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1. A man takes a loan of Rs. 10,000 at a compound interest rate of 10% per annum (p.a.).

Find the amount after one year
Find the compound interest for 2 years
Find the sum of money required to clear the debt at the end of 2 years
Find the difference between the compound interest and the simple interest at the same rate
for 2 years
2. A man invests Rs. 46875 at 4 % per annum compound interest for 3 years. Calculate the following
The interest for the final year
The amount standing to his credit at the end of the second year
The interest for the third year
The amount that the man will receive after 3 years
3. A sum of money becomes Rs. 4840 at a compound interest rate of 10 % per annum in 2 years. Find
the principal at the beginning of the second year.
4. A man invests Rs. 5,000 for three years at a certain rate of interest, compounded annually. At the end
of one year it amounts to Rs. 5,600. Calculate.
The rate of interest per annum
The interest accrued in the second year
The amount at the end of the third year
5. A sum of Rs. 60,000 is invested in a bank for 1


years at the interest rate of 8 % per annum. If the

interest is compounded in the account half yearly, find the following.

What is the balance after one year


in 1

What amount will be received after 1

What is the total interest earned


6. On a certain sum of money, the difference between compound interest for a year, payable half yearly,
and the simple interest for a year is Rs. 180. Find the sum lent out, if the rate of interest is both cases
is 10 %.
7. A man invests Rs. 20,000 at the beginning of every year in a bank and earns 10 % annual interest,
compounded at the end of the year. What will be his balance in the bank at the end of 3 years?
8. In how many years will a sum of Rs. 1,200 amount to Rs. 1,323 at the compound interest rate of 5 %
per annum?
9. A certain sum amounts to Rs. 5,292 in 2 years and to a Rs. 5,556.60 in 3 years at a uniform rate of
compound interest. Find the rate and the sum.
10. Find the difference of the compound interest and the simple interest on Rs. 15,000 at the same
interest rate of 12


p. a. for 2 years.

11. What is the sum of money on which the difference between the compound interest and the simple
interest in 2 years is Rs. 15 at the interest rate of 5 % p.a.?

12. Find the amount and the compound interest on Rs. 8000 at 10 % per annum for 1 years if the interest
is compounded half yearly.

13. A company offers the following growing rates of compound interest annually to investors on
successive years of investment. 4 %, 5 %, 6 %
a. A man invests Rs. 31,250 for 2 years. What amount will he received after 2 years?
b. A invests Rs. 25,000 for 3 years. What will be his gain?
14. A man borrowed Rs. 10,000 for 3 years. He agreed to pay simple interest of 8 % for the first half of
the period and compound interest at the same rate compounded half yearly for the second half. What
is the sum of money that he will have to pay at the end of the period to clear off his debt?
15. A sum of money is lent out at compound interest for two years at 20 % p.a., compound interest being
reckoned yearly. If the same sum of money is lent out at compound interest at the same rate p.a.
compounded interest being reckoned half yearly, it would have fetched Rs. 482 more by the way of
interest. Calculate the sum of money lent out.
16. The simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 4 % p.a. is Rs. 450. Find the compounded interest
on this sum of money at same rate for 1 years if the interest is reckoned half yearly.
17. Two persons A and B borrow equal sums of money from a lender. A borrows at the arte of 12 % p.a.
for 1


years, interest being compounded yearly. B borrows at 10 % p.a. for the same period, interest

being compounded half yearly. If A has to pay Rs. 295.75 more as interest then find the sum of money
being borrowed.

At compund

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