I Never Dream When I Sleep by Freyr Arnarson, English Script

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I never dream when I sleep/Mig dreymir ekki þegar ég sef

by Freyr Arnarson
Length: 43:43
Original language: Icelandic
Consultance: Tim Hinman

This piece was produced as part of the radiofeature/documentary project RANA.

RANA is funded through EU´s Lifelong learning program. More information about the
RANA project can be found on http://www.this.is/rana

The characters:

The artist: .............. Ásta

The father: ............. Eyvindur
The mother: ........... Sjöfn
The sister: ............... Dóra
The brother: ........... Reynir
The cousin: ............. Freyr

Sound of papers

Freyr: I have here a box, full of stuff from my cousin Ásta, diaries, and letters and....
and here is a cassette. It´s some program she did for radio.

A cassette is put in a deck and played

Jingle: Radio Roots, FM 106,8.

Ásta: From the bottom of my heart I welcome you to my birthday party....


Ásta…this is Björk.

Nervous laughter

Narrator: “I never dream when I sleep”, A feature by Freyr Arnarson

Music ends. Tape is shut off. Piano music.

Eyvindur: Ásta was dramatic in her thoughts .... she would sometimes use black
color to cover the most of the canvas and then she would add blue to go with it, to
lighten it up a bit, but in some paintings it´s mostly blue....

Piano music

Dóra: This painting: When one sees it for the first time it looks like a bunch of
scribbles, big portions of oil paint and she often uses the paint like she has sprayed
it from a whipped cream dispenser. But it´s very much like Ásta; her hands....I
picked this one for me.... maybe first and formost because there you see her hands
but also because I find it very cool...

Eyvindur: ... and the decorative colours, the yellow and red, go very well on top of
this blue colour, are very diverged and create a nice unity.

Dóra: My friend Nina has a boy called Vilhjálmur, and he comes as much to visit
this painting as he does me. He always discovers something new. He finds the bird
here, with a ribbon in its hair, Ásta is there, this man here and do you see the face
This is one of my favorite paintings. And then it´s so much like her, to use this kind
of glimmer. We are both like crows, the sisters, we like everything that is shiny. Gold
and things like that. This painting is so much Ásta. A small rock down here as a nose

Music ends

Eyvindur: My family supported my interest for arts. And .... from the very
beginning I felt that the arts were the only interesting thing in the world.

Clears his throat. Smokes.

Eyvindur: The only proper artist is God almighty.

Clears his throat.

Eyvindur: But God and arts, those are very dangerous things.
People want to connect with God but as soon as you see his face you are a dead
man, no one survives that. And it´s the same with arts. People try so hard to obtain
something extraordinary, especially beautiful or magnificent and when they do –
they are finished. That´s the price. Yes....It ain´t for everybody. You shouldn´t think
that, it´s something you can play with.
This is a lifethreatning task.

Piano music. Eyvindur smokes.

Dóra: It´s so interesting, about both of them; Ásta and dad, who both are very
talented people .....

Eyvindur caughs

Dóra: ..... but it is like...I don´t know if it is...it´s like there is some element of
selfdestruction in them. Literarly. I think that people who live in the arts and for the
arts carry their soul unprotected, outside their body. Don´t know ... perhaps it´s not
self-destruction. It´s just so easy to hurt or damage because everything is on the
outside, perhaps, I don´t know (Laughs),
but they are not well protected as we are .... against various things.

Reynir: The family is ... well a strong dad ... with a big ego, very interesting and
amusing man, and mom has always done what he wanted. And then there are the
two girls, they are the oldest ones. Then the three of us, the boys, I am in the
middle. And Ásta of course is special because she is the oldest. It has been most
difficult for her. Well dad of course just thought very much about himself and mom
was always ... she adored him so much, so she somehow.....and the girls too, the all
adored him.

Sjöfn: There is only a year between the sisters, and they were not very much alike,
neither their looks nor how they acted. And I remember first...Ásta Guðrún .... When
they were outside, and Dóra had learned how to walk, Ásta was always taking care
of Dóra, even grabbing a fist full of grass to clean her because she just went all over
and got dirt on her clothes but Ásta was so tidy and was always trying to brush of
the dirt, when they were just little girls (Laughs).

Dóra: We were always together from a very young age.

