Advance Anthropometry For Health Diagnose

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Obesity is characterized by increased body fat (BF) and associated with greater risk
of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and all major health concerns.
The degree of fatness is a more accurate measure of adiposity than body weight, therefore,
clinically is more useful than body weight. The use of BF mass in the diagnosis of obesity
could potentially reduce the misdiagnosis of obesity that occurs when using BMI. Many
methods considered as gold standard to estimate BF are expensive, sophisticated and
require well-equipped research facilities and trained technician which consequently difficult to
apply to routine clinical and epidemiological use. There are significant associations between
anthropometric measurements and total body fat, regional adiposity, chronic disease, incident
disease, morbidity and mortality. Anthropometry is simple, inexpensive, and non-invasive
method, therefore, is preferable for predicting BF, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk
factors, and overall health outcomes.
This module introduces to students the knowledge of many anthropometric measurements
available for some purposes such as motor performance, body composition including total,
percentage, and deposit-specific body fat, assessment of malnutrition, overweight and obesity,
as well as the risk of chronic diseases.
The module provides a 49-hours learning activity consisting of 12 lectures, 3 tutorials,
6-time practical works, assignments, self-study, and exam. The module will be conducted in
the campus of Faculty Medicine UGM.
1. Understand advance anthropometry
2. Understand health problems related to anthropometry
3. Understand health diagnose using anthropometry
4. Have competence using appropriate anthropometric tools
5. Capable to perform advance anthropometry
6. Understand the benefit of using anthropometry in health diagnose
7. Have competence to apply anthropometry for health diagnose
Week Title
Overview of advance
Module Coordinator Team
anthropometry and health diagnose (Dra. Neni Trilusiana R., MKes.,
Landmarks, tools and
Dra. Neni Trilusiana R., MKes.,
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
Body composition diagnose using Janatin Hastuti, MKes., Ph.D.
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
The important of anthropometry in Janatin Hastuti, MKes., Ph.D.
diagnosing body image disturbance (Lab. of Bioanthropology)
and eating disorder
Health problems and diagnose
Janatin Hastuti, MKes., Ph.D.
related to anthropometry
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
Anatomy problems related to
dr. Santosa Budiharjo, MKes.
(Dept. of Anatomy and Embriology)
Health diagnose related to
Dr.rer.nat.dr.BJ Istiti K
nutritional problems
(Dept. of Public Health)

Medicine Study Program UGM

1 hour

2 hours

2 hours
2 hours

2 hours
2 hours
2 hours


Epidemiology of health problems

related to nutritional and
Concept of culture and its
application in life span and health
Anthropological aspects related to
health and illness
Human behavior related to health
and illness perception in community
Benefit, limitations and future
consideration of anthropometry for
health diagnose

Dr. Toto Sudargo, MKes.

(Dept. of Public Health)

2 hours

Rusyad Adi Suriyanto, MHum.

(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
Rusyad Adi Suriyanto, MHum.
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
Rusyad Adi Suriyanto, MHum.
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)
Dra. Neni Trilusiana R., MKes.,
(Lab. of Bioanthropology)

2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours

23 hours

Tutorial: (2 x 2 x 2 = 8 hours)
1. Scenario 1: Why only BMI
2. Scenario 2: He looks slimy but .
Practical works: (14 hours)
1. Perform advance anthropometry (I, II)
2. Identification of health problems using anthropometry
3. Health diagnose using anthropometry by cases
4. Journal reading on anthropometry
5. Journal reading on health problems and diagnose using anthropometry I
6. Journal reading on health problems and diagnose using anthropometry II
Visit Field
Individual work in field ( 2 sessions @ 3 hours)
Components of the students work evaluation:
1. Tutorial 10 %
2. Laboratory practice 20 %
3. Field work 20 %
4. Final exam 50 %
Credit: 3 SKS (51 hours)

Time period: 3 weeks

Measureable learning outcome:

a. The ability to perform advance anthropometry and health diagnose
b. The knowledge of landmarks, tools and measurements
c. The ability to identify health problems and diagnose related to anthropometry
d. The ability to perform of body composition diagnose using anthropometry
e. The knowledge of anthropometry in diagnosing body image disturbance and eating
f. The knowledge of anatomy problems related to anthropometry
g. The ability to identify health diagnose related to nutritional problems
h. The knowledge of epidemiology of health problems related to nutritional and
i. The knowledge of concept of culture and its application in life span and health
j. The knowledge of anthropological aspects related to health and illness
k. The knowledge of human behavior related to health and illness perception in community
l. The knowledge of benefit, limitations and future consideration of anthropometry for health


Block 4.3. Elective

Outcome measurements:
a. Activities performance during the course (a, c, d, and g)
b. Active participation and discussion (b, e, f, h, i, j k, and l)
Person in charge
Contact number
Max. capacity

Dra. Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati, M.Kes., Ph.D.

Lab. of Bioanthropology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah

Medicine Study Program UGM


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