Road Captain Manual - Merged

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High Country Harley-Davidson

H.O.G. Chapter 422

Frederick, Colorado
Road Captain Handbook
August, 2009, June, 2010 (HO)
February, 2012 (MH)

High Country Harley-Davidson

HOG Chapter 422, Frederick, Colorado
Road Captain Handbook
Table of Contents

Responsibilities of Road Captains

Road Captain Training

Road Captain Qualifications

Road Captain Proficiencies

Expectations of Road Captains

Route to become a Road Captain

Road Captain Job Descriptions

Head Road Captain

Road Captain

Road Captain Group Riding Positions

Emergency Equipment

Hand Signals


Pre-ride Checklist


Road Captain Data Sheet


As defined in the National Charter of the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.), Road Captains
are discretionary officers. The official duties and responsibilities of the Road Captain
shall include: leading, assisting, planning and organizing open and closed High Country
H.O.G. rides.
Objective of the Handbook:
This handbook is designed to act as a reference guide for Road Captains. It contains
the objectives, responsibilities, ride position descriptions, and training objectives for
Road Captains. The overall mission of Road Captains is to pursue the safety and
enjoyment for High Country H.O.G. Chapter members during rides. This handbook is a
tool to be used in pursuing that overall mission.
Responsibilities of Road Captains:

Be proactive
Plan and pre-ride routes
Meet and communicate with other riders before and during the ride
Be a positive, enthusiastic and helpful mentor to other riders
Create a fun and safe environment for riding
Look at rides through the eyes of all riders, new and experienced
Understand that there are different riding styles
When working to correct or modify improper or unsafe riding in groups, do
so as privately and quietly as possible

Road Captain Training and Qualifications

The purpose of Road Captain Training is to provide specific group riding experience,
leadership and evaluation of each Road Captain in an effort to improve and maintain
each persons knowledge, skill level and experience. The program will consist of: riding
skill assessment, encouraging rider assertiveness, reviewing group rider concepts and
Road Captain riding positions. Open road riding and the discussion of riding scenarios
will be part of the training. Ideally, training and group riding exercises will be conducted
throughout the year.

Road Captain Qualifications

All Road Captains (current and prospective) will have:

a valid Colorado drivers license with a motorcycle (or three wheel)

current motorcycle liability insurance
current National and local Chapter H.O.G. memberships
completed a Road Captain Data Form of the High Country H.O.G.
current Red Cross (or equivalent) certification in First Aid

In addition, all prospective Road Captains will:

be nominated by a current Road Captain

have a mentor who is a current Road Captain the mentor may chosen
by the prospective Road Captain or assigned by the Head Road Captain
be approved by the Head Road Captain

Road Captain Proficiencies

All current road captains will be expected to have completed the training or have the
proficiencies listed below.

will have completed an accredited Motorcycle Safety Foundation approved

Experienced Rider Course within the last 36 months
will have a thorough knowledge of the High Country H.O.G. Road Captain
while not requiring it, we strongly recommend that all Road Captains have
completed a course in Accident Scene Management
will be able to use all of the current Chapter hand signals
will demonstrate the skills necessary to act as a Lead Road Captain,
o plan the route for a ride
o place riders into groups according to ability or special needs
o recognize and adjust the ride to the experience and skill level of the
entire group being led
o negotiate a group through an urban environment
o show proper acceleration and slowing technique
o execute lane changes in urban and highway environments
o exhibit the proper technique for passing other vehicles on both two
lane and multi-lane road
will demonstrate the skills needed to ride as sweep (including lane
during a group ride, can recognize improper riding technique
can conduct the pre-ride meeting, including completing of the Pre-ride

is award of changes in road conditions or weather and change ride plans

as needed

Expectations of Road Captains

Road Captains will be active participants in group rides.

In order to maintain currency, Road Captains should regularly attend Road
Captain meetings.
Road Captains will attend and complete courses in First Aid, Accident
Scene Management (ASMI is not currently required, but is strongly
Participate in group riding classes.

The Route to become a Road Captain

Chapter members to become Road Captains if they so choose. The training and
experiences of Road Captains, produce better riders in general and Road Captains
provide a valuable service to the chapter.
If you are interested in becoming a Road Captain do the following:

Ask a current Road Captain to sponsor you as a prospective Road

Captain or inform the Head Road Captain of your interest.
Find a Road Captain mentor from those who are current. You may choose
a mentor or you may be assigned a mentor by the Head Road Captain.
With your mentor, plan a group ride of 25-40 miles that requires one to two
hours to complete. The route should include varied roadways and
intersections. There should be one or two stops in the ride.
o The plan itself will include:
a detailed map and written directions for the ride
to avoid surprises, you should pre-ride the ride
plan to conduct the pre-ride meeting and choose a sweep for
your ride the sweep must be a current Road Captain
With your mentor, learn about the roles of the sweep and deuce in group
rides and practice them in group training rides.
Work through the Road Captain proficiencies listed above. When you
have completed all the proficiencies and have the Road Captain
qualifications listed above (for example, you possess a valid drivers
license with a motorcycle or three wheel endorsement), tell your mentor
and the Head Road Captain. At that point, the Head Road Captain will
schedule your ride as one of the group training rides for Road Captains.
That ride that you lead is the final exam of your probationary period.
Final approval of new Road Captains will be made by the Head Road
Captain, in consultation with other Road Captains.