Eyvindur: I remember that she was always collecting all kinds of things. If she saw
something shiny she took it and put it in her box of toys. Once at Christmas she
found a sodacap so sparkling and nice that she swallowed it (Laughs). That
Christmas was terrible.

Dóra: Right from childhood she had a collection of dolls like all other girls and
made piles of, not only clothes that she knitted for her dolls, lot of clothes, when she
was 8-9 years. But she also made furnitures for the dolls house and put up curtains
and carpets on the floor. Noone had as nice a house for dolls as she did. She was
very good in finding all kinds of small things for the dolls house and even after she
had grown up she would often see things that would fit nicely into a dolls house.

Freyr: Here is an interview with Asta in the morning paper, a full page covered with
pictures of her and her paintings and she says: "I never dream when I sleep. We
have that in common, Barbie and I. For me, art replaces the dreams."Are you
unafraid of going your own way?
"No, I am scared shitless because I am just an ordinary person. If my art has a
purpose for others, I am happy I can provide it in my own way. My happyness does
not depend on me becoming an artist or not." ...she says.

Sjöfn: She was always creating something. But she didn´t like reading and math as
much. The school was ok, to draw or write but, ah, reading was not as much fun as
the handcrafts. That was what captured her mind.

Dóra: Eh ... She was an extreamly open kid, very social and fun, she was of course
a natural beauty and very popular amongst the kids. But she wasn´t too successfull
at school and found a way to hide out for the teacher.

Reynir: She could just sit in school and keep low profile so noone noticed her ...
she was just forgotten ... somehow ...

Piano fades in

Reynir: ... she didn´t learn to read until she was 11, Ásta.

A cassette is put in a player and starts playing

Ásta: Nowadays anyone can write a poem and nobody minds or has an opinion
about it. But on the other hand everybody seems to think they know how to read
poetry and how not to. Ergo, noone likes how others read and they are good at
pointing out the flaws. So it might be fun to play an old recording where I am
rehersing. It has all the flaws in it. There you go: “Sleep my love”. Eyvindur
Erlendsson translated. Ah ... sleep ... No ...The wind is blowing and and the day has
come to end and the gates are closed. -The fog creeps in from the sea and the sun
goes down to the salty, deep red sea. Sleep my true love ... Give peace to my soul ...

The cassette player is turned off

Reynir: But then of course you could say that ... I must make clear that dad was
never mean to us, you must not misunderstand it in that way. And he was a lot of
fun, when he was in that mood, and had a lot of fun friends.

Dóra: I was so pleased with them when I was a teenager ... very patient parents
for teenagers and allowed us everything. One found it thrilling to be from an artist
family and fun to meet all these strange people that came to visit and things like
that. I was proud to be a part of this but on the other hand I also think that maybe it
was not so good for us, because maybe it made the tolerance to great ... Because
one just felt that people were allowed to be so strange, possibly that made it more
difficult to see things that were not alright later on.

The cassette is turned on

Ásta: Has she become ... Oh no ... Has she become tired of fighting ...

The cassette player is turned off

Dóra: She took a qualifying test in order to try to get into the Arts Academy but she
was not optimistic. I remember we brought the letter from the Academy to her ...
and I took a funny picture of her while she was reading it (laughs), she looked like a
fool. But she was very happy that she got in. But still she didn´t go to the school this
winter because Ásta decided that mom needed a new stove. That she had to work to
buy a new stow for mom (laughs). So she went to sea this winter and earned money
for the stove.

Sea fades in

Dóra: Hildur Hákonardóttir was the schoolmaster at the time and Hildur thought
that this was absolutely brilliant, that the child was going to work for a new stove for
her mother so she gave her the year off and allowed her to begin the following year.
So Ásta went to sea, worked as a cook on a boat without even knowing how to boil
potatoes. So she called mother; Mom, how do you boil potatoes (laughs) ...

Sjöfn: (laughs) Yes and then she called me: Mom, how do I make porridge ...
(laughs)...or boil fish or whatever?
Sea fades out

Rustling of paper and things

Sjöfn: That´s it ... Here are letters and all kinds of stuff ... She always wrote a lot,
from a very young age, wherever she was, in Iceland or England or France or
whatever ... Yep.

Eyvindur: She had these diaries and filled them, with text and pictures ...

