Quarterly Investment Commentary: January 2010

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Quarterly Investment Commentary

January 2010

A Question of Value forecasts largely because the future is

unknowable. Additionally, experience suggests
Question: would you rather have 20 nickels or that once an analyst manufactures a prediction,
one dollar bill? she loses her objectivity. It is difficult to filter
out her bias and give contrary facts equal weight
Well, that all depends on how well you think the going forward, which lessens her sensitivity to
Federal Reserve is doing its job. changes in the markets. We work hard to
preserve our objectivity. Therefore, instead of
A post-1946 nickel weighs five grams and is ¾ relying on forecasts, we strive to interpret the
copper and ¼ nickel. Copper and nickel are signals that the markets and the economy are
metals that have a value of their own. sending. Then we weight the
Like most commodities, copper and probabilities of various outcomes
nickel are traded in U.S. dollar terms accordingly within our clients’
internationally, so prices are very portfolios. It means we will do an about
much affected by a weak U.S. dollar. face at times as economic conditions
Dollar weakness is in turn affected by change. At other times it may mean we
Fed policy. do nothing because nothing
fundamental has changed.
Current monetary actions have been extremely
loose, contributing to a weak dollar abroad. At Last quarter we showed a chart of price-to-
the same time, commodity prices have been normalized earnings multiples for stocks and
surging. In fact, the current metal value of a their relationship to the consumer price index
nickel is greater than a nickel—about 5.2¢. So, if (CPI). We pointed out that the stock market
you said you would seemed to believe that
rather have the nickels, inflation and deflation
you would be siding with were not real threats as
the broader investment evidenced by its p/e of
community. 14.9x. That market
confidence has not
Though it is meant for diminished over the last
amusement here, the quarter. The market p/e
subject highlights the has risen to 15.6x while
unintended effects of Fed policy which is taking the year-over-year CPI has increased from -1.3%
on a weightier resonance in the media as we in September to +2.9% in November. That is
march into 2010. Some writers have conjectured quite a jump in consumer prices with no
that the whole of 2010 will be characterized by apparent deterioration in investor confidence.
how successful the Fed is at unwinding its Our long-time readers will know that we expect
balance sheet. Will runaway inflation ensue? to see more of the same in the near future.
Will the U.S. roll back into a recession? What
should investors expect for the year ahead? Probably the most significant argument against
the inflation view is the current high
It is worth inserting here that we do not unemployment level. The argument goes that
explicitly advocate endorsing economic with unemployment so high—currently 10%--
there is too much slack in the economy for as a surrogate for an inflation metric here,
demand to drive prices higher. though technically, money supply is a more
accurate measure.) Clearly, unemployment
This view finds its roots in the popular Phillips follows CPI; it does not lead. In fact, the chart
Curve model which is most often simplified to suggests that CPI might be a better indicator of
assert that there is a tradeoff between what will happen to unemployment than vice
unemployment and inflation. However, as fund versa. CPI appears to be calling for
manager John Hussman aptly contends, “this is unemployment to drop in the coming quarters.
a misinterpretation of A.W. Phillips (1958) Likely they will meet somewhere in the middle
analysis. While the famed “Phillips Curve” was as unemployment drops and CPI increases.
described as a relationship between (nominal)
“money” wages and unemployment, the British If unemployment refuses to decline and stays
data Phillips used was from a period when stubbornly high, the effect on stock prices would
Britain was on the gold standard, and the be dubious. In times past, higher levels of
general price level was extremely stable. Thus, unemployment have been consistent with lower
any wage inflation observed by Phillips was p/e multiples on stocks (see the chart below).
actually real wage inflation. The Phillips Curve That is to say, above 8% unemployment, p/e’s
is simply a standard economic argument about have dropped to 11x and below historically. As of
relative scarcity. It says that when the labor late, that relationship has not held up. At 10%
markets are tight, nominal wages rise faster unemployment, p/e’s are still above 15x.
than the rate of general inflation (i.e. real wages
rise), and when unemployment is high, nominal
wages rise slower than the rate of general
inflation (i.e. real wages fall). As we observed in
the 1970's, high unemployment can exist in
concert with high rates of inflation. All that
happens, in that case, is that wages tend to rise
slower than prices. Assuming labor productivity
is growing as well, real wages don't keep pace
with productivity growth. In any event,
unemployment emphatically does not prevent
the inflationary consequences of reckless
creation of government liabilities.”