Road Captain Job Descriptions

Head Road Captain
1. In conjunction with the Primary Officers of the Chapter, ensure the
Chapter has an adequate number of qualified Road Captains to provide a
safe and enjoyable riding environment on group rides.
2. Provide leadership and direction to all Road Captains.
3. Maintain open communication with all Road Captains and with the Primary
Officers of the Chapter.
1. Attend Primary Officers meetings, providing input into future rides and
2. Conduct regular Road Captain meetings.
3. Screen all Road Captains for currency on all Road Captain Qualifications.
4. In conjunction with other Road Captains, evaluate the riding abilities and
other aptitudes of prospective Road Captains prior to those prospects
becoming current Road Captains.
5. Develop and maintain adequate training tools for all Road Captains.
6. Appoint Lead Road Captains for all Chapter rides.

Road Captain
The principal duty of the Road Captain is to lead, assist, plan and organize open and
closed High Country H.O.G. Chapter rides.
Before a ride, the Road Captain shall:
1. arrive at the departure site fully fueled and at least 30 minutes prior to the
listed departure time for the ride
2. be well rested
3. be familiar with the intended route, having pre-ridden the route if possible
4. actively participate in the pre-ride discussion with the Lead Road Captain
for that ride
5. be prepared for any emergency that may occur on the ride, for example,
every Road Captain should carry a basic First Aid kit in/on their bike.
During a ride, the Road Captain shall:
1. perform the duties of the group riding position (lead, deuce or sweep) to
the best of his or her ability while ensuring the safety and welfare of all
individuals within the group, as well as surrounding motorists, pedestrians
and cyclists
2. follow the directions of the Lead Road Captain unless those instructions
place any member of the group in an unsafe position
3. maintain a Safety First attitude at all times
After a ride, the Road Captain shall:
contribute to the continual improvement of all future rides and the
effectiveness of the Road Captains by communicating with the Lead Road
Captain about the quality of the ride and effectiveness of Road Captains in
the ride
1. following the guidelines above, keep current on all qualifications and
2. attend the regular Road Captain meetings
3. keep your eyes open concerning the riding, aptitudes and attitudes of
other riders in a group when necessary, speak to other riders in a quiet
and private manner

Riding Positions for Road Captains in a Group Ride

There are three riding positions for Road Captains within a group ride. They are: Lead,
Deuce and Sweep. Each of those roles has a specific position in the group and specific

Lead riding position

In a staggered riding formation, the Lead Road Captain is positioned at the front of the
group in the left 1/3 of the lane. This position is maintained throughout the ride except
when the group forms a single file formation. In the event that a rider on trike rig or a
sidecar rig is the Lead, that rider should ride in the middle of the road.
General responsibilities:
1. Determine the route for the ride. Make a map and/or write directions for
the ride. Whenever possible, pre-ride the route for the ride. Make any
changes to the map or directions that are needed.
2. Lead the group from the starting point to the designated destination.
3. Manage all aspects of the ride.
4. Give direction to all Road Captains in order to maintain a safe and
enjoyable ride for everyone.
5. While riding, communicate your intentions to the group with the hand
signals used by the chapter.
Specific Duties:
1. On the day of the ride, assemble all Road Captains for a pre-ride
discussion at least 20-30 minutes prior to departure time. The more riders
expected for a ride, the earlier this process should begin.
2. Conduct a pre-ride discussion with the Road Captains to finalize the
details of the ride. During that discussion, designate riding positions to all
the Road Captains.
3. Assemble the entire group at least 10-15 minutes prior to the departure
time for the ride. Proceed through each item on the Pre-ride Check
List. Hand out maps or direction for the ride. That sheet should contain
cell numbers for all the Lead and Head Road Captains. Announce the
departure time, the Five Minute Call.
4. Line the bikes up with the Lead bike at the head of the formation.
5. With everyone mounted, the Leads raised hand indicates that all bikes
should fire and be ready for departure.
6. When all are ready, move the group onto the roadway.

7. Gradually increase speed consistent with speed limit and traffic flow.
8. Use the chapter hand signals as necessary.

Deuce riding position

The Lead may assign a Road Captain to be the Deuce (assigning a Road Captain as
Deuce will depend on the number of Road Captain available on a particular ride). The
Deuce rides in the second position in the formation in the right 1/3 of the road and about
1 second behind the Lead. This position is maintained throughout the ride unless
otherwise directed by the Lead. The Deuce should assist the Lead in following the
designated route and maintain effective communication with the Lead.
Specific duties:
1. Actively participate in the pre-ride discussion and clearing the Pre-ride
Check List.
2. Immediately after the five minute call the Deuce should proceed to the
line-up area and take the position to the right of the Lead.
3. Assist the Lead in determining when the group is prepared to depart.
4. During the ride, the Deuce should work to maintain the 1 second spacing
between Lead and Deuce and thereby set the example for the entire
5. When directed by the Lead or when circumstances require, the Deuce
should take the Lead position.

