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World Applied Programming, Vol (2), Issue (5), May 2012.

Special section for proceeding of International E-Conference on Information Technology and Applications (IECITA) 2012

ISSN: 2222-2510
2011 WAP journal.

Fuzzy Logic Based Analysis of the Sepak Takraw Games

Ball Kicking with the Respect of Player Arrangement
Andino Maseleno *

Md. Mahmud Hasan

Computer Science Program

Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Gadong, Brunei Darussalam

Computer Science Program

Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Gadong, Brunei Darussalam

Abstract: This paper presents a method for finding kicking range of sepak takraw game for the purpose of
better understanding of this game. Sepak takraw is a highly complex net-barrier kicking sport that involves
dazzling displays of quick reflexes, acrobatic twists, turns and swerves of the agile human body movement.
This research work considered how fuzzy logic can be applied for the sepak takraw game - for addressing
uncertainty in kicking range of the ball. Because of the humans involvement in the game, the fuzzy logic
type reasoning are the most appropriate. We have chosen Tsukamoto's fuzzy reasoning scheme, because the
individual rule outputs are crisp numbers, and therefore, the functional relationship between the input vector
and the system output can be relatively easily identified. Sepak takraw is played by two Regus, each
consisting of three players. One of the three players shall be at the back and he is called a "tekong". The other
two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The result reveal that if tekong is far
and front player is near then another regus player is far, if tekong is near and front player is far then another
regus player is near.
Key word: sepak takraw, fuzzy logic, kicking range.


Sepak takraw or kick volleyball is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan
ball and only allows players to use their feet and head to touch the ball. A cross between football and volleyball, it is a
popular sport in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines and Indonesia. Sepak takraw can be played using
any part of the body. The player who kicks a serve surely puts a leg (shaft foot) in the service circle, and takes a toss
from the player who went into the quoter circle (the semicircle of a radius 90 cm done around the contact point of the
center line and the sideline), and kicks the ball. The strategies in Sepak takraw are also very similar to those in
volleyball. The receiving team will attempt to play the takraw ball towards the front of the net, making the best use of
their 3 hits, to set and spike the ball [1].
Some research related with kicks and sepak takraw have been developed which were the study to identify differences
in kicking kinematics between the kuda and service technique [3], datas researcher showed that angular velocity
pattern between both techniques were comparable with no significant difference observed for the thigh, shank and foot
angular velocities at ball-contact.
We have chosen Tsukamoto's fuzzy reasoning scheme, because the individual rule outputs are crisp numbers, and
therefore, the functional relationship between the input vector and the system output can be relatively easily identified.
the paper introduces a new approach to enable humanoid soccer robots to execute kicks quickly and ensure that they
move the ball down field [4], this paper presents a kick engine capable of kicking at a variety of distances and angles
and then describes a novel kick decision method for selecting from among a large set of possible kicks. This method
prunes and orders the kicks according to a metric and then chooses the first possible kick that ensures that their field
position is improved. Actually, according to researchers knowledge, fuzzy logic has never been used to find kicking
range of sepak takraw game.


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.



Sepak takraw is a highly complex net-barrier kicking sport that involves dazzling displays of quick reflexes, acrobatic
twists, turns and swerves of the agile human body. The player jumps as much as his height in the high state, and a ball
is struck by the spike like acrobatics and hatched. Three players on each side of a 5-foot high net get three chances to
kick, knee, shoulder, or head a takraw ball back to the opposing team. The rules of the game allow players to make
contact to the ball up to three consecutive times per side [1]. See Figure 2, for Sepak takraw court dimensions, as
specified by the International Sepak Takraw Federation (ISTAF) [1].
A match is played by two Regus, each consisting of three players. One of the three players shall be at the back and he
is called a "Tekong". The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on
the left is called a "Left Inside" and the player on the right is called a "Right Inside".
Area of 13.4m x 6.1m free from all obstacles up to the height of 8m measured from the floor surface. The width of the
lines bounding the court should not be more than 0.04m measured and drawn inwards from the edge of the court
measurements. All the boundary lines should be drawn at least 3.0m away from all obstacles. The Centre line of 0.02m
should be drawn equally dividing the right and left court. At the corner of each at the Centre Line, the quarter circle
shall be drawn from the sideline to the Centre Line with a radius of 0.9m measured and drawn outwards from the edge
of the 0.9m radius.