Sjöfn: Here is something ... Yes ... was it something like this? ... no.

Eyvindur: Especially after she started studying arts for real because there they
teach the students to write things down, to save and use.

Sjöfn: ... no ... This is just a header from some exihibition ...

Freyr reads from a diary: Dear diary ...

Sjöfn: ... I´m not wearing my glasses.

Freyr: ...I think it´s best to thread very carefully in arts because it´s right what has
been said to me that art is no contemporary fling and caution must be shown in the
precense of a soul.
I have no appetite at all, to paint. I think I let this be, I’ll turn to something else;
Love. But seriously, dear God. You could have provided a manual with this terrible
brain that one has. One stands completely perplexed in the high seas of life. I would
so much like to have a boyfriend on my birthday. Make my day. Yours sincerely,

Dóra: See, she was was of course very beautiful and ... (laughs) I remember I once
said that I was going to put up a shrink service because when we went out to
dance, I had to spend the whole evening talking to men who had to tell my how
much they loved my sister, I got rather tired of it. But she could pick any guy she
wanted; they were crazy about her ... Still she was never very much in love, I think.
They vere always more in love with her. She was very charming and she was a
primadonna. And I think she was just married to her art, and if she would have had a
man he would have had to marry both of them, her and the godess of the arts.

Sound of paper

Reynir: This is from the headmaster of the Arts Academy. Grades: Third year in
Graphics –. January: lithography: The student posesses a poetic imagination that
sometimes overrides the subject. Caracter B. Yeh … yes.

Dóra: Actually she wanted to become an actress, wanted it more than becoming a
painter and tried that a lot but she was not meant to become an actress. But the
visual arts were like a open book to her. You know, maybe that was why she didn´t
think so much of it in the
beginning. It was just so terribly simple. You know ...

Freyr: Here is something from London: “Dear diary. I don´t know what it means but
I easily got into the Central School for Visual Arts. I neither have talent ... ”, she has
crossed this out, “I neither have talent, belief or interest in visual arts but
everything goes my way there.
A cassette player is turned on, tape fast forwarded

Freyr: But what I would give everything for I don´t get ... It´s not fair.”

The cassette is played. Music.

Ásta: Back to Brixton (laughs). This song I´m playing now is from a demotape from
´83, I think. Those black guys are different from us in many ways I think, eh, yes.
Maybe like the reality is often stranger than the fiction. That´s why I don´t read, that
´s why the fires burned in Brixton... if you know what I mean (laughs).

Dóra: London was complicated and difficult I think ...


Dóra: I know of bad things that happened there, but still she loved living in

Music turned off.

Eyvindur: She thought she was in the big city to live the free life of an artist but it
was only bullshit and nonsense ...

Dóra: She just lived the life of a student like people do ...

Eyvindur: ... lots of hash, liquer and that kind of junk ...

Dóra: She was there when there were riots in London.

Eyvindur ... and no order, what so ever. And nothing firm at hand. Then she was in
bad company, she was with negroes and that sort of trash, down there in Brixton, as
it is called, which is an immigrant and no good trash ghetto, and she often got
involved in street riots there. These people took houses and sometimes burned cars,
and even houses.

Music is turned on

Ásta: These were my friends in Brixton. But know it´s time for the fiction because
one must not forget about it.

Music is turned off

Eyvindur: She was associated with the dregs of society. If I made any remarks she
thought that I was the one who was crazy. She was impossible to control …
(laughs) ... at all. Then she got married to a damn negro there. And that was a bad
thing because he was an evil person and beat her.

Dóra: Eh ... I don´t remember the name of this brother´s in law of mine, and I don
´t think he was very important to her ... But they lived together, rented an
apartment together ... but he was just some bloke.

Reynir: Lehmar.

Dóra: Lehmar; that was his name. Lehmar beats people. Yes yes. ... that was his
name ...

Reynir: He was, well it was a gang of black people, I understand he was like their
leader, very cool black guy.

Dóra: A beautiful guy ...

Reynir: ... and fun.

Dóra: ... I don´t remember where he was from. Black as coal. Do you remember
where he was from?

Reynir: ... She didn´t talk much about it.

Eyvindur: I have no errand with him other than maybe shooting him. He was an
evil person.

