Admission Form For International Students

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(Agency Number)80001

19 100049
International Affairs Office, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
19A Yuquanlu, Beijing 100049, China
/Tel:+ 86-10-88256206 /Fax: +86-10-88256207
/E-mail: /Website: http://

Student Category (Please Tick )

/ Masters Student
/ PhD Student
/ Visiting Student
/ Senior Visiting Student


Before filling out the form, please CAREFULLY read the instructions given at the end.

Passport Photo

1. / Passport Name:
Written in capital



2. /Chinese Name (If any):

4. /Date of Birth:


6. /Nationality:

/Given Names

3. /Gender: /Male, /Female

5. /Place of Birth:


/State or Province

7. /Passport No.:


/Expiry Date

/Year /Month /Day

8. /Marital Status: /Single /Marriage /Other

10. /Highest Diploma Obtained:
/Otaining Time

12. /Native Language:

9. /Occupation:
11. /Height:



13. /Religious Belief (Optional)

14. /Permanent Address

Written in

capital letters




15. /Current Correspondence Address if different from permanent address, please specify1:
Written in


capital letters



/This address is valid for receiving admission package if you were admitted.

16. /Proposed Study Plan at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

(1) /Student Category: /Masters Student, /PhD Student
/Visiting Student, /Senior Visiting Student

(2) /Research Subject or Field:

(3) /Host institute or Faculty:
(4) /Expected duration of study: /From


/Month / To



(5) /Research Proposal: /Please describe your research proposal in details on additional sheet.
17. /Educational Background:



Years Attended (from/to)

Field of Study

Diploma Obtained or to Obtain

18. / Employment Record


Time (from/to)

Work Engaged

Posts Held

19. /Language proficiency

/Chinese: /Excellent, /Good, /Fair, /Poor, /None
HSK /HSK Level (If any):
/Duration of Studying Chinese:
/English: /Excellent, /Good, /Fair, /Poor, /None
20. /Special Skills and Hobbies:

21. Academic Publications (Attach additional sheet if needed):

22. /References

Full Name


Professional Tile



23 /Financial Support for Study at UCAS

/ I have financial aid for my study at UCAS. The organization(s) is/are:

/I have not got any financial aid. The scholarship(s) I

wish to apply for is/are (Please tick )
/CAS-TWAS Presidents Fellowship
/China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship
/UCAS Full Scholarship
A /UCAS Partial Scholarship Type A2

A /UCAS Partial
Scholarship Type A covers tuition waiver and provision of basic accommodation. Basic accommodation fee may need to pay according to the
due rules of the host institute.

/or B /UCAS Partial Scholarship Type B3

/Self-Supporting: / My study at UCAS will be financially supported by myself.

24. /Family Members:

Full Name




25. /Contact Person in Case of Emergency (Student cannot be the contact person):

/Relationship to the applicant:

/Permanent address
Written in

capital letters




26. /Other information you would like to provide

:/I hereby affirm:

/ I have reviewed the above information, and it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
/I shall abide by the laws of China and the
regulations of the UCAS during my study period in China.



/ The application will be invalid without applicants signature

B /UCAS Partial Scholarship Type B only covers tuition waiver.

/ This page is to be filled in by the applicants supervisor and institution







5. :

/ Instructions:
1. 80001/The Agency Number of UCAS is 80001.
/ This form is to be filled out by the applicant in Chinese or English. Any incomplete application or complete
application in languages other than Chinese or English will not be accepted. Please use to tick the box in the relevant
items to indicate your selection.
/Scholarship applicant must fill in and submit
the relevant scholarship application form with the admission application form. Applicant may simultaneously apply for two
or three of scholarships. Once funded by any programs, they will be disqualified for the rest programs during the term.
4 A
B /UCAS Full Scholarship covers tuition
waiver, provision of basic accommodation, and stipend. Partial Scholarship Type A covers tuition waiver and provision of basic
accommodation. Partial Scholarship Type B only covers tuition waiver. Please note that accommodation fee may need to pay
according to the due rules of the host institute.
5. 4 600 450 /Admission fee: For PhD and Masters
Students RMB 600; for visiting students and senior visiting students RMB 450.

/ Applicants have to submit Admission fee in

Chinese currency (RMB ) in favor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences:

Beneficiary: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Account number: 11001059200053002790
Bank: Construction Bank of China
Beijing Municipal Dongfang Guangchang Branch

65/Applicant should send this admission application form along

with the following required documents by mail to the relevant institute **.
()/Original of the notarized photocopy of highest degree certificate
() /Original of the notarized photocopy of transcripts of your undergraduate or
graduate study

() /Two original recommendation letters either in Chinese or English issued by

associate professors or higher, or scholars with equivalent academic titles

CAS-TWAS /Applicants for CAS-TWAS Presidents Fellowship shall be exempted from the
admission fee.
CAS-TWAS /The application procedure for CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship
is different, and the application materials shall be submitted in accordance with the Call for Application for CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship
released in public.

() /Curriculum vitae
() /Research proposal (in Chinese or English)
() /Photocopy of the title page of published academic papers, writing & art
works including the abstract

() /Photocopy of the ID page of regular passport

(viii) /Remittance receipt of the application processing fee

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