her husband?
Isis inhaled in an effort to steady her words, so they did not shake with her concern. How could she speak such
thoughts to Osiris on such a day as this?
Yes, very wonderful, she said with false cheer, it is wonderful he has done this for you.
Osiris looked sideways at her, You dont sound too happy about it.
Happy? No, Im happy for you.
Osiris wound an arm around her waist, squeezing it gently, Im glad you feel the same way. I was worried you
would be suspicious of Set.
But I am suspicious!
Instead, Isis bestowed a tender kiss on Osiris cheek, her arm also around him. Her love had returned, and for now
that was all that mattered.
Hes just too full of love
Isis watched Thoth talking with the overseers for a few moments, wishing she could go and talk to him right away
about her suspicions against Set. But she understood how important it was to the vizier to catch up on what had
happened while he was away travelling with the king. To interrupt him while he was trying to catch up with the
overseers was not the best idea. At best, Isis had to wait until the next morning before talking with Thoth.
Hell know what to do, she assured herself, he is the god of wisdom for a reason.
She did not allow her worries to consume herat least not for the rest of that day and night. All she wanted to do
was be with her husband in more ways than one. She marvelled at how long they had ruled together and still had not
borne a child. Then again, early in their reign, they were busy helping the people improve their lives in ways they
had never thought about. Osiris and Isis taught the art of agriculture, farming, and harvesting, as well as how to hunt
for food or search for the best herbs and berries. Isis had immersed herself in showing how to plant a garden to grow
the households own plants from herbs to vegetables.
We have done well, Isis thought as she dozed off to sleep, her arms clasped about Osiris after having made love, we
have been good for our people.


Isis and Osiris

No citizen could have asked for a better king and queenbut even Isis knew there were discontented people. She
had seen them hovering on the edges of the desert, home to Set. They did not approach anyone in the village, and
nor did the good citizens go near them. Isis had seen mothers pull children away from these skulking figures always
hovering at the deserts edge, as though on the prowl. All the goodness of Isis and Osiris would never tame those
who still found themselves dissatisfied by the king and queen.
Egypt will thrive, Isis thoughts whispered, It will thrive for many generations
When Isis opened her eyes again, the sky was just beginning to lighten as the sun god rowed his ark through the
twelfth hour of night, past the goddess who saw the beauty of Ra. Careful not to disturb Osiris as he slept curled up
on his side, Isis removed the linen sheet from around her torso and fetched the woollen shawl on her stool. After
pulling on a simple white shift and wrapping the grey shawl around her head and shoulders, the goddess tip-toed out
the room. In the hallways and rooms, burning torches set in brackets spilled flickering pools of light on the floor and
walls, Isis shadow appearing and reappearing as she drifted past them. Guards, their leather-hide and wooden
framed shields gripped in their hands, wandered the halls solo or as a pair, bowing their heads in respect as the
queen walked past.
At the palace entrance, two more guards stood at their posts, one of them clearly having fallen asleep. Isis wasted no
time as she marched up to him and smacked the side of his facenot too hard, but enough to wake him. He awoke
with a jerk, hand convulsing on his spear.
Wake up, guard, Isis reprimanded, You can sleep when the sun comes up.
My apologies, Queen Isis, he stammered, "it will not happen again.

Isis inhaled as a cool gust of wind streamed through her hair, touching her skin with its oddly comforting embrace.
Stars still winked overhead as she craned her neck to look up at the sky. She could not help but smile, thinking of her
mother, Nut, always watching over herliterally, for she was the sky, as Geb was the earth.
You never lose your beauty, mother, Isis whispered in her heart, even when the nights are cloudy.
Her sandaled feet sweeping over the ground, Isis allowed herself to wander in the direction of her favourite area of
the palace gardens. A majestic tree overlooked a stone ledge that doubled as a seat for two people. Its branches hung
low over the seat, providing both shade from the sun and privacy whenever needed. Sunlight would dapple through
the leaves, patterning the ground with shifting shapes of light. If Isis was alone here, she would idly watch the
dancing shapes of light as she lost herself in thought.
Though she could hardly see who it was in the dim morning light, Isis knew someone had already settled themselves
Who could be up at this hour?
It wasnt as though she mindedthat treasured seat was for everyone to use, not just the king and queen. Besides,
she reasoned, having someone to talk to was never a bad thing. As she neared the stone bench, the figure turned his
head, his features just able to be made out in the pre-dawn light.


Isis and Osiris

Youre up early, Isis, came Thoths voice, is Osiris still asleep?

Tightening her shawl about her shoulders, Isis settled down next to him.
Yes, hes still asleep, she confirmed, I just wanted to go on a little walk, thats all.
Isis closed her eyes as she leaned her head back against the tree trunk, listening to the sleepy first notes of a couple
birds above her. Soon, the dawn chorus would be in full cry, singing their little hearts out with all their might.
Youve finished catching up with the overseers, I take it, Isis guessed.
Hours ago, Thoth said.
Isis wasnt surprisedas the god of knowledge and writing, Thoth could catch up in no time, even after a long
absence. It was virtually impossible to make him fall so far behind that he could never catch up. It was just like how
he could tell what hour of day or night it was when he looked at the sky, shifting shadows, or the environment. Isis
could do that a little, but not like Thoth could. After all, he was Measurer of Time, and she wasnt.
I take it youre worried about Osiris, Thoth stated after a peaceful pause, Am I correct in my assessment?
Isis exhaled a sigh, Youre right. Its Sets awful banquet Im worried about. He has never done this before.
I think you know youre not the only one concerned about Sets banquet, Thoth said, as am I. Have you said
anything to him?
All I have said was I am happy for him, Isis relayed, I couldnt bring myself to be so down on yesterdays
Yet you are not happy.
He thinks Im sincere, and I fully appreciate Sets invitation. How am I to tell him I thought otherwise? Osiris is so
loyal to his familyadmirable trait, to be sure, but Isis babbling thoughts trailed into silence. Did any of the
servants or overseers know of this?
I have spoken privately to a few servants, and they never knew of such a banquet.
He wanted it as a surprise, for Osiris, so of course they wouldnt know, Isis reasoned, I find it suspicious he only
wants Osiris along, and not his Great Royal Wife.
There are times the king may go to an event alone, but usually hes with his Great Royal Wife, Thoth conceded,
but for a festival, its usually customary for both King and Great Royal Wife to be present.
Isis straightened up, her chin lifted in determination. Then I must accompany him, no matter what Set says! she
declared, for what you say is true!
Thoth nodded in agreement, Yes, but you know whyto know Set will not harm Osiris.
If he harms Osiris, I swear
Thoth held up a hand, No Isis, you must promise not to do anything rash
I would protect him!
The scribe moved his hand to touch her shoulder sympathetically, but Isis moved away.
You will do your best, I know, Thoth continued, but you must recognise when it is too dangerous to intervene.
Isis shifted around so she faced Thoth straight on, We are the most powerful in the pantheontherefore, you will
come too.


Isis and Osiris

I am afraid it will cause too much suspicion, Thoth disagreed, his voice regretful, Set is not stupid. He will catch
on immediately if he saw us both accompanying Osiris.
Isis knew Thoth was right, and hated it. She should have guessed that Sets suspicions would be raised if both vizier
and queen went with the king to the feast. What could she say or do to dissuade Osiris? Leaning forward, she leaned
her elbows on her knees, head bowed. Suddenly, she felt very tired.
You will think of something, I am sure, Thoth reassured, I know you will. But when you do go, Isis, be careful
and dont try anything rash.
I know, Isis mumbled into her lap.
I know you knowbut just remember sometimes it is best to get yourself out of danger, lest you get hurt. Promise
youll be calm?
She had no intention of staying calm should Set so much as poke Osiris, but nodded anyway. It would get Thoth off
her back about it for the time being.
I promise, Thoth, I promise


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Four


Isis and Osiris

The evening of the banquet came around too fast for Isis. No sooner had the sun rose, then it began to set low in the
How did Ra do that so fast? Isis wondered as her servants attended to her dress for the evening. The jewellery
glittered in the gold rays of the cooling sun.
Your Majesty presents herself with dazzling beauty this evening! gushed a servant as she placed a wide collar over
the goddesss shoulders.
We admire your exquisite grandeur this evening! another marvelled as she finished placing a gold headpiece in the
shape of a vulture on Isis thick wig.
Thank you for your words, servants, I believe I am quite ready now. Isis hinted as she waved away another
necklace and a couple rings from admiring attendants.
Isis swanned from her bed chamber, the servants following close behind, their heads bowed in silent respect. The
heavy rings weighed down her fingers, and large, golden earrings decorated her earlobes. Her eyelids had been
painted with dark green, enriched by the fresh layer of kohl around her eyes.
Now, at the guarded palace entrance, Isis spotted Osiris waiting for her, wearing the finest garments and jewellery he
possessed for the banquet. Vizier Thoth stood next to him, as though waiting for Isis as well. As Isis drew near,
Osiris took her hand and kissed it.
My queen, Osiris greeted, you are especially beautiful tonight.
Isis gave her husband a kiss on the cheek, intertwining her fingers with his. Could now be the time to reveal her true
concerns? She took a big breath, steeling herself.
Im a little worried about tonight, Isis confessed.
Osiris brow knitted in consternation. Why?
Set does not normally throw such banquets, especially for us. In known memory, he has never done this before.
Osiris kissed her forehead, Perhaps he had a change of heart, Isis. I trust him.
Isis refused to give up, You know how much he detests us
Osiris pulled his hand out of her grip, looking exasperated. You saw how sincere he was! He has thrown a banquet
to show he is genuine! How can you not see that?
Isis was lost for wordsOsiris rarely snapped at anyone.
I do see that, Isis said, Its just
Thoth chose that moment to step in, Just stay on your guard, he advised.
Osiris let loose a frustrated sigh, Not you too. Youve talked with Isis about this havent you?
Only that we need to be cautious of Sets intentions, Thoth reasoned, but Isis will see to that.
I see no reason for such caution.
Be that as it may
Osiris held up a hand, gripping his crook and flail in the other, You may advise me on other matters, but the
banquet is not one of them. Dismissed.
As you wish, Your Majesty. I am sure Queen Isis will see that the festival will go well.


Isis and Osiris

You know I will, Vizier, Isis promised, And Osiris will be safe from any harm.
Once they stepped outside, Osiris slipped an arm around Isis waist. They strolled in loves silence until Osiris broke
the quietude.
What is Thoth so worried about? Osiris wondered aloud to Isis.
He is only concerned; Set has never shown us such kindness before, Isis explained, he thinks it rather odd.
Do you find it strange then?
Isis stayed quiet, letting the question hang in the air.
You share viziers thoughts.
Isis wound her arms around Osiriss, He is only looking out for our wellbeingand he is our most trusted vizier.
Trusted vizier or not, Osiris declared, we will assure him the banquet is sincere at heart.
Sincere for what? Isis asked. Set will not hurt my Osiris, no matter what. He will never touch or harm Egypts
beloved king. Not while I can do something about it!

A great feast bloomed in the building where Set and his companions awaited with anticipation for the king. Tables
groaned with hefty bowls of figs, pomegranates, dates dipped in honey, and soft bread rolls. Goblets of fig wine
seduced wandering eyes, moistening lips with desire.
Around the small, square tables, dozens of people made themselves comfortable, seated on cushions or low stools,
conversing and eyeing the food and drink. Several people acted in the role of servants, carefully carrying food and
wine around the receptive audience. Raucous laughter screeched from one table to Sets distaste.
Set lazed back on a cushion at his table, one eye always watching the entrance. Osiris had to be here by now; it was
nearing night time and still no sign of him. Where was Osiris?
Would he humiliate me by not showing up at all tonight?
Scowling, Set distracted himself by snapping his fingers in a servants direction.
Refill my goblet! he ordered.
With a respectful inclination of his head, the servant dutifully refilled Sets goblet. No sooner was the cup half-full,
then he felt a sharp nudge between his shoulder blades.
Oi, Set!
How dare you talk like that to me! Set snapped, gripping his goblet as he glared at the interrupter.
The man flourished an arm in the direction of the entrance. Osiris, yourbelovedbrother, has arrived! He has
brought the queen Isis with him!
What?! Set balled his fists, whirling round to face the entrance.
But his companion was right: Isis and Osiris were gliding in from outside, looking fine in their royal grandeur,
holding hands. While Isis looked tense, Osiris, in contrast, appeared excited to be present at the feast. Set ground his


Isis and Osiris

Should have known Isis would never let Osiris go alone! How will I get her out of my way?
Ill handle this. Set growled at a couple nearby companions.
No sooner did he turn around then he switched back to his smiling mask.
If Set were an overcast day, then Osiris was a brilliant sunrise. Around his neck and shoulders sat a huge necklace
with inlaid gold, lapis lazuli, various beads, and emerald. Thick copper bangles embraced his wrists with the ankh
symbol etched in brilliant gold, shining like the sun. His kilt was weaved from the finest linen in Egypt, perfect for
someone of royal status.
When Set had finished ambling his way to the couple, they had already accepted morsels and wine from a couple
Be genuine, he reminded himself.
Like the feast? he asked Osiris with a polite bow and smile.
Picked the finest figs in Egypt, Osiris complimented around a mouthful, And the best dates in the land.
All for you, Set grovelled, For the returned King to Egypt. What took you so long to get here?
Osiris and I wanted to see the sunset. Isis informed tersely.
Gag me with Serquets sting! Set thought derisively.
Excellent, Set said, but were you any later, you would have missedthe game.
You mean I would have lost the game? Osiris quipped.
You cant win or lose a game if youre not there. Set said, Now heres your chance.
Isis glanced over at Osiris, then back to Set.
What sort of game is it? Isis queried, her voice hard.
Youll see, my dear queen and sister, Set said, Youll see soon enough.
If only I can get her away from Osiris!
Without missing a beat, Set spun around to face the multitude of partiers.
QUIET! he roared.
The whole party fell dead silent, all eyes on Set. He conducted a secret hand gesture at a couple men: their signal to
haul in the prize. From the moment of ordered quiet, all were actors as they pretended utmost curiosity.
Now the time has come! Set crowed, flinging an arm around Osiris shoulders in apparent brotherhood. He
ignored Isiss glare. To start a game! The one who wins will forever hold the award!
An authentic communal gasp punctured the room as the two men returned, lugging a lavish, gold-laden box. Even
Isis clasped a hand to her mouth, eyes wide as though too taken in by the chests beauty.
My word Osiris stared, expression spellbound, at the box, I would be most happy to win that.
Isis remained speechless, her hand gripping Osiriss even tighter. Sets smile threatened to turn into a big grin, but he
wrestled his mouth into a more neutral position.
Well see, he responded, but everyone gets a go. Only fair, brother.


Isis and Osiris

Everyone, including Queen Isis, huddled around the coffin, staring in awe at the gilded lid, made from the finest
wood in the known lands, and scented with the most aromatic perfumes the men could find in their wives
Take off the lid. Set directed; at once, several men jumped to help remove the lid from the coffin.
Its even decorated inside! Osiris observed, pointing at the interior.
An award wouldnt be an award if I didnt go all out to make it the best possible, hm? Set said.
I suppose not.
As Osiris stared at the coffin, Set locked eyes with a group of men. They stared back with questions in their irises.
When Isis wasn't looking, Set mouthed "Isis", and the men nodded. As one, they swarmed toward the queen like
flies to rotting meat. With apparent casualness, the throng of friends pushed the queen away from the coffin,
crowding in to gape at the box.
"I wish I could own that!" one man declared.
"Your Majesty appears very hopeful," a second commented.
"You might well say I am feeling a little that way," Osiris agreed, "I believe I am as hopeful as anyone in the room."
Set watched more men push Isis away from the coffin, swarming in to have a look at the gift that was to be for his
Good, he approved, I have separated the inseparable couple.
Lets begin! Set cried, to be answered by an uproarious cheer. The game starts now! Lets see which of you is the
ultimate champion of this treasure! Nekheb! You first!
Someone shoved an athletic man to the coffin. He managed to trip knees firstsomehowinto the coffin, earning
the crowds teasing laughter.
Knees first! someone crowed. Thats how you get in a coffin?
More laughter.
Awww! chorused the crowd as the man laid in the box, which was a full head and shoulders too big. Nice try!
Shaking his head, Nekheb stepped out of the coffin, and again tripped over his own feet, earning more jeers and
Howd you see adulthood, clumsy? someone cawed. Ive seen toddlers more steady than you!
Whos next? Nekheb wondered, and at once, a tall man, yet with narrow shoulders like a woman, marched
forward. He stomped flat-footed into the coffin, lying down.
Alas! the mob moaned. Alas!
If you cut your head off, youll fit! another yelled. Perfectly!
Grumbling, the tall man stompedflat-footed once moreback onto the floor.
You! What say you!
Nonot another loser!
And yougo on! We wont slam you in!
And so the game went on, and so the faade continued. Set was pleased to see that the more Isis struggled to reach
Osiris as the line thinned, the more she was shoved into the back of the crowd. His plan was working perfectly.


Isis and Osiris

Osiris watched without comment as seventy-two partiers dipped in and out of the box, faces ridged with
disappointment when they did not fit inside with perfection. He studied each face, hoping he would find a familiar
one amongst them. The contented smile that had pulled ever so subtly at one corner of his full lips now curved into a
consternated frown.
Strange, he pondered, so many here, and I dont know one face.
Only the feel of cool gold against his knee as he walked into the boxs side pulled him out of his thoughts. Set
appeared next to him, a warm hand on his shoulder. His smile was pleasant, but his dark eyes glimmered with
deeper, perhaps darker thoughts.
Your Majesty, Set said, What say you go in? You might just be the lucky winner.
Men behind him cheered on the king. Someone thumped him on the shoulder, another on his back.
Has Set not told them the king is not to be touched, for he is a god incarnate?
Nevertheless, the encouraging thumps on his back emboldened Osiris. His heart thumped as he gazed at the splendor
of the coffin glittering in the flickering orange light of a couple dozen torches lining the walls like miniature stars.
With dignity, Osiris carefully lifted one sandaled foot into the box, taking care not to knock the side. His ringencrusted hands gripped the rim of the container as he lowered himself inside. Crouching down, he shoveled
backward until his legs lay straight out in front of him. He crossed his crook and flail over his chest as he lay down,
his blue-and-gold Nemes head-cloth brushing the head of the coffin. His elbows touched the sides of the box, but it
did not feel tight.
It didnt hit him at first that he had won. His heart had convinced itself so thoroughly he would not win the prize.
His heart paused, considering the new reality: the prize was now his. To Osiris, it seemed as though the party held its
collective breath, waiting for his shout of victory.
I fit with perfection!
Osiris couldnt help a shout of laughter. He had actually won the casket! He had achieved the impossiblewho
would have thought that after seventy-two had failed to fit, that the king would? Unbelievable! A miracle! Shifting
the crook and flail into one hand, he pulled himself upright with the other.
It is with pleasure I announce that My Majesty has won this prize! Osiris declared, his bass voice reaching to the
fringes of the crowd. I have won! My queen! I have won!
Where was she?
Set elbowed his way to Osiris, clapping a hand on his shoulder. Yours! Hefty congratulations upon you, my king!
Thank you! Osiris said, breathless with excitement.
Sets dark eyes lost their warmth and turned to cold, glittering orbs. With malice in his expression, he leaned
forward, his voice hardly above a whisper.
And I thank you.


Isis and Osiris

Without warning, Set lunged forward, shoving his brother back down in the coffin. Osiris head bumped against the
side of the coffin, one hand jammed against his side. Set grabbed the crook and flail, pulling them from the kings
grip. Osiris attempted to grab them back, but Sets grip was too strong upon his shoulders and arms.
He touches the kings regalia!
What are you doing! Osiris cried, Is this a joke?
Oh Isis! Where are you!
Another man pinned down the kings legs, fingernails digging into his calves. Say hello to the new king! he
Set leaned close to Osiris, a hand moving over the kings mouth. You know you deserve this. Does the name
Nephthys remind you of anything? Anubis?
Osiris fought against him, strained to twist his hands out of his brothers grip. Osiris shocked eyes flailed from one
face to another, including Sets. Hapless and panicking, he attempted to shout, but all he managed were muffled
noises. He wriggled to no availthe coffin fit him too snugly. There was no escape.
Isis! Help me!
Get the lid! Set commanded.
Help me! Isis! My beloved!
Two more men lifted the lid, blind to Osiriss horrified expression. Helpless, he could only watch as Sets
companions flipped the lid onto the coffin.
Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.
The light disappeared. Without thinking, Osiris lifted his hands, pressing his palms against the underside of the lid,
straining to push upwards. It was no usehe was trapped inside the coffin.
Tricked! Tricked by my own brother!
He thumped his hands against the underside of the lid, his breathing shallow and rapid. Sweat began to bead on his
forehead, his heart raced as adrenaline pumped into his veins.
Set! Osiris screamed. Let me out! This isnt funny! Let me out at once!
Was that a scream he heard? A woman shrieking at Set? Surely that was his name she was shouting.
Osiris! Osiris! NO!
Silence Isis! Set roared.
A loud roar of magic crackled outside the enclosed coffinso potent and piercing it momentarily stunned Osiris.
Men shouted in pain and alarm; there were a few thuds as some hit the floor. Set roared in rage; Osiris felt a thump
on the coffins side like he had kicked it.
Isis! Osiris gasped inside the coffin. Isis I hear you! I am still alive! Come to me!


Isis and Osiris

Osiris kicked and hit the lid with all his might, all his instincts kicking in. He had to get out! Isis needed himher
shrieks and cries tore at his heart like a predator. Total darkness drowned his eyes in black, and yet he saw Sets face
as clear as day. His knuckles and toes bled and ached from the battering, but Osiris didnt care. He had to get out!
Osiris would waste no time in warning the gods as soon as he got out of this enclosed coffin.
Men! Take Isis away and imprison her in a cell before she awakes! Set shouted.
Theyd hurt Isis.
Set! Osiris roared. Ill have you for this! Thoth will know about this!
He heard Sets rumble of laughter. You! And Isis! The both of you! Teachers pets!
Do not insult Thoth! Osiris bellowed, slamming his toes against the lid, not caring about the extreme pain surging
from broken bones.
Outside the coffin, Sets companions roared in triumph and drunken revelry, not seeming to care that passers-by
might hear the noise and peek in.
Let them roar. Let them roar so passers-by will hear. The gods willing, they will see what is going on, and come to
their kings aideand to the queens rescue.
Quiet yourself, Osiris, Set drawled, Youll hurt yourself doing that.
Osiris slumped in exhaustion, energy depleted from his fight to escape the enclosed box. He simply lay there, eyes
staring into black. He heard the tumult outside and the cheers of triumph, but now he resigned himself to the truth.
He could do nothing.
Egypt will lose her king. She has lost her queen. May Ra watch over my kingdom.
With the knowledge of being unable to do a thing, now a strange calmness overtook him. His eyelids drooped, as
though drowsy from a severe lack of rest and sleep.
Isiscome help your loveoh Isis, I want youI need your helpso helplessbetrayedIve been betrayedmy
own brotherhow could he betray my trust? Betray us? Isis...
His eyelids growing heavier, Osiris weakly crossed his arms over his chest, hardly aware of a couple broken fingers;
the pain from his toes had numbed by now. He felt the stickiness of dried blood on his fingers and toes, but the king
no longer cared. Thinking he saw Isiss face in the dark, he reached weakly with a finger.
LoveIm in love
Osiris closed his eyes, a smile hovering briefly on his lips, his chest caving in its last breath. Minutes later, his heart
curled up and slept. Death consumed Egypts beloved king, leaving a queen and nation to lament.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Five


Isis and Osiris

Set and his bevy of companions heard no more thumps from inside the coffin, yet they hesitated. A man paused, his
goblet halfway to his lips, staring at Set to see what he would do next. A couple others rose from their stools at the
same time, their platter of figs forgotten. The men closest to the coffin huddled around the box, their ears sharp and
breaths abated. Set crouched down, pressing an ear against the coffins lid. He held up a hand to silence any
forthcoming words. Still no noise came from the container, not even the softest of thumps. Set felt the heat of eyes
boring into him as he stood up, shoulders swung back in complete confidence.
His Majesty is dead.
Set swung himself onto the coffins lid, the crook and flail gripped in one hand. Faces tilted upwards to gaze at him.
A man threw down his half-full goblet and knelt in respect. He glanced up at a friend next to him, who quickly
followed suit. A ripple effect followed as partiers fell to their knees to honour their new king. Set clacked the crook
and flail against each other in steady rhythm until the last partier too had bowed down to him. Yet, even from his
vantage point, he could tell that one man still hesitated, his prostrating not as convincing as the others.
Arise, friends! Set declared, Celebrate! I proclaim myself as your new king!
The mob, some members more drunk than others, arose, chanting their respect.
Long live the king! May he live long and prosper! Health to the new king!
Jubilation exploded in a spray of over-spilling goblets and drunken singing and music. A gleeful harpist played his
instrument, sounding more like he was playing any string his fingers happened to touch. Next to him, a flutist
screeched the highest notes possible, swaying off-balance as he played.
Long live the king! Long live the king!
Yet, even despite the boisterous revelry, one man, Nekhebstanding at the front of the crowdwasnt as enthused
as his companions. People jostled him about in all directions, their hands raised in the air. One man noticed his
hands remained at his sides, and grabbed one by the wrist, pulling his arm upward.
Join in the celebration! the man encouraged, Go on, Nekheb!
Nekheb decided to play along, just to keep on the new kings good side. Plastering the biggest grin he could muster
on his face, Nekheb played through the motions of celebration. Yet, his applause was near listless, and his smile
began fading fast. His eyes stared in the direction of Set, but he did not look at Osiris usurperbut rather, the coffin
We killed a king, Nekheb thought numbly, just so his brother could be king. Why?
ThenSet showed he had spotted Nekhebs lack of enthusiasm
YOU! Set roared, jabbing a finger in Nekhebs direction, you take this coffin down to the Nile! Shouldnt be too
hard with your muscles! Disperse, men, and dont be seen! If anyone asks questions, say you were celebrating a
returned hero and king!
Whats going to happen tomorrow morning, Nekheb thought fearfully, when everyone learns their beloved king is
dead? And that Set had ordered Queen Isis taken away? What lamentations the palace will awake to!
A sharp nudge in his ribs. Daydreamer!


Isis and Osiris

Huh? Nekheb blinked, just as someone shoved him forward toward the coffin. He could hear partiers stomping
back home.
Sets eyes bore down at Nekheb from above. Nekheb, you take this coffin down to the riverand get there before
the sun shows a hair above the eastern horizon. Now.
Nekheb gulped. If you step off the coffin, he squeaked.
Speak up!
Nekheb cleared his throat, getting down on one knee. If you step off the coffin, Your Majesty.
Ah look how he grovels! Set cackled, stepping off the coffin. How it warms my heart! Get to it, Nekheb. Heres
some rope.
Set tossed a length of rope to Nekheb.
Tie that around your waist and the coffin!
Nekheb did as he was told, fumbling as he tied the rope around the coffin, with the excess rope about his waist.
Remaining partiers sung drunkenly and laughed in triumph as Nekheb pulled the box, straining and sweating toward
the doorway.
Need some extra help, friend? someone offered.
Let him do it himself! Set shouted. He showed less enthusiasm for my troubles!
Nekheb swallowed. I was tired.
Tired! Pretty poor excuse! You better bow to your new king!
Suppressing a shudder, Nekheb dragged the coffin outside, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room, including
Set. King Set. The remaining five or six men swayed out the door, clapping their hands on the coffin as they
squeezed past, even when it was still halfway out the door. Nekheb stumbled, a sandal catching under the coffin.
Get up! Set ordered as he pulled Nekheb to his feet.
Nekheb squinted into the dark; the slivery crescent moon squinted right back at him. A harsh wind blew through the
mans hair and rippled his kilt about his legs. The hushed flow of the flooding river reached his ears.
Men! Set snapped at the remaining partiers, Go home to your wives and tell them what has happened, but do not
tell all. You know what I mean. Now go home!
All five menNekheb had counted them all nowbowed to Set and disappeared into the night. Now Set turned to
address Nekheb.
You know what will happen once King Osiriss coffin is out of Egypt? His poor little ba will never find its way
home. Set explained, and that is exactly what we want, isnt it? Now take that coffin with you while I see these
men home.
Nekheb bent his back, focussing his eyes on the sand as he dragged the coffin toward the whispering river. All his
muscles strained, and perspiration gleamed on his skin, as he pulled at the rope. He couldnt stop thinking about the
dead king inside.
Our king is dead. Our just and wise king lies in here


Isis and Osiris

Hours passed. His eyes drooped with severe fatigue, his body shivered in the cool air of those small hours between
night and day. Did he imagine the coffin becoming heavier with each pull? He shivered in the ringing quietness of
the coffins inhabitant. The silence tortured him with the harsh, brute truth: King Osiris, beloved by the people, had
gone forever. Still, if only he would wake up!
King Osiris! Stir, and tell me you awaken! I would let you out!
King Osiris he mumbled, knowing Osiris wouldnt hear, but didnt care, Im sorry. I know thats nothingbut
truly. I am.
Nekheb heard the sound of the river nearby. He surprised a few sleeping ibises by the bank. They woke up,
muttering at him for this disturbance of the peace. Whilst the other birds shuffled away to a quieter spot, one of them
hopped on the coffin. Nekheb recalled that ibises were the viziers symbol. He had no idea if they were messengers
to the god, but he had to give it a go. He owed it to King Osiris.
Ibis, listen, Nekheb told the bird, but it continued preening its feathers, go tell the Vizier, Thoth, the king lies
dead in a coffin thrown into the river.
The ibis continued preening its feathers, apparently unperturbed by the moving coffin. A few minutes later, it opened
its wings and flapped away.
As his feet sunk in the slush of the Nile bank, Nekheb prayed that no crocodiles or hippos waited underfoot. The last
thing he wanted was a hippo lumbering toward him, ready with cavernous mouth to snap him in two. Nor did he
want a crocodiles powerful jaws grabbing his leg, dragging him under the Niles surface.
The black mud sucked at the coffin with invisible fingers; it was too much now for his strained body to handle.
Exhausted beyond measure, Nekheb allowed himself to collapse on the coffins side. He leaned his head on the lid,
closing his eyes. Even though the king lay dead, it still comforted him to know he was nearby.
Just a few moments
Two sharp smacks on his face woke him from slumber with a startled yell.
Put the coffin in the Nile! shouted Set, spit spraying Nekhebs face.
With a jolt of adrenaline, Nekheb jumped to his feet, untying the rope bound around his waist. It took all his strength
on an empty stomach to push the coffin into the edge of the rivers waters.
Stop taking your time! Set thundered.
But Nekheb drew himself to full height, preparing himself to face Sets anger. He would stand up for King Osiris
one last time.
My King is dead! he shouted, I do not care if the river gods see, for an honourable man has suffered a
dishonourable death!
The new kings eyes blazed with rage. I could order your execution for your impudence. Or you can send yourself
to the crocodiles. Your choice.
I have made up my mind.


Isis and Osiris

Nekheb shoved as hard as he could until the coffin toppled over the bank and crashed into the water. He expected it
to sink, but instead it floated like a duck. In no time, the fast-flowing currents carried the coffin away from the two
men. The rivers strength demanded respect, for to it, the coffin was no heavier than an empty flax basket. Nekhebs
heart felt as though it was ripped out of his chest with the coffin. He yearned to go with it to know the king would
remain safe. He wanted to know that all would be all right in the end, and that the river would carry him gently to a
safer home.
Goodbye, King Osiris, Nekheb murmured, his head bowed, Long live the king.
With one swoop, he dove into the Nile River, straight into a crocodiles path. Better to die than to live his life guilty
of regicide.
For Osiris would always be his King even in death.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Six


Isis and Osiris

The sleeping goddess woke with a start as Set stormed into the room. Rubbing her eyes, she squinted against bright
morning light. Framed in the doorway was her husband, Set, backlit by the rising sun.
Whatwhat is it, Set? Nephthys asked, suppressing a yawn.
Set ripped the sheet off her and dragged her to a standing position, kissing her fully on the lips.
What joy is it that he kisses me?
Congratulate yourself, Nephthys! Set crowed, For now you are queen!
Nephthys breath caught in her throat. How could she be queen? Had Set drunk too much at the party and now didnt
know what he had just said? She couldnt be queen; Osiris and Isis were both immortal.
What do you mean? she rasped.
Set laughed. What do you mean, what do you mean?
Osiris and Isis are immortal, Nephthys said.
Not anymore!
Whatyou mean Nephthys voice quavered, not wanting to believe it.
The king died unexpectedly, Set said, voice sorrowful, fortunately we had someone who had a spare coffin to put
him in.
Nephthys shrugged out of Sets grasp, stepping back.
Osiris isnt dead. He cant be!
Set shook his head, drawing something out from behind his back.
No, look.
Set held up Osiris crook and flail.
Nono! OsirisIsisgone?
This is the moment you have been waiting for! Set exalted, not seeing his wifes dampening eyes, To be queen!
But Nephthys voice cracked, her lips dry, But I dont want to be queen.
Nothing can be done, Nephthys. Accept it as it isyou are my Great Royal Wife now.
Nephthys wrung her hands, her breath coming in short spurts. She knew something had gone horribly wrong last
night. Despite knowing that Sets explanation would, at best, be vague, she had to ask anyway.
How did Osiris die? And wheres Isis?
Set waved a hand. Details, Nep.
His wife took his hand, tears now streaming down her cheeks. I want to know, she pleaded, voice quiet.
Set wrenched his hand from her grasp, exasperated. Fine! Osiris is dead, and Isis is imprisoned. Happy now?
Nephthys face blanched as she stumbled backwards into the wall behind her, her chest constricted with unshed
tears. Clutching a hand to her bosom, she slid down to the floor, shoulders shaking with her tears.
I dont want to go to the palace! Nephthys sobbed into her knees, I dont want to be queen.
Set grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. If I say you will be queen, you will be queen.


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys magic stirred in her. Summoning her grief and desperation, she spat burning breath right into Sets face.
He smacked her across the face in retaliation, one hand held to his reddening cheek and forehead.
Youre behaving very naughty this morning, Nephthys, Set condescended, Maybe it is best you dont come with
me till youre ready to show some good behaviour.
With those last words, he strode out, leaving Nephthys alone in her corner to wail on her lonesome. Her king lay
dead and her queen imprisoned, and no-one was around to comfort her. Never in her life did she feel so alone. She
had no one here but her own company. No one to tell her Isis would be all right, or that Osiris would be properly
buried so his bahis soulcould journey past the Western Horizon. After a time, Nephthys wailing settled down
into sniffles as she leaned her head back on the wall behind her, eyes closed.
Osiris, where are you now? Nephthys whispered. Where is your ba? Where is Isis? Does the palace know?
Wiping her nose with her hand, she stood up, leaning against the wall for support. A new thought, one she wouldnt
have dared speak of to Set, entered her head: she had to be there for those in mourning. She had always felt a
connection with mournersit was her destiny, Thoth had told her once, to be a guide for those in lamentation.
Nephthys pulled out her best dress, which wasnt saying much. It was drab, grey, and not at all becoming of her.
With new resolve, she pulled on the dress, not caring how it looked on her. She had found her resolve, her
compassion for mourners stirring in her soul.
I need to tell them, she thought, I need to get to the palace before Set. I need to be there
Without a heartbeats further hesitance, Nephthys transformed into her kite form and flew straight out the door, not
giving the dilapidated hut another glance.
Her birds screeches echoed through the first valley; people paused in their tracks to listen to the haunting, shrill
cries. How could a bird sound so human? Several peasants kept staring as the kite landed on the ground,
transforming into her human form in less time than an eyes blink.
Who are you? demanded a peasant.
Nephthys drew herself tall, her shaking hands clasped out of sight behind her back.
I have to do this; I have to tell themI have to be there.
I am here to tell you: the king has passed away.
Another peasant approached Nephthys, What of the queen?
Nothing is known of her fate. Nephthys said, to the peasants disappointment.
The peasants wifes two children began crying, clinging onto their shuddering mother. Eyes lowered in Nephthys
presence, the man turned and wrapped his arms around his family, calling to nearby villagers of the news from the
goddess of mourning. Lamentations for Osiris echoed through the valley, spreading out to the towns as Nephthys
flew again in her kite form, desperately flying for the palace. Women threw sand in their hair, tore at their clothes,
and rocked with lamentation. Children clung onto their relatives, tears tracking down their faces. Men held wailing
children and wives in their arms, their work forgotten. People ran to and fro in confusion, calling the news to anyone
they saw. A group of carpenters looked up from their work, a water carrier stopped to listen to the grieving, and a
pair of musicians stopped mid-song and immediately began a funeral hymn.


Isis and Osiris

Set arrived at the palace first. In the glow of the rising sun, the mud-brick palace gleamed as glorious as ever.
Flowers had already begun unfolding their petals to embrace the face of a new day. Gardeners quietly tended to the
ponds and plant life as frogs croaked tentatively and birds chirruped in the ears of those whom detested mornings.
Insects darted over plants, warming their wings up after a night of inactivity. None of the gardeners seemed to notice
Set marching boldly to the palace entrance where two guards stood.
Set! called a guard, narrowing his eyes, What brings you here at this hour?
Have you seen the King or Queen? Set asked.
Were still expecting them, the second guard replied, But they have not returned.
Set brandished the crook and flail in each hand, clanking them once. Both guards recoiled, eyes wide as they stared
at the crook and flail. Then, as one, they pointed their spears at Set, mouths curling in suspicion.
That is the kings regalia! the second guard growled, spittle spraying over his bottom lip.
Your king is dead, thats why he hasnt returned! Set revealed.
The two guards froze, looking up at Set in disbelief.
You not telling lies?
No lies, royal guards of King Osiris. Allow me into the palace, for I claim the throne.
Where is the queen? the second guard demanded.
Set forced a mystified expression at the question.
Probably still with her beloveds coffin. Set guessed in an off-hand manner.
Where is the coffin?
Let me in the palace, and no more questions, guard!
Shoving past the two guards with their crossed spears and wooden-frame shields, Set marched into the entranceway
of the palace. Servants stared, open-mouthed, as he passed them, the throne in his mind with each step. Many eyes
stared as he marched in the direction of the throne room where the king received his daily visitors.
Wheres the King and Queen! someone demanded from a room.
Why have you come in here? a weaver demanded, looking up from her work.
You carry the Kings regalia! someone shouted with great indignance.
Set ignored the various shouts and demands coming at his ears from all directions.
Let them ask. Theyll learn soon enough what happened to their oh-so-generous king!
At long last, he reached the throne room where King Osiris once sat, listening to overseers reports and various
ambassadors requests. Pulling aside the linen curtain, the usurper strolled through the archway and into the large
throne room.
Now I will sit here in King Osiris place, at last, Set rejoiced, And with a Great Royal Wife, beautiful and plump, at
my side. Now to revel in the glory of this receiving room, knowing this palace is now mine.
Walking around the room, Set touched statues, examined figurines, and let treasure spill through his fingers. Dozens
of carefully sealed papyrus scrolls formed pyramids of knowledge along one of the walls.


Isis and Osiris

No doubt containing studies from as far back as childhood! Set scoffed, And who knows how many records from
their oh-so-prosperous reign.
Set didnt care much for the glorious depictions of nature splashed over the floor; he would replace that soon enough
with pictures of captured enemies and foreigners. The graceful grey herons and ibises flying out of papyrus clumps
would be replaced with the long-suffering faces of bound captives, while the glorious paintings of the palace
gardens would be converted into the faces of defeated neighbours. The walls white plaster was decorated with
plenty of wildlife. Striding geese, graceful herons, solemn ibises, vivid green papyrus clumps, fragrant-looking
lotuses, and vibrant gardens sung of the wonders of nature. Above him, the ceiling fluttered with flocks of pigeons,
butterflies, and kites that seemed to glide from one corner of the room to the other. It was perfectionat least for
Isis and Osiris. It moved the hearts of many who gazed upon the ceiling, floor, and walls burgeoning with pictures of
nature that looked about to come alive at any moment. Sets heart, however, hardened and refused to melt under the
gaze of flying birds, grazing cattle, and silvery fish.
How so very boring, Set groused, I intend to make this a more interesting place.
Averting his eyes from the scenes of nature, he approached the two empty thrones, one of which would be
Nephthysif she ever came at all. A papyrus scroll lay on one of the seats. Set scowled at it, ignoring the tall
painting of a flower planted between the two golden thrones.
Probably some sweet nothings. Typical. Set thought as he grabbed the scroll and flung it across the room at a small
pile of pottery. The clay shards of one vase scattered across the ground, the carefully sculpted form gone forever. Set
smiled. That was what he did to Isis and Nephthys hearts. Their forms had been shattered by grief, coloured by their
screams of sorrow.
My throne. Set crooned, touching the golden armrest of one throne. Within a heartbeat, he turned around and
eased himself into the seat, craving its comfort and spaciousness.
A ray slipped over a jewel out of the corner of his eye. Set turned his head, intrigued by this new discovery. The
twinkle had come from beside Isiss chair; somehow, hed never noticed the stool next to her throne until now.
Standing up, Set moved to Isis chair, staring at the little trinkets carefully placed on the stools surface. His nose
wrinkled in distaste when he realised when those trinkets had passed into Isis hands. They had been lovingly gifted
to Isis and Osiris on their crowning day, when they became the king and queen of all Egypt. Nephthys, of course,
had been there, as had many others across the pantheon and the mortal world.
Perfect to sell to anyone who will buy, Set mused, but what if they returned to the palace by chance? No, they must
be destroyed.
Set scooped up the immortal lotus, Osiris gift to his beloved Isis on the self-same day. Disgusted, he dumped it on
the floor, right on top of a drawing of a swarm of bees around their beehive.
Osiris! You are no more! he shouted, stamping his foot on the lotus. To his relief, it wilted and looked sad; but
even the foot attack didnt seem to kill it.


