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Course ID

Course Duration

Course Title


: A Technology Overview

1 day


GSM: A Technology Overview (GSM-B, 1 day)

GSM: Network Architecture, Operation, and Design (GSM-I, 5 days)
iDENTM: Network Architecture, Operation, and Design (IDEN, 4 days)
GPRS: Network Architecture, Operation, and Design (GPRS, 3 days)
EDGE: Network Architecture, Operation, and Design (EDGE, 2 days)

Aimed At

The standard presentation of this course assumes a bachelor of science in

Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or a related subject along with an
appropriate background in communications.

Group Size



In a Nutshell

Working knowledge of wireless network structure and operation, RF

propagation and fading issues, and link budget analysis
At least six months experience in the design of a wireless network using any
major technology

While less widely deployed than other technologies, iDENTM was the first to bring
push-to-talk to a sizeable market.
Unlike other technologies, iDENTM is a proprietary technology developed by
Motorola. Some aspects of iDENTM , being proprietary, can create difficulties for
those working with this technology. However, since its a TDMA-based
technology, many of the issues are already widely understood and just need to be
discussed in the context of iDENTM.
In this course, you will learn the key structures of iDENTM. While we cant get
into the Motorola proprietary information, we will learn how iDENTM works and
what resources you can bring to bear to help with your job.

Customize It!

Customize this course at little-to-no additional cost to your specific needs. We

offer distinct versions tailored for audiences such as:
Network design and optimization engineers
Equipment or application designers
Less technical audiences such as managers, executives, business planners,
sales and marketing specialists, and operations and support personnel


We will provide a detailed course outline following training needs assessment.

Please call or e-mail to schedule a no-obligation conference call to help us
understand your audience background and training objectives.


Tel. +1 (703) 281-3525

Fax +1 (866) 612-6896

How You Will



You will learn in interactive lecture format from an instructor whos among
the most knowledgeable and dynamic in the industry.
Along with lecture, we use exercises, puzzles, case studies, and interesting
group activities to enrich the instruction and drive home the essential points.
If you already know something about the technology, we will build on that.
Well compare and contrast whats familiar with whats new, making new
ideas easier to learn as well as more relevant.
If your background is less technical, we will use meaningful and ingenious
examples and analogies to simplify the complex subject matter.
The Participant Handbook will provide you with a structure to which you can
add the information and insight provided in real-time, turning it into a valuable
reference resource you can take back to your job

Nov 7, 2005


Tel. +1 (703) 281-3525

Fax +1 (866) 612-6896

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