Dóra: What happened was that he went away and she didn´t want to be alone in
the apartment so she spends the night at her friends place ... then he comes home
earlier than expected, so he is there, when she comes back and when she walks in
in the morning she is just arrogant when he asks where she had been and says
something ridiculous; „What, it´s none of your business“ ... but still you can´t just
beat people, can you? She told us that she had to pretend she was dead, otherwise
he wouldn´t have stopped. She said that there were two men working on the roof,
they saw, she said, they must have seen but no one did anything, noone ever came
to help in the big city. So it was ... I know it has been a great shock to be beaten like
this, it´s very shocking ... and her staying there didn´t end well because she had
started to use drugs quite a bit, and her friends called home ...

Eyvindur: In the end I went to London and took her home.

Dóra: ... she had become so disturbed that her friends where afraid for her.

Eyvindur: We made contact with some friend of hers over there.


Eyvindur: I talked to him on the phone and asked; how is Ásta? She´s not well he
You should come and check on her. And that I did.

Lights a cigarette

Reynir (reads): To Eyvindur´s family ...

Sound from paper

Reynir: ... Yes, he has sent … a letter.

Freyr: Who?

Reynir: Lehmar. “Take your daughter Ásta, she is not well at the moment. I don´t
want to tell you about other things, I do suspect.” He is talking about drugs and that
she is not feeling well and wants dad to come and fetch her. To London.“ ... Drugs ...
sick ... to ... (Rustling of paper. Mumbles) “ ... which is not good for her, which is not
good for her at the very present moment” ... yes, which means she has been on
drugs, which is not good for her right now. Which tells us that she has been
pregnant? Doesn´t it? I didn´t know that he had sent this letter. I just knew that dad
went there to fetch her, when she was going crazy there ... It has been because of
this letter.

Eyvindur: I don´t remember wether she came home with me or if I just made
arrangements so she would come ... but she came.

Dóra: It was a very difficult time after she came home.

Eyvindur: ... then she had become pretty much insane ... poor girl.

Dóra: She was very discontent, she never saw herself as disturbed or mentally
sick. And she never saw that there was anything wrong with this life of hers.

Eyvindur: And I didn´t believe it either. And I was far too late to force her to see a
shrink (caughs). By then her mental health was gone, it was as simple as that.

Sound of paper

Freyr reads: Dear family: It was never my idea that I was mentally sick. I have
been forced into this nonsense at times of distress ... is it insanity to run into
difficulties? ... I was attacked!! I have to simplify my life, disassociate my life and the

Eyvindur: Once back home I tried to get her on track. Offered her my workshop
where she could work as much as she wanted and live with us, for free, but she didn
´t want that at all and ran away from us to Reykjavík (the capital). And lived there
on her own. And was always trying to find herself a man but wasn´t able to finish
that all the way because in the end she disliked them all. Many of them were lousy

Sound of papers

Freyr: Here is a bill for an advertisement in a newspaper ...

Eyvindur: Idiots.

Freyr: They´re charging for an ad in the personals... “Beautiful woman, with no

child, wants to get to know a trustworthy man, aged 30-45 in the city or out in the
country. Send answers to DV, signed ... CONFIDENTIALITY 7376 ... ”

Dóra: When we were teenagers and my sister and I went out for a dance, it was me
who drank alcohol and was out on the loose. Ásta didn´t drink much. But maybe I
was just naiv. In those days I never saw drugs, there were no drugs when we were
young, I think. But this seems to have been just it for her when she got to know it …
actually it was very bad for her but she liked it.

Eyvindur: I don´t think she was not using it a lot but it was there. I´d rather not
make fuss about what people eat or drink.

Dóra: Yes, she was very difficult and had a very difficult time ...

Eyvindur: Uncontrolable, first and foremost ...

Dóra: She was in complete denial, was not connected to reality ...

Eyvindur: ... and hallucinations. She claimed to be...(caughs) ... talking to God and
heard him talking to her.

Dóra: I mean there was no question about it, she was insane when she came
home; she was.

Eyvindur: It´s a common mental sickness that follows depression, and from those
wrong ideas and hallucination developes what is called schizophrenia. People
become two persons that battle.

Reynir: That’s how it is; Asta has certainly had depressive tendencies ... whether
genetic or from the upbringing, could be both. It was not only due to the drugs,
rather a combination. As it’s not just the boose with dad, but a combination of
depression and alcoholism.