Isis and Osiris

Ill throw you in the Nile. Set growled at the lotus, kicking it away. Brows knitted, he turned his attentions to the
other treasures. Cupping a hand, he scooped the rest onto the floor. Raising his foot, he stamped on the trinkets, the
crunch filling him with satisfaction. He dug in his heel, twisting his foot to and fro to mulch the pieces until they
were beyond repair.
You. Are. No. More! he raged, you will never rise against me! Never! I am the king now!
Shocked voices and running footsteps pounded outside the doorway, a large boulder of shadows looming behind the
linen curtain.
I have never heard our King in such a rage! someone commented.
It doesnt sound like King Osiris
Its not his voice I heardo you not agree, Miu?
Panting hard, Set looked down at his handiwork. The feather jewel was snapped in two, the tear-drop jewel was
broken in three, and the papyrus scroll was shattered into many pieces. But he didnt carenow he could hear the
shouts of confused and shocked men and women. He shouldnt have been so hasty and angry, but his rage had
blinded him to reason, completely forgetting that people would quickly notice a new person in the palace. The
guards likely had told a few people of last nights tragedy. Knowing he could not back away from the people now,
Set clambered back onto Osiris throne, relishing the feel of the crook and flail as he crossed them over his chest.
Then, a new voice, a females, shaking with emotion, even as the linen curtain was torn to one side by several hands.
People gasped, covered mouths in disbelief and shock.
NoSet, no!
Set gaped in surprise. Her familiar face, still wrought from sorrow, wore an expression of horror as her eyes roved to
the destroyed treasures once belonging to her sister.
Well, well, look whos here, he gloated to himself, Nephthys has finally decided to be queen.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Seven


Isis and Osiris

Instantaneous outrage. A wall of fury swarmed into the room, all pointing fingers, balled fists, teeth-baring snarls,
and a chorus of shouts. A man jumped forward, shoulders hunched as he faced the new king.
How dare you sit on his throne! the man roared.
Where is our king! a young woman yelled.
What is the meaning of this? wondered a willowy, middle-aged woman to her friend.
Who do you think you are? an old man demanded, waving his cane in the air.
Set stood up, balling his fists on the arms of the throne. Quiet!
The mob refused to be silenced, hands reaching for this strange new king.
You sit on his throne! a priest of Amun-Ra shouted.
Out, usurper, out! chanted a couple of weaving women.
Get out before the king returns! ordered a fan-bearer.
You will stir the queens anger! warned another priest.
The crowd stopped moving forward as the men and women at the front reached the base of the dais, Nephthys
amongst them. Set glared down at them, refusing to be swayed or frightened by their outrage.
Let them shout, let them shout, Set told himself, best to get it out of their systems.
Set drummed his fingers on the golden armrest, counting to three before his impatience muffled his better
Enough of this!
Without moving his lips, Set uttered an incantation in his heart. Out of nowhere, through the high windows and the
door, a whirlwind of sand cascaded around the crowd like a dust-storm. The mob fell back, crying out as the sand
stung their bare skin and itched in their eyelids. Only Nephthys remained unaffected by the sandstorm, standing with
head bowed at the dais foot, but never moving to sit on the empty throne that once belonged to Isis.
Thena warning shout from the back of the small mob of officials, servants, and priests.
The Vizier Thoth is here! He wishes to speak to he who sits on the throne of Osiris!
People shifted aside, pushing against each other to let Thoth through to the front of the throng. Just like the rest of
the crowd, he too clutched his fists and never took his eyes off the new king. Set gritted his teeth. It would be
impossible tell a white lie or two to this one.
I will get rid of Thoth soon enough, Set assured himself, Ill replace him with someone else I can trust.
Set studied the armchair of his new throne with a casual air, Why good morning, Vizier.
The god of wisdom drew himself to full height, eyes challenging, not seeming to notice Nephthys edging closer to
him as though seeking his protection.
Where is Osiris? Thoth demanded, And Isis?
Set didnt answer, now studying his fingernails. They needed cleaninghe could see little grits of sand under the
I asked you a question, Thoth insisted, his voice hard, And I expect you to answer it.
Set leaned back in the chair, back straight.


Isis and Osiris

May as well tell them all now.

I declare to you here this morning, Set boomed, the King Osiris is dead.
The two weavers uttered little shrieks, their hands clasped over their mouths. A priest of Amun bowed his head,
bringing a shaking hand to his eyes. A woman collapsed into her loves arms, her wails speaking for all those present
in the receiving room. The lover clasped her in his arms, planting kisses and dropping tears into her thick wig. A
musician turned and whispered to her equally pale-looking companion.
Now that they know, lets get on with business.
Set turned his attention from the mourning crowd back to Vizier Thoth. He mentally rolled his eyes when he saw
that Thoth had put a consoling hand on Nephthys shoulder. But his eyes had never wandered from Set. If he grieved
at all for the king, he never allowed Set to see his sorrow.
And what of Queen Isis? Thoth demanded.
Gone too. Set said in an ambiguous tone.
Set was secretly pleased to see the vizier sway slightly on the spotambiguity had its joyful moments.
Youve killed the queen too? Thoth managed.
The two weavers uttered high keening wails, falling into each others arms, their shoulders heaving.
Not precisely, Set said, Shes around somewhere. Set paused to relish in the stunned atmosphere of tears and
numb shock. Now he waved a dismissive hand at Thoth and Nephthys. Doesnt matter what you doyoull never
see them again! For the love of Amun-Ra, stop your weeping, Nephthys! You are a queen nowyou must exercise
Osiris! Nephthys wailed, Osiris! The peoples man!
The peoples man! others in the crowd echoed. Our Osiris! Our King! Our true king!
Nephthys stared up at Set, sniffling, her eyes red and swollen. The crowd held their breath as Set stood up and
slowly advanced toward her and Thoth.
Stop riling up the womenfolk and come to me.
Arms crossed over her belly, fingers gripping at her upper arms, Nephthys shifted her feet over the first step of the
dais, until at last, she stood in front of her unloved husband. Set wagged a finger in her face, his voice soft enough so
only she could hear him.
I will deal with you once I dismiss these people. Set threatened Nephthys.
The new queen swallowed hard, not even daring to look Set in the eye.
Dismissed! Set ordered the people, You all go cry somewhere where I cant hear!
Grumbling, but unable to disobey their new king, the crowd disappeared through the linen curtains, their shadows
beating against the filmy cloth as they walked away. In the end, only the vizier, Nephthys, and Set remained inside
the lavish room.
Of course Thoth wont leave his dear Nephthys side!
Go! Set waved his hand at the vizier.


Isis and Osiris

I will leave, but I will still keep an eye and ear on you, Thoth warned, For you have disposed of the queen and
king, the children of Nut and Geb.
I have ordered you to leave! Now do it!
Thoths sandaled feet glided over the rippled pond, stepping over the artistic trees and gardens etched on the floor.
The curtain rippled as the vizier pushed it aside and walked out. Once his footsteps had faded away, Set took
Nephthys hands in his, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
So you finally came! Set crowed, now sweeping an arm toward Isis chair. Welcome to your new thronenow
get on your sisters throne, so I may admire you as queen. Are you happy?
Set watched as Nephthys settled down, her back slouched forward, and shoulders rounded.
Ah sit up straighter, Nephthys, Set chided, You are a queen after all.
Nephthys pulled back her shoulders, straightening her neck, but her fingers bunched handfuls of her dress in her lap.
Her eyes started intently at the ceiling, as though every one of the birds had caught her fascination.
She doesnt want to look at me, Set guessed, Nephthys would sooner wish not to be queen. She has no say in the
matter. She sits up as a queen would, nevertheless.
Ah yes, my queen, you are beautiful and radiant. Set praised, reaching a finger to tenderly pin back some of her
hair behind her ear. Still she did not utter a word.
Youre very quiet, Nephthys.
The goddess stayed quiet, sitting rigidly in the chair. Once again, Set attempted to convince her of the palaces
This feels good. Very good. Set said, stroking the armrests of his new throne, Yes, I now can see why Osiris
wanted to be king forever. These thrones are highly comfortable, are they not, dear queen?
Nephthys eyes had glazed over as she studied the birds on the ceiling.
Set waved a hand at her. Anyone home over there?
His wife jumped, blinking big, round eyes at him. Yes, itsits very nice. Nephthys stammered, An excellence
in comfort.
Just what Id thought youd say! Set exalted, before frowning in dissatisfaction. Fewer big words next time,
Yes, fewer big words. Nephthys agreed, Makes our conversations much simpler.
Set sharply clapped his hands, once. Immediately, several assistants came rushing in, bowing to their new King.
Get my craftsmen out here and order them to make me a new Atef crown. Set ordered. Tell them to work as fast
as possible, lest they see themselves impaled outside the Temple of Amun!
The men bowed so low they smacked their foreheads on the floor. Their respects paid, they scuttled out of the room
like fish hounded by a hungry heron.
Yes, Your Majesty! the men chorused, On to it at once!
Satisfied, Set allowed a smile to crawl over his mouth, reaching to his eyes. There was no denying it now, not with
Nephthys at his side, and his body embraced by the comfort of a kings throne. Soon, he would wear the crown
Osiris had once adorned. With it on his head, and the crook and flail in his hands, the image would be complete.


Isis and Osiris

I am Egypts King.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Eight


Isis and Osiris

As the god of knowledge, Thoth easily deduced the real story, even if Set would never admit it; he had killed King
Osiris, and though he doubted he had done away with Isiswho knew what had happened to her.
Shes our most powerful goddess in the pantheon, Thoth reminded himself, shed be able to escape, whatever
He didnt claim to be able to see the future, but he knew that his days as Vizier were numbered. Any day, Set would
dismiss his services and replace him with another vizier, robbing Nephthys of the last person in the palace she could
trust with her heart. She needed someone to trust and talk to, and clearly, Thoth filled that role.
Four days later, Thoth was called to the receiving room where Set and Nephthys reclined, the new King and Great
Royal Wife. He bowed as respectfully to Set as he would have to King Osiristhere was no sense in quickening the
day he would be dismissed as Vizier.
Vizier Thoth.
Thoth straightened up, watching as Set leaned forward, hands on knees. Beside him, Nephthys bit her lower lip,
Yes, King Set. Thoth responded, I am here for your orders.
The king clapped his hands twice at his Fan-bearer on the Right.
Bring him in! Set ordered.
The ostrich fan clattered to the ground as the assistant sprinted to attend to Sets orders. Before long, the fan-bearer
returned with an athletic-looking man with a raised scar running down his shoulder.
Here is my new Vizier, ex-vizier Thoth! Set boomed, Now your services are no longer required!
What? Nephthys squeaked, staring at Set, who just ignored her. She looked like shed start crying any moment.
Thoth struggled to remain calm. I see you have replaced me with a new vizier. I wish you well.
What do you mean, I wish you well? Set demanded.
That he will direct the overseers with wisdom and intelligence.
I dont need wisdom and intelligence to reign my own land! Set snapped, and then hesitated. Intelligence
perhaps, but wisdom? No.
Very well. Thoth said, bowing to the new king once again, But one more request.
Set sighed. Fine. Out with it.
I might speak to Queen Nephthys one more time.
My queen? Set asked, You want to talk to my Queen Nephthys?
Yes, just for a short time.
Set looked over at Nephthys, looking her up and down critically. She clasped her hands tightly in her lap.
You may. Ask her what you have to ask.
Thoth shook his head. No, I want to talk with her privately. This concerns only the queen, Your Majesty.
No, youre going to help her find Isis arent you? Set guessed, And then help her look for Osiris coffin at the


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys snapped her head round to look at Set, staring at him in disbelief.
You did. You killed our brother.
It was an accident!
No god can be killed by accident! Thoth interrupted, Now you have revealed the secrets of Osiris whereabouts,
it is clear
Set snapped his fingers; at once, a guard took the vizier by the arm, but Thoth easily wrenched his limb out of the
mans grasp.
The queen knows now too. Thoth said, trying not to tremble with rage, And her beloved sister Isis is missing, but
has probably escaped by now. You should have rememberedIsis is the strongest
With a shout of rage, Set blasted an incantation at Thoth, who muttered a counter spell without flinching.
You forget, Set: I am also powerful of magical strength, second only to Isis. Thoth said calmly.
His assistants and guards staring, Set now stood up, hands raised above his head. With a shout, he sharply lowered
his hands as he spoke another incantation. Nephthys leaped up, darting in front of Set, so now she took on the full
blast. She collapsed to the ground at Sets feet, unconscious. Thoth exercised all his willpower to resist rushing to
her side. Set snapped his fingers at a nearby guard.
You, take the queen away. She has fainted.
Two guards took the limp body in their arms and carried her away. Thoth watched as they disappeared through the
linen curtain. Set glared at Thoth.
Get out of my sight, now. Set turned to the new vizier. Iahhotep, welcome to your role as the new Vizier.
Iahhotep bowed, Yes, my king.
Iahhotep climbed the dais to the throne, standing at Sets right hand.
You are dismissed, vizier of Osiris, Set said, pointing a hand toward an exit. Get out and never come back to the
palace again.
Thoth bowed one last time. Yes, Your Majesty. I regret not being able to speak with the queen, but it is as you
Without another word, the god exited the throne room, knowing he wouldnt see it again for a long time. But he had
to find the queen, speak to her one last time. Nephthys would be upset to see him go, he knew. She had always
depended on the protection of other people she trusted. He was in luck: the two men carrying the queen to her
chambers were now turning a corner.
Guards! Thoth called; they stopped.
Who is it? the guard with his back to Thoth queried.
I wish to speak to the queen.
You again, Vizier of Osiris, is it? the second guard guessed, shaking his head.
When the queen regains consciousness
A small movement from Nephthys caught Thoths eye; she was recovering consciousness again. The guards did not
appear to notice a thing.
Whatwhats going on? she mumbled.


Isis and Osiris

Put her down, Thoth ordered, And let me speak to her alone, before I leave the palace for good.
One assistant narrowed his eyes at Thoth. No way will you speak to her alone. Well stay by, lest you have your
way with the kings wife.
Thoths hands balled into fists. That is the last thing I would ever do. She is like a daughter to me, and the king
knows it.
The other assistant laughed. Nice work there. You almost convinced us.
Caught off-guard, the assistants didnt notice Nephthys struggling to get out of their grasp.
She is conscious, Thoth pointed out, She may wish to speak with me.
The assistants frowned down at the queen, who tried to squirm out of their grip. Easing herself out of their hands,
she crumpled to the floor. Now the guards stared down at her, looking unsure what to do next. Thoth rushed to the
queen, helping her to her feet. She was still a little shaky, her hands clinging onto Thoths arm.
Go, Nephthys said to the guards, voice hovering above a whisper, I want to speak with Thoth alone.
We do not trust him, one guard insisted.
I trust him, and King Osiris trusted him. Go.
They bowed mockingly low. Yes, Your Majesty.
Snickering, the two men stalked away, but their silhouettes did not go farther than the end of the hallway. Thoth
knew he had to be discreet with his words.
Queen Nephthys,
No, dont call me Queen Nephthys, she pleaded, looking on the verge of breaking down, I am no queen like Isis.
I am no leader of the country.
You dont think so?
She shook her head, staring at the ground.
You are a goddess of mourners; Thoth reminded her quietly, The whole palace knows you mourn for the king.
They do?
It is clear the king does not mourn, but you do. I think you can be a leader to them, if you stayed discreet.
Nephthys shook her head, eyes pleading. I cannotSet will know; he will be angry at me.
Taking her by the elbow, Thoth led her to a nearby window, away from the two eavesdroppers.
Listen, as long as Set is not nearby, and you are with the women, you can mourn with them. You are destined to be
a patron goddess of mourners, have I not told you that when you were a child still?
Yesyes you have.
And do you feel it is your destiny, your path?
She nodded.
Then you are a leader. Thoth encouraged, You will lead them as the first mournersthe mourners of King
I am no leader, she insisted, I can only seem to lead mourners, but I cant lead an entire country!
The country needs you


Isis and Osiris

Tears leaked from her eyes as she shook her head, I neverwantedto be a queen. Thatsthats Isisnot me!
Andshes goneandandyouve been dismissed. Ill have no one! Youre the only one I trust here!
Nephthys rushed to Thoth, hugging him desperately. Her shoulders shook with sobs as she buried her face in his
My queen, I feel you do not see yet you are a leader in other ways, Thoth told her, The palace will, at least for
now, want to be comforted by the presence of a queen who too mourns for Osiris and Isis.
I...I want to look for Osiris! she sobbed. I want to see Isis again!
So do I, Thoth agreed, But you can join her after youve been here for some time.
But I dont want to stay here she sniffled, I know they know I mourn, but how long should I mourn with
Youre the one wholl begin the mourning tradition, Nephthys. You decide.
I dont know! Seventy days? Long enough for you?
Seventy daysperfect.
Yes, seventy days. No more, no fewer, then you go help Isis search for Osiris. Thoth quickly calculated how many
days had already passed. This is the fifth day since his death.
Nephthys let go of him, wiping her eyes. Great. Thats sixty-five days left.
The days will pass soon enough.
Itll feel like forever with Set around, immortal or not. Nephthys sniffled.
Youll be just fine, Thoth promised, I know Nut and Geb will look over you.
She managed a watery smile. I dont talk to them often.
No? Thoth said, surprised, Perhaps you ought to, just so you know theyre there with you at this time, even when
Im gone. Will you promise me to do this? They will be mourning the loss of King Osiris too.
I promise. I will.
Thoth put an arm around her shoulders. Good, my queen. Im afraid I must leave you now, but I will stay in the
Duat, and keep an eye on whats going on up here in the mortal realm. If ever you need anything, you ask Nut and
Geb, and they will relay it to me.
This palace wont be the same without you, Nephthys confided, I have a feeling I wont be the only one feeling
the same.
No you wont, but be there for them.
The sound of voices and pounding footsteps grabbed the pairs attention. Both heard the two guards complaining to
colleagues about Thoths refusal to leave the palace. Not wanting to waste any more time, Thoth moved to the
window, preparing to escape in ibis form.
Keep strong, my queen, and find strength in your soul.
Thank you, Vizier Thoth. Nephthys said quietly, turning away as he transformed into ibis form, a tear glistening
on her cheek.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Nine


Isis and Osiris

Time passed without pause or pattern as Isis wove without sleep in her little cell. An hour passed with each weave
on the loom. As the sun and moon merged in the sky with the passing days, Isis memory slipped away. She still
remembered her scream, Osiris shouts for help, Sets laughter, and the desert dwellers who were his friends.
Faceless, bearded men pushing her to the back of the crowd, until an unseen hand rendered her unconscious. When
she came to, Set had been waiting for her eyes to open, to acknowledge his triumphant sneer.
Weave for Osiris, he had hissed, pushing her to the loom, You will weave a shroud for him under my bidding.
Isis did not struggle, for her magical powers hibernated, hiding under a boulder of sorrow. Whatever incantation Set
uttered, Isis had no energy to resist.
Weave her heart whispered, ensnared by Sets magic, weave just weave for Osiris.
Hollowness emptiness in her heart and belly. Like someone scooped out her insides and placed them in canopic
jars. She knew not hunger, for how could she with no stomach?
Weave weave the strands of Osiris drummed her heart.
Her heart fractured, hairline cracks appearing on its surface with each beat. Her head ached; her eyes itched from
ceaseless tears and sleeplessness. How long before she finished? Set wanted her to weave for Osiris. Yet, he never
came in to check up on her. Nor did Isis think of escaping to look for her husband. Grief too strong. Her Osiris gone.
Deicide. Fratricide. Regicide.
Where is his Ba?
Isis froze, her hands in mid-weave.
Has Set returned?
She didnt move, straining toward the click of the lock. The door scraped along the ground as someone pushed it
open. A mans voice snapped an impatient incantation, slamming the door against the opposite wall.
I know youre here, Set.
Despite the weight of fatigue, Isis prepared her heart to utter a counter-spell.
You can outmanoeuvre me with seventy men, but not alone.
Anyone in here?
Isis dropped her hands in her lap, wanting to weep with gratitude at hearing Thoths voice.
Im in here, she croaked.
Pounding footsteps heralded the Viziers entrance, where he stopped short at the sight of Isis at the weaving loom.
Queen Isis! You are alive!
Isis wanted to stand up to greet him, but exhaustion nailed her feet to the ground. A tear of fatigued relief trickled
over one cheekbone. She reached out a hand to Thoth, beckoning him to her.
Thank you she whispered.
The Vizier clasped her outstretched hand in both of his, warm and comforting. She kissed his hand, gratitude in her
gesture. His hands squeezed hers with unspoken consolation.
I am at a loss of words, Thoth admitted, for what can I say to a queen who has lost her beloved?


Isis and Osiris

Isis raised her head, Your comfort means more than words can say, Vizier.
Face crumpling from sorrow, she embraced him, her forehead leaning on his shoulder, crying for her lost husband.
His arms wrapped around her shoulders, the soothing embrace of a close friend. Here, in the presence of her lifelong
mentor, Isis felt the weight of sorrows fatigue, her eyes closing for a minute with sudden drowsiness. She now had
someone to share her grief with.
Even a queen needs comfort
Isis wiped her eyes as she parted from his embrace. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the shape of the halfwoven shroud still hanging on the loom.
It was Set, Thoth, she explained, inclining her head at the woven shroud, He wanted me to weave a shroud for
Now too weary to weep anymore, Isis lowered her head, covering her face with trembling hands.
I miss him Isis said into her hands.
I miss King Osiris too, Queen Isis, Thoth said thickly, a hand still on her shoulder, But you must escape and
search for him.
Isis gazed at him from between her fingers. How long has it been?
Five days.
Five? Isis dropped her hands in her lap. Tell me youre exaggerating.
Thoths expression became grimmer. Five days, my queen. Set has seized the throne, with Nephthys as his queen,
Carry onwhat else has happened?
I am no longer vizier.
Thats good, isnt it? Isis asked.
Whod want to be Sets Vizier?
Yes and no. I will see what will happen as he reigns, but only the man he has selected as his vizier can advise him.
There must be something you can do! Isis cried, You are most powerful in magic!
Royal succession can be just as potent.
Not if I can help it.
How is Nephthys faring? Isis asked, worried for her dear sister.
She is not happy to be queen
Then I must go to her. If only I hadnt been so caught off-guard Isis regarded the loom with a look of disgust.
It is strange, Thoth, its as if the loom ensnared me. Osiris occupied my heart every day. I kept hearing his screams
for helpthe way the people cheeredthe coffin slamming shutoh my poor sister! To be queen of a murderer. Is
she here?
She is at the palace.
Before Isis could protest, Thoth told her the whole story, of how she needed to stay to show the people that their
queen mourned Osiris. Isis wished Nephthys could have come, regardless of what the people needed.
Youre not happy with the decision. Thoth guessed.


Isis and Osiris

Isis again dropped her head in her hands. I wish she could be here! I know she loved Osiris too.
Isis, I promise you will see her again, Thoth reassured, But for now, you must look for the coffin. Osiris must be
found, or his ba will be lost on its journey past the western horizon.
And I must go so alone?
You know what I told Nephthys? Thoth asked. Geb and Nut, your father and mother, will be with you always.
But most importantly, your love, your Osiris needs you. He needs you to find him, to restore him to life. You know
that, I know that. We must move with haste, for Set had the coffin thrown into the Nile.
Her resolve to find the coffin hardened, Isis stood up, only to swoon from the effects of five days without sleep and
food. Legs threatening to collapse, she leaned against Thoth, who steadied her.
Have you eaten or slept? Thoth queried.
No Isis confessed, her eyelids heavy. No, not for five nights
Then before you get out of here, you must sleep and eat. Thoth helped her to a place away from the loom, where
she could lay down. Today you sleep. You need it before you can go.
The queen stretched out on the ground, a hand pillowed under her head, eyes closed.
Ill guard this cell and bring you food before you wake, Thoth promised.
Isis didnt say a word, for she had fallen fast asleep. The queens tired face relaxed in slumber, as though her heart
too had let go of the death of Osiris, for now.
As she slept, Thoth walked to the loom, his outstretched hands searching for Sets magic. To avoid awaking Isis, he
whispered the searching incantations, closing his eyes in concentration. He knew grief could subdue even the
strongest person. Despite being a goddess, Isis wasnt immune to sorrow either.
Binding magic of Set, you shall unbind from Isis heart, Thoth whispered, The shroud shall ensnare no more.
With the sigh of a dying man, the shroud disintegrated before his eyes, turning as fine as sand on the loom. Thoth
touched one finger, ever so light, on the shroud.
Begone, Set.
Another sigh as the sandy loom collapsed into a fine layer of dust settling slowly to the damp floor of the cell. Thoth
turned to check on the queenshe had not stirred or awoken, deep in slumber.
You are free, Queen Isis, Thoth whispered, Released from Sets imprisonment.
When Isis awoke again, faint traces of a sunrise tilted from the skinny, oblong window onto the wall next to her.
Why am I on the floor?
Rubbing her eyes, she sat up, her heart refreshed from a bountiful sleep. Then, she looked down to find a bounty of
food waiting in the barred light on the floor next to her. The sight of the mug of thick beer, golden buns, and a
couple pomegranates heartened her soul. Sustenance at last!
Good morning.


Isis and Osiris

Isis couldnt stop the smile that grew over her face as she saw Thoth sitting cross-legged near the food, a half-eaten
fig in his hand. Reaching for the mug, she brought it to her lips, closing her eyes to revel in the taste of nourishing
beer. Such wonderful, thick, nutritious beer, infused with crumbled loaves, malted grain, barley, and dates to give it
that little hint of sweetness. After a long sip, she brought it away from her lips, setting it back on the ground.
Morning, Thoth, Isis greeted as she reached for a small, round loaf, thank you for the breakfast.
He spread his hands. All yours, Queen Isis.
Why do you still call me Queen Isis?
You are still a queen in your own right, Thoth answered, For that is part of who you are.
Im glad you came here, Isis confessed with a smile, It is so good to see you again. But how did you get all this
He grinned. You remember me telling you about how I coaxed Tefnut back to Egypt from Nubia with tales?
You did it again?
I journeyed to the villages in disguise, just spinning a quick tale to soften the citizens hearts so that they might give
us food. As you can see, it worked.
And I thank you for it, Isis said gratefully, For it has brought your company as well.

She didnt want breakfast to end, but in what felt like no time, Isis and Thoth stood outside the cell. The queen
squinted against the harsh morning light. She opened her eyes in increments, letting them get used to the sun.
I see Ra is shining well today, she commented, How fast are the currents in the river?
Well find out. Come with mewell go in bird form.
When they arrived at the rivers edge, Thoth, in his human form, crouched down to trail his hand in the water.
It is very strong, he reported, The coffin will have gone a long way by now. But not all is lostit may be nearby
Isis crouched, holding a hand in the water. Her fingers fluttered as the strong currents pushed against her hand.
If only the river flowed more slowly! How far away is Osiris coffin now?
I promise well reunite, Osiris, she whispered, I promise. I will do whatever it takes.
She stood up, facing Thoth, her voice steady. Im ready now.
Thoth placed warm hands on her shoulders. I wish you the very best, Queen Isis.
Farewell, Thoth. Isis said, I will be forever grateful to your kindness and loyalty.
In the blink of an eye, she had transformed into a kite, soaring away over the river. Within seconds, Isis was but a
freckle on the skys sapphire skin.
Safe travels, Isis Thoth murmured as he watched the bird fly away. Farewell.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Ten
A magnificent bird shone, lost and alone. Its feathers were a myriad of colours, finely detailed in pattern and shade.
Its wings had a regal elegance. It was definitely a birduntil you saw its head. The ba, whose head always took on
the form of the human deceasedsor gods in Osiriss casewas now lost. He fluttered, confused in the piercing
sunlight reflecting off the Niles waters. The coffin swirled in the cataclysmic cataract of the Nile, its unwilling
passenger never feeling a thing. Osiriss chest never rose or fell, his eyes were half-closed, a slight smile still on his
lips. He was not aware of the separation of his soul. With him, his life-forcekawas trapped inside, pounding in
vain on the coffins lid.
Desperation seized the ba as it strained toward the western horizon. It had to reach Duat! Where was Duat? The boat
of Rahe could see it. It was so close, and yet so far away. No matter how close he came to it, it shimmered, as if
retreating from Osiriss lost soul.
Come back! The ba cried, Come back! I wish to return with you! Pleaseplease
The ba understood his person was dead, but not why he couldnt return to the gods realm. Unseen by mortals and
immortals alike, no one saw the ba drop a tear when the sun set without him. Defeated, the ba alighted on the coffin,
defeated. For seven days and nights, the poor soul had attempted to go past the western horizon and return to Duat.
YetRas boat refused to let him near, and certainly not aboard. Not until Osiriss body was prepared for burial and
the journey to Duat, could the ba reunite.
Many desperate days and nights took a toll on the soul. A couple feathers fell out, drifting away; they did not touch
the coffin before evaporating. Its body was bent in defeat, sagging onto the coffin in despair. No one heard the bas
mournful song for Osiris, longing to reunite at last in the realm of the dead
Dead on Earth,
Vainly searching for new life in Duat,
For new life, in Duat.
For new life,
Endless rest.
Doomed to be always here,
Vainly searching beyond the setting sun,
Before the horizon!
Stranded at the horizon,
Where Ra ends his journey,
And Nut unfurls the night,
Shading the bountiful land
Oh Isis, come help your love,
For he fears for his soul,
For he still flutters lost.
Will I be here forever, stranded at the horizon?


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Eleven


Isis and Osiris

The presence of Thoth absent, Nephthys had never felt more alone. But Thoth wasnt the only one to occupy her
mindso did Isis. Always, she wondered if Isis had found Osiris yet. Would she return soon? Would Isis herself
bring Osiris to life again?
She was ever self-conscious when wearing Isis jewellery, perfumes, and clothing. What would Isis think? Would
she be angry, saddened, or happy? Either way, it was wear her sisters clothes or nothing at all, for Set insisted that
Nephthys should not wear her own grey dress. When in the robes of Isis, Nephthys always insisted on wearing her
headdress, a hieroglyphic symbol of her name: a basket balanced on a house. Only her headdress marked her apart
from Isis.
One morning, Nephthys stood in her bed-chambers in the light of the infant sun. Several servants fussed about her,
readying the queen for the day. She could not help but close her eyes when she saw the gorgeous dress a servant laid
out for her.
I must wear what is truly Isis and not mine. My own sisters belongings
Nephthys remained silent as she listened to the servants ceaseless chatter.
Do they ever run out of things to talk about?
She tried not to flinch as one servant pushed an elaborate, thick ring onto her index finger.
This is Isis jewellery, not mine.
The servant let go of the now dressed finger and curtsied as she spoke. I hear tell you are a goddess of mourners,
Your Majesty. Is this true?
Nephthys nodded as another servant clasped a huge golden necklace around her neck. She studied the embedded
scarab as the gaggle of servants continued to fuss about the queen.
My sister has such beautiful jewels, Nephthys noted, touching the necklace, I wish I could see her again.
Im sure you will, said a servant, After all, she is your sister.
A sister whose throne I have stolen.
I still miss Vizier Thoth, a second servant admitted, not the same now hes gone.
Maybe well see him again, a third servant said hopefully.
Doubt it, another argued as she adjusted a headpiece around Nephthys head. You saw the way King Set looked
at Vizier Thoth, like he hated him.
Dont talk about the king like that in front of the queen! an older servant scolded.
Nephthys held up a hand. Talk about him all you want, she said, I will not tell Set a word.
Really? Truly, you wont? the youngest servant asked.
Now the queen allowed a little smile. So long as he isnt around.
But the king is a god also! the older servant persisted, as are you a queen and goddess!
I know, but I detest Set as much
Enough! the older servant cried, I will not have anyone blasphemy the king!
The younger servants looked around at her in surprise.


Isis and Osiris

Are you on the kings side or the queens? one demanded. We all know what he has done!
Let us not speak of it, the older woman argued, and put it behind us.
Nephthys had enough.
Meryt-Ra, please leave at once, she commanded firmly, For the debate distracts my servants.
The woman curtsied to Nephthys and scuttled out.
Dont tell King Set anything of what you have heard, she pleaded silently.
Many apologies, another servant winced, she has always been this way.
Even with Isis?
Yes, even with the Queen Isisonce she complained about how much gold one queen really needed to wear even
on a day of no important occasion.
A couple servants shook their heads.
Unbelievable, proclaimed one, she would not allow us to mourn either.
What do you mean? Nephthys queried.
No more tears, King Osiris is dead, and he isnt coming back, another mimicked in the older ladys voice.
Nephthys turned to face the servant with determination, He is coming back!
The woman blinked at her, befuddled. But hes dead
Hes a god, and gods are powerful, Nephthys declared, I know they can bring him back to life.
The servants had nothing to say to that.
Do you know the tradition of mourning for Egypt? a servant asked at last.
Nephthys hesitated. All I know that its a period of seventy days.
And we juststop mourning?
No, we keep mourning in our hearts, butIm sure it means something.
Anything else?
I will think on it. But mind you do not speak of it in front of the king.
Reverence softening the servants faces, they trailed behind their queen as Nephthys ambled to the throne room
where Set would be waiting. Pulling aside the gauzy linen curtain with a hand, Nephthys gasped, dismayed. As she
had feared, the older servant, Meryt-Ra, was chattering to the king about the recent conversation.
Be still, Nephthys warned the servants in a low whisper.
Nephthys turned her head subtly so she would catch Meryt-Ras gist. Her fears confirmed, she waved a hand at the
servants from behind the curtain.
Leave, she whispered urgently, Go about your duties.
The servants murmured in obeisance as they walked away, leaving Nephthys alone. Once sure the servants had left,
Nephthys tip-toed through the curtained entrance. Keeping her face impassive, the goddess stepped up to her throne,
sitting down even as Meryt-Ra blabbered. Set shot Nephthys a dark look.
Thank you for listening, my King, Meryt-Ra said as she curtsied, turned, and walked out of the throne room.
Moments passed in tense silence as Sets hands clenched the throne arms as though he might rip them off.


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys tried not to quake. Yes?
I have been told your servants have been blaspheming me, a king and a god.
Have you been told as such by Meryt-Ra?
Yes! Set snapped. And you have been encouraging them!
They were only conversing.
And you let them! You agreed with them, so I hear. Set growled, Especially on how much you miss Osiris, and
want to encourage them to mourn for him. Seventy days! Why seventy?
Nephthys shrugged. With a frustrated shout, Set grabbed Nephthys wrist, digging nails into flesh.
Out with it. The truth.
Leave her alone!
Both flinched, turning their heads to seek the source of the new voice. A woman had entered unseen and unheard as
the two royals shared their tense moment. Even the guards flanking the doorway on either side did not appear to
believe they needed to step in and take her out of the gods aloof presence. No peasant would dare approach the
palacelet alone step inside its premises!
Who are you? Set snapped. Why do you tell me what to do? Youre not the kingor queen.
The humble woman curtsied. My apologies, dear king, for I feared you would hurt the queen.
Me? Set asked with an air of hurt. Why would I hurt my queen?
My mistake.
Make the mistake no more! If you are not here for anything other than telling me not to hurt a beloved, then get
The woman kissed the floor reverently. My gracious king, will you allow me to speak with the queen this eve?
Why do you wish to speak with the queen in private? Set interrogated, You are only a humble woman and we are
We have met once, the woman said calmly, and I know her as well as I do myself.
Then where have you met her?
That I cannot tell
Set snapped his fingers at a couple guards. My patience tires! Guards, take this woman out!
II do not believe I know you, woman, Nephthys said timidly; hearing her speak, the guards stopped, hesitating.
The woman smiled mysteriously. I believe we have, for have we not known each other since birth?
Have we?
Now the humble woman stood up, staring straight at Set.
I ask to speak with the queen alone, this eve, and you, King Set, must not overhear, or you will learn things you
must not know! She will meet me at a column with the carving of an ibis. the woman curtsied. My queen, you are
splendid in the jewellery and dress once belonging to Queen Isis.
Thank you? Nephthys asked, not sure whether to take it as a compliment or criticism.


Isis and Osiris

Get out! Set snapped, Guards, hurry up!

At once, the guards marched to the woman and escorted her out of the room, her arms gripped in their large hands.
You will not meet with that woman! Set ordered Nephthys, You will stay here with me!
Yes, my king, Nephthys murmured, eyes lowered in the face of chastisement.
Throughout the remainder of the day, Set never let Nephthys out of sight. At the same time, he ordered artisans to
scour the mud-brick palace for columns with an etching of an ibis. If they saw one, they were to scratch it out at
I want you to stay right where I can see you, Set threatened Nephthys, who did not move to defend herself.
Yet, it seemed the woman would not be thwarted by Sets attempts to stop her return. No sooner had the sun began
its rapid descent below the horizon, then the woman walked in again. Though dressed in the same manner as a
humble, lower-class woman, her face was a picture of fierce determination.
My king, I had asked
And its not happening. Set interrupted waspishly, You leave my Queen Nephthys alone!
The peasant woman tilted her chin, seeming to look down at Set even from her position. And have you removed the
columns etching?
What makes you say that?
I know where that column is, for I have been to it many times, the woman declared.
Nephthys brought a hand to her mouth.
Could it be
Set guessed it at the same moment as Nephthys. He gritted his teeth, hands balling on his lap.
Isis! Set hissed. Is this one of your disguises? Youre very convincing, I must say.
Perhaps I am the Queen Isis, the woman said in a mysterious air, May I speak to your queen?
You are going nowhere! Speak if you must!
You will not find the queen in her cell weaving, the woman proclaimed, for she has been rescued by the vizier
you dismissed
Thoth! Set spat, If I ever get my hands on him
You will suffer great pain at the hands of Isis! snapped the disguised former queen, You will not lay murderous
hands on those she loves! Not even a fingernail!
Get this woman out! Set yelled at his guards.
To everyones surprise, she easily shook off the guards, stepping forward with the air of a queen affronted.
Isis will find her beloved! And she will wait the seventy days of mourning for her sister!
A guard clapped a hand over her mouth, dragging the humble woman away.
Take Isis out of the palace! Set called after his guards. Tell her she is forbidden from these grounds!


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys breath came in ragged bursts, a hand held over her bosom as she stared after her sister. If she kept her
hand over her heart, it would not explode into a million pieces from the pain of having been so near Isis, and yet
disallowed to speak to her. Unable to take the agony any longer, she leaned her elbows on her knees, sobbing into
her palms. Set snorted with disgust.
Stop your weeping, Nephthys, Set ordered, You have wept enough.
Ill be there soon, Isis, she whispered, Ill help you find Osiris


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twelve


Isis and Osiris

No sooner was Isis dragged out of the palace, she shook off the guards, sprinting out of the grounds. In a hidden
place, Isis transformed into her kite form. Flapping her wings, she lifted herself onto a low branch in a nearby
sycamore tree. There, hidden by foliage, the goddess perched eerily still. Only its chest moved as it breathed rapidly.
No one could tell from looking at the bird that the goddess reeled from seeing Nephthys. Many years had passed
since shed seen her sister, and nothing prepared her for the shock of seeing her as queen. Isis had missed her sister
greatly, as had Osiris, and shed wished they could meet again. Now, Isis had, and yet Set made sure Nephthys never
met her to talk alone.
Should have known! Isis seethed, should have known Set would do that!
And at the same time, Isis felt incredibly saddened her sister had to stay with Set for so long, forced to be queen.
Why couldnt she come with Isis? Surely, the country could live without their patron mourner for a while. The
nation needed to know someone lamented the kings passing, but did that mean Nephthys had to stay?
Were you right after all, Thoth? Isis wondered, Were you right to insist Nephthys stay here, while I leave to look for
Osiris? She should have come with me
Spreading her wings, the goddess launched herself into the sky. The Nile shimmered below, but Isis didnt care. She
had a coffin to find, a husband to rescue.
It has been only ten sunrises, she soothed herself, it shouldnt be that far away now. With luck, it will have stranded








So day and night, with rare rest, she swooped over the Niles width and breadth in her bird form. Her wings beat
hard and fast, burning against the light of day and melting into silvery colours under the moon. It was at night when
her mothers presence wrapped around her in the multitude of rotating stars. The goddess fancied the night breezes
to be Nuts soft touch, offering her comfort. Even now, shy of a fortnight after Osiriss murder, brief storms of tears
burst from the sky as a mother mourned her son.
Within a sunrise and sunset, the Nile Delta with its phalanx of miniature islands was in sight.
The coffin has to be here, Isis told herself, I really do not wish to go into the Great Green beyond.
The very idea of the Great Green sent tremors up her spine, shrinking her soul into a quivering ball. If she had to
venture into the fathomless Great Green, how would she find land when the bird tired? Would she just land in the
water and hope the kite could swim like a fish?
Here goes, Isis encouraged her kite half, lets have a day of flying.
Whenever she could catch a light breeze, Isis hovered over the delta, and when she landed, she hacked through
clumps of reeds, papyrus, and thick patches of flowers. She crawled along the ground, grateful no one could see her,
eyes straining for Osiris runaway coffin. Every coastline of each miniature island she trod on her relentless search.
For two whole days, only eating and sleeping when night fell, Isis hovered, glided, swooped, and flapped over the
delta. Still, the coffin was nowhere to be found. On the second night, filled with frustration, she swooped down on
an island, turned to human form and immediately kicked a thick plants root with her foot.


