Porn Addiction - The Non Sexual Reasons - Pornography Addiction

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In the Porn-Addiction Adviser Ebook by Mario Brocallo you will learn more about: pornaddiction pornaddicted porn-addiction porn-addicted

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Porn-Consumption: Ten non-sexual Reasons

Why Porn-addiction hasn´t got much to do with Sexuality
by Mario Brocallo point of time when he was able to reduce it or stop
German Version it at all.
Addicted to porn. Many men – and also their All these pieces of information can not be
partners / wives once they realise the behaviour of retrieved from studies using questionnaires,
theirmen – are worried about the constant and because they will be influenced by the missing
strong need to search the internet for pornographic „social desirability“ of the topic: It is totally
pictures or videos. And continuously the thoughts unclear how many men will answer such
of those men tend to circle more and more around questionnaires honestly because of being ashamed
sexual topics like „Why can´t I have those sexual of their answers!
experiences with those sexual partners that I see Missing sexual excitement. A summary of the
on all those pictures and videos?“- „Why can´t I statements in the men´s group astonishingly shows
have sex more often?“ – „Why can´t I have sex over ten non-sexual reasons for porn-
with different women?“ etc. consumption.. And the most important proof of
Endangered Relationships? Sleepless nights are this theory is the fact, that almost all men stated
also typical for the wifes / partners of these men, that they mostly are not sexually excited when
asking themselves thousansds of questions they start do watch pornography. If the reason for
concerning the quality of the sexual aspect of their porn-consumption was the simple „need“ for sex,
relationship / marriage: Is our sex-life enough for that certainly would not be the case – the
my man? Am I (still) attractive enough for him? concerned men would only consume porn-material
Does he miss certain sexual practises? after beeing sexually excited!
Teenager crises. Also parents can be desperate Over ten reasons. My adviser ebook about porn-
when they find out that their son is downloading addiction* therefore covers the following topics,
and viewing porn regularly. „Is his sexual that summarize the analysis of the mentioned
development disturbed ?“ „Is it endangered by this group conversation:
behaviour?“ are the most common questions they Lonelyness and isolation – the fear of nearness in a
ask themselves. relationship – a diffuse hatred against women –
Non-sexual reasons. But many of those worries avoidance of conflicts – boredom – a lack of
are leading into the wrong direction (which does physical culture – lethargy and depression –
not mean that there is no reason to be worried at (avoidance of) stress – twisted masculinity-ideals
all): The reasons for the porn-addiction are more – inferiority feelings – twisted womanliness-ideals
rarely of a sexual nature than assumed! This – feelings of senselessness.
conclusion can be drawn when you analyse the I explain in my book* (that contains useful and
honest conversation about sexuality among men in soothing information also for women and parents)
psychologically supervised mens encounter groups how you can identify the type of porn-addiction
and combine them with the current sexual- you have and how you can therefore choose the
scientific theories. suitable strategy to reduce or end this addiction.
Honest experiences? Why this source of
information for a book*? A long-term analysis of *Ebook ordering information: You can order the
conversation in a psychological encounter group is Book „The PAadviser – a Self-help Textbook
most likely the only source for reliable and honest for Persons concerned and their Relatives“ by
Mario Brocallo as an Ebook in PDF Format
statements of men about their porn-consumption:
Only there you can identify the connection (readable by the free Acrobat® Reader Software)
between the different cirumstances of a man´s life on .
(jobsituation, relationship or being single, This text (not the Ebook itself !) is published under
education, health, life-phase etc.) and his porn- the „Creative Commons License 2.0 by-nc-nd“
which means you can freely distribute, copy or
addicted behaviour. Only there you can find out publish it as long as you follow the rules (never remove the author´s
under which life-circumstances the participating name – no commercial use– any changes of the text prohibited) given
man has increased his porn-consumption and the on:

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