Another Regus Player

Another Regus Player

Front Player

Another Regus Player

Front Player


Figure 1. Sepak takraw court

The Service Circle of 0.3m radius shall be drawn on the left and on the right court, the center of which is 2.45m from
the back line of the court and 3.05m from the sidelines, the 0.04m line shall be measured and drawn outward from the
edge of the 0.3m radius.


When the ball is traveling through the air, only gravity and air resistance act upon it. If air resistance is ignored, only
gravity is considered to act on the ball. The acceleration due to gravity is constant, so the ball undergoes constant
acceleration. Equations of constant acceleration, or the ball motion, can be determined based on the definitions of
velocity and acceleration. Three such expressions involve the interrelationships of the kinematic parameters time,
position, velocity, and acceleration. These expressions are often referred to as the equations of constant acceleration.
The first equation expresses final velocity as a function of the initial velocity, acceleration, and time.


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

where vf and vi refer to the final velocity and the initial velocity, a 1is the acceleration and t is time. In the second
equation, position is expressed as a function of initial velocity, acceleration, and time.

where vi is the initial velocity, t is time, and a is acceleration. The variable in this expression may refer to the
horizontal or vertical case and is the change in position or the distance that the object travels from one position to
another. This equation is derived by integrating the first equation. The last equation expresses final velocity as a
function of initial velocity, acceleration, and position.

where vf and vi refer to the final velocity and the initial velocity, a is acceleration, and s is the position. Each of the
kinematic variables in this expression appeared in one or both of the previous equations. Figure 3 illustrates what is
known about the conditions of the ball at the instant of projection and the shape of the trajectory.

Figure 2. Conditions during kicking the ball

The equations of constant acceleration use parameters that are basic to linear kinematics [4]. The three equations of
constant acceleration thus provide a useful method of analyzing the ball motion. For calculating the range of kicking
the ball, the following expression can be used:


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

where v is velocity of projection, is angle of projection, h is the height of release of the projection, and g is
acceleration due to gravity.



In this method, the consequence of each fuzzy rule is represented by a fuzzy set with a monotonic membership
function, as shown in figure 1.
The rule base has the form as:
Ri: if u is Ai and v is Bi, then w is Ci, i = 1, 2, , n
Ci (w) is a monotonic function.
As a result, the inferred output of each rule is defined as a crisp value induced by the rules matching degree (firing
strength). The overall output is taken as the weighted average of each rules output. We suppose that the set Ci has a
monotonic membership function Ci (w) and that i is the matching degree of its rule.
(1) For the singleton input (u0, v0)

(2) For the fuzzy set input (A, B)
min[max( A

max( B

Then the result of its rule is obtained by

The final result is derived from the weighted average like in the following when there are two rules.


Figure 3. Graphical representation of Tsukamoto method


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

Since each rule infers a crisp result, the Tsukamoto fuzzy model aggregates each rules output by the weighted average
method. Therefore, it avoids the time-consuming process of defuzzification [5].



We have chosen Tsukamoto's fuzzy reasoning scheme, because the individual rule outputs are crisp numbers, and
therefore, the functional relationship between the input vector and the system output can be relatively easily identified.
From the equation (1), let (8) be an input to (1)


When a game begins by one serve, a ball can be touched by the attack of one time to three times. The player can
use a head, a back, legs, and anywhere except for the arm from the shoulder to the point of the finger. Suppose we are
given player position and kicking range in the beginning of sepak takraw game as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Player position and kicking range
Kicking range
6.5 m
Front player
7.5 m
Another Regus Player
9.5 m
4.5 m

We have defined the realistic rules according to the kicking range calculations, these rules will become the
knowledge base of each of the problems considered in the sepak takraw game. It is necessary to say that the whole
knowledge does not necessarily have to be translated in rules, sometimes some of the rules can be redundant. Table 2
shows the rule to find kicking range in sepak takraw game.

