CaFFE Election Report - 52 Dec 31

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CaFFE Election Report # 52

Violence increase Underhand tactics proliferate

Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) has received 863 election related complaints by
December 31, 2014, out of which 79 are incidents of election related violence.

UNP MP requests STF protection for 5 electorates in Kandy

UNP MP Hon. Lakshman Kiriella has written to the Commissioner of Elections requesting STF
security for Pathadumbara, Nawalapitiya, Gampola, Hewaheta, and Yatinuwara electorates in
Kandy stating that there were series of attacks on opposition activists in recent weeks.
He added that the UNP office in Gampola was burned and New Democratic Front (NDF)
Provincial Councilor, Channa Galappatti was assaulted on December 30 at Nawalapitiya. The
MP added that the police is acting in extremely biased manner and asked the Commissioner to
deploy STF in Kandy with an emphasis of above mentioned areas.
Unsolicited anti Sirisena text messages from Dialog number 0766677344
Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) write to the Commissioner of Elections to take
immediate action regarding anti Maithripala Sirisena text messages being sent to a large
number of Dialog subscribers from Dialog number 0766677344.
One message, sent at 7.30 am today in Sinhala said that a new constitution will be proposed by
President within a year, according to his will, and this amendment will change executive powers
and electoral system.
The second text, in English sent at 11.54 am, states that Sirisena copied Modis clothes &
actions. Copied Mahindas budget. Now copied Mahindas website Choice is
yours: visionary leader or puppet?
We believe that millions of subscribers have received these unsolicited messages and we
kindly request you to take appropriate action about this as we believe this will continue, CaFFE
asked the Commissioner.
Illegal recruitment continues
The Ministry of Defence has made permanent 3000 civilians serving in the Army who have
completed 180 days pf service. There are close to 11 000 such persons in the Army. Although

the MoD claims that this is a part of the 2015 budget proposals, it is a gross violation of election
laws which bans the recruitment of persons to the state sector during election times.
Tense situation between Buddhsit monks
A tense situation occurred between two groups of monks exchange heated words at
Kaduruwela, Polonnaruwa, A group led by a Buddhist monk were distributing leaflets in
support of President Mahinda Rajapaksa in the Kaduruwela when they were interrupted by a
group of persons who support the Common Opposition Candidate.
Heated words were exchange between the two groups but police prevented any escalation.
100 policemen to get bikes
100 policemen will be given motor cycles on January 3, 2015 at Police Field HQ in
Thimbirigasyaya. NDF has lodged a complaint with the Commissioner of Elections and DIG
Elections asking them to stop this distribution as it is done in manner promoting President

Media Unit CaFFE

December 31, 2014

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