Isis and Osiris

Where is he?! she shouted to no one. Where did you take the coffin?! I will find him, Set, you hear? I will!
Glaring at the root like it was Set, she flopped down on the grass, her eyes not seeing the beautiful sky above. Nut
was very quiet tonight; no shooting stars, no drops of rain, no nothing. Curling up, Isis forced herself to go to sleep,
but now a new plan began to form in her head. Tomorrow she would venture out into the villages, disguised as an
ordinary woman. With any luck, someone would have seen the coffin and in which direction it had floated. Or,
whether someone had taken it out in curiosity, wondering what or who could be inside.
Ill find you, Osiris, I promise
No sooner had Ras ark pierced the Eastern horizon, then Isis woke with a start. Jumping up, she turned into her
familiar avian, flying away as fast as possible to avoid wasting any more time. Even the great god Ra didnt wait for
any goddess. She had to start today, or a whole day would be lost to her forever. As soon as her talons disappeared in
the yielding sand of the nearest village, Isis transformed herself into a humble peasant woman. A piece of cloth
covered her head from the sun, while her loose dress billowed as she marched into the village where people had
already begun their work.
Slowly roaming along the dirt roads, she watched a potter at his post, clay-caked hands hard at work. Frown lines of
concentration aged his face by a decade, turning a moderately young man into an older fellow. High up on a houses
roof, a weaver sat at her loom, wiping sweat off her forehead with her skirts. A little child played near her. Every
now and again, the woman smiled in tenderness at her child; at one point even stopping to adjust the amulet on his
One day, she promised herself, turning away and walking in the potters direction, we will have a child of our own,
Steeling her courage, Isis walked straight up to the potter bent over his work. He never looked up until she cleared
her throat. He jumped, narrowly saving his work.
Y-yes? he stammered, goggling at her. His eyes never quite left her chest.
Look in my eyes, Isis said pointedly, and tell mehave you seen a coffin?
The potter moved his eyes up north. Aa coffin, my sweets?
Yes! A gold coffin on the Nile. There must have been
Ive got work to do, lady, stop speaking such nonsense. Whod leave a coffin in the river?
The potter hunched over his work once more, but not before stealing a brief last glance at Isis bust.
Disappointed, but not disheartened, the goddess moved away from his building, walking down the road. She passed
water carriers, a musician arguing with her friend, a troupe of dancers, a practicing juggler, and several architects
working on a new building. Chatter rose from the centre of the village like a flock of birds over the Nile at the end of
the day. Geese waddled past Isis, a farmer led his cattle to the riverbank, and several cats promenaded down the
roads as if they owned the entire town.


Isis and Osiris

Have you seen a coffin floating on the Nile? Isis asked each adult, not seeing the childrens eyes brighten up with
interest. They clamoured to get her attention, but by then, the goddess had already moved away, determined to know
more. Someone had to have seen the box on the river!
The sun rowed to the apex of its voyage as Isis trudged on. She never wearied as she talked to every one she met,
from weavers to water carriers. Conversing with a water carrier for a cup of water, admiring a jewellers handiwork,
and asking dancers about their latest moves, Isis always slipped the same question into the chatter. The responses all
varied, but with one united theme.
No, and Im in a hurry! so snapped a distracted nanny with six tag-a-long children.
Why would we throw coffins in the Nile? asked a dishevelled priestess of Hathor.
No, I havent buried any bodies recently, quipped a shifty-looking jeweller.
Im sorry, I havent, said a market woman bustling past.
No, said another potter, harvesters, laborers, and seemingly everyone else.
Yet, Isis didnt give upsomeone had to have spotted the coffin. But as the manifestation of Atum dimmed in the
western horizon, she knew it in her heart. How could anyone, not least of those who laboured at the river, have
failed to see it?
With great disappointment, Isis retreated to her hidden island in the delta. Sitting down, Isis drew her knees up to her
chest, resting her chin. She watched the stars rapidly flaring into view, their light a comfort to Isis. Every night, Isis
knew her mother watched over her, each star a reminder of her love. Nut embraced the sleeping land each night,
enfolding those who slumbered in her arms as if they were her children.
Isis lay down amongst the tall reeds tickling her bare arms, closing her eyes. With the world shut from view, the
days events burned her eyelids. In the background of her recollections, she saw children playing, gazing at the
goddess as though they wanted to say something. She remembered little hands grabbing at her arms or skirt as she
walked away. An inordinate number of children had wanted her attention today.
The goddess gasped, sitting upright. A startled goose cackled in surprise next to her. A strong tremor in the ground
followed the cackle.
Children! she exclaimed aloud, They must be the answer!
The tremors stopped as suddenly as they begun. The goose nudged Isiss hand with its beak. Above, the stars flared,
and a shower of shooting stars burst across in torrents as if the sky was sobbing.
It is your father, Geb, Nut revealed, Go to him.
Now she understood: the goose had been Geb in his animal form. Earthquakes were caused by his belly laughs.
Tell him, my daughter, II love him. I miss him even now.
I promise, Isis whispered. A gentle breeze warmed her face, as though Nut had reached a hand of tender love to
Thank you, beloved daughter.
Do you know anything of Nephthys? Isis asked.


Isis and Osiris

A constellation twinkled in response. Yes child, she continues to mourn with the women at the palace.
If only she could be with me! Isis thought, we could find the coffin a lot quicker!
The shooting stars stopped streaming down the sky, and the stars dimmed to their normal brightness. Nut had fallen
silent, watching over Egypt and her daughters and sons.
Isis glanced over at the goose; it tilted its head and winked in greeting.
Geb, my father, Lord of the soil.
The goose nodded in confirmation. It didnt cross Isiss mind that this was strange at all. Before she could say
another word, Geb transformed to full human form, smiling down at Isis.
Isis ran forward and flung her arms around Gebs shoulders, holding him like shed never let go. Geb in turn
enfolded her in a warm cuddle, happy to be reunited with his daughter. Within the embrace, Isis relayed the words
Nut had asked her to pass onto Geb. The earth god pulled back, gazing into his daughters eyes. Tears of happiness
left tracks on the gods face.
I miss Nut every hour, he said, and every time I see her, it is a painful reminder of our eternal separation, for Shu
will always keep us apart.
A sharp gust of wind tore through Isiss hair and dress, a clear sign of Shus presence. Though only a breaths gust of
wind, it left Isis shivering. Shu wasnt exactly the friendliest in the pantheon; like Tefnut, he was temperamental and
You are right, my Isis, Geb continued, Children are the answer to whom you seek.
So you were the goose I surprised?
Geb chuckled, causing a minor aftershock in the earth.
Yes, I was. You remember how busy all the workers were?
Yes, what about them?
They hardly look, do they?
Isis looked at him, confused. Look where?
With a grin, Geb jerked a thumb skyward. Up. Pity, really. Nuts beauty slips unnoticed and Ras majesty ignored.
Geb shook his head sadly. Such is the way of mortals, my daughter.
And of the children?
Louder than a gaggle of geese, but as honest as the Feather of Maat and observant as a hawk.
Isis remembered the weaver and her child, enjoying family time in the presence of Ra. The sweet little child was
always looking around, alert to the goings-on of the streets far below. That weavers son did not miss a thing. Isis
understood at that moment.
The children Isis murmured, If anyone has seen the coffin, its them.
Geb nodded, dark eyes gleaming. And who will believe them?
Their parents!
Do you really think so? Or would they think their imaginations ran wild again?
Isis hesitated; Geb waited for her answer.


Isis and Osiris

II think the parents would investigate,

At first, yes?
Yesyes, they would.
And would they find anything? Remember, the river is fast-flowing, and by the time anyone came back to the
riverbank, it would have moved on. And so
Geb waited for Isis to complete his sentence.
And so the coffin would have moved on, she finished, But the children would remember.
And thats exactly who you should talk to, my dear, Geb counselled, Tomorrow morning, arise when the children
will be playing along the river banks. Ask them when their caregivers are not looking at them. They will tell you.
But now, I must return to my home, the earth.
Isiss shoulders sagged. She didnt want him to leave. As if sensing her sadness, Geb embraced her in a tight,
fatherly hug.
I wish I could stay here, but remember, no matter where you step, the earth is with you, for I am soil. I wish you
well, my daughter Isis.
With that, Geb raised a hand in farewell and melted back into the soil, reuniting once again with the grain,
vegetation, and the water running through the ground. Even in her heartache, Isis knew he was always with her. Geb
lived in the soil and all the plant life that grew along the fertile Nile valley.
The goddess couldnt remember when she had fallen asleep, curled up on the grass, but next minute, sunlight
worked its way under her eyelids.
The childrenfather!
Not wanting to waste another second, Isis jumped to her feet, brushing off dirt and stray bits of grass from her dress.
Taking bird form, she darted over the delta, returning in disguise to the valley she had graced but one sunrise ago.
Just as Geb promised, a small group of young children, their side-locks swinging over their shoulders, frolicked at
the riverbank. They shouted as they passed a frayed, but well-loved, ball between them in one of their many games.
Involved in their sport, all were unaware of the watching stranger.
Yeah, mother didnt believe me either! one boy claimed, leaping high as he passed the ball over a friends head,
said my imagination was running away again.
Funny, my parents said if my imagination ran any farther, it would be in Nubia by now! exclaimed a second.
But we saw it, didnt we? asked a third.
Yes! was the unanimous answering chorus.
Isis seized her chance. Striding toward the youngsters, she called for their attention. At once, they turned to stare at
her, ball game forgotten.
Whos this? one asked.
I am looking for a coffin. Isis said, For it holds someone I love.
Did it happen to be in the river? enquired a brave boy.


Isis and Osiris

Yes, Isis confirmed, an elaborate coffin

We saw it! We saw it! the children cried in excitement, leaping up and down, You believe us!
Of course I believe you, Isis smiled, Which way was it going?
At once, the children gestured toward the delta.
It was almost an entire moon ago, lady, one cautioned, We only know it was in the delta when the moon was
barely born.
It floated away from the delta, not into it, a girl added, so it may be at sea by now, lady.
Thank you, children, Isis said, gratified. It didnt matter that the coffin had floated out to sea; only that now she
knew where it had gone. I appreciate all you have told me.
Do you know whos in the coffin? one boy ventured, before a friend punched him on the arm.
Dont ask! the lecturer chastised, Thats rude!
Farewell children, thank you for telling me all you know.
However, before she turned to leave, Isis did one more thing. Extending her hands in a seemingly innocent gesture
of good tidings and farewell, she blessed the children and their generations thereafter. So great and powerful was her
blessing, so full of pure gratitude and thanks, it would last for many generations.
These children truly are blessed, honest, and observant, just as Geb had said, Isis marvelled.
The suns warmth seeped between her feathers and melted like honey into her very bones as Isis rose on a thermal in
her kite appearance. Her heart swelled with new determination, now she knew for sure where the coffin had headed.
It was the last thing she felt like doing, but over the sea, Isis would glide, in search of her husbands coffin.
Im coming for you, Osiris, Ill be there soonIll hold you, kiss you, return you to life. I love you


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirteen


Isis and Osiris

Numerous days of mourning passed in the palace, and yet many still lay ahead. Nephthys would stare into the long
tunnel of the seventy days of national mourning, and grow despondent, even frustrated.
Seventy days is far too long! Shed stew in her moments of impatience.
Set kept a close eye on Nephthys, as though constantly suspicious of her. He never had truly trusted her, and why
would that change now?
I need to escape this palace. I need to find Isis! I want to help her! Nephthys cried out in her head day after day, I
am a goddess of mourning and I grow impatient at the days of grieving that still lie ahead! I dont want to wait till
the last day
Then she would remember all she had told the servants and other women of the rituals of mourning, and how much
they appreciated her presence. If the queen left the palace, then who would they have to share their sorrow with?
Theyve got each other, Nephthys would remind herself.
Yet, she wanted to be there till the end.
Great father Ra, why must it be so difficult?
The desire to escape the palace, to join her sister on her relentless search for the deceased King, soon outweighed
even the wish to stay with the grieving women.
I need to escape.
One stiflingly hot night, Nephthys found herself unable to sleep, her heart overfilling with thoughts that would not
shut up. No matter how much she tossed and turned, the wandering musings refused to vacate her mind. Set snored
beside her, unaware of Nephthys restlessness.
Fed up with her sleeplessness, Nephthys sat up in bed, tearing off the sheet wrapped about her like bandages around
a mummy. Standing up, she ambled over to the stool, sitting down with her fingers massaging her temples.
Must you be a cataract of thoughts at this hour? Nephthys complained of her heart.
Regardless, her heart wandered the seas of plans, rowing its reed boat through a marsh of thoughts. Thenan oar
brushed against a bright, but daring, idea. Yet, Nephthys was sure it could be done. Whoever unseen had put the idea
in the sea of thoughts?
Thank you, heart, Nephthys thought, Now will you let me slumber?
No. Not now. Now was the time to plan.
Alright then. As you wish.
Her head held in her hands, she traced the idea from its beginning to its end. It had to be done in silence, without
Meryt-Ra asking awkward questions or burly guards demanding to know where she was going. It was an idea so
obvious and simple Nephthys wondered why she hadnt thought of it earlier.
Better now than never, Nephthys scolded herself, Isis must already be far away now! She may have even found
That thought jarred her. Poor Isis! Alone and grieving without her sister at her side. To sorrow over his body without
anyone by her sidea depressing idea!


Isis and Osiris

This time tomorrow night, Nephthys promised herself, you will be out of this palace.
Nephthys blearily opened one eye as the sun warmed her face, feeling as though shed been in bed for only a
minute. The honey light told her otherwise: morning had arrived. Set rolled over beside her, his hand searching for
hers. When his hand bumped against hers, Nephthys didnt even flinch, allowing him to clutch it, forcing herself to
look at her husband. He had been so intent lately on having a son, she wouldnt have been surprised if Set made love
to her right then. Instead, he gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Good morning, Set, Nephthys responded, not recoiling at his kiss, good sleep?
Set grinned, a heavenly one at that! I dreamed we had a son on the throne! Let me assure you it was not Anubis.
Nephthys bit her lip to keep from speaking on impulse.
Why doesnt he just leave Anubis alone?
Yes, not Anubis, she said instead, another son.
Another son, Set echoed. someone who will rightfully succeed us when we go on from this earthly realm. With
Osiris dead, no way Isis could have a son nowat least not legitimately.
Nephthys wished he would let go of the illegitimate conceiving of Anubis so long ago. It had been a moment of
absolute desperation, tricking Osiris into giving her a baby. Luckily, Isis and Osiris had not stayed angry with her.
Still, Isis warned her not to do it again. Nephthys had stayed by her promise ever since.
Well always try until we get one. Set said, as if hed read her mind. Tonight we try again.
Not likely, at least not if I succeed.
Once Set had readied himself for the day, Nephthys snuck over to one of Isiss boxes of clothes. Opening it, the
younger sister discovered a bounty of linen dresses with plain skirts, some pleated and others not. Reaching a hand
into the box, Nephthys pulled out a very long wrap-around that only wound around the waist, leaving the chest bare.
Hmm Nephthys mumbled as she examined the skirt. No good. It must cover more.
Digging in again, she pulled out a pleated dress with miniscule beads tied into its top half. It was a tasteful design, a
simple pattern using white, blue, and red beads intricately sewn together. She pulled it out, examining it closely. It
was beautifulfor a servant, which was what Nephthys wanted.
Queen Nephthys?
She flinchedher servants had entered unseen, curtseying to their queen.
You may attend to me now, Nephthys directed, but this is for a special occasion of which you mustnt speak.
Nephthys didnt reveal too much as they readied herspeaking only of a private matter that forced her away from
the palace. Whether she would come back was another matter.
But the days of mourning arent over! one protested.
What will happen to us when you are gone? a second queried.
Who will be queen? a portly servant asked.
Set will have to find his own for the time being, Nephthys murmured, Knowing him, he would not.
Why not?
It is not for me to speak of, lest I blaspheme the king.


Isis and Osiris

Meryt-Ra coughed, her cheeks blushing.

She knows I speak of her.
What about the mourning? the youngest servant asked, eyes pools of worry.
You have each other, Nephthys said, I will remember when I return.
What do you mean?
I will still remember the new traditions of mourning, Nephthys said, future generations will know of them.
Nephthys waved away most of the offered jewellery except for a simple necklace and a couple rings. No need to
dress herself up like a queen. For once, she left her headdress alone, not bothering to have it put on her head.
Instead, she insisted on it being put aside in a separate, covered basket alongside Isis throne-shaped headdress.
Somehow, it felt right. Even if they could not be together to look for Osiris, at least their headdresses were side-byside.
As she hoped, Set was in the throne room, glaring over a map one of the overseers had passed on to him. Hearing
footsteps, he looked up, flinging the map down as he rose to greet her.
Nephthys! What are you doing here?
Nothing at all.
He eyed her clothing, eyebrows raised in question.
Thats nothing? Youre not dressed as a queen.
Really, its nothing. Reallynothing in particular. I justdidnt feel much queen-like today.
Set stepped off his throne, his face full of tenderness. He reached out and stroked the side of her face with a finger.
She gazed into his dark eyes, and to her dismay, Nephthys heart melted. For a second she wondered if it was the
right thing to do.
Do I still love him? Or does his flattery confuse my heart? He is not good in bed, but he has a way with words and
You are always beautiful to me, queen or not. Set purred, go on, get your servants to dress you up for the day.
Thankthank you. Nephthys stammered, but I think Im happy this way. Its forsomething else. To see
someone elsesomeone looking for their husband.
So tell me everything, Set said sarcastically, Youre planning on seeing her arent you?
Seeing her?
Isis! Your sister, woman! Your sister!
Nephthys flinched at his sharp voice. She stepped back, nervous.
IyesI wasnt.
You were. I can guess what you wanted to dosneak out tonight without my notice, correct?
Against her will, Nephthys found herself nodding.
Im surprised it took you so long, Nephthys. You do love your sister more than me, dont you?
Im not sure I know what you mean, Set.
You do know! Osiris! Isis! Anubis! Thats who you love more than me!


Isis and Osiris

She stepped forward, reaching out to touch his shoulders, only for him to smack her hands away.
I love you, Set, and I must find Isis.
Fine! Set pushed her away, go find Isis. Take all her dresses for all I care!
Thank you.
Set stormed back up to the throne, ignoring his trembling wife and gaping assistants. Nephthys bowed her head,
cowed by confusion.
Remember, Nephthys told herself, this is the man who killed Osiris. You cannot love him.
Summoning an image of Isis cool, confident face in her heart, Nephthys drew herself up tall as she walked to stand
in front of Set, who sulked on his chair. She had to draw on the confidence of Isis, be as her for the moment.
Im going. Nephthys said, and to her surprise, her voice was calm and strong.
Once again, Set stood up, cupping Nephthys neck with soft hands.
One last goodbye, Nep. Set murmured, his lips close to hers.
Nep! That was Sets little nickname for her! Nep and Set.
One last kiss, Nep, and you can be gone.
Without waiting for her to say anything, Set gave her a full kiss on the lips. Nephthys froze, stiffening as she
reluctantly returned the gesture. Set pulled back. Nephthys face remained neutral.
Thats it? he asked. Strange way to say farewell isnt it? No words, just silence?
Nephthys pushed him away, and to her surprise, he simply let her go.
Then be gone! Goodbye! Farewell!
Her resolve hardened, Nephthys turned into her bird form, the house and basket glyph glowing above the kites
head. It was the same for Isis, only for her it was an empty throne.
Ill be there in no time, sister. Well look for him together, grieve for him and somehow, well bring him back to life.
We will bring him back to life.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Fourteen


Isis and Osiris

Set watched with impassion as the kite darted out of the window set high on the wall. His wife had gone to seek Isis,
and he would not allow for it. There had to be a way to stop her for good. Knowing the two sisters, they would cry
their eyes out over Osiris, and then beg on bended knee to Ra to give life back to their dearest.
The map, Your Majesty,
Set didnt turn around. I have finished with your map, Ratetkhare.
Bowing deeply, Ratetkhare collected his fallen map and retreated. Set clapped his hands twice to grab the yakking
crowds attention.
The queen has taken her leave! Set announced, In a few days I will find another to replace her!
Who will it be? asked the vizier.
I do not know! Set snapped, even as his eyes roved over to Meryt-Ra, who lowered her eyes demurely.
The vizier followed his gaze. Ah, you have your eyes set on someone, I know.
How do you know I do? Set interrogated, You know nothing of my thoughts.
Meryt-Ra has been good to you, Iahhotep advised, Surely she is best to be your Great Royal Wife?
I will consider your advice, Set said, but for now, there are matters I need to attend to. Set pointed to three of his
guards. You all will guard my throne room while I am gone, he directed, as for you, Vizier, you will take over
my duties until I am back.
For how long, Your Majesty? the vizier asked.
Set gave him a tight smile. For as long as it has to take.
Do you need your carrier chair?
The king took a moment to decide. Should he take it? He didnt want attention drawn to himself, as he wanted to do
his plan in disguise. Hed take it, as long as he had a good place to hide and transform away from mortal eyes.
Get me the carrier chair, he commanded, but carry me as far as the path outside the palace gates.
As the assistants carried the chair on their shoulders, Set mulled over his plan. His carriers were quiet, not even
talking amongst themselves as they hauled his seat to the palace entrance.
Stop here. Set commanded as soon as the carrier chair was outside the palace entrance.
The four men lowered his carrier chair and waited as he stepped off.
I will return before nightfall. You better be still waiting here when I come back.
Yes, Your Majesty.
They wont move, Set mused to himself; theyd stay here all day and night.
Once out of sight, Set scanned the sky for a kite with a glowing hieroglyph floating above its head.
Where are you, Nephthys?


Isis and Osiris

He hated the idea of her meeting with Isisthey would find Osiris, and once they did, shed turn completely on
him. Shed never return to his bed. Somehow, they would have a child together, even despite his impotency. He
knew there had to be a way, even despite many years of trying. Whenever they had copulated, Set couldnt decide if
Nephthys enjoyed it or was just being polite about it.
Youre not seeing Isis, Nephthys. She forgave you for sleeping with Osiris! I will never!
Thinking of Anubis, he spat bitterly on the ground. It had shown once and for all the infertile deity.
Youre not going to find Isis for a long time!
At last, he spotted her flying over the Nile, wheeling in lazy circles. As he watched, it stopped still in mid-air,
hovered briefly, and darted back toward the bank. Ducking behind an abandoned, half-finished statue, Set
transformed into his pig form.
She cant guess who I am, Set reminded himself, She will figure it out once Ive finished with her.
Keeping a close watch on the bird, Set inched forward, still pretending to act like an ordinary pig. The kite glided
toward a tree, right in his direction. Set smiled to himself: she had flown straight into his line of sight.
This shouldnt take too long.
Concentrating hard, he summoned a dust cloud from the not-so-distant red lands, the desert which had been his
detestable home for so many years. At first, a trickle of sand trailed toward him, twisting into a great cloud that
bloomed as he chanted his spell. The bird preened its feathers, the unmistakable hieroglyphic of Nephthys floating
above its head. Either she had completely forgotten how to disguise the ghostly apparition, or she forgot it even
appeared above her birds head at all.
Enjoy the storm to come.
The desert sand tightened into a column that shot upwards at Nephthys, who chirped in surprise and flapped off her
perch. Too late: the column enclosed her in its grip, forming a turbulent cloud as violent as the dust storms that
ravaged the desert.
Caught you! Set crowed, now youll be lost for good!
He watched the silhouette of the bird tumble in the bubble of sand floating in mid-air. Reciting more spells, he
directed the cloud toward the harsh desert where vultures waited for dying carrion.
Didnt think Id let you get away, did you? Set crowed into her heart.
Let me go, please! Nephthys begged.
I will if you promise you wont look for Isis.
Silence. Set ground his pigs teeth. He wanted a straight answer out of Nephthys, not just ambiguous muteness!
Tell me! Set shouted into her heart, Tell me you wont search for her!
I cant breathe! Please let me go!
The bird struggled to unfurl its wings in the tumultuous cloud. With a single incantation, Set cast the dust storm into
the red lands. Nephthys voice cried in his head, her birds feet clawing at unstable dust particles, but Set did not
listen. Returning to his human form, he watched as the disappearing storm shrunk into a speck in the distance that
couldve been just as much a faraway bird as a storm cloud.
Gone for good, Set thought, satisfied. Just like Osiris.


Isis and Osiris

His task done, the king returned to the palace to ask the hand of Meryt-Ra.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Fifteen
Set drew his face into an impassive expression as he returned to the palace. Even so, a nagging desire to glance back
at the desert overcame him. He would stride several steps, hesitate, and glance over his shoulder through a narrowed
gaze. A fist of fear pinched his heart with each peek. What would happen when the other gods found out he had
banished Nephthys into the desert?
Too mired in his hearts ramblings, Set never noticed when he passed the palace gates and walked into the throne
room on automatic instinct. Only a womans hand landing heavy on his shoulder jerked him from his musings.
Who touches me?!
He blinked, the real world coming into focus. In front of him, Meryt-Ra lowered her eyes seductively.
I do, my king.
His heart stalled for two forgotten beats before it began racing. Set cleared his throat.
Ah, Meryt-Ra, my beautiful servant of the palace.
Her hand dropped from his shoulder. I do not dare ask it of you.
Set lowered his voice. I have a feeling you wish to be a Great Royal Wife?
I do not wish to offend you with your queen gone so soon.
He waved a dismissive hand over his shoulder. I had bid her farewell, and she has made her choice to search for
I am glad of it, for I hope it means my desire comes true.
Set stroked his fingers down her arm until he eventually grasped her hand.
You shall be my Great Royal Wife, he declared.
She bowed humbly at his feet. Thank you, great king and god. This has been my greatest desire.
We will host the greatest banquet the two lands have seen since King Osiris passing.
With all the grace of a gentleman, Set offered his arm to Meryt-Ra. A modest smile creasing the corners of her
mouth, Meryt-Ra wound her own arm through his.
My king, we shall have many children together.
Set fought to work his mouth into a flattering grin. My Meryt-Ra, have no doubt that this will come to pass.
Meryt-Ra kissed his cheek, her lips dry and cracked against his skin. I will look forward to holding our next heir in
my arms.
The news of Sets new Great Royal Wife spread through the palace with the unadulterated pace of wildfire. All
around him, reactions ranged from shock to apathy.
A new queen so soon? asked his vizier.
I decided to waste no time in replacing my Great Royal Wife, Set said smoothly, A King needs one at all times.
As you saybut the land may become suspicious
Are you on my side? Set interrupted sharply.
On your side as always!
Why should the land be suspicious?


Isis and Osiris

Only that it has been so quick, Your Majesty.

Let them be suspicious. They will get used to it.
The viziers mouth moved as if he wanted to say more, but decided against it.
Therell always be supporters of my sisters and brother, Set chastened, Just as there are supporters of me. Sets
gaze travelled to Meryt-Ras. With a pert wink, she clasped his hand between hers.
Ill always support you, she murmured, my king and god.
Sets heart swelled. He had a supportive queen at last, one who would never stray from his side, joining the
supporters of Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys. But when would she realize he could never give her a baby? On the first
night? Nine months henceforth?
A young man hurried forward, bowing so low his nose touched the floor.
Yes, Your Majesty!
Making sure Meryt-Ra could not overhear, Set lowered his voice.
Tell the gardener not to bring me lettuce at all. Set directed, and the man dashed off at once.
Whats this about lettuce?
She had overheard! Wildly searching for an excuse, Set blabbed out the first invention his heart offered.
Just the gardener thinking I wanted more lettuce for my meals this week. Not exactly my favourite vegetable let me
tell you.
Oh good, Meryt-Ra said, I thought it would be something else.
Like what?
She leaned toward him; his spine tingled as her hair brushed his arm. Its an aphrodisiac, isnt it not?
Not for me, my good queen, Set assured, kissing her forehead, I dont have any use for it.
Her shoulders relaxed. Good to know. We will have our beautiful heir in nine months.
It will be a miracle.
After a few days, there was a palpable tension stretched taut between the royal couple. The banquet had passed,
followed with their first sleep together. As Set feared, it quickly had become obvious that he was unable to satisfy
the queen. Meryt-Ras glances were cool and critical. If he asked a question, her responses tended to be no more
than four words stringed together.
The following morning after the banquet was unusually inactive. Overseers idly chatted amongst themselves, his fan
bearers appeared more bored than usual, the vizier seemed to be locked in a daydream, and a harpist in the corner
seemed to be playing in his sleep. Seeing this general apathetic inactivity, Set cocked his index finger in Meryt-Ras
Come with me, he invited.
Her lips pursed, making them look even drier. I suppose I should.
His wife dragged her feet along the floor behind him. Whispers and murmurs of servants sprouted around the royal
couple as they traversed the hallways.


Isis and Osiris

I can hear what youre saying, Set hinted in a loud voice; the whispers stopped. Nonetheless, dozens of eyes
chained themselves onto the queen and king until they disappeared.
Air, livid from the suns heat, poured over the royal couples bodies, sticking to their skin and threading through
clothing. Out here, even the weather seemed to be half-asleep. No wind shook the trees leaves, and birds chirps
sounded half-hearted and weary. Frogs flopped around in the pond next to the pair, too tired to croak in the migraine
of noontime.
You lied about lettuce. Meryt-Ra criticised, You told the gardener to stop, and you told me a different story.
Well still have an heir, Set promised, well have one.
I am rather sceptical at the present time. Meryt-Ra clamped her fingers around his lower jaw, forcing him to look
at her. If you can prove in the next few months you are indeed
I can! Set snapped. There will be an heir before two years are up!
Two years is a long time, she argued, Too long for me.
Set inhaled deeply, pressing a roiling ball of anger into his stomach. You will have to wait, then, wont you?
I dont want to wait two years, she insisted, It is a long time to wait for an heir.
Do you want to be my Great Royal Wife or not?
Of course I do, she said, but
You want an heir? Set asked, Fine, Meryt-Ra, youll have your heir soon.
She tilted her chin. Then tell your gardener to give you lots of lettuce, and we can prepare for an heir. Otherwise,
we might have to find other means.
Other means?
Women can get pregnant other ways. she hinted.
If you bed another man and pretend the heir is
No! she interrupted, looking horrified, My heart belongs only to you! How could you think Id tempt myself to
sleep with another who isnt my husband?
Its happened before, Set told her coldly, thinking of Nephthys.
It wont happen with me, she said in a soothing voice, Ill be with you for good.
Despite her dulcet tones, Set refused to let up his guard. If Nephthys could do it, then why couldnt Meryt-Ra?
Sooner or later, shed get sick of waiting for an heir, and possibly find a handsome, fertile man to bed with. Nine
months later, a baby would be born.
I hear you, Set said coolly, I will choose to believe you, for now.
She gave him a kiss, her hand squeezing his wrist. I am happy you believe your loyal queen. Do not doubt my
faithfulness, and we will prosper.
It would be a miracle


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Sixteen
The world had turned into desert, red-hot sand stretching with no end everywhere Nephthys looked. It was too easy
to imagine that the fertile Nile Valley never existed, or, indeed, any other water or vegetation. She had no idea which
way led to Egypt anymore. Any direction could as likely as not lead her home. The only thing that seemed to breathe
in this infertile environment was the hungry shadows of vultures rippling against waves of merciless heat. The
carrion birds circled, beady eyes trained on her at all times. Would she stagger on forever through this unimaginable
continent of deserts and oases? Nephthys could have been the only living thing in the whole world, except for the
greedy vultures wheeling through a white-hot sky. Sunrises and sunsets melted into each other, the sun and moon













Without warning, Nephthys knees gave out, felling her face first on the sand. Scorching sand burned her flesh, but
she did not turn over. So thirstyso hungrycould she die out here?
That name alone was enough to stop Nephthys going insane from terror. She wanted to cry, she had to cry! Cry for
her sister! For her parents! Nephthys squeezed her eyelids shut until they hurt. No tears. Not even one tiny drop
dampened the sand burning her cracked lips.
Mothershe needed mother. Where was father Geb? Geb could never be the god of this harsh environment. He was
god of the fertile ground at the Nile Valley. Nut was the goddess of the sky, her body studded by stars at night-time.
Motherwhere are
She still couldnt weep, not even for her family. Where was Egypt? Where was everyone? Would she be lost for
eternity? What of her ba? Oh, oh, her poor soul! It would never find home! Shed never see anyone again! Did the
gods know she was missing? Had they sent anyone to look for her? Or had they given her up for lost?
Set she croaked aloud, what have you done? Do you intend to watch me die?
Vultures cackled at the dying goddesss cracked words.
The fourth morning, and still she did not die, even as she lay in the warming sand. The vultures, rested from a night
of rest, now hovered above. They had spotted a dying person, and were waiting for her to die. Yet, the vultures were
confused, since such a creature should have died of hunger and thirst a long time ago. How long would she last?
Another week? Forever? Death looked so welcome. If the birds ever got impatient and decided not to wait till she
died, shed run, sobbing with relief, into deaths embrace. She would not flinch as the vultures beaks tore
ravenously into flesh, arguing loudly and shoving each other to get at the morsels. No vulture worth its beak and
broad, supple wings would ever pass up a fresh snack, no matter how little or much of a share they got in the end.

Talons landed mere inches from her. The other vultures squawked, indignant that one of their own had been the first


Isis and Osiris

to land near would-be carrion. More birds landed near Nephthys, quarrelling with each other. Two vultures wrestled
for control, snapping at each others beaks. Nephthys could only wait.
O Isis, she thought tearfully, I have failed you. I did not come in time, and I am lost. I fear well never meet again
A shadow of a colossal vulture soared over her, imprinting the sand as it wheeled across the suns face.
This is it she thought miserably, my end
She closed her eyes, ready for the end, listening for excited cries as the vultures moved in to feast. Instead, she heard
the giant vulture telling off its brethren.
Away! Nephthys heard it shriek in her head, Away, sisters and brothers! She is a goddess, not for eating!
The vultures cackled.
You dared, the giant bird raged, you dared to laugh in the presence of a deity. Two deities! You long for her death!
Get lost, or I will make you get lost!
Several clearly reluctant birds decided to head off, as though they knew this was no ordinary vulture. She was not
one of their kin, and at the same time, she was boss. Now four vultures remained, stubborn and defiant. They
lowered their necks, hissing at the intruder.
So, youre not as wise as those are you. Pity. Maybe I shall have to make you go. Im giving you three.
A horrible screech, followed by a hiss, issued from the birds gaping beak. One vulture scrammed, leaving three. A
second screech. Two now fled, deciding to seek another meal elsewhere. Only one remained. Screech number three
didnt deter them.
So, you are the remaining one. All your brethren have fled in the presence of Nekhbet. I am sorry I shall have to
show you what happens when you make me mad!
The vulture disappeared in a blinding flash of light. Before Nephthys could blink, a familiar, sturdy goddess stood
before her. Nekhbet, the vulture protector goddess, stood with power in every muscle of her body. Nephthys barely
locked eyes with the goddess before blacking out. The shock was too much. Seeing its chance, the lone vulture
advanced, but a large hand grabbed it by the neck, lifting him up. Her other hand reached to the neck as well. He
struggled in her grasp, wings shooting out in a desperate attempt to escape.
Im giving you a choice, vulture. Nekhbet threatened, if you dont scamper right now, like your smarter siblings,
Ill break your neck, her hands grasped its throat tighter, and you will be a delicious meal for your own brothers
and sisters. Understood?
Nekhbet dropped the bird like a hot loaf. It fell ungainly on the ground on its side. It took a second to find its legs
again and stand up, shaking sand out of its feathers. Turning to Nekhbet, he bowed so hastily that he buried his head
in the sand. Nekhbets mouth twitched, as though suppressing an amused smile.
The bird turned and ran a short distance before opening its wings and soaring away, faster than any vulture had ever


Isis and Osiris

Hurrying over to Nephthys, Nekhbet knelt at her side. Tentatively, as though Nephthys might break, Nekhbet
touched her forehead. Nephthys eyes hardly moved under her eyelids. At her temple, a very faint and fast pulse beat
at Nekhbets fingertip.
Youre a long way from home, Nekhbet chastised, you were close to discovering a new country.
Nekhbet could barely feel Nephthys in her arms as she strode toward a watering hole. Nephthys desperately needed
water and food. The poor goddess was as light as a feather. A mere mortal would have died half a dozen times by
now, either from overheating, thirst, exhaustion, or a combination of all. Obviously, as a goddess, Nephthys had far
more resistance, but it had still taken its toll.
After a few hundred metres of walking, Nekhbet arrived at the edge of the oasis, where she set Nephthys on the
ground. As though knowing water was near, the younger goddesss eyes opened.
Ne she rasped.
Yes, its me. Now have a drink.
Nekhbet hoisted Nephthys to her feet and helped her take a drink from the oasis. The mourning goddess drank
hungrily, as if she might consume the entire waters of the oasis.
Careful, Nephthys, Nekhbet warned, You could make yourself sick if you drink too fast.
But Nephthys didnt seem to care. She had water at last, and she was going to quench her thirst. But no sooner had
she stopped, than Nekhbets warnings transpired. Retching, Nephthys brought up some of the water. She shivered,
goose-bumps rippling along her arms. Wiping her mouth, she looked up at Nekhbet, guilt in her eyes.
I warned you, Nekhbet chided, Now rest. We have a way to go.
Though she laid her head again on the sand, Nephthys still had questions. With thirst quenched, she could speak,
even if just above a whisper.
Who told you?
Who told me what? Nekhbet asked.
That I was
That you were stuck in the desert half-dead from thirst? Nekhbet guessed. Yes, it was Nut who told me.
Shocked, Nephthys half sat up, staring at Nekhbet. Mother told you?
The other goddess rocked a hand in mid-air. Yes and no. Nut first told Thoth, who then asked me to go into the
desert to look for you.
Why you?
What? Did you want someone else?
No! Nephthys assured hastily, fearing shed offended the goddess. I just
Because vultures are born for the desert, Nekhbet declared, It was fitting I should look for you.
Anubishes a desert jackal
But can he fly?
Yeswait, no Nephthys rubbed a hand across her eyes. Im so confused
Then maybe you should rest more and not talk so much. Nekhbet chided sharply.


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Nephthys lay back down on the sand, keeping quiet.

With my power of vision and flight, I had a much improved chance over Anubis jackal form, Nekhbet lectured, I
would see you from miles off. Though, I must say, the community of vultures hovering over you was a strong hint to
your whereabouts.
Anubis jackalstrong sense of smell
Yes, but he would not have recognized you.
Nephthys closed her eyes, tears prickling her eyelids. Did Nekhbet have to be so harsh?
Im sorry, Nephthys, Nekhbet said, her voice softer around its edges, But really, to look at you, no one would
recognize you as Isis sister.
Nephthys turned her head to the side, discreetly brushing away a tear. She refused to let the other goddess see her
words had hit her.
Dont dwell on it so much, the older goddess advised, Youll recognise yourself again once youre cleaned, fed,
and healed to good health.
Nephthys and Nekhbet ended up staying overnight at the oasis, the sparse food and plentiful drink replenishing
Nephthys energy faster than for a mortal. The sun sparkled weakly on the oasis surface as Nephthys sat up, crosslegged, ready to hear Nekhbets plan of action. She ached so much to return to Egypt. Her beautiful homeland with
its lush agricultural fields and rows of mud-brick houses imprinted themselves in the tears prickling her eyelids.
You think you're ready? Nekhbet queried briskly, looking hard at Nephthys. We leave soon for home.
Nephthys sagged in quiet joy. They were going homewards at last! Yet, one question at the forefront of her heart
restrained joys full flight. far away?
As a human form, another week, the protector reported bluntly, but if we took bird form, we can shave off a few
days' journey. You can ride on my backyoull need to in your weakened state.
Can the vulture
Vultures can do anything, Nekhbet boasted, Carrying a small bird of prey on my back would be nothing. No such
thing as too challenging for my vultures!
In one movement, Nekhbet stood up and transformed into the giant vulture that had rescued her only a day ago. The
bird cocked its head.
Well, Nephthys? Change into your kite form. Lets get started while were young.
Closing her eyes, Nephthys concentrated, coaxing her kite form from its corner. The last time she had been a bird,
Set had thrown her into the desert. When the goddess opened her eyes again, the vulture towered over her like Set in
a rage.
Youre ready, Nekhbet stated, get on my back now, or I fly off without you.
Still weak and weary, Nephthys fluttered along until she managed to catch a gust of wind that lifted her up onto the
goddesss back. Instinctively she dug in her claws for dear life, preventing a tumble into the warm mass of black


Isis and Osiris

Ow! Nekhbet yelped. Mind the claws, young lady!

Nephthys retracted her claws a little. Nekhbets back muscles relaxed.
Thats better. Nekhbet commented.
Nekhbet unfurled her broad, glossy wings, lifting her head skywards. The wings seemed to bloom and billow around
her like canopies as Nekhbet sailed into a thermal. Like the embrace of a mother, the thermal wrapped around the
two birds, raising them thousands of feet into the air. Nephthys closed her eyes, revelling in the breeze ruffling the
feathers on her face and wings.
You doing alright back there? Nekhbet asked.
I think so.
Youll be fineI wont let you get lost again, even if I have to strangle another vulture to save you.
A warm feeling of security lulled Nephthys into another small nap, her claws again digging slightly into Nekhbets
back. With the goddess who protected kings, mothers, and babies, Nephthys knew she was in safe hands. The






When Nephthys again opened her eyesstill astride Nekhbets backshe discovered the Milky Way spilt across the
black sky. The deserts air chilled her to the bones. Shivering, Nephthys fluffed up her bird feathers as much as
possible until she resembled a feathery ball. Nekhbet seemed to be having no troubles with the night air.
Are you tiring at all? Nephthys asked sleepily.
Even in mid-air, Nekhbet startled at Nephthys voice.
Dont scare me like that! And Im not tiring at all, thank you.
How longis Isis
Nekhbet sighed. We have another days journey, Nephthys, but Isis has not returned yet.
Nephthys sagged. Shed been hoping Isis had found Osiris by now, or returned to look for her, but no.
Shes still looking for Osiris?
We havent heard from her. So we can only guess she is.
Cancan I search for her when we return?
No, Nekhbet said sternly, not until you have recovered, and even then, someone will go with you.
Nephthys didnt even have the energy to muster up disappointment. Even if she got better, she would still have
someone holding her hand, metaphorically speaking.
Like who? You?
Me? Maybe, but Thoth has stated interest.
Despite her earlier disappointment, Nephthys heart lightened at Thoths name. If anyone could help, it would be
him. He wasnt the god of wisdom for nothing. Shed never dare say it aloud to Nekhbet, but she preferred Thoths
gentle words to the vulture goddesss stern ones, even if she did mean well.
Why hasnt he come too?


