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Secrets of the Goiter of Eden Apple ones neck

Thyroid goiter contrary to popular belief is not an anal roid of the thy garter but a syndrome introduced from the sky
PR Political Religious RP Reverse Psychology goiter
Christian Era - CE Cause Effect Strangle Hold on Humanity

Pharisees Antiquity Goiterer Anatomy Neuterer
Parasite Humanity Abhorrer Nibiru Trace Oppressor Masticator
God de jure sane humanity proclamation administer antithesis Anti-Christ de facto doG
Bait and Switch Thrust and Regress Digress
Manipulating Optimistic Deity Egoism Reverent Nazi
Critical Think PRO Political Religious Optimist
Political Religious Illusion Charlatan Kleptocracy media inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss
A flea with reserved erection calls forth for the draw bridge to be raised

Expected Levitation
Stupidity Illusion Not Forever Appearance Dissolution

The thyroid gland, or simply the thyroid /ard/, in vertebrate anatomy, is one of the largest endocrine glands and
consists of two connected lobes. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage (which forms the
laryngeal prominence, or "Adam's apple"). The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins,
and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones. It participates in these processes by producing thyroid
hormones, the principal ones being triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (sometimes referred to as tetra iodothyronine
(T4)). These hormones regulate the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. T3 and T4 are
synthesized from iodine and tyrosine. The thyroid also produces calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis.
A goitre or goiter (see spelling differences; from the Latin gutteria, struma) is a swelling of the neck or larynx resulting
from enlargement of the thyroid gland (thyromegaly), associated with a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly.
Worldwide, over 90.54% cases of goitre are caused by iodine deficiency.[1]
Signs and symptoms
Goitre which is associated with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may be present with symptoms of the underlying
disorder. For hyperthyroidism, the most common symptoms are associated with adrenergic stimulation: tachycardia,
palpitations, nervousness, tremor, increased blood pressure and heat intolerance. Clinical manifestations are often
related to hyper metabolism, including increased metabolism, excessive thyroid hormone, an increase in oxygen
consumption, metabolic changes in protein metabolism, immunologic stimulation of diffuse goiter, and ocular changes
(exophthalmos).[2] Hypothyroid individuals

have weight gain despite poor appetite,

cold intolerance, constipation and lethargy.
However, these symptoms are often nonspecific and hard to diagnose.
Obesity Runs Rampant

10% impoverished
The other Israel
Pharisees killed Jesus Talmud OK to kill indirectly
Zionists will have no other Gods before them caused Romans to carry out their deeds keeping hands filthy clean

Written Torah law of Moses and the Oral Torah that did Jesus

God de jure sane humanity proclamation administer antithesis Anti-Christ de facto doG
The Pharisees (/frsiz/) were at various times a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought

in the Holy Land

during the Second Temple period, beginning under the Hasmonean dynasty (14037 BCE) in the wake of the Maccabean
Revolt. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE,
Pharisaic beliefs became the

liturgical and ritualistic

basis for Rabbinic Judaism (commonly known as

simply Judaism).


between Pharisees and Sadducees

took place in the context of much broader and longstanding social and religious conflicts among Jews,
dating back to the Babylonian captivity and exacerbated by the Roman conquest.

One conflict was social class, as Sadducees included mainly the priestly and aristocratic families.


Another conflict was cultural, between those who favored Hellenization and those who resisted it.

A third was juridico-religious, between those who emphasized the importance of the Second Temple with its cultic
rites and services, and those who emphasized the importance of other Mosaic Laws.

A fourth point of conflict, specifically religious, involved different interpretations of the Torah and how to apply it
to current Jewish life,
with Sadducees recognizing only the Written Torah and
rejecting doctrines such as the

Oral Torah and the resurrection of the dead.

Josephus (37 c. 100 CE), himself a Pharisee, estimated the total Pharisee population prior to the fall of the Second
Temple to be around 6,000 ("exakischilioi").[2]
Josephus claimed that Pharisees received the backing and goodwill of the common people, apparently in contrast to the

more elite Sadducees.