Rule 1:
Rule 2:
Rule 3:
Rule 4:


Tekong is

Table 2. The rule

Front Player is
Another Regus Player

Tekong is near AND Front Player is far THEN Another Regus Player is near
Tekong is near AND Front Player is near THEN Another Regus Player is near
Tekong is far AND Front Player is far THEN Another Regus Player is far
Tekong is far AND Front Player is near THEN Another Regus Player is far

During the Sepak takraw game, both teams will make different powerful moves to kick and spike the ball to go to the
opponent side and fall within the boundary line of the court, players try to play the ball toward the front of the net,
making the best use of their three hits to pass, set and spike. Suppose we are given 5 conditions kicking range in which
already known as shown in Table 3.


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

Front Player

Table 3. Kicking Range of Tekong and Front Player

Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
Condition 4

Condition 5

Kicking range of tekong is the range of kicking the ball from tekong to front player. Kicking range of front player
is the range of kicking the ball from front player to another regus player. Figure 4 shows graphic of kicking range of
tekong and front player.

Figure 4. Graphic of kicks range of tekong and front player


Membership value

Figure 5 shows graphic of fuzzy membership function of tekong.

Figure 5. Graphic of Tekong


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

Front Player

Membership value

Figure 6 shows graphic of fuzzy membership function of front player.

Figure 6. Graphic of front player

Another Regus Player (ARPlayer)

Figure 7 shows graphic of fuzzy membership function of another reguss player.

Figure 7. Graphic of another regus player


Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

[Rule 1] IF Tekong is near AND Front Player is far THEN Another Regus Player is near

Another regus player near in range

[Rule 2] IF Tekong is near AND Front Player is near THEN Another Regus Player is near

Another regus player near in range

[Rule 3] IF Tekong is far AND Front Player is far THEN Another Regus Player is far

Another regus player near in range

[Rule 4] IF Tekong is far AND Front Player is near THEN Another Regus Player is far

Another regus player near in range

With the same calculation, we are get kicking range of another regus player in each condition as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Kicking range of another regus player
Another Regus Player

Condition 1
8.27 m

Condition 2
7.32 m


Condition 3
6.78 m

Condition 4
6.43 m

Condition 5
5.85 m

Andino Maseleno and Md. Mahmud Hasan, World Applied Programming, Vol (2), No (5), May 2012.

Figure 8. Graphic of kicking range of another regus player

Figure 8 shows kicking condition from another regus player, from the figure we can get that if tekong is far and front
player is near then another regus player is far, if tekong is near and front player is far then another regus player is


We have described a method for finding kicking range of sepak takraw game using Tsukamotos fuzzy reasoning. The
vagueness present in the definition of terms is consistent with the information contained in the conditional rules
developed by the engineer when observing some complex process. Even though the set of linguistic variables and their
meanings is compatible and consistent with the set of conditional rules used, the overall outcome of the qualitative
process is translated into objective and quantifiable results. Fuzzy mathematical tools and the calculus of fuzzy IFTHEN rules provide a most useful paradigm for the automation and implementation of an extensive body of human
knowledge heretofore not embodied in the quantitative modeling process; we call this paradigm fuzzy systems. These
mathematical tools provide a means of sharing, communicating, and transferring this human subjective knowledge of
systems and processes. The result reveal that if tekong is far and front player is near then another regus player is far,
if tekong is near and front player is far then another regus player is near.


International Sepak Takraw Federation, Laws of the Game Sepak Takraw in The 24th Kings Cup Sepaktakraw World Championship 2009
Program, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2-7, 2009.
K. Michael, H. Teik, H. S., Ian, 3D Kinematic Analysis of The Kuda and Sila Service Technique, 24 International Symposium on
Biomechanics in Sports, 2006.
B. Samuel, G. Katie, H. Todd, Q. Michael, S. Peter, Controlled Kicking under Uncertainty, The Fifth Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots
(HSR-10), Nashville, TN, 2010.
H. Joseph and M.K. Kathleen, Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 3rd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA, 2009.
K. H. Lee, First Course on Fuzzy Theory, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.


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