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Losing My Patience

I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was!
Now from what anime did the song come from? (let person answer)
Perhaps you remembered how excitement filled your veins every Friday night. You were anxious to know
what will happen to Ash next. When he won against powerful trainers, your cheer was like the cry of 300
jubilant Spartans! And who could not forget your sheer amazement,every time Ash had a new Pokemon in
his team. Such childhood bliss isnt it!
Its astounding that the Pokemon anime still thrives after many years. The new Pokemon games certainly
contributed to the series survival. For Ash, that meant more Pokemon to catch and more gym battles to
win. Im an avid Pokemon fan since childhood. Unfortunately, my love for the anime dwindled to the point
that I lost my patience watching it!
Want to know why? First, Ash has the same starter line-up. When Ash enters a new region, he often owns
all three starter Pokemon and a basic flying type. Such a pattern occurs very often. Look here. The
pattern was observed in three out of the five regions he visited. Is this coincidence?
We used to think this was amazing. Sadly, its too predictable! The viewer is mostly sure that Ash will
follow the same pattern like in the previous regions. Talk about originality! Its not even helpful that only
two Pokemon from the line-up will actually evolve! Remember when we wished for all his Kanto Pokemon
to evolve? Only Charmander and Pidgeotto did.
Second, Ash doesnt own special Pokemon. Ash had met a variety of special Pokemon, from the pseudolegendaries (ex. Dragonite, Lucario) up to legendaries (ex. Mewtwo, Ho-Oh unknowingly). He befriended
a lot of them. Unfortunately, he wasnt assertive enough to invite such Pokemon in his glorious quest.
Personally, he badly needs firepower. He could have reached the Sinnoh League Final Round if it werent
for his opponent having a Darkrai and Latios! Affection alone cannot make you the best Pokemon master.
Finally, Ash never won a single Pokemon league tournament. Five regions ventured, but still no Pokemon
league trophy! The creators seem to think that this scenario motivates Ash to a new adventure.
Personally, winning the Pokemon league will NEVER exhaust Ashs thirst for adventure. Its inherent in
him. Im sure that if he won the recently concluded Unnova League, hell still go to the new region in
Pokemon X and Y!
Some also believe that Ashs scenario strongly highlights the virtue of undying fortitude. Failure is
inevitable, but one mustnt give up. Ash strongly displays this. On the contrary, Ash seems doomed to
suffer the samsara of close victory. He may taste victory but not have it. Sacrifice is irrelevant in victory.
Despair, not strength, is what the creators seem to preach!
Same starter line-up, no special Pokemon, and no Pokemon league championships- these are what
exhausted my interest in the Pokemon anime. From a story of hope, Pokemon became a tragedy! I
cannot follow a story that keeps on recycling itself. For now, I will just sit on my computer chair and play
Pokemon White 2. I will wait for the release of Pokemon X and Y in October. Unless the creators will heal
the current wounds, I will never watch that show again! Let the anime rot for all I care!
In a world we must defend,
Im sorry Pokemon the anime.

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