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Hes got other things to do besides chasing after wayward goddesses. Nekhbet said snippily. Forgive me if I sound
harsh. Im not what you call a night person. If you want someone who loves night-time, ask Hathor. Well be in
Egypt before high noon tomorrow. It will be a relief to be home.
Then what?
What do you think? We help you heal back to full health of course!
Ofof course.
You know, Nephthys, sometimes you have a penchant for asking questions with the most obvious answers.
After that, Nekhbet fell silent, and Nephthys decided to not pester her with more questions. Besides, the effort of
talking had wearied her to the point of drowsiness again. Cocking her birds head, the goddess looked up at the stars.
She remembered Thoth once saying that Nut and Geb were always watching over her and her siblings, and that they
loved them unconditionally. The stars twinkled as if in reassurance. A gentle breeze stroked her feathers, like a
parent calming their upset child. Nephthys knew without having to ask that Nuts presence was very real. Birds
could not cry, but inside, Nephthys sobbed. They were back within Egypts borders once again. The canopy of stars
belonged to Nuts body, no longer to some strange, foreign sky.
My child a voice whispered, my poor childplease trust Nekhbet. Promise me you will, and that you will accept
Thoths offer of guidance to look for Isis.
Nephthys didnt hear, for she had closed her weary eyes once more and tucked her head under a wing, fast asleep.
Another day of flying lay ahead the next day. Nephthys sensed that Egypt was near, and before night fell, she would
be home again. If only Isis was there to greet her! As if sensing that she missed her sister, Nekhbet devoted words of
I am sure Isis will understand what has been going on once you see her and explain to her. I am surprised she had
not asked you.
Set. Nephthys mumbled.
Set? What about him?
Wants me to align against Osiris and Isis.
Nekhbet snortedor at least thats what the sound from her beak sounded like.
You, align with Set against Osiris? Then Im a three-eyed flying green pig.
Nephthys forced herself not to shiver. I hope he doesnt know Im here
He wont, Nekhbet said fiercely, as the protector goddess Ill damned well make sure of it! I will protect you no
matter what it takes, from thatmonster. He evennono, you dont need to know yet.
Know what?
Dont ask any more questions about Set! Nekhbet ordered, you neednt know right now, not in your state!
Nephthys knew something had happened, but what was it? Nekhbets words were so full of anger.
Willwill I have to stay long in Duat? Nephthys asked.
As long as it takes for you to recuperate.
Nephthys hoped silently it wouldnt be long. She had never felt so desperate to find her sister. Where was Isis?


Isis and Osiris

You will recover in the house of the healing gods, Nekhbet announced, as the great healers, Bast and Thoth will see
to your recovery. For now you need rest, nourishment, and stop talking so much.
Dont be sorryIm just saying. And what do you knowwere back in Egypt.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Seventeen
The sight of Egypt from the air riveted Nephthys heart. She did not know the last time she had seen it so beautiful
and vibrant. The river had flooded to its full capacity, all the farms now underwater. Once the rushing river receded,
fertile black soil would cover the banks. Vibrant temples to the gods loomed above small, simple huts whose roofs
were no more than straw and reeds clumped together. Sweeping, elegant gardens decorated the backyards of
prosperous mansions. Ponds with leaping frogs and floating lily pads drew Nephthys attention. Watching the lily
pads float about with frogs resting lazily on them, Nephthys felt a sense of calmness in her soul. Boisterous children
and chattering women with baskets of goods dotted the streets.
Just as Nephthys begun to settle down to enjoy the view of a bustling city, suddenly she found herself in the realm of
the gods. Here, the Hall of Judgement saw the gathering of souls waiting to be judged. Should their hearts weigh
light with little or no sin, the fortunate soul could go on to the afterlife. But if corruption weighed down the heart,
dipping it below the Feather of Truth, Ammit would devour the heart, and the soul would die a second, permanent
death. Nephthys shivered. If Nekhbet had not found her, would she have died by now?
Where are we going? Nephthys asked Nekhbet, trying to distract her heart.
Nekhbet landed on the ground. Get off, Nephthys; were going to find you a good room to recuperate in.
The mourners goddess transformed back into human form. Her legs wavered, still weak from hunger, but did not
collapse under her. Wooziness slogged through her skull, pressing thick fingers of fatigue on her eyelids. Without
asking, Nekhbet took the other goddesss arm, supporting her as she led the way to a room.
This will have everything you need, Nekhbet informed, A shower corner, a bed complete with linen sheets and a
headrest, and a low stool if you wanted to sit down.
Thank you, Nephthys said politely.
No need to thank me. Thank whoever left them there in the first place. I know it wasnt me. Here we are.
Nephthys found herself in a modest-sized room with a low ceiling. The two columns on each side of the entrance
were carved from pure limestone. A linen canopy partially hid the wooden bed with its ivory headrest from view.
Nephthys whole body ached to wriggle under the linen sheets and fall fast asleep. The ivory headrest had no
cushion, but she wouldnt care. She wanted to go to sleep in the luxury of the gods home. Just as she moved
forward to approach the bed, a chaos of voices interrupted her thoughts. Both Nekhbet and Nephthys turned at the
same time to see a bevvy of gods at the entrance of the room.
Youre back! Neith cried, we thought you were gone for good!
How are you faring, Nephthys? asked a concerned Heket.
We thought it would take you longer to find her, Nekhbet! Khnum commented.
Our good Nephthys is most assuredly alive and well, and she would like to be left alone to recover, Nekhbet
hinted, she has had quite the ordeal.
The assorted deities grumbled and fussed, but dispersed nonetheless. Their headdresses shimmered, sometimes
opaque, sometimes transparent. All were concerned for the mourners goddess, Nekhbet knew, but now was not the
time to barrel her with questions or gawp at her as if she was a goat with two heads. Though their obvious concern
touched her, she knew that waiting a little while longer wouldnt kill them, immortal or not.


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They wont bother you anymoreat least not for now, Nekhbet declared. First things first: you need a shower.
Fetching a large pottery jug full of water, the protector goddess motioned to Nephthys to follow her to the shower
corner. Handing the red-rimmed jug to Nephthys, Nekhbet drew the screen around to provide the former with
privacy. As she fiddled and fussed with the screen and the stone trough behind it, Nekhbet continued to chat as she
grabbed a clean linen shift and linen towel from a nearby shelf.
Once were done, then you may rest, and well have our healer gods to come have a look at you.
Which ones? Nephthys queried.
Thoth of course, and Bast. Now have your shower.
Obediently, the younger goddess crept behind the screen, removing her grit and dust-laden linen dress, tossing it
away. It landed in a jumbled, dirty heap underneath a shelf holding clean, folded linen.
Im ready.
Nephthys winced as Nekhbet splashed the water over her head. Goose-bumps leaped up on her arms as the water
trickled down her body, her teeth chattering. Nekhbet handed her a cup of natron, ashes, and soda to cleanse her
body. Taking the cup, Nephthys dunked her fingers into the mix, lathering her limbs, torso, and back. The smell
wasnt pleasant, the concoction harsh and gritty on her skin, as though she were rubbing desert sand over her flesh.
Every now and again, Nekhbet poured more water over Nephthys, usually without warning. Yet, even as she bathed,
pleasant, relaxing smells enticed her nostrils. She closed her eyes just to savour the delicious scents.
Nekhbet, she called sleepily, Is it just me or are there oils in this room?
Yes, Nekhbet said immediately, youll be able to use them soon. Are you finished?
I think one more showering is all I need.
Nekhbet dumped the remainder of the water on Nephthys head. In a way, she was glad Nekhbet forced bathing time
upon her as soon as they were in the room; Nephthys would hate to have Bast or Thoth come in and be privy to body
odour, especially from someone of such royal status.
Finished with her bathing, and feeling much better, Nephthys accepted the linen towel Nekhbet held out, and dried
off, even despite an alarming dizziness.
Ill get the oils.
Nekhbet sounded so far away. Where had she gone? Nephthys gripped the stone-laden screen as the world spun and
turned black.
Nephthys eyes flew open as someone slapped her sharply across the face. Puzzled, she wondered for a moment why
she was lying in the stone trough. Nekhbet hovered before her vision.
You could have called for help, you know, she criticised. Come on, you can get up. Ive got the oils here for
Nausea roiled in the mourner goddesss belly, adding to her already stinging cheek. My stomach
Here, lets get you into that shift.
Nephthys limbs felt heavy as iron as Nekhbet helped her with the linen shift. Once dressed, Nekhbet gestured to the
aromatic oils.
You feel up to it?


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys stared at the small containers. Their perfumes drew her heart into their alluring embraces, but she no
longer had the energy to rub them into her skin.
Not now
I thought so. Nekhbet declared. Perhaps when youve had a sleep and feel stronger, you can use them. Come
Nekhbet helped her onto the bed. The curve of the headrest supported her head like a mothers hand does a newborns. The linen sheets embraced her gently like one of Nuts soothing, breeze-like touches. She could almost
remember a time when Nut had once cradled her as a baby. Was it the sheets drawing that oh-so-distant memory
from the depths of her heart?
I hope youre comfortable. Nekhbet queried.
Nephthys managed a weak nod. Thank you
With that, Nephthys closed her eyes and immediately plunged into a deep sleep that was not disturbed by
nightmares. Yet, so deep was her slumber that the canvas of her eyelids remained unpainted by the scenes of weird
and fascinating dreams quickly forgotten as soon as the sleeper returned to the world of the waking.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Eighteen
It didnt take long for Meryt-Ra to revolutionise the palace and make it their own. The palaces personality would
no longer be that of King Osiris and his Great Royal Wife, Isis. Even Nephthys personality was to be wholly
eradicated. Not a day went by when Meryt-Ra didnt command servants, chasten slow workers, and plan with her
new husband to make the palace truly unique.
One day, while servants squabbled over cast-aside jewellery once belonging to Isis, Meryt-Ra snagged a moment of
quietude to take her husbands arm in her own.
I have plans for the garden, she tapped her chest, its written in my heart.
What plans are they?
Youll find out, Meryt-Ra said mysteriously, I assure you: there will be no more reminders of your siblings.
Set believed her. The woman had done well to rid the palace of any personality of its previous royal couple and
Nephthys. Wellmostly. He knew the gods would be fuming should he destroy Isis and Nephthys unique
headdresses. Those he dared not throw away; instead, he insisted they be hid somewhere where he wouldnt come
across them.
Show me the garden. Set ordered.
Beaming, Meryt-Ra led the king out to the entrance into the huge gardens embracing the palace. Wide columns
gleaming in the sunshine lined the paths winding up and down the garden with its flowers, herbs, vegetables, and
huge, shady trees. People left stools and cushions under the canopies of leaf-saturated branches. The royal couple
passed a child holding a basket up to his mother as she picked ripe pomegranates off a young tree. They murmured a
respectful greeting as the royal couple swept near their tree, walking toward the far end of the garden. Here, a simple
bench with cushions lay hidden in a small alcove. Nearby, fragrant blossoms timidly touched the cushions, waiting
for the return of a loving couple. The symbols of Isis and Osiris were etched into the armrests. Set stared at it in
This was Isis and Osiris spot! he said, Dont tell me you like it!
Not bad, Meryt-Ra said, but it shall be improved and individualised just for us two.
Meryt-Ra clearly had more romantic notions than Set. Nevertheless, he went with the plan. Striding forward, he
ripped the flower heads off the plants next to the cushions and bench.
We wont have these anymore! Set declared, flinging the decapitated plants over the low wall. Well replace
these with something else.
Very well, his wife conceded, What would you rather have?
Set didnt care much for the alcove. He waved a dismissive hand at the bench.
You chooseI dont care.
What about some acacias?
If it suits you.
His wife slid her arm around his waist. I want it to suit you too.
Set thought long and hard. He had quickly learned that with Meryt-Ra, once she had her mind set on something, it
was next to impossible to dissuade her.


Isis and Osiris

A figurine, he decided at last, from the purest gold.

Meryt-Ra raised an eyebrow. A figurine of what?
Of us.
Her eyes widened in excitement. Oh! How perfect!
I thought youd like it, Set purred, Now how about we tell those servants?
We have not seen the rest of the garden yet, she said, at least not the parts I wish to make for just usor just for
meor just for you.
Sweeping ahead, she kept an index finger cocked to her heart in silent approval of the latest adjustment plans to the
garden. Turning a right, she walked past a couple frogs quickly leaping toward the pond in an escape from the sun.
Meryt-Ra paused, watching the frogs with a softened expression.
You like those things? Set asked. He didnt particularly care for the amphibians; he preferred large, sleek, and
dangerous critters.
Oh yes, Meryt-Ra said, The way they make their calls to each other and leap about in the evening, trying to catch
the last insects of the day. It really is quite relaxing. This pond is my favourite in the garden, for there are so many of
these little frogs. She turned to him quizzically. Do you not like frogs?
Too noisy and harmless for meI prefer the big, dangerous animals myself. Set declared, You think we can keep
a lioness here?
She laughed. I fear it will frighten the servants too much.
It will keep them in line for you wouldnt it?
How could you tame a lioness?
By raising it from birth as a cub, of course. Set answered. Lion or lioness?
Meryt-Ra studied the frogs lolling around the pond, their bulbous eyes half-closed. Two sat close together under a
large overhanging leaf, catching flies with their long, sticky tongues.
If it may make you happy, she began, Surely a statue of a lion at the palace entrance will do? They will be of
pure limestone, yet have such ferocious expressions as to put the fear of Sekhmet in any heart.
How does she come up with ideas so quick? Set wondered, not without a pang of jealousy.
You think statues of Sekhmet will do? Set asked.
You mean of the goddess?
Set nodded.
Meryt-Ra considered. Ill order that to be started tomorrow.
And as quickly as possible, Set finished for her.
She gave him a dry kiss on the cheek. You read my thoughts, my king. Come, Ill show you something else.
Taking his hand again, the Kings Great Wife marched around the pond, toward a part of the garden where an empty
plot lay bare.
Whats this for? Set asked. Your own garden?
Half and half, she corrected, Half of it will be mine, full of herbs and beans, while half is yours. Your choice of
herb or vegetable to grow here.


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Set frowned at her. You want me to plant lettuce dont you?

I never said any such thing. Meryt-Ra claimed, but her closed left hand clutched tighter around something.
Whats that you got there? Set queried, pointing to her hand.
You see everything, my King, she crooned, looking around for anyone nearby. For I had an idea.
Does this involve lettuce too?
Opening her hand, she revealed an amulet of Min, complete with his rather impressive erection.
And our most honoured god of male potency. Meryt-Ra declared.
Min? Set echoed, glaring at the amulet of the god. Hes done nothing for me!
Have you ever had his amulet around?
Nowhats the use of it?
She laughed. Fancy! A god like you not to know the use of Mins powers!
Dont laugh at me! Set snapped, hands snapping into fists.
Dont fly into a temper at me. Meryt-Ra retaliated without flinching. But I believe if we bury this amulet with
mature lettuce leaves, we might have an heir before we know it.
The nerve of Meryt-Ra! To hide this all the time from him! Butit wasnt as if helet alone Nephthysever tried
such a thing.
You think it might work, even for a god like you? Meryt-Ra asked.
Set snatched the amulet out of her hands, glowering silently at Mins biggest talent. He despised the god. If only he
had been born so fertile like Min, then he would have had an heir for the throne long ago. An heir who was actually
legitimate, unlike Anubis, whounsurprisinglysided against him, alongside Nephthys, Isis, and Osiris. But the
thought of an heir! So tempting! Would it work?
Well? Meryt-Ra demanded, hands on hips, Are we going to use that or what?
Set crouched down, filtering the soil through his fingers. He had a strange suspicion Meryt-Ra had already planted
the lettuce seeds without his knowledge. Rubbing the soil with his fingers, he saw tell-tale signs of seeds amongst
the crumbs of dirt.
Youve already planted the lettuce seeds! Set accused as he stood up again to full height.
I might have, she said.
You did. You planted them and then pretended you hadnt! Set dumped the Min amulet on the ground, shoving it
into the dirt with a foot.
Thats a great way to respect Min, Meryt-Ra commented sarcastically. Why dont you bury him properly, so his
essence may fill the lettuce seeds?
Set sighed in abject exasperation. It was stinking hot out here and his mood started to simmer under the rays of
Amun-Ra. It was bad enough to be reminded of his infertility, but for Meryt-Ra to press it in even further by sowing
lettuce seeds and buying an amulet of Min behind his back was almost too much. Meryt-Ra started to wind her arms
lovingly around his neck. He jerked back, grabbing her arms off his neck.
Dont touch me, he growled.
She held up her hands. Just trying to help.


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Trying to help by doing things behind my back! Set argued. Next time you want to do something like this, try
asking first!
She lowered her head, as though ashamed of her actions. Im sorry, my king.
Set snorted.
Really, I am sorry, Meryt-Ra gazed up with saddened, big eyes, Youre right as always.
If she thought that would soothe Sets irritation, it did not work. With a hmph! the king spun on his heels and
skulked away from the garden plot back to the palace. Was it just him, or was Meryt-Ra getting a little obsessed with
having an heir? He may have been able to get an erection sometimes, and even satisfy Nephthysand lately, MerytRabut so far, there were no babies. Half of him was gladdened: he didnt fancy the idea of being awakened every
time he closed his eyes by a new-borns cries for more food when it had only just been breastfed moments ago! He
rather enjoyed being able to sleep through the night; yet, at the same time, he longed for an heir. But after what
Meryt-Ra had donehe had half a mind to dismiss her as his Great Royal Wife right there and then. Yet, at the same
time, she had always been a loyal assistant right from the beginning.
This once, he mumbled to himself, This once, Ill forgive you, Meryt-Ra. But just this once.
Done things behind his back she might have, but Meryt-Ra knew how to get things started. No sooner had the sun
rose the next morning, then she was up, drilling the workers.
now mind that Sekhmet has the most ferocious expression you can give her! she interrogated as Set walked into
the room without her noticing. None of this calm, peaceful goddess nonsense. Now get to it, men!
Yes, at once, Your Majesty, they chorused.
Get to it today, not tomorrow, and gods forbid you start next month.
Would that gods bit include me? Set chimed in.
Meryt-Ra turned her head at his voice.
Well, how soon do you wish this? In a month? A year?
I want them to start now.
I thought youd say that, she smiled, then turned sharply to the men, What are you waiting for? Go!
The men hurried out of the room, leaving the royal couple alone. Meryt-Ra hung back from Set, unsure if he had
forgiven her yet.
It seems I will need to replace some of my servants, she reported with a frustrated sigh.
Why? Whats going on with them? Set asked. Surely nothing to do with Nephthys?
Her second exasperated sigh said it all.
Why do you not dismiss Nephthys old servants? They are also Isis servants too!
That much is true, my king. Her voice turned sharper, They do ask where Nephthys is.
Shes looking for Isis, as I said, Set insisted, Though Im not sure if shes going to find her.
What do you mean?
Set cleared his throat and didnt answer.
Set? What do you mean? Meryt-Ra asked again.


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Shes not going to find her easily, and lets leave it at that. Set said, his tone making it clear the case was closed.
The servants are suspicious.
Set snorted, rolling his eyes. They just want their beloved Nephthys back, thats all. Just dismiss them.
If I dismiss them, Meryt-Ra reasoned, they may become more suspiciouswonder if it has something to do with
Nephthys. They could think were hiding something.
Set rounded on her. Then let them think were hiding something!
Meryt-Ra stepped back. You are hiding something, arent you?
Me? Never!
Is there something youre not telling me?
Sets hard expression softened into that of a man in love. He ran an index finger down the side of her face.
My dearest Meryt-Ra, I will tell you anything. Nothing will be a secret between us. Set leaned to give her a kiss
on the forehead. Nothing.
Nothing, she echoed, closing her eyes to savour the brief kiss. Because the servants
Never mind the servants! Set interrupted. They just miss their old Great Royal Wife, that is all. I thought youd
come to the conclusion by yourself, with your cleverness.
The conclusion?
As I said: dismiss them. They dont care about youthey only care about Nephthys, Isis, and Osiris. Probably all
missing that vizier Thoth too. Believe me, I was quick to dismiss all of Osiris and Isis old staff. Set wound his
arms around Meryt-Ras waist, holding her close. Her head leaned against his chest, so trusting and loving. That is
the best thing you can do. Dismiss them, and they can worry about finding a home as well as their beloved queens of
the past. Nephthys will never come back, I can promise you for certain.
Meryt-Ra held him closer. Promise?
I promise.
Shes still lost in the desert, he assured himself, she will never find her way home, not if the vultures find her first


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Nineteen
How many hours had she slept? One? Two? Several? Nephthys rubbed her eyes, staring up at the high ceiling. Was
it still the same day? It felt like it was, but Nephthys wasnt so sure.
Sitting up, Nephthys rubbed the back of her neck, sore from the un-cushioned headrest. Stretching, she swung her
legs over the edge of the bed, letting her eyes roam around the room. She felt refreshed after such a deep slumber.
Her eyes spotted the silhouette of a woman standing just outside the entrance, her face hidden from view. Standing
up for a better look, the goddess recognised Bast, the daughter of the sun god Ra.
The goddess jumped, spinning around to face her. Relief replaced surprise when she laid eyes on her.
Nephthys! You have slept a long time. Bast said. It is now morning the next day.
Nephthys stared open-mouthed at her.
Youre not joking, she stated.
Bast shook her head. You definitely needed that sleep, goddess. I wished to see you yesterday, but Nekhbet didnt
agree with that, Bast said wryly, said you best be left alone until youre awake again. How are you feeling?
Nephthys took a second to ponder that. How did she feel? Weak from hunger, certainly, but refreshed all the same.
Rest is always the best medicine, Bast declared, You have done well to sleep as you have.
Basts words were met with a loud growl from Nephthys stomach. At once, she clutched her belly, hoping Bast
didnt hear it.
Seems youre ravenous, my dear goddess, Bast commented with a cheeky grin, No worries, we will have food
for you soon. Do you feel up to walking or at least going outside? The air will do you some good.
The goddess tentatively walked a few steps; despite some light-headedness, she still felt steady. In fact, she felt
steadier than she ever had since coming out of the desert.
II think I can make it. Is Set around? Nephthys asked.
Dont worry; about a dozen of us will take care of him if he should dare show his face here. Theres a reason you
dont mess with cats.
Though Bast sounded reassuring, Nephthys still felt the familiar twinge of fear. Seeming to sense this, the goddess
patted her shoulder sympathetically.
No use worrying about what might be. Right now, we need to worry about putting food in you, so youre not as
skinny as the mummies Anubis works with.
Um, thank you. Nephthys mumbled, but let me get ready first.
Of course. Bast nodded, leaving the room to allow Nephthys some privacy.
Once Nephthys had dressed in the freshly washed linen dress, she massaged fragrant ointment into her face and
hands. At once, she relaxed as the cool ointment soothed her skin.
Im ready, Bast, Nephthys called once done.
Walking inside, the goddess of cats smiled as she beheld the now dressed and anointed goddess.
You look beautiful, Bast complimented.
You think so?


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You are the daughter of Nuther beauty becomes you.

Bast offered her hand for support. Gratefully, Nephthys accepted her arm, holding on as they carefully made their
way outside. To her surprise, Bast led her to the picnic area of her brief childhood by the Nile. It was marked by the
single, tall sycamore tree with its far-reaching umbrella of shade protecting them from the heat of the sun.
Embedded in the trunk was an old arrowhead. Bark had already started to grow over it as the tree healed its wound.
Her throat felt thick as she gazed up at the tree. It was here Thoth had taught herself and her siblings the art of
writing and knowledge. They had spent many lessons here under this very tree with its gnarled, ancient roots.
Nephthys had always lain on her belly, feeling the cool earth underneath, when listening to Thoths lectures.
How did you know she whispered, stunned, to Bast.
Now Nephthys spotted the ibis resting by the trunk. No sooner did she look, then it transformed into the human form
of Thoth. No sooner was he fully formed, then he walked to Nephthys and gave her a tight hug. The warmth of
comfort was almost too much for Nephthys, who bit back her tears of relief. For the first time in a long time, she felt
completely safe. Like a flame snuffed in a strong wind, all her fears of Set were swept away for the moment.
Releasing her from the hug, Thoth stood back, hands still on her shoulders, studying her.
Great judges of Duat, youre really in need of nourishment.
Everyones saying that. Nephthys mumbled.
Its true, the god said softly, but well definitely make sure to look after you.
Nephthys gazed into the old gods eyes. Crows feet creased the outer corners; anyone could tell at once that he was
a man who bestowed many smiles. However, now he looked concerned.
Have you Nephthys began, her words trailing away.
Have I what?
Heard from Isis?
His eyes growing sad, he shook his head. Nephthys sagged with disappointment.
Im sorry, Nephthys; last time I saw herwhen had I seen her? he paused to remember, Yes, over one and a half
moon cycles ago. In fact, very close to two moon cycles.
Two moon cycles? Nephthys echoed faintly.
Since then, there has been no word from her. If she had found the coffin, we would surely know. Thoth said, Nut
or Geb would undoubtedly know too if there had been success. I fear the coffin has floated quite a fair distance from
our land, and it may take her a long time to find it. Im so sorry, Nephthys.
She wiped away her tears of disappointment. Thoth gently squeezed her shoulders in condolence.
Perhaps we will hear from her soon. Thoth said, but the words sounded hollow. But for now, lets let you eat.
Bast cleared her throat; Nephthys jumped. She had forgotten the cat goddess was still there.
As my services dont appear to be needed
No, stay if you wish, Bast, Thoth invited, after all, you have too watched over Nephthys.
She sat down, motioning for Nephthys to settle next to her. As Nephthys patted down a patch of ground, Bast leaned
over as though to divulge a forbidden secret.


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Knowing Thoth, hes brought enough to feed half the pantheon. Bast joked.
I heard that! Thoth retorted, but he laughed all the same.
Bast kept the conversation going at a brisk pace as Thoth laid out the feast before the goddesses. Her belly growled
impatiently, aching for the meal-to-be. The multitude of food included figs, dates, bread, onions, meat, and even
some chickpeas.
Help yourself, goddesses, he invited, all for the taking.
Nephthys reached for a fig, breaking it apart with her fingers. The soft flesh enticed her tastebuds as she bit into it.
At once, the rush of eating real food overcame her. It was so good to have nourishment and food after so long in the
desert. She closed her eyes to savour the experience without outside distractions.
Ive never known such delicious figs! she exclaimed, her face breaking out into a huge grin, the first genuine one
in weeks.
Thoth chuckled. Im glad to know. Take care and just eat slowly. Your body will need to get used to eating again.
Nephthys was tempted to throw aside his words of caution, but decided to heed them. It would not do to bring back
up this delicious morsel. The other two deities helped themselves to the feast, talking between themselves. As she
ate, Nephthys found her attention wandering to the embedded arrowhead in the tree.
I cannot believe its been there so long, Nephthys mused, gesturing to the arrowhead. A relic of childhood.
Thoth followed her gaze. You remember how that got there?
Nephthys had to take a while to remember.
Osiriss lesson with the bow and arrow. Nephthys recalled.
Thats rightOsiris was mighty excellent with a bow, Thoth recalled, I remember the day like it was yesterday.
It was morning; you were all there. I have to say, we still havent found Isiss arrow.
Nephthys failed to hold back an amused smile at the memory. She remembered Isis less than perfect aim, which
went so wide of the mark the arrow disappeared into the Nile rather than the tree. Search as they might, no one ever
found it again. Set teased her for days until Isis threatened to pitch him into the Nile unless he stopped. Nephthys
had been too wary to even think about having a try with the weapon. But Osiriss first go was straight and true.
What happened to the rest of the arrow? Nephthys wondered, knowing she should remember.
Ah yes. Thoths eyes twinkled mischievously, because of this.
From the belt around his kilt, the god pulled out his trusty copper knife. It gleamed fiercely under the midday sun.
Rumour had it that it only obeyed Thoth. He confidently assured all who asked that it was the truth.
Osiris had told me surely there is no better aim than he had, Thoth recalled, Id pulled this out, and aimed it
toward the arrow, cleanly shaving off the end, leaving the arrowhead still in the trunk. Osiris didnt boast about his
skills again. All four of you were impressed immensely. Thoth scrutinised the arrow. I wonderjust wait there.
Thoth stood up, brushing himself off before striding a ways from the tree. Nephthys knew he would never hurt either
herself or Bast. With intense concentration on his face, the god swung his arm, the knife flying from his grasp. It
embedded so deep into the trunk that only the handle was still visible. To Nephthys shock, the arrowhead burst out
of the trunk, flying away in an arc to the ground. Thoth made a victorious gesture, even while he uttered a spell at


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his weapon. The knife pushed itself out of the trunk, flying, handle first, back into Thoths hand. With a cheerful
wink at the goddesses, he replaced the knife in the belt around his kilt.
Bit of a show-off, isnt he? Bast muttered in Nephthys ear.
Nephthys muffled a small giggle with a hand. Just a little bit.
The scribal god bent down as he carefully picked up the old arrowhead. He was still examining it even as he kneeled
beside Nephthys. Taking one of her hands, he placed it in hers. When Nephthys looked up at him, his eyes seemed
strangely brighter than usual, as though holding back tears.
A remembrance of Osiris, he said, closing her fingers over the arrowhead. Look after it well.
Nephthys didnt say anything for a long time, gazing down at the last reminder of Isiss beloved husband.
Thank you, Thoth, she murmured, a single tear moistening the arrowheads surface.
The peaceful and content feeling wasnt to last for very long. Loud arguing outside Nephthys room disturbed her
sleep that same night. She had still been in the light state of sleep, almost dozing off for the night when the racket
speared its way through her snooze.
tell NephthysSet had babbled a goddess with a somehow familiar voice.
No! snapped a second goddessNekhbetnot while shes still fragile!
Fragile? Nephthys had a strong urge to slap Nekhbet right then and there. She may be sensitive, but fragile! Surely
Fragile! cried the other goddess, You call someone who has stayed in that palace for as long as possible, leading
the women in the first traditions of mourning, and then survived the desert, fragile?!
Youre going to wake her with your yelling! Nekhbet chided.
Too late.
Fine, the first muttered, more quietly, But tell her what Set has done? Now?
Shed be sleepingand she doesnt need all that after what shes been through. Nekhbet insisted, Nephthys
needs her rest and peace in her heart before we tell her that Set has taken on another Great Royal Wife.
Nephthys clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a cry of dismay. Was it true?
Another Great Royal Wife who seems to love himwith the favour returned! Nekhbet continued, Seshat, go
back to your writing. Youre obviously not thinking straight.
Dont stoop to condescending me, Nekhbet! Seshat retaliated, I am only concerned for the goddess.
Hey! called a third deitya god this timeSimmer down you two. Youll awake Nephthys with all that
Seshats voice sounded tense as she spoke again, Sorry Khepri, youre right. Well take the argument elsewhere.
Khepri moved on, his light footsteps skittering away like the scarab beetles that were his emblem.
Ill check in on her. Nekhbet said.
At once, Nephthys shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep. Hopefully, if she saw her tears, shed assume it was from a
dream or simply a case of overly watery eyes.
No, Seshat protested in a quiet voice, I will.


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Nephthys heard Nekhbets sigh of exasperation.

Fine! You go check in on her. If shes awake, its your own fault.
Footsteps stomped away, fading down the hallway even as quieter feet tiptoed into Nephthys room.
Nephthys? Seshat murmured softly, Are you awake?
Nephthys tried to stifle her sob, but failed. Why did she even care Set had taken on another wife? It wasnt as though
he had taken care of heror at least, not the way a great, loving husband should. Not like Osiris with Isis.
Oh Seshat breathed, Im sorry.
Dont be sorry, Nephthys whispered back, wiping her eyes, Its not your fault.
Nephthys heard Seshat kneeling down beside the bed. I didnt mean to start an argument with Nekhbet. I hadnt
meant for you to hear the news like that. Has it upset you too much?
Nephthys turned her head, smiling shakily at Thoths daughter. Not too much.
You quite sure about that? Do you wish me to talk to father about this?
If you wish. Nephthys said.
No, I mean, if its fine with you. But then he will know you know whats happened.
Nephthys inhaled a shuddering breath. Go ahead, Seshat. I think Ill try going back to sleep now. Ill talk to Thoth
in the morning.
The other goddess stood up. Ill inform father then, Nephthys. Try to have a good sleep, wont you?
Nephthys sniffled. I will.
Seshats shadow played over the sheets and then the floor as she exited, joining a stream of dozens of gods and
goddesses passing through the hallway on their various duties. It wasnt until Seshats footsteps completely faded
away, then Nephthys buried her face in her arms. Set had found a wife, and worst of all, she was a Great Royal Wife
he truly loved just as Isis and Osiris had each other. What was wrong with her to have not gained his love? Why did
he not love her, and yet love this new wife who now sat on her throne? Nephthys wasnt sure she wanted to know.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty
Three moon cycles ago, the lonely coffin with its deity passenger had left the shores of the Nile Delta into the great
sea beyond. The body of Osiris never rotted, for a gods corpse did not putrefy. In their pure form, their skin was
spun of gold, their bones of silver, and hair of blue lapis lazuli. Though he seemed to have the flesh of a mortal, he
had the skin and bones of a deity. Osiris face never aged a day above twenty-five, his features youthful for eternity.
Osiris wasnt alone in his bobbing coffin, for around it swam curious dolphins and timid little fish. The spray from
blowholes wet the top of the bobbing coffin as the swells of the sea carried it toward a far off shore. Dolphins leaped
back and forth, nudging the box with their mouths, whistling and clicking to each other in their own mysterious
language. Fish nibbled the submerged half of the coffin, as though expecting to find a surprise piece of morsel on its
The moon attempted to reach fingernails of light into the coffin, trying to find even the slimmest crack. Yet, even at
its most luminous on the clearest night, the moons rays never reached farther than the exterior of the box. No one
but the moon ever watched how the coffin glowed in the cocoon of moonlight. On such nights when bright
moonlight sparkled off the swelling sea, one could have easily imagined the coffin to hold a god. The unfathomably
deep water pushed the coffin toward the shore of Lebanon, returning it to dry land. Osiris never felt a thing, nor was
he ever aware of such a long, tumultuous journey. After one and a half months of toying with its new plaything, the
sea finally tired of the coffin, pushing it toward the shore of Lebanon like a child abandoning a once-loved toy in the
At long last, the lonely coffin drifted toward the shore of Byblos, pushed by gentle waves onto the seed of a
Tamarisk seed. The moonlit foam bubbled around the still coffin, feeding the tree that even now grew with
impossible pace. Anyone who saw this miraculous growth would be forgiven for thinking it all a strange dream.
A tree that sprung up overnight? Impossible! they would cry, rubbing their eyes.
As the moon traversed across the star spangled dome of the sky, the trees trunk thickened and grew around the
coffin as though healing a great wound. The branches raised the coffin, lifting it into the trunk of the tree like so
many arms helping someone who had collapsed from illness or shock. Bolstered by the presence of the fertility god
inside the coffin, the tree grew giant and robust like the athletic son of a warrior. When the rays of dawn baked the
eastern horizon a golden brown, the tree was fully grown with a strong, alluring fragrance that would, within hours,
draw flabbergasted crowds to the beach. Its overnight growth, beauty, and fragrance quickly became the talk of the
land from that self-same morning.
Days turned into weeks as crowds of lovers, hopeful singles, and fascinated children flocked to the tree. Always,
people reached out to caress the trunk of such breath-taking magnificence.
Did the gods gift it to us? they wondered, Did their hands mould this magnificence?
Undoubtedly the most beautiful in the land, murmured others.
Who could ever cut it down?
Who could ever hurt this fine majesty?
Im coming back tomorrow with all thirty cousins! another cried, They have to see it for themselves!


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All through the weeks before Isis arrival, no one could bring themselves to cut it down or claim it as their own.
Every day, entire families strolled to the beach where its dignity graced the sand. Succulent leaves in every shade of
green blanketed its slim branches, and pink blossoms poked their tiny heads through them. Hundreds of tiny pink,
white, and red blooms wrapped around the branches like a womans shawl over her shoulders. Some blossoms were
no bigger than the length of a bumblebee, while others were equal to the size of a mans two hands put together.
Curiously, every blossom seemed to have its own scent, however subtle in difference. Some blossoms aromas were
overpowering, while others were so subtle the smell disappeared in the salty air of the beach. Anyone who sampled
a multitude of the flowers discovered another curiosity: the smaller the bloom, the more intense the scent, as though
concentrating it within miniscule petals. If Byblos didnt have anything to attract traders before, it did now.
The Tamarisks trunk looked roughyet smooth as glass to the touch. Vines intertwined around its thickness, with
countless more blossoms sprouting from them. These blossoms, like their brethren, possessed intense aromas. Like
the other buds on the branches, the flowers wrapped around the trunk never wilted. Each had their own immortality.
No one was ever the wiser that the trunk had grown around and consumed the coffin of an Egyptian god.
With such word spreading through the land of the tree, it soon drew the King and Queens attentions. They had
heard of the tree many times from citizens and traders alike, but even after a month, they had not gone to see it for
themselves. At first, both assumed everyone raved about something that really would turn out to be quite ordinary.
Perhaps jaded by their own wealth of beauty and gifts, they dismissed the idea of greater beauty as a legend made up
by the citizens of Byblos. Yet, even scepticism had to give way to sincere curiosity. With so many people gushing
over this botanic wonder, the royal couple had no choice but to see it for themselves.
One fine morning, the queen Astarte awoke with a firm decision in her head: she would see the tree today. The sun
threw a coverlet of rays through the window high above her bed and their baby sons cot.
Are you awake my dear? she asked the King Malcander.
The king rolled over, still half-asleep. Hm? he mumbled.
Youre awake arent you?
I suppose so, Malcander blearily opened his blue eyes. What do you have in your head now?
Queen Astarte sat up, throwing the covers unceremoniously off her half of the bed.
Were going to see that tree.
What tree?
Astarte stared at her husband. I mean the most beautiful tree in all this land thats all. Come on, arent you getting
The king stiffly pulled himself upright. I was wondering when we would finally see the tree.
It may still be ordinary, Astarte warned, You do not know how the citizens will react to something unusual, but
quite, downright ordinary.
Then why do you want to see it?
Proof, she said simply, proof that it is only an ordinary tree.


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Malcanders mouth twitched, as if amused by her words. No ordinary Tamarisk tree grows so near the waves, so
Ive heard.
Once the king got up to be dressed by his attendants in another private room, Astarte ordered her own servants to
bring out her finest dresses and jewellery.
Whatever for? queried one servant.
I wish to look my finest today, for we are visiting the tree held in awe by all.
The servant gasped in delight. You are seeing it after all, Your Majesty!
Here, wear this for the journey and meeting, a servant suggested, holding out a light blue flowing dress.
But Astarte waved it and the girl away.
No, my servant. she declined, Please bring out my red dress with its flowing sleeves and long train. Bring out my
blue linen sash.
With curtsies and murmured obedience, the three servants fetched her requested clothing. A fourth counted out all of
Astartes ringstwenty-four in all. Once dressed to her satisfaction, Astarte glided to her dresser where all her
jewellery lay bare. The servant attending the jewellery curtsied.
Astarte pored over her countless accessories. In time, she selected an ornate arm bracelet, an elaborate necklace, and
several bangles as her adornment. Servants fussed about her limbs as they eased rings on fingers and pushed
bracelets onto her wrists. All curtsied in synchrony once they ended their performance.
You shine like the golden sun! one servant gushed.
Why thank you, Astarte said, And I intend to do just that when seeing this tree.
Will you be taking your baby with you? a second servant enquired.
I believe we willthe seashore air should be helpful for the babys health. Astarte said. The king will agree, I am
sure. Astarte gestured to one of the servants. Take up my train, will you?
The servant stepped forward and took the train of Astartes dress in her hands. Trailed by the other servants, Astarte
drifted out of the room, toward the front entrance of the palace where several columns stood proud. Feeling grateful
for having been born into royalty, Astarte brushed one of the pillars with a hand, feeling the cool limestone under her
My dear Astarte, you are beautiful today!
Astarte turned her head to see her husband beside her. She reached out a hand; immediately he took it in his own,
squeezing gently. His whisper of love tickling her hair, he kissed her on the temple. His other arm held the sleeping
baby Dictys.
Lets go see this tree everyone is so excited about, Astarte murmured.
About time, a servant mumbled.
Astarte bit back a sigh, I bid you, servant, to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Linking arm in arm with her beloved king, Astarte led the way to the shore.
As they strolled toward the shore where the Tamarisk lived, the servants kept striding on ahead, too excited by the
prospect of seeing it again. Astarte and the king had to keep chiding them to slow down.


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Just like little children, Astarte mused.

