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There are a few things I would like everyone to know before you start reading this
book. This was written just to remind us of some of the moments we shared
together. It was not meant to insult or to accuse anyone of being a bad player.
Although most of these episodes happened while we made some mistakes on the
game, they also led to some fun moments. Some of them are not directly connected
to DOTA, some were problems we faced during our calls, so dont expect that much
information about the game.
Im not a good storyteller and I have to admit that if you did not take part on some
episodes, you may not find them fun at all. However, almost everyone contributed to
this book and hopefully you will remember some of our adventures.
One last note: I tried to write as much as possible in English but it is not always
possible. Not that I dont know how to translate them but they would not make sense.
I apologize for that in advance.
So, let us begin!

Have fun!
Nuno a.k.a. Keld

[Lightning Paragon, the early days]

Introduction: This was written when we were all starting to play DOTA in groups
of 4 or 5. We were really good at this game and so we decided to make a team! Our
dedication exceeded our expectations to the point that we didnt even play with the
team we made because people left to play League of Legends. This lead Ricardo,
Marco, Saeko, Andr and Nuno to go on a journey in the world of Dotaland.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marco, the Caster
Marco - "O sniper ta com a drow."
Microphone issues n1: the first remix
Marco - "Eu agora brutal."
Microphone issues n2: the remix goes on
Marco - "Eu meto a consola no."
Words of Wisdom: from ignorance sprouts insight
1) Ricardo - "H os que dizem e os que diguem!"
2) Marco -"Dar perolas a porcos". Porque dar nozes a quem n tem dentes muito
Um ms depois...
Marco - "Ei! Tenho que ir tirar a consola!"
Technical problems: the update
Ricardo: "No posso fazer update! No tenho espao no disco!"
(I cant update! I have no space on my hard-drive!)
Lightning Paragon and Friends:
Andr - "Tou a falar com o meu prprio amigo."
Lightning Paragon: health care
Ricardo - "Deixa-me ver se consigo beber agua, a bocado no conseguia."
(Let me see if I can drink water, I couldnt do it before.)
Lightning Paragon: Marco being Marco
Marco - "O Ricardo agora um amazing"
Words of Wisdom: the wisdom sprouts
Ricardo - "Fica a chorar no dedo"
Lighting Paragon: the Pedo strikes
Ricardo - "baba-te que eu gosto"
Lightning Paragon and Friends: All Pick
Andr - "I'll pick Dendi!"

[Lightning Paragon, not so early days]

Introduction: Eventually, some people couldnt keep playing with us as often as we
would like too. Fortunately, we met some new friends! At this point, Casper left the
formal roster of Lightning Paragon, being replaced with Ivo (Teoti). We also met
Xefinho, although we were not playing that much together at the moment. AdmiralG
also joined us from time to time.
We kind of learned some stuff and tried to improve our gameplay. The try-hard mode
was engaged although it usually would not go as expected
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lightning Paragon: Invoker
Marco - "Sae said she likes to play invoker cuz it looks like she is playing
Ricardo - "I play quas wex invoker!"
Nuno - "ya, QUASE wex "
Lightning Paragon: Marco being Marco n2
Marco - "Are you a bobless girl, Rich?"
Rich - "Yeah, I got no Bob!"
Lightning Paragon: ganking plans
Nuno - "Marco, vai ao sniper!"
Marco - "O sniper ta aqui..."
Lightning Paragon: improving communication issues
Saeko - "Marco, dont do that again!"
Marco - "Pois pah esqueci-me de usar os items. Tipo eu queria fazer.."
Nuno - "Ya she got that, totally."
Lightning Paragon: the threat
Marco - "I'm gonna black you all!"
Lightning Paragon: preparations for the game
5 mins before game...
Nuno - "there goes the first blood..."
Lightning Paragon: Pokemon
Saeko: Rich is retarted at pokemon, he can't even find the first gym.
Nuno:Sae, i gotta say that, this time, you are wrong.
Ricardo: wat
Nuno: rich is retarded. There's no "at" or anything else... thats just it.
Lightning Paragon and friends: The plan
Saeko: BKB ready!
AdmiralG: GO GO GO!

Lightning Paragon: The Voice

*A wild background voice appears*
Marco: what was that?
Andr: it was my lil sister.
Ricardo: ooooh lil sister?
Andr: saeko, get him!
Words of wisdom: Preparing for an exam
"Tudo vale a pena quando a cbula no pequena"
Lightning Paragon: Marco and the VHS
Marco (redhellc) Santos: well I used to watch some cassettes from time to time
Marco (redhellc) Santos: now yesterday I wanted to see my pokemon tapes and I
Marco (redhellc) Santos: damnit
Marco (redhellc) Santos: I have the first 3 movies, half of the first series and some
episodes of the johto league
Nuno Martins Fernandes:
Marco (redhellc) Santos: nah seen oldschool is where its at
Marco (redhellc) Santos: its my childwood man XD
Nuno Martins Fernandes: childwood?
Lightning Paragon: setting the background music, n1
"Marco: let me change to AC/DC, thats melhor!"
Lightning Paragon: setting the background music, n2
"Ricardo: Marco? Have you got a CD of Evils Presley?"
Lightning Paragon: New friends!
"bluegreen: mandei-te um peido de amizade pah."
("bluegreen: I sent you a fart of friendship man.")
Lightning Paragon and friends: More mircrophone issues
Andr: "oawhfakwghawg"
Marco: "O que? O teu pai tinha a rgua torta?"
5 mins later...
Andr: "oawhgwaoigjlwagj"
Marco: "O teu pai tinha o cagatrio?"
Lightning Paragon and Friends: foreign languages
Marco: we all got used to brittain english!
Lightning Paragon: Marco's Set up
Marco: "oh sorry, i didn't see. WAIT, WAIT, I'M NOT READY."
Sae: "Marco was jerkin."
Marco: "I was working, I had the whole thing set up!"

