MKT 330 Syllabus Semester 113

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Prince Sultan University

Marketing Department/ CBA College

Summer Semester 113: 2011 - 2012

Our vision is to be a hallmark of excellence and innovation in business

education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Our mission is to promote excellence and innovation in business
education, research, and service in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line
with international standards.
Course Code & Title: MKT 330
Section 517: 13:00 15:00 SMW

Professional Selling
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: MKT 301


Name of Faculty: Dr. Husam Kokash

Office: E-357 Old Building




01 494 8542

Course Description:

This course introduces the students to the selling and sales management
concept, is designed to benefit students across multiple disciplines, and to
provide them with an integrated framework useful for understanding the
role of personal selling within the context of marketing strategies.
Emphasis is placed on the following principles of sales force
management: Creating value with relationship selling, formulating and
evaluating sales strategy, recruitment, training, motivation, performance
evaluation, and sales force structure.
A successful completion of the course should enable the student to
understand activities and problems of managing self and other by
covering sales force management concept, and extensively, by
contributing to the process of development and implementation of the
major components of personal selling strategy and of the development of
a presentation strategy as well.

Course Objectives:

This course is caring

to accomplish the following major
Demonstrate a clear understanding of the sales management and
personal selling concepts.
Introduce the students to the basic and fundamental functions of sales
management by familiarizing them with the basic steps of planning,
creating, and developing a sales strategies.
Demonstrate an understanding of how to service the sales in order to
build long-term partnership.
Enhance the students' problem solving and decision making abilities
related to the relationship selling analysis.
Identify characteristics of successful salespeople.
Explain and apply the process of recruiting, training, evaluating, and
compensating sales personnel.
Course materials:
Required Text Book:
Manning, G., Ahearne, M., & Reece, B. Selling Today: Partnering to
Create Value. 12th Edition. Prentice Hall, Pearson Education. 2012.
Reference Book:
Jobber, D., & Lancaster, G. Selling and Sales Management. 8th Edition.
FT Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Limited - England. 2009.
There are two exams during the semester, Midterm and Final Exams.
These examinations will follow the normal college pattern.
The final exam will be comprehensive
Exams Schedule:
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam
Assessments &Evaluation:
Major First
Major Second
Final Exam
Two Case studies Analysis
Attendance & participation

Saturday: JULY, 7th, 2012

To be scheduled


Class participation & attendance:

Attendance for regular classes is expected. Class participation is a crucial
part of the course which will take place during lectures, discussion on
Sales and marketing topics, case analyses and students activities in
scenarios and role playing, will be evaluated on regular bases. Keep in
mind that poor attendance will negatively affect the total grade.
Role Playing:
Students registered in this course will be asked to give presentation in
three role plays which will be determined soon; one is individual and
short practice in the classroom based one to one communication. The
second is a team sales presentation where a group of sellers will give
presentation for a group of buyers. And the third role play is a full
negotiation between buyers and sellers.
Case Study analysis:
Students Registered in this course will be asked to analyze and present
two cases, one problem case will be given to the student by the
instructor, the second case is from the student's choice but with
preapproval by the course instructor to avoid repetition and overlaps in
the students' selection of their case study.
In both cases, students must focus on three dimensions of the case;
Problem, Solution, and implementation. More information about
these assignments will be given to the students in class.
DN Policy
For Any student who exceeds the number of absences allowed will be
recommended for DN. The absences will be counted from the day first of
the official start of classes given in the semester calendar, no matter when
the student has actually registered the course. Besides, any student who
is late by more than five minutes after the scheduled start of a class will
be marked absent, and such absences will also be counted for DN
The instructor reserves the right to change or modify the course
syllabus, and to revise it to generate the maximum benefits for the
students. The possible modifications will be discussed with the students
in the classroom.

An updated and improved copy will be linked to the instructor's Website,

where students are responsible for checking and keeping up with any

Course Contents



Reed selected from Chapters 1 & 2:
Developing a Personal selling Philosophy:
Relationship Selling Opportunities in the information
Evolution of Selling Models that complements the
Marketing Concept.
Read Selected from Chapters 6 & 7:
Developing a product strategy that creates value.
Product-Selling Strategies that Add Value.


Read Selected from Chapter 10:

Developing a Presentation Strategy:
Six Step Presentation Plan.
Converting prospect's attention and arousing interest
Midterm Exam


Read Selected from Chapter 11:

Determining customer needs with a consultative
questioning strategy
Read Selected from Chapter 12:
Creating Value with consultative presentation
Read Selected from Chapter 13
Negotiating Buyer Concerns

Read Selected from Chapter 14

Adapting the close and confirming the partnership
Specific methods for closing the sale


Read Selected from Chapter 15 & 17:

Servicing the sale and building partnership
Sales Force Management.
Recruitment & selection.
Orientation, Motivation, Training, and Compensation.
Assessing sales force productivity.


Final Exam





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