At long last, the shore upon which the tree had rooted itself in such legendary status was in view. The sun torched
the sand so white, Astarte squinted against the glare.
Were here! Were here! a servant cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. We have arrived! The tree is over
The servant sprinted ahead, clutching her skirts as her feet pounded the sand. Astarte didnt bother calling for her to
come back.
Im guessing this is where the tree is, the king mused, let us see this splendour.
Follow the crowds, the servant holding Astartes train commented wryly.
Astarte gasped. The last time she had seen a crowd this size was at a grand festival that had taken place earlier in the
year. Like pilgrims on a journey to the holy land, a mass of traders, visitors, and residents strolled in the direction of
the giant tree. A few at the back of the mob spotted the royal couple, immediately touching their neighbours arms to
get their attention.
The King and Queen have arrived! they shouted, they intend to see the tree for itself!
As one, the crowd turned to acknowledge the royal couple, prostrating or curtsying in their presence.
We welcome your presence, good king and queen, the crowds words murmured.
Lead me to this tree of such fame and legendary status, Astarte commanded, gesturing impatiently at the crowd to
move on.
The crowd obeyed with infectious enthusiasm, trailing at once to the trees resting place. It didnt take more than a
hundred steps before Astarte spotted the magnificent Tamarisk and at that moment, all doubts about the trees
supposed glory vanished.
My goodness! she cried, it has beauty of an outlandish nature!
A tree worthy of a kingdom such as ours! the king chimed in readily. We are fortunate to have our land gifted by
the gods with this singularly attractive Tamarisk tree.
The crowd murmured with eager positivity toward the king and queens reviews.
We knew you would love it too! a woman cried from the midst.
Astarte beamed at the crowd, pleasure shining in her eyes. Allow me to walk forth to delight in the presence of the
The gathered citizens scattered, allowing the majesties to sweep their way toward the tree. Both the king and queen
touched hands to the trunk at the same time, their fingers touching each others. Like many before them, they were
taken by surprise at its smoothness, despite its rough appearance.
This is smooth, and yet it appears to be made of bark, the king mused, how very peculiar.
Astarte barely heard him, for an idea had blossomed in her mind. This would make the perfect pillar in her palace,
superior to every other column holding up the palace. The fragrance of the blooms lulled her into a sense of
relaxation, but she did not allow the aroma to dull her thoughts. Leaning over to the king, she whispered her idea.
Just think of the trade well have! she persuaded, and all the visitors from foreign nations who will come to our
palace, rather than this beach!


Isis and Osiris

It looks rather well here, the king mused, it is happy here.

It will be equally happy and at home in our palace.
The king gazed up at the tree, craning his neck to see the topmost branches.
If you say so, my queen, he said, somewhat reluctantly, a pillar it shall be.
Astarte clapped her hands, happy her husband agreed. Turning to face the crowd, she announced the news.
We can see it all the time! a servant cried, clasping her hands together, we will never have to walk all the way
Traders will see our palace and its splendour! a second servant added, if that is not perfection, I do not know
what it is!
Astarte spotted the familiar faces of a couple woodcutters. The queen did not like a prospective pleasure such as this
to be delayed. She snapped imperious fingers in their direction.
Woodcutters! I see your faces amongst the crowd! she called, come forth!
The three woodcutters hastened to the front of the multitude, kneeling in the queens presence.
Yes, Your Majesty?
Take down this pillar once we are done here. Astarte addressed the crowd at large once again. Any craftsmen
Several men came forth, mostly withered with age, but a couple young hands were in the mix.
Yes, Majesty? they chorused.
Astarte beamed at them. Once the Tamarisk has been taken down, carve it into a magnificent pillar for the palace,
and erect it as soon as you can!
The craftsmen murmured their promised obedience, disappearing into the multitude of citizens as they spoke. Their
hands would soon craft the best pillar in their lives, out of the breath-taking gift the gods had bestowed upon the city
of Byblos.
Only a month later, Isis would at last arrive on the shores of Byblos, where the Tamarisk had now been turned into
the magnificent pillar in the centre of the royal palace, admired by royalty, servants, and civilians with equal awe.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-One
Isis wanted to rage at the heavensshe had had enough. For two moon cycles, she had searched for Osiris coffin in
vain, and now her frustration welled over.
Two months! she snapped at Nut one night, still no Osiris!
Dont you shush me, mother! I dont need comfortI need answers! Where is he?
You are heading in the right direction.
Isis cupped her chin in her hand as she glared out at the sea. The shores had yet to show any signs of a coffin resting
on the beach. Not one soul seemed to have any idea what she was talking about. The latest, a man, just shouted
something about tradition! and left her alone, muttering about his daughters wanting to be their own matchmakers.
Isis, Nut called, The coffin had come to rest on a shore not far from here.
Which shore, I want to know!
It had drifted to Byblos. Youll know when you find it.
The stars dimmed; Nut was silent once more. Isis would get no more out of her. Why did she have to be so vague?
There had to be a clear answer! Yet even here, the children had seen a coffin when they had played together on the
beach. Just as she did in Egypt, Isis again blessed the youngsters with bright futures full of wisdom and neverending curiosity.
The flight to Byblos was a long one, praying with every fibre of her being that Nut was right. Although beyond sick
and tired of flying for so long, she refused to give up. Osiris needed her, he was lost, and his soul in danger of
wandering forever.
Oh Osiris, beloved, Isis cried in her heart, where are you? Where can you be? Why does your soul not speak to me?
I, your beloved, search for you!
What were the others thinking back home? Did they wonder when she would come back? Whether she had yet
found her beloved? Or would she ever come back at all?
Hang on for my sake, Isis begged her land, I will find him, even if it takes an eternity!
What were her prior subjects thinking? Their king had died, a new one was on the throne, and now their former
queen had slipped away in search of Osiris. She didnt deny that it was terrible to have to leave her people and her
country. Yet, her heart followed only Osiris right now, and not the people of Egypt. Some said she and Osiris fell in
love even before they were born, but as far as Isis knew, it developed during the awkward time between childhood
and adulthood.
Where is your coffin?
Now a shore popped into view, surprising her anxiety-infused thoughts away. Hovering in mid-air with only her
wings beating, she scrutinised the beach.
Byblos, she confirmed to herself, just what I wanted.


Isis and Osiris

But search as she might, no coffin rested on the shore. If birds had teeth, she would have been grinding them in
bitter frustration right now.
Osirisspeak to me, sweet beloved! Speak of your whereabouts!
The magnificent palace tugged at her heart, as though someone or something inside wanted her to take a closer look.
Swooping lower, the goddess angled her wings in the direction of the palace.
Where are you?
The pillar holding the coffin within its confines now stood inside the throne room of the palace. Isis settled down on
a high perch, cocking her birds head in a desire to take a closer look at the pillar. Nearby were a couple men playing
a game, but they took no notice of the bird at all. Suddenly, she let out a weak cry, as if the bird had been overcome
by a fever. There was no doubting it now! It was this pillar! This pillar held the coffin!
Osiris! This is where you lie! Oh beloved, how to reunite with you? For this structure separates us!
Isis knew she couldnt just approach someone and ask to break open the pillar. The king and queen were liable to be
outraged at the audacity of someone asking to cut down a royal column. She wouldnt be surprised if theyd be very
protective of the most elegant column in their home.
I will return for you.
Kites did not normally hang around pillars, and realizing this, Isis flew away before anyone became too curious. Isis
spiralled skywards, her heart tugging at the pillar hiding Osiris coffin.
How did he end up in the pillar? I shall endeavour to find out.
Back at the beach, Isis transformed out of view into a human disguise, her heart hammering from the discovery.
Three months of nothing and now she found him. She ached to tear open the pillar, grab the coffin, and hold her
husband to her heart forever. To kiss his face, caress him, and bring him to life. She should have had a child with
him long ago.
Staggering to her feet, the goddess sunk onto a root of the tree and wept. So mired in sorrow was Isis that she never
noticed the maids approaching. One maid was pushed forward by her peers.
What causes you to weep?
Isis jerked her head up at the voice. On seeing the redheaded maid, she brushed away her tears, trying her best not to
look as though she had been crying.
Nothing you can do, she said curtly, do not ask me anymore.
Oh, if you wish, the girl said, only, what can we do to help, if I may ask?
You sure you dont want anything? We are servants of the queenwe know she loves to help anyone in trouble.
Isis sat up straightthese young women served at the palace. Is that so?
Yes! the servants chorused at once.
A third servant added, Recently, she has added a breath-taking pillar to her palace!
Everyone knows that! the redhead protested.
Isis shook her head, I do not come from Byblos; I do not know of this pillar.


Isis and Osiris

Well, it wasnt always a pillar was it? the second maid commented to her friends.
Together, they explained to Isis of the Tamarisk tree that had sprung up overnight, drawing in hundreds of people
from all over to marvel at this piece of nature.
We believe it is so beautiful that the gods must have given it to us themselves!
If only they knew!
Her mind made up, the goddess rose to her feet. Before she could even think about approaching the queen, let alone
asking for the pillar, Isis first had to gain these maids trust.
Do you always wear your hair out like that? Isis queried.
A maid tugged at her hair, scrutinising the split ends with a disinterested look. Yes, why?
Isis touched her own hair with a hand. You see how mine is braided?
How do you do that?
Let me show you.
The maids looked at each other.
Really, you will look very splendid if you knew how to braid your hair as I do.
Go on then! the maids urged their redheaded companion.
The redhead approached Isis first.
So you wish to have your hair done? Isis queried.
She nodded.
Isis gestured to the tree root. Sit down, and Ill show you.
With delight in her eyes, the servant took her seat, sitting as straight as her back allowed. The servants watched,
awed, as Isis plaited the maids hair with astonishing rapidity.
How do you do it so fast?
Practice, Isis explained, and many years of it, believe me.
As she plaited the girls hair, Isis breathed a sweet-smelling perfume into the braids. She did the same for each
servant who lined up in eagerness, wanting their hair styled like the Egyptian goddesss. Before long, all four maids
were admiring their hair, running fingers over the braids again and again. Little did they know they had the honour
of being near Egypts most powerful goddess.
As the maids strolled back to the palace, Isis sunk to her knees, her head bowed once again in sorrow. Her Osiris had
washed up on this very beach. Stretching out a hand, she ran her fingers over the sand. The fine sand, warmed from
the sun, felt silky soft under her fingers. Stretching out her legs, the goddess lay back, just listening to the waves
whooshing up onto the shore, before pulling away, back down into the depths of the ocean. A pure blue sky with no
clouds reminded her of home. If she closed her eyes, Isis could almost imagine she lay at the Nile, not the oceans
As the sun sunk into the water, the people dwindled until only a young couple remained. The young couple, ignorant
of Isiss presence, laughed as they chased each other into the waves. Isis smiled as she watched them splash each
other till they laughed themselves silly. Suddenly, they stopped, breathless, just gazing at each others faces, their


Isis and Osiris

hands reaching to clasp the other lovers. With great passion, they wrapped their arms around each other, kissing
with such desperate intimacy that Isis had to look away. They reminded her too much of herself and Osiris. She and
Osiris knew secret places at the Niles banks where there were no crocodiles or hippos, and there they could sit
close, forehead-to-forehead, sharing sweet nothings until the night dampened the land in black ink.
The evening had faded fast by the time the maids found Isis again. They jostled each other, laughing and gossiping
as they approached Isis. Hardly daring to let herself get too hopeful, Isis stood up. Did the queen ask for her?
Youre still there! exclaimed the red-headed maid in obvious surprise.
I still am, Isis confirmed.
Queen Astarte wishes to see you, informed the brown-haired servant, She has requested us to find you and take
you back to our palace.
The way you perfumed and styled our hair has fascinated her immensely, added the third. Would you come back
with us?
Isis wanted to sprint to the palace right there and then, but restrained herself.
Thank you, maids, she said politely, I will accompany you to the Queen Astartes palace.
And King Malcandar, added the second servant. Lets hurry before night falls.
By the time the servants and Isis arrived at the palace, full night had fallen. Torches washed the throne room in a
warm, orange glow. Guards eyed the foreign visitor, their muscles tensed for action. Isis noticed the rooms strange
emptiness; then again, she must be the last visitor for the day. Even the queen seemed to sag in her throne, as though
with weariness. Yet, as soon as she saw Isis, her face broke out into a smile.
Ah, so this is the lady who did your hair, my servants? she queried.
Yes, Your Majesty! they chorused, curtseying to their queen and king.
The queen leaned forward, hands clutching the edges of her seats arms. Her grey eyes bore into Isis, scrutinising
everything she saw. Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for the queens next action.
Where did you learn such intricate hair styling?
Isis curtsied to the queen, feeling rather odd. Usually others curtsied to her, not the other way around. Back in her
homeland, she had been a queen, and now she bowed respectfully to another far from Egypt.
In my homeland, it is how we wear our hair.
And where is your homeland?
You have come a long way, the queen mused, And what has brought you so far from home?
Isis scrambled to make something up. She couldnt tell the queen about the coffinnot yet. First, she had to gain her
trust. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, an infants wail sliced into the room. The queen sighed.
I am afraid that is my baby Dictys, the queen told Isis, He has been poorly for so long I am afraid she shook
herself. Lady, I am Queen Astarte; who might you be?
I am Isis, the goddess said, a traveller from Egypt. I wished to see what lay beyond the Nile.


Isis and Osiris

We dont often have Egyptians here, Queen Astarte mused, Unless you have some place to be, I would be pleased
if you would stay here as a companion of mine.
Isis silently exhaled, relieved. Queen Astarte seemed to be taking a liking to her after all.
I should like that very much, Your Majesty, Isis agreed, For how long?
As long as you wish, Queen Astarte said, And if I find I trust you enough, I may even ask you to help with my
Isis curtsied again. I can assure you I will be a very trustworthy woman, even to the baby.
That will remain to be seen.
How long?
Perhaps in a few days or a couple weeks, Astarte said, but it grows late and I find myself rather weary. Rebekah,
take the traveller Isis to one of the guest bedrooms around here.
Rebekah curtsied to the queen and then motioned to Isis to follow. With one last curtsey, Isis made to leave, but then
she caught sight of the pillar again. Her breath caught in her throat, even as she struggled to control her emotions.
Remain impassive, Isis reminded herself, the queen shouldnt know. Not yet.
Once the torches had dimmed and died, a small bird flittered into the throne room where the pillar now lived. No
one saw it circling without tiring, calling to Osiris, tearful sorrow in each chirp. Not until the sky began to lighten in
the preamble of dawn did it depart, in great grief, from the tall Tamarisk pillar protecting the coffin of Osiris.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Two
Many days passed after Nephthys discovery of Sets apparent new Great Royal Wife. The constant thought of this
faceless new Great Royal Wife buzzed before her eyes like an annoying fly every day. But she was in two minds
whether to return to the palacehowever risky it might beor stay in the Duat until Isis returned with Osiris.
If I leave Duat, she argued in her heart, the gods will surely be concerned. They would search for me.
Several days later, Nephthys couldnt stand it anymore. The constant wonderings about the palace started to buzz in
her heart like an angry nest of hornets. But who here would allow her to go? Should she tell anyone? What would
happen if she didnt?
The gods will search, she guessed, they would be concerned.
Who should she tell about her decision to go? She couldnt hold back her curiosity a day longer.
One night, Nephthys couldnt take it anymore. As the sun slipped down the western horizon, Nephthys sought out
Bast, who usually could be found near a shady canopy where several cats were always playing. The felines meowed
to friends and hissed at foes, while Bast relaxed on a pile of cushions nearby. As Nephthys approached, Bast waved
up at her with a smile.
Come to join the cat lady, have you?
Nephthys didnt even smile. Can you keep a secret?
Depends on the secret. What do you wish to tell me?
Nephthys took a seat by Bast. Taking a deep breath, she began her hearts thoughts.
I know you may try to dissuade me, she began, But I feel as if I need to return to the palace. Seeing Bast about
to protest, Nephthys held up a hand to silence her. I intend to finish the mourning rituals and see who this new
Great Royal Wife is.
It could be risky, Nephthys, Bast said, her mouth pulled down with concern, I know Set hasnt been known to
treat you well.
He may ignore me this time, Nephthys guessed, Since he has his new queen.
Im not so sure of thathe may want you as his Great Royal Wife again.
I will offer my services as a servant, Nephthys said, feeling more confident as she talked, I intend to be there for
only a brief time.
How brief?
If I dont return after a moon cycle, then have someone come for me, Nephthys instructed, I am not sure Set
would contain me in the palace, but as you say, he might.
What should I tell Thoth? Bast asked, gently removing a couple cats off her lap, ignoring their protesting meows.
Nephthys held out her hand to one of the cats, who padded over and sniffed at her fingers.
Tell him I have returned to the palace to continue the mourning rituals.
Bast tickled one of the cats behind its ears, smiling as it purred loudly.
Will you be safe?
I can turn into my kite form, Nephthys assured, I could find somewhere to hide and fly away, then return here.


Isis and Osiris

What about Isis?

I think mother or father would tell me if she returned to Egypt.
Bast leaned back against the cushions. Very well. But be careful, wont you?
Will you tell Thoth in the morning?
I give you my word and promise, I will, Bast declared, I will tell him you will be back by the end of the moon
Thank you, Bast, Nephthys said, relieved she had been so accommodating, I will go tonight.
Bast now cradled a cat against her shoulder. Farewell, goddess, but be careful.
No moon shone in the sky; only the stars sparkled from Nuts robes. She waited just outside the canopy for her eyes
to adjust to the dark, before moving on, careful where she put her feet. When she reached the palace, she would
pretend to have missed Set. Should the ruse work, he would hopefully let her into the palace. She froze as a twig
cracked, hoping it did not give her away. Not wanting to risk more twigs cracking, Nephthys transformed into avian
form and flew for the heavens, the wind rushing over her face, wings, and tail. The place of the gods soon shrunk
under her, lost in the bandages of darkness embalming the land.
Even without the moon to guide her, Nephthys still found her way to the huge palace now looming on the horizon,
growing bigger with each beat of her wings. Dipping a wing, she wheeled in for a landing, carefully alighting on the
ground before turning back into anthropomorphic form. Padding over the rough ground, Nephthys raced for the
gates where the shapes of two bored guards stood. She stopped at the gates entrance.
I am the Queen Nephthys, she said to the guards before slipping through into the eerie quietude of the palace
I dont know, whispered a woman.
Nephthys almost yelped aloud in fright. Heart hammering, she turned to spot a couple women chatting together over
a figurine in their hands.
I am not sure if we can still mourn King Osiris whispered the second, before both fell silent.
The second womans words bothered Nephthys. What had she meant by them? Did they cease to mourn the king in
fear of Sets reaction? Had the palace pushed the memories of Osiris aside, hoping to stay in Sets favour?
The flames from two flanking torches leapt high into the night on either side of the main palace entrance. Two
towering figures of the lioness-headed Sekhmet loomed over Nephthys as she entered the palace. The goddesss
lioness face wrinkled into a fearsome sneer, a terrifying sight to behold for any mortal. The mane of the lionesses
seemed to move with shadow and light in the luminance of the torches behind the statues. Nephthys bit her lip as a
small chill shivered in her neck. She had never much liked Sekhmet, and these statues did not help at all.
My heart, be still, Nephthys said aloud, Set has changed the palace.
Half fearing what she would find inside, the goddess reverted to bird form and flew into one of the windows. Once
landed on the floor again, she returned to human form and slinked along the walls like a sneaking cat, hoping she
was going in the right direction, toward Sets bedchambers. Halfway there, a muscly figure holding a spear blocked
her way: a wandering guard. Sensing her presence, he whirled around and slammed her against the wall.


Isis and Osiris

Running footsteps answered his yell. Nephthys tensed, her heart pounding. The guard had a painful grip on her
shoulders, locking her into place.
Set she croaked, I want to see Set
Why now? Its the middle of the night! the guard growled, why couldnt you wait till daytime like other normal
The footsteps now sounded even closer; panting punctuated the pounding feet.
I amwashis Great Royal Wife Nephthys gasped, tugging at the guards hand gripping her throat, Neph
The guards grip loosened suddenly, letting Nephthys go. Nephthys?
Who is it! yelled a burly guard with a large club. His companion wielded a fearsome-looking axe. We are ready
for robbers of Set!
Two jaws opened in disbelief.
What! both exclaimed.
One guard lit a nearby torch, stumbling backwards in surprise when he saw the goddess.
Good gods of Duat! he marvelled, Its Nephthys! Ill call for King Set right away!
With that, he scampered off toward Sets chambers, leaving the others in pitch darkness.
It is a surprise to see you again, Queen Nephthys, commented a guard, we thought youd never return.
We? Set thought so? Nephthys asked, feeling indignation in her being. He had forced her into the desert! If either
missed the other, it certainly wasnt her. Nevertheless, she vowed to make an effort to convince Set she wanted to
return to him.
All of us in the palace, the second guard claimed, You should have heard the servants.
Nephthys spirits lifted: it seemed the servants had missed her. Obviously, they did not forget her. She wondered if
they still remembered the mourning rituals. The sound of several pairs of feet caught her ears. A womans voice
unsettlingly familiarjoined that of Set and the other guards. Coming into the light of the torch, Nephthys eyes
widened as shock fluttered in her heart. The queen was none other than Meryt-Ra herself. Meryt-Ra looked just as
shocked to see Nephthys in the palace as well. Set shook his head in disbelief upon seeing his former Great Royal
Wife. Trying not to make eye contact with Meryt-Ra, Nephthys bowed to the royal couple.
Good evening, King Set, and Great Royal Wife.
Covertly dipping her eyes, Nephthys checked Meryt-Ras belly; it did not seem swollen with a baby yet. But she
knew very well that pregnancies did not tend to show much until around the third or fourth month. The queen could
already be with child, and that child would be the next in lineif it were a boy. For his part, Set remained
expressionless, not deigning a reply to the goddess. Nephthys kept her head low, the hair of her wig falling forward.
Look at me, Nephthys. Set commanded.
A barely-hidden anxiety flashed in her face as she gazed up at him. Her chin trembled as if shed burst into tears.
I wished to return here, for I missed the palace, Nephthys murmured, I wished to offer my services as a servant.
What of Isis?


Isis and Osiris

I have not found her, Nephthys said, relieved her voice did not tremble. I missed the palace, Set, and wished to
Set edged a corner of his mouth upwards. And how did you get in here? Or did you walk all the way from Duat?
Kite form.
Kite form, eh? Sneaky way to get into this palace, Set offered Nephthys a quick, stiff hug. Meryt-Ra audibly
inhaled sharply, her lips pursed. I suppose you will stay in the servants rooms?
Meryt-Ra coughed, Yes, you will get along very well with the servants. Lets take you there.
Set took Meryt-Ras hand, squeezing it. Youre right, my dear. Show Meryt-Ra the servant rooms would you, and
explain whats going on?
The queen straightened her back, arching her neck imperiously. I will do that, my love.
Meryt-Ra grabbed Nephthys wrist and marched her down the hallway, never slowing down even once for the
goddess. Nephthys half-ran to keep up with the Great Royal Wife as they trooped toward the servant rooms where
she heard some rather loud snoring.
Here we are, Meryt-Ra said, enter.
Nephthys muttered apologies to stepped-on toes and fingers as Meryt-Ra led her to a corner where a spare matress
had been spread out on the floor.
Heres your sleeping area, Meryt-Ra announced in a whisper. Wake up, servants!
A stretching leg touched Nephthys as the servant moved around next to the two women. Some mumbles and groans
stirred in the dark.
What hour of night do you call this? complained a servant.
Nephthys has returned. Meryt-Ra announced.
What? asked a servant.
What are you talking about? queried another before sneezing loudly.
The previous Great Royal Wife, Nephthys, has returned to the palace, Meryt-Ra repeated as though talking to a
bunch of three-year-olds, She has offered to be a servant here.
How long for? someone asked.
Meryt-Ra poked Nephthys in the shoulder, How long?
A month at the most, she reported.
There were a few moans of disappointment from the servants.
A month? Thats all? someone asked.
Just a month, Nephthys confirmed, It is long enough for me.
Hm, Meryt-Ra mumbled off-handed, I suppose you will want to go to sleep now.
We want to speak to her! a servant cried.
No, you will go back to sleep, all of you! Meryt-Ra commanded, You can talk to her in the morning.
Discontent grimaced in the servants words, but no voice was raised loud enough for Meryt-Ra to chastise them.
Now go to bed and goodnight.
With those last words, the Great Royal Wife exited the room, leaving the excited servants alone with Nephthys.


Isis and Osiris

I dont believe it, whispered one in awe, You have returned to us!
As I said, only for a moon cycle, Nephthys reminded.
Nevertheless, said a second, it is better than how Meryt-Ra treats us. We remember you and your mourning
Nephthys was grateful for the dark: she didnt want them to see her eyes tearing up. Her heart was touched by their
memories and words.
Do you still remember them? she asked.
Yes! chorused several servants eagerly.
They still remembered, Nephthys marvelled as she settled down and lay back on her small rug. The servants
whispered in excitement, having got their old Great Royal Wife back, and even better, as a servant just like them.
Then, a new thought crept into her heart as her eyelids closed in drowsiness.
What now? she wondered, What happens to me now? Do I just return to Duat? I know everything here now, surely.
Perhaps in a few days, Ill return and look for Isis.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Three
In a matter of days, Isis had earned the trust of Queen Astarte and the King Malcander. Yet, still no one knew the
young woman was a goddess in disguise. They saw her plaits, the wig with its linen headband holding it in place,
and her simple linen shift, and assumed Isis as any ordinary Egyptian woman. Taken in by Isis generosity, Astarte
quickly grew to trust the new foreigner and went out of her way to befriend the lady. Whenever she had a spare
moment, Astarte would call Isis to her. She always wanted to know more about the foreign womans homeland, and
she never ran out of questions.
Ever patient, Isis told tales of the fertile Nile River, the citizens who had been taught many skills in agriculture,
architecture, and other areas of knowledge, and the sad news of a less-than-pleasant king who had usurped his
brothers throne. Not once did Isis allow herself to let her mask slip.
You and your husband taught all this alone? Astartes eyes glimmered with interest.
Not completely alone, Isis said, for we had a most excellent vizier, who was knowledgeable in so many
Seems he was a rather intellectual Vizier. How did he get to be a Vizier?
My Pharaoh and I had been his prior students. My King asked him to be a Vizier right on the same day he was
crowned King. Isis quickly turned her eyes away from Astarte, lest she saw her tears. Yes, loyalty to the Kingdom
and Palace, as well as his powerful intellect and wisdom, easily brought Vizier this one esteemed honour from the
new ruler.
Is he Vizier, then, to the new King?
Isis allowed a tiny smile. She knew Set would not have let Thoth be vizier for longand indeed, he hadnt.
Absolutely not, Isis said, For his loyalty lay with my King, and with me.
Why are you not the queen to this ruler?
I do not like the new ruler.
Queen Astarte nodded, as if she understood. Yes, bad memories leave bitter tastes in our hearts.
A few minutes of silence passed between them. They could hear servants laughter in another room. A bird
squawked loudly in the distance.
You know, I believe I have a lot of trust in you now, Astarte mused to Isis. I have a sincere feeling about our
You do? Isis relaxed her tense shoulders. I am glad to hear of it.
Astarte stood up, beckoning the goddess to follow.
I have told you of my poor, sickly baby before.
Isiss heart squeezed in sympathy. Yes, you have, and I have met him before.
That I knowcome with me nonetheless.
Wondering what Queen Astarte wanted of her, Isis trailed the queen toward the room where the infant slept. His skin
was parchment white and feeble cries stirred from its mouth like fragile little birds. Pity welled in Isis to see such
illness. Her healing powers stirred, but she knew not to reveal her divine powers to the mortal queen. Astarte gently
put her hands on Isiss shoulders.


Isis and Osiris

You see how ill my poor son is? Please, do me a favour and be his nurse.
Isis stared at her, hardly daring to hope. You wish me to be his nurse?
Oh, if you do not wish, I will not be upset.
No, no, Im more than willing.
Inside, Isis was overwhelmed with maternal desire. The baby was in sore need of some tender loving care, and what
better than care from a goddess. Yet, he reminded her that she and Osiris had never had a child together.
Always next year, we told each other, Isis remembered, and now he isgone.
Astarte reached down and picked up her baby, cradling it tenderly in her robed arms. Isis watched as the queens
normally calm face grew mournful. Her heart going out to Astarte, Isis reached her arms out to the baby.
I will take excellent care of him, Isis promised, give him to me, and you will see him in full health before you
know it.
Astarte looked at the goddess with wide, pleading eyes. Truly, you are a gift to us all. For hours I have stayed
awake at night, fearing I would not see him live to the morning.
I promise, with all my heart, I will ensure he sees a long life.
Thank you. Astarte murmured. I am so relieved you have arrived here. For if it were not for you, perhaps our
baby may not be here still.
With the tender care of a new mother, Astarte handed the baby trustingly to Isis. Glad that the queen trusted her so
much now, even after just twelve days worth of knowing each other, Isis wrapped the baby in her arms.
Hes a handsome baby, Isis murmured, His eyes are the same colour as the kings.
Why thank you! Astarte exclaimed softly. And he has my nose.
And a lovely nose too.
Astarte wrinkled her nose with its little bump in the middle. I reckon mines not as good looking as my husbands. I
like long noses.
On the self-same night, as the palace residents tucked themselves in their beds, Isis stayed with the baby in the little
room. Astarte had brought in the babys mat, assuring that it was very comfortable for her son. Now she was alone,
Isis allowed herself to use her magical powers without the king and queens knowledge.
Youll be back to full health soon, she whispered to the baby, Your mummy wont know you when Im done!
She sung a soothing lullaby to the whimpering baby clinging onto her dress straps with frail hands. He moved as if
to find her breast, but instead Isis, using her powers of magic, allowed him to suckle on her little finger rather than at
her bosom.
You will be as good as healthy.
The baby gummed down on the goddesss finger, eyes widening as milk, even sweeter than from the breast, flowed
into his throat. Warm, revitalising milk sipped into his stomach, filling his belly with nutritious goodness. All the
while, the stranger hummed lullabies, soothing him to drowsiness. Was it his fevered head, or did a little bird flit out
the door? He did know why, but Isis knew where that bird was going. For its cries were those of a mourning woman.


Isis and Osiris

Every night, the same bird flittered out and danced circles around the pillar embracing Osiriss coffin. It cried all
night, mourning for Osiriss lost soul. Oh! How she loved him! How she missed him!
Her thoughts away with Osiriss known presence, Isis didnt notice the night ticking on until the sky lightened into
the first twinges of oncoming dawn. At her bosom, the baby had fallen fast asleep, so much healthier and fuller than
he had been but one sunrise ago.
Astartes eyes widened in disbelief as she saw her son the same morning. Only the previous night, he had been pale
and frail. Now he was almost at full strength and health.
All this from last night? Astarte croaked.
Isis nodded. Yes, I have used much of my medical knowledge to heal him.
You must tell me what you have done! So we shall know what to do next time!
But Isis shook her head.
Why ever not? the queen demanded.
It is knowledge only known to very few people like myself.
Well that isnt very fair is it? Astarte complained. Surely, as we are both queens, the knowledge can be imparted
between us?
I am afraid it is knowledge that I cannot share. Isis said sadly. I will explain one day.
Astarte scowled. If you insist, but I am disappointed.
Better to be disappointed, Isis said silently, than to possess knowledge of the gods!
I have a curious thing to tell you. Astarte said instead. I have had several maids tell me they heard birds crying in
the throne room every night you have been here. Do you know anything of this?
No, Isis claimed, I know nothing of them.
Hmmthat is peculiar. And you know what else is peculiar, according to a few night owls amongst my servants?
What else?
The bird is always circling the same pillar.
Really? Which one?
Which one do you think? Astarte asked, It is the one from the Tamarisk tree, my lady! That very same Tamarisk
from the shore!
Isis managed to look very surprised. Truly not!
Truly so, my friend, Astarte confirmed.
How very strange.
Astarte gave the goddessstill disguised as an ordinary queenanother curious glance.
Are you quite sure you dont know of these happenings? I know you have been very fascinated by the same pillar.
So has everyone, Isis pointed out.
Very true, Astarte mused, But that same bird is there every night
Still deep in the middle of the mystery, Astarte lifted her baby out of Isiss arms, greeting him with joy.
Have you slept well, my baby? Astarte crooned, startled when her son giggled gaily.


Isis and Osiris

He has slept very well, Isis confirmed, and has had plenty to eat. He is not as thin as he was before.
But instead of gratitude, suspicion closed Astartes soft face. Thanking her for looking after her son, the queen
quickly picked up her gait as she exited. Isis knew she had to bide her time, but tonighther fourteenth night at the
palaceshe would give the queen a gift.
The day passed without much incident as the sun rose, made its crossing through the sky, and then sunk below the
western horizon. Servants gossiped, cooks whistled up meals, traders streamed in and out, and the royal couple
busied about their tasks. But for Isis, she was to make it an extraordinary night, now the baby was nearly at full
health. It was all she could do to return her gratitude for the palaces warm welcome and such a generously offered
room to bed in for as many nights as she wanted.
The baby cooed in contentment as the queen lay him in Isiss arms one late evening. Astarte waved goodnight at the
woman and left her to attend to the baby. Isis bided her time, knowing she had to be certain everyone was fast
asleep. Once confident the entire palace slumbered, Isis laid the child on the mat. It would be a surprise for the
parents, and she couldnt wait to see their expressions the next day. Preparing herself, Isis concentrated on the spell
to burn the babys mortality away and turn him immortal like the gods.
Immortality come stay Isis murmured, and now several birds flew away from her hands, darting as one toward
the pillar entombing Osiriss coffin. Then the room glowed bright orange as flames leapt harmlessly around the child
slumbering on the mat. More birds circled the child as his mortality seeped into the orange flames like white smoke.
Deep in concentration, Isis didnt hear the creeping footsteps coming up behind the door, nor its little creak as
someone pulled it open and screamed.
Isis flinched, immediately dousing the flames. She stood up to face an enraged queen Astarte.
With a furious expression, the queen pushed Isis aside and grabbed the still-sleeping infant.
What have you done!
Astarte? called a sleepy voicethe king. Whats going on, sweetheart?
How dare you!
Without a single hesitance, Isis transformed in a flash into her true form. Her arms now had the familiar wings of a
kite flowing from them. She towered over Astarte and the king, who now stopped dead in his tracks, mouth agape.
Astarte trembled at the goddesss intimidating presence.
Your child would have been unharmed!
Unharmed?! Ridiculous! Flames burn!
Look at your child. Look. Isis insisted.
Hands trembling, Astarte checked the baby over, pulling the blanket this way and that.
Nohes sleeping as peaceable as can be, without sight of harm! Astarte shook her head. You arent a mortal are


Isis and Osiris

Isis shook her head. I am the great goddess Isis, of Egypt. If it were not for your interruption, I would have made
your baby immortal. Sadly, he will live a mortal life, unable to attain the immortality the spell would have granted.
Youyou do sorcery? the king asked, looking stricken.
I do, for I am the most powerful of my brethren in the arts of magic and healing.
Astarte dropped to her knees. IfIf theres anything I can doI want to give something in gratitude.
Isis put a gentle hand on Astartes shoulder. If you are willing, give me that pillar that stands in your throne room.
Astarte looked up in alarm. The pillar, goddess?
Isis nodded, her heart leaping into her throat. She was so close now! If all went to plan, she would soon have
Osiriss coffin at last.
Yes, the pillar, the king echoed, You wish for that?
Another nod. At once too, if you are able.
The king and queen dashed out, the baby in the latters arms. Isis followed them out into the throne room where
alarmed servants stood about, unsure of what to do. Astarte waved them off irritably, but they insisted on hanging
around like fascinated citizens witnessing a chariot crash.
Get the woodcutters! she ordered them. I dont care if theyre still half asleep! This pillar has to be taken down
A servant stared in disbelief, her eyes travelling from the queen to the pillar.
Havehave you gone mad, Your Majesty?
No! There is no madness in me! Astarte snapped. Now get on with it!
The servants scattered like geese as they dashed for the artisans quarters. Within minutes, they returned with the
men in tow. Most of them were still rubbing their eyes, grumbling about being awoken at such a frightful hour.
Quit your complaining, men, and take down the pillar! That is an order! Astarte ordered.
The woodcutters mouths fell open in shock.
You know, those axes could be quite painful should I turn them on you.
We hear you, Your Majesty! the men chorused, dashing for the pillar without another complaint.
It felt like an eternity to Isis as she watched the men crack apart the wondrous column. As much as she wanted to see
it split apart, the goddess shuddered to see Astartes tears of sorrow for its fate. The woodsmen were tearing her
beloved column apart, and all because of a mistake, stopping a great and powerful goddesss magic. Yet, a sacrifice
it was, and Astarte seemed to think it the right thing to do.
At long last, the column cracked open, the golden coffin threatening to topple out. Isis rushed forward, holding it
upright with her hands. The woodcutters helped the woman extract the box from the gaping hole in the column.
Arms straining from the effort, she carefully lowered it down on the floor.
Keep back. Isis ordered the men, servants, and royal couple. For this holds nothing of your concern.
But even in the dim light of the torches in the hallways, the audience could see Isis shaking badly. Her breath
sounded ragged, as if holding back sobs as she pushed aside the lid, looking inside for several long seconds. A hand
shook as she reached inside the coffin, touching whateveror whoeverlay inside.


Isis and Osiris

Suddenly, Isis threw back her head and screamed in grief. The torches flames sputtered under the strength of her
laments. A flock of birds shrieked in alarm outside a window, flapping away into the sky. Everyone in the room
watched in awed terror as the goddess writhed with her sorrow, fingers tearing at her hair. The keening seemed to go
on forever, as she reached into the box again, now with both hands. Behind her, some of the servants sobbed in
fright in each others arms; Astarte took notice and rushed to their side.
My dear servants, Astarte addressed them, her low volume heard even amidst Isiss shrieks of soul-biting
mourning. Go to bed. This has been a terrible night for all.
The servants nodded, grateful for their queens antecedence. Not one of them argued as they went to their rooms.
Behind them, Astarte spun on her heels, hands on hips, looking with great disapproval at the gaping craftsmen.
Men! She grieves for something that does not concern any of you! Astarte shouted. Get to bed, all of you!
They hastened away after the servants, lest Astarte turn their axes upon their heads.
Now everyone was gone, leaving only a sobbing goddess, a king holding a quiet baby, and the queen Astarte herself.
Mymy lady Astarte began.
Isis wiped her tears, but never looked up, holding her arms protectively over the coffin.
Isis there anything we can do?
Isis didnt say anything for a long time, sitting with her unkempt head bowed, rocking on her knees in quiet sorrow.
She reached into the box one last time, caressing the side of Osiriss handsome face, and replaced the lid. Standing
up, she faced the king and queen. To their astonishment, the goddess curtsied.
I am grateful for such hospitality, she said, but I must return at first light to my homeland with this coffin.
I know someone who will take you back in one of our ships, the king offered, our oldest son knows how to sail
one very well. He will take you back to
Egypt. My homeland. Isis gazed down at the closed box. Our homeland. And I can use my magic to guide the
ship back to Egypt.
Very well, said the shaken king, I will have one ready for you by first light.
The king kept true to his promise. With great secrecy, the royal couple accompanied Isis in the first hints of dawn to
the harbour. Isis allowed the couple to carry the coffin between them with great respect. She felt it was another thing
she owed the royal couple for their hospitality. If they were ever tempted to open the coffin, they never showed it.
Here we are, the king announced, gesturing with an arm toward the rather modest-sized boat. It may look small,
but it is strong and will carry you to Egypt without trouble.
Isis inclined her head in gratitude. I thank you for your generosity. Are you sure you wish to part with this boat?
The king gave her a small smile. I have many other ships in the harbour, good goddess, and I have men who can
build me more if the need arises.
Carry the coffin aboard.
The royal pair hastened the coffin over a small ramp and to the deck of the vessel. With great care, the two settled
the box on the floor of the ship. They hastened down the ramp, allowing Isis to pass by them along the way. Gentle


Isis and Osiris

waves gently rocked the boat under Isis feet. The couple wished her well one final time before turning their backs,
their arms around each other as they returned to the palace. As soon as they were out of sight, Isis muttered an
incantation; the ship lurched forcefully off the shore and into the great depths of the sea. Her stomach tightened
despite the kings assurances, she still hated the sea, so vast and hostile.
You know your way back, she told herself, Just follow the shoreline back the other way.
Confidence returning to her heart, Isis commanded the ship to steer in the direction of Egypt. Before long, Byblos
became a muddle of houses, with the palace shining like a golden scarab in the dawn.
Farewell, King Malcander, farewell Queen Astarte, Isis whispered, I will be forever grateful. Now Osiris will
soon be home.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Four
For several days, Isis sailed the shorelines to her homeland as she kept watch over her beloved Osiris. She still could
not believe she had him back, even with him right before her eyes. She never left his side, her hands never far from
his. She would caress his face, murmur words of love and comfort. All that mattered now in the world was her
beloved Osiris.
We wont be parted long now, Osiris, shed murmur as she held his hand, Ill have the gods bring you back to
A days trip away from Egypt, Isis, as always, knelt by the coffin, watching over her beloved husband. She ached to
see him lying so still, as if he were merely sleeping. His eyes were half-closed, and his toes and fingers still had the
tell-tale signs of fractures. Silently thanking Thoth for his lessons in healing, Isis tenderly took one of Osiriss hands
in hers. Brushing her lips over his fingers, she murmured spells, healing the silver bones inside, the bruises fading to
nothing. Brushing his hand against her cheek, she lovingly placed it back down on his bare chest. As she had done
for his first hand, she did for his second. Isis hardly listened to what she said to Osiris, not caring that he couldnt
hear her.
Oh Osiriswhenever I look upon your faceI almost believe you are sleeping. Isis mourned. Yet no breath stirs
your chest, you do not respond to my touch. When we are home, I will demand the gods to bring you back to life.
Still, so stillOsiris was so stillno breath, no heartbeathe did not awake to Isiss words. Nor did he respond as
Isis half-cradled him, his head on her shoulder. Isis kissed his closed eyelids and lips, caressed his face with her tears
and gentle fingers.
Well be home soon, Osiris
Gazing upon his still face, she ran her hands through his hair, fingers trailing softly down his neck. Many nights
passed like this when Isis did not move, Osiris in her arms, even as the moon climbed high into the sky. Somehow,
she managed to fall asleep sitting up against the coffin, clinging Osiris to her bosom. It was a lonely sight to see, and
so much so knowing Osiris couldnt feel Isiss touch. In this, sleep was a friend to Isis, embracing her heart with
dreamless slumber through the nights.
One early morning, the sun warmed Isiss shoulders as it rose over the horizon. Isis, still holding Osiris in her arms,
opened her eyes to a familiar land. Tearful relief rushed over her heart as she spotted the familiar delta of the Nile.
She was home at last! Raising an arm above her head, she thanked the gods watching over her for guiding her safely
to Egypt.
We are home now, love, she told her beloved.
Isis stood up, wincing as pins and needles shot up her legs after being still for so many hours. Carefully, she replaced
Osiris back inside the coffin, closing the lid over him. Secretly, she caused her womb to be receptive to a future
child. She knew she could return him to a temporary semblance of life, just long enough to conceive a child.
Osiris, we are home now, beloved, Isis murmured to the coffin, the gods have brought us home.


Isis and Osiris

Isis steeled herself as the boat rocked and wobbled its way down the delta. Her stomach felt heavy with nausea.
Such a pity no spell cured seasickness! Isis guided the little skiff down the fast-flowing river, toward a place where
thick papyrus and reed bushels grew so tall they dwarfed adults.
Strand on the bank over there! Isis ordered the boat, which turned and with an almighty shudder, threw itself onto
the bank. The Nile River cascaded around the partially beached vessel as Isis dragged the coffin behind her onto dry
land. Flinging her hands at the boat, she cast a spell of absolute destruction. Immediately, the boat sank, splitting
apart as it went down. Now she was alone with the coffin. Isis knew that no one could come across her in this
thicket, for it was too far from civilisation.
Carefully, Isis lifted Osiris out of the coffin, laying him on the ground. Tracing the contours of his face, she wished
her heart had the knowledge of returning him to full life. Alas, she would have only her limited abilities. Isis knew
what she knew would not work, but she just had to try! She just had to!
With a sob, she leaned down and kissed Osiriss lips, trailing to his jawline. With a sigh of sadness and love, she
nuzzled her face into his neck, planting a flutter of kisses on his skin. Her fingers stroked the skin of his shoulders,
trailing down over his arms, until she felt his hands in hers. If only he could feel her love, her desperate desire to see
him live again. Unclutching his hands, she sat up, carefully undoing his kilt before she transformed into her kite
form, uttering in her head the spell to bring him momentary breath. Her large wings whirled through the air, fanning
life into Osiriss nostrils and mouth. To her shock, his eyes fluttered open, moving to gaze at her in her kite form. If
only he would smile or show he saw her!
I love you! I love you with all my being! Isis cried in her head, even as she rose Osiris from his sleep. When she felt
enough life flowed through him, she transformed into human form, her arms still wing-like as she wrapped herself
around him, transplanting many kisses on his face and neck. Her breath came in elated gasps as Osiris gave her new
life and an ultimate, searing pleasure unable to be put in words. Half-crying with sorrow and half-crying from
ecstasy, Isis buried her face into his neck. Her hands clutched onto his back, her body enveloped his as she closed
her eyes, drowning in the pleasure she had enjoyed while Osiris breathed. Underneath her bosom, his chest fell for a
final time. With a sob of sorrow, Isis wound her arms about him even tighter, knowing his life was gone again, her
spell having taken its course to the end. Yet even now, she felt a tremendous change within her.
Hardly stirring in between life and death, Osiris had given her a child at last.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Five
Why has Nephthys returned? Set wondered to himself for many days.
Half of him wanted to believe she had missed him, but another half insisted it wasnt the truth. Had she come to
check on the palace? Did she suspect he found another wife? If she had suspected he had taken on another Great
Royal Wife, she had her answer. Set would often catch Meryt-Ra staring at his newly acquired servant with a look of
smug superiority. He could guess what she was thinking. Now Meryt-Ra had the throne and status of Great Royal
Wife, and Nephthys was now a simple servant who attended to her. Once, it had been the other way around, and now
Meryt-Ra had the upper hand. To tell himself the truth, Set didnt mind all that much. Meryt-Ra had shown her
loyalty, even despite the Min amulets she kept fetching out of whatever hiding place Set chose for it every time he
hid it.
One particular cool night, with only the sounds of guards stomping past the doorway, Set held his beloved wife
close, feeling her head against his shoulder.
I dont like this, Set said.
Meryt-Ra pulled his arms off her. Then dont embrace me!
Why not?
One of Meryt-Ras legs kicked his as she edged further under the sheet. Embrace me.
Set folded his arms, staring over at his wife. Whats the meaning of this confusion Meryt-Ra?
Cold feet pressed up against his leg as she turned on her side away from him. An awkward silence passed between
them, hanging like a heavy mist. He leaned to Meryt-Ra, whispered in her ear.
I expect you to answer me when I ask you something! Set whispered.
Meryt-Ra sniffed. Not tonight. Leave me alone.
Is this about Nephthys? Set interrogated, tightening his fingers on the sheet as a cold anger crawled over him. I
do not love her, Meryt-Ra, believe me.
You allowed her to stay in the palace.
She offered her services as a servant!
You like her being here, dont you?
Set slammed his fist on the sheet in frustration. No, I dont! I just told you before!
A long silence.
Goodnight. Set mumbled, turning over, facing away from Meryt-Ra.
Silly woman. She doesnt trust me. Shes like all womenwont listen to me, wont believe me!
Good riddance, he mumbled.
When he woke again, it was late morning, the sun having already fully broken the horizon. Set groaned, massaging
his temples, trying hard not to notice the empty space beside him. He hoped she hadnt decided to ditch him as he
slept, unnoticing. And all because of that accursed Nephthys! Untangling the sheets from around his body, Set
lurched into a standing position and wrapped the first kilt he saw around his waist. Not bothering to call in his


Isis and Osiris

assistants, he grabbed his regalia, several rings, and a collar necklace. At the same time, he shouted for his sandalbearer who, though surprised to see he hadnt called in his assistants, nevertheless put Sets sandals on his feet.
Marching out with hands curled into fists, Set knocked into Meryt-Ra, who bounced off him, stumbling backwards
in surprise.
What the Set began.
Set! she gasped. Im sorry! I didnt see you
He offered his hand to Meryt-Ra, who accepted it. She smoothed out her wrinkled dress with her free hand.
Whats the meaning of this? Set asked.
In here! Meryt-Ra gripped his wrist, pulling him into their bedroom. I just overheard something youd like to
know! Overheard Nephthys herself!
Set straightened to his full height, anticipating her revelation. Could it be about Isis?
Tell all you have heard, my dear.
Meryt-Ra dashed to the doorway, head flicking this way and that, checking for any eavesdroppers. Finding the area
safe, she dashed back to Set, placing placating hands on his shoulders.
My dear King Set, she began, As I walked to the servants rooms to demand my preparation for the day, I
overheard Nephthys talking to the girls.
Set leaned his head forward, staring into Meryt-Ras eyes. Carry on..
Isis has found King Osiris coffin.
A moment passed as Set registered her words, before hot fury throbbed at his temples. He ground his teeth, trying to
keep calm in front of his wife.
Where did she find it? he demanded.
I do not know, for that was when I had rushed back here to tell you, but you were fast asleep.
You should have stayed and listened!
Despite his frustrated disappointment, Set wound his arms around his wife, pressing her against his body with a kiss
on her forehead.
You have done well, he purred, You have heard what I wanted to hear. Then his voice turned curt. What do you
make of Isis discovering Osiris coffin?
Apathetic, King Set. Apathetic.
Good, Set murmured, satisfied, I will deal with it myself.
He is dead, Meryt-Ra reasoned, Theres not much
Shell do something! Set snapped, What, I dont know, but I need to stop her.
Why worry about it?
Set pushed her away. Dont question me anymore on this subject, beloved, it pains me. Now lets leave it be, and
Ill deal with it on my own.
She raised her hands in surrender. As you wish, my King, as you wish.


Isis and Osiris

Set started toward the doorway, then turned his head back to ask one more question. Had she said anything about
Meryt-Ra hesitated, then shook her head. Set narrowed his eyes, suspicious.
She hesitatesshe must know something!
Every little thing annoyed Set as he slouched on his throne. The overseer of the treasury mumbled one word, Set
shouted at him to learn how to enunciate properly. Set yelled at the fan-bearer to leave when he accidentally
knocked his crown with the fan. A harpist fumbled one note, Set demanded him to take extra lessons from an older,
more experienced veteran of that instrument. A bird cawed too loudly; he demanded a hunter to hunt it down and kill
it. Everything and everyone yapped, cawed, mumbled, tittered, and fumbled too much for his senses today. Servants,
Nephthys included, streamed in and out, fanned themselves to keep away the heat, and giggled at the good-looking
members of the court.
Alright! Set shouted, leaping off his throne into an upright posture. Everyone leave! He shook off his wifes
hand from his wrist. Now was not the time to be soothed. Tonight hed allow himself to be pacified, but not now.
As you wish, Your Majesty, came the murmurs from various people as they filtered out of the throne room.
Only Nephthys will stay here! Set commanded, jabbing a finger in the goddesss direction. Come here at once!
Nephthys broke away from the river of servants and hastened to his throne, kneeling at his feet.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Look at me!
Nephthys raised her head, pushing back her hair as she gazed up at him. Set locked eyes with hers. His fingers
tightened on the arms of his throne. He wanted to see her tremble, watch tears moistening her dark irises, and her
limbs tremble in terror. On the contrary, her eyes were steady, and no tremor shook her limbs. What had she done in
Duat, got hold of a courage spell from Thoth? He wouldnt put it past her.
My Great Royal Wife has told me everything, he began in an ominous tone, relieved to see she at least lowered
her eyes again. That was more like the Nephthys he knew. She overheard you this morning talking with your
beloved servants! Tell on, Meryt-Ra!
Meryt-Ras voice took on a superior edge as she explained what she overheard. Nephthys hands shook, but her
voice did not tremble as she spoke.
II had merely been telling about the mourning rituals.
Really? What has Isis to do with your little mourning rituals?
My little mourning rituals, Nephthys said with an unshaking voice, Has everything to do with Isis.
And now she has found Osiris coffin, you will mourn now?
We are mourning, we all are, Nephthys said.
Enough about your mourning! Meryt-Ra snapped. Tell medid you tell my servants Osiris has been
Nephthys nodded, but determination flashed under her eyelids.
Will you or wont you join Isis? Set interrogated. The truth!


Isis and Osiris

Then Nephthys did the unthinkable: she stood up without permission in front of the royals. Slamming fists knuckle
first on the chair, Set stood up, quaking with rage.
How dare you stand in the presence of me and my Great Royal Wife without permission!
I once was your Great Royal Wife!
Set clapped his hands. Guards!
I will stand for myself! I will stand up for my people!
Silence, servant! Meryt-Ra snapped.
I will mourn for Osiris with our citizens!
Not for long you wont! Set growled as the guards sprinted up to the throne, prostrating themselves before the
royal couple. Take her to the cellar, guards, and lock her there!
No! Nephthys protested, Leave me!
The guards gripped her arms and dragged her out of the room. Meryt-Ra watched intently until the former queen
disappeared from sight.
Well that does it, Set said as he slumped back onto his throne, his anger spent. There wont be any searching for
Isis now.
No there wont be, his wife agreed absent-mindedly, Not for now.
Set sat up, leaning over his throne toward Meryt-Ra. What do you mean, not for now?
Meryt-Ra lifted her chin, looking down her nose as if at Nephthys. Youre not quick on the uptake today are you?
How dare you!
Meryt-Ra lowered her voice, Shes a goddess. Shell find a way out.
Not in the cellar she wont, Set assured confidently, Not without a way out.
I wouldnt be so confident.
Why not? You doubt my efficiency?
Meryt-Ra reached out a finger and stroked the side of his face. You are very efficient, she said matter-of-factly,
But not so efficient at giving me a baby.
Not where people can hear! Set snapped, pulling back, then broke his words, Told you those Min amulets wont
Servants giggled. In abject horror, Set snapped his head round to discover three female servants had sneaked into the
room while he wasnt looking. Eyeing Meryt-Ra, he was shocked to find a small smirk on her face.
Oops, she said, Perhaps you shouldnt have brought it up.
You brought it up first!
She stood up, brushing off invisible dust from her dress. I enjoyed being your Great Royal Wife.
Set stared at her. Youre not leaving me.
Until, that is, I found you couldnt ever give me children, Meryt-Ra said glibly, I will be content to be a servant.
Not in my palace you wont!
I will find a nobleman or noblewomans home.
Go find one then! Now!


Isis and Osiris

In response, she took his arm in hers. One more time together, and I will leave. A sort of farewell to each other.
Set sorely wanted to refuse, yell at her to leave, but he had to admit, they had some good times together in their
room. Waving a hand at the servants to dismiss them, he stood up, taking his now second former Great Royal Wife
by the hand.
Dont waste my time, lets get this farewell over and done with, Meryt-Ra.
His words were answered by a dry kiss on the cheek from Meryt-Ra as they strolled out of the throne room together
for the last time.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Six
Nephthys groaned as she woke up to pitch darkness. Her head throbbed with a headache. Though she felt herself
blink, there was nothing but pitch-black. Her heart quickened.
Amun in his ark! He has plucked my eyes!
Hands trembling, Nephthys reached her fingers toward her eyes, expecting to hit empty sockets. Instead, she poked
her eyes.
The relief was brief. A new shiver of horror passed through her: Set had somehow blinded her. She could not see
anything! Trying not to scream from sheer terror, Nephthys sat up. One of her feet hit something soft. Instinctively,
she shot her foot towards herself, away from whatever it was.
Sorry! she apologised, but to no reply. I said Im sorry.
Still no reply or sound of movement, except for her own. Was Nephthys apologising to an inanimate object?
Creeping forward, she cautiously made her way in its direction. Her hand caught the fibre of a sack. Cautiously, she
felt inside it. From its contents, Nephthys guessed it stored grain or barley. Then, it clicked: she may not have been
blind at all! Set had thrown her into one of the palace cellars! She could have shouted with relief.
As if to confirm her eyes really were fine, Nephthys glimpsed a slim sliver of light filing its way into the room.
From the shape of the filtered sunlight, it was a door, now bolted shut against any escape attempts. How many days
had she been shut in here? Her stomach rumbled, the familiar feeling of sore hunger returning, recalling the days in
the desert. The goddess shivered to remember those terrible days. If only someone knew where she was now, for
how could someone find her down here? For all Nephthys knew, Set would order his palace not to venture into the
storeroom she was imprisoned in.
An overwhelming desire to despair and give up threatened to grab hold of her heart. In retaliation, Nephthys resisted
all those urges, promising herself she would not give up without a fight. When she got out, somehow, she would go
straight back to Duat, find Thoth, and apologise to him.
You were right all along, Isis, Nephthys said aloud to the dark, Set is no good. He does not deserve my love. My
love should be for someone else aloneshould have been for someone else. Settling is no good for anyone.
Footsteps approached the door. At once, Nephthys stiffened, hoping they hadnt heard her talking to herself. Yet, her
heart pounded hopefullywould someone open the door, giving her time to bolt outside in kite form? Steadying
herself, Nephthys concentrated hard on her kite form, listening to the footsteps edging nearer the door.
Please, please open the door she begged, please, please be coming in here for some barley or whatever you need!
Her prayers were answered.
Unbolting with a loud clang, a large man shoved the door open with a hand. The figure paused as it brought a hand
up to its face. He sneezed, twice, as a cloud of flour wafted from where the door had hit a sack.
Sorry Im about to give you a fright Nephthys apologised as she unfurled her wings.
Without a sound, Nephthys leaped off from the ground, flapping through the air, a wing brushing against one of the
walls. As she darted overhead for her life, the man yelled and raised an arm over his face in defence.
Accursed insects! he shouted, someone should clean this place up!


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys didnt have time to feel insulted on the kites behalf for being mistaken as an insect. All her thoughts were
obsessed with escape, a mad desire to leave the palace forever. Folding her wings, she shot through the doorway and
intoshe hopedfreedom. A lit torch was straight in her path. Screeching in alarm, she careened toward the floor,
beak first. At the last second, Nephthys managed to reach out her feet, but still tumbled in her landing.
At least Im not a roasted bird.
With a last, desperate little cry, she unfolded her wings and flapped upwards toward a window. She ached to accept
the open invitation from the clear night sky with its blots of wispy clouds and clusters of glittering stars.
Nephthys reached her claws out for a landing as she alighted on the window sill, tilting her head to gaze at the sky.
Her lungs pumped hard from the energy exerted in the first half of her escapade.
One more moment, she told her avian self, one more moment to catch your breath.
She tried to calculate the hour of night by looking at the shadows cast by the moon, but to no avail. Nephthys
couldnt tell the time at a glance like Thoth could. All he had to do was look at a shadow, calculate the angle of light
from the moon or sun, and he knew the hour of day or night. Nevertheless, the palace sounded very quiet, except for
wandering guards and the man dragging up extra supplies from the storeroom.
Without warning, a guard marched around the corner of the hall, right into her line of sight. He raised an eyebrow at
the kite perched on the windowsill.
Hey! Birdy! the guard shouted. Youre not supposed to fly at night! Youre not Nephthys in disguise are you?
Nephthys pretended to act like a normal bird, preening her feathers as if preparing to go to sleep. Behind the guard
came another familiar figure: Set.
Isis, I know youre not with me, but give me strength! May your name give me bravery!
Boldness flaring in her soul, Nephthys leaped off the windowsill and onto the floor, immediately returning to
goddess form. Set glowered at her; but even while he towered over her form, Nephthys refused to let herself quail.
Inside, her organs were turning into liquid, but on the outside, she stood her post like a statue.
How did you escape? Set interrogated.
It so happened one of your servants was looking for something in the storeroom, Nephthys said calmly, clasping
her shaking hands behind her back.
Set narrowed his eyes. I told my servants not to go in there!
And one did not listen, Nephthys agreed, which meant I could take my flight and return to Isis.
Nephthys stepped back as Set advanced on her.
Dont take that tone with me, Nephthys! Its your fault Meryt-Ra left me too!
How is it my fault?
You goaded those servants to hang around didnt you? he shouted.
No more of your words, Set, Nephthys said coolly, If you expect me to take my place as Great Royal Wife again,
you are wrong. Very wrong.
Set raised a hand and slapped Nephthys.
Stop lecturing me! Set railed, Thats Thoths role! If I see him helping you and Isis, I swear Ill give him the
same as Osiris!


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His hands grabbed at her dress, clasping one of her breasts. Nephthys sharply brought up a leg and kneed him as
hard as she could. As he bent over in agony, the goddess took the second of opportunity to return to avian form.
Before flying away, she relayed one last thought into his heart.
I do not deservenever deservedto be your wife! Goodbye, Set, we shall not see each other again as long as I can
help it!
With one last screech of defiance she was sure Isis would have been proud of, the goddess shot through the window
and out into the night. She startled in mid-air when Nuts joyful voice rushed into her thoughts.
Nephthys! You have escaped Set!
Mother! Nephthys cried. Dont scare me like that!
We were so worried! Nuts voice turned scolding, We always warned you of Sets darker side, and how he does
not know love!
Yes, I know, mother, Nephthys conceded, But
Nuts voice was gentler again. But you dont love him anymore, do you?
No, mother, and I say that with absolute truth. Maat would not find a falsehood. Nephthys took a deep breath.
Yet, I am afraid to go alone in my search for Isis. I know Set will try and stop me! He will stop Isis too if she has
Shhhh Nut soothed, a breeze stroking Nephthys feathers. My child, Thoth has told me he will help.
Nephthys exhaled in relief. He will? Even after what Ive done? This was no way to repay him!
No, it wasnt, Nut agreed, but he does forgive. She hesitated as if mulling over whether she should say what was
on her mind. After a time, she spoke, He did admit to me he felt uncomfortable about leaving you at the palace for
a month. A month is just too long.
Nephthys sighed. I know. But now the servants know the mourning rituals, Meryt-Ra has left, and I will find my
sister again.
Nuts words seemed to smile. Yes, you will find Isis, who is in Egypt as we speak. But please do not return to the
palace. Promise us, promise me, promise Geb, promise us all.
Nephthys took a deep breath. The palace was surprisingly far away now. She had already long passed the gates and
now found herself flying in the rivers direction.
Yes, I promise, Nephthys said, to the very depths of my ba. I will never return to Set. Never.
I hope you will hold onto the promise, Nut said, Please do not return to Set. Maybe one day you will forgive him
as I have done, for it does not do to hold a grudge or anger in your heart. You can forgive a person you once held
dear, Nephthys, but not agree with their actions, nor necessarily love them.
Nephthys listened to Nuts words without interruption. Just the sound of Nuts soothing voice was enough. Just
floating up amongst the stars, in the realm of Nuts world, was all Nephthys wanted or needed at that moment. Warm
thermals lifted individual feathers on her body and wings. It was a perfect night, if she tried not to think about Set.
Just his name sent a grip of fear into her soul. She wondered if his name would ever not carry that chokehold of
Nephthys, Nut said suddenly, when you look at Osiris and Isis, what do you see in their love? Or our love?


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Nephthys had to think on that for a while, coming to perch in a nearby tree as she did so.
II see intimacy, compassion, mutual respect Nephthys began.
Anything else? What have you heard of Geb and Is unfortunate forced parting by Shu?
The breeze chilled; Nut chided her father for his barely concealed temperament.
Dont mind Shu. Carry on, then, daughter.
II see love still holding strong even when forced apart. Courage and strength to hang on to each others
Nut sniffled. Yes, my Nephthys, you speak true words.
Unfolding her wings, Nephthys made her final decision right there. She had to go look for Thoth. An apology was in
order. But someone else needed an apology too. Nephthys steeled herself.
Mother, father, are you listening?
There was Nuts answering breeze, but another, a deeper voice that seemed to travel from deep under the soil. No
doubt, it was Geb himself.
I apologise for my grave decision in returning to Set, even though it was dangerous to do so. Nephthys said, her
birds head low in penance. But though one may desire to look upon what is happening in what is now Sets realm,
it is best sometimes to wait and know later.
Geb answered from the earth itself.
Apology accepted, my daughter. Now go, remember your experiences, learn, but do not dwell. Geb said. You
will remember for the future, and you will know from the past why Set is not worthy of your beautiful self.
If Nephthys had been in human form, she would have blushed to the roots of her dark hair.
Ththank you, beloved mother, beloved father Nephthys managed.
Without another word, Nephthys flew from the tree, searching for Thoth. It took a while, and each wing beat was
wearier than the last. Now in the familiar halls and sweeping gardens of Duat, Nephthys carefully landed on the
ground, returning to full goddess form. Padding over the floor, she walked to the room where Thoth sat scribing on
some papyrus. He looked so regal with his back straight, and feet flat on the floor, one could easily see him as a
Pharaohs vizier. He didnt look up, even as she entered the room. When she spoke, it was not much louder than a
soft murmur.
He started, the reed pen clattering out of his hand. Blinking in surprise, the god looked at the goddess.
I have returned, with an apology and a grave lesson learned. Nephthys told him. I wish to seek your forgiveness,
and trust again, for I have done a terrible deed.
Thoth made to interrupt her, but she held up a hand, stemming his unspoken words. With a nod, he gestured for her
to carry on.
No one can force another to change or love. I cannot do this, nor can any godnot even Hathornor can any
mortal. I am ready now to look for my sister Isis, but I do not wish to go alone. Sets fury and what he thinks
Nephthys swallowed, her throat dry, he scares me, Thoth. I dont want to go alone.


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Thoth remained silent, allowing himself time to take in Nephthys words. There was something different about her
expression, a strength that had been absent until now.
Nut has spoken with me, and I have listened and heeded her words. Nephthys continued. She has forgiven me, as
has Geb. Willwill you?
I forgive you, Nephthys, he said, I knew you would soon find the truth, and you would return. In a few days, I
promise, weincluding Anubiswill search for Isis.
Thank you Nephthys said in her heart, tears welling in her eyes. Thank you


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Seven
In Duat the next morning, Nephthys sat quietly under the old childhood tree, gazing at the arrowhead clasped in her
hands. Her thumb gently rubbed against the smooth, cool surface as she sunk deep into her own thoughts. Only last
night, Nut had informed her that Isis had returned to Egypt with Osiris. Nephthys knew her sister was great of
magic, but could she be powerful enough to bring her love back to full life? And would Anubis go with them?
There you are, mother.
Nephthys jumped in surprise at the new voice. A familiar form approached her, silhouetted by the bright morning
sun. Squinting against the sun, Nephthys recognised Anubis. Nevertheless, for a brief jolt of fear, she had imagined
him to be Set.
What are you doing here? Anubis asked.
Nephthys shrugged. Nothing; just waiting for you and Thoth.
Anubis loped over and sat cross-legged beside her.
Thoths still coming, Anubis reported, looking irritated. That man is always busy!
Nephthys had to smile at Anubiss impatience. I dont blame himbeing the god of knowledge keeps him on his
Couldnt he get
Seshat to take over? Yes, I can.
The voice had pierced directly into their heads. Seconds later, an ibis swooped down and landed by their feet. Within
two blinks, Thoth stood before them in full human form. Both Anubis and Nephthys stood up.
Thoth, what took so long? Anubis demanded, Isis could be anywhere!
I know, Thoth conceded, but I believe she would not travel far.
Could she revive him? Nephthys blurted.
Thoth stared at her in confusion. Come again?
I mean Isiscould she revive Osiris to life?
Thoth titled his head, giving careful thought to an answer.
Isis is very powerful, he began, still deep in thought, so I would not be surprised if she finds a way, however
temporary that would be.
Temporary? Anubis put in.
Perhaps a few minutes of life, but that is all. Her kite formas with yours, Nephthyscan temporarily breathe life
into a deceaseds lungs, but not for long. Thoth explained. She does not know the proper spell to fully bring
someone back to life, albeit
Albeit what? Nephthys asked.
Thoth inhaled deeply. Albeit he would have to stay in Duat, for the deadeven a dead godcannot return to the
living world.
Anubiss shoulders sagged, his head bent forward.
Then what? Nephthys encouraged, Thats it?


Isis and Osiris

No, Thoth said, for he can still live in the Fields of Peace; we all know his heart would naturally weigh lighter
than the Feather of Truth.
Anubis raised his head again. Willwill he need to be mummified?
Thoth nodded. He will, if his ka is to reunite with his ba. I am sorry, Anubis.
A sad silence passed between them, broken only by the quiet rustle of leaves. Far above them, a bird chirped merrily
with its friend, an interloper in the circle of sorrow. When Thoth spoke again, the sombre quietude rippled away
from their presence.
Lets go.
Nephthys waved a hand in front of her face, chasing away the heat as she walked alongside Anubis. He was in his
jackal form, the tall ears swivelling constantly this way and that. Thoth had advised her not to turn into kite form,
lest Set or one of his supporters spotted her.
Kites dont normally accompany ibises, hed remarked lightly, Set would know immediately.
The god of wisdom was in his ibis form, flying high above the two deities, searching for any signs of Isis. His huge
wings pumped powerfully through the air. His long beak and neck reminded Nephthys of an arrow perfectly crafted
to hit its target. Ibises did not have the best voices in the avian kingdom, but they could fly with grace. Nephthys
often caught herself watching the ibis in motion. At one point, he caught her watching.
Admiring my flying, Nephthys?
Yes, she admitted, unable to hold back a smile, I wish my kite form could fly like that.
Kite birds have a grace of their own toonot just ibises. Thoth commented.
Pity neither bird has a particularly nice voice. Anubis chimed in, his jackals head tilted toward the goddess.
Thanks. Nephthys muttered, before looking back up at Thoth.
Well its true!
If youre so sure, why not show us what you can do in your form? Thoth quipped.
Nephthys nudged Anubis with her hand. Go on, son.
Stopping in mid-step, Anubis threw back his head and howled. A soul-chilling soprano vibrato sliced into the
Not bad, not bad, Nephthys mused, an old twinkle back in her eyes, still sounds like a dying songstress though.
Come on, its true, Anubis, you know it.
Without warning, he dashed into the river, splashing his way into its depths.
Having a swim, Anubis? Nephthys called out.
Anubis didnt answer, instead swimming deeper into the river. After a time, he made for the riverbank, shivering
under his soaked fur. Without hesitating, he shook himself off with vigour, water spraying everywhere, including
Nephthys dress. When he was done, Anubis cocked his jackals head, looking up at her.
Thats payback, mother, sorry about that. Itll dry soon enough.


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys surprised herself by laughing, before looking back up at Thoth. For just this brief moment, all her worries
seemed to fade away. She couldnt resist one last quip.
Thoth, our bird forms may not have the best voices, but can yours hover like a kite?
Thoths laugh echoed in their minds. Ah, this takes me back to when you and Isis were children, always holding
your hovering competitions. First one to stop hovering and fall out of the sky is a runty baby bird.
Isis said that!
I know.
Suddenly, Thoths warning shout cut the merriment short.
Hide! Get down!
At once, Nephthys and Anubis dashed toward some tall papyrus plants, lying down as close to the ground as
possible. An insect buzzed by Nephthys ear, but she didnt dare bat it away. Nephthys heart thumpedhad they
been too loud? Did Sets supporters hear the laughter and chatter? Thoth relayed what he was seeing in a calm voice,
helping to soothe Nephthys jangled nerves. Somewhere above them, he was gliding over them in circles, his
shadow passing over the hiding deities.
Its three people, and they look like ordinary citizens, Thoth reported, but we cannot be too careful. For all we
know, they may support Set. We must be very careful at all times, just to be sure.
Nephthys pressed herself against the hard earth, stretching her legs out behind her. Her fingers gripped tendrils of
plant shoots as she held her breath. Each second felt like an hour. The earth seemed to tilt as wooziness swirled
around her head.
Theyre gone, returned back to their city, Thoth assured at last, sounding relieved, We can move on.
Nephthys inhaled deeply, the refreshing air feeling cool as it rushed into her lungs. Exhaling slowly, she pushed
herself to an upright position.
Lets go, but we need to exercise caution, Thoth warned.
No one answered him, quietly following the ibis onward in search of Isis. Nephthys could only trust they would find
her soon. It could be another long journey, but at least she was not alone.
A full day and night had passed since the trio set out on the search, and now as Nephthys settled herself on a patch
of dried grass, it was the second evening. Thoth was reassuring as always, promising that they would find Isis soon
enough. The first evening had been peaceful, even if Nephthys fell asleep fretful. No matter how much she tried, she
could not shake the feeling Set somehow knew her whereabouts.
On the second night, Nephthys was once again restless. She tossed and turned in her thoughts, unable to stop
shifting her legs restlessly on the ground. Even the crackling fire Thoth created to chase away the chill of night
didnt calm her. Surely, Set would discover them sooner or later? Stress suffocated her like a blanket, hanging over
her senses like a permanent fog. She wished it would go away, but the more she pushed against the tendrils of fear,
the thicker it became.


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys sat up with an irritated sigh, resigning herself to another night of scant slumber. Resting her chin on a
hand, she looked over at the two sleeping forms that were Anubis and Thoth. Anubis was in his full human form,
stretched out on his belly, whereas Thoth rested against a trees trunk. Personally, Nephthys thought Thoth looked
horribly uncomfortable sitting up against the trunk, but he didnt seem to lose any sleep. She envied how easily the
gods had fallen asleep; already, their breathing was slow and regular, eyes closed in the depths of slumber. Cursing
her own thoughts, Nephthys stood up and stretched her arms over her head. If only she could fall asleep! But oh no,
not all the moons in the world could allow her to drift away into her dreams.
Iah, allow me to fall asleep. Nephthys begged the silver disk of the moon. I want to go to sleep already.
No answer from the moon.
May as well go for a walk, then, Nephthys decided, Could get me some sleep for once!
Pressing hands against cooling soil, Nephthys stood up to full height. The moon cast her long shadow behind her.
She paused by Thoths tree, tip-toeing past to avoid disturbing him. She knew Thoth wouldnt allow her to go
wandering alone at nightespecially in a full moon, but that didnt bother her. On the contrary, she was grateful
for his concern. The very thought of Set wandering in this moonlight-swamped night made her shiver. As long as the
two gods were in sight, she would be safe.
Humming softly to herself, the goddess treaded light as possible over the moonlit ground. The moon threw the
multitude of shadows away from the river, gently tweaking them as the hour crawled by. The cool grass squeezed
into the gaps between her toes and bathed the soles of her feet with moist dew. She smiled to see the river alight with
I want to swim in there Nephthys mused to herself, it looks so magical!
A hand brushing papyrus stalks, Nephthys closed her eyes, allowing herself to be absorbed into the rivers magic.
All around her were the sounds of night-loving critters. An owls shadow briefly eclipsed the moon, holding what
looked like dinner in its claws. The braying yelps of jackals in the distance haunted her soul, as did the distant chirp
of an avian calling to its friend or mate. She could have listened forever!
Thena new sound interrupted natures chirps, howls, and hoots. Nephthys opened her eyes as her ears caught the
sound of muffled voices.
Without thinking, Nephthys dived to the ground, only her head peeking above the stalks of papyrus. Carefully
parting two stalks, the goddess watched the group marching down the riverbank. The leader, muscular and tall, wore
the tell-tale Nemes cloth of a Pharaoh.
Set! Nephthys gasped in her head, Set, what brings you here?
The goddess shuffled herself backwards over the prickly ground, trying to make as little noise as possible. At the
same moment, Nephthys heard a terrified grunt and squeal as Sets six friendsarmed with spears and clubs
chased after their prey. Then Set abruptly stopped, turning his face toward the Nile. Something had caught his
attention. His friends, realizing he wasnt following, stopped their chase and returned to their king. Set held up a
hand, stemming their questions.
What has he found? Nephthys thought, eyes straining to find anything unusual at the Niles edge.


Isis and Osiris

ThenNephthys spotted it: a box sitting on the eastern Nile bank and a body resting beside it in the coffins shadow.
With it glowing so bold in the moonlight, Nephthys wondered how she hadnt noticed it before. She clapped a hand
over her mouth. Her breathing became shallow and stilted with shock.
Oh Iahtell me its not Osiris. she begged in a whisper.
The moons light glowed brighter. Nephthys clamped her hand tighter over her mouth, stifling a scream. It was
Osiris lying beside the box! But where was her sister? Search as she might, Isis was nowhere to be found.
Isis, where are you? Nephthys blurted out.
The men grew still.
You hear something? Set asked his men.
Uh one began, I think it was the wind.
Wind? Theres no wind, Set told him scornfully. Perhaps you are hearing things?
They had heard her! Hoping the men wouldnt spot her, Nephthys sprinted back to Anubis and Thoth. Collapsing,
out of breath, she awakened them, shaking their shoulders roughly.
Thoth! Anubis! she gasped. Wake up!
Both gods sounded groggy as they rubbed their eyes and yawned.
What is it, Nephthys? Thoth asked, his sleepy voice growing concerned at her breathlessness. Are you alright?
Getting up again, she pointed in the direction of the box and Set with his companions. Anubis and Thoth stood up
for a better look. Quickly, the god of wisdom motioned toward the shadow of a tree trunk, out of direct moonlight.
Standing in the trees shadow, the three waited with bated breath.
OSIRIS! Set shrieked in rage, ISIS! WHERE ARE YOU?!
Sets shadowed compatriots stared at each other, as though not knowing quite what to do. Set flung his hands in the
air at the mumbling men shifting their feet on the ground.
Go home! he shouted, Ill deal with this myself!
The men sprinted away, returning to Sets palace. Satisfied with their retreat, Set rounded on the coffin, raising his
hands and smashing it into smithereens with a single uttered word of magic.
We have to stop him Anubis mumbled, only to be shushed by Thoth.
A creeping sense of foreboding chilled Nephthys heart as Set examined the remains of Osiris body closely. Even
shadowed, Nephthys could tell he wore a look of pure hatred. His perusal and indistinct speech over, Set abruptly
stood up, stiff as a board. He idly swung his axe in his hand, biding his time. It didnt bode well for Nephthys
Nono, no, no Nephthys moaned, hes going to do something
Shhh Thoth hushed, hell hear you.
Weve got to stop him! Anubis insisted.
Its too dangerous, Thoth said, shaking his head. Well be seen in this light!
I dont care!
We cant do anythinghell still find a way. Thoth reasoned in a quick whisper. We can defend, but not attack.


Isis and Osiris

Without warning, right before the gods eyes, Set raised his axe and brought it down on Osiriss body. Nephthys
closed her eyes too late: she had seen a hand part with his arm. She heard Thoths sharp intake of breathopening
one eye to a mere slit, she saw he had clenched his fists.
Anubis Thoth warned, Dontno!
Nephthys opened her eyes to see Anubis haring toward Set at full tilt in his jackal form.
Anubis! she gasped. No!
Nephthys made to rush after him, but Thoth held her back.
Ill deal with it, you stay here!
With that, Thoth dashed off, leaving Nephthys behind in the trees shadow. She fell to her knees, transfixed at the
scene before her. A loud, enraged series of barks escaped the jackals mouth before Set yelled in pain and surprise as
Anubis clamped his jaws on his leg.
OW! Set yelled. Get off me, you brute!
Nephthys almost screamed as Sets axe swung too near Anubis for comfort.
Look what I have done to your father! Set yelled at him, And look what I will now do to you!
Crack! Like a whip, Set flung magic at Anubis, sending the jackal flying, yelping, into another tree. Slumping, the
canine collapsed to the ground.
No Nephthys mourned, Not Anubis toowhere are you, Thoth?
Thenshe spotted Thoth turning away from Set at the last second; his attention drawn by Anubiss fall. Dropping to
his knees next to the unmoving canine, Thoth quickly administered to him. Nephthys wasnt sure where she didnt
want to look: Set raising his axe over Osiris again, or Thoth checking on Anubis.
No! Nephthys screamed in her heart as Set beheaded Osiris, the head rolling away from the neck.
Where are you Isis! Where could you possibly be!
She covered her eyes, turning away, not wanting to see Set mutilating Osiris body. Her cheeks were wet with tears.
All that searching only for Osiris to end up chopped apart. Such horrible fate! Nephthys did not dare look over and
see if Set had finished yet.
You are finished! Set yelled, Lets see Isis find you now!
Nephthys clamped her hands over her ears as thunderous magic filled the air. Birds shrieked, clouding the moon
with their alarmed wing-beats. Daring to look up again, she retched as she spotted Osiris body lying in twelve
I shall scatter you over the land! Set crowed, flailing his arms as though tearing something apart.
Immediately, the twelve pieces of Osiris seemed to lift into the air, glowing almost pure white under the moon.
No Nephthys whispered. Dont scatter them
With a triumphant shout, Set blasted the pieces through the sky; Nephthys watched in horrified transfixion as the
parts flew into the distant horizons. Poor Isis! How would she fare knowing what had happened? The magic rippled
and wafted through the sky and bending trees, until it stopped, leaving everything in an eerie silence, with only the
distant braying of hyenas breaking through.
Farewell again, Osiris, Set shouted, You will never rise again!


Isis and Osiris

Only when Set had disappeared into the shadows did Thoth and a revived Anubis return to Nephthys, looking
shaken and sickened.
Anubis! Nephthys said, relieved, Youre alive, thank Duat!
Dont thank Duat, Anubis grumbled, And Im not thanking him.
Nephthys stood up to greet the two gods. What do you mean not thanking Thoth? Thats a little rude as he healed

He didnt stop Set, mother! Anubis interrupted.

He healed you!
A lot of good it did for Osiris!
With that, Anubis skulked to the burning embers and flopped down on the ground on his belly, closing his eyes. To
Nephthys surprise, Thoth dashed away a few yards, collapsing on his knees and hands. She could hear him bringing
up his last meal. She couldnt blame him; seeing Osiris body torn asunder like that would nauseate anyone who
loved the deceased king. He returned some time later, paler than usual, as he settled back against the tree trunk,
closing his eyes. Nephthys tried to say something, to assure him theyd find Osiris again, but she couldnt. Her heart
did not believe it.
Dawns muted shades coloured the sky as Nephthys rubbed her eyes with one hand after a night of fitful sleep. Her
other hand moved over the ground until a finger hit the familiar edge of Osiris arrowhead. Nephthys bit her lip,
willing herself not to cry.
Gone again she thought, scattered
No one in their right mind would have chopped up their brothers body without regrets. No one. Set hadnt been in
his right mind last night.
How are you feeling?
Nephthys sat up, looking over at Thoth, who was already awake. Anubis still snored gently as he slept on his belly.
Looking at Thoth, Nephthys saw his eyes were red-rimmed, and she suspected it wasnt from lack of sleep.
Im fine, Nephthys said, shrugging.
Good sleep?
She shrugged again.
We need to go look for Isis really soon, Thoth said, She needs to know what happened.
ThothI only just woke up.
He got up, stretching to his full height. So have I, but we need to move. Isis must know.
Nephthys reluctantly moved to wake Anubis, who grumbled at the interruption. But on hearing the explanations, he
sat up, wide awake.
Im coming with you, Anubis declared, brushing himself off as he stood up. Im ready.
Good, Thoth approved, Isis wouldnt be too far from here. Let us go to her.
Nephthys heard the little quaver in his voice he so clearly tried to hide, but failed. As calm as he was, she knew the
god had been just as shaken by the hideous dismemberment of Osiris body.


Isis and Osiris

Dearest Isis, Nephthys promised, I will be by your side on this grim search to be


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Isis woke with uneasiness in her heart. Ambiences from the outside world had crept into her slumber all night. But
were they moods from her dreams playground? Or had they happened around her as she slept unaware? The
goddess couldnt shake off the lingering scream. Shouts had barked into her dreams and the unsettling sounds of
bodies ripped apart had gnawed at Isiss slumber.
No, it was a vivid dream, Isis attempted to persuade herself, and dreams are strange.
Then why did she still feel so uneasy? Were the sounds so vivid because they were happening around her while she
slept? Ra in his ark forbid it!
With a nervous swallow, she stood up carefully, parting the reeds where she had been sleeping in a hidden area of
the Nile on the west bank. Shadowing her eyes from the glare of the morning sun, Isis squinted, her heart thumping
in apprehension. Blood drained from her face. Her head swam with wooziness. Blinking hard, she shook her head as
though to try and clear her eyes. But the bank remained empty. Osiris and the coffin were gone!
No she croaked, Nonono
She pinched herself on the arm, enough for it to hurt. Nothing changed. She didnt start herself awake. The dream
was impossibly real. So horribly awake. No comfort from knowing it was all a dream. Osiris and the coffin were
ripped away from her.
The coffinmy Osiris she moaned in grief, My Osiris! No! The coffin! The coffin! Dont let me be awake!
Not awake, please, let it be a dream!
A sob threatened to bubble its way up her throat as she sprinted past the reeds and to the bank of the Nile.
Desperately, she prayed that her heart merely misremembered where the coffin and Osiris were last time she saw
them. Half-panicking, Isis transformed into her shimmering kite form. With a screech, the goddess circled higher
and higher, her yellow birds eyes piercing the shores for any signs of the coffin. Finally, her sharp vision spotted
lavishly decorated driftwood spinning and crashing through one of the Niles cataracts.
Pleasepleasenooh no, no, no, no!
A small, pathetic chirp escaped her beak as her wings dipped under the weight of defeat and dismay. Even though
the coffin had been torn into many pieces, Isis recognised the shards of precious inlaid jewels, gold, silver, and
elaborate artwork. Now it was dismembered, torn apart like a rickety house in a severe windstorm. With another cry,
the goddess circled back to where she knew the coffin had last been. No sooner did Isis transform into goddess form,
then she fell on her knees in despair.
I dont want to be alone anymore Isis whispered, face hidden in her hands. I shouldve askedI shouldve
Isis! ISIS!
The goddess flinched; she hadnt heard her name in so long it sounded strange just to hear it again. Yet, something
about her name made her pause. As the disembodied voice shouted again, her heart quickened; was that her sisters
voice? Surely! Isis scrambled to her feet, running to the sound of approaching footsteps.
Now it was a males voice, an achingly familiar one. It was not Set, nor was it Thoth.


Isis and Osiris

A large animal shot out of the long stalks of grass with a hurried, Its me, Anubis! A split-second later, the jackal
was a god. He stumbled as he ran toward Isis. The goddess felt a giddying rush of relief at seeing his face. Now she
wouldnt be alone. If there was anyone she needed right now, it was someone with undisputed loyalty.
Anubis! Isis cried, rushing to greet him, even despite her roiling anger. Have you seen Set?!
As Anubis opened his mouth to speak, a woman shot out of the stalks. Her face so like Isiss that the goddess had no
doubts as to her identity.
Isis rushed to her sister, colliding with her in a desperate embrace.
Thank Ra youre here!
Nephthys pulled back from the embrace, her face reflecting Isis own anger. It was Set!
Just then, Thoth caught up to the other deities, breathless from the exertion.
My queen, he gasped, Set had seen itthe coffinand
Nephthys finished his sentence, Tore him apart.
Into twelve pieces, Anubis added, glaring at Thoth, And he didnt even stop Set.
Isis put her hands on her hips, staring hard at Anubis, Are you sure of this?
Yes! He tried to stop me going to confront Setbut did it anyway! He didnt even help try to stop Set!
He only tried to protect us! Nephthys admonished Anubis, He knew Set could hurt us
I dont care! Anubis shouted. He could have stopped Set and didnt!
And you ended up needing to be healed, Thoth reminded him, I had to heal you first before confronting
You shouldve stopped him! Never mind my injuries, how about saving Isis husband! You let Set tear him apart!
Isis felt anger surge again inside her. If Anubis was right, then that meant Thothwho could have stopped Set with
his magic powershad allowed Osiris to be torn apart, the pieces thrown all over the land. She had been betrayed.
Is this true, Anubis? Isis asked.
All of it. Anubis said, He wasted time trying to protect Nephthys and me, only to let Set tear Osiris apart
without doing anything.
He cant do everything at once, Nephthys reasoned.
Isis turned to Thoth, Did you or didnt you let Set tear my beloved into twelve pieces?
Thoths expression looked pained, Isis, you know I tried my best.
You did let him tear Osiris apart, Isis said coldly.
You know Im a protector, not a fighter
You should have protected Osiris
I know, but
Anubis is a god! Injuries wouldnt hurt him as badly as a mortal!
Isis is right, Anubis conceded.
It was my duty to heal
Never mind your duties; what about Osiris! You have betrayed me!


Isis and Osiris

Isis! Nephthys begged, Please listen!

Now Isis rounded on her, eyes flashing, Whose side are you on, sister?
On your side, Isis
Youre not acting it! Isis turned her back on Nephthys, addressing Thoth in a bitter tone, I expected better from
Osiris vizier. You have betrayed us all, letting Set destroy his body, rather than protect him.
Dont try and reason with me, Isis ordered with barely controlled rage, You allowed Osiris to be hurt again! All
you could think of was yourselfnot about how I would feel! Maybe you would have had more empathy, had you a
mother! No empathy, for you are motherless!
Isis! Nephthys cried, hands over her mouth in horror.
Thoths hands balled into fists, advancing on Isis, who raised a hand ready to defend herself.
Dont think of attacking me, Isis said coldly, We both know I am most powerful.
If you dont want my help, so be it.
Good. Dont ever come back.
Without another word, Thoth transformed in a blinding flash of light into his ibis form, flying away as fast as he
could. A ringing silence dropped over the remaining trio. Nephthys eyes were bright with unshed tears as she stared
at Isis. Anubis gave Isis a slight, approving nod.
How could you? Nephthys asked in a small voice, How could you say that to Thoth?
Because he allowed Osiris to be torn apart! Isis snapped. If youre going to agree with him, then go back to
I want to help you search for Osiris, Nephthys insisted, You know Id never betray Osiris.
So she agrees deep down, Isis thought.
Isis regarded Nephthys for a moment. Fine, she conceded, then noticed Nephthys was holding something in one
hand. Whats that?
Nephthys started, bringing her hand up to look at it. She opened her palm to reveal the arrowhead.
That day so long ago, when we had been trying the bow and arrow, Nephthys explained, A remembrance of
Isis grabbed her sisters wrist, scrutinising the arrowhead. Closing Nephthys fingers over it, Isis addressed both her
sister and Anubis in a determined voice.
Let us search for Osiris, once again, Isis declared, First, well begin with the river.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Twenty-Nine
Even with the combination of their magical powers, it took several hours to construct an unsinkable reed boat.
Nephthys stayed quiet as she helped Isis and Anubis construct the modest vessel, mulling relentlessly over recent
The sun steadily rose higher, the air becoming a thick blanket of heat. It was barely noontime before the heat seeped
into their skin and ran fingers of weariness down their heads. Yet, even despite the sauna of noontime, Nephthyss
hands moved with a new determination to assist her sister and Anubis. To convince her that Thoth had meant well
how could Isis believe her when she had her heart set against him?
Oh beloved gods, Nephthys prayed, her hands tying the last of the stalks together, beloved brethren, beloved kin,
convince Isis he means well!
Isis, I am finished here, Nephthys said, wiping her hands off on her skirt.
Then were off. Isis announced, stepping onto the boat and taking up an oar. You coming, Anubis?
That boat looks small enough for only two people, he observed.
No, its big enough for all of us, Isis disagreed, Climb aboard, then.
Looking sceptical, Anubis cautiously stepped aboard the boat. Isis was right: it was large enough for all three of
them with some extra room.
See? I told you. Isis said.
Where do we start? Nephthys wondered, looking around.
The delta, Anubis suggested, It is closestwe should start there.
Isis held out the second oar. Whos rowing with me?
Kneeling down, Nephthys took up the other oar, sitting behind Isis, who had taken up the first paddle. Anubis sat
quietly behind them, holding on to the back of the boat with one hand. All were silent as they peered into the water,
searching for any signs of Osiris.
This is not going to be easy! Nephthys noted.
She shuddered as she stared rivers distant west bank. Though a short paddle away, the bank looked as far away as
Lebanon itself. The water wrinkled as the goddesses rowed their craft with godly swiftness. The reed boat rocked
with the strength of the goddesses rowing. Despite knowing that they could fix it if it fell apart, Nephthys still felt a
twinge of apprehension as she gazed back at the shore from where they had departed.
Nephthys, are you looking? Isis interrogated, as though she sensed Nephthys distraction.
Nephthys tore her eyes away from the shore. Yes, yes, I am.
A short silence.
Have you found anything yet? Nephthys queried.
With that little exchange, all fell silent as the goddesses steered the boat around the islands of the Nile Delta. Every
so often, Isis or Nephthys put down their oar and peered around, waving their hands through the water.
How long will it take? Nephthys mused, Months? Years?


Isis and Osiris

Carefula tricky corner here, Isis warned, standing up as she edged the boat past a clump of plants entangling the
shoreline of the mound of land.
Nephthys oar bumped something just under the surface of the water. Lowering her oar, she leaned over to peer into
the glittering water, spotting what looked like a golden foot entangled in the water plants. Unmistakeably Osiris
foot, for no mortal would have golden flesh like a god. boat again rocked sharply as she slammed her oar into the
water to anchor the vessel.
What is it now? Isis asked between her teeth as she gripped the sides of the boat.
I think I see his foot.
Anubis scrambled to look at where Nephthys pointed. The boat tipped dangerously to one side, but the gods didnt
seem to take notice.
Where? Anubis and Isis asked at the same time.
Nephthys pointed again to the missing left foot. Isis gripped her oar, her expression frozen.
Itit is his foot. Isis agreed in a monotonous voice.
Shall I? Nephthys offered, leaning forward over the water.
Youll be able to do it, Nep?
I can do it, I know I can.
Taking a deep breath, Nephthys slid off the side of the boat, pushing away with her feet. Pumping her arms, she
propelled herself in the direction of the water plants. The boat cast a shadow above her as she reached out for the
plants. Her lungs began to beg for air, running out of oxygen even as she pulled at the stalks to get to the foot.
Come on, let me do this!
Getting frustrated, Nephthys summoned her fire, puffing a ball of flame at the greenery. The water boiled around her
like water heated over an oven. The plants smoked and blackened, withering as sparks and splutters of flames
burned them to death. Nephthys heart pounded in her chest, her head swam with wooziness. Willing herself to stay
underwater, the goddess reached for the foot.
Come on! Im not going to drown here!
Her fingers touched the big toe of Osiris foot. Instantly, she gripped the foot in both hands, before arching upwards
for the waters surface, hoping she wouldnt pass out. After what seemed to be forever, her head broke the surface,
smacked in the face by a cool wind. With a loud gasp, she inhaled fresh, air even as she threw the foot on the boat,
Isis catching it. Weakened from lack of oxygen, Nephthys half-attempted to swim back to the boat, but her body
didnt want to obey.
Here, take my hand, Anubis told her.
She could see Anubis stretched out on the boat, reaching out both hands to her. Reaching out her own arms, she was
dimly aware of his strong ones gripping her wrists. Her limp body trailed in the water as Anubis dragged her back
toward the boat, placing her hands on its surface.
Thank you, Anubis, Nephthys said, grateful for his quick thinking.
Both Isis and Anubis pulled her aboard the boat, allowing her to just lie there, belly down, for a time as she
recovered her breath.


Isis and Osiris

I shouldve gone down, Isis said, guilt in her voice. I shouldve

Nephthys reached over and patted her shoulder weakly. I did it. I brought back one piece, see? One down, eleven to
Isis sighed, Yes, I know.
Thats one fewer we have to find. Look how quickly we found one piece.
Dont get too hopeful, Anubis warned, Set did scatter them over the land.
I know, Nephthys responded, now sitting up and taking the oar in her hands, And well find all of them. And
thats a promise.
The trio rode in silence, forcing their eyes away from the foot of Osiris lying on their boat. Then, Nephthys broke
the silence.
Hadnt we better ask the river gods to warn the creatures? Nephthys suggested.
What do you mean?
You knowso nothing gets eaten.
Raising her arms to the heavens, Isis summoned the river gods to her.
Hapi, Sobek! I call to you and the other gods of the river!
Sobek, with the head of a crocodile, lunged out of the water, breaking its surface with a giant splash. Both sisters
and Anubis yelled in fright and scrambled away. Sobek chuckled as he watched their terrified expressions turn into
irritation and anger as they realized who it was.
Oops. Sorry. Sobek apologised, still in his hybrid form, I should stop doing that to people.
And youve said that how many times?! Isis snapped.
Sobeks head turned to human form. Ive apologised! Now what have you called me for?
In a steely, emotionless voice, Isis relayed the current situation, hands clasped behind her back, lest Sobek saw them
shake. When Isis finished their tale of tragedy, he looked uncharacteristically thoughtful.
So nothing gets eaten he echoed slowly when Isis was done, Ill make sure of it. None of the crocodiles
shall harm you or the pieces of Osiris as long as you are in the Nile.
You better keep to your promise, Isis threatened.
With my heart and my soul. Sobek smacked a fist to his heart, nodding once to show he meant it. Now if you
dont need me anymore
No we dont! Isis told him, waving the god away.
Sobek winked. Im off, then.
Changing into a huge crocodile, Sobek dived into the water. As a last, cheeky farewell, he raised his tail, splashing a
wave of water over the boat. All three now drenched gods lunged forward to save the foot as the boat rocked with
No wonder hes single! Isis grumbled. Still got the heart of a naughty child! Whod put up with that?
Nephthys busily wrung her hair out, droplets spraying into the water.
At least its still hot, Nephthys mused, Nothing is worse than being cold and wet at night.


Isis and Osiris

Isis picked up her oar, and started rowing so fast that Nephthys almost fell off. Clutching onto the sides of the boat
in time, she picked up her own oar, and joined in. There was silence for a long time as they rowed back and forth,
eyes sharp. Nephthys half-hoped they would not come across any more pieces, even as the sun began its quick
descent into the western horizon.
Birds began arguing over dinner as the sun started sinking below the horizon. A large group of ibises squabbled over
some water snails in a secluded area of the river, their curved beaks wide open in their headache-inducing
arguments. Fish swirled around the boat, as though the craft would save them from any hungry predator looking for
dinner. Small insects started nipping at Nephthys and Isis's skin; every now and again, a sister swatted at a mosquito.
A strong, chilly breeze whipped the plants on the banks, bending them under the weight of the air. A flock of geese
glided high in the sky as though chasing the sun as it disappeared to let in the night-time.
Stop, Anubis commanded, pointing over to another island.
You found another piece? Isis queried.
Right there!
Both sisters strained their eyes to see through the dimming light.
Its right over on that little island!
Now Nephthys spotted it: a second foot resting quietly on top of a tiny mound rising out of the delta.
Whos going to get it? Nephthys wondered.
I will, Anubis decided, transforming into jackal form, paddling toward the foot. Both sisters waited patiently as he
picked it up in his jaws, got back in the water with a noisy splash, and hurried back to the boat, depositing the
second piece next to the first foot.
We found both his feet, Isis commented, But its getting dark.
All agreed to return to the island Anubis had found for their resting place. The islands became dark cakes with
moonlight iced on their surfaces. The river sparkled like a lucky mans full set of teeth.
Its so beautiful in the moonlight, Nephthys murmured, I always loved the moonlight.
I like the sun better, personally, Isis responded, But the moon does have its charm.
Before long, the deities found themselves pulling the boat halfway up their chosen islands shore. Isis muttered
spells to anchor it into the sand, lest it floated away. Taking the feet, she followed Anubis and Nephthys to the centre
of the island. Goosebumps flittered across her arms. Already, the night had started cooling, but she wasnt too
worried. She helped Nephthys create a warming fire to keep them toasty through the night. It would not do to shiver
while trying to get to sleep. Isis closed her eyes, losing herself in the warm touch of heat brightening the backs of
her eyelids. Though the breeze cooled her back, the fires warmth laid a blanket of security over her flesh. Her
breathing slowed to a relaxed and calm pace. Nephthys seemed to be in her own world too as she sat next to Isis
without a single word. But it wasnt an awkward silence; it was the sort of quietude where words werent necessary.
Anubis, in his jackal form, kept watch over the island, back turned to the sisters.
It could be so peaceful and happy, Isis thought with a small twinge of sadness, If only Osiris was in one piece and
alive, holding my hand as we sit near the fire


Isis and Osiris

Opening her eyes, Isis caught sight of a goose sitting nearby, watching the trio of deities relaxing at the fire. Then
she noticed the faint symbol of a goose above the birds head. She touched Nephthys arm, getting her attention.
Look. Isis said, gesturing to the bird.
Its a goose. Nephthys observed.
Its no goose, Isis claimed, he appeared as we were relaxing here and hasnt moved since. See that symbol above
his head? Its father, Nephthys. Geb.
The goose waddled closer, bowing its head as if in respect and sorrow.
Your sister is right, Geb said in their minds.
There was a yelp from Anubis, who spun around to face the intruder, teeth bared in a growl. Geb must have directed
his words into his heart too.
Cut it out, Anubis, Nephthys commanded, It is Geb, our father, who accompanies us.
The jackal turned into the human form of Anubis.
He could have warned us, Anubis muttered, Jackal was ready for a meal.
Sorry about that, Gebs kas thick voice said, I did not wish to alarm by coming in full human form. I only
wished to be with my daughters and nephew at this time.
How can you stand it? Isis asked, To seeOsiris torn asunder?
I bear it, the god said simply, but I wish to tell you: you will find other remains scattered throughout Egypt.
Nephthys and Isis leaned in, encouraging Geb to continue.
Thereby his Geb took an audible breath, his head lies in Abydos, an arm at Khmun, and his torso somewhere
in Behdet.
Isis gripped her sisters hand. II see.
How do you know? Nephthys croaked.
I am the earth and soil, so I know what is happening in the ground.
Both sisters nodded, not really paying attention.
Willwill you be helping us? Anubis asked Geb.
To this much, I can, but I am afraid I must not dwell too long here. Geb warned, For Shu intends to keep us apart
as much as possible.
Why cant Shu just shoo off this once? Isis snapped. All he ever does is keep you and mother apart! Its not fair!
It isnt fair, Geb agreed, but Shu knows that as soon as Nut and I embrace again, all creation will die, crushed
under the weight of the sky.
No one had an answer to that.
II guess Shus there for a reason, Nephthys commented meekly.
But what we can do is just be there, and help when we can. Geb reminded, his voice soft, As I always say, the
earth and sky will always be with you.
With a last farewell, the goose disappeared into the night, returning to the earth. A raindrop fell on Isiss shoulder, a
tear from Nut. Suddenly, everyone felt sleepy, as though they just had a big meal.
Im going to sleep, Anubis decided after a huge yawn, we can begin in the morning.


Isis and Osiris

With that, the god went to his usual spot amongst the reeds, closing his eyes as soon as his head touched the ground.
Isis and Nephthys gazed at what they now found of Osiris.
Well piece him together again, Isis promised, and well do it together.
Nephthys nodded, still numb from what she had heard.
And then, well make the gods revive him.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty
Isis, Nephthys, and Anubis had searched the delta for several days only to come up with nothing. Isis heart swelled
with frustration the more they searched for the pieces.
We have only begun, Isis reminded herself. We have searched only the delta.
The moon quickly waned in the night sky, returning to its crescent form before it would disappear altogether. The
nights grew dimmer as the moons light faded out like the sunset at dusk. Stars shone brighter as the moon faded to
nothing. Isis knew that searching at night would soon not be possible until the moon grew bright again. They had
already found two pieces; surely, it wouldnt be too hard to find the remaining eight.
Weeks passed by without finding any more pieces, even as she and her sister flew over the budding villages of an
Egypt still in its infancy. Mud brick houses camouflaged with the surrounding desert, islands of villages slowly
revealed themselves as the floods retreated and farmers returned to their crops. Isis had already reminded Nephthys
of the spell to make her hieroglyphic symbol disappear from above her birds head, especially as they flew over
Memphis. It was over Memphis that Isis and Nephthys hovered, the former listening to the latters tales of what had
happened in Sets home over the last few moons.
There is no way Set could have given Meryt-Ra a baby, Isis assured Nephthys, Even if he could, hes a god.
Whats that to do with it?
Gods dont usually bed with mortals remember? Isis reminded, Infertile or not, no god but Ra can inseminate a
Has Ra done that before?
No, but even he can onlyin disguisemake love to the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh to give her the next heir to
the throne.
How do you know all this?
Isis mentally gritted her teeth at the reminder of her old vizier. Thoth taught us this.
An awkward silence came between the two birds as they concentrated all their magical efforts on searching for
Osiriss pieces. With unflagging energy, they searched thoroughly, only to return, empty-handed, to Anubis waiting
with the boat.
Still havent found any? Anubis queried.
Both Nephthys and Isis shook their heads.
Were not giving up, Anubis said fiercely, Well never give up.
Unflagging loyalty and love drove them onwards down the Nile, even as Isis entered her first month of pregnancy.
Her belly did not show yet, but she knew her baby grew in her womb. As they sailed away from Meidum a couple
days later, Isis absent-mindedly put her hand on her belly, day-dreaming of the joy she would feel on her babys
You ill? Nephthys asked.
Isis gave her a dreamy smile, Not at all, my sister.


Isis and Osiris

Nephthys eyes widened. Dont tell me

A grin cracked Isis lips. I wanted to keep it a surprise, wait how long till you noticed.
The boat stalled in the middle of the Nile; Anubis had shifted around to listen, curious, still kneeling on the deck. He
leaned forward, oar forgotten. Meanwhile, Nephthys grasped her sisters hands.
Youre pregnant? Howd you
By reviving him just long enough to promise him a child.
Nephthys flung her arms around Isis shoulders with such force the boat rocked sharply. Isis shot out a hand to hold
onto the boat, but found water.
Nephthys, look out!
Too lateboth slipped into the water, letting go of each other as they scrambled to get back onto the boat. As their
heads broke the surface, both could see Anubis doubled over with laughter.
See? Isis spluttered as she pulled herself back on the boat, Now were both wet and Anubis laughs at us!
Nephthys grinned, a cheeky twinkle in her eyes, I dont blame him.
Come on, get back up here. Isis reached out a hand for Nephthys to take.
Sorry about that, Isis, Nephthys apologised.
No, you were just excited, Nephthys, Isis said, waving away the apology, But next time, it might just be you
payback day is coming up.
Nephthys laughed along with her sister, even as Anubis wiped away tears of laughter. Once they had recovered their
breaths, Nephthys picked up her oar, gesturing to Anubis to pick up his.
Isis, can you tell if its a boy or girl yet?
My magical powers tell me its a boy.
Nephthys elevated her oar straight up out of the water like a standard-bearer raising his rod in triumph after a
military victory.
An heir! An heir for Osiris! she shouted.
Shh! Isis hushed at once, Not so loud! Who knows what friends of Set might be nearby?
Nephthys clapped a hand over her mouth, Youre right, Isis, my bad.
Its all right, came Nuts voice from the heavens, shout all you want, for Sets companions are nowhere near you.
Mother! both Isis and Nephthys exclaimed.
And from what I hear, Isis is carrying an heir of Osiris.
Im still bearing it mother, Isis said, still at least eight moons to go.
Theyll go quickly, mark my words.
And mine, Nephthys whispered in her sisters ear, Ive been there, done that.
Nephthys! Isis chided, nudging her with a good-natured elbow.
Geb is delighted at the news too. Nut paused, as though listening to someone, he says its about time.
Nephthys made a strange coughing sound; Isis suspected it covered up a giggle. Although, she couldnt blame her
fathers comment; after twenty plus years, anyone would say it was about time she and Osiris had a child.


Isis and Osiris

Should I take that as a compliment or a complaint? Isis remarked, Never mind, tell him I say thank you either
I will, Nut promised, Safe journeys, my daughters and grandson.
A waxing quarter moon hung over their night skies, quickly fading in the light of day as the trio approached the end
of a finger of land pointing down the Nile. Anubis and Isis steered the boat toward the still tiny city, only to be
accosted by a huge colony of ibises calling and arguing on the shores. A thick group of them flapped away, alarmed
at the vessels unexpected appearance. Isis tensedthese birds were Thoths symbol, along with the baboon. She
really didnt need any reminders of him, not right now.
Im still not forgiving you, she whispered, You have betrayed us.
Anubis moved his head very slightly; though he said nothing, Isis suspected her words were overheard.
Surely the pieces cant be here, Isis said aloud.
Were still going to look, Isis, Anubis debated, We need to.
But the ibises
Never mind the ibises; were still looking here too.
We can look in other places,
Im with Anubis, Nephthys interrupted in a meek voice.
Isis resisted the urge to snap at her sister. You still on his side?
If you would listen
Youre in denial!
No Im not, Isis
Yes you are! You know he betrayed ushe let Set
All right, Im going with Nephthys then! Anubis interrupted loudly in an effort to dispel the argument.
Isis blew out an exasperated sigh. Fine, Anubis, you go with Nephthys! Ill wait here for you.
Do you intend for us to swim out there? Anubis remarked.
Isis bit her tongue in an effort not to say anything more on the matter. She gripped her oar in a white-knuckled hold,
rowing in haste, wanting to get the pair to the shore as quick as possible. She didnt want to be near those birds any
longer than she had to.
Get off, Isis ordered, waving at the shore as soon as they were in the shallows.
The pair jumped off the boat, running for the shore. Ibises waded and walked out of their way even as Nephthys
turned into her kite form and Anubis his jackal. Pushing off the shore with her oar, Isis let the vessel drift into the
Nile, but ensured it didnt begin heading downstream. But what she allowed to drift were her steaming thoughts.
Why did he always have to protect? Anubis would never allow himself to get hurtand Nephthys was too timid to
offer much in a fight. She would have probably taken fright, seeing it was Set after all. Thoth, the most magically
powerful god, could have taken down Set and rescued Osiris and the coffin. He didnt need to protect all the time,
did he? Surely, he hated Set as much as anyone else did! Had he taken sides? Had he been biased against them all
along? Did he have to protect everyone he had ever known? Was it possible to be an unbiased healer?


Isis and Osiris

A surprising stab of guilt pierced her heart as she remembered how shed called him motherless, but she pushed it
aside. Why did he care so much about that? He had his father, Ra, at least! As far as she knew, neither Tefnut nor
Shu moaned about it either. Or did they? Taking a deep breath, the goddess called their names. At once, a high wind
tousled Isiss hair, and a shower of droplets landed on her shoulder.
What do you call us for? Shu snapped.
Isis took a deep breath. Was she doing the right thing? How do you feel about Ra, your father?
Why should we mind him? Tefnuts voice asked flippantly, He created my beloved and me out of seed, and therefore
created the first loving couple.
Do you mind having only Ra as your parent?
Of course we dont! Tefnut sniped. Why should we mind? We are happy the way we are!
Isis started to feel uncharacteristically meek. You are happy? You dont mind not she couldnt finish her
Not what? Shu grumbled. I dont do riddles.
You mean having only Ra as our parent? Tefnut guessed. No we dont. We are happy as we are. Any more questions,
No more questions, Isis said hastily, lest a storm brewed up; the water was starting to swell under the boat. She
hoped Tefnut wouldnt tip the boat in a freak wave nor that Shu would push it over with a powerful gust of wind.
You call us only to ask about Ra, Tefnut grumbled, Not to ask how we are nor how we are taking Osiriss murder.
With a final, powerful gust of wind and wave, their presence vanished in the blink of an eye. Then, a familiar voice
Why did you call on Tefnut and Shu?
I had to ask them. Isis said vaguely.
About what?
Whether they missed having a mother,
Nut was quiet for a long time. Why?
Isis drew her knees up to her chin. Because of Thoths reaction.
Nut sighed. I have no idea why, he would not tell me why he is so angry inside at having no mother.
But you two are very close.
I know, and it pains me he does not tell me, but he has a right not to. I have a feeling Maat knows.
Then why do you not ask Maat?
It is not my business to ask Maat if it is clear he would not tell me. Maat likely would not let me know either if she
knew he didnt wish me to know. Nut paused, hesitant. I get the feeling you are thinking a lot about this?
No. Isis said, a little too quickly.
Somehow, I do not believe that.
Believe me, I dont think too much on it. Really.
I suspect different, but I will trust what you say, Nut decided, but try to listen to reasonI know you will.


Isis and Osiris

She fell silent, leaving Isis alone on her boat. She turned the boat at the faint shouts of Anubis and Nephthys, both
waving their arms, gesturing for her to come back. Had they already found something? With a start, she saw that the
sun had moved forward two hours. Had it really been that long?
Taking up the oars, Isis made for the banks of the lump of land in the Nile. Leaning forward for a better look, she
could see both cradled something in their arms. Her heart throbbed with anticipationhad they found more pieces
of Osiris? Perhaps the search would be over sooner than they anticipated!
What did you find? Isis shouted to them as she rowed toward the bank.
His left arm, Anubis shouted, And his left leg!
His left leg! At last, Isis could sew two of the pieces together with her magic.
Anything else? she shouted back.
No! Nephthys called across to her. Nothing else!
No sooner had the two deposited the additional pieces on the boat, then they took up the oars, letting Isis sit next to
what they had found of Osiris so far. She ignored their chatter as she ran her fingers over his left arm, willing herself
to be strong. They would find the other piecesonly eight to go. They didnt have long, surely, before Osiris would
be whole again. As the boat moved, Isis took his left leg and, with powerful words of magic, re-attached his left foot
to the appendage. Magical light glowed in the sutures of healing syllables as she murmured her spells over the limb
and foot. She closed her eyes, holding on to the two pieces, chanting as the sutures healed into scars, and the welts
became golden flesh once again. Only when her spells were finished, did Isis realise Anubis and Nephthys had both
fallen silent, listening to her healing Osiris foot and leg.
It is done, she told them, gesturing to her finished work.
Nephthys leaned over her shoulder. You did well.
I know, Isis responded, And hell be in perfect form when we have found all of his pieces. He will then be
perfect, Nephthys, for I will have my husband back, whole.
Days later, the trio reached Thinis, south from Khmun, located farther up from the bank than the previous village.
This time, Anubis stayed with the boat while Nephthys and Isis flew toward the city as two identical kites.
Whenever Nephthys floated higher than her, Isis did so in turn.
You doing a hovering competition again? Nephthys asked her.
In a manner of speaking.
You think thats high enough for you? Nephthys asked, angling her wings so she flew higher than Isis. Andlook!
Where? You see something?
But Nephthys had turned into a dive, Isis quickly following behind her.
Thats another piece! Nephthys said triumphantly.
Isis strained her eyes, until a glint of gold caught her vision.
One more piece of Osiris!


Isis and Osiris

No sooner had the sisters landed, then they turned into disguised human forms. Nephthys stiffened, brow creasing in
Do you feel that? she asked.
Feel what?
Nephthys glanced down at her feet. The ground
A scream. Nephthys and Isis whipped their heads around to look for the source of the sound.
Cobra! someone shrieked. Cobra! Cattle! Spooked by the cobra!
Stampede! someone shouted, pushing the two goddesses out of the way, into the sand. Cattle stampede! Theyre
coming this way!
Isis shifted her head to try and look back at the right leg they had found. She groanedit was right in the path of the
stampeding bovines, and even Isis wasnt sure if it would survive the fleeing hooves thundering closer and closer.
She turned her head, face down in the sand, her heart beating as hard as the spooked cattles hooves.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-One
Nephthys and Isis lay side by side, held down by the stranger, listening to the stampedes storm. Nephthys hoped
against hope that no one would beor was alreadyhurt.
Theyre nearly past us, the stranger assured, Nearly there, then you can get up!
Nephthys hoped he was rightthey had to get that limb somehow, before it was trampled deep under the sand.
What if the dozens of cattle hooves dug it so deep that not even a god could reach it?
Dont be silly, she chided herself, Isis could. Shes too powerful not to let a thing like that stop her.
Unless there happened to be a cattle stampede.
Almost gone! the stranger shouted to them over the noise and screams of panicking citizens.
Nephthys tightened her fingers, digging her nails into the soft sand as the bovines rushed past. After what seemed
like forever, the last of the panicking cattle thundered away into the distance, followed by the dismayed cries of
Theyre gone now.
The stranger let go of their shoulders, allowing the two to sit up, rubbing their shoulders where he had maintained a
tight grip. Nephthys looked around, along with Isis, for the stranger, but he had disappeared into the crowd that had
gathered around, staring after the bovines.
My cattle, one farmer lamented, My poor cattle!
Theyll come back, a second told him in a wholly unconvincing tone.
No they wont, the first responded, Ill have to buy new cattle.
Cattle come back home in the end, a third assured, believe me, Ive had this happen before.
The two sisters stood up, brushing themselves off.
Who are you? asked the first farmer, pointing at the pair.
Others in the crowd turned to stare at Isis and Nephthys.
Who are they? a woman echoed, Who are you two? Weve never seen you before!
We are travellers, Isis responded, stepping forward with a queens confidence, We were travelling through your
homeland when the cattle stampeded, and a man bravely saved us from their blind panic.
Are you staying the night? another called.
No, we are not staying the night, Isis called back, but we do request that you do not disturb or watch us leave.
Why? a bent old woman shouted.
We have business
Business! What business do you have here? demanded a young man with a huge roll of papyrus under one arm.
Tell us!
Nephthys and Isis looked at each other, questions in their eyes.
Should we tell them? Nephthys whispered, Tell them of the second demise of their beloved king?
Isis swept her hair off one shoulder, considering. I believe they have a right to know, Nephthysafter all, Osiris
was beloved by all.
Then we must tell them, Nephthys urged, I have a feeling the news will spread quickly to other towns.


Isis and Osiris

And so it must, Isis decided, dropping her disguise, revealing her true identity as the long lost queen. The crowd
gasped in shock.
Its Queen Isis! various people shouted.
As one, the crowd bowed to their knees.
What brings you here, Queen Isis? the papyrus-laden man queried.
A second search for Osiris, Nephthys reported in a strong voice, We search once again for his body.
The crowd huddled closer together, leaning closer to listen to the sisters. As the two siblings related the events of
Sets horrific crimes against his own brother, the crowds emotions roiled between anger, rage, and sorrow.
Queen Isis! someone cried, We are sorry you must go through this again!
We will assist you!
No, Isis commanded, You must leave us to search on our own, for it is a journey for his wife alone, as well as
Nephthys, his sister. But whatever you do, you must never let Set know we are doing this, nor that we have found
some of Osiris parts. You may tell others in towns on this villages outskirts, but Set must never know.
Murmurs of obedience and reverence lifted from the crowds mouths as they promised their Queen Isis of what she
requested. No one would dare let Set know the secret of Isis search for King Osiris. They loved their deceased King
too much to betray their ex-queen, especially when she had been so good to them. Finally, the papyrus-holder
marched to the front of the crowd.
There have been rumours, my queen, the man reported, of an unusual finding near a tree in Abedju.
Isis motioned him forward, Come here and tell me, young man.
The young man quickly knelt at Isis feet. Your Majesty, what I report is true as far as I know,
Tell me, Isis commanded.
He bowed again, opening his papyrus, I have had a message from a priest in Abedju who came across this unusual
sight. In his letter here, he had told of someone finding a head half-buried near a tree in the aforementioned town.
But what is unusual, said the priest, is that it never rotted nor decomposed, and that its face was that of he
gulped, that of our beloved King Osiris.
Nephthys curled her toes into the sand, determined not to pass out. Could it be true? Did the priest see his head at
Let me read the letter, Isis commanded.
The man passed the papyrus in a steady hand. Isis eyes roved back and forth over the hieratic writing.
It rings true, she said, turning to Nephthys, we must go at once to Abedju.
Not at once, Nephthys reminded.
Of course, Isis said, even as she handed the scroll back to the man. Young man, I must thank you for your
Well received, Your Majesty.
Now go, you have been applauded for your good deed.


Isis and Osiris

Visibly relieved, the man returned to the watching crowd. Nephthys watched as Isis turned in the direction of the
distant cattle, murmuring some spells in their direction. Before long, the group at last returned to the stunned crowd
of citizens.
My cattle! the farmer cried exuberantly. My cattle return!
The lowing bovines held their heads to the ground as they returned to their original homes, the initial stampede and
cobra all but forgotten.
I have returned your cattle home, Isis called, to much cheering from the farmers, and you will find them calm
once again. Now follow the cattle back to your homes. My sister and I must attend to a piece of Osiris.
The crowd retreated, following the cattle into the distant villages and farms. Laughter and exclamations sparked in
their little bubble, the words indistinct.
Should we look for it now? Nephthys asked Isis, the limb we have found here?
Isis strode to the place where the limb had been. Pushing away handfuls of sand, the goddesses looked for the leg of
Osiris, hoping it had not been pressed too deep into the sand. To their relief, a glint of gold caught their eyes.
Finally! Isis whispered, wiping sweat off her brow. Weve found another piece!
With great care, the two lifted out the right leg of Osiris, dusting off all the sand that clung to it. Just as with his
other parts, it was none the worse for the wear.
Were almost halfway there, Nephthys marvelled, Almost halfway.
Isis stood up, allowing Nephthys to carry the limb back to the boat where Anubis waited.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Two
Though Abedju wasnt far, Nephthys and Isis agreed that they had enough excitement for one day. Anubis didnt
seem to be sure whether to believe what they told him, or whether they were pulling his leg.
Are you sure? he kept asking.
Absolutely! Nephthys affirmed every time, And we have one more piece of Osiris.
Both Nephthys and Anubis looked over at Isis, who was busily joining the right leg to its foot. She chanted spells
over it, her eyes closed, deep in recitations. Deciding to leave her alone, Nephthys and Anubis chatted together,
sometimes looking out across the Nile River at the distant little village of Thinis.
Ive been thinking Anubis voice trailed off.
About what?
About the night Set tore Osiris apart.
Dont tell me you still believe
Ive been having second thoughts, mother, he admitted, perhaps you were right.
Nephthys turned to check on Isis, who was still bending over the pieces of Osiris. Hoping she wouldnt overhear,
she turned back to Anubis.
Second thoughts about what?
About Thoths actions that nighthe was just being a healer.
And a protector, Nephthys emphasised in a quiet voice, For he is a healer, protector, and defender. It is in his
nature to do so.
Anubis bent forward, ripping a few nearby weeds out by their roots. Even at the cost of Osiris physical.
It seems so, Nephthys sighed, it is wholly unfair, believe me.
Would he have won had he confronted Set?
Probably, Nephthys guessed, I fear, however, he didnt want to risk getting hurt too. Then who would heal
He could heal himself, Anubis insisted.
That would be just the distraction Set would seek
Isis voice interrupted, What are you talking about?
At once, Anubis and Nephthys fell silent.
Uh, nothing, Nephthys said quickly, we were just talking about what happened today, thats all.
Isis looked at them long and hard, before shrugging. I see. Well get some sleep, you two, for tomorrow I intend to
go to Abedju come first light.
Isis stayed true to her word. No sooner had Khepri begun rolling the solar disk into the sky then she shook her sister
and nephew awake.
Come on, were going to Abedju now! she insisted.
Anubis mumbled something in his sleep, but Nephthys, now fully awake, prodded him.
Stop complaining, you got to get up too, Anubis.


Isis and Osiris

Cant I just get some sleep-eye here? Anubis complained.

Not now, Isis insisted, Later.
I can wait here, Anubis said, you two can go to Abedju without me. Someones got to look after the pieces.
Nephthys gazed out at the village of Abedju right on the other bank.
We can get there in our kite forms, no problem, she mused, see how close it is, Isis?
How will we bring back his headif the messenger is right? Isis reasoned.
In that case, Nephthys shook Anubis shoulder again, Get up, boywe need someone to help us bring back his
Now Anubis sat up, annoyed. Dont call me boy, mother.
Nephthys didnt bother holding back her grin. Knew that would annoy you. Now lets get to the village.
With much sleepy reluctance, Anubis followed the sisters to the boat, where he took up the oar at the back, and Isis
took up the helm. With their energetic rowing, it wasnt long before the trio landed ashore at the bustling village of
Lets look for that priest, Isis suggested, Who knows how many there are here.
Probably not many, Nephthys reasoned.
Too excited to ask that boy in Thinis more questions, Isis? Anubis remarked.
Best we can do is keep looking.
The sisters disembarked the boat, leaving Anubis to guard the vessel. This time, Isis did not disguise herself,
allowing her face to be recognised as the queen they had loved so much. She hoped the lack of disguise would allow
the priest to discover her more easily, even as they searched each tree in the town centre and its outskirts. People,
busy with their day-to-day activities, did not appear to notice a queen in their midst, just single-mindedly going
about their chores.
Just as Nephthys and Isis were about to give up hope, a shape half-buried in the embrace of a distant trees roots
caught their attention. Hardly daring to allow their hopes to lift, the two sisters hurried to the tree, ignoring a
carpenters astonished stare as he hauled a couple planks of wood back to his workshop. As they neared the tree,
Nephthys caught Isis arm, holding her back.
Wait, Nephthys cautioned, squinting up at the branches, it looks like theres a nest up there.
Wont hurt us, will it? Isis commented, striding forward.
Just then a couple falcons swooped back to the nest, food held in their curved beaks.
OhI see Isis said, realizing, they got chicks.
As Isis approached the tree, Nephthys watched the falcons busying themselves with their babies hidden in the nest.
She heard their little cries accosting the parents.
It is Osiris head! Isis exclaimed back to Nephthys.
One falcons head turned in her direction.
Theyve noticed you, Nephthys warned, indicating to the birds.