[Diabolic Synergy You thought me gone, did you not?]

Introduction: Here I was thinking about giving up on the book. Due to some
computer issues I thought the book was gone but, eventually, a backup file was found
and I got back to work. There were some major changes at this point: Saeko had to
take a break from Dota (BTW, I hope you are doing fine!) and Lightning Paragon
was not the same. Phil started playing on her account and Ricardo found some new
friends and founded the Diabolic Synergy team. This lead to the introduction of
Bluegreen, Smith, Scott and Geinu. Although we were playing mostly with the first
two. Later on, the roster changed with Phil and Nuno joining the team.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lightning Paragon: The Comeback is real
Marco: Nuno, ests a reescrever o livro?
Nuno: sim mas complicado porque perdi 5 pginas.
Marco: deixa l, no fim deste jogo j recuperas 2.
RV7 on other games:
Ricardo playing skyrim: it resembles Starwards!
Keld and RVZ: cya tomorrow!
Keld: gn
Keld: harosh
RV7: siga
RV7: gn
RV7: take
RV7: care
RV7: and
RV7: fok
RV7: there we go
Keld: honda civic
RV7: cya
RV7: xD
RV7: friend race
RV7: wat
RV7: loool
Keld: LOL
RV7: wtf xDD.
RV7: Supports
RV: os supports ja nao compram runes pah!
(Supports dont buy runes anymore!)
RV7: When I grow up, I shall be one!
RV: Plo player!
RV7: I guess it happens.
RV: Cant will!

Diabolic Synergy: New items

Smith: Usa as faceboots!
(Use the faceboots!)
Diabolic Synergy: Smith pause
Our team decides to contest roshan. The gank ends with a team wipe and
Smith paused the game.
Team: Whats wrong?
Smith: pausa para bater palmas pah. *clap, clap, clap*
Diabolic Synergy and friends: Foreign languages #2
Random guy: Crepate!
Lightning Paragon, Diabolic Synergy and Friends: Greetings
Andr: gl hv!
Enemy team: hv?
RV: good luck have vodka!
Marco: The vodka is real!
RV7 and Keld: game analysis
RV7: akele fail rp
Keld: o manguns
Keld: que pro
Keld: magnus*
RV7: xD
RV7: loool
Smith: in-game depth
Smith: o kunkka muito forte, o problema que fraco.
(Kunkka is very strong, the problema is that he is weak.)
Creepy the Creep: Im done with this
RV7: map awareness
RV7: Cuidado! O missing ta mid!
(Careful! Missing is mid!)
Diabolic Synergy: Bilingual players
DS.bluegreen: no one wants area de projecto crl, tens q praticar o cpt pah
Keld: u should also praticate as tuas misturas de english with Portuguese

[Diabolic Synergy JDL Tournament]

Introduction: For some reason, we participated on a tournament. Yea. I dont know
why. Dont ask me. I guess we just did it. But seriously, we faced teams that were
either really good or really bad. The first ones we faced ended up on the top positions
of our group so we were a bit frustrated. Its never fun to be on a losing streak on a
tournament. Fortunately, things changed a bit and we had some fun moments.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Diabolic Synergy: The First Victory
JDL Match
Smith has been disconnected from the game.
RV7: Sorry guys, tech issues.
Enemy team: its ok.
5 mins later: Smith has reconnected. The game goes on
5 mins after the 5 mins:
Smiths mother: j ts melhor da barriga?
Lightning Paragon and friends: miscomunication
RV7: Mtsinhos!
Infamy: No escroto?
Smith and Marco: its on bro!
Marco: Vou mudar o nome para Super RedhellC!
Smith: Andas com a foto do vegeta ? Ento pera l que j mudo o nome.
Smith has changed his name to Song Goku
RV7: Misclick
RV7: leran how tow alwowr
RV7: learn how to lasthit
RV7: tactics
RV7: Yo Lina, Frostbite!
O clssico
RV7: a MelanieMac tem uns culos gaymer!
Diabolic Synergy: Pre-game analysis
Nuno: I guess Spectre is a good pick. With it, Richard can counter and prevent
some initiations.
Phil: Im just worried about his Spectre decisions. Because usually his carries are
well..."MY TEAM IS FIGHTING? I WANNA FIGHT TOO! *goes 'murica mode*

Lightning Paragon: Plot Twist

Marco: no fizeram counter broodmother?
Nuno: no. At de estranhar no ?
Marco: Eu que tive que fazer counter broodmother na casa de banho!
Lightning Paragon: Pride and Time
RV7: Marco, go have dinner.
Marco: No, its about pride. Im proud of my dinner!
Phil: You shouldnt delay your meal 40+ mins.
RV7: Ive been delaying it for 1 year.
Keld: Its been 84 years.
Diabolic Synergy: Game changing
BlueGreen: 45 min mek, now thats a changing game item!
Diabolic Synergy: Upper hand
Phil: omg this lone druid has no beer!
Diabolic Synergy: Microphones
Keld: Who is making that noise breathing?
Smith: eu no sei, eu no tava a respirar.
Diabolic Synergy: Hacks
Smith: Nuno, ve se estou online na steam e quando que foi a ultima vez que
Nuno: ok mas que se passa?
Smith: entraram na minha conta e mudaram o meu nome para Ferreiro!
5 minutos antes:
Google Chrome: Esta pgina encontra-se em Ingls, deseja traduzi-la? Y/N
Smith: yes.

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