Sweep riding position

The Sweep position is the last position in the group. This position is maintained
throughout the ride unless otherwise directed by the Lead. If a motorcycle should join
the group, the Sweep will retain the last position in the group.
Specific duties:
1. Actively participate in the pre-ride discussion.
2. At the direction of the Lead and immediately after the five minute call the
Sweep should move to the entry point of the group to the open road. Once
there, the Sweep should facilitate the movement of the group onto the
3. When the group has moved by, the Sweep should fall into line at the rear
of the group.

4. If an individual rider in the group pulls out of the group and gives the
thumbs down signal, the Sweep will also pull out to assess the situation.
The Sweep will give assistance to the rider and return to the group when
5. In concert with the Lead, the Sweep will protect the group from the rear
during lane changes.

The Sweep (and all Ride Captains) should carry supplies for emergency
situations to include:

the cell phone numbers of Road Captains and Primary Officers

emergency numbers for police in the area, likely 911
a basic First Aid kit (provided by the chapter)
a cell phone
a camera (the one in your cell phone is acceptable)
copies of the Injury Report Form (Lead and Sweep Road Captains need


Hand Signals for Group Riding descriptions

Please see the next page for a graphic of these signals
While we use most of the signals on page 11 we will delete a couple
and add a couple.
Start your engines - circling hand
Bikers ready left arm extended, left thumb up
Stop your engines cut throat gesture
Left turn elbow at 180, fist is closed
Right turn elbow at 90, fist is closed
Stop arm extended down, palm is back
Hazard left point to ground
Hazard right point to ground with right foot (added to
the set, but not shown on the next page)
Slow down arm extended, palm down, downward
Speed up arm extended, palm up, upward motion
Pass me arm extended horizontally, index finger
extended, cross arm to front
Pull off arm extended 45, index finger extended, cross
beyond head
Single file arm vertical, index finger extended
Staggered formation arm vertical, index and small
fingers extended
Pit stop with index finger, point at gas tank
Tighten the formation opened hand to closed fist
(added to the set, but not shown on the next page)

Hand Signals for Group Riding

See page 10 for descriptions and modifications


High Country HOG Chapter 422

Pre-Ride Checklist
Introduce Road Captains and assigned positions for ride
Explain route for the ride (distribute maps and directions)
Alcohol if you drink, you do not ride with us (explain as
Riding formation explain staggered formation and spacing
o 1 second to staggered rider, 2 seconds to rider behind
Show hand signals to be used - be precise
When passing another vehicle, leave enough space to re-enter
the lane of the vehicle you just passed
Are there any personal needs, place in the formation, etc.
Check that release forms have been filled out and signed (when
Are HOG memberships (national and local) up to date, if not, fill
out a release form
Set up groups try to limit groups to 7-8 bikes
Are your tanks full and have you made a restroom stop
o Sorry, but we need to ask that!
Identify riders who are First Aid certified

Road Captain and Prospective Road Captain Data Sheet (MH 1/12)
All the information you give on this form is confidential and will be viewed only
by the Head Road Captain and Safety Officer




Phone ____________________________

Cell phone ______________________


Which motorcycle endorsement do you hold? 2 wheel (M) _____ 3 wheel_____

Experience in riding (your best estimates, please)

How many years have you been riding _____ ?
Number of miles ridden: last year ______ last 5 years ______ Lifetime _________
Number of rides ridden as a Road Captain (any position) _____________________
Number of rides ridden as Lead Road Captain _____________________________
Number of rides planned (including writing directions and/or mapping ___________
Training (please circle yes or no)
Have you taken an MSF (or equivalent) beginners course?



Have you taken an Experienced Rider Course in the last 3 years?



Are you currently certified in First Aid?



Are you currently certified in CPR?



If you have had any other type of training in riding or in responding to an emergency,
please describe that briefly below. Use back of page if needed.



Comfort level in riding on various road types (1 or 2 up, not in a group)

Please indicate your comfort level below by placing an X in the appropriate box
where: 1 is not comfortable, 3 is OK and 5 is very comfortable

Two lane road, moderate traffic

Two lane road, where passing
is necessary
Mountain road easy,
like Peak to Peak
Moutain road moderate,
Iike US 36, Lyons to Estes Park
Mountain road difficult,
like US 550, Ouray to Silverton
Interstate easy
like, I-90/94 in Montana
Interstate with heavy traffic
like, I-80 across Wyoming

Comfort level in riding in any position in a group of 6 10 riders

on various road types
Please indicate your comfort level by placing an X in the appropriate box
where: 1 is not comfortable, 3 is OK and 5 is very comfortable

Two lane road, moderate traffic

Two lane road, where passing
is necessary
Mountain road, easy
like Peak to Peak
Mountain road, moderate
like US 36, Lyons to Estes Park
Mountain road, difficult
like US 550 Ouray to Silverton
Interstate, easy
like I-90/94 in Montana
Interstate with heavy traffic
like, I-80 across Wyoming


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