Eyvindur: She had quit listening to me altogether ... because she thought that I
was the one who was a lunatic, not her ...

Cassette player turned on

Ásta: News, advertisements and politics have bad influence on me. The sound of it,
that is. Of course I don´t pay any attention to this damn propaganda. It´s best to
listen to the telly in French. I am going to France. I love that language, and I love
you too (giggles).

Cassette player turned off

Dóra: I have to admit that I didn´t know my sister very well in this period. We met
now and then and then I think she went to the Technical Collage where she got to
know Sólveig who became her best friend. She got an apartment at Hallveigarstígur
(street in Reykjavík) and held an exhibition there. She was somehow convinced that
this exhibition would be her breakthrough. Now her time had come. And then people
came for the opening and then practically no one. .. That was disappointing ... very
dissapointing. And then times had become more and more difficult in many ways,
she was definantly using more drugs than she should have, and she was feeling
increased anxiety, would rather not sleep alone, even though she had this house for
herself, she often spent nights at her friends Sólveig’s place at near by Þórsgata
(street in Reykjavík).

Reynir: It´s this longing for a career ... She was always trying to make it, but then
on the other hand were the drugs. She has definantly been stressed, always
strechting further than she should.

Dóra: ... and in the end she tried to commit suicide and then she was sent straight
to a mental institution and was hospitalized in a terrible ward, it was plainly terrible.

Freyr: Here is a letter to me, or rather a draft of a letter to me: “Hello Freyr. This
word, this terrible word: Insanity! What is it? To me it seems like taking people who
have had a serious blow, people that have had a breakdown for some reasons,
tearing them down instead of
building them up. Was it perhaps my idea that I was insane? No, it never crossed my
mind, no way. I am so utterly exhausted and in such a shock, I couldn´t go on ... ”

Dóra: She was left there and there were psychopats wandering in and out of her
room, a man came and urinated on the floor, and she was given pills so she talked
like this ... with drawl and
just lay there, high on pills: “I can´t be here, I can´t speak, the spittle dripples from
my mouth ...” “Uuuuu can´t you take me with you? I can´t stay here” It was terrible
to leave her there.

Freyr reads: “My life had become very heavy, sad and complicated. I couldn´t
control anything, I was seriously stranded, no way out … except maybe death?
Everything pointed me that way. I had become afraid of my mental health. I didn´t
succede in dying and since I live, I must belive that what doesn´t kill you must
include some sort of answer to your prayers- hope.
Death is not something I long for, as such and I will not try to find it. Not at all. My
best regards ... would you write me- anything at all! Your cousin and friend, Ásta.”

Dóra: They made some mistake there, she was supposed to come there again
every once in a while after she was released but she just went home to our parents.
But anyway, maybe it wouldn´t have changed anything. But then she went to
Reykjavík and mom felt that something was wrong and tried to call her over and
over again and in the end she called Sólveig who went to her apartment and she
saw her through the blinds and called the police.

Piano music

Dóra: And the autopsy showed that she hadn´t taken her medicine, she was clean.
No drugs and no sign of the medication she was supposed to take.

Sjöfn: Yes, yes ...

Reynir: That´s how it is ...

Sjöfn: … it was difficult ... it was ...

Reynir: ... the drugs, and lack of relationship ...

Sjöfn: ... it was a disease, that ...

Reynir: ... that has lead to it …

Sjöfn: ...that is difficult to handle.

Reynir: ... that it went the way it did for her …

Sjöfn: But anyway ... she could not cope with ... with ... the life ... and soon after
she made herself disappear. It was terrible, yes ...

Piano music

Eyvindur: I have an announcement to make ... ( heavy breath). Usually people

appear on the radio to advertise … something they have to sell, a new book or a
play or something like that, but I don´t have to do that. I am only going to announce
that there is nothing more to expect from me.

Lights a cigarette

Eyvindur: All considered, I don´t regret it. And then I don´t pay attention even if I
don´t like things, because I suffer from a disease that is called depression and it
makes everything worse than it really is. I have always been working on this, and
perhaps I made some progress after I went to see a doctor (clears his throat). And
he gave me some medicine. Then I went to more doctors but in the end I met in
Reykjalundur (a hospital) a doctor for the lunatics, and he gave me some more
medicine. Since then I have been feeling a bit better. Expecially since I found out
that I had to free myself from all my duties. I just decided that I was an old man (the
voice break) and a patient and that I couldnt be struggling, not with arts or anything

Reynir: Yes ... the depression has probably always been there ...