Another problem with the ‘no inflation’

argument is that unemployment is a lagging Though we have our suspicions, no one knows
indicator. The chart below plots the change in whether inflation or unemployment will blink.
consumer prices with the unemployment levels We turn our attention to yields for more
that follow 11 quarters later. (Note: we use CPI evidence. Longer term Treasuries have been on
the rise. The 30-year Treasury yield rose 188
basis points (or 1.88%) last year as prices
declined, resulting in a total return of -25%—its
worst return ever. The yield on 10-year
Treasuries climbed a whopping 159 basis points
in 2009 from 2.25% to 3.84%, providing
investors seeking a safe haven with a
disappointing -10%. return. What’s more, many
predict that bond market pain is not over.
Morgan Stanley is projecting yields to climb
further to 5.50% in 2010.
Too, inflation expectations have increased over
250 basis points since the beginning of 2009. If Other signs that investors are growing
Morgan Stanley is correct and 10-year yields go increasingly leery of central bank policy can be
to 5.50%, the breakeven inflation rate would be seen in changes in credit default swap (CDS)
somewhere around 4.00%--the highest we have rates since mid-October (see the chart on the
seen. next page). The chart shows that the cost to
insure an investor against a U.S. government
It is important to note here that a marked debt default has doubled in the last three
increase in bond yields would not be enough by months, insinuating that U.S. debt is riskier
itself to dissuade us from stocks. The chart than the likes of Australia, France, and
below shows the historical relationship of Germany.
Treasuries to p/e multiples of the S&P 500. As
one would expect, at very low yields and What starts off as a mild trend often ends
especially at very high yields, stock returns violently a la a Minsky moment. One only has to
suffer as multiples head south of 11x earnings. observe the most recent financial crisis to see
However, in the middle yield ranges of, say 4% Hyman Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis
to 6%, stocks have always maintained earnings in action. Early last decade, Greenspan and
multiples of 14x and higher. So, even if yields go company manufactured a low interest rate
to 5.5%, there is no evidence suggesting stock environment that bonded with the U.S.
returns should suffer. government’s home ownership push to
germinate the seeds that would eventually lead
to the collapses we saw in 2008.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has recently gone

on record refuting the connection between the
Fed’s loose monetary policy and the housing
bubble. In a speech delivered in Atlanta, he
absolved then Chairman Greenspan—and by
extension himself (he was a Fed Governor at the
time)—of any policy missteps. He used complex
math and cited the Taylor rule as justification
for holding rates low. He further postulates that
the real cause of the crisis was the proliferation
of accommodative lending products such as
adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) and interest-
It is also important to note that we believe what only (IO) mortgages.
happens will largely be dictated by government
policy. Let us be clear. We are not saying that Without going into the detail of what the Taylor
the government has control of where we go; only rule is, it is instructive to note that the Stanford
that their actions will be central to how the University economist who invented the rule,
markets play out in 2010. John Taylor, has gone on record as saying that
the Fed misapplied his formula. Furthermore,
When central banks manipulate interest rates, the primary reason the aforementioned
there may be unintended consequences. The mortgage products looked attractive to
Fed has been holding interest rates artificially homebuyers was because of the low interest
low for some time now, believing they can rates.
eventually increase short rates and unwind their
expanded balance sheet in a slow and orderly What is equally concerning as the policy
manner. We believe the recent rise in long-term mistakes of the 2000s is the lack of willingness
interest rates and therefore, the steepening of to admit they were ever wrong. Then again, only
the yield curve, is a warning that the Fed could after 30 years and the death of every former Fed
be coerced into moving more aggressively than member did the central bank admit that loose
they would prefer.
monetary policy caused the inflation of the is under control even when it is not. Otherwise,
1970s. In three decades we should have the they do not get to retain their post. In essence,
truth. they are betting on the notion that the certain
immediate loss of public confidence (not to
Government policy fashioned this current mention, their own re-appointment) is a greater
economic problem. It is doubtful that the same moral hazard than the uncertain deferred
economic policies will pull us out. The American demise of the economy. Third, denial. Because
public has been learning the hard way that of their proximity to the echo chamber, the
leverage can provide the illusion of wealth, but smart feedback they are getting on all sides
the trip down from that credit bubble high is really does suggest that more of the same is
painful. A sagacious king once wrote, “The rich really the best course of recovery.
rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant
to the lender.” Savings is the source of real Whatever the motive, the outcome is still the
wealth. America’s overlords thought they might same. The Federal Reserve is engaging in
perhaps be able to suspend that maxim while expansionary monetary policy while the federal
the economy moved beyond the ill-effects of the government continues its profligate deficit
internet bubble crash in the early-2000s. All spending.
they did was create a larger problem later.
These facts are
enough to persuade
us to maintain our
short position in
longer dated
Treasuries and our
long position in
inflation protection
as we see no reason
that yields will not
continue to rise.

