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The Mad Cow

The True Story Behind the Los Grandes Bacas Crisis.

By Banks Avram (a.k.a Topsail Empire)

The Los Grandes Bacas crisis was one of four diplomatic crises that happened
during the Golden age of Strategos Prime, lasting from November 2013 to February
2014. It started with the end of the LGB Crises and finished with the ugly Return of
Vortukia. But much of the truths behind this event are known only to one person,
and that is I, Topsail Empire. The crisis as most know it is only an elaborate covers
to a much more complicated and deceptive game. But to get to the facts, we must
first go through the chain of events leading up to the battle between Strategos Prime
and Los Grandes Bacas.
It all began when one of my friend, Ashton, made a new NS country after I convinced
him to try it. After about a week of me teaching him about the game and told him
about Strategos Prime he became disillusioned. He disliked El Fiji Grande for an
unknown reason (probably because I called him one of my NS Friends and he got
jealous) and wanted to overthrow Strategos Prime. When I said no, he created his
own raider region and tried to get me to join. When I refused, he came up with an
illusion that he wanted to destroy Strategos Prime.
From here most people know what happened. I raised the alarm to SSV Normandy
SR-2, he drafted me into SPIA, and following that a Raider (YODO) from The Black
Hawks came to the assistance of the fledgling new raider region known as the Los
Grandes Bacas Federation. YODO and Bacas raided several small, one person
regions and threatened to destroy SP. After he made more aggressive threats and
with some mentoring from YODO, SPIA locked down the region and LGBF was
flooded with SPIA puppets. After pressuring LGB enough, he accepted the peace
treaty brought forth by us and he returned to SP, with no more conflict happened.
YODO took over the region and was ejected from the WA for having more than one
nation in it. But what if I told you the entire history you see above you was wrong?
First lets start out with what is truly fact. LGB really hated Strategos Prime, and he
threatened us multiple times. But his assistant, YODO, was not a raider at all. He was
a puppet created by me. In the perfect false flag operation, I convinced SPIA that
LGBs threats where legitimate, and he could act on them. By pretending that YODO
was from the Black Hawks, I was able to mobilize an entire region against Los
Grande Bacas.
But why would I do this? Its simple really. I wanted to eliminate the threat that
Strategos Prime would face if LGB grew more powerful. By encouraging conflict
with Strategos Prime early, I put his region and aspiration for conquest on a crash
course to destruction. If I had not done so, it is likely that we would have stood by
while he actually got bigger raider regions involved. While unlikely, it is a

possibility. And I benefitted from it as well. I became a SPIA agent, a position I likely
wouldnt have gotten as early as I did without this crisis. And if I hadnt been a SPIA
member, then I likely wouldnt have won the Vice Delegate position in the
November election. And I also earned credibility, which also made my campaign for
vice delegate successful. So, if I had not done this false flag operation, I likely would
have not have risen to power as quickly as I did.
And with this, I might have performed the most perfect deception in NationStates
history (I doubt it, but its possible). All suspicions that El Fiji Grande raised about
me where quieted by Normandys insistence that I was fully trustworthy and my
innocent responses.
But why am I telling you now? Well, its because I was bored and wanted to write
something. ;)
And Im sorry for the choppy righting. I wrote this in about 20 minutes.

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