Pharisees claimed Mosaic authority for their interpretation[3] of Jewish Laws,
while Sadducees represented the authority of the

priestly privileges and prerogatives established since

the days of Solomon, when Zadok, their ancestor, officiated as High Priest. Josephus' statement
'common people' strongly indicates that most Jews were 'just Jewish people' by separating them, and making
them independent of the main liturgical groups.
Outside of Jewish history and writings, Pharisees have been made notable by references in the New Testament to
conflicts with John the Baptist[4] and with Jesus. There are also several references in the New Testament to the Apostle

Paul being a Pharisee.[5] However, the relationship between Early Christianity and Pharisees was not always hostile, e.g.

is often cited as a Pharisaic leader who was

sympathetic to Christians.[6]
Christian traditions have been a cause of widespread awareness of the Pharisees.
Christian Aristocrat Pharisees
Honor Among Thieves
At its most basic, a hedge fund is an investment vehicle that pools capital from a number of investors and invests in
securities and other instruments.[1] It is administered by a professional management firm, and often structured as a
limited partnership, limited liability company, or similar vehicle.[2][3] Hedge funds are generally distinct from mutual
funds as

their use of leverage is not capped by regulators


and from private equity funds as the majority of hedge funds invest in relatively liquid assets.[5] Hedge funds invest in a
diverse range of markets and use a wide variety of investment styles and financial instruments.[3] The name "hedge
fund" refers to the hedging techniques traditionally used by hedge funds, but hedge funds today do not necessarily
hedge.[1] Hedge funds are made available only to certain sophisticated or accredited investors and cannot be offered or
sold to the general public.[1] As such, they generally avoid direct regulatory oversight, bypass licensing requirements
applicable to investment companies, and operate with greater flexibility than mutual funds and other investment
funds.[6] Hedge funds have existed for many decades, but have become increasingly popular in recent years, growing to
be one of the world's major investment vehicles and sources of capital.[7]

Essence Gamaliel Adamski Demonstrable

Annunaki Miner Enslavers Nibiru
They just want a tranquil environment in perpetuity to ransack our gold ergo necessary to maintain control
Their puppets as al-Qaeda Kabala UNI You Name It CIA created it
Catholic Illuminati Associates
State Church Order Out of Chaos War out of Religion
A curia, plural curiae, is an assembly, council, or court, in which public, official, or religious issues are discussed and
decisions made. In ancient Rome, the entire populace was divided into thirty curiae, which met in order to confirm the
election of magistrates, witness the installation of priests, the making of wills, and adoptions. Lesser curiae existed for

other purposes. The word curia also came to be applied to meeting places where various assemblies gathered, especially
the meeting house of the senate. Similar institutions existed in other towns and cities of Italy. In medieval times, a king's
council was frequently referred to as a curia.

the most famous curia is the Curia of the
Roman Catholic Church
which assists the Roman Pontiff in conducting the business of the Church.[1]

Wars Humanity Oppressed Priestly Prerogatives Exploiting Royalties
Hitler rose with priestly back then got to think holier than thou changing the course of the war
Nefarious Anyway Zeus Inevitable sync
Venomous Asps Lucifer Universal Eye Scope

Underground Shadow Governments

Christian and Jew must Bow to the self-proclaimed gods of Nibiru
Save the environment as humans enslaved precious for the production of gold necessary for the
the survival of the environment of Nibiru
How Europe Created Adolf Hitler - Full Documentary (480p)
Third Reich
NCF: Roman Empire Rules Today Pt 1,2,3 (Full Length)
Fourth Reich

Amicable Back Stabber Exploiters

Consensus Essence Conscience Obligatory Mandate

Derivatives Annunaki Priestly Prerogatives Exploitation Royalties

Truth does not make a right!!

Mortal Gods of War

Majority Osmosis Omnipresence Learned Acquiescence
Zionist set up common Jews for annihilation
In plain sight!!!
Commoner goiter at the neck Nibiru alien goes to head after infinite years of sagging environment

Goiter grows straight up, however eventually will experience the gravity of it all and begin to fall

Humans awake to complicit high
Assuredly the creator higher than the self-proclaimed ergo determined by repossessing the gold would cause the Nibiru
environment to fail thereby killing three birds with one stone
Eradicate the source of evil freeing self as God would have it
Ergo doing the Lords work observed highly in Gods eye
And in third eye filthy rich with blind eye hood wink as God reciprocates with a smile

Never Ending War Story

Circle of Life
As the world and life forms spin

The gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual exposure

rather than deliberate learning

Study for Christ sake or self eh?
Home Race
Humanity one mother earth Reality almighty consecrated element
Reality exists with or without mother!!!
In the beginning of this predetermined Lost Civilization satanic legal certainty due process
Sumerians and the Annunaki Zecharia Sitchin NAZI Niburu Aliens Zionist Interest here for Gold

Do own Researching Knowledge

Beware Occult hidden in plain view!!
The Other Titanic
Did J.P. Morgan , Rothschild ,And Federal Reserve Bankers Sink Titanic
Actually Olympic for insurance
The Titanic Conspiracy The Great Deception
Jekyll Island meeting
Creator Infallible Argued

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