Eyvindur: ... yes.

Reynir: Probably he has always had some depression. It runs in the family,
Maybe it was less obvious when he was young and beautiful, then it has struck him
as he got older.

Eyvindur: Listen, Freysi, I have to ask you to wait a while, I have to go to the
kichen to get more health drink.

Freyr: Health drink?

Eyvindur: Yes

Freyr: What is it?

Eyvindur It´s water, with one dash of vodka in it.

Sound of Eyvindur stumbling. Chairs and doors.

Reynir: He is taking some pills because of it but the doctors say that the effect of
the medication vanishises if people drink with them. Surely it doesn´t help. But this
is not a fun life ...

Eyvindur stumbles into the kitchen

Reynir: Yep, he stumbles on with a walker ... Only gets dressed occationally …

Door closes

Reynir: I think that he´s just waiting to die.

Sound from a freezer. Eyvindur stumbling in the kitchen.

Eyvindur: I can´t find the vitamin ...

Freyr: No?

Eyvindur: I guess I have to ask you to help me.

Freyr: Is there any?

Eyvindur: Don´t you think you can find a bottle there with clear liquid?

Sound of bottles

Freyr: It´s empty

Eyvindur: All empty

Cassette player is turned on

Ásta: (sighs) No, the weather was quite still and clear. I laughed heartedly. Actually
I needed a breath of fresh air. It is fantastic. Well …

Cassette player is turned off. Cardoor closes.

Sjöfn: Hi ... how nice to see you.

Woman 1: And you too ...

Freyr: Hello

Hugs and kisses

Sjöfn: Hello my dear.

Freyr: And congratulations on the exihibition.

Sjöfn: Thank you, you haven´t seen anything yet?

Freyr: No.

Eyvindur: Well hello to both of you. Hello little girl.

Woman 1: Hello brothers, hello Eyvindur (laughs).

Freyr: So how are you?

Man 1: We´re just fine, everything considered.

Eyvindur: Except for me, I am about to die.

Freyr: Why?

Eyvindur: Just because, old age and various diseases.

Freyr: Really, Is it killing you?

Eyvindur: Better if it was so.

Woman 2: Hello my dear Eyvindur.

Man 2: Do you still have that damn cigarette in your mouth? I am amazed, are you
never going to grow up from this nonsense?

Eyvindur: No, and I almost brought some liquer with me too (laughs).

Man 2: Well, I think it´better to drink than to smoke.

Eyvindur: Yes I think that is true.

Door opens and closes. Sounds from a crowd.

Sjöfn: I was very happy, after we finished putting up the exhibition last night, to
see how it looked. I think we have done a pretty good job ...

Woman 3: Dear guests ...

Sjöfn: ... in how we mounted the paintings.

Woman 3: ... I want to ask everybody to walk towards the east hall. We are about
to open the exihibition, dear guests, silence please and walk to the east hall. On
behalf of Kopavogur Art Museum I would like to welcome you to three indepentant
exihibitions, held in the memory of Asta Guðrún Eyvindardóttir.


Sjöfn: I think this exhibition gives a wonderful retrospective of her works.

Eyvindur: Yes.

Sjöfn: It´s from different periods in her carreer.

Dóra: I never really understood why she didn’t have more success. I felt that she
ought to have had more success. She always had good critics for her exhibitions …
and for instance, Bragi (an art critic) wrote after the last exhibition that was held
after her death, that she was one of the greatest artists of her generation. She
deserved more success.

Piano music

Sjöfn: This one always hangs on the wall over the freezer in our home. It´s a
beautiful painting. You see a plate on a table with a red rose, a very beautyful one,
and then there is the fork and the spoon and the knife, the glass, the tablecloth and
in the corner is written: “Oh dear mom” Yes … I’m very fond of it ... yes.

Music.Crowd fades in.

Narrator: You have been listening to: “I never dream when I sleep”, a feature by
Freyr Arnarson.

The End.

The music is composed and performed by Heimir Eyvindarson and Freyr Arnarson.

©2009 RANA/Freyr Arnarson


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