As for domestic
stocks, they are
slightly overvalued
and there is a virtual
floor (courtesy the
Fed’s commitment to
“do whatever it
takes”) underneath
current prices. There
Why then doesn’t the government appear to be is an equal amount of upside and downside, but
worried about the consequences of their we have been (and will continue) trimming
actions? I offer several possible reasons. First, equity positions as stock prices continue to
hubris. They actually believe that the same advance. We would look to materially reduce
experimental financial engineering that fueled stock exposure if prices advance another 15% or
the last round of excesses can be initiated from more.
within the government’s laboratory with an
exemption from real world rules. Second, Even so, we favor larger cap stocks with
incentives. Even if they know their actions will international exposure over mid and small
not succeed, they do not consider themselves to capitalization companies that are dependent on
be in the position to tell the truth. People in the tired U.S. consumer.
power manage the mass’ perception, which
generally means communicating that everything
There is definitely a case to be made for a but it does ensure our country’s economic
“double dip” in stocks. Indeed, we have progression. Our nation is incredibly buoyant.
chronicled here before how a -30% or greater We are mobile and entrepreneurial. It is
drop in stock prices is conceivable. We do not important to not underestimate that resilience.
feel that kind of a pullback is probable at this
time, even given the government’s present Investors need not be discouraged by price
course. If events do play out differently and downturns, but encouraged. That is counter-
stocks fall precipitously, we believe it will be intuitive. During times of turmoil it is easy to
temporary in nature and we would be equity want to wait on the sidelines until things get
buyers if prices drop far enough. One must keep better. But that attitude is already reflected in
in mind that stocks should only be viewed as prices. I know of no investors who consistently
long-term investments. and successfully pick market tops and bottoms.
There is an adage that says that the only people
The greater likelihood in our minds is that the who have bought at the highs and lows are liars.
dollar continues to drop vis-à-vis developing That does not mean that many do not still try.
currencies. It is possible that stocks could Some in their frustration with traditional
continue to go up even in the face of a devaluing technical timing tools have turned to alternative
currency. As such, we are maintaining our metrics. I recently heard of one gentleman who
bullish view on commodities. uses astrology to predict stock market
movements. Another relies on the migratory
As hard as we are on the government’s policies, pattern of the African elephant to divine market
the fact is that crises are inevitable. direction. No kidding.
Acknowledging that does not make them less
painful. Reality is, however, that crisis creates The lesson is that investors will always face
opportunity—for the buyer. But you have to be a difficulties, fears, and opacity in their decisions.
buyer. We do not advise trying to predict market There will always be very good reasons not to
tops and bottoms. We believe an all-weather invest. The present time certainly has its fair
approach that participates in the good times and share of them. America has not had to deal with
does not get wiped out in the bad times yields the shift of power from the west to the east
very satisfactory results over time. before. It is understandably a challenging time.
The reality has not changed. The only way to
The destructive behavior we witness most often create wealth is to invest and stay invested.
is the timing penalty. Investments go up and
people wish they had owned it before so they
buy at the high. Then when prices fall they get
discouraged and bail out. One of our missions as
a firm is to give our clients a longer-term Your Investment Team,
perspective in order to prevent that common
kind of injurious investor behavior.

Douglas E. Voisard, CFP®
One reason we get fired up about encroaching
socialism is because we believe freedom is our
country’s greatest asset. Freedom drives
innovation and allows capital to flow and change
directions when needed. Freedom does not
guarantee that we will never have recessions, Brian McClard, CFA

Voisard Asset Management Group • 146 Monroe Center NW, Suite 820, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
800.343.9041 • dvoisard@voisardgroup.com • bmcclard@voisardgroup.com

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