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Speak Out North Texas

Space-Based Solar Power

SPACE CASE: The Case for Space-Based Solar Power

America is in a dilemma. We are dependant on fossil fuels, which produce
harmful CO2 emissions and increase reliance on foreign imports. We are trying to seek
out alternatives, but every where we look we are met with unsatisfactory results. The
need for a clean, renewable, and abundant source of energy is more prevalent than ever
but we can not seem to think of a solution. That is why it’s time to think outside the box,
or rather, the troposphere. That’s why my partner and I stand firmly resolved that the
United States Federal Government should significantly reform its environmental policy to
include space-based solar power.
Before we get into the heat of the debate round, the affirmative team would like to
offer clarity by presenting…

Observation 1: Definitions
There are just two definitions I would like to provide. Sources are available upon

Definition 1. “Environmental Policy”

[Quote] Environmental policy can be strictly defined as a government's chosen
7 minutes left
course of action or plan to address issues such as pollution, wildlife protection, land
use, energy production and use, and waste generation and disposal. [Unquote]
The Gale Group (the world's leading provider of trusted information for schools,
libraries, and universities for over fifty years. We publish award-winning and critically
reviewed books, eBooks, online databases, and microfilm and our content is written by
highly qualified topic experts), accessed January 2010, [brackets added]

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

Definition 2. “SBSP” or “Space-Based Solar Power”

[Quote] The traditional [SBSP] architecture utilizes very large (kilometer-scale)
photovoltaic arrays in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) to convert a continuous
stream of intense solar radiation into carbon-neutral electrical energy, which is then
transmitted 24/7 through night and weather via microwave beams to collection
rectennas on Earth's surface.[Unquote]
National Security and Space Office (a Pentagon office established in 2004, including the
former National Security Space Architect (NSSA), the National Security Space
Integration (NSSI) office, and the Transformational Communications Office (TCO);
NSSO coordinates government and private space activities, supports military
departments, and gathers intelligence The NSSO SBSP study group (aka “The
Caballeros”) is a group made up of over 170 scientists and industry experts), spring
2008, "Solar power from space can help keep the peace on Earth," Ad Astra. National
Space Society, [brackets added]

Basically, SBSP consists of several giant satellites, constantly hovering over the
same area, equipped with technology that converts sunlight to energy, which is then
beamed down wirelessly and safely to receivers on earth and delivered to consumers.

6 minutes left
Having defined the key vocabulary to be used in this debate round, my partner
and I would like to present to the judge a value and goal that our case is crafted to uphold,
which brings me to…

Observation 2: The Purpose of Our Plan

Our plan strives to better uphold the fundamental value of responsibility—
responsibility to our environment and our future. In order to uphold this ideal, we offer
the goal of providing clean energy by encouraging the development of space-based solar
power as covered in…

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

Observation 3: The Plan as Offered by the Affirmative Team

Mandate 1. Loan Guarantees
The United States Federal Government will set up a federal loan guarantee program
of 80% modeled after the existing loan guarantee program provided to the nuclear
power industry to United States companies engaged in the business of developing,
owning, and operating space-based solar power.
5 minutes left Agency and Enforcement: Will be provided by the President, Congress, the
Department of Energy, and any other necessary agent of the United States Federal
Funding: Will be provided through general federal revenue.

Now, we’ll examine how the SBSP will come about under…

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

Observation 4: Solvency, or the Workability of Our Plan

The private sector solves with loan guarantees :|

In 2007, the Space Frontier Foundation, an organization composed of space activists,
scientists and engineers, media and political professionals, entrepreneurs, and citizens
from all backgrounds and all nations published in a report on space-based solar power
that the United States should:
[Quote] Extend Loan Guarantees to SBSP Developers & Operators: The nuclear
power industry has been given loan guarantees by the U.S. federal government. The
Space Frontier Foundation urges the Administration and the U.S. Congress to
extend the same incentives to the SBSP industry. o A federal loan guarantee
4 minutes left
program of up to 80% should be created for U.S. companies engaged in the business
of developing, owning and operating SBSP systems. This program should either be
an extension of, or modeled after the existing loan guarantee program provided to
the nuclear power industry. [Unquote]
Space Frontier Foundation (is an organization composed of space activists, scientists
and engineers, media and political professionals, entrepreneurs, and citizens from all
backgrounds and all nations), October 2007, “Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP):
Meeting Humanity’s Energy, National Security, Environmental and Economic
Development Needs”

After workability issues have been addressed, the only things remaining are
benefits that stack high enough to reach the satellites that bring them about, as covered

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

Observation 5: Advantages

Advantage 1. Decreased fossil fuel usage :|

Quoting the National Space Security Office, a department of the Pentagon, SBSP
decreases reliance on fossil fuels by providing a viable alternative for virtually every
fossil fuel product.
[Quote] The SBSP Study Group found that in the long run, SBSP offers a viable and
attractive route to decrease mankind’s reliance on fossil fuels, as well as provides a
potential global alternative to wider proliferation of nuclear materials that will
almost certainly unfold if many more countries in the world transition to nuclear
power with enrichment in an effort to meet their energy needs with carbon neutral
sources. To the extent mankind’s electricity is produced by fossil fuel sources, SBSP
offers a capability over time to reduce the rate at which humanity consumes the
planet’s finite fossil hydrocarbon resources. [Unquote]
National Security and Space Office (a Pentagon office established in 2004, including the
former National Security Space Architect (NSSA), the National Security Space
Integration (NSSI) office, and the Transformational Communications Office (TCO);
NSSO coordinates government and private space activities, supports military
departments, and gathers intelligence The NSSO SBSP study group (aka “The
Caballeros”) is a group made up of over 170 scientists and industry experts), October
2007, “Space Based Solar Power as an opportunity for Strategic Security: Phase 0
Architecture Feasibility Study,” report to the Director, National Security Space Office,
Interim Assessment

3 minutes left
Why does this matter? Three reasons:
1. Decreased foreign oil dependence.
2. Increased resource security.
3. A cleaner environment.

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

Advantage 2. American leadership :|

Quoting the National Space Security Office again, SBSP helps America maintain its
technological leadership and industry competitiveness.
The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers a path to address the concerns over
US intellectual competitiveness in math and the physical sciences expressed by the
Rising Above the Gathering Storm report by providing a true “Manhattan or Apollo
project for energy.” In absolute scale and implications, it is likely that SBSP would
ultimately exceed both the Manhattan and Apollo projects which established
significant workforces and helped the US maintain its technical and competitive
National Security and Space Office (a Pentagon office established in 2004, including the
former National Security Space Architect (NSSA), the National Security Space
Integration (NSSI) office, and the Transformational Communications Office (TCO);
NSSO coordinates government and private space activities, supports military
departments, and gathers intelligence The NSSO SBSP study group (aka “The
Caballeros”) is a group made up of over 170 scientists and industry experts), October
2007, “Space Based Solar Power as an opportunity for Strategic Security: Phase 0
Architecture Feasibility Study,” report to the Director, National Security Space Office,
Interim Assessment

Again, three reasons this is important:

1. Security.
2. Innovation.
3. Economy.

Speak Out North Texas
Space-Based Solar Power

In conclusion, space-based solar power is the answer to America’s dilemma. It is

2 minutes left clean, it is renewable, and it is abundant. It proves to be the responsible thing to do by
providing clean energy, helping our environment, and it provides our future with security
and an innovative, prosperous economy.
Therefore, judge, we advocate that the United States Federal Government should
significantly reform its environmental policy by encouraging space-based solar power.
Thank you and I now stand open for cross-examination and any points of


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