Isis and Osiris

Either Isis didnt hear or she didnt care, as the goddess strode forward and dug the head out of the soil under the
tree. The falcons screeched warning cries.
Theyll attack! Nephthys called fretfully.
Got it! Isis cried triumphantly, holding the head in her arms as she ran back to Nephthys. See? The falcons didnt
attack at all!
Lets go anyway, Nephthys insisted, those birds dont look too happy.
Who are you and what are you doing with a head?
Both looked around to see the source of the demanding tones, their eyes immediately latching onto a balding, whitehaired priest, his arms crossed against his chest, glaring down at the women with clear suspicion.
I, Queen Isis, have been searching for the remains of my husband, Isis said, unfazed, And I have been told his
head, which now I hold, lies here at Abedju.
The priest knelt at Isis feet, I wish to talk to you at the temple.
We are done here, Isis declared, we must search on.
Please, I insist, the priest pleaded, For you have found our beloved kings head here at Abedju. Please allow us to
honour our beloved king by helping us build a shrine and funeral for him.
Even with no body? Nephthys asked incredulously.
I can create a life-like image of Osiris, Isis said, if you wish the funeral to continue, but Anubis awaits us.
Please tell him, then, that you have been asked to help Abedju be the village that holds King Osiris nearest and
dearest to our hearts. I have heard of your mourning traditions, Queen Nephthys, and we too are interested in this.
Nephthys and Isis looked at each other, their tempted expressions mirroring the others.
I hear your mourning rituals are known through the land, the priest continued, And as the town where King
Osiris head lay, we would be honoured to know such ways to properly mourn our king, for we have not been
properly taught howor at least our women have not.
Isis expression worked itself through a dozen arguments with her own heart, before settling on her decision. She
knew Nephthys agreed with her; it was clear Abedju keenly ached for their cherished king.
We accept your proposal. Isis declared, we will remain in Abedju to provide the town a final resting home for
their beloved King Osiris.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Three
Anubis frowned. What do you mean, were staying in Abedju?
We already told you, Isis said, we have accepted a plea from the village to teach them the ritual of mourning.
And were going to be here how long?
At least a month, Nephthys added.
Then what are we supposed to do with these parts?
Youll have to guard them somewhere safe, Isis said, dont worry, well come back when were done.
Can I not at least see Abedju? Anubis asked, looking rather unhappy, Im not waiting around for a whole moon!
As long as the pieces are in a secure place! Isis said sternly, We dont want to lose them, not after having
searched for them this far.
The sisters waited as Anubis rowed the boat to a secluded part of the other bank where it would be unseen to others
in its hiding spot amongst the marshes. Anubis paddled across in his jackal form, trying to get to the sisters as quick
as possible. As soon as he was ashore, the god turned back into his deity form.
Lets go.
The old priest led the trio to a modest house. Several children, with side-locks swinging over their shoulders,
shrieked in happy excitement as they played with their toys. A woman with a heavily lined face kept a hawks eye
over them. As soon as she caught sight of the priest with his two followers, she stood up, eyeing them with the same
bird of prey gaze.
Who are they, priest?
The priest introduced the three deities, and at once the children grew still, but excitement shone in their eyes.
Youre the queen? one asked.
I was a queen for a while, Nephthys admitted, but Isis has been queen much longer.
Why have you brought them here? the woman queried of the priest.
With practical calmness, he explained the situation, the discovery of Osiris head, and the offer to teach the
mourning rituals. He told Nephthys in the same breath he had already selected a group of women to be the first
mourners of the deceased king. They had all accepted, reeling with the honour of being Osiriss first ritual mourners.
Looks like youre going to be busy then, Isis commented to Nephthys.
I have already told some of the servants at the palace, Nephthys admitted, but not how it is done.
Then nows your chance, the priest declared with a warm smile crinkling his eyes.
How long would it take? Isis asked of her sister.
I had chosen seventy days,
Anubis interrupted, Thats how long it takes to mummify a body.
Nephthys recalled her conversation with Thoth so long ago.
How long? Seventy days?


Isis and Osiris

Of course! Thats why Thoth thought seventy days a perfect number! He knew that it takes that long to properly
mummify the deceased.
But we do not have all the pieces of Osiris, Isis pointed out, Priest, I am afraid the mummification rituals will
have to wait until Osiris is fully restored.
I am happy with that, the priest said, I understand the circumstances, and am willing to wait until someone else
can learn the ritual of mummification.
The woman cleared her throat pointedly. I am of the knowledge I am to offer these three a place until they are
finished here?
Yes, the priest confirmed, now turning to Nephthys, My queen Nephthys, do you wish to begin now or tomorrow
in the morning?
And so in the morning, Nephthys awoke to the sound of the children already awake and chasing each other around
the house to the grumbles of the other residents.
Go play in the front room! someone grizzled, let us sleep a little longer!
The children skipped and jumped over sleeping people until they exited through to the front room. Nephthys wanted
to return to slumber, but, thanks to the children, she found herself too wide awake to do so. She remembered what
she had to do today, and prepared her heart for the ordeal. It was tiring to have to go through Osiris death yet again
for another month or so, just as she had at the palace.
You ready, Isis? Nephthys asked as she heard her sisters footsteps at the doorway into the shrine room of the
Too ready, Isis replied, Lets begin.
The modest temple to Osiris towered over the goddesses as they gazed at its architecture. Geometric flowers,
imitating that of the lotus, flowered over the walls of the temples exterior, flanked by effigies of wandering animals.
Hieroglyphics running from top to bottom of the images wove a poetic hymn to the deceased god king.
Its a beautiful hymn, Nephthys complimented the priest as soon as they stepped into the receiving room of the
Thank you very much, the priest said, come over here, the women wait for you.
Huddled together against a figurine of Osiris were five women whose faces told of lives of hardship. Their eyes
were haunted by the backbreaking work of peasantry and the agony of bearing children for their husbands. Despite
her sympathy for the womens hard lives, a secret gratitude crept into Nephthys heart that she hadnt had to live like
that, even under Sets thumb. She half-listened as the priest explained to the women about Nephthys role in
mourning. They stared at her, unspeaking; Nephthys wondered if they were paying attention to the priests words at
all, or, like her, allowed their minds to wander.
while the good Queen Isis will create the likeness of King Osiris to be buried, Nephthys will show you the way
of mourning, which you will hand down to your daughters. Your daughters will hand that down to their daughters,


Isis and Osiris

and so on for many a generation. The priest turned to face Nephthys. Do you mind if I leave you here while I talk
with your sister?
I dont mind, Nephthys said, trying not to sound nervous, I will be fine.
Excellent. We wont be a moment.
With that, he gestured to Isis and in a moments notice, were gone, leaving Nephthys alone with the would-be
professional mourners.
I suppose this is it, Nephthys said, I will show you the proper way to mourn as a professional at the funeral of a
king or wealthy woman or man.
While Nephthys stayed with the mourners, Isis followed the priest to a secluded area of the temple where figurines
of a goddess stood half-eclipsed in the shadows. With a start, she recognised the shape of her throne headdress on
the statues heads: they were images of her. She didnt have long to stare at the statues with their benevolent
expressions, for the priest beckoned her over.
We must begin todayI do not wish to delay you any more than necessary in your search for Osiris parts.
She inclined her head respectfully. Thank you, priest of Osiris.
The priest hummed a little tune to himself as he brought out a reed pen and papyrus.
Let us begin, and I will note down the details.
With a deep breath, Isis extolled all the plans that were on her mind. The more she talked, the greater her emotions
swelled, but she refused to let them show in front of the priest. It would wait until the mourning of the effigy of
Osiris, soon to be put in its own coffin and dragged before the people toward a designated place with a shrine to the
god. It would be here that they would then bury the image of the King, even though it was not the true body. His
body still lay in pieces, in danger of carnivorous wildlife everywhere. Isis could only hope they were doing the right
Weeks passed as the two sisters, with some help from Anubis, taught the rapt village of Abedju the rituals of the
funeral. Nephthys disappeared for whole mornings or afternoons as she spent time with the women, whilst Isis spent
intense days creating an image of Osiris so lifelike even Set would be tricked into thinking it was the real body.
Youre not getting your hands on Osiris again, Isis whispered, Youll have me to face if ever you hurt him again.
Her hands gently worked the magically drawn body into the physique of her husband, so real and true to his form
she ached to see it. She longed to touch his face and hold his hands, but knew this was only a trick. When at last she
finished, she lay down to rest beside the form, worn out from the intense weaving. Dark circles smudged her eyes
and her hair lay more lank than usual. Her energy had been sucked away, but, she assured herself, it was all for the
greater good. At least if Set went searching for Osiris body, he would never know this wasnt his real physique until
it was too late.
I see youre done.
The voice woke Isis from her slumber. Rubbing an eye, she squinted up into the sun at the figure of the priest
standing over her.
Yes, she confirmed after a yawn, I apologiseit has taken much of my energy to create this.


Isis and Osiris

I can imagine, the priest commented, go on, go take a rest for a few days. You need it badly.
The priests tones made it clear to Isis he would not budge. No amount of queenliness would make him shift from
his advice.
Ill see to it, but see that the shrine is kept isolated with its image of Osiris.
Isis knew Nephthys was almost done with the mourningshed shown them the various gestures and postures, the
dressa simple grey-white shiftto wear, and the way to show their laments in the most melodramatic ways
possible. Shrieking, tearing their hair, beating the breast, and creating a cacophony. But Isis deemed it an honour that
Nephthys asked her to stand at the foot of the coffinin a passive role, thankfullyduring the procession across the
Nile River. While Isis would stand at the foot, then Nephthys would be at the head. Generations of mourners would
then represent their passive roles at the head and foot of the coffin long after the two sisters resigned in the land of
At long last, the day came to dramatize the mourning of Osiris passing, a journey taking the first professional
mourners of Egypt across the river to the shrine where the hidden image of Osiris lay. Citizens clogged the streets,
watching with wide eyes and clasped hands as the mourners wailed, the priests chanted, and various volunteers
carried perfumes and flowers to be laid at the shrine. Isis and Nephthys relinquished their roles, allowing two
mourners to represent the sisters at the foot and head of the empty coffin.
Long live King Osiris! cried the crowd, May he live again!
Be brave, Queens of Egypt! called another, we hold you in our hearts!
May Osiris be restored whole by his wife! prayed a third citizen.
The teeming crowd followed at a distance, but held back once the procession started its journey across the Nile
River to the western bank where the lone shrine stood shining in the sun. Children clung onto mothers skirts and
husbands wrapped arms around their wives as they observed the group of mourners and the two goddesses making
their way to the other bank. An unspoken knowledge passed between them all: Abedju, their beloved little village,
had been honoured as the city of the lamentations and burial of Osiris. They settled by the eastern bank as the large
group of priests and mourners honoured their lost king, bending down to lift the convincing image of Osiris into the
coffin and buried it deep in the sand below his shrine. It was the last time they ever saw the two sister goddesses, Isis
and Nephthys, the two sisters and mourners of King Osiris.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Four
Theyre all here! Isis cried in joy after she had returned to the boat with Nephthys. All are still safe!
I told you Id guard them well, Anubis said with a bold expression, I would guard them with my life.
Again, Isis counted the pieces: there were sixthe number of pieces they had found so far. She could hardly believe
they were already halfway there. All they had to do was search the rest of Egypt for the remaining six fragments.
They had to be somewhere in their beloved land; first they would search the villages and towns before venturing out
into the desert, even the desert that lay beyond Waset. The river seemed to stretch forever before them, yet refused to
let the Nile defeat their quest. No sooner had they passed the future town of Nubt, then they retrieved his right hand
that had settled into the water near the bank. Again, the trio counted the pieces, relieved there were only five left to
scavengeif they discovered them at all.
As the weeks of searching and flying over unexplored land passed, Isis found it harder to keep being in her kite
form, for her baby grew too quick for the kites womb to contain. Soon she would no longer be able to turn into the
avian. The bird was large, but even its womb could not contain the developing baby of a mammal, designed only to
pass a fully developed egg within a day and night. It didnt stretch any more than an eggs width, for it had no need
to do so.
One day, as she and Nephthys flew as birds over the barren land beyond Kebet and Waset, both spotted another
piece of Osiris: his chest. As they landed beside the piece, both were relieved to find it untouched by scorpions,
hyenas, and vultures. It seemed even the wildlife knew this was a piece of a deity, best left untouched, let alone
eaten. As soon as she returned to human form, Isis half collapsed next to the piece. She reached out, Nephthys doing
Almost there, Isis, Nephthys encouraged, before long well have him returned to us.
If only I knew how to bring him back Isis said despondently.
You did it once before!
That was only temporary Isis sighed again, as though something deeper bothered her as well. We both know
theres one god who will have the spell.
Thoth. Nephthys supplied.
This time, Isis did not turn away or flinch at the sound of his name. Even now, she had second thoughts about her
reaction. But Isis didnt want to give Nephthys the satisfaction of being right, to let her know that she could have
been wrong all along in her assumptions.
Ill carry his chest, Nephthys offered as she stood up.
Youll overthrow Set one day, Isis promised her son, now four months in her womb, one day you will rule Egypt.
Oh no
Isis wheeled in mid-air, looking down at her sister with concern.
Whats wrong?
His chest. See, his heart is missing.


Isis and Osiris

Isis landed on her sisters shoulder, peering at the chest. How had she not noticed the gaping hole before? Her own
heart sankfor if the heart had been swallowed or damaged, then so would his soul.
We have to find it soon, Nephthys said.
Tell me something I dont know.
I do know something I dont knoware we in the right direction?
Isis flapped back up into the sky, peering down with her eyes, scrutinising the direction of the sun.
It seems we are on track so far. Lets hope Anubis hasnt gone on a wander.
To their relief, Anubis was still right where they had left him near the town of Waset. The boat had been pulled into
the tall plants, disguising the boat so it looked like nothing more than a clump of unwanted weeds.
You took your time, Anubis remarked as the two sisters returned with the piece. Ive been around Waset twice.
I take it youre bored of that place now, Nephthys guessed.
Theres nothing I havent seen now, Anubis quipped, but I see you have found a part of Osiris.
With no heart.
Anubis blinked, confused, What?
Nephthys showed him the small hole in his chest where the heart had been ripped out and thrown away by Sets
You havent found it?
Both Isis and Nephthys shook their heads.
Wed better find it and soon! Anubis said urgently, moving to the boat. It could go missing or he let his voice
trail off. Even he didnt want to think about the worst. But I did find something in Waset while you were away.
What was it? Nephthys asked.
Anubis pointed to the boat. It was his right arm.
They didnt want to waste time, but weariness soaked into the sisters eyes and souls, forcing them to stay another
night at the hiding spot. Once Isis had sewn the pieces she could sew together, then they settled down for a nights
rest. Anubis spent half the night execrating the boat from its hiding place, ready to set sail the next day. Isis slept
with a half-smile on her face as she felt her baby fluttering inside her womb. She knew it wouldnt be long before
his presence would be even stronger inside her. She only worried how long it would be before it would be too much
even for her kite form at its strongest. Though grateful for Anubis help, something more urgent stayed on her
thoughts, staying put even when she wanted it to leave.
Why didnt I listen? Isis asked herself. Why didnt I listen to Thoths reasons?
Isis surreptitiously moved a hand to wipe away a teardrop of guilt. As she closed her eyes against bright moonlight,
Isis could see Thoths hurt expression when she had called him motherless. It had been a cruel, impulsive verbal
assault, and she knew it. She hated to admit that she was wrong after allcould have been wrongand now she had
turned a loyal vizier away, sending him back to Duat. Isis hopes that no one heard her small sob were dashed when
Nephthys voice answered.


Isis and Osiris

Isis? Nephthys whispered, whats wrong?

Isis lay still, not moving to face her sister. N-nothing, Nephthys.
I heard you crying just now.
Just a dream, Isis lied, Thats all.
You sure?
Nephthys wont leave me alone until she knows, Isis thought, she may as well know she was right all along.
Turning over onto her back, Isis relayed her thoughts to Nephthys. She didnt even bother to wipe away the few
tears that leaked from her eyes into her hair.
You were right, Nephthys, Isis finished miserably, I never shouldve said all that.
He does not blame you for it, came the voice of Nut, making both sisters start.
It was wrong of me, Isis sniffled, I shouldve thought more clearly.
You werent thinking clearly, Gebs voice, a deep rumble in the earth, pointed out, Thats not a surprise, Isis. You had
lost Osiris again, and worse, he had been torn apart.
Thoth knows it was the anger of a wife who lost her husbandagain, Nut added, though it did hurt him deeply what
you said to him.
Now Nephthys spoke, I was surprised at his reaction, though, mother.
It is a sensitive topic with him, Nut said with a hint of irony suggesting an understatement, I have asked, but he does
not wish to tell me, as I have said before.
I hope he forgives meI will not truly forgive myself until I know.
Who are you talking to? Anubis asked, suddenly appearing out of the dark from where he had been sleeping.
To mother and father, Nephthys told him, about Thoth.
Oh Anubis looked guilty, II understand where he was coming from now.
What? Isis asked.
I told him his reasons, and he listened to me, and soon saw why, Nephthys admitted, I should have told you this
before, Isis.
You didnt have to tell me, Isis assured.
I have no bad feelings against Thoth, Anubis admitted, I know it seems Im no longer on your side
Who says Im taking sides? Isis interrupted.
Everyone else fell quiet, as though unsure what to say. Isis had a feeling they all wanted to say yes, yes, you were
taking sides! She sighed in exasperation.
Fine, I might have taken sides, but no more.
Do you wish to see him now or after youve found the remainder of Osiris? Geb queried.
Isis bit her lip, thinking. Did she want to delay looking for Osiris parts? Or should she wait until Osiris was fully
pieced together again? There were only three pieces left to discover; surely, they couldnt be too far away, especially
the heart. There had been no stampedes or dangerous critters so far, but she didnt allow herself to relax too much.
Was she selfish to want to wait until they found Osiris remaining parts?


Isis and Osiris

I wish to search for Osiris other piecesonly three remain after all, Isis declared, but please tell him I am
relieved he forgives me.
I will, both Nut and Geb said at the same time.
At least one of us will, Geb added wryly.
Thank you, Isis whispered, before turning on her side again and closing her eyes. She could sleep peacefully,
knowing Thoth had forgiven her. Why she thought he wouldnt, she didnt know, but knew she should have known
better. He never held a grudge, unlike some deities she could nameTefnut, for instance, when she declared never
to come back to Egypt after an argument with Ra, and fled to Nubia. It had taken Thoth a long time to persuade her
home again.
Above her, the stars shone warmly, watching over the sleeping deities and the almost-complete parts of the beloved
King Osiris.
The next day, Isis woke up, ready to search again for her beloveds pieces. She felt the baby fluttering inside her
womb, spilling warm contentment over her heart. Several moons still stood between now and the babys birth, but
Isis had a feeling the time would pass with rapidity. Already, her belly had swollen with the presence of her son, the
child who would one day overthrow Set and take back his rightful throne.
Ill make sure you overthrow Set, Isis told her son, Ill make sure it happens, and that you will be on the throne
of your father.
She decided to see if she could still transform into kite form. Closing her eyes, she envisaged the kite, changing
instantaneously into avian form. At once a searing pain shot from the birds womb, jangling her heart. An
involuntary screech of agony issued from the birds beak before she turned back into goddess form. Her hands shook
from the pain of the experience. Both Anubis and Nephthys rushed to her side with twin expressions of worry.
Whats going on? Nephthys cried, Whats happened?
Isis weakly pulled her thoughts together and balled up her hands to stop their trembling.
Im alright, the babys alrightbut its too big for the kite now, Isis took a deep breath, looking straight into
Nephthys and Anubis eyes, I can no longer turn into my avian form without the kite experiencing discomfort.
Until the baby is born, I will have to remain human.
Nephthys wound an arm around her sisters shoulders. Well be alright, she said confidently, You still have my
kite and Anubis jackal. Well still find Osiris remaining pieces in no time.
Isis carefully stood up, forcing her legs not to shake from the recent experience. Walking toward the boat, she
inclined her head in the direction of the river, speaking just two words to spur the continuation of their search.
Nekhen awaits.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Five
More sunrises and sunsets passed as the trio searched Nekhen and its surrounding desert. Though her pregnancy
filled her with pride, Isis hated how it limited her abilities. She longed to turn into her kite, to properly search from a
birds eye view. The moon swelled into its full phase the day before Nephthys spotted something glinting deep
within an abandoned well in Nekhen. Rather bravely, Isis thought, she dove into the well, which was so large in
circumference her sister could still fully unfurl her wings. Moments later, she shot straight up out of the well, a
triumph evident in her words.
There is one piece down there! she exclaimed, It seems to be his left hand! We are almost done, Isis! Almost
Nephthys was right: Osiris left hand lay untouched and unseen inside the well until now. No water carriers nor
residents were approaching the abandoned hole in the ground, even as Nephthys retrieved the piece, with Anubis
gently taking it in his jackals jaws.
Next destination: Behdet, a place more desert than village, it was barely more than a nomadic settlement. Family
groups sat outside rudimentary huts and tents, talking amongst themselves and milling with seemingly no real reason
or direction. People chatted, children complained, and reed roofs fluttered in the little breeze there was in this
settlement. Not surprisingly, none of the three discovered anything that looked remotely like a part of Osiris.
Refusing to give up, Nephthys flew overhead, and Anubis loped in jackal form alongside Isis as they headed through
the desert beyond Behdet toward an oasis in the distance. Clouds of sand wafted up in a strong breeze, coating Isis
hair and Anubis jackal coat with a fine layer of sand. She hoped a dust storm was not on its way, for she had heard
of terrible storms out in the desertThoth himself had been caught in one when on the search for Tefnut. Even in
full god form, he had to cling for his life to a nearby tree until it passed.
Stop! Nephthys warned.
Isis and Anubis froze, holding their breaths.
You found something? Isis asked.
No, Nephthys voice held a shudder, theres hyenas.
Well skirt them then.
I would agree, but Isistheyre near a part of Osiris.
What part? Anubis asked.
The rest of his torso and pelvic area.
Have the hyenas touched it? Isis asked fretfully.
No, thankfully, Nephthys said, but they skulk nearby, as if to protect their find.
Great, Isis mumbled.
I can distract them, Anubis suggested.
No! Isis said at once, Do you know how dangerous hyenas are? They eat their prey alive, and their jaws strength
is nothing to laugh at!
I can hold them off.


Isis and Osiris

Nowell look for the piece and try and get out of there before the hyenas notice, Isis declared, How close are
they, Nephthys?
Not too far awaythe piece is within their sighting distance. Nephthys observed. If we are quick
ThenAnubis dashed off, leaving Isis behind.
Where are you going? Isis shouted. Hyenas might see you!
But Anubis took no heed. Isis broke into a sprint, Nephthys flying ahead of her. She had to know Anubis would be
safe. If the hyenas even looked in his direction, shed send them flying so far into the desert they wouldnt know
which way to turn.
Anubis! Isis shouted, Anubis!
Isis, hes fine, Nephthys called to the other goddess, Hes found the other piece!
Where is he?
Right in front of you!
At that same moment, Isis spotted him bending over to pick up the piece of Osiris. Squinting her eyes against the
glaring sand and sky, she spotted watching animals in the distance.
Are those the hyenas? Isis asked Nephthys.
Come on, we got to go back! Isis yelled to Anubis.
But Anubis, even in his jackal form, could not carry the large piece of Osiris in his jaws. He transformed instantly
from jackal into full god form with gold skin and lapis lazuli hair, standing at least three metres tall. The hyenas
yapped in fright, crouching low to the ground, ears pinned back.
Run, Anubis! Isis commanded.
Please dont run after him! Isis begged the hyenas as she too turned to sprint after the god. She turned into full deity
formskin of gold and hair of lapis lazuliso as to keep up with her nephew. It was only until Nephthys warned
them of nearby mortals that they returned into their disguised human figures. Immediately, Anubis and Isis staggered
to a stop, panting hard after all the running.
Dont Isis panted, scare uslike thatrunning off atthe hyenas
He raised his eyebrows. You know what?
Youre a protectoryour reactionnot much differentto Thothwhen protecting me.
Isis stared at him, taken aback.
Is that a compliment or a complaint? she asked at length.
A corner of his mouth turned up in a wry grin. A complimentyou look out for others too.
So are you going to go off at me too? Isis joked, even amidst a twinge of guilt.
Anubis didnt look sure whether to take her seriously or not. No, Isis, Im not going to.
Nephthys, still a kite, settled on Isis shoulder. Now all we have to do is look for Osiris heart, and were done.
Were soon done. Isis echoed, hardly believing the words, Soon well be finished.


Isis and Osiris

The trio skirted Behdet, not wishing to alarm any mortals who might spot them carrying the abdominopelvic piece
of Osiris. Nephthys flew ahead, guiding them in the direction of where they had left their boat. No sooner had they
reached its hidden location, then Isis got straight to work, with the help of Nephthys. Anubis guarded the spot, lest
anyone came across them, only turning around when the sisters had completed the task. Nephthys had her arm
around Isis, whose head was on the formers shoulder.
Well find his heart, I know it, Nephthys soothed, but her voice sounded strained. Well find it somehow.
Isis bent down to kiss Osiris one more time on his lips, her heart heavy with grief. She tenderly brushed his forehead
with her fingers, her eyes full of love. He was handsome even in death.
Shall we call it a day? Nephthys asked.
Isis shook her head. No, we must go search for Osiris heart, to know were not too late.
Anubis straightened his shoulders. Ill stay here and guard. Now dont get into any trouble will you?
Oh plenty, Nephthys said with a wicked grin, well get into plenty of trouble.
Plenty, Anubis, Isis said, giggling, Well get up to plenty.
Leaving Anubis behind with the heartless physical of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys rowed the reed boat away toward the
middle of the river. Their course headed straight for Abu, a small island in the Nile. They were no longer in Egypt,
but right on the border of Nubia with her fierce warriors.
See anything? Isis asked.
Not yet, Nephthys answered, Shall I turn into my kite?
With a gesture from Isis, Nephthys turned into bird form, flapping away into the air, over the island. Isis waited, her
hand resting on her pregnancy. She allowed her thoughts to drift to the day she would first set eyes on her sons
beautiful face, and the day he would take the throne from Set. She sung a soft hymn of praise, addressing the
goddesses who looked after pregnant women, including Tawaret herself. Isis song began including Hathor, goddess
of music, dance, and love in all its passions, when Nephthys returned.
Isis! Nephthys cried. Isis! I found the heart!
Isis snapped out of her daydreaming and took up the oars, paddling with full strength to the island.
Wait! Nephthys urged.
What is it?
I found the heart alright, Nephthys said, her voice now shaky, but a hippo and her calf rest nearby. Forget those
hyenaswere facing hippos, Isis. Hippos.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Six
Keeping Nephthys in her sight, Isis rowed the boat around the shores of Abu, her heart pounding with fear. If she
should happen upon a hippopotamus, she had to be prepared to make a dash for it, hoping the animal would not
catch up with the boat. She held her breath as the boat edged around the island toward the place where Nephthys had
claimed the heart lay.
Do you see it yet? Isis asked softly, knowing the birds keen hearing would pick up her words.
Almost there.
Thenanother warning word from Nephthys.
Stop. Theyre right here.
Where? Isis whispered, looking around. She couldnt see any hippos, but knew they could swim quite efficiently
underwater. The goddess could only hope that one did not wait under her own boat.
Hurry, Nephthys, Isis begged, Hurry!
There, I see it! Nephthys cried at last.
Very slowly, Isis raised herself on her knees, peering ahead at the shore in front of her. There, near the shore of the
Nile, rested a giant hippopotamus and her newborn calf. She winced: this mother would be fiercely protective of her
infant. Not ten yards away, the heart of Osiris lay still on the shore.
Do you think you can swoop down
Me! Nephthys gasped, near tears. I couldnt do it!
Youre a bird of prey, Nephthys, Isis reminded her, You just trust the bird knows what its doing.
I think the bird doesnt want to do it either, Nephthys protested, its smart enough to not go near hippos.
But youre not fully the birdyou have your own heart in that kite! Isis urged, You can swoop in, and youll
have the heart before you know it!
Nephthys only let loose an audible sob.
Nephthys, listen to me, Isis commanded firmly, Are you listening?
I hope so. You have been so brave and courageous, and ever more so since leaving Set. I know youre strongyou
are strong, Nephthys, you have to know this. You can do this!
Nephthys remained silent. Isis wasnt sure if she had paid attention.
I think to escape from Set was one of the bravest things youve done, Isis said sincerely, It takes a brave person
to escape from his grasp after many years.
But I went back
And you told him to take his ruler-ship over you and stuff it where the sun doesnt shine, Isis said with a bold
tone. All you need to do is swoop down, take the heart in your claws like its a mouse, and fly back up. Easy.
Shes right.
Both women gasped. Nephthys swirled around in mid-air, looking for the origin of the familiar voice of Thoth.
Look! Isis cried, pointing straight up at a gliding ibis. Its Thoth!
You can do this, Nephthys, Thoth urged, Isis tells you youre brave enough to do this, then shes right.


Isis and Osiris

The mother hippo moved in her sleep, opening a small eye. Isis clapped a hand to her mouthhad she noticed
them? Had she heard Isis voice?
Do it, now! Isis urged, The hippos seen us!
IllIll be brave Nephthys sobbed.
Good. Isis whispered just as the ibis fluttered down to rest on the point of the boat behind her.
Isis leaned forward on the boat, clutching the sides with her hands, all muscles in her arms tensed with
apprehension. She trained her eyes on the kite that was her sister, begging her not to lose her bravery at the last
minute. The mother hippos grunts wisped its way over the rippling Nile, shifting around to check on her calfs
whereabouts. She did not see the kite diving toward the heartnot yet.
Youll be alright, Isis whispered, You can do this.
Isis heart beat even harder as the kite reached out its talons, angling its wings for the dive. The hippo turned her
head alarmingly fast. Isis wanted to scream at Nephthys to look out, but found her voice had left.
The hippo started to get up, ready to protect her baby at all costs, watching the kite with intent eyes, slowly
revealing her terrible white tusks.
You can do this Isis pleaded, dont turn back now, youre nearly there.
Victory! Nephthys gripped the heart in her talons and flapped toward the sky as the hippo stood up with a deafening
You did it! Isis cried, before the words died in her throat. Uh oh
The hippopotamus, intent on revenging on the bird who dared to get so close to her baby, now lumbered into the
water. No sooner had she landed on the boat, then Nephthys turned instantly from kite to human form, breaking
down into terrified sobs, the heart still in one hand.
We must leave now! Isis ordered curtly, watching the hippopotamus swim with alarming speed and intent. Now!
The oar, Nephthys!
Despite herself, Nephthys seemed to hear the urgency in her sisters voice, as she immediately took up the second
oar. The ibis lifted off from the boat back into the air.
Shes gaining on you! Thoth warned. Tell the boat to speed up.
Isis remembered the spell she had uttered on the ship that had carried herself and Osiris away from Byblos.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she muttered it at the fragile vessel. At once, she felt herself jerk backwards as the boat
hared along through the river at top speed, faster than any rower could go.
Thats the way, Thoth encouraged, Ill just distract her.
Isis swore her heart stopped dead in her chest. What? she croaked.
Ill be fineyou concentrate on going back to Osiris and Anubis! Nut has told me where you are now.
Isis knew very well Thoth was extremely powerful of magic, but she couldnt help her heart pounding. What if the
hippopotamus hurt him?
He can heal himself, Isis reminded herself, hell be fine. Besides, that hippo cant fly.
She didnt convince herself either. All she could think of was getting away from the gaining behemoth behind her.


Isis and Osiris

You better know what youre doing

What the?! Nephthys cried from behind Isis.
Isis swivelled around to gape in amazement at what the water was doing. With an almighty wave, the waters of the
Nile began sucking itself inward, as though a whirlwind formed in its centre. Soon, the hippo was left stranded on
dry land in a circular wall of near-solid water. Through the glittering water, Isis could just see the bewildered
hippopotamus stranded at the bottom of the Nile, likely wondering where the water went.
Watch this.
Although the boat was gaining speed, Isis could still see the hippo at the bottom of the river, now looking terrified as
the water began to fall back down, right over her head. The surprised roar from the hippo immediately turned into
gargling as the water fell upon her. Isis gripped the boats sides, still staring, agape, at the distraction. As the hippo
disappeared under the water, she hoped it wouldnt give chase again. But Thoths words eased her fears.
Shes going back to her baby, Thoth soothed, and speaking of babies, I hear theres one on the way, Isis.
Isis managed a nod, choking up from a mix of relief, guilt, and released terror.
Yesyes, there is. Isis confirmed. Its a boy.
Warm congratulations. Thoth said in a sincere tone as he flew down to perch on the boats stern.
Id revived Osiris long enough to Isis voice trailed off, you know.
Its alrightI dont need to know the details, Thoth assured, closing one ibis eye in a wink.
Isis turned to address Nephthys behind her. How are you feeling?
She shuddered. Lets justgo back to Anubis.
No sooner had Nephthys, Isis and Thothnow in human formdragged the boat with the heart up the banks, then
Isis surprised herself by bursting into tears. She tried to wipe the tears away with a hand, but failed to stem them.
Both Nephthys and Thoth hurried to her side.
Its over now, Nephthys soothed, That hippos gone.
Isis gazed at her through watery eyes, Its not the hippo, Nephthysthats over now.
Then what is it?
Sniffling through her tears, Isis turned to Thoth. Id been so cruel to youwith my wordsI didnt listenIall I
could think ofIm so sorryI wish Id never and the queen hid her face in her hands, shoulders shaking with
unrestrained tears.
Isis, I forgive you, Thoth assured, enfolding her in a tight embrace, I truly do. I know it was the anger of a
grieving queen and wife, and rightly so.
But Isis managed, II called youthat wordand youwere so angryit frightened me.
I will not say I am happy with myself for my reactiona momentary lapse of judgement. Will you forgive me for
It was a while before Isis sobs stopped shaking her body, her tears stopping enough to speak again.
II do forgive you


Isis and Osiris

Then we have both forgiven each other, and for that I am grateful. Thoth pulled back from the embrace, looking
her in the eyes. Now let us revive Osiris. I will show you the spell once we return to Duat.
Isis looked away, Im afraid I can no longer assume my kite, as it is too dangerous, as my baby is too big for the
birds womb.
Thoth winced. You will need that form for the spell.
So well have to wait until the childs born? Thats about five moons away!
Nephthys could do it instead
No, Isis, Nephthys said at once, shaking her head fervently, No, I could never do that. He is your husband, and
you are also powerful of magic. It is right that you are the one to revive him.
Isis could see Nephthys point. She had half hoped shed say something like that anyway, and satisfaction rose in her
heart at the answer.
Thank you, Nephthys. Isis said.
But during those five months, Thoth continued, gesturing to Anubis to listen, We can prepare Osiris for the
afterlife and his life afterwards.
And Anubis does the mummification? Isis asked, He will mummify Osiris?
Yes, I will, Anubis said firmly, I will take the greatest care in the mummification of King Osiris, for he is a father,
husband, brother, and king.


Isis and Osiris

Chapter Thirty-Seven
A sombre atmosphere filled Duat as Isis and Nephthys entered the room where Osiris lay on a table, embalmed
except for his head and hands. Isis had left her newborn son in the doting care of the cow goddess Hathor, knowing
in trustworthy hands. Now as she saw Osiris still on the table, a grief crawled back in her heart. Sidling up to the
table, the goddess caressed his face, running her finger over the corners of his mouth, bending down to kiss his lips.
I love you, Osiris, Isis whispered, And we will bring you back to life soon.
A soft series of footsteps approached the table; Isis looked up to see Thoth had entered, carrying a sealed scroll in
his hands.
Isis, I have brought you the spell to revive Osiris, Thoth said, are you ready now?
More than ready.
Come with me.
Taking her by the arm, Thoth led the queen to a corner of the room away from Anubis and Osiris, guiding her
through the words to be spoken over the deceased king. Once the new knowledge had stuck to her heart like honey,
Isis and Thoth returned to Osiris side. Anubis stepped back to allow the rejuvenation to begin as Nephthys and Isis
turned into kites in a flash of light. The birds wings whirred through the air, a soft glow of light encircling Osiris as
Isis sung the spell into his nose, mouth, and heart. A bird-like creature, but with the head of Osiris, swooped into the
room and laid itself over Osiris chest, melding with his body. His ba had at long last found the western horizon and
reunited with Osiris ka and physical.
Breath of life
Fill his heart; fill his soul.
Let him breathe; let his mind remember
And awake.
Breathe again!
Breath of life animate his soul!
Energize his heart!
Breath of life!
Isis knew not how much time had passed as she chanted the words to Osiris, but nor did she care. Returning to deity
form, she gripped the table, light-headed from the excursion. Thoth supported her arm.
Are you feeling alright?
Yes Isis gasped, Justout of breathIll be fine.
It may take moment for the spell to bind to his heart, Thoth warned, But he will come back to you.
The gods waited with great anticipation.
And waited.
An imperceptible line of worry creased Thoths browsurely it shouldnt take this long.
Thena flicker of life: Osiriss eyes opened.
Osiris! Isis cried, You are alive!


Isis and Osiris

The other gods helped Isis raise Osiris to a sitting position, yet he did not seem to hear or see any of them.
Whats wrong? Isis asked Thoth, worried. Why doesnt he speak nor see us?
It happens like thisbut usually more quickly.
It will take a few moments, but patience, Isis, for he will return. Anubis paused to collect his thoughts. His
senses will take a little longer to return.
As Anubis performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, the first ever, so the Egyptians would later claim,
Osiriss senses returned slowly to his body. The first things he felt were tender hands holding his, and a head against
his shoulder and neck. But until smell returned to his nose, he knew not that it was Isis. When his nose was opened,
and smells wafted into his nostrils, he smelt her familiar aromas.
Isis he murmured, leaning his own head on hers, kissing her hair. He felt her shoulders shake as if sobbing. I
am herebut I do not see
Isis gazed through her tears up at her beloveds face. Her thumb tenderly caressed the corner of his mouth.
I love youif only you can hear me.
With all the subtlety of a cataract in the Nile, his ears were unblocked and hearing whooshed in.
I hear you, Isis, he said, joy in every word, It is you who comforts me!
Yes, my beloved, and I have revived you, twice, the second time with the help of the gods.
Osiris whispered, I remember the first time, however brief.
Isis squeezed his hands. I promise, Osiris, our son will fight for the throne which is rightfully his, and even now, he
is in the capable hands of Hathor.
Osiris eyes overflowed with happiness. What is his name?
Isis took his face in her hands, leaning her forehead against his.
Horus, she whispered.
Horus it is, then, my beloved Isis.
As though his eyes waited for the name, he found himself gazing into the eyes of his beloved.
Isis, I see you.
With a cry of joy, she gave him a kiss on his lips.
You have returned to me, Osiris! Isis sobbed, tears cascading down her cheeks, You are alive!
But Osiriss smile faded, much to Isiss consternation.
What is wrong, my beloved?
My heart does not beat any longer for the mortal world.
Her lower lip trembled, Yes, it must, it must.
Osiris touched her hand to his chest. Do you feel a heartbeat?
She felt none, yet nodded anyway.
That is strange, Osiris proclaimed, fully knowing she had lied, For it does not beat.
Isis burst into tears; Osiris tenderly embraced her. She nuzzled her forehead into his neck, hands clasped about his


Isis and Osiris

I will have to remain here, he said, regret in every syllable.

Anubis cleared his throat. My father and king, may I speak?
Osiriss mouth twitched. You have already spoken, havent you?
Had I?
Never mind. Please, go on.
Happy as I am to have been a presence in the underworld, I believe it would be even more fitting, as you are the
king after all, that you rule over the souls of the underworld. You have ruled respectfully in the mortal world, and
You wish me to rule over Duat?
Anubis nodded.
Do you not like your role?
I did, but mummification and being the guardian of the dead is what appeals for me. I am completely happy for you
to be King of the Duat. Anubis bowed. Please accept my offer.
Osiris straightened his shoulders.
I accept your offer. Osiris said with a benevolent smile at Anubis.
Now Thoth stepped forward, bowing to his former earthly king. Osiriss face could not have registered more joy at
seeing his old friend and adviser.
Vizier Thoth, Osiris greeted him, thank you for helping Isis return me to full life, even if I cannot rule above.
She has had much help from Anubis and Nephthys as well.
Nephthys ambled shyly to Osiris, kneeling to kiss his hands with great love and respect.
Nephthys, you have been so loyal, Osiris said warmly.
I will never go back to Set! she said fiercely, afterafter what he had done! I hate him. Honestly, II do.
Nephthys lip trembled as if she might burst into tears. Seeing this, Osiris cupped a hand under her chin, lifting up
her face so her eyes met his.
I have always known you were loyal to me and to Isis, never to Set.
I will stay down in the Duat and be with you, Nephthys said, still clutching his hands, if it means I am no longer
with Set.
Isis nodded. So will I.
Osiris hesitated, his fingers drumming on the armrest in thought.
Do you not have our son, Horus, to protect and raise to manhood? Osiris asked. It may be better for you to be
with him, so you and he are protected from Set.
But I want to stay with you!
Osiris stroked the side of her face. I know you do, but you and the baby have to remain safe.
Im safe down here!
Set sometimes comes down here, Anubis reminded her, He too is a deity after all.
Isis turned pleading eyes on Thoth, who looked back at her with aching compassion.


Isis and Osiris

I am afraid Osiris is correct, you must protect Horus, and it is too risky down here to look after him when Set could
come across you. Thoth admitted, But your hiding place where you are now, you will be always protected and Set
will never come across you. I will ask the goddesses of protection, children, and pregnancy to be there at all times.
Isis knew that Thoth was right, even though she hated to admit it. But if she stayed down here, Set could come
across her and attempt to kill the baby.
Willwill no one come with me? Isis asked, aching inside with the terrible knowledge Osiris could not return to
the mortal world, even to see his own son.
Thoth went to her side. I will return you there, but do not worry, the goddesses will keep you company as they
always had during your pregnancy.
Isis gazed at Nephthys, who immediately embraced her sister.
I want to come with you, Isis, but I feel my place is down where I can be with Osiris and those of the dead who
find distress knowing they have died. Nephthys eyes filled with tears, but she managed a watery smile. Set wont
touch me, I know. He has nothing to do with me anymore, and I am glad for it. I also
Yes? Isis encouraged.
I also want to teach Egypt the way of mourning! Nephthys blurted all at once, her eyes bright with earnesty.
Isis embraced her sister, You are the perfect teacher for such an undertaking! Do thisbut tell them to remember
that both sisters mourned Osiris, and that both are as much a mourner as the other.
Nephthys smiled, raising a hand just over her head in the first traditional gesture of mourning. Isis mirrored her,
doing the same with her own right arm.
